5" a- -I l'i r ROTE SEC - iuji,.iiii"u nn.w.iiiLiji'.!iJiuJt-U.mJ-ili"iii.uujnu.i un'i-i-n i ROGUE RIVER HSH BILL AS PASSED OVER GOVERNOR WEST'S VETO WILL AMPLY SAFEGUARD STEEL-HEAD TROUT mrypoTtD ram totbuntc, mDFOim onricy. TTrrosnAY. uatk'tt n. tni.i, Text f MMre WhWi Caused Herfe FHrftt at Legator Than Any MMtira lefera It Treut Arc Well PrtMtl by PrevMeiu Jail Penalty far Scenrf er Subse quent CwvteMwi Sixty Day Sal men Smsm far Grants Pass TUo following in tho text of the lloguo tivtx fish bill as passed ovet I ho Rovcrnor'a vrte: state of Oregon. That the ncl adopted by tho ;ico jdo at tho funeral flection in Orcgun held November 8lh, 1910, and which net became effective by proclamation of tho govsraor of Oregon on Deoom bcr 3, 1910, entitled "An Act to Pro tect Fish hi Rogue Hlver and to Pun h Thoso Who Violate This Act, and to Repeal All Laws lu Conflict There with," and KectionH 1, 2, and 3 of ,nld net, bo and tho same hereby is n minded so afl to read as fellows, to wit: Ktrrlbrad Ar Trout. Section 1. Tho wont "trout" wherever used in this net, means and includes fish known aa the Riin bow, Stct-lheadR, Cut-throats, Dolly Vat-den, Eastern Brook, Salmon Trout and all tpecics and ariotuis o trout. Section C It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take from any of the waters of lloguo river, or any of its tributar ies, at any place or time, or within three miles outside of tho mouth of said river, any trout by any means other than hook and line, coramouly known as angling. Section 3. Jt shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, at any time or place, to purchase, bell or offer for sale, or to keep or have in possession for the purpose of sole, any trout taken at any time or place from Rogue river any of ita tribu taries, or within three miles outside of fiaid Rogue river, whether said trout shall have been taken with hook and line, commonly called angling, or by any other method or means. Unlawful (o Sell. Section !. It shall be unlawful for any person, .firm or corioration to transport, frj-ifht or ejpress, for the purposo of sale, barter or ex change, or to have in his or its pos session for the purpose of transport iK, freighting or expressing;, for tho purpose of Kale, barter or exchange, nny trout taken nt any lime or place from tho Rogue river or any of its tributariex, or within three miles out Mde of tho mouth of the said Rogue river. Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, finn or corporation to take from the Illinois river or its tri butaries, or from the Rogue river nt the mouth of the Illinois river, or at any point in said Rogue river be tween the mouth of the Illinois river and tho mouth of Jump Off Joe creek or nt any point or place in the Rogue river above the steel bridge that crosses the Rogue river on Sixth street in Grants Pass, Oregon, or from any of the tributaries of the said Rogue river above the mouth of tho said Illinois river at any time, any salmon except by hook and lino, commonly called angling. Fish Traps Forbidden. Section 0. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take from the Rogue river or its tributaries, or within three miles out side of the mouth of said Rogue riv er, at, any time or place, any fish of any kind, by the use of nny fish trap or fish wheel. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to, at any time or pin re, take any trout or salmon within three miles outside of said Rogue river, by any means whatsoever. , Section 8, It shall be unlawful for nny person, firm or corporation to fish for or tako from nny of the waters of Rogue river or its tribu taries, below Grants Pass bridge by means of any net or seine, or by nny menus othur than wiith hook nnd line, cpmmouly called angling, uny calmon of any kind, between tho hours of six o'clook p. m. 6u nny Saturday, und the hour of six o'clock n. hi. on, tho following Monday, Lower Hlver Season. Section 0. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation In fish for, take or attempt to take from the waters of tho Rogue river, nt any mint below the mouth of tho Illinois river, nuy salmon, at nny time between tho 10th day ol Aug list and the 1st day of September of each year, and between tho 1st day of Nbvcmbsr of auy year and Ihe 18th day of May of tho following year, by any method other than with hook nnd line, commonly called nng ling. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for nny person, finn or coriwration to fish for, take or attempt to tako from the waters of tho Rogue river at nny place below tho mouth of tho Illinois river nny salmon of any kind between tho fiit day of November of nny year and tho 1st day of Sep tember of the following year by the use of nny seine of anv description; it shall bo unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, nl any time, to fish for, take or nttempt to tako from tho waters of the Rogue river below the mouth of tho Illiuois river, nny salmon of nny kind by the use of nny seine having a mesh smaller than four inches in sue; it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to fish for, tnk or ntempt to hike from tho wnters of the Rogue river below the mouth of the Illinois rievr, nnv salmon of any kind by the ue ol nny gill net having a smaller meh than eight an done-half inches (8M1 in size, at nny time between the 15lh day of May nnd tho 10th day of August of any year; it shall be un lawful for any person, firm or cor poration to fUh for. tako or attempt to take from the waters of the Rogue river at nuy point below the mouth of the Illinois river, nny salmon of nny kind between the 1st day of Septem ber of auy year and the 1st day of November of the same yaer by the use of any gill net having a smaller mesh than six and one-half inches (CV) in sire. I'pper River Season. Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or conwrntion to fish for, take or attempt to take from the waters of the Rogue river between the mouth of Jump Off Creek, in Josephine county. Oregon, and the steel bridge on said Rgoue river at Grants Pass, Oregon, any salmon of any kind between the 3l."t day of July of any year, and tho 1st day of June of the following year, eacept by hook and line, commonlv called angling; it shall be unlawful for any persou, firm or corporation to fish for, take or nttempt to take from the waters of the Rogno river between the mouth of Jump Off Creek in Josephine county, and the steel bridge at Grants Pass, Oregon, any salmon of any kind by the use of any gill net having a smaller mesh than eight and one-half Inches in sire at any time between the 1st day of June of any year, nnd the 31st day of July of any year. Section 12. It shall he unlawful for any person, firm or, corporation, at any time, to fish for, take or at tempt to take, from any of the waters of the Rogue river or its trib utaries above the mouth of the Illi nois river anv salmon of any kind by the use of nny seine or set net of any description. To Slew AH Nets. Section 13. If it is hereby the es peeial duly of the master fish warden nnd his deputies to seize upon, take and destroy all nets nnd seines of any kind, nature, character and de scription that are herein declared to be unlawful, after any person, firm or corporation, shall bo convicted of using said net or ceine nt nny time when it is herein declared to bo un lawful to use the same. Section 14. If in such fishing any rninbow steelhcnds or other trout shall be caught in nny net or seine it shall bo unlawful to take the some., and the same shall be immedi ately, and without injury to such trout, liberated in snid stream. It shall never, at any time, be Inwful to take bv such fishing operations, any trout in snid portions of Raid stream, by any means other than line, com monly called angling. Bet Nets Forbidden. Section 15. It shull bo unlawful for uny person, firm or corporation, to construct, operate, maintain or place, or permit to be constructed. -ii j - MAY BE MODERATOR OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RCV. DK. UAVID Gi WYUIC FrlcnUi or (he Itev. Dr. Davtil Q. Wjrlle. Mstur of the Scutch l'reibjr terlau Church, of New York city, have started a jimiutRimla lu obtain lilt selection us Moderator of the I'rvibjr lerlsn Church. If lr. Wjlle wins br will nuccecd the Her. Dr. .Mark A Mattliow. of SvAttle, WuMi., who W pastor of the taiKt I'rvUijk'rhii church In the world It u- l)r. Wvllr who at I.oulsx lllo. K.v.. List May uoiu Inatetl lr Mnlltuu, who wus flvttl by a torse iutiJirU operated, maintained or placed in waters of the Roguo river, any set net, except when tho same shall be constructed, ouernted, maintained nnd placed in the manner following, viz: A dear iva--ngc way of nt least one-third of the river in tho clear of the main channel shall be at all times maintained unobstructed by nnv such net or contrivance placed thereon, or nny wing thereon or lead inr thereto nnd there shall be nt least a distance of 300 feet between all nets. Section 1C Justices of the Peace shall have the concurrent jurisdic tion with circuit courts of all of fences of this Act. Penalties Protldctl. Section 17. Any )crson violating any of the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction, bo punisehd bv a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $o00; or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than 30 days nor more than 0 months, or by both such fine nnd imprisonment, nnd the second or subsequent con viction for violating nnv portion of this Act shall be punished by im prisonment in tho county jnil not lcs than 30 duys, nor moro than 6 months; and all officers, servants, ngents or employees of any rorivirn tinn who tako any part whatever in nnv violation of this Art, nnd who either cause or assist in any way whatsoever such corporation to vio lato this Act, shall be held guilty un der its provisions. CBETS SURELY STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT. If Conktlpated, Illllous, Hrodarliy, Htomurh Sour, (in n 10-ceut Ilov of Cacaret i Tnko One To- nlulit. You men and women who can't get fcellne rlfiht who have beadacho. coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stom ach, or bavo back-ache and feel woru out. Aro you keeping pour bowels clean with