Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mrcni?oRn matti trttuwr aronroun. orkoon. "Wednesday, vrihu'A'RY an. win.
I" it
It j
Kdgar JIafpr I oxpnctod to return
tliln evening from u visit nt Council
Muffs, lown.
Mr. nml Mis. Charles Hvnns lott
Wednesday morning (or Portland
whorp they will vlvlt friends for sev
tirnl day.
B. D. Woaton, commercial photog
raphorn, negatives mado any tlrao or
placo by appointment. 1'hoaa M.
Harry Kills has returned from a
visit with friends nt Redding, Cal.
Mr. nnd Mrs., It. D. Smith of Evans
creek arc In Mcdford on business.
lirpo homo-grqwn Dahlia bulbs of
tho finest cactus nnd decorntlvo var
ieties. Phouo 2772. 29
(George A. tints of tho Holland
Hotel Is at Portland on n short busi
ness trip.
D. D. Henderson of Savngo creek
Is spending n few days with friends In
Dr. Stearns has moved his rest
denco from South Oakdale to 16
Roso avenue. Samo phone, Home
130. 290
Fred Offcnhachcr of Applegnte
spent Tuesday with Mcdford frlcuda.
Mr. nnd Mr. I. W. Carpenter
linvo returned' from a short visit with
friends at Portland.
Mm. J. J. Lewis of Sterling spent
Tuesday with Mcdford friends.
Ladles' shoes ahlncd at Summer
vlllo's barber shop.
Lincoln D. Urowncll of Grants
Pass spent Wednesday with friends
In Mcdford.
Peter M. Kershaw has left for n
business trip through Josephine coun
ty. Real home mado bread at De
Voa's. County Judgo Tou Velio spent
Tuesday afternoon nt Ashland on
.County Clerk Gardner was a recent
visitor In Mcdford.
"What Hamcncd to Man." To
night and Thursday. Ugo.
Elmer StucKman or Ross Lane
spent Wednesday In Mcdford on a
short business trip.
Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Terranco of
Hutton. aro in Mcdford on business
Pr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myrtle
8. Lockwood (regular physicians, not
chiropractors) have removed their
offices from the Hasklns' building
to 232 E. Main street
,Tho Fraternal Drothcrhood will
hold an open meeting this ovenlng at
its hall on Main street. Thcro will
bo an address by the stato manager
of Oregon and an interesting pro
Carl Von dcr nellcn of Wcllcn,
spent Tuesday with friends in Med
William Ulrlch, trustee In bank
ruptcy, will offer for salo at tho old
Cuthbcrt stand on tho corner north
of tho post offlco. Millinery goods
of all kinds and description, includ
ins: ladles' and children's under
wear. Stock of J. Dllhan, bankrupt
Everything must be Bold regardless
of cost Salo begins at ten o'clock
it. m. Friday, February 28, 1913.
Torms strictly cash. 291
A. F. Waldrun has taken Fred
Broker's place for a fow days as
rural routo carrier on No. 1. Mr.
Broker Is laying oft on account of
T. It. Louis of Klamath Falls Is In
Mcdford on a Bhort business trip.
Bring that old book wltb torn
binding down and have It rebound
at tho M&U Tribune office. Costa
but little.- tf
Dr. and Mrs. It. K. Golden of Jack
souvlllo wero in Mcdford Tuesday af
ternoon. C. K. Walker, who is looking aftor
tho Ilufcr & Hart timber Interests in
tho Dig Dutto section, is making Med
ford u short business visit.
"What Happened to Mary." To
night nud Thursday. Ugo.
Judgo W. S. Orwell, who wont to
Kansas City lu Junuury and after
ward to Southern California, re
turned Tuesday ovenlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuttlc, who
bavo been veiling lu Mcdford, re
turned to their homo in Josephluo
county tho forepart of tho week.
Jfodak finishing, the best at Wes
ton's, opposite book sore. "
6. Verities and W. H. Halloy made
it business trip to Ashland Tuesday.
