Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 28, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    jre1(3n HJitoWosl Is?
Medford Mail Tribune
Fnlr tonight nml SrttHi-tlnjr.
Mm. I Mln. 19.
riirir-i,oii'l Tfr.
Illyhvnth Yr
Survivors Assert Only Half of Regis
tered Guests EscapeFive Bodies
Recovered, Dnlanco Are Durlcd In
Sntoldcrlnn Ruins Six In Hospital
Stories of Locked Doors and Inacces
sible Fire Escapes Hinted at by
Survivors Exact Loss Unknown
OMAHA. Noli., Feb. 28. TottorltiK
wall till afternoon temporarily
hnltod Hid work of digging In llio
iitliiM of the Hotel Dewey Intro. where
between 20 nml 3C lives nrn reported
(ti have been lout. Clearing uway of
llu' debris will lit) resumed at soon
or tlio walls sre runnl.
At it Inle lioiir (hU afternoon 20
persons wore mill reported iuImIiik
ami tho police bollevu their bodies urn
burled lit the nihil. Tim known
ilitith list mill stands nt five with
ernl seriously Injured nml seven
others suffering from minor bruise.
Iiriitli I.M Hipti t'p.
At noon nn nwo'strlcken crowd,
consisting mostly of sobbing rein
tlMn of missing persons, stood befor
the rwtiiN. wnlchlng tho flromou ami
police, digging for (milieu.
I'lve bodies already have been re
covered, mul It I predicted thnt nt
least 10 others Mill In taken from tho
ruin before night.
or the Injured, six nro In hospltsls
In ii serious rouilltlon. night othim
cMnivil with minor bruise. The
property Ion In 1200.000,
lliNini Are Iockril.
Htorles of locked doors nnd Inac
cessible (Iro escapes nro hinted at by
ihn survivors. A score or more guests,
they Insist, wero caught like rata In
n imp. Thn firemen nro rapidly
elrlng away thn debris, but 20 feet
of wreckage t III rovers Hint portion
of thn ruins whom most of tho gnosis
were, sleeping.
A scoro of guest mill am missing,
but tho pollen say tbnt some of Ihmo
rernplug nndoubtrdly went to their
bullion without reporting taclr safety
I!. T. Connor, one i tin uninri.
mty it scorns imposiblo Hint lutiiiv f
the frnnlio gnosis iu'iimcd in the hall
way onuhl lutvo rsonped. Firemen
hUhi boliewi til" death lis! will be in
creased, but llm exact number will tint
bo known until the nilim have H"1'
fioimitlv cooled lo permit tin' search
for hodiM In begin.
8ecrn) firemen bnil uniinw escape
from detilh. They left llm building
just in lime In imi' fulling wiiIN.
nrfiimu I I'll f hearing women
.crouiiiing nml M'l'iut; ii.ionni.i'ioiiH
foruiH liii in linUwn.vH ns lluy left
Ibu builtliiiR.
WASHINGTON, l'ob. 28.- Thn
inonny truul cxluta.'
Tho monoy lrnt In meniieo to tho
flniuicliil wulfaro of tho eoiiutry.
Tho ilomlnntliiB forccg in tho world
of fliiiinro aro J. I'lerpont Moriinn
mill Conipuny of Now York, tho flint
Nnlloiml bunk of Now York uml tho
Nutlounl City bank of Now York.
Tbla In tho flndliiK which n iiiii
Jorlly of thu I'ujo InveittlBUtliiis com.
mlttm) Biihmlttud In thu houao Into
thin iiftornonn. Sovon domocrala
binned tho roport and four republi
cans dlHHontod,
ltovoliitlannry reforms In tho flu
nil llfo of tho rommlttco nro rccom
mondod by tho conunlttco.
Tho miijorlty report aubmlttod two
uiodiil bills, olio of which proponoa to
prohibit tho usti or llio mnllu, tolo
Kruph nnd tolophono by Htook ox
chiuiKOH In tho furthornnro of nlloKod
friiitdulnnt tnniHivctlons. It also pro
vides to bnr stock oxulmnKca from ull
uho of hiiuU public- utllltloa muIobb
they Inrnrpornti) nd their brokers
upon thnlr books uml records to thu
statu officers nnd tho poHlnmster Kon-
Presltlcnt-Elcct Refuses to Leave the
Pleblan Day Car to Lunch In PrU
vnte Car of President flea and
Spends Time Playlnrj Willi Children
Report That Castro Had Ocen Invited
to Inauguration Pronounced False
hy Executive to De
NKW YOHK. IVb. 28 -Flat re
fund to lenn n pleblnn day car on
tbi! IVntiNylvBiilu rJllrond to lunch In
the prlvntn nr of Prrld'iit Kaiuuel
Hon of that nyktvm was the Jolt I'res-lili'iit-oU'ct
WlUon handed out today
to thn head of that ureal railroad
Alter rlnltliiK bis dentist In I'hlln
delphln todtiy WlUon took thu IVnu
sylvnuln train for New York, where
be will attend tho theatre tonight.
LenruliiK thnt Wilson was on board In
thn day coach. President Ilea ent
1st in nn Invitation to take luncheon
In his private enr. Wilson declined
and remnlued In thn day couch play
Iiii: with Km nk mid Clara (Jrconwood,
two children from North llelhlebem,
Tim two youngster ruffled llm
hnlr of thu president-elect, disar
ranged bis tie, pulled off bis slants,
romped him nnd wound up their
frolic by planting on his face two
largo wet kisses. Wilson grinned hap
pily and entered heartily Into the
On bis arrival hero Wilson called
"unqualifiedly falso" n dispatch from
Havana which said that former Presi
dent Castro of VrnetuelA had de
clared thero that Wilson had Invited
him lo attend the Inauguration.
I.OM AN(li:i,K8, Cul., 1'eb, 28
Ilecauso ho feared to look bis friends
In llio fnco iikiiIu but lucked tho
nerve lo commit suicide, A. J. llelnn,
16, held on suspicion at tho city Jail,
lay ou his cot shortly nfler midnight
ami rut out his eyes with a sharp
penknife. He will bo totally blind.
Prom 12:30 o'clock until daylight
today when he. was found by a
"trusty," llelnn lay on his blood
snaked blunketH suffering terrible
ngony. Il was taken to tho receiv
ing hospital, whero his mutilations
wero dressed.
llelnn gave Ocean Park ns bis
homo and claimed to bo connected
with it well known family. Accord
lug to tho police, ho had been drink
lug heavily.
"I wanted to puulsh myself," ho
said, after his treatment at tho bos
pllul. "I, nuvcr wanted to sou my
friends again. After I bad cut out
my eyes I fell at peaco for tho flrsl
time. In years.''
llelnn Is a traveling salesman and
rlnlniH to bavo Invented one of tho
first looso leaf ledger systems. Ho
formerly waB wealthy. Ills wife n
cured u divorce two yonm ago.
SALKM", Ore., 1'eli. 'J8.- Governor
Veil iodav filed, with tho Bccrotory
of Hlnlo'lho bill which will pavo tho
way for the const ruction of a briilfic.
iinriiiiri thu Columbia river between
Portland uml Vnneouver, Wash. In
u inossugu nttnehi'il tho Ktiveruor
slated that bo did not h!u tho ntciiH
uro bei'iiuso ho believed (hat tho bur
den of imymu interest on the bonds
In be tunned piioultl bo borne by Mult
nomah county nml not by tho state
ut Iiu-rc. He did not veto tho mens
tiro on Ihls account, however, stilting
that ho did not wish to lia classed n
an obulvutilioniiit.
Unfriendly Mobs Jostle Worn Out
Danil of Marchers Who Arlve at
Destination Bcdrarjnled, Tanned
and Dllstcred A Sorry Spectacle
Eyes Set Straight Ahead, Woman
March Down Pennsylvania Avenue
While Crowds Josh and Ridicule
WASHINGTON'. Feb. U8.-Witli
unfriendly trols jontlinn ihviu but
with even set Htfrtiallt olienil. flic Kew
Vork-lo-WnHhiiigtnn band of huffru
gelleK arrived bore nt noon toiluv un,l
inn relied pnsl Die enpilol lo suCfrn
gette beiiiliuarter. H'ilr.te"leil, ton
tied nml blistered, (lie iunicln'rn pre
hentid n sorry sieelnele, The hair
of nil the rnnrehrrt, wan sndly din
nrrnjed, nml "t'olouel" Ida C'rnfl
plodded wearily nlonj; with her dres
pli.ued nearly to her kin-en.
A bntlcr- of inovln- picture men
in automobiles rnu ulieml of the
"army" photographing it ns the
"marchers" w allowed through the
slreel.n. Nenr the enpit-il buildini;
thu streets were packed with n laugh
mir. jostling throng, and the mounted
(Miliee hnd diffieullv in declaring a
pnthwnv for the hikers.
llt.ADCNRIirim. Mil.. Feb. 28.
Declaring that they wero a disgrace
to the cause In their present bedrag
gled condition nnd demanding that
they walk through Washington on
obscure streets. Miss Altco Paul
tartrd n stream of tears among tho
band of New York to Washington
nuffragcttra when' she met them -on
the march from New York near hero
Miss Paul took one 'slant" at tho
footsore, mud-splntlercd "army" and
I hen proreeded to give "General"
llnsallo Jones "a piece of her mind."
The pnrado stopped while Mlsa
Jones consulted with other loaders,
and so that soreral of tho "army"
could have n big cry out. It was then
determined to decide on Mlsa Paul's
suggestion while on the march.
Willium Ulrieh was placed under
nrresl Friday morning for conducting
nn unction miIo in the city without n
lieeuse. Me was allowed to go with
out bail. In the meantime tho place
in which Ulrieh wns conducting lu-
unction wut, locked up. His dine will
come up in tho mayor's court Satur
day. Ulrieh camo into tho possession of
a bankrupt stock at Ashland recently
nnd moved it to this city. He ndvur
tised tho sale of the stock and ou
Friday morning started the sale.
A city ordinance provides that in
such enses n license shall bo paid,
Ulrieh did not lake out a licenso al
though warned to do so. Ou his re
fusal Mayor Ktferl ordered his arrest.
Ulrieh declares lie will fight tho
ease nnd lo this end ho litis employed
W. 1. Vnwler and Gus Newberry to
defend. At first ho threatened to
continue, the sale but upon Mayor
Kifert's Informing him that he would
have (he police lock tho plaeo tip,
Ulrieh locked it up himself.
Tho ordinanco providing tho licenso
was passed nhout n year ago nt tho
request of tho Morchnnth'oHsocintion.
U is designed to protect them from
auction sales of this nature.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. I'rcsU
dent Tuft today vetoed tho Webb not,
which prohibits tho transportation of
liquor from "wet'1 to "dry" torri
jories. Ho snid ho vetoed tho mensnro
becuubu it was unconstitutional,
Yielding to ttm I'.i-siillni; f Mr
f-l Itunieit Itntiliiul. wtiu In lu-i
4it Ion for illi'iitre from her liiMi.iml
hiis iiiIiiiIIIimI " love" fur
iMiesler fliupln Ituinrill. n Spring
flel.l i.Ms.l flnniM.T. Jn-lre Hull,
lit llo-ton. illiceicl ilul the linutoui
ehllilreu. .Mnlx.'l mid llsrrlet. be nl-iuMi-,1
(o rUlt Iwtli Mthcr ami
Mr lUtitour IdrM In keeping Mir
lilldrrn nnn from ilieir f.ither Is to
roneeal from llienl nny Lliow ledge of
llio dlvorie pnx'eeiliiigii.
HKHI.IN, " FeBT'M. The Meial
democrat women of (icnniiny, now
numbering in .their various brnnchci
more than loO.OOO nre organizing here
today to make n protest nnginst the
high cost of living nnd the present
franchise tytlcm.
In the past few months (ho high
t.tiilf on meat nnd t eg tallies has
been the cuuso of frequent stormy
encounters between Qcrmnn Iiouac
wiws nml tho police in public :inr
kcts in various towns, and mnny iu.isn
meetings luivo been held thrmighoitl
the counlrj' by the social .Imroemtio
-onien, appealing lo lh goventment
to ndiico the tariff on thu
'.es of life. They are demnmling i.lso
riiernt adult suffrage for both men
uud women, claiming that under the
cxiMing electoral laws women are af
fected adversely through tho dit
franchiscment of many of lliei" men
WASHINGTON", Feb. 2S.-- Charg
ing that tho treasury department ar
ranged Its tests of Imported teas to
benefit certain Chicago firms, a reso
lution demanding thnt Secretnry of
tho Treasury MacVeagh produce tho
correspondence, reports and rulings
of his department for tho past two
years regarding greon and colored
teas was adopted by tho sonata this
Senator I'olndexter of Washington,
who introduced the resolution, as
sorted llmt It wns reportod to him
thut these. Chicago Importers made
huge sums ot money lit connection
with tho department's customs rul
ings on tea. Ho declared tho depart
ment established tests which barrod
certain tens and theso Chicago firms
bought such teas heavily, wbllo other
firms passed them up. Thereafter
tho lest wns changed, ho declared, 6o
as to admit tho teas that woro barrod,
thus greatly swelling tho fortunes ot
tho firms buying tho same.
CHICAGO. Feb. 28 Jack Johnson,
tho negro prizefighter, whoso trial
for ulleged violation of tho Mnnu
while slave act was postponed be
cause of his illness from pneumonia,
is bettor today nmj probably will bo
entirely jocovorcd next week.
nri i
SSSSKn -"y HiHfl
Is9k1 i
Defiant Governor of Coaliulla Wins
Victory Over Troops of Provisional
President Rghtlng In Propess In
' Sonora and Other Northern States
Slaying of Emlllo Madero, Brother of
Late President, Confirmed Shot
Down Leading RebeJ Force
VA. I'ASO, Tex.. Feb. 28.Iy de
clslvely defeating 200 government
troops nnd taking possession of the
town of Monclovla. In the state of
Cos h til In, Venustlanc Cirranza. the
defiant governor of that stnte, today
shuttered the hope of provisional
President Huerta for early pacifica
tion ot northern Mexico, A report
from Haltlllo this afternoon stated
that federal troops under Generals
Trevlno nnd Aubert are rushing
northward to give buttt- lo Carran-
i-a, and that a second clash Is ex
pected tomorrow.
Other dispatches received here
tell of additional rebel successes.
Fighting between Maderlsta and gov
ernment troops Is reported In pro
grets In a half dozen places In So
nora with the rebels capturing rev
crul towns.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. Confir
mation of the slaying of Kmlllo Ma
dcro, brother of tho lain President
of Mexico, was received here today
In an official dlsnatcu from Ameri
can Ambassador Wilson at Mexico
City. The despatch did not disclose
how Madero met death but It Is re
ported ho wasS-hot down while load
ing rebel force In one of tho north
ern states. No mention was mado
ot Tlaoul Madero, another brother,
who also has been reported dead.
Tho death of Kmlllo Madero now
brings the family death list from Ma
dero's troubles up to three. Gustavo
Madero met death under tho "fugl
tlvo Jaw,." and Francisco Madero was
shot, Mexican government officials
say, during an attempt by his friends
to affect his escape whllo he and
Vice President Suarez were en route
under guard from tho palace In Mex
ico City to tho penitentiary.
Ambassador Wilson continues to
send optimistic reports of conditions
In southern Mettco. He says tho sit
uation Is Improving everywhere and
that latest advices to tho Huerta gov
ernment tell of tho submission ot Ta
basco, Oaxaca and Cam pec ho to tho
present administration.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. James
llryce, Ilritisli ambassador to the
United Stales, presented to the Htato
department louny wreui uruniii s re
joinder to Secretary Knox's note re
garding tho exemption of Amenenn
ships engaged in coastwise trade
from paying Panama Canal tolls at
noon today. Tho cabinet then dis
cussed tho matter. Later it was
anthoritively asserted that the Tuft
administration would not attempt to
answer tho reply.
Tho chlof points in tho British re
joinder were tho assertion that the
tlmo Is not yet rlpo rot arbitration of
tho canal dispute, nml disagreement
with Secretary Knox's Interpretation
ot tho "all nations" cluuea of tho
Huy-Puuncofoto treaty.
Tho tott of the note will not bo
published for several days,
NKW YORK. Fob. 28 It was
learned horo today that noxt Monday
the Now York county grand jury will
probo tho wholo Thaw scandul, and
that Thaw himself probably will tes
tify. District Attorney Whltmau con
ferred with Justlco Soabury regard
liiB tho case this afternoon.
General Felix Diaz Formally An
nounces Candidacy for President
Pcrflrlo to Return to Mexico Soon
to Aid Nephews Fight for Election
Four Thousand Persons Met Death
Including Men, Women and Child
ren In Recent Revolt
MKXIt'O CITY, Feb. 28. General
Felix Diux. who overthrew the Madero
government, formally announced his
candidacy for the jiretidencv of Mex
ico today. It is exjieeled that Fran-
cWoJJe l.u Iiurrii, foreign minister
of the cnbinet of ProviMoiinl Presi
dent Iluettn, will be his principal op
ponent. Declaration that I'orfirio Din 7.
would return lo Mexico t.mui, followed
Felix Diue' umiounccment. It is
stated that n group of government
officers had been npM)inted lo go lo
Paris to rvort the former dictator
back home. He will be welcomed
here as a returning hero. I'orfirio
Diaz will nsit his nephew in his
campaign for the presidency, nnd litis
is believed to be the principal reason
for hU early return.
The government announced this
afternoon that its official figures
showed that 4.000 icion met death,
includiusr men, women and children,
in the stand of the late President
Madero against General Dior. Tlii-J
confirms the report sent out by the
Mexico City corresjiondent of the
Unite.1 Press.
The work of pacifying- the: dUturb
d districts continued today, Gener.I
Zapatn. the rebel lender, assisting
President Huerln.
ALBANY. X. Y., Feb. 2S. Com
bentlng on the Thaw scandal at Mat
teawan asylum for tho criminal In
sane, which already has resulted In
tbe resignation of Dr. John W. Rus
sell, tho superintendent of tho asy
lum, Governor William Sulzer, mado
It plain today that all crooked state
officials must go.
"I am maklug It my business," ho
said, "to turn the rascals out and
want to say that there aro lots ot
them, too. I am only awaiting the
report of tbe committee which Inves
tigated the charges that representa
tives of Harry K. Thaw offered Uus
sell $20,000 to aid In securing Thaw's
freedom before taking action."
Sulzer has openly disapproved of
the action ot Superintendent ot Pris
ons Scott In accepting Dr. Russell's
resignation without consulting him.
Sulzer announced he wanted Russell
suspended, and then tried nnd dis
missed front office.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Orders
lo Secretary of tho Treasury Mne
Vcagh to submit ull correspondence
ho may have regarding "treasury
circular No. a" were issued by the
bcnnte this afternoon, The order
wns contained in n resolution iutro-
'duced by Senator Poindexter of
Washington, who is dissatisfied with
tho replies MitoVeagh made to a pre
vious resolution,
.. rwavM
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Vice
President -Elect Thomas It. Murshiili,
former coventor of Indiana, arrived
In Washington this afternoon to stay.
Ho was greeted by a reception com
mittee nnd escorted to tho Shorehnm
NO. 291.
West Affixes Slfjnature to Measure
Appropriating $25,000 for Build
Infl Here Contingent Upon County
and City Puttlnn. Up $20,000 Each
Westerlund and Carkln lack Our
John Says Reames Is Mistaken
Carkln Bitterly Denounce, Him:
Governor West today siuer! II. H.
C22, appropriating $2.yi00 for tho
Medford armory, comlt ioually upon
Medford' appropriating $20,000 nnd
Jackson county's also appropriating
120,000. This information wan phoned
bv Itepresentntivc llennies
Snlcm Friday. Mr. Itenmes states thnt
the governor is in receipt of many
telegrams front mnuy parts of thu
state asking him not to veto the
Rogue River fish bill.
Representative John A. Wester
lund ami John H. Cnrkiu returned
Friday morning front Salem to remain
nt home until next Tuesday when
they will return to Salem.
"I regret very much," slnles Mr.
Wcsterlund'that Mr. Kennies charge
me with having deserted him in his
fight for the Rogue River fish bill.
I stayed with him throughout thn
cntiro session, ami repeatedly urgd
my friends to stay with him in his
fight. His disappointment in losuig
his long hard fight led him to mis
interpret different acts on my part,
especially when ho saw mo talking in
the chamber with men who voted
against him on tho conference report.
But I stayed with htm throughout.
"While the papers of the state
have deut harhbly with this lcgi
lalivc session, I believe that they are
wrong.. We passed some very merit
orious measures arid transacted much
important business I am very weil
Hitler denunciation of Reames warf
voiced by Mr. Curkin, who stated that
ho would "make Reames cat that,"
alluding to the telegram sent tho
Mail Tribune by Reames Thursday.
"I stayed with Reames on tin
Rogue River fish bill until the final
passage of tho bill when I voted for
it. The fight had been lobt then.
"The trouble is thut Reames does
not know how to pluy tho game and
Senator Smith did him up. He cuts
about us much ice at Salem as a
wart on my big toe. I'll inako him
ent thut telegram.
"I did not work for the "fish hill
and am not pretending I did. I do
know, however, that I voted with
Reames without having to bo forced.'
into tho room by the scrgneut nt
arms nnd I also know that Westcr
luud worked hard for the bill nml bus
been uiisrenreseuted by Renmes."
lMULADKI.lMHA. Pa., Feb. 2S.
In contrast to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson's
declaration that she will hold her
yearly dress bills down to SI, 000 a
year. Mrs. Thomas 11. Marshall, wife
of tho vlco president-elect, has de
clared hero toduy that sho will spend
thut much and more on her "duda."
She added, however, that sho will llvo
within her husband's salary.
Mrs. Marshall, who remained hero
whllo her husband culled on President-elect
'Wilson in Trenton, de
clared she wus glad Marshall had
joined tho Chevy Cbaso club In Wash
ington, whoso, membership Invltutlon
Wilson turned down.
II. IT. Jhirrell, U, S. senior highway
engineer of the office of puhlio roads,
of Wnshington, D. C, is in tho yalley
inspecting roads used for rural deliv
ery, some of which tho government
may assist in improving, He spent
Friday with County Judge Toil Vella
and County Commissioner Ltevar.
t I