' & ; 1$-- l m fci i. .!. 1 ' PJOHMX MEDFORD lrATTJ TRTBUNE, LVJUI i'LTrg'.i-l MKDFORD, OHKCION, RATUROAY. MAWOIl 8, HUH, i1..; ji L'iuj I . . :i .L- 'A.V-1 1!.-.' I' I1 JURY USTFOR EfflCII The jury Hut for tho comlnjr lenn is announced by Comity Clerk Onrd iter nn follews: C. M. English, Mcdford; Frank Sehuclte, Mcdfont; J. C. Cnlbcrt, ltojruo lUrrr; Qeo. It. Dcnn, Ccnlml Peint: Hollln Parka, nuncom; W. P. Hollicrr, Ashland; Charles Copnock, Gold Hill; Prank nurjrcsn, Mcdofnl; John C. Murphy, Anldnml; J. P. Ilowc. SHtnH Vnlley: C. W. Chnttln, Ashland: J. D. Wnlker, Ashland; 0. Wil$oy, Mcdford; Joseph Mnyfield, HeaRle; J. P. DoiIr, Ashland; A. W. Silfiby, Ashland; J. W. Grover, Eatfc Point; B. E. Barfcy, Ashlaud; Prank Nichols, EorIo Point; Louio Culver, Phoenix; James CAtnpbell, Mcdford; W. M. Petri, Talent; H. 0. Nicholson, Mcdford; J. M. Ritter, Mcdford; Hobert H. Paion, Central Point; R. P. Dean, Central Poiut; 11. P. Peart, Central Point; Qeo. Holcomb, Gold Hill; J. E. Stewart, Mcdfonl; N. I Helton, Trail; A. C. Manning, Regno River. A Chk for Kcw. Kcxcra la any frorm, whether acuto or chronic. Is easily and rapid ly overcome; by the use of cMrltol Kcxeeaa Remedy. OlVes posit Ire re lief when all others fall, and we heartily recommend It to any suf ferer. H&sklas' drug store, exclusive agents. neflday eronltig, Ts30. 1'rnyer ineot Irk Thursday evening, 7:30. KsceU lent music under tho direction of P. H, 1-Mniendes. Zlnn Lutheran. At Zlon Lutheran, 515 West Fourth street, there will bo no morning ser vice, owing to the pastor's absence at Grants Pai. Kngllih service will be conducted at 7:30 p. in. Mule school (KnRttsh) at 10 a. m. Como and worship. DIED Llouy Watson Kansher, ned C3, n native of Paris, Kansas, died at 2 o'clock a. in., March 7, at tho Sacred Heart hospital after a lingering ill ness. He leaves a wife and five children, two brothers, a sister and a mother. Tho funeral services will be held Sundsv from tho Presby terian church at Phoenix at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. Boyd offi ciating. Interment at Phoenix. The remains will leave Weeks and Mc (Jowan'a chapel at 2:15 p. m. At the Churches Methodist KpfaropaJ. Mcdford- Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Bartlett and Fourth streets, K. Olln Kldridge pastor. Ser vices Sunday as follews: Moraine, 11a. bl, address by Mrs. Ada Unrub, state superintendent ot the. Woman's Christian Temperance union, fcren Ing, 7:30 p. ra.. preaching by tho pastor, subject, "True Imperialism." Sunday school and men's Dlblo class, 9:45 a. m. Kpworth Icogue, 6:15 p. m. Hoys military brigade, Wed- YOU CAK CUKK THAT BACK-.ACHK- Tain along the back, dirtiness, headache and general languor. Get a package ot Mother Cray's ARO MATIC LEAK, the pleasantest root nnd herb cure for all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination of nature's herbs and roots. As a tonlo laxative It has no equal. Mother Gray's Aromatic iVaf Is sold by Druggists or sent by mall tor CO cents. Samplo sent free. Address The Mother Gray Co., Lo Hoy, N. Y. Baptist Ctum-h. Sunday school at usual hour. Hew It. W. Famnhar will preach morning and cvenlug. Mornlug subject, "Tho Church In Its Treatment of Doubt." Evening subject, "Thinking nnd Turning." Itev. Farquhar Is an able speaker and should have good con gregations. Good music at both ser vices. All welcome. Freo Methodist. Rev. . C. Qlaxier recently of Colo rado will preach tomorrow. The subject for tho rooming sermon is, "Tho ssentials of ft Successful Re vival." All arc' united. J. W. Shnrpc, pastor. Presbyterian Ctiurcti. Preaching nt 11 a. m. The ser mon will be to the young pcolpo of tho lAjh school. Subject, "Th Mind That's in You ami tho Goal Be fore You." Preaching iu tho even ing nt 7:30 Subject, "Love nnd Forgiveness." Sunday school nt 10 a. m. C. E. society 0:30 p. m. J. C E. society nt 3:00 p. m. Prayer meot- lutr nl 7:30 i in, Tlmrvdn.1. Program of music Morning! Mrs (leo. Andrews lll sing n solo. The iinnrtelto will render n selection. l'xcnlug: MUh Hnnce "A Porfeot Day," by Doud. Ml Flvtm Violin Ohllgnlu. Coiigregntionnl Hinging. Seven! ti Day Adtcntl't. The regular scntce nt the Sev enth dnv Adventist ehurvli on North