W. It, Griffith, deputy U. 8. mur
hu1, cunm down front Portlund Tues
day (o survo papers In the case of O.
Hickman vs. floiinoy & Co.. Involving
tjio pale of n booded stallion.
Wm. Gor(g of thp Vuclflc & Kast
urn left tor Portland on Tuesduy
uvetilng's troll).
Insure and bo sure. Right If wo
wrto It, R, A, Holmes, Tho Insur
ance Man,
SSSSSBSSBS..1 .',,.. ' .' -- -'
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Say Phons 3371
Xlght Phones? r, W. Weeks 3071
A. X. Orr, 3693
Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Htlnson nnd
II. Wnllnre wore up from Ashland
one day this wcok.
I). H. Jackson mado Ashland n bust
nrss visit Tuesday.
(Jerking & Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodnk finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 12S East Main street:
telephone 21G4.
Geo, K. LIndley, vlce-jircsldont of
tho Jackson County Rank, made n
trip to Jacksonville Tuesday.
Miss Leila Prim of Jacksonville
was among Mcdford friends Tuesday
"What Happened to Mary." To
night and Thursdny. Ugo.
K. C. Rrtggs, assistant superintend'
cnt of Plnkorlon'a Rankers' Protec
tive association, la making Mcdford
a professional visit
Dr. C R. Ray nnd hla family, who
hare been visiting in San Francisco,
nrc at home again.
New York Llfo Insurance Co., 0.
Y. Tcngwald, Mcdford National
Dank Dldg., phone 3371.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Ulrlch and Mrs.
H. K. Hanna of Jacksonville motored
to Mcdford Tuesday afternoon,
J, Carta Mattlson of Josephine
county, a mining man, spont Tues
day In Mcdford. He was accompa
nied to Grants Pass by R. E. Donu.
"What Happened to Mary." To
night and Thursday. Ugo.
Joseph F. Kelly was down from
Griffin creek Tuesday afternoon.
Paul DcChaine, who has been nt
San Francisco for somo time, re
turned Monday evening.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sago for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar
nett-Corey Bldg. Phone 145
Mrs. J. M. Cronomlllcr nnd hor son
were over from Jacksonville Tuesday.
T. It Rock of Thompson creek, tho
minor, made n trip to Mcdford Tues
day. J. W. Cotchctt who has bocn mak
ing Mcdford a short visit, loft ,or ul
homo at Weed, Cal., Tuesday.
"What Happened to Mary." To
night and Thursday. Ugo.
T. H. Tasker of Salem and Dr. F,
G. Taylor of Portland wero In Mcd
ford this week.
H. D. Mills and C P. Drlggs of
Butto Falls aro down from Dig Butte.
E. J.- Farllng and Mr. nnd Mrs. G.
H. Merrill or Siskiyou county, Cal.,
mado Mcdford a visit this week.
Carkia & Taylor (John M. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank
Building Medford.
J. H. Bceman of Gold Hill and
Leo Black ot Forest creek were
among tho many who came to Mcd
ford during the week.
-J. R. Flynn and C. T. Jones of
Portland are business Visitors lu
William Ulrlch, trustco in bank
ruptcy, will offer for salo at the old
Cuthbcrt stand on tho corner north
ot the post office. Millinery goods
ot all kinds and description, Includ
ing ladles' and children's under
wear. Stock ot J. Dllhan, bankrupt
Everything must bo Bold regardless
of cost. Salo begins nt ten o'clock
a. m. Friday, February 28, '1913.
Terms strictly cash. 291
Harry Ling is about again after an
operation for appendicitis.
J. T. Cook and Harry Porter of
Josephine county, tarrlod & whllo In
Medford this week.
G. C. Beach, music studio. Vio
linist Will Instruct on violin, man
dolin nnd guitar in correct method.
Advanced students and beginners.
