r- -' f- Jqff Is Strong on Patriotism, IV ui ai t - Ht ( NCtlM vu str tXKlMCM I W'M.C MS ,v.r, , v, . A'1CNfi Vtt foyo Of IT. .v ViMffil'ftu. tuyf.ft 1AUIN& To I Ott XWCtL IICVI'Mrtfir, AlUAVt ilk' J -. - - - . .- -. V ' . .., -""). "ITMINLFAlllOTH.. lO AMCHttA y' W fl EAGLE POINT EAQLET3 Ily A. C, HuwWt I',Iiiht I lit ft, who fur mdimo limn n I'liM'iiiiui for tht) ft) i let! kiiiik for tin) I'. II. railroiitl rntniuiriy, Ihih lii'tm NHtnliii a fnw tlityH vtwitinn tin) fnmlly nf Mrs. Alilmt on her rniifli north tif Ulc llutto orrrk, fiimt) in (tint wt'fk mi trio P. & I). TJhiiiihh Abbot fiiiiio In tit tlm Ntiiutt tiuiit nml now In working tut tlm ('otiinivri'inl urcharil mi YunLco orcrk. AunIIii (Iroon onint) out from hit moiinlnln homn lant wrk nml hnit Iutii Inmy kHIImi; tlm iimlrrinl on tliu irountl tti iiuiko tlm Hitlnwnlk nlonc IiIm mutlicr'M lnc llin rYyer plnrn. Vrrnlu MnlthcwN of tho finn of MiitlhfWH X Finhor, bluckmnitliH in our town, rrnuuictl work in tlm hIioji InM wt'rk. Mittn Itflln Wnttn of Forcnt flrovf, nnltrc of Win. (1, Knighton, tiiitl Inn lirrii HMiii)iiii; tlm winter in I it An kAch, wiik cnllrtl lioino ou IiumIiu"im, KIi( Htnij)f.l off, liowrvur, to npcntl n fow i1iih with lirr unrli) nml mint licrc. I!. K. Htmtr. of Ynkinin, Wnsli., vnllvtl for tliiinrr nt tho SiiiiiijmIiIo onv ilnv t wcuk. lit! xttn liun two yi'iipt ii no nml I" 'lrnl now looking for nlfnlfifntul; . .MikN (,'iiHii) nml one of the Wnniir yirU wuh, on the KiikIo Poiutl'cntiitt hlnjfu Hiturilny ninrniii on (hrir way to.tlifir luiiiifH on Trull rrrrk. I), it, i'ntrit'k lum lost n minkkin plot for tho loft hum) in our town on Sulitrtlity, Frljrnnry 10, ntnl iinkn tho tlmliT to Ii'iivo it with (IrorKU Von tier llcllcn nt Von tU-r ilillcn'H htoto in KukI Point nntl rt'crivv re wnril. (Ailv.) Dur cli'tjtiiMi piisHtvl off nult'tiy litHt Pritlnv nntl the rrxult wiih Hint thnre rr' 71 voIch 'ttnt for the IhmiiIh nntl Til) nifiiliiMt thfui, iiiukim: u totul of i:i:t MitfK nlttoKuthur. II M'i'nifil tm IIihukIi tvrrliotly that mix oll fiiouuh lo Mitt turnt'tl out ami votvtl, hut tlu-ro uiiiNt ht inuro than i:i;i (tilultM in an iut'oniornti'tl rity Hku Ihii. f hero Im mt don't tliu rnuliT N.vuiimtliizu with tin ohl "imitiH ImtjkH" like T. K. NifholH, JntniM Jonlou, A. 0, Dnloy, Win. Knighton, liyalh Si Diiiiuoutl anil ('inundo nml myHClf wlio liavp o hcjp pay tio tiix to mv tlm iiilon'Nl, .000 nnnimlly, nml to rniso ont HidiihiiiuI tlollarx u your for Ion yearn for a kinking fumlf Hut Hut pniimitiTH, two or thrvp of tliriu, workvtl hnnl ami hli'iiily to Kiiiu their point, ami wo t'lu't'rl'ully uivo our mayor, Hon. Win. Voi tlt'r Hflk'ti, rrrtlil for hoiiiRr Iho bhrivtit'Ht iMililirnl workor in tlm rity nitl bdiiir Ilia iuohI imlouiinnila worker, for there were hut very few hut whut ha viititeil ami unci nil of liin t'fHipiHive imwerH on to com'tiri them In . hi viown, iibinx different laolit'H, un tho eiiHo roipiinnl. Yen, wg (ire licutvu jn Iho enne, iut not ilineourn(:ed, for wo holiuvo thai, huviiitf tho Lxiurieneo of AhIiIiiihI, Mi'dfnrtl, J;okMniiville, Oohl Hill, cto. before im iih exnmpli'H of reoklcHHJy KilK In ilut llpt Iho puopu of Knlo Point will Noon cull u halt, for thin uieaiiH u prortpeeivo juthtei) iichh of at leaHl $U),00Q umS nuothor. bund ihkuu in ho near futuro hir a water H.VHtem of at leant $10,000 more, with only about if 175,000 worth of taxable property in io iini(ti lf tliu im'orpoi'nliou. KANE CREEK ITEMS. -1 Vt'niii Davldnon of Harden How, who Iuih been quite hie);, h noiiio hot ter nt thlrt wntinj,. Giikh ii;inbntham mado a ImikI iiohh trip to Central Point Iho l'ora jmrj of tho week. $ nml Mih. HoiiRoliolder verc eoijiljiuiui; liiiHiueHK ami pluaNuro in Meijfonl ohm day reeontly. AIh Drown wan a plcnmint enllor nt Mra. llyrloy'H on TuuHiliiy, (Jjuilo n fow fwiu nfu orook and dnli Hill nttmidud tho i'uuornl of tha Jttto Nv). Il(tgr ylio vas bwM .t if (Np "J FT : iiii y 1 J " ttimtGJfif mmonn "inCNvti vf stNnmtnir. KCNVti vf lN"rimr.nv& MCTIV. I'frt ' ' To umtuiTHu Go x C Sfrt prvHtioTK. Tp Koek Point nn Kiiuday. Wo extend our heartfelt Nyinpathy In thin their nml brenverni'nt. interi'MtM nt Ihq HratU'ii lint latter part of Ihn week. John Opp, tliu iniuinu in tin of Med fonl, woh looking after hl biihineHS Mrx. ONoii of Hold Hill wun llio KiieMt of .Mr. Mnnlon on Friday. John !.oNey of Porllnml Ih nt pren n4 the vucNt of Mr. nml Mm. lliIn bothnrn. ' (IrorRe nml Klmrr Hicinbothnin made the Hub City n husinenH visit on tJalunliiy. n nUo did Mr. Iewiw. Mr, Ktiekell of near town ban commenced the erection cf n brick hoiiiit nml when eomplttted will be omj of thQ.neAtent nn well nn oonrenlenl hoiiNen in thin neighborhood. Tho Mihhch Miixoiih wore Centrnl Point tthopperx on Hnttirday. Mitn Katlurino 'Foley, Hnrdlno crcek'H moitt popular youiiR tenclicr, )ent Bnturdnv and Humlny with her piireutN nt thU place. Tho Iluv. Mnrk Dnvid will preach nt tho DnrdnnellH ttehool hoimo Sun day, Mqri'li 0th, ,1 o'clock; nln) Kumlay Nchotil. Our teacher, Prof. Johniou, Kpent Batunlav at Ashland, the Ktiettt of old-time friemU. Kaneti Creek 1iiiiiichx vinilon lo (lold Hill thin week: Mr. nml Mm. Ia-wIm, Mr. and Mm. fnrlon, Mr. nml rnt. HoiiHrholder, Mr. Darker, John Halls, Mm. Homh, Al lthoton, (leo, Khiiuip, Mike Foley, Mr. Mamin, Pearl HiKlnbothnm nud 4Venthrr Prophet" Foitcr. Mine. CookK nml Haiti were visit ing the xvhool on Friday. Mr. Ilvrley mado n trip to tho Piikh on Monday for medical treatment. "Weather Prophet" Fouler fore cnstM jcood wonther for Ihn next ten tn.VM. Mm. Cnffirt of Ceulrnl Point who Iiiih been the kucnI of her sou, Mr. Ilyrley and family for the pant two veeki has rvturped home. Mr. (leo. Hcridihurccr, the snjjo of Iho Willow Sprint;, payed hi niuiual Visit to (laid Hill one day of Inst week. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS Tho city council mot Monday night with Mayor Cowloy, Uecnrdcr JnrotiB ami all cpinr(lmen prenent except Ltnda Only routlno tiuiilne w trnmacted nml council ndjourned until tho Inter March meeting. Fred Farm returned from n nhort visit with Orauta I'uhh frlendu Tuet day nflornoon. Mr. nnd Mra. II. (tniiquot of Lou Anuolea vliltod Mr, nnd Mra. M. Clark In thtM rity tho Inut week nnd left Tuesday for M.dford. Mr- Dasquot la u lBter of Mr. Clark and waa for inotlv h ro.lduut q( thin city. Prof. O'Oarn. toRothor with Jack Akvii nni) J, Myora appnt Tuea dny luapvctlnK tho orchards of Cen tral Point niij vlclilty. Mra. 1 ,U. Atidornon and children havo returned to thor homo In Kla math Kails after uoveral dnya vlalt with Mth. AndurHou'a parents, Mr. and Mra. Wyc.. Mra. Wnrron Moo nml children nro tho utieata of Mla Mpry Meo limmn llobj) und ijtlmr redlv9H i(iut fjleudu In tha city thin week. MU, MyHa. WljllamB of ?otf vltiltod at tho Knutcy residence hero Tuesday, Jbo Riicat of MUa MjirRnrol HiiHJoy. Mra, A, J.. Hnnly of Medford on oyed o, ylalt vlHl l.or sinter, M.rH. M. O. Ilropdb,oit (hp first t Jn yeelj. Tho poutor uIiihu of tho ocn lilU sphpol toirotl n rocepUon tl tlQ Junior dpBB Tuesday ovpnli(t' A.1 8 o'clock tha Kioqtq nrflvod unjl oiw Joyed i full Uireo jioura of pnnios, contoata ami tho rnro mimical pro pram, A,t 1) o'ejopk thq noaja, pn terod tho Bpncloua nml beautiful din Ink roopiH uf Mrti, , n, j:nioi)i), Tio opt18 wprq l)oamfi)ly dororutof In tho cnpu calory javpitdar nid white, and vtolota and whlto carnn tlouu adorned, tliu Vfllll uud lahlus. A flyo coiiruo lunch waa Boryod by - - matt; mrarom MTinTronrj, oukcjon, Wednesday, m akci. a, low. but Weak on Judgment ir' OIN' Uf THAT f OV.ARQ A MU.ITVtlN 'VtM.hc rkjbt loiykt romnuN natiw, man t fVKKtf So OOCtl A3, TO "' CM90HU3 VOWST MTIOMJYV rctc aownntKr 'GtA fOU fAltHY Wi daintily clnd waiters and alt declare that no bolter lunch waa enjoyed by the prealdenl nt that tno. About HO Kiivnta worn present und tho snnlnni nro hlithly praised fpr tho commond ohlo way In which they entertained their Ktieits and tint nnfoKuardlnK of their property against mldiikht un invited KUentl, No lower classmen m-cruti'd thomst'lvea In their pantrlta us did thonv aomo time ago. It la well olwnya to bo on Ktiard. Tho seniors wish to extend their thanks to Mrs. M, It. Knr.lnnd and Mrs. Ash craft for bnliiR ao kind as to offer their homes to them. FOIt Ilir.ST I'UltNlHHKn" ilOOMH POt HUNT Largo sIccplnR rooms, and modern houskoepluc apar( meMs, prices vary reasonable. lUionu 102CL. a. 3 South Holly atrcot. FOIt Hi:.N'T Nlco modorn rooms with board at Mrs. Fay's, S3 Genera Avo. Foil JlKNT Modern furnlshod rooms nt tho Cottage, C04 West 10th St., two blocks south Medtord Hotel. Hot nud cold water In rooms. Mra. H. M. Coss. 313 FOlt. llKXT"t'Hlt?n-t"t:" fiVT: F0irV;NT--8n?ltti Apta. 217 B. Mr, FOIt HKNT Furnlshod npnrtmont, now private bath, hot water heat, Tha Ilerbon Apsrtmsnt, 10 Qulnco street, corner West Main. FOH HKNT room modern apart inont, sleplng porch, ranga In apartment, water paid, lnqulr K10 Boutn Oakdale. 317 FOIt 11K.V1 IIOUHKHKKl'IXO. HOOM8 FOH '"TlKNT ViousekpfniT or" fur nlshed rooms, brick bulldlnc nlco shadti, closo In. 103 8. Oakdale. 313 FOH HKNT Coplo with modern liomn will share with congenial couple. Phone 25C-J. 300 Fou itK.vr mihci:li,.m:ous TO HKNT Lot 80xHo"7o"Tetfor garden. K. A. II., Malt Tribune office. SOS NEW TODAY Two Ipta on North Htvoraldu Avo. On pavement, sowor and water paid. Tho lots run to Hear crack. This will mnka a good Investment; $S00 takes tho pair. Omvthlrd Intorost In a good paying mercantile business. Paya tho owner a good salary besides his living. Coot) stock, business conducted right. $2C00 will bundle, the third Interest. 110 acres of good land near Hoguo river, over halt in crop, balance good pasture. Tho. whole place la nublrrl gated, la Improved (house, and barn) and raUoa good Brain and corn. There Is a good slzo family orchard III bearing nnd all conveniences of phono, mall delivery and electric telephone, mall dollvory nud, electric lights are available. Prlco $70 per G. D. HOON Room 10. Jackson Oniinty JUntc Hills'. WORTH WHILE IMPHOVF.l) 11ANC1I AT A IHO HAito.iN, (INLY W p:h achk. 720 acres In Kl Dorado county, Call foruln, 35 mllca from Sacramento, a. miles from Auburn; rich soil, fruit aij grain wll grqw wjthqut Irrlga tlpn, but can stprq water for alfalfa by duuiinlng suiall rnvno or can buy ditch wntor by' repairing ditch on lllqcn two tulles,, some, saw tlmbor, nlmut 20,000 cqrda of wood can bq cut, inoro (ban halt good farming lDtiij, all good pasture oxcopt about 10 tcrp3, 00 acres now cleared, good Crroom houso, two lnrgo barns, sev eral eyorrflpwlnc aprlnga with suffi cient Wfltor at all ttmos for hundreda. pj hool of stock, mpuutuln aprlng wntor piped to house, nud bam yard. This place would mako first claas stock ranch or la unliable for geuornl mixed farming or fruit. BENNETT JNESTJPJNT. qp. . . T ' saB 1 "VA ( n Pv jjf 4 ! i tuft F . r.PAHMJ.0 r ! dlln ' 'srZ&G-' yon nyyj'pyg1 FOH HUNT 4-room furnished bun galow. Call 337 West Tenth street. 298 FOH KENT Modern C room fur nlshed faouss. Call at 60 North Orange. FOH HKNT rHoven room house, sleeping porch, range in house, water paid, IIS, Inquire 810 South Oakdale. 317 FOH HENT Modern B-rootn fur nished bouse with barn, electric lights, gas. 112 Kouth King street 295 FOR HKNT Five room furnished houso mqdorn, close, In. Inquire 110 Qenevn Avo. FOH HENT Three room furnlshod bungalow closo In on paved street. Phono 7791 or call C27 South Holly street. FOH HKNT Furnished house, close In, M. A. Hader, M. V. &. H. Co. FOH HKNT Eight room houso nt 700 S. Oakdale avenue. Four bedrooms abovo with hot and cold water in each nnd largo sleeping porch with each. Hath room abovo and below. Full basement, gns, bedrooms tartly furnished, rent low. Possession ca n be given March 1st. See party on tho promises pr Harry H. Tuttle. owner, nt Central Point. FOH HENT One modern 5-rooin houso, ono -l-room house, both on paved street. 018 South Oak dale. 29$ FOIt ItKNT OKT1CK8 FOH HENT Largo, comfortable of ftco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medtord Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOH BALK FAILM LANDS FOH SALE Why? Must ratio somo cash by last of March. Home place, two acres set to peaches, cherries, berries, 0 room modern house, C24 N. Hlvcrsldo. Just half prlco 12000.00. Two lots, cornor Dakota and King. Haf prlco. I3C0.00. 0 acres, Central Point road, ono mile out, now four rponi house, over 100 trees, hnlf-acro berries, nicely layed out place, utidor Irri gation. Near now brick school. Half prlco $1575. Will pay 10 per cent Interest on a loan to amount of ono-half prlco nskod on any of above properties. Soo owner, J- C Dames, 624 North JUvoraldo or 2H First National Uank Hide. 312 FOIt SALi; LAKHS FOn SALE Itoguo river valley land. 2000 acres of river bottom land at Ashland, Oregon, river runs through the placo, part of tho land la In town limits of Ashland, elec tric lino will run through tho en tire tract. No bettor fruit land In tho alloy, ideal for nlfqlfa, grain and vegetables. Mostly aub Irrlgatod. Will sell In tracts to ault on easy terms. Will accept northern or eastern prpperty up to oue-third of thu purchase, price, any number of acres desired, llaj anco can bo paid In ten equal an nual pnymonta, average prlco of land $3B0 per aero. D. F. Mln noy, 414 Fourteenth St., Oakland, pal. 29C FOR SALE Homestead. houso, spring, 60 acres ftua alfalfa laud, good Iqcatlou, at one-fifth vnluo. Owner must loavo nt ouce. llarucs, 214 Flrat Nat'l. Hauk DldB. 308 FOH BALK OH HENT Flue fruit or dairy ranch, 3 1-3 miles rallrpad. 4, mill, tombor, now buildings; creek; $25 per no.ro; torms. Ad dress Mrs. W. P., Flat O.. C54 E. Alder street, Portland, Oro. 305 FOR SALE Hanch, choapest In Itoguo valloy; 8 norea. two blocks from paved streets of Grants Pass; Hlx room Iioiibo, hot nnd cold water, bath, oloctrlo lights, two wells, bam, horso, bugisy, farm Implo ments, cow, chlckenB, good aubir rlgatcd soil, partly In young bear ing pear and apple .trees; finest location In valley; faces. Pacific highway, also contlnuntlqr; of North Socond streot; by awnor, 15000, O. W. Johnson, routo 1, Orauta Pass, Oro. 310 mm sj immt REMerABeR JHE MAINE.' v r-fyj FOR BALK iJOTtH "WiIWHiiiii FOH SALE 190 fct frontago Da kota avenue. 100 feet off New town; UO. r. feet deep; will divide. Price for all, $900. Addrcsa O. R., Tribune. 218 FOR BALE ACREAGE FOR SALE Three-acro tract west of city, a small cash payment, bal ance three years time. Address box 85, -Med ford, Ore. 295 FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FOH SALE Second hand automo biles; onq 45-h. p. Premier, would mako a good stage or livery car; ono 1912 Page Detroit 4 passen ger. Will sell or exchange for old cars. C. E. dates, 132 South Riv erside. 39C FOR SALE One work horse 1300 pounds, cheap. Hoover Nursery. 29C FOR SALE Refrigerator $18. din ing table $12, fruit Jars 60c and COc per dozen, and other house hold articles, pen Whlto Orping tons, two Phllo brooder coops, 8x10 tent comploto with frame and fly, $C. Phono 60S-M. 707 West Eleventh street. 29C FOR SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at the Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE Have sold my ranch C miles from town and must dis pose of my wood. Hard wood $1.75 a tlor soft $1.50 a tier on tho grounds. For further particu lars soo Dr. Helms, 113 North Fir. Phone 2S7-K. 300 FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspaaa notices, for sale or rent alnjs at the Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Good second-hand 3 Jnch wagon with springs. J. C. Qoodlore. R. F. D. 2. 29S FOR SALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Fruit box labels In one two or three colors, printed aa you order at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Loose leaf lodger sys tems, any stylo or made to order by the Mall Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Ileardle8S barloy liny, two Cyphers brooders; also disc plow. Phone 20-J-4. A. W. Stone, FOR SALE Hay horse, wolght 1200 pounds, oilra fine rpndstcr; one new rubber tired open buggy; ono second-hand top buggy: ono dray wagon; 3 harnesses. Henry Far nqm. Central Point. 3Q0 FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE Hooking orders for day old White Leghorn chicks tor March. Seo Will Mullen FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from my splendid egg laying strain of pure bred Darrcd Plymouth Hocks. $2.50 ppr 15, $4.00 per 30. $5.00 per -J5. M. B., caro Mall Tribune, C04 Plum at. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, thoroughbred Mottled Aucotias, called tho egg, machine. 15 eggs ri.50. Ralph Holmes, Central Point, Ore. 398 FOR SALR-SettlngS of V11U A andottcs and Whlto Leghorns. Phono 539-J-3. II. O. Stoltie: 31G EQOS for hatching, pure bred Ply mouth, Ho0ks, fl.CO per 15; Ham burgs, $1.00 per 15. 713 West Tenth street; phono 138-R; In spection solicited. 317 FOR SALE-r-Egga for hatching, thor oughbred R. J. RedB that aro red. Onq qt tho best laying strains, in tho valley. Sqo Frank Isaacs or call 5231 In evenings. $1,25 per sotting of 13. 532 West Hamil ton. 313 FOR SAL,E-r-Hatfhlni, oggs Whlto Leghorns, W. J. McKay, phono 539-J-2. 29G FOR SALE Hatching eggs from pen of trapnostod Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Somo 200-cgg hens In this pen. $2.00 for 15. or $3.60 for 30. Myra Fuller, Slskt- ypu Heights. Phono 51S1. 311 HKliV AVANTEI: MALB WANTED A bill postor. Man with otporlonro who can spare n fow hours u wook. Oood pay. II. Klum, tho sign man. 295 u 'r a. rfv HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTEDExpeVlenced mlddlo aged woman to do hqusewprk In small family, outside town. References required. Address box 24, route 3. or phone 597-R-2, 299 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Japancso day work. Frank Xaka, phone Pacific 1871. Cajl after C p. m. 303 RE8PECTADLU widow with boy four yearn old wants position working housekeeper for batchelor or wid ower "with no children; country preferred; state wages, Mrs, O. M. Held, Shedd, Ore. 290 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A UARCAIN. Just received $1000 to Infest here. Will consider house and lot close in or lots. ' Must be a bar gain. Seo me at once. Will pay cash. J. C. BARNES, Room 214 First National Bank Building. 308 WANTED Good second hand bicy cle. Address P. O. box 89. 296 WANTED TO BUY Beef cattle, stock cattle, calves, all kinds. sheep, hides, wool. etc. BOb Crowdcr. phone 1029-W. 31S WANTED "Wood cut by contract Phone 29-F-2, Central Point. 298 WANTED Twenty head of hogs, 75 to 100 pounds, also onp harrow. Phono 22C1. 29C WANTED To trade alfalfa or grain hay for horso or cows. Call It-13-W. 298 FOR ICXCIIANGK TO TRADE Business property" In Arizona to exchange- for property here. . E. S. B Mall Tribune. 290 FOR TRADE C room furnished house, new piano, everything mod ern, unincumbered, value J350Q, at Bishop, Cal.. to trade for acre age Medford, or will trade C ropm, house, bpth room, largo lqt. shade, fruit, on good street In Medtord for acreage. 103 S. Oakdale. 313 MONEY' TO LOAN MONEY" TO JUOAN "ciark Realty Company. MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O, block, phono 3GS1. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE' RIVER VAtLIY AB BTRACT CO., No. 6, South Central. - Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In maklug springs (s the tempering. Wo aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Uso our aprlpgs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Ore. Attorneys a L. REAME3, LAWYER Oftlcq Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond tloo. PORTER J, NEFF. WM. P. MBALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 9, Postofflco bldg. A." E. REAMESt LAWYER-T-qarnott-Coroy bldg., W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main streot. MedfonLOro. Accountants D. R. WOOD Gonoral Accountant- Your books audited and Kept fqr a reasonable tlgure: your business solicited. Office, Medtord Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono 6611; real deucg phono tjsqa. Typewriting TYPEWRITING Manuscript ro vsod, copied and placed for sale. Legal copying, letter dictation to machine, multlgrnph of. all classes quickly done. Lillian A, McMillan, Phunu 133-R. PXniCFTVTI. By "Bud'Fis r',f : -i' j?;. ill.... J 4. 1-. t BUSINHHS DIRECTORY Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nerro specialist- Uooma 303-04-05 Gtraett-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific aasMM given; advice ia dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Hone 145-L, Mala 671?. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise H. Hedges, Mecbano - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraplsta. These systems, including dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydro-ther aphy, eta, produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Bartlett St., next deor to M. B. church. Hours 9 a. ja. to 5 p. m- Other hours by appolntmetn. Bell phone Main 417L Dentists DR. W. M. VAJ SCOTOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentist Qarsett-Corey bids;., wlte Medford, Ore, Beth phone. xi e. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Main 0251. If, Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything; put out We are not la the trust. II, B. Pattersoa-t Offlee removed to office Hotel Nash.. In side entrance, next to barber shop. Notary pubUo HELBN N. YOCKKY Notary pub lic, uring your wcrx to me at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Printers and Pahlbtiers MEDFORD TlUNTINO CO. has "the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding;, loose leaf ledgers, Mlllng systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North First Physicians and Surgeons MAINS. OARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corej bldg., phone 278-K. Residence 420 South Laurel st DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLB S. LOCKWOOD. W. D. Practice, limited to dlsasea of women. Offices 232 E. Main, Phoneq. office, ?8; residence, 814. DR, j; " J. " EMMENSr-Ppyskiaa and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat Eyes scion tlftcally tested and glasses supplied Office 328 East Main St Hours 8; 30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D, Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlee phone Main 438; Res. phone, Mala 682. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Mala and Bartlett sis., office phone, 2,71; reaidcucp phone, 273, DR. MARTIN O. BAUEER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palsa block, qpposlte Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phone Paclflt 1101. DR, R. W. CLANCY Physician, and surgeon. Phones, office, 501; resi dence, 7241, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5, DR. Wt Wi UPWARD .Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey. Building. Phope 91-R. R. J. CONHOY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison ft LumB don, 215 E. Mala St Phone Main 771, E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D'. Prae tlco llmltod tp chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phpnes. Rwldence phenes: Farmer lCxxG Eagle Point auu itoguo uivor line. "t-rft- StenogrnpTin'a ELL'Ajr"aAUlNYAW Bteqographlq vrork don qttleklr, and wpll, BADS TRANSFEtt & 8TQRAGK QQ, Offlco 10 South Fir st rhe Bell 3153; Home J50-K. Prleei right Bervlee guaraateed. ' .n