sP- U : -TO! . i . M !( .,... ,r. i.M,ll,'MVMiOl"ii(' PA'GB it)tm MEDFOTIT) ISfATll TRTBltW MTtoFOTtt), ORISON. TUKSDAV, MAW1H. HUM. fc If' ' B M 4 . i if 'X" ft' Ik-': J '' V, &'. Mkdford mail tribune . AN INDHrKNORNT NRWHPAI'KIt ruuMuiiKti uvMiir aktj:iinoon KXOKIT RONHAV IIY TUB MKUrOItU PltWTINO CO. , The Domncralle Tlma, Trip Mcdford Mnll.Tlio McJfonl Trllmric, Th South trn Ort(cnn1njTli Ashland Trlbnnn. Offlr ktnll Trltnino llulMlnc. -:t-JI North Fir street) phono, Mnln 3031. UKOJtan rUT.VAM. Editor hn.l Manager Kntcred n. rcoml-clM tnatttr t Malfonl, Orriron, under the act of March 3, J8JJ. Official Punnr of thr City of Mr.lforJ. Official I'oprr of Jackson County. SUBBCBOTXOX XATBK. On ymr, by mull- .I5.Q0 One month, by mll..,. - . .BO Per month, delivered by cnrrlrr In MiHlfonl, Jacksonville and Cn tral l'olnU ...... .80 Patunlny only, by mn.ll, per year S.00 Weekly, per year,. VSO SWOBH CUtCTOATIOK. Dally nveraim for eleven monlhi end ing November 30. 1911, 37M. The Mall Tribune la on ealo at the Terry Newa Stand. Pan Francisco. Portland Hotel News stand, Portland. Portland New Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. JTull X.aid Wire UntUd Praia Dlapstchaa. ISTIAN E MEET AT ASHLAND Tho Christian Endeavor societies of southern Oregon trill hold a rally at tho Preshytcrlan church, Ashland, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Tho Congregational, Presby terian and Christian churches are represented In the gathering. The full program Is aa follews: Tuesday afternoon, 3f00 Praise service: leader, J. Ik UurncUc. Vocal solo. C U. conference. II. II. Hott uian, field secretary. Tuesday evening, 7:30 Devo tional service; leader, Uov. Chls holra. Male nunrtct. Plcturc-sonK service. II. H. Itottuian. Wednesday morning, 7:15 Pray er meeting. Wednesday afternoon, 3:00 I'ralso servlce: leader, Nclsou L. Urownlug. Vocal boIo. School of methods. II. II. Jlotttuan. Wci'icsday evening 7:30 Devo tional service; leader, W. A. Schwlm ley. Vocal solo. Address. Mr. Wil liam Shaw of lloaton, general secre tary of the C. E. ' SUFFRAGISTS REMOVED FROM STREETS IN LONDON l.ONDOX, Mnrclt J. Following the ejection of nevcral notxy sttffrupitteT, frutn (lie hull. John Hums, president ir the locnl sovcninient, had nil the trouieu removed to tho street before he would start hi eeeeli. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Srewn A feller in Wf.liinton, 1). C, tvitiitK .ft',000 because Admirul Dew ey's do;; bit him. Doubtless thero ure others who would pay uluiost that mueli for the honor. If yoiini; Itoekefeller could effect Tvcly npply his hennons to his owit futility we could bear with him with more puticuce. When tho bunch uoinos home from Sultni the fuels ninst all be noted thnt hero and there mid everywhere tho whole jjuiik's lieen inkrpiotcd. If I had tin nulo mid it wouldn't no Would I curse and weur ut it! Oh, no. no. I'd paint it and patch it and wmdi it up clean , And then find a Mickor I" buy the uitii'hiiic. You, who ure still nkeptical about there being ooinelhiiiK in u name, ure nsked to note that tho Greater Med ford Club has invited a Mr. Weed to talk about Kurdeuiug. 1) wuy, dp way, de way, du way, To Slcenyt ille, Is dowi) noddiii' valley Kn up drowsy hill, Till -on cnmii lo nuiet pond Whoro eurylhiiiK is still Den, itforu you know it, You nro siil'o in Sleepyville. Oh Joy! She's Down. President Wilfcou'u iiiiluelion lo of fice was put in llio Miudt) today by an event f fur Kifiili't natiomil iiu jmrtiiiit'u Iho niiniviil of that old Oulhbert fij.rn, so long an vyewto 16 tho coimiilinity. The building ut Cen tral and Kixlh looks liktj it new one, tho whole street feels Ihu effect of the rojuw'iiaUiMi and eaph aud evcr.v citixen of MedlVird goes, about hi, work feeling better for tho clniuxe that ias cunie for the better, I( litis licim u long and hitter tight with the busts of leform boldly nrrnyed ngiiinsl tho army of inaction. But the sigji I'liuui dow.i iiml tho mint who took it down, whoever he. may be,' is deserving two niche in the hull of fume, lit thu meantime tho money subscribed to Iho mmovnl fund N still in lln irensnvy. Any surges tfoHsT . - - . . WILSON'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. EVKKYONW should road AVoodiw Wil'son'.s inaugural address. ,H is brier and1 to tin point. UilTereiit From uny" inaugural address hitherto delivered, it will rank as :t classic alid among the really groat speeches of the day. Voodrow Wilson, in Ins every utterances since election, rings true. There seems to ho ovory prospect tJiat the man and the hour havo oomo togothor, and that the problems of this transitory age arc to be solved by the master, who hotter than anyone else, understands them. The soleetion of Hryan as seerotary of state is a pledge of a progressive administration. It is assurance that the demoeraoy of the nation, for the first time in half a cen tury, will rule the nation and remake it. Sincerity and a sober realization of the crisis he con fronts is breather in Wilson's .inaugural, lie leads a divided party of divergent, ideas that will scatter with the spoils. But he will build up a party of humanity upon ideals so high that it will vouchsafe a new birth of free dom for the nation. BOURNE AGAIN M2XATOU BOl'RXE is npprceintiou of everyone in southern Oregon tor his efforts in hehalf of Crater Lake. Occupying a position of strutejjetic importance in pass ing upon appropriations, he has twice been able to force large appropriations for tho park through a house of rep resentatives openly hostile to the park and its iinprov ment, with the result that $75,000 more was voted by con gress aud the policy of improving the park fastened so firmly upon the government that future appropriations would follow as needed. Oregon's representatives cut a sorry figure in the house and were unable to get decent consideration for thu pro posed appropriation. Congressman Laffcrty endangered the future of the park by his fool boast that Oregon was willing to take the park off the government's hands, a proposal that hampered the Oregon senators in their efforts to secure the money and necessitated nianv tele grams of denial from Oregon. Once again Senator Bourne has made good this time as his last official act, and it is with keen regret that southern Oregon witnesses the man who has done so much to put Crater Lake park upon the map. Taft's veto, also his last act, nullifies all the senator's work and it. is now up to Senators Chamberlain and Lane to carry out the program so Well begun by Senator Bourne and there is every reason to believe that with two such friends of Crater Lake at the helm, the park will not suffer. OWEN REPLIES TO . BAILEY DEFENDING WASHINGTON', MunA 4. De nouncing the couerva!ivo faction in the constitutional convention of 17S7 as thu reactionaries in joint conclave nt Philadelphia, cmbczr.lors of power for tho good of the people. Senator Owen of Oklahoma, early this morn ing aiiMVcrcd the. attack of former Senntor Ikiilc-y, of Tcxin, upon the initiative and referendum, as deliver ed in the senate chamber ou Jan. 'J. Senator Owens gave 'J7 reuson for his charge that the original con stitution was uii-democratio and de signed to curb the people of liberties. Ho gave '24 reii-oiis why direct legislation ns it in in operation in Oklahoma, Oregon and California tnts "in harmony with, and makes more effective the principles of liu feoturciguiy of the coplo iiou which tlu's republic was founded." To Bailey's assertion that the people eunnot bo deeiided Umui tu vote on initiative, or referend meas ures, the Oklahomaii replied, with statistics showing n vote of from (10 lcrccut to 100 pcrcctit by the pcop of various uuteru stnlcs. Then he declared Hint IJailey himself had voted only eighteen times in the lnt 187 formal roll calls in tho senate previous to his retirement lut month. "President Tuft six years ago, traveled 1,000 mites to miikc a speech against the initiative and ref erendum in the proposed constitution of Oklahoma, pointing nut t Ii dangers that would accrue from such hasty, irrational and immediate legis lation, etc. The people of Oklahoma, havhn,' considered well the views of Mr. Tall, voted in favor of Hie in itiative and referendum liv 107,000 majority, substantially only the neg roes, Hie republican office holders and Hie votes they could influence against it." NOTICE ISSUEDT0 T Notice has boon Isued to the or chardtsts of tho valley to start their spring spraying ut once and havo It completed by April 7. If an owner of trees ncglectB to do this tho coun ty fruit Inspectors will havo It douo ami the work chaiged to the prop erty. The spraying must bo done with a lime sulphur spray of 4, ft dcKinoH llaumy H03Q specific t;rYlty) Jest. OREGON mm TA PAN TMAKES GOOD. entitled to the gratitude aud the expiration of the term of EGGS AT 15C ARE T! MANY YEARS PAST The high cont of living hai been dealt a body blow lu .Med ford as far ns affected by tho price of fresh ranch csrs. Middlemen are paying 123 cents a dozen for the bent while the consumer Is getting them for IS cents a dozed at the stores and nt tho public market. Tho offering U heuv) and the price may break still lower. In some cases only 10 cents a dozen Is offered tho producers. This Is tho lowest prlco paid for eggs In muuy years In this city How long tho prlco will remain this low Is not known but It Is be lieved that storing will begin shortly which Is certain to send thu price up again. Thu poultry market Is also weak, with dressed chickens selling from II to IS cents a pound. Cortland papers quote eggs lu the metropolis at 18 to 19 cents a dozen. It' would pay to ship tebm north. IN STOCK MARKET XKW ,YQKK, .March f'.-UiuugoH were trifling in pie stock exchange today but trading was fniily active. Hear pressure n ('an uas resinned and Hint stock fell two points. Now Huu'it stocks sold down to 12.') J-1, thu lowest in twenty-five years, A rally featured thu mid-nession but prices sagged therenfter. Tho leader, held fairly, firm, Heading be ing thu only issue to icact. Thu market closed hmcnl of thu day. Hoiuls were steady. PARADE MOST PRETENTIOUS (Continued from page- 1.) in a great eijiicnlor, President Wilson. Thousands of college men, alumni of nrncticully every great university, and college of the country, were in line. I'our Hi-cut Division. The parade was composed of four "grand" divisions. First was Iho iirmy and navy, with ncaily 7,000 men; second, Hat state militia, with about 12,000 men; third, war veter ans, and fourth, civic organizations. Kvory slnfo and almost every largo city of Iho nation soul its (ptotu to swell llio bticiuii of, bplcntlor. CHEAPER AN TO START EARLY IN APRIL Aceoidlnu t Hubert W. Tel for of the OhirU & Hcuery Construction company the- work of piivltiR West Klevonth street ami tho Hear crook bridge will Mart early In April, tho company inakltiK nranKomeiits now to move it iilttul hero coon lu Immllo llio work. Mr. Tplfor urrlvt'il from Kiikoiio Ihlt morulni; to nrrunito nrcllmlnnry mnttcnt for tho romiaii) Coimlil oritlilo tMvtni; l iilnntuM for thlx ear. TO POWER COMPANY rOUTI.AXI), Or. March t I nl ted States Judpo llcan tins todn huh talucd the Injunction of the Cnllfor nlti & Oregon Cower company agtilust tho Clt) of Oruntrt Cass to prevent tho enforcement of an ordinance which restricted n schedule of rates submitted by tho power company to the' statu railroad coniiuUslou, Jus. tlco llcan held that tho city council did havo tho right to Interfere with tho ruling of tho statu railroad com mission w lien It has fixed rates under tho utilities act. BOY IS KILLED BY KICK FROM FATHER SOUTH VANCOUVIHt. March I. -Dead as tho result of a kirk alleged to hao been given by his father, tho body of Stanley Crowley, nwri 1 1 lies lu the undertaking parlors of Me'srs. Hamilton llros.. Kroner av enue, today, aud Jcromluli Crowley, the boy's father. Is In the cimtudy of tho South Vancouver police awaiting tho coroner's Impicst, whlrli will bu held tomorrow. Crowley was this morning brought bvforu Maglstrnto McArthur and after n format hearing was remanded until tho Inquest' had been held. 75,000 WATcVl WILSON (Continued from I'ago 1) administered the oiUh Wil-011 he; tu hi iunuguru! address. The crowd gathered iiroimd tin cnpitol was estimated at 7.1,000 ami luridreds of others suitrmcd tin- roof of the capitol library and udpiccut buildings, .Momii put 11. c pli'do graphers got reams o film- T .No Indigestion, (ius or Sonnies After Taking Kais-'s IJios'plu." If what you Jmt ate Is souring ou your stomach or llos llko 11 lump of lead, refusing to digest, or ou botch gas uiid eructate sour, undigested food, or huvo a feeling of dizziness, heurtburn, fullutiss. nausea, bad taxt In mouth und stomach, headache this Is Indigestion A full caxo of I'apo's Dlupcpsln costs only fifty cents and will thor ougbly cure your out-of-order stom ach, and leave sufficient about tho house In caxo soiao one 0U0 lu th family may suffer from stomach trouble or Indigestion. Ask jour pharmacist to shuw J oil tho formula plainly printed ou those f If (y-i.cn t cases, then you will under stand why dyspeptic troubles of all kinds must go, ami why thuy usually rollovo sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indigestion in flvo mluuto. Ilia pepsin Is harmloss mid tastes llko candy, though each doso contains powor sufficient to digest and pre pare for assimilation Into tho blood all tho food you cat; besides, It makes on go to tho table with a healthy appetite; but, what will plouso you most, Is that you will feci that your stomach aud Irltostlucs urn clean and fresh, aud you will not need to ie sort to liKittlves or 'liver pills for bil iousness or constipation. Tho city will huvo many Dlupupsln cranks, as some people will call them, but you will bo cranky about this splendid stomach preparation, too, If you over try a little for Indigestion or gastritis or any other stomach misery. John A. Perl Undertaker 28 8. llMVVUiVI IMiouch M, 471 and 47.1 Ambulance Service Deputy Corouer PAVING GRANTS PASS LOSES 01 MISER JUS VANISHES GOLD does more Gold Dust sterilizes mid lonvos your kitchen things sanitarily safe. Tho ordinary soap washed u tonsil is not fit to eat from, because soap does not cleanse as thoroughly as it should does not kill germs of decay which are bound to lurk in oft-used utensils. Gold Dust does most of the cleaning without vnnr- fiecicfnnnn nrtA .1 ! i UUUS 11, LUU, 111 U quicker and more thorough manner than will soap or other cleansers. Gold Dust makes pot and pan spick and span. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago Itch! Itch! Itch! CnntUnt Itch !n'"lrrtttn BRav. 1XKM v few ilrnp of n nilM, itnt'l. lv trmtaiit rrlipf - ll Kii airtrran l."M:. D. D. D. Prescription (or liccma Himml It a ijooj to In- ti" Tlin nmt full rltr lttl fr ir ! t II rnn.'l ristrh your .. r i,, rm fort Mk, It l north in! tvino In n,l IM to. tfll v.i h..vil It. Also about PUli Uoa; it IiI.h. MHIUOllt) I'HAItMAt'V WMemorels ft fSlicrePolisIws v riNtsT QUAurr larccst VAnitTY XHT VtiV tli ool It.! c.'.hoBilrrMirt I t pn.ui fir cut.U.m Oil. lUikai IIV a it an.1 ctiuitcn'a U '. .nil .hiwt, ilatl MlHwMl ruV WM.tif. TltrH ClOSS." l- "Uor"ct)oi'iintli'n lur t ttn'ra s o .wr lakmlaiirra.wtvrunal'"" .i "iXkVt'f ' "Ql'ICKWMIIl-l nlltMrnnii hauu.riaalrl.. lfUni4D.tSWilirtrna.)it. li. -AISO- CUNH i4 WHII1A1 naval ihMt. Ij rmiml nblia taku ,ickt.tin r t--im !-... u' It vk, IK. lm.ii.iWu',l.r..iuiinutii txitca, aliKnta,iJ. "U4TC mnlMnlln fot ctnt.on wbo l I l!ilili TitlnnUilf abeti At. Itautfiflor tDdlnilralDallbiarli l iMUh lih sl.nuU orsah,letiU. -BW IUTl-i'a.l'lii' l ..r ir...rilw.lkfP' A .r nl " WMITTlMOnC HROB. A CO., 20-SB .IMn Strpit, Cantbrltlao, M 7 hi 0!ttte"t ttnt r Jifan-toHtnff Sltt lhikf, it th Ii A VOID IMPURE MiLK ' tor Infants and Invalids Get HORLICK'S It mean the Original nnd Gcuulno MALTED MILK "0McMx'Jmitati6n The Food-Drink for all Ago Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infanta, invalidaaiMl growing children. Purcnulrition.upbulldingtha whole body. Invigorntca nursing mothcra J iU aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Taka no aubatltuta, Ak for HORLICK'S HORLICK'S Contains Pure Milk Household Economy llmr In Untfl the llrat (,'niiKh hjrnp nml tiate ', liy JlaklnK It fit Ilmiir. Ciiuuli inriliubii'S. us a rule, coal 11 1 a lurKu quantity of plain sjrup. if jmi lake ono idat of rjiiulatnl aUk'.ir, add 'i pint of warm ttiilrr nnd stir ulxnit li nilanUs, Vint hate aa Kud avrup as money could buy. if ynu will then put "'j oiinrci of l'luox (AO rciits' uiirtli) lu a pint, bottle, and fill It up uitli tho Niurur byrup,)uu will hue as much conjjli srup us you could buy rrudy made fur ijsJ.OU, It keeps perfectly. And you will find U tho lot coult syrup ynu ever iwd oen in lnsiilnf couh. Vou can ft-a-l It tiil.o Jiuld usu. ally stops llio most si'vcre couuh In 2i hours. It It jiiitt hiMathi) cnmili, lm a eisid toalo clfect, mid taito is jili'iisaut. Tuku 11 tcaiipuuiiful every one, two or three hours. It Is a splendid tciiiwIv, loo, for vhuophitf cnnuii, croup, hu.irscacHs, nath liiu, client pubis, etc. I'lni'X U Hi" ino.t vnluohln concrntra led compound of Nontuy whlln plan ex iruct, rich lu k'H'I.ioiiI uikI all tlm lieu I 1 11' plan cleuicats. No otlii'r prepara tion will work In this formula. 'I'lds rcrlHi for iiiukhu; miikIi reinnly with Piiicx and ruimir ruji U now ucd nml prized lu thmiiuiulH of home la the I'nlti'd States and Cniuidfi. Tho plan bus often Iweu Imitated but iiucur siu'i'i'Kifiilly. A ffiiariiiity of aluolulo mlUfnclInn, or jnoiicy proinptlv rcfiuidcil, jmen with this rirlp-. Your ilriKult lias I'lni'V, or will Lid. It for vini. If nut, wild to Tho i'luex Co., l'"t, Wayiie, Ind, mwti ?jb DUST than clean Opportunity is Knocking i VlILii iSUL Jl II II (tea 1 U- "J "Ut tha COLD DUST TWINS ito your work" ruts wii.i, iMi:iti:sr .,ionii:iis. Mother (lra's Hucet I'omlers for -tillilra.il it cortiilii rtdlnf fur fiiturlxli. jiiess. Iiciiiiache. laid stoinwch. leeth- lug dlsoiiiors. move ami rpmiinie tim liowels ami detro .wurms. Tin break up colds lu I hour. Thev urn so pleaaanl lo the tutt rliltdri'ii llko them Over lo.ouu lcllnia litis. I'kciI bv uiothrs for 2-1 years I'l..... . . m .. I I U..I.I aa 1 I . raliita. "' t'ftiitM MB 111 hit. Inulll'd I'riH'. Add re, Allen H Olmtcd, l.tlto. N Y Auction Sale of Acreage in thh i'iiciici: .stiiiim isiti.v Two .Mllen Itiixt of .MiMfnrd Till HSIIAV, Al'ltlli 10 III O.V THIS I. A Ml One und one-ipiartur to (Ho arm tracts will bo sold to thu hlKhost bid der Heldom dues Ihu bti)ur havo tho Uiaurt) to mimu 'tho price ho ptt) for real cutnto, oupetihtlly oholru pro pcrty well tocatud and on verjr easy terms. Do not fall to iccuru one ut theso tracts A special opportunity for the man of small menus to secure a home. Liberal dlsrouuls will bu mado for all cash. k. r. nr.ititiri', v. 11. ninici: AiKllonriT Owner Don't Forget Your Eyes NEGLECT Is last ns dansiTiius ns l.NC'Olt ItHCT kIusscs. Tho Klassos I fit ar NOT Jl'ST fll-AHSIIH. They nro Klaa.i-s ADAI'TKI) TO YOlMt KVKItY Itl'UHHItn.MKNT and furnished ut a Itl.AKUN'AIH.l. COHT. I don't perform any Inipnitiillill Itb'M. I. ut if )our oyoalKht tan he Improved any I can do It, If It cannot, I will tell oii so. I)cIj nro dangerous. DR. RICKERT i:Yi;rtlfIIIT KI'KCIAI.IMT Our Kcnluers, .M'dford. Orciiou YOUNG HOUSEWIVES Have dldcovered what the more experienced Inut- ItuoMii for tunny ears, that CrescentBaRintJPowder Italsuu Iho doiiuli bettor and Is onu of tho suriets of IPiod bultlliK Auk jour modi for (' r 0 n c 0 n I fiaklm; Powder, 1-puiiiid can, lioe CRESCENT MANUFACTUniNG COMPANY Health, YuhIiIiik(oii He ml 'iv Htiinip for Cook llunlt. Clark ft Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land MatterH: i-'lnnl Proof. Ilcsert Lands, Contest nnd Mlnlnn Cuhch. Bcrlj). JHKp Wm i$ t SI i 1 1 I aVTl'jnfffll I BaV tfllil 1 1 WBfl WHE'RE TO GO TONIGHT UGO THEATRE Under Nctv .Mauauciueiit A HimiliHTHl.VAItV ItOMANHi: Tint Tiri.it cum: lMlsmi. THH Wl.VMNO IIAMI VltuKmiili. A IIHSI'IIIIATII fllAM'H Knlem, ,Sno for ToiiIrIiIi MlhM .MUHIMIV Mis. Wool worth will Interpret thu IIIOVli. All l.lll'lltlll I'lllUH Ailml.lon Almt) Ibe Siinie IU and no jH-f-H-K-M-HH-H-l-fl-r-M-l: I ISIS THEATRE t mih.mi.i.i: liiilieil nnd 1'uWiint'Hi Pnacnt TlKir IUk l.ltlle Wosteru ",', ('lllknil, ;; thi: ha it M.v rno.H ihaho I'lii.ui I'l.i). TiU'sday aud Win- ueailnv. thi: row 1. it of i,iui nT a en win; or n.onius nut I'tiii:h i:i;ki,y o. a . . IIIUKtriitlliK nil tirrritt ewnla ;; It and K'l Hi" nMs whllo It news I'lMllllIU Sllllllll), AiioltM'r --Itirl I cat ore. I' T I I1 r '7 T 1' T T T T V T ff I T f 4rrrtWti1ttMIltt Luxury Without Extmvnganco Hotel I Von Dorn I 2-12 Turk Strcot I Jincst popular priced Hotel in San Francisco x Modorn Oontral i a al J JtJLi I 11 .ft if., I TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTn Let thu Hakcr du tho work do tho work DclcKitto in us tho buyliiK of Iho fuel and tint flour, Wu'ro Im iiiiiiic lo heal, our shop Is neat, ut your scrvho ccij liiuir Win nut keep cool nml buy thu tliilahed produit at MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 12 H. (Vuliiil A SNAP I'lvi-ronin biifit;alow, mudurii; half blink ofr piiM.'d iilriii't, for JlUaO, I'.'Mi casli, balauco ?lfi per imiiith. Why pay unit when you can own your hoiuu for so lllllu moiioy? Ten. in inn) iD-iinn true In only thieo'mllos from city, ulth plenty or water, for sale on easy pa intuits, or ulll oxuhuiiuo for city property. A loO-iicio farm with I! 00 acren lu ' cultivation, fine wain or alfalfa laud, at $00 per acie Will talto part lu ijlly property nml hIvo Ioiik tlnio ou bnlnnce. Wood & Messner I'lium- r.oU'J, No. H f), tVnlnil n ,. .- BKte jl P..k . .Jk fit :.?.A.Vr