Address 234 E. 9th street Phono
Hono 314-L or Main 3481. 307
MIsb Horthu Shaw ot Williams
creek nnd Mrs. J. W. Vance ot Coos
Bay have becu visiting In this sec
tion. Mrs. A. F. Ilnswcll has been, sum
moned to her former homo nt Nor
man, Okla., by the serious Illness of
her father.
Orchard, hunting, flshlug and
Crater Lake scenes for salo ut Cor
king & Hnrmou'u studio. Negatives
mado any placo, koduk finishing. 128
East Main street. Phono 2154
Ralph Pittock pf Applcgato trans
acted business In Medford Tuesduy.
Col. and Mrs. R. C. Washburn of
Tablo Rock canto to Mcdford Tues
day. Tho latter left In tho evening
on n vlblt to Portland and Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wlllurd are
back from u visit nt Portland.
M,r. aud Mrs. J. M. Lotlmid wont
west on thp Jacksonville flyer Tues
day morning.
If. U. Nye of Rock Point precinct
was u business visitor lit Medford
iW. P. Ilakewell of Portland and
T. G. Illigh of Halenj liavo been tuuk-
Ing Medford it short business visit.
H. B. Tronsan of Eaglo Point was
u bublucss visitor In Mcdford tho
foropurt of tho week.
Mrs. Magglo Hough aud hor daugh
ter, Miss Carrlo Hough, of Scuttle,
were visitors at tho homo of Mr. uud
Mrs. W. J. Hills tho forepart of the
week. Thoy wore on their return
homo from a visit lu Southern Cali
fornia. Mrs. Uesalo Patterson has gono to
Coos Buy to Jon Mr. Patterson.
Mrs. K. Slover, who has boon the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. It D. Price,
loff for homo nt Salt Lake, ono day
I his week,
Mrs. It. 1). Hmlth was In Mcdford
Tuesday trading with our merchants.
I). 1). Huge of Table Rock Iritis
acted business In Medford Tuesday
II. Johnston nt Dohunger Gap and
D. 1 1. Pulaski ot Phoenix wero in
Mcdford Tuesday.
AKRON, Ohio. Fob. 2(5 -Believing
that an Immediate probo by the
state will aid their cause, the thous
ands of workers out here in n strike
against tho big rubber manufactur
ing companies plucked up heart to
day nnd resumed acttvo picketing.
They believe tho legislature will forco
tho companies to ngrco to arbitra
tion ot their wage nnd working con
ditions dispute.
Moro than 2000 strikers paraded
this morning before the plants ot the
Goodrich and Diamond companies,
urging tho men employed there to
throw down their tools aud aid the
hope that tho European powers would
agrco to the proposal ot tho Parte
voiced in London by Ibrahim Hakkl
Pasha that tho Turkish retention of
Adrianuple should bo tho basis ot a
now peaco proposal to tho Balkan al
lies vanished here today with tho re
ceipt ot news from tho Turkish am
bassador In London that tho powers
were Indisposed to intervene. Tho
war party hore, however, shows no
diminution in Its zeal nnd tho prob
ability of n long flghtnr.8trongor thau
Owing to terltlc wJetcr weather
which grips the whohi (Balkan front,
serious fighting Is improbable, for
some tme. Skirmishes are reported
dally, but none of them so far has
been of great Importance.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 Accord
Ing to reports in circulation here,
Mrs. Jonathan Bourne, wifo of Sena'
tor Bourne of Oregon, has given up
her npnrtmcnts hero and is en routo
to Portland to file suit for divorce.
Senator Bourne flatly refused to
discuss tho report.
"A man's prlvato family .affairs
aro not Interesting to tho pulillc."
ho said this afternoon. "uusf.,de-
cllne to bo interviewed on tho sub
ject." Senator Bourne, admitted, how
ever, that ho did not know bis wife's
present whereabouts.
SALEM, Ore., Feb. 20,-Governor
Wo&t today npproveil of nnd flleil
with the Kceretnry of state f2 Kcuutc
nud '211 Iioiiho hills which will lxieouio
law, in efluet, ninety ilnys niter the
cIom) iif (he t(Msiiiu.
Included mu tho workingiuuii'.i
rompensutioii nt, hill providing fur
agricultural, horticultural, iluiryiu
and industrial extension work
throughout the stsile; hill providing
for the completion of the old Coluui-
biu Southern reclamation in Crook
county- and the hill placing the main
tenance of the state agricultural col
lege nnd btute iiiiivurntty on it millntre
ROSEBURG, Ore, Feb. 2C A
Jury toduy returned a verdict find
ing Mayor Joseph Mlcelll guilty of
violating tho local option luw. it
was alleged In tho Indictment that
Mlcelll, an manager ot tho Roseburg
Browing unit Ico company, sold beer
to Robert Connor In August, 1011.
or (wo months before ho wus elected
Notlco is horeby given that tho
undersigned will apply at tho regular
mooting of the city council March 4,
1013, for a license to sell malt, splrl
tous and vinous liquors at 31 South
Front street, for a period of sit
months. R. 8. RADCLIFF.
mtod I-'eli. 18, 1013.
01 SO
LOS ANtlWl.i;S, Cal . fob. 2iU
Half tho seaside fcsurl of Venice Is
under water todift. Two thousand
persons have beenAlrlveti from tholr
homes today nnd ' heavy property
dnmnge tins been done, the result of
floods following ho recent heavy
rnlns. Sluice gates connecting the
Venice canal system with tho ocean
have been dynamited to permit faster
flow of tho water that Is piling up,
hut little relief has been afforded.
A lako almost five miles wide ex
tends from tho purthvvest limits of
Long Bench to the Wilmington Har
bor. A doxen manufacturing plants
In Long Bench aro menaced.
Botwen Long Beach nnd Los An
geles. In the vicinity ot Campion and
Clearwnrtcr, many thousands of acres
of beet land are submerged, Scores
of ranchers havo been compelled to
move to the upper floors of tholr
Street car truffle lu Los Augele
still Is crippled ns n result ot the
storm. Emergency crows aro nt
work today repairing wcukeued
On Friday ntlernuoii, Feb. 'J8lh,
nt U p. m., the music class of SI.
Mary's Academy will continue their
much appreciated monthly recitals.
They will ho nhly assisted by tho
boys of the school in the presentation
of "The Little Deserter," u piny in
four uetf.
The pnrcnlK nnd friends of the
school are cordially invited to enjoy
nn nfternoon nnd encourage the
students. , '
Following is thefpregrnm:
"The IJlt.lIescrtcr"
On. Washing! ohJJ( Comminute r in
chief of tliu American Army,...
, i llick Duly
Mnrquis do Lafayette, friend of tho
Americans William Nice
Colonel Wnyne, mi American officer
Lamlcrt Mnher
Cnptaiti Preble, nf'lho l'enimlvnnin
regiment Jack Sullivan
Iruh Corpurnl "..... Robert Dul'C
Lieutenant Kdwnrd Mnlier
Uluck Tom, orderly to WiiHhington
Huso Daly
1st Itritish Officor ...Vernon Ilouev
2nd Jlritish Off1cq,r, Lawrence Duff
3rd IJritihh Officer ....Leo Herron
Utile Jack, deicrtor from the Hritih
nrmy Hurvey JorgenHe.i
Officer, soldiers, etc.
Muxienl pregram:
In Happy Mood Fmnois Hehr
Piano, PJiy Shropshire
I'rirarone Dance Krogmnuu
I'intui, r.nel Khun
Good Night Little Oirl Op M. Cramu
Pimm, Winifred Ulnncy
Ln Cinrpiuutnine,. . . . (Inliriel Murie
Violin 1. Irene Sullivan
Violin If. Catherine Deuel
Violin HI. Ruth Campbell
Cello Catherine O'Conuc-l
Mnud Newberry ut the pinno
Remember Me Kriukmnii
Pin no, Helen Heddy
Purple I'mixici 111 hiiiidn) