MVniWWPIIHVI City Hull v &?. 3 Medtord Mail Tribune WEATHER Hhower Tonight mil Thnr tUf,, Max. lf Mln. M. SECOND. EDITION MI3DF0RD, OrtKOON, WEDNESDAY, MAUCJI 5, 3013. NO. 295. lly HnVKiilli rr. WILSON CUTTING OUT OFFICIAL RED TAPE t p 'M4mM' rAJfew-- f: t WASHINGTON SEES SMASHING OF Wilson Starts Out to Become Demo rratlc President In Fact as Well as iirvHiiiHniii'ii nl Minted periods, nnd polntmrnt Bars 01 lice Scrkcri Aliullslirs Unwritten Law Forlilditlng President Belno Olrectly Quoted Te Sre Reporter Regularly WASHINGTON. Mar. ."..-Smash-Iiil iiron'ilviitK right mi illnft nml glvlmj eory Indication Hint lie W lo ho n drmocrntlo -ll-nt in reality tit well n liumine, Woixlmw Wilwui Indiiv iiih1u official Washington lt tin niii'. Inko iiutlt'rt ns it never" clitl I info 1 1 Cut Out Patronage. Tim now ttrrltliMtlK find blow nl tell tnpo onim when lie niiiuninced IhM tin would let the head tif de jinrlfiimilM in lib got eminent ilinMM' f llm pntronnge unhindered liy mig HftMloHH nml without dictation fiom himself. 1IU nrr-oml hlni n( custom ttitmo ulifii lm held n tiirotinc of Iiix onblurl before Uh iiienihrrhip wn .ten officially announced in Hie OlllllP. Hut even llttHtp depnrtutci, record litiHikini as limy wore, were hm not It Ink l Hip priwhlcnl's lcpiiliurul in hie oftW. Kind In' n-eehed dele, gtfiwt uf..lQQ-W Yink aibnlrnri Tvlifi iltifnot ifii have an npimint wont nml who had nuked fur none. Tlii'ii lie Mill in hi office with the door In Secretary Tumulty' room wide open nml n mnu of New Jersey ini'ii wandered into llm providential uniii'tiim without li or hindrance Tln'V wore not even announced, lull nil worn mi mil v looeivcd. Ti Ho uulrt Free- ly. To mid In III RiMii'inl ntmo.phoio of tlmnoonioy, n dorm photograph, in? weio allowed in IIik outer presl ilmiliiil offices wliero lln'V phnlo graphed miller itidlsorimiiintcly, nml oven koI u I'liuplo of good snapshot of Secretary Timiiillv nl work. Kn llm soon-lnry to llm president, who has formerly I"'"'" moid difficult lo roach, will, under tlm new regime, li nprii lo meet tin' it lil. Today Tiumilly mingled freely wllli llio vMtnm nml Ihe newspaper i'orrf,Miinlnili In lli onlor offioos nml rii(,'iicil wninily In llm luiml hlmkiiiu'. kIvIiik, t'U'ry I'vMi'iiro Ilml liD wiih uliul In' wn iIhtp, nml ilitln'l I'liro who kmnv it. Hut llm fiiml toiu'h of Wilnon't j-i'l-nl'iihli'iicHs ciiiiH', wIhmi, ilinuiKli Tumult v Im niinonufi',1 Ilml lirroiifler llm iinwrilli'ii Inw which forhiiU n PiohIiIiuiI IicIiik ilirciilly miolei) would liu luw no Iuiirit. Ho niniomiciil (lint he wiih propiuiuK n plan to tin iiPWRpnpcr nt nIhIpiI peiloiN, nml Hint llirro wnulil 1m no ohjcclioii to iliii'tit (iiiolnlioiiH of liiM Icwh In uii Hvcr to any (U0Htious Unit h" lulnht hit iihKciI. TAFT ASS AS PRIVATE CITIZEN AUflURTA, On., Mnrcli 5.- "Ml tir" William II, Tntt uml Harry I.u tlijr, llm Kcoiuti roniuillun, hnttloil on llio K"lf HnlcH for Hiinromury licru UiIh aflcrnnnn, Tho formor pioHldent, ro llovnl of tho rcHnoiiHlbllltloH or nrdec, itppi'nruil iih enrt'frco at u liny nml nliook with liiiiKhtur over tho qulim uml oiuults of tho ruinous Scotchman. All AiikiihIu took u duy off lo wol coniQ Tuft, uml tho Rrcotlni? ho it. colvcil miiiln him foi'Kot Ihut ho hi m;uln u pilvnto cltlron aftor uorvliiK tho puhllu comlnunlly nluco ho wiih -1 yuniii of nno. Moio than 1,000 children worn nt tho Htntlnn wllou Tuft'H train arrlvoil. AuidiHta In (mtluiKlnHtlu over tho for mor prcHliloufn iIccIrIiiii to romnlu until hu tiiltus up IiIh diit lea iih n pr fi'twor at Yulo unlvornlty. Cmlota from thn AukudIii military ncailoiuy cucortcil Tnft nml hla family to tholr hotol. PRECEDENT BRYAN PREMIER NEW CABINET NAMED TODAY Previous Announcements Confirmed First MceUnq Held, Notlilnij Is Done hut Gettlnp. Acquainted Lane Secretary of the Interior netlllelil Secretary of Commerce, Wilson ol Labor, Houston of Ag riculture, Daniels of Navy WAHIIINOTON March 6.- Willi William J. Ilrynn mi pri-mliT of hi official family, I'rtiildmit WIUou to ilay inl llm followlnu rnhInK ap poluttiii'nta to llm rnati': HiTMtary of "tat". William Ji'ii iiIiih llryau, Nfliranka. H'cn"tary of ar, Muilh-y M. lnr rlatni, nw ji'raoy. Itorri'tnrr of tri-nmiry, William (I. McAitoo, .SVw York. Atlorimy Kimi'ial. Jiimc (J. Mo Jtf)tioli1. Ti,niiPn. rontmnnlcr Rciicrnl. Albert Hurlc- noil, Twi. Hccrctary of tlm navy, Jom-phua DiiiilnU, North Carolina. Brrretary of tlm Interior, 1'ranklln K. Lane, California. Hi'prntary of nerlriilturi', Davhl A. Iloiulon, Mlnourl. BiTrciary of roniincrco, William C. UoilfMil, Now York. Si'crnlary of labor, William C. Wll hoii. I'i,nnn)lvanla. Tho mi-i'tlm: of the now cabinet rmli'il nl 1 1 o'clock. Kocri'tary Ilrynn until that noihliiK wa done, tfm mem bora merely cettliiK uciunlnted. Later Ilrynn conferred with former Hecrc lary of Slate Knox, REGIME HELD WASHINGTON, Msroli C- After bt-ltliu: forth IiIh ollcy toward office Heekera tlm pronhleiit r.ot down to real work. Klrnt ho dhtnted lettoni to retlrliiK ummhera of I'rcnldont Tofl'a cabinet mid ucceplliu; their rcKlKuntlout. Thn dictation!) worn taken by Uhurlca Bwcii, iikciI IS, who wuh broiiKht hero from Trenton to act uh Wlliiou'a official HtenoRrapher. Tho now cabinet met for tho firm time In tho cabinet room nt 10 o'clock. Tho flrat nrrlvnla wcro 8ec tetary of War (Inrrltioii mid Becrotary of tho Navy Danlclx, Hecrotnry of Htato Ilrynn nml Sec retary of tho Interior I.nuo chatted. "I feel perfectly at homo In tho Whlto IluiiHo," Ilrynn told tho uowapapor men. flecrotary of Uiq Trenmiry McAdoo wrh tho laul lo nrrlvo. Vlco Treal dent Marahnll did not attend tho meeting, Hocrotnry Uryan, followlm; his con forouco with former Secretary of Rtuto Knox, conferred with l'reiddout Wllnon. Uryan rofimcd (o discuss any butt- iichm of tho Htato department or re- portH that BQVornl American fomlKn mlulHtoiH had roslKiicd. E ABIT MEEIMG m N13W YOIUC, Murch B. Amotlcau Can rulllud brlflkly today uftor a lull, In llio atock 'mnrkot today, Chiliilng two and a quartor. SmeltliiR, Amnl Knmatod and HuadliiK advnncod 1 to a nbovo ycBlordny'a closo. Henra trlod to continue tho doclino that marked tho npeuInK, hut Boon desisted. Tho advanced oinlirucod all of tho apocu Inllvo fnvorltos. Tobacco rmiKOd from four point below to nluo point above par. Tho mnrkot cloned dull. Honda were irregular, li,Nr . Commanding liiiiiiMV''iliV A S tV3KC 3I3XJ New I'oiimtHlrr fSeneml, Who Will Handle l'iit!itnh(rrhll. 1 i SEE APPLICANTS FOR POST OFFICE WAHIIINOTON. March C "The president retire! lo be obllRed lo an nnunco Ihat Im deem hla dot not to see applicant for office personally, except when he himself Invite them to tho White House for nn Inter view." Till I tho opctiliiK paraBraph of the first official sta'tument to como from tho Whlto llouso alncn Presi dent Wilton nssumed the rein of Rovernmuut. It wag dictated by tho president shortly after breakfast to day. "It 1 hla piirporo," Hie statement continues, "to devoto hi attention earnestly and constantly to tho biisl iiocii of Kovernment and largo ques tion of policy affectliiK tho nation. Ho known from experience, n gover nor of New Jersey that tho nreater part of his time and euerRy would he apent In lutcrvlewlnR candidates for office union ho set nn invariable rule. It Is hi Intention to deal with appointment throunh tho head of tho several execullvo department." Politicians hero bellevo that thl menu that I'oximiwtor Oenernl llur. leson will havo entire charKo of t;lv Inn nut iKtmnstorshlp. Hereto font president alwaya havo conferred with rouKrcxamcn nnd senatora re Knrdluu Iheso oppolntmciitH. STATE PUG EXPERT HANGS ON TO JOB SALKM, Or., March (. Through a bill beliiK mislaid, It wns learned to day that Htato Printing Kxpert Ilnrrl will retain hla position. The leglsln (tiro had passed it hill abolishing th. position, ufter much dUcusalon, Tho bill with thl end In view wan mis laid tit tho engrossing committee nml when found It was too late for tho legislature to pns It over tho gover nor'H veto. AMERICAN KILLED ON MEXICAN BORDER WASHINGTON, March 5. Frank Horace, an American, was killed while Btnndlhg In tho doorway of his shop nt Coalconmnn, Mexico, ncpordlni; to telegrams received nt tho state do pnrtmeut today from United States Counsel Kirk at Mnnzanlllo. Tho mi mo bullet, It waB mild, also killed n Mexican, No other details wcro re ceived. MATS0N TO REPRESENT OREGON BEFORE FRIEDHANN SATilttr, Ore., Mhwh. 6. Dr. liny W. Miithon of Portland, wna today eouimihsioneil hy Governor West lo vepresonl Oregon nt llio elinlu estnb lisdicd in thin country hy Pr. Fried mti mi of lleillu, who unsortn ho Iiiih mndo ii wonderful euro for tuherou IohIh. At Ihl.s cliulo ho hits Hitid ho will nivo free lUiiionstnitioim mid in nl motions in llio use mid effect of liia cure, BURLESON 1 Personalities in the v vv CiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVx Hn-rrlary of Hiali' nml imtiilnntlnR Flirunt In Administration. PERHAM IS E V.. G. I'crhnm ulio limit the new; hridce ocr Hear (reel; in this ciey wan found In he llm lowest bidder for llm erection iof the new lirid(;e over KoBiie-hiv'rrlo 'replnce ihe old llyliee hridgi', when the county court ojm'iiciI bids today nml nns nwnrded the I'oulrnct. Four hid were received n fol fel fol eows: H O. IVrham, 418.800; U. S. Steel Products (UM!2.2'J; l''""! Innd Iron Works. f.'2.40U; Norllmcht Sled eomtmnv, $21,021. The eoutrnct was let nnd work will fctnrt nl once. The bids were turned over when octied to William Gerij;, r.niiMiltinj; engineer for the county, who ri'eouimeiided that tho contract ho nwiirdcd to Mr. Perhnm. Two liidH were received for Ihe steel nioue, one from tins lT. S. Steel Products company, $0,602; Ihe other fnmi llm N'orthwext Steel com pany, for $!,Hh). The latter firm Hindi' n veihnl offer for n bridge willionl hpceifieiilious, on February 1st for $ll..'iU0. Apparently if llio Intler had been piirehnsed l the I'oniily it would luio been so lilit us to lie prnetienlly uxele-". The bridge will ho the heaviest yel liuilt over the Koriio rier mid Kimr nulced for n 110 ton weiht. FULL OF GREEKS HKKLIN, March f. Tho most serious disnsler to Greek arms since the npt'iitmr of tho Hnlkmi war U re ported today in dispatches from Constnntinoplo received by Hie Frankfort Gazelle. These, ndvices sny thai Ihe Turkish cruiser Humid jii snuk the Greek tmusport Tliem ialoolcx, loaded with ti-oops en routo from Salonika lo Cassandra, nnd that ovory soul on hoard perished. Two' other Iraiispoita with Greek and Servian troops aboard escaped from tho Turkish cruiser's firing-. PAYS $200 FINE EOR INDECENT EXHIBITION RAN FKANOISCO, Cl Mnv. fi. A fine of $200 wns impood today by Police Judgo Donsy on Sid Grnu man, inannner of tho Kmpress theutro who pleaded ijnilty yesterday to vio lation of tho section of tho eodo which makes it n iiiNdeiiieanor to IMtrsimdo iiunnles of u disorderly house to eujuK'0 in mi iiidceeut e.-hibitiou. n CONTRACT FOR NEW BRDGEOVERROGU TURK WARSHIP SINKS TRANSPORT New Democratic Administration VAKWr E. H. WASHINOTON, March S Presi dent Wilson scat to the scnato the nomination of Kdgar B. Clark of Iowa and John II. Marble of California to bu members of tho InterstVto cbm merco commission. Tho nnme were, submitted to tho scnato with thoie of tho cabinet appointments. Louis D. rtrandcls, a Iloston attor ney, will be one of the experts cm plojcil by the interstate commerce commission to conduct tho govern ment's examination Into tho finan cial method of the nation's big rail ronds, as provided In Senator La Fol letto's physical valuation bill, ac cording to report hero today. Tho bill gives the commission au thority to employ experts and Investi gate all elements of vnluo for rate making purposes, and then report to coiiRresH on tho claims of tho rail roads and tho views of tho experts regarding tho physical valuation as a basis for fixing rates. It also was reported that Ilrandels will becomo n member of tho com mission when the terms of Commis sioner Clements expires next Devem ber. EQOAL SUFFRAGE AUGUSTA, re.. Murch 3. By a vote of SO to .r3 Hie liouso killed the bill providing for a refetendum vote of Hie people on n woman suffrage amendment (o the constitution here today. Tho hill had passed the senate. i HOSTON. March, fl. Woman suf frage in Massachusetts was killed for tho limo beinsr hero today, when n special legislative committee asked leave to withdraw from further con sideration of n bill striking tho word "mule" from tho election luws. WASHINGTON, March 5. In an nouncing his cabinet appointments, President Wilson Issued tho following statement: "Those who know my affection and admiration for William F, McCombs will wondor why his name Is not In tho list, Mr. McCombs did not deslro a cabinet uppnlntmont. I havo of fered him nno of tho principal diplo matic posts and I urn still hopoful that ho will accept," OAR CLARK i MARBLE COMMISSION ZDSM vmm IS PASSED OVER NV Majority I-iiibr of tlw Senate. kTDM PUnOCM SENATE LEADER WASHINGTON, March 5 Senator John W. Kern of Indiana was chosen majority leader of the senate here to day through his selection as chair man of the upper houso caucus. Ho wa authorized to choose eight other members of the "steering committee" which will superintend the final for mation of the nev senate. The caucus will meet again tomorrow to ratify his election. Senator Safsbury of Delaware and Ncwlands of Nevada wero elected secretary nnd vice chairman, respec tively, of tho "steering committee." Senator Tillman of South Carolina read a paper urging harmony In tho committee. Champ Clark was unanimously re nominated by tho Democrats as speaker of tho new cougress. Con gressman Kussell of Missouri made the nominating speech In tho Demo cratic caucus. The house democrats elected Hep rcentntive Palmer of Pennsylvania chainnnn of the house democrat emieiH committee to succeed Kep reiwntntive Iturlesnii. liepreseuta live I'uderwnnd of Alnbnmn was nn nnimouslv ro-elooled ohnirmnn of Ihe house ways ami means committee. PEOPLE DIG FIGHT OVER CURE XKW YOHK, Murch C "Great God men I People nre dying while all this talk is Kmux on. Give this man a square deal mid let hint prove Ihe worth of his culture." This was (ho plea voiced hero to day for Dr. Frederick Franz Frvid maim, discoverer of nn alleged tu berculosis cure, by Charles E. Fin lay, millionaire president of (lie Aetnn National hank of Xow York, who bitterly denounced whnt he cli.traetorir.eil ns "efforts made in certain quarters to embarnss the Berlin specialist." Fmley openly (.hnrges Hint New York physicians wero interfering with Dr. Friedmnnn, mid Hint ho had found it impossible, to rent suitable quarters mid offices in which to demonstrate his cure. "All I nsk," declared Finlay, "is Hint Dr. Friedmnnn bo given ' n chance, 'flint is all ho wants, too. If I hey will, ho will try to demon strate tho worth of his euro, hut this net of condemning him even be fore he is given nn opportunity to show his wares is un-American nnd unfair. "Thousands of consumptives nre wnilinj: for sonio definite nssurance of tho efficiency of Dr. Fricdmnnii's remedy, Cnnnot theso New York doctors uiideistnnd just whnt it means to these unfovtunnte suffer ers 1 Where is tho vaunted fairness of tho American people? It is mi, just nnd inhuman (o condemn a man without a chance. lie. has been un able even to tout n suite of offices." DEMOCRACY WE Y IAN E F1SHBILL VETO OF WEST Legislature Adjourn Sine Die at Mid night After Passing 29 of 40 Meas ures Vetoed Nineteen Were Sal ary BIHs Incredstnfl Official Pay Veto Sustained on Siiperier Court Bill and en Repeal ef Printer's Flat Salary Law SAI.RM, Or., March C. Tho TIokuo trlver fish bill passed tho senate by a vote of 17 to C nd tho hou by K to 8. Tho honse delegation from Jackson county wax united. Ileamca, Carkin and Weatcrliuid voting to u taln the veto. SAIJ2M, Or., March 5. Tho twon-ty-flfth legislative assembly adjourn ed slno dlo shortly before midnight after passing 2D of the 40 measure vetoed by Governor West. Of the 23 that wero passed, 19 wero salary bill. Tho senate bill fixing salaries In Josephine county was also pawed over tho governor's veto. The bill filing tho salary of county school su perintendent of Josephine county wag withdrawn after the passage of tho senate bill. The Roguo river fishing bill was passed, as was tho bill providing; for Investigation of the resource of. the Celllo rapiarira"theCal)ifffir"rfW. Carson's bill providing that no ex penditures shall be made on state work or Institutions without first having an appropriation made for It, was passed. Veto Is Sustained. Tho governor's veto was sustained In the Abbott bill, which repealed tho law placing tbo state printer on a flat salary and on the presidential primary bill. Tho legislature also sustained the governor's veto of Lutouretto's bill changing tho circuit courts of tho state to superior courts. Klevcn new Judicial positions would havo beeu created under this bill. Immediately aftor tho opening prayer, Iteames of Jackson precipi tated n test voto by presenting a resolution calling- for Immediate ad journment sine die, tho purpose of tho gathering of legislators, ho de clared, being merely to validate nil laws by making certain of n slno dlo adjournment. How They Uiicd Up. Reames asked that his resolution bo referred to the resolutions com mittee with Instructions to report In 30 minutes. Parsons Jumped to Ills feet with a motion for Indefinite, postoiiement. It carried by vote of 30 to H, putting tbo house on rec ord as desiring to puss on vetoed measures as follews: Ayes -Abbott, Anderson of Was co, Applegren, Barton, Ulanchard, Carkin, Carpentor, Chllds, Forbes, Hall, Handley, Heltiol, Illnkle, Hughes, Johnson, Latourette, lev elling. Munn, McDonald. Meek, Mit chell, Nichols, Nolta, Olon, Parsons, Pelrco, Schoorr, Smith Spencer, Stau- fContlnued on page 3.) TO DOWN APPLE PIES PORTLAND, Ore., March 5. Witli plenty of apples on hand and tho co-operation of deulora and wholesalers assured tho Hireo day apple sale planned by llio home eco nomies department of the Women's Club, will begin tomorrow, Tho unto murks tho first organized effort o tho women of the city to solve tho problem of tho high cost of living and it is understood snles of other products nro already being con sidered. Much interest is neiiu; shown in thci sjilo bv grocers nnd U is believed Hint virlunlly every one of Ihe ix hundred btores in Portland will car ry apple displays and will quoit, at tractive prices. V t "4 V v