l' tt- vr R r tt i. V'XQK TWO. BULJ.IU 'J W 'IW Jt JBJg I0CALAND H PERSONAL i' M. Kershaw has returned from n business visit to tfio southern pnrt of the valley. 0. A. Qulnn nnd II. O. Hchell of (Irant Pas nro transacting business Id Mcdford. S. K. UunntnRton'iof Jacksonville linn been' Very felck.imit wna consld- rrnlily lmprnved-nt lnnt Accounts. Candy (UVonner ??toro. 2!M CoI.'j.'F. Mupjlyaa gono ISast to visit his vonoroblo mother, who Is seriously' Hi. MlfflT"Hn6lvTlce; telephone opera tor nnd'oflslstnnt clerk al Uio Hotel Holland, will leave for southern Cali fornia Friday, on a visit to relatives. K. D. Weston, commercial photog raphern,. negatives made any tlmo or placo hrx appointment Pbon M. 1471. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Ii Conger of Central Point district wore Mod ford visitors Tuesday. Mrs. M. K. Turner of Portland has been In Mcdford, visiting Miss Grace Henry. Food and seed. Schmidt, phono SCO. 31S J. C Pendleton of Table Rock has been (tailed to,SusanytlIe, Cal by the serious limes oi ins inuiuer. Drawing pad Be, -Wonder Store. J.- Ij. Dyer of Douglas county ar rived In Mcdford Tuesday and will visit relatives living here. Largo bomc-grown Dahlia bulbs of tho finest cactns and decorative var ieties. Phone 2772. 204 W. J. Hills left for San Francisco Tuesday afternoon on a short busi ness trip. Rev. W. T. Goulder. N D. Drophy nnd Fred Weeks were at Talent Tues day, attending tho funeral of little Wesley Dewey. Indies' shoes shinod at Summer vlllo's barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. If. Warner haro re turned from a visit In California. Win. Cameron and Denton Peel of Applegate transacted business In Mcdford and Jacksonville Tuesday. Sclssbrs for children sc. Wonder Store. 294 T. S. Oil more, who has been visit ing In the valley for his homo In southern California tho fore part of the week. Real home mads bread at De Voe's. 11. G. Worttaan left for northern California JTueedajvtorlook after a shipment of stock. T. W. Hill and J. S. Bailey were up from Ashland Tuesday. Chief of Police llltsoa has gone to Roguo River on a short business trip and Mr. Hlaraan Is again on tho force. Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myrtle S. Lockwood (regular physicians, not chiropractors) have removed tholr offices from tho Hasklns' building to 232 E. Mala street. R. K. Noll!, president of tho Rogue River Canal Co., has gone to Spokano and will not return for somo time. W. F. Horn went to Jacksonville Tuesday on business at tho court house John W. McDonough of Ashland was among the many who camo to Mod ford Tuesday on business. Bring that old book wlti torn blading down and have it rebonnd at the Mall Tribune olflee. Cost but little, tf J. L. Rowo of Sams valloy was In Mcdford and Jacksonville Tuesday. Frank It. Nell of Rig Butto was In Medford Tuesday on his was to Jacksonville. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. The county commissioners' court Is in session ut Jacksonville and has considerable business to transact. F. IC. Deuol, who has been making a trJp ast, Is nt homo again. Insuro nnd be sure. Right if we write It. R. A. Holmes, The Insur ance Man. Mr. and Mr. L. Phillips and Wll Jard Wilson wuro recent visitors in Medford. Tho Jacksonville Urlck nnd Tile Co. is Bhipplng a kllu of fine bricks to Medford for the opera huoso, whoso construction will consume about G00.000 bricks. Qerklng & Harmon, studio por traits, homo portraits, flash lights, kodak flnlshlug, post card work nnd enlarging.; 128 Cast Main street; telephone 21C4, John 0. McCulIIster of Lake Creek left for Olympla, Wash., Tuqsday evonng. having bepn called thither by u loiter Informing him of tho serious condition of his wlfo. who Is afflicted with consumption. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tolfor are In Medford again. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS XJLDV ASUIBTAJJT Dy Phone 3371 Vlg-bt Vlioatsl r, vr. Weeks 3071 4. X. Orr, 3803 Fred William, tho Grants Pn at torney, spent Tuesday In Medford. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. .1. Tanner have gono to North Rend. Coos county, to locate, Capl. J. C T. Nash has gono to Siskiyou conlUy, California, where he Is working n quarti tnlnu that has beedtno an excellent producer. Carkln & Taylor (John If. Car kin nnd Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-st-lftw, over JacksoJ County Bank tlulldlng Medford. Dr. Bortlin 'Sawyer of Ashland made n professional trip to Medford Tuesday. Prof. P. J. O'Garn. who Is making different parts of the county on of ficial visits, was Irt Central Point dis trict Tuesday. New York Life Insurance Co., C Y. Tcngwnld, Medford National Bank Bldg.,' phone 3371. ' ' ' D. J. S,. Penrco ami his son", who nro encaged in inlnlug in Poorman's creek district, won) recent Mcdford visitors. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Wclbrlght are guests ot V. A. Thompson und his family of Central Point." Messrs. Woybright nnd Thompson mined In Alaska for a number of oars. Vapor baths and sclentlflo mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 90S Gar-hett-Corey Bldg. Phone 145. J. W. Myers of Central Polni, chief fruit inspector, motored to Mcdford Tuesday evening. W. R. Brown of Rogue River made Medford a business visit during the week. G. C. Beach, music studio. Vio linist. Will Instruct on violin, man dolin and guitar in correct method. Advanced students and beginners. Address 234 E. 9th street. Phone Home 314-L or Main 34S1. 307 Mrs.. C. R. Ray and her daughter, Miis Mabel, who have been visiting In California, returned Tuesday Morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Donald of La Grande nro spending a few days In the city and valley. Orchard, hunting, fishing and Crater Lake scenes for salo at Cor king & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any placo, kodak finishing. 12S East Main street. Phono 2154 Mrs. T. J. Morse of Central Point and Miss Hazel Johnson of Grants Pass wore among their Mcdford friends this week. ' R. L. Burdlc nnd City Attorney Burns of Ashland wero In Medford Tuesday. Plant tbc new English wallflower tjpjr, Jn order to have a gay garden In spring. Blooming plants raised from best English seeds, colors bright red, dark red, ruby and yellow, 15 cents each. J1.G0 a dozen. Also English sweet Williams, $1 n dozen brilliant bluo forget-me-nots CO cents a dozen. Address Frank Schultz, 790 High street, Salem, Ore. 297 H. A. Thlerolf, manager of tho Big Pines Lumber Co., went north Tues day evening. J. M. Vogcli of Eagle Point was among tho many who transacted bus iness in Medford Tuesday. For sale, building slio 24x48, one story, shlnglo roof, cost 1400, will soil for $100 account must niovo off Southern Pacific right of way. This fs a snap. Edgar 8. Hafor. M. Marshall of Central Point tar ried a few hours In Medford Tuesday. M. P. Jacoby and A. A. Boyco of Tolo mado their usual trip to Mod- ford Tuesday. Ed demons, foreman of the Blng. bam orchard, drove to Medford Tues day. Dr. O. R. Ray and J. W. Opp mado a trip to tho mines In tho vicinity of Gold Hill and Kanes creek Tuesday. Mrs. F. A. Buffum and her daugh ter of Roseburg are visiting In Med ford. Bunny. Funny. Ugo tonight. An election at Jacksonville as held Tuesday nt which W. I. Mclntyro nnd C. Horey were elected councllraon, J. M. Croncmfller treasurer and L. W, Stansol recorder. Tho council will olect a mayor soon. DR. RUSSELL, UNDER FIRE IN THAW CASE, RESIGNS ETSa pe.ooHN w, RUSSECL..' Dr. John W. Russell has resigned us snpcrintcndcnt of tho Mnltcawun (N. Y.) State Hospital (or tho Criminal Insane, Dr. Russell's resignation U tho result of tho Inquiry Into recent efforts to bring about the relcnso of Harry K. Thaw from Muttenwnn. Dr. Russell accused Johu Nicholson Anhqt, n New York lawyer, of having offered lilm 20,000 to nld In leleuslng Thuw. In denying thin Mr. Auhut ebarged Dr. Russell with asking lilm, "Where do I come Jn?" Mr. 4"hut ad mitted receiving 25,000 us u. "contin gent returner." JOHNM.ftNHl medfotto anm; Turnum PROMINENT CLEVELAND (OHIO) SOCIETY WOMAN " TO MARRY THE SON OF MR. WILLIAM BARNES sIviiiiHiHHs'flsiH NI53 ELISflBrrM Anion? thojTctnt rnpagements of wide Interest U that of MIm Elisabeth Dale Glover, dat&hter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbnrlcs Browning Glover, of Clotelauih Ohio, to Mr.'Tb'urlow Weed Barnes. 2d, sou of Mr. William Barnes, cbslrtuab of tho New'Sorlj ptute Republican Commlttev. Mr. Barues home Is In Albany, and he fo pHslacJn the yotln;er set Iwtli there nnd In New York. Ills fiancee has taken Huatttvo art In tbc social life" .of Clevelaud, and she has many friend In NvvVVyork. AllMny, Boston and otlur cities.' Tbe.weddttvtlll take pltieo In Juie. and the young couple to some extent will retire from the activities of social life, for Mr. Bnnies ulll tuko his bride to his farm at Kludcrhook, Columbia county, N. Y., which bis father recently presented to bltu The youug man.' after UU grnduailon rtjin Harvard, euteanl tbe agricultural ColleKr ut Coruell uud oun lll complete his tudle then.. QUIET SESSHM OF CITY COUNCIL Tho Medford city council hold a very sendate and quiet meeting Tues day evening, tho show not being up to Its advertisement. Forensic fire works' were lacking. Following tho reading of the min utes tho mayor announced that he had an appointment to offer. Spec tators crowding the rooms held their breath thinking tho match was about to bo applied to tho powder. But not oven a slzzlo followed. Mayor Elfcrt submitted tho namo of Harry G. Stocckmann as city engineer. Tho solid four refused to confirm. Then tho routine business was continued. It was expected that other appoint ments would bo submitted by the mayor but none wero forthcoming. I! AT NEW YORK, March . That Har ry IC. Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, camo and went freely from Mntten wan Insane nsylum during tho super Intendency of Dr. John W. Russell, who resigned Inst week, was learned today. Governor Sulzor has ordered Dr. Leak, nctlng auporlntondent of tho nsylum, to treat Thaw the snmo as other patients nnd permit him to confer with 'lifa'attornoys only In the presence of nn ntendant. Dr. Leak Is Investigating reports that haw wusjaltowad (o Itiovo the asjluni secretl on noverul occasions. IN DARROW TRIAL LOS AXOELKS, Cnl., Mur. R- Tlte dignity of tho Jnw, the working out of tho theory of "rcnsonulilu doubt" niul n Kcnernl nttnek on the tcHtimony adduced iik'niiist his client marked tho eloKine; luldross to (ho jury of former JikIko O. V. -Power, for tho defense, in (ho trial tit' Clarence 8. I)row, on n clmrgo of bribing Hobort Dniu, n juror in tint McNamnrn case. PASSED OVER VETO (Continued from page 1.) Hold, Stranuhun, Thqms, Uplop, Wfc (orlund and McArthur. Noes Anderson of Clatsop, Bel land, Brunk, Chapman, Eaton, GUI Hagood, Hill, Howard, Luughlln, Lawrence, Massoy, Porter and RoamcB. Of tlioso voting nyo, at least two who ordinarily would bp frloudly to tho governor's vetoes and against the organization, Banchurd and PIcrco, voted with tho steam roller becnuso of tholr Interest In tho votood Roguo river fish bill. Kvou with their votes, however, tho antl-rolor inon would hnvo hit (I less than tho one third nec essary to. siBtnJn vetoes. medford. oRrcnoN. wtkkspay, march r, win, CWLE GLOVER OF The city dads, in council m semblctl, had the ribt net rend to them Tucdny eyeniuK by K. A. Wnl leri, ti properly 'jw.er on Went Hlcvetith sttrtvt, between Pencil nnd Hamilton, who objected xtrenously to having tho street paved, Minting that mnuv of tho rtidents of (lint xci'tioii eoidd not afford to pny the cont of improvementx, Mr. Wnltero wax .under tho impres sion thnt tho couuci hud ordered tho j-treet paved without giving tho prop erty owners n chance to protest. It wim xliown Unit lie was mistaken. Then ho told tho council what ho thought of Ihinjr ill unoral. "This city will give mo work to pny for that pnvemerrt or 1 will know the ronsim why," wok Wnlter'w coneludtii llni nt the city diuln. TO CANANEA. Sonorn, March 5. Cn nnnuu Is In undisputed possession of tho federal troops today, tho Mador Istas, who havo held all public build ings except tho cuartol, taking to tho hills upon tho receipt of word that 500 Huertn troops wero wltlhn 20 miles or tlio rlty. Tho rcilerai re inforcement entered tho city lute yesterday. Not a shot was fired. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOlf SALE White Leghorn baby chicks, best luylug strains, f 10 por 100. Stall No. IC, Public Market or A. It. Coffin, generul delivery. 209 FOR SALE Early Sunrise and American Wonder scod potatoes, lata whltn vurlcy. Stall No. 1G, public market, or A. It, Coffin, general delivery. 291) J. H. Mulhollen Painting, I'ajK'r Hanging, Tinting aiifl fieijerul Hound Repairing Phono C03-Y '2 Went Second Street Photos Photos Tlmo wuh when pictures wero a luxury for tho favored few modern photography bus chauged conditions. Our children aro growing up, but wo can keep them as thoy nro can follow them through school can ul ways bo with thorn and huvo them with us In pictures. Wo huvo now nd attractive qtyles In school pictures, Mnlio the nppnliifmcut today, H, C. Mackey, Studio Corner Muln upd Central Medford,, Oregon CITY DAOS ARE ID SHORTCOMINGS LADIES WORK FOR PRETTIER MEDFORD For tho purpono of working up n greater luttreol l tho beautUlcntlon of tho lawns uud yards of tho city tho ladles of tho Greater Medford club have arranged to present Howard EvartH Weed, Inndsenpo architect of Portland uuxt Tuesday night, who will deliver it loeturo on "Tho Orun mentation of tho City Lot." Thu lecture will bo Illustrated with r0 Htertupttcou slides from photo grnphs and plnnx. In thin loeturo de tails aro given n to tho placing of the limine upon the lut, best ttrrntiKu mould for thu walk, trees, nhrut mid flowers. Tho lecture also bIiowh how nml what to plant for various loca tions upon tho lut, how to innko tho house appear to tho best udvuiititKo, how to arrange the Hhruhs so as to make tho lot luok us largo its pobslblo and thu nucesslty for greun kmrh ns tho central portion of a little lawn. Thu management of thu Ugo thea tre Iiiih turned tho popular little West Slilo theatre over tu thu Greater Med ford club for that night. A. F. & A. F. Attention There will he work in thu third ileirree Fridiiv evening. Peevish Children Suffer With Worms Don't bo angry with ybur child ht causo ho or uho U contluiuilly Irrit able. In nlnety-nlno out of one hun dred case ou will find that tho trou ble Is worms. Among tho common symptom of tho presence of round worms nro nervousness, which often lends to oplleptl-form attacks; dlulness, vorttgo, capricious nppetlte, restless sleep, Itching of tho eye nnd nose, nausea and often hysteria. Round worms are sovorat Inches In length and Infest thu stomach. Occasionally several hundred are found In a sin gle person. Thread worms aro small er, often not longer than a quarter of an Inch. Tho symptoms denoting their presence nro about tho same, but In this enso the child has no nppe tlte. Jayno's Tonic Vermlfugo Is unsur passed In removing worms. Not only will It destroy them, but Its tonic ef fects will restoro tho stomach to healthy activity. As Jayno's Tonic Vermlfugo seldom puricos, tho Indi cations of lis beneficial effects will bo tho Improved condition of the per son using It. Millions of parents have praised this medicine for moro than eighty years. Insist upon Jayno's Tonic Vermifuge, and accept no other. Sold by druggist everywhere. Or. 1) Juyno & Sou, Philadelphia, Pa. ; eMjM t ? -v. . - - - - MMf ..,.,. , ,,.-?..,.- .j --.Jjt-S'-i.JW l!1j , , .' , , .J3 I NURSERY STOCK 1 V I CARRY tf JJRSERY STOOK TO BE FOIJND ANYWHERE PEARS, APPLES, PEACHES, CHERRIES AU Kinds of Shade Trees Phone in your order or write Prices njwnys rigjit, H, B. PATTERSON THE QUAIPR NXJR3URYAN Salissynrd, (Jorjier Arniii and Nowtown Offjco ilotcl Nasli Johhy. Tusido entranco, no?:t .Barbor Shop frWt"M"fWWW WHY? ' Juat This I Like tlo Roguo River Valley 111) VOUy,NTTOHi:i.L? Right now several buyorn nn horn to Invest, also I huvo friends romliiK liuru to locnto this Mprlug, t would like to know of your proposition at once, It It I n good Investment wo can do business, J. 0. BARNES, 214 1st National Bunk Bldg, ?? "GO TO IT for Hint tired feellilg. for trading of smiles for frowns. makes knockers boosters, makes a hit with tho llttlo ones, makes old folks feel young ngalu. used nrcordlng to direction will do most anything but mnko hnlr grow on bald heads. PLAN YOUR TRIP THROUGH CALIFORNIA Till: Sunshine and Flowers VIA A THOROUGHLY KNJOYAIU.U HOtTi: You Can Hco In Cnllforiilnt Attractive seasdp rosort. famous hotels, hot springs and outdoor sports. At Pasadena thu world famsd ostrich farms and magnificent homes. At Han llcrnardlna and Hlmtlde the orniiKii grovos. At Calallna, the wonderful submarine gardens, and at various other points attractions that delight the uu and lufopu tho mind. Low One Way or Round Trip Fnrri Round trip tickets to l-os Angule on sale dally with long return limit and stop-over at will. If you wlih to go stilt further south or east, ticket via all rail, or rail nml alentutr through Now Orleans can bo uvea red at reasonable rutcs. Further particulars ou application to any scrlptlvo literature on al llfo fornlii. trip San Francisco to New Orleans. JOHN M. HCOTT, Cleueral 'niriigrr Agent, Portland, Oregon . . , t - - HELLO 1 X Is this the Home Telephone Co. YES In our New Quarters at 216 West 6th Street hsiiiiiiiH A GENERAL LINE OF THE BEST T- rrr V LAND OF Till! Anont. Ask for do- or "Waysldu Notes," dcrlblng U3J1 H. 1 to RPSUS aro my spooiiilty. A fiiio Jot to eoloot A'oni . : . lw mssssi &t AMCisit vVl( f . vf'iSW , , TT