Ui entitle nro as follews: Sabbath school 10 n, m., preaching 11 a. m., Young People's, meeting 1 p. m. mid-week prayer meeting Wetlnes. day evening 7:30. Tho ttuhjeut of Ihe sermon Sunday everting, March 0, "The Holy Spirit, His Work in the Creation nutl tho Plan of Rcdemp' tion." Clirl-tlnn Cliurcli. Comer 0th and Ouktlule. ttiblc school meets nt 10 a. m., sennon at 11 n. in.. Subject, "Ho Carelh for Thee." C. K. nt C:30 p. m., sennon at 7:30p . m., subject, "The Proof of Pnnlou." Prayer meeting on Pridnv ccning. You ore cordially invited to come nnd worship with us. D. D. lloyle, minister, 115 S. Ivy. First Ctiurcti of Christ, Scientist.' Sunday morning service nt 11 o'clock, subject of lesson sennon, "Man." Wednesday evening ser vices nt 7:30. All nro welcome. Sunday school tit 10 n. m. All under the ago of twenty are invited. Rend ing room hours, 2 to fl p. m. daily, except Sunday. Church edifice, N. Oakdnle. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Thm mmiy Mmkimg Pmwdmr mmtfm from Hmyml QrapmCrmmn fTmrtmr f0 MUM, NO UM PHOSPHATE ,. B? I ST BLV JwtjCrBVBW I Let tho Baker do the work do the work! Delegate to us the buying of the fuel and the flour. Wo'ro tm muno to heat, our shop Is neat, at your service every hour. Why not keep cool and buy tho finished product at MEDFOBD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 42 H. Central YOUNG HOUSEWIVES Have discovered what tho more experienced have known for muny years, that CrescentBakingPowder Raises the dough better and is one ot tho secrets ot good baking. Ask your grocer for Crescent Baking Powder. 1-poucd can, 20c CRESCENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seattle, Washington Send 2c stamp for Cook Book. Photos .Photos Time was when pictures were n luxury tor the favored f'nw modern photography has changed conditions. , Our children nro growing up, but we cau keep them as they aro can follow them through school can al ways be with them aud have them with us In pictures. Wo have now and attractive stylos In school pictures. Make tho appointment today, H. C. Mackey, Studio Corner Main nnd Central Mcdford, Oregon & AN INVESTMENT IN A DIAMOND ltoquirt'H curol'iil (lioiihl. nutl llto proper ronl'l tlonco in firm, to warrant nhsolutu sntinfm'tion. To note thu liropoi' comparison you must inspect them from a Iiivko ami well stilcctcd stock, such as I am ablo to snow, hi this way you become thoroughly familiar with values and feel assured of safe and economical buying through t my bind ing guarantee. Flno Watch nutl Jetwlr MARTIN T RPHHY l'd Setting and Kit ltepalrlng. lWfllin tf, UL.LU1 graving Hone Hero MKDFOUD, OIIKOON TllO JflWOlor Near PoMofflco r r Vki i j v i ill, j, 1 1 i.uuaLsua.ujamga JmJhJmJJmJJsM MJmJmJmJ jMtMM$'M ELECTRIC COOKING I IS TRUE ECONOMY j I NO FLAME, NO SMOKE, NO GAS, NO ODOR, LITTLE HEAT, NO WOOD TO BRING IN, OR X ASHES TO CARRY OUT, NO MATCHES NEEDED, READY AT A TURN OF THE SWITCH. & ELECTRIC RANGE, price $(K).00 cash, ttM.OO ou installments. This range has new typo broiler in top of oven, the best broiling device up to date for any style, stow. AVill bake, roast, broil or fry; is better, rleaiier, safer than any other cooking appliance. Ask your neighbor who uses one. Flat rate for family use. sjfi.OO per mouth. Ask about our spocial installment tormu on this rango. v""' i EL BACO OVEN, price f J2.00, will roast u chicken or bake two loaves of bread. Can be connected on any lamp socket. No special wiring required, (.'osts 5 cents per hour or less to operate, depend ing on quantity of current used. i SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE California-Oregon Power Company & 216 WEST MAIN STREET. . PHONE 1681. i $ o ifr . ; fr t o t fr j---:-:-K!KKxT it:!::: hhx IT i ' ' vt .' r: -f. ? IT UGO TO "IT" We've changed our name. The Ugo Theatre will hereafter be known as "IT." Our big new electric sign goes up today. The best pic tures in town. IT .v v 4 ' ' ' ' '". . A"-'.? , tw. ,'' t .( . IT Big Pathe 2-reel colored film production "ROMEO and JULIET" tonight IT MUSIC : Mrs. Woolworth, Sidney Ferney, H. W. Brooks IT t 4 J J 7 y X t ? f y y ? ? I &JteJk&Jte&k r.TfTr k .V u- i4w(6ivw,i,f'rt,rtlff , .',??"..'-?..?j?-gi?:?' .? !'. '.ip