Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 27, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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WAHIIINOTON, ljt.. S7 "If tlm
MttllO lit llllt I'llflllllUIIII I'ttlll Im (US
IntilUlmil It hIiiiiiIiI Ih iilm'fil by thU
Kvriiiimii. at (Im iIImmimiiI of ovnry
tiiliorciilniilH miffi'ii-r In (Im I'liltml
llliiti-K iiinl 1 mIuiII work lianl to thin
Thin wih tlm ili'vliirntloii licru to
tiny of Hi'iiutor 'riiiiniiiH 1' (lorn of
Oklnliotim In iIIhcukhIiik )r Trim)
nmnn'H whlto pIiikidi wumtly "Tlm
flntt tliliiK," mild Hoiintor dun), "In
to tlntrmlim wlmtlmr tlm Irt'ittnmiil
U nffleitcloim. ( It In, I will nuk
t'Oiicrcua to tiiko action ncri'imnry to
iIm It within ri'iirh of nvtiry con
Htimptlwi nufforiT In tint country
Tho r.ovrniiui'iit uliiintil Imvo full
jiowor nv.r tlm rtnimil) "
Hnmtiir (liiro woulil not nay
wlmtlmr ho Mood for Kovcrniui'iit
tiuri'lumo of tlm put cut rlchtn hut It
I Im'IIuyimI that ho Iimmi. It vnn fx
licclril tlm KovornnuMit'it firm tintm
of tlm inru Mould ho niiwln on mil
wrcPFonn iMTrn TrcrourrK MicnFonn. oreoon, Thursday, frbruary 27, 'min
P7rn?j Tintnn
ilrtlly Hint from Turin.
JB PL r ' m a. AHbBuL Jf
Ari'orilliuf lo .1 ,. Wiilliui' who li
In tlm nilv friiin llio Four Milo lnUi
ouiilry, tiHpiix in llix liilicr itltt
Union ihi mot with giiiit kiiri'i- in
tlifir I'ltlclito. Wiillnre U n well.
known tniiHr wlio Iuih niinil'i1 ..i
llii' ('nsemlt for ninny 'nn.
''Tlin (.now Tnll in tlm liiulmr nlli
linlfH," Mult Wall ii ro, "Iuih litton
Imnvv lltU tur ittnt Iuih rmullnl
in I'it'i'llciit Inippin. 1 wn nunc
Mi(ictjriil thin imr limn iioiuil himI
ollmr lniiM'pi ore lining wnll."
Will I ii cc clinic out lo replenish hi
food Mipptv, Iciimiii; liu pin tiler to
(itlcinl (o the Irnpx.
- t(K ' i . I - (Mm,
Hlmi,t urn' ii i Ma k rharn tun Jlr,
Im aklrt ilrnpinl up In ficnl an I livid by
IniiM row of liuttmt I r'uw thta It
r 'i ir fl ,t
Clmrlcn Y C' who him heen In
troiililc nctcrul IIiiich in Mcilford.
HcrvltiK to Iitiiik In the tounty Jail,
iiiki for iiproittliiK young Klrlft ami
I he oilier fur ImrKlury, l ncnlu In
trouhlo, thin tliim for tryliiK to put
a hiiueo kiiiiik neroiM nl AnIiIiiiiiI. Ho
nn nrrcileil in IhU ellv Wediicmliiy
afliirnnou ntnt Inketi to AnIiIhiuI by
Offrr niiRrnilo.
ArrorilliiK lo tlm nfflr, ('rnii"
reprenenicil (lint be hml u liirnc trnrt
of laud for mile In California and on
tho MreiiKth of thlit pulled off mv
eral ()iirur dwiU. Ho will bo Riven
hoitrliiK oon.
HAI.HM, Or, Kb. 27 -Tho rum.
promlHn lilKhwiiy eoiiiinlnloii hill him
today piiiumd tho loitlNlaluro and In
up lo tlm r.ovenmr. It hi r I ox u pro
vlilon of one fiunrler of a mill lax,
and create a kluto highway coin
uiInhIoii coiiHlntliiK of the governor,
(tccrotary of nluto and ntnlo trniH
nrer TIiIh hoard Im to liavn tho ap
pointment of a highway engineer at
fHOOO per year, and tho miKlueen to
employ nNnlntautH, but tho iiKKriKntu
office cxpciiho Ih llmlled to $10,000.
Thin hlKhway board In given an
thorlty to denlKiinto (date hlghwayK
between market placer., wbrro tlm
money raUcd by a tax levy of otic
fourth mill on tho nxm-niicd vnlna-
lion of tho utate In to he expended.
TIiIh Ih not, therefore, a utate aid
bill, but a bill Treating a"nlnto blglf
way fund fur building permanent
Tlm hill vwih drafted by tlm con
ference committee, of which ItcaincB
of Jackitou hiii a member.
LONDON, I'ob 2, - Mr. Cmollnv
rnnkhumt hat xonl u tuehHngo to tlm
WnmiM'a Hoclal and I'olltlcnl Union
In which ho an that tho refimal or
hnll pending her tnal rmidorK It Im
putalhln for her (o havo an ndeiiinto
defeiiM'. Hho i)n nhe repihllnten the
rlKhl of I he nuthorltleit "over whuo
nppnlutuieut, lieciuiNo I am n womnn,
I havo no control", to try Imr,
Klio (ay hIiu will refimo to unbuilt
lo prUon dlnclpllim nud begin by re
fimlng to it. If aim U allvo when
her trial taken place lm auyM tlm
Judge, Tuutixol and Jury of men will
lmvo n shameful tank tr)lu; n nick
undefended wotnnii.
Tlm hoitllo feeling arointed by tlm
Inctlm of militant uffraiiUU U In
crennlng. In -:kx, it mob broke, up
n HnndHlrli hoard parade today 1 1
Jurlng two vtoiimn. At Walnall the
MUfrragUt hull wan wrecked. At
Southampton and Worthluglon upenk'
era at mcctlnga were howled dovn
nud at tho latter plnco tho mob be
came ho Incenued that the promoteia
of tlm meeting were forced lo tako
refugo In tho police atatlou.
At Nottingham tlm nuffragettva
dropped Into ninny mail boxes tubes
containing phONphorua which bum
Into flnmcH deotnotug much mall.
Tlm auffrnKulU'H appear lo havo
planned n)Htematle Incendiary atlncku
on I.oikIoii'h Nporllug grouudH.
Two Huffraglita wero nrreatcd to
night at tho All Knglaud tenula
groundti with Inflammable matorlalu
mill two olhora weio mirprlticd nt
tlm Hochamptoii cricket ground,
TIioku two oacaped hut left n nolo be
hind lending;
"Thin Ih done hecaiiHo hull la refus
ed Mth. I'ankliurnt "
HAI.KM, Or., Feb. 'il -With tho
eullie IIhI of appropriation lilllu
cleaned up, counting liiHtltulloual
iippropi'liilloiiH, tlm nggregatu amount
of appropriation!! hi $5,71111,130.70,
TIiIh iiIIowh for (ho $00,000 pruned
from tho Oregon atato nuyluiu bill
ufter ptiHHiige, tho Iioiibo rofuulug to
concur In tho Henatu amoudmeut In
corponitluK that Item,
Tliu uggroKato iimouut of uppr,o
prlatlona by both hrauchea of tlm
iiHHombly ycHteiduy afternoon and
luut night Wiib f 1 1,828.1 n. Ily tho
approprlatlniiH for liiHtlt n tloiiH piihhoiI
thla flgtiru will bo lucroitHOd to fOUl,-008.81,
WAHIIINOTON. Peb. 27 -Polltl
en I recocnltlon of llin univlilnnil
I president of Mexico la deemed n it lib-
Jcct not requiring Imumdlata alien
llou by the Hocrotary of atnto and It
hecanm known today that Ihla aubjee:
will be left to the next ndmlnlntra
Hon. Formal recognition will event
unlly bo glvou the lluerla gowtr.
nietit protdml It can retain und
puled pomcMlnn and extend full pro
tection lo life nud property.
At (Im meeting today of (he nennio
committee on foreign relation, ace
relory of War KIIiuhoii nnil (Icimral
Wood explained that the troops hail
been wlthdiawn from tlm Texaa bor
der and concentrated at (lalvcaton
owing to the uxUteuco of n crlafa It
being tho Intention lo replaco them
with troop-, from more dlataut polnta.
They iiKHiirvd tho committee seven
regiment would guard (ho Mexican
TIiIh xlaloiiient una anllafaelory lo
Iho Tnxr.1 eeimloni.
Cuuaular reporla from Mexico to
day noted (ho oxlateuco of auvural
robelllotiri aphlla but there appeared
tlm general conviction of (he ultimate
aiiccuaa of the new administration.
Cobb mw unit family were in Med
fonl Salurmlv.
Mf. Kioiy, McKuHkcr nnil llnnglnud
iimloretl lo .Meilfonl on n plenMiire
piuiit lat Saturil.iy.
It IooKm t-iMiil to kcc (he slenm
roller nml cruder nt wotk on in.
mniU weat of (Vntnil Point. Kever
fear but we Mill have Hie bent road
in Oiegon before lonj;.
Mn. Moon, (Irorjre I'aukey, Ken
nelli lleebe, MettKp.. (leorr Kiinimnti
nml llenrv llilev were vlnilorn nt tlm
M'hool eiitcrlniiiinciit.
(let voiir hniom eoni (seed now nml
be leinlv to iilaut from one (o leu
nerea, mi when the time eiiine-i we
may aurcp ci(y out nud prosperi
ty in.
Tlm grnuife held open tnretmi; n
Snliirdiiv night nml (lie following
progrnm wna well remleiTil: Uk
lleebe, im iualnimeulnl nolo, which
waa ii treat to iiiumo lover. Mia-i
"nrker leeited in cos(ui'U "The In
linu Clucr-i Daughter," nml her it
Icruretalioii waa verv pleuaiiip., Tlm
Mra. KIiIcii'n ami McKce's paiers of
W'naliinglon'a Imme uml life went in
Mruelive na well na enjovnble. Mix
Xcal fuiorctl tho nudicnee in her
eer-plenMiit: manner, n oenl aoln,
The nbovo waa followed by u Irio.
.Mrs. Palmer, Albert Fonjoy, and Mr.
Kbleu, After the pmgrain ialalnbl.
rcfrr-Miicnts with coffee waa aeneil to
about hixty cueala.
Mrn. S. fllnsa, Miss N'iun Aakcw
uml lticlianl Aakew of Antioeli viait
d Mix. Hnlph Dean. They nlao en
jojed (he high hcliool pmgrnm Fri
day ni'Mil.
Mrs. I.. y. Sweet nml chihlreii f
lleagle attended tho Willow Spring
Mr. Nellie Pornl-h. now of Phila
delphia, formerly n reaident of '.Vil
lov Kpringa, huvlntf lived on Dm Velin
place niim yeura ago, ia viaititiR the
Hlilpli Deniia uml other old iiciimin
Iniieca. Percy Clmpinnn of Ilcnglo wna in
Hie Willow Hpriuga dialiiet Fiiduy
A erv flim pmj'niin in eummem
oration of Wnaliiugtoii'a nml Lincoln'
birllidava wiih 'iven nt Willow
Kpringa high aehuol Friday evening,
Felirimi 21 lo n ery large nml n
ireeintie nudieiue. Tlm lnge dec
oralioiiM wcrr rrv nilislic nud up
luopriiile lo Dm litea of lliexe men.
Old nrtuv muaketa ami imgbt new
linh'hetM ndroiied the alnge sceimrv
and hnniclit lo Hi" miuda ery viidly
iueideiita In the litea of Iheae noble
deiul. We nre aurely nroud of our
aplendiil aehool nml ila wonderful
progrean of (lie loal two yeara. It
aomeliniea Inkea a lonir lime for
nvenla lo provi; fnela, hut we have
found that with competent teacher
and hupenlaluu, just na good n aelmol
enu he malutnlnrd nt home na In tlm
city, nml with pupil nt home and
under parental rare Indeed it will
he many n ilny Imfnre Willow Kprinc
tnkea n backward atcp. Our "A
Ktniuliinl Kehool" Ima come lo alnv.
The very orderly nmngnneut of Hie
program nml (he manner in which it
was rendered wns a source of delight
to nil. None hut words of highcat
pruiho. nud commendation wna tiou
every lonup, nml c predict it will
be ninny n day before anything of u
auiwrior nunlily will be enjoyed liv
llm ncople of Willow Rpringa. Tlm
Central Point hnml wna preaent nml
ndded much lo the enjoyment of the
oeenaion with several velecliona
which wna heartily cheered liy nil.
The boya nre very' topu!nr here nml
n verv nice purm of money was giv
en them na n token of r(eem nml
rcMvcel in which Ihey nre nlwnvs lmld
by our enlerpriaing eople.
Cent ml Point, go nml do likewise.
The nildreaaea gucn by Me.ap. Stone
nn,d l'lden ttlxntl the livea of thee
honored dead were mnalfrly, rhetori
cal efforta. nmUworlhy (Im attention
of nny nudicnee. The pinno n!o by
I'llml Dean wna n ma'.lerpieee nml
would Hwak lmnora for one of ma
(nre venr nml exjKrieiiec. Lcl ua
keep our ''life elolhes" on uml see
(hat nothinc i undone in the future,
(hat will aid teaehrrs in their splen
did vefforta. Why not give three
eheera for Willow Springs 7 The fol
lowing ia n copy of the program as
Music Ily hand,
Addrf.a-."LifeVof Wabliinglon,'
Mr. Stone.
Keetlnl'ou "Tlm Hoy Washington"
Knicl Harris.
Dialogue 'Iu Memory of Wash
ington." Ihrco bos.
Recitation ''l.iko WaNliiuglon,"
Albert Anderson.
Recitation "The Little Red
Stamp," Koli Ilcaii.
Song Keller's Am. Htnin. Fehool
Order nml Crowning of Washing
ton Seven hoys nml girls.
Reellntion"A High Resolve," Ro
Inml llirkholu
Reeitnlion "A Secrot," Iiyd Ap
ilerson. Recitation "Wnaliiugion'rt Life,
five hova nml airla.
Hoiig"Tcii Littlo Imliuna," ten
Recitation "Huumthnig lletler,"
Clarn Anderaou. ,
Fxereihe "I Would Tell," five
Reeitnlion "I Know Something I
Won't Tell." Rob Law.
Hong Oeorgie Washington," Kr
iicnI Hnrria,
Piano Solo "Tntanin," Klhel
Bong Mt. Vernon Ilclla," aehool.
Muaie Ily hand.
Addresa "Life of Lincoln," R. W.
Oniliou "Lineoln'a (Icttysburg
Addreaa," Ruaaell llurna.
Ode mid Crowing of Lincoln
Six boya nml girla.
Recitation "When Lincoln Wns
n Little Imy." Wclda Ilcan.
Sung "Thcre'H Muaie in (Im Air,"
Clui Kxercisc "Our Flog," six
boya nud girls.
Reeitnlion "Lincoln," Ethel Dean.
"Ten Dates in (lie Life of Lincoln''
- Ten boya nml girla.
Music Ily Hnml.
Recitation "When Fulhcr's Sick,"
Hnv Kelley.
Reeitnlion "Little Orplmnt An
nie." Hal,. I, Ktdeu.
Muaie Mrs. Porter and Mcrritt
Dialogue "Turning Over a New
Leaf," Four laiya.
Mug drill Sixteen boya nud girla.
Vocal Solo "The Slumber Uont,"
Miaa MeNnsanr.
Duct "Good Night, Mr. Moon,"
Meaara. Fnrnum nnd Riley.
Addresa of thnnk-s Prof. Sweet.
Muaie Ily band.
Councilman and Mra. A- W. Moon
motored to Grants Pasa Tuesday nud
scnt the day.
Mra. II. F. Peart spent Tuesday in
Grant-? Pass.
Mrs. II. Hice. Mrs. M. II. Parke-
nml Hugo I-ange sjcnt TueMlay uf-
lenioon tn Mcdfnrd.
Dr. C. R. Ilny made n business .all
here Tuesday afternoon.
There will sure be something doing
in Central Point Saturday nlsl.t na
in addition to the usual moving jim
(ure show n( the Savoy there will be
two bnsket ball games and band con
cert nt the Y. M. C. A gymnasium
nud a big dance at Central hall.
A J tellable Hair Tonic.
It la an easy matter to pjevent
baldncaa, dandruff and other diseases
of tho scalp by using Merltol Hair
Tonic ii snouid do usea regu
larly to keep the scalp free of dand
ruff ccrms, as these germs are tho
cause of tho majority of cases of
dandruff and later, baldness. We
are authorlied to guarantee Merltol
Hair Tonic. Leon U. Haaklns.
Notice la horcby given tbat the
undersigned will apply at tho regular
meeting of tho city council March 4,
1913, for a license to sell malt, splrl
tous and vinous liquors at 31 South
Front street, for a porlod of six
months. 1). S. RADCLIFF.
Dated Fob. 18. 1913.
To tho wlfo or V.eurl It Mluenr,
Feb. .!(!, a (laughter. Mr. and Mra.
Mluenr live thrco in I lea from Med
ford on tho Jacksonville roml.
Since I(h Introduction Into tlm
Culled Httitoa. tho sales of I'arlHlan
Hti no havo been phenomenal. Thla
MiiecesH Iuih led n many Imitations.
Look out for them, get tho genuine.
See that tlm girl with thy auburn Imlr
la on every packngu.
I'arUlau Hugo-la tho qnlckcHl act
lug and moHt efficient hair tonic In
(ho world.
It la mailo lo conform to Dr. Ban
gerboud'H (of I'arla) proven theory
that diiudruff, fallln ghalr, baldness
and Hcalp Itch are catiBod by germs.
ParlHlau Hugo klllH tlioso dandruff
gerniH nnd rumovoa all trace of dand
ruff In two weukH, or money hack; It
utopa fulling Imlr and Itching scalp
and prevents haldnesH.
And remember Hint ImhlnuHH Ih
ciiiihciI by diiudruff genua, those lit
tlo hard working, peisUttjut dovlla
that day nud night do nothing hut
dig Into tho roots of tho Imlr uud
doHtroy Its vitality,
I'lirUlnu Sago Ih a daintily per
fumed hair dressing; not sticky or
greasy, and any woman who desires
luxuriant and bewitching hair can
get It In two weekH by imlng I'arUlun
Hugo. GO ceutH a largo bottlo nt
Charles Htiaug's nnd druggists oyory-where
Moe Sc Co.
Week End Sale
Friday and Saturday
Big Values in
Special lot of all silk mcssalino pot
i .mats, black and ooloiy, with wide
pleated riounco at $2.48
$."),()() all silk inesalino flounce jer
K(y top, tho kind that clings so closely,
black and colors $3.98
Gordon Hoso for Ladies and Children
When you want a good hoso call
for Gordon "Wound Ticket." It as
sures you of tho wear in stocking you
expeci, alwavs ooinplcto line on hand
at : 25
Hole-proof hoso 3 pair for $3.00
Ladies' all silk, holo-proof hoso guar
anteed for three months, ....3 pair $3
To eloso out broken lines avo are
selling corsets worth up to $3.50
for 98tf
llw valuo ladies' and children's
hose, black and tan 3 pair for 25
Ladies vest, high neck, long sleoves,
special ,.25t
$1.00 Men's Overalls for only 48c
To close out at onco 5 dozen men's
overalls, with or without bib, while
they last, onry 48
15c Grade Men's Collars, Each 9c
"Wo will clean out all our men's
collars (Silvor Brand) 3oe valuo at
each 9
3 for 25c
50c Men's Good Work Shirts, 35c
All sizes, mostly dark colors, regu
lar 50c grado, to eloso 35
$1.25 Simmons standard grado Gloves
a pair 9S
$1.75 Simmons La Foivo standard
grado Glove, made from neat, fino
French kid and will keep porfect
shapo as long as vou wear thorn
at only $1.48
All our ladies' Skirts, new spring
as well as staple styles, go on salo at
just one-half of tho rogular selling
price. Nothiug reserved -PRICE
20c Flaxon at 14c
25 pieces of nice, new patterns of
that sheer cloth Flaxon to bo sold at
only 145
From 40 to 50 Woman' Critical Period.
Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot
Hashes, severe headaches, melancholia, dread of impending
cyil, palpitation of the heart, irregularity, constipation and
dizziness arc promptly treated by intelligent women who
arc approaching the period of life.
This is the most critical period of woman's life and she
who neglects the care of her health at this time invites in
curable disease and pain. Why not be guided by the ex
pcncncc of others and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound? It is an indisputable fact that this grand old
remedy has helped thousands of women to pass through
this trying period with comfort and safety. Thousands o
genuine and honest testimonials support this fact.
r u. r? 2J' ,IKKY "EAVILIX, Cadiz, Ohio.
.. rt orth, Tcxtw. I liavo taken I.ydla E. Plnkbam'a Vegeta
ble Compound and derived great bcncllt from ita use. It carried ma
wifely through tho Qiango of Ufo when I vas hi bad health. 1 i had
that all gone feeling most of the time, and hcadacho constantly. I va9
2i7JS.7K A S5 c ?vcro vcfy ftA . I M tried' other
IIeaviliw, 11 F. D. No. 0, Cadiz, Ohio.
From Mm. EDWAKD B. UILDRRT, Fleetwood, Pn.
Vb -rl)arine tha-Chango of Life I wtw hardh able to
be aroimd at nIL I always had a hcadacho and I was o dizzy ami
nervous that I had no rest at night. The hashes of heat were so bad.
somcthnea that I did not know what to do.
"One day a friend advised mo to take lordia E. Pinkham's Vcec
tablc Comiiound and it matlo mo a strong, well woman. I am verv
thankful that I followed mv fricnd'n ndvlm nn.i T .halt w,.m.i L
- i.... t tt - f a..: .i rz. "' -..... .i.vuiiuuvuuu
tvi lUII .U, X llU
ana now 1 1
publish my
From Mrs. F. P. MUI.LEXDOKE. Munfonl. Ala.
Slunford, Ala." I was so weak and nervous while pacing through
the Cliango of Lifo that I could hardly live. 5ty husband had to uail
rublr on all tho gates for I could not stand to have a gate slam.
" I also had backache and a fullness hi my stomach. I noticed that
i-juw i- t.uiruiiiun y I'guiuu.u vaii.ijjuuih. vaa ad
vertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottlo.
It did mo so much good that I kept on taking it and
found it to bo all you claim. I recommend it to.
all women afllictcd as I was." -ilra. F. P. -Mullkx-dohe,
Munford, Ala.
(COM'I DE.VTIAM LYX. MASS.. f orailvlce-
' letter will bo omncl. read nnd answered
by a woniu andbclu lu strict conlldeaoe.
. uviuiv i iook 1110 compound l was alwavs sicklv
iiavo not had medicine from a doctor for years. You mar
letter." Mrs. Edward li. IIiluext, Fleetwood- Pa.
Your let
1 tr Z It
Fitted with louses that are ground in torie form to
eorreet your defective sight, or relieve strain. Aio
sure to give relief and comfort to those tired, sore
eyes, when fitted correctly by my method (with
out drops).
Over Kentner'a
"Our Personal Guarantee
to all Skin Sufferers"
W titv bn In buatneaa In thla
town for aom? tlm. nnil wa ara look
Inc lit build up Irada by a
vlmt our patrona rlfht.
So nhrn w tall you that wt hT
found Hi eczrm-v rmrly and that
atand bark of It with tha manu
farturrra Iron clad cuarantaa. backad
br ouraalrea, you ran dapand upon tt
that clra our adalca not In ordar to
aril a ftw bottlaa of madlclna to akin
auffarara, but brcauaa w know how tt
will halp our bualnta If t balp our
Wa karp tn atork and aril all tha
wall known akin ramadlaa. Hut wa
will lay 'thla If ou ara auffarlnr
from any kind of akin troubla. .cm ma,
rsorlaala, ra.h or tatter, wa want you
to try a full alt. bottla of OD.D.
rreacrtptton. And. It It doaa not do
tha work, thla bottla will coat you
nomine. ieu aiona 10 juoca.
Araln and araln w hara aaan how a
faw dropa of tbla almpl waah applla4
to tha akin, takaa away tha Itch in
atantlr. And tha euraa all aaam to b
D.D.D. Praaiiptton mada py in
DID. Labormtortai of ChJcao. la com
poatd of thymol, (lycarlna. oU of wln
tarrraao and othar btalinjr. aeothinr.
coollnr Incradlanta. And If you ara
Juat craay with Itch, you will faal
oothi and.coold. tha Itch abaoluta
ly waanad away tha momaot you ap
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