Cascareta, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is Important. Cascarets work while you sleop; cleanse and rcgulato tho stomach, removo the sour, undigested and fer menting food and foul gasses; take tho excess bllo from the liver und carry out of tho system all the con stipated waste matter and poison In the Intestines, and bowels. A Cascarct tonight wltl straighten you out by morning a 10-ccnt box from any drug storo will keen your stomach sweet; liver and bowels reg ular and bead clear for months. Don't forget the children. They love Cascarets because they taRto good do good never grlpo or sicken. Millinery Opening Lotlio r. Howard, invites all ladies to attend hor Easter opening of all high-class millinery, Saturday, March 8th. 109 N. Central Ave. ELIMINATE FEES AND SAVE MONEY PLAN OFFICIALS County Jndgo Frank I Ton Velio and District Attorney Kelly have evolved a new tichnmn calculated to snc tho county u largo amount of numcy Id fees paid to Justices of the peaco over tho county. Colonel Ton Wile, as county Judge. Is a commit ting maglstrato but Is allowed no fees, lie will hold u session of court onco or twice a week and hear cases ordinarily brought lu tho Justices' courts and In this way savo much of tho taxpayerfi money. Kvery department of tho county Is carefully being studied by Judge Ton Velio aud where over a tuning can bo effected hy his handling the work ho Immediately puts It Into effect. CHANCE TO PROTEST PAVING IS GIVEN Hooding tho plea of V.. A. Walters that tho property owners on West Hlevonth street. Hamilton to Peach. bo given another chance to protest tho Improvement of that street by T??T Zy. . wri"- TrrUiiClilt 0i'tccttl tuu4 rakit. JUitraM. toiiuStUtiit. A. S. OLMSTED. L Iter. N.Y. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOmUlitUIUtfotjrftrrrlifcaM. AOmUlitUlkttotFftrrrlikar. MawarS Traaklr, Tcial pat lug, the city duds Wednesday evening reopened tho matter nnd set a date for protest This action m taken following a plea by Mr. Wnl ters, Mho stated that muy of the residents on that street could not par the assessment. Tho council will henr the protests soon loul then will either award the eoutinct or drop (ho iimtter, SEWING MACHINES "I've been selline Studebaker Wagons and Buggies for over 30 years. "I've told thctn becauso my reputation ns a dealer was nt stako nml from experience I have found that Studcbnkcr means tho best." TUt lIU the Story. Fsrmeri bought Sludebakrr wagoni bcfoio the Cvil vrr ml thejr liava been buying them avrr tiiwr. Urcauta thry had conhdvnea in the namAStudrliakrrandtit the turdr, drpcndnble wagoni and buygira thry build. And that confiiUnoi Iiai bron uphaUI. StudabaVar wagnna re buih on honor ami llirSluilrbakrr guaiantca goaa with avtiy on. There' a Studabakcf lor your liccJa whalhar you kva in city, town or country. HINOIIlt AM) wiiiti: Atir.VCIKH Itepulrs, lleitts and Nuppllcs, The Sewing Machine Exchange 'ii West Main l'honn 007-J E. D.Weston Official Photographer of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing 1'o.st Cards Panorainui Work Portraits Interior and exterior viown Kla.sh lights Negatives niado anv tiiuo and any place hy appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 Tmrm Wiat 3arrM tt Canlsa BualaaM Wat Duma Carta T...I.. Kaal CaaUatlx' WiM And SludrbaVtr harncia alaoaawell and canfully niaJ a SluJabakcr veluclca. St aur DtaUr Writ m. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. KKW VOXK MINHSaroUl CHICAGO DALLAS KAXMS CITY DKNVlft SALT LAKC CITY SAN rHAHCItCO rOSTLAND, OSS. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating All Work Ouarvita4 l'lca lUaaoitalila GOFFEEN & PRICE S3 Kovara Block, Entrance on Sth U Mowa riioaa lit. Friday and Saturday t r t T I V t f Y ? T t T T ? ? t- t T J f T T t t T t f t J T T r Surprise Sale March 7th and 8th BETTER JOIN THE CROWD X X ? Y Y Y i z .12-inoh iniportcil CJinham, '23 pieces to soli-i't from, 2oj grade, a yard 19c 2(S-ineh, 8f) grade iMessalines, all colors, a yard 68c 27-inch cotton Voiles in hltie, pink and grey plaids, 2w values, at per yard 19c G0-inch, .r0c value, red Table Pa mask, a yard 35c 27-Inch fancy silk dot Wash Silks, 15 colors to select from, a big bargain at a yard 25c TiO pieces no-inch faner silko lines, 32kj value, per yard lie LADIES' SHOES $3.00 grade, fancy vici kid, pair $2.40 $2.00 grade Misses' shoes, cal $1.68 $2.00 grade Misses fine kid shoes $1.68 CHILD'S SHOES $1.35 valuo Child's safety shoes 98c 85e. grade Infants' and Child's Lily shoes, pair 73c Boys' $2.00 fino box calf House hold shoes, pair $1.68 MEN'S SHOE S American Gentleman St .Shoes. Tho l)ig bargain. Complete lines oxfords and high cut tans mid blacks, pair $3.50 Boys fino Succors Shoos, $2.00 grade, pair $1.68 27-inch white striped scarsuckor at a yard 18c 15 pieces of 10 inch Swiss nn broidcry JlJouncing, cheap at 20c Surpriso price, a yard 1216c All 15c grade ladies' and child ren's Hose, black o rtan, all sizes at a yair 10c Hutchison & Lumsden t - f Y Y Y Y Y Y y T Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y J Y Y 7 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X T Y Y Y Y Y .1. i v i a fHt-k"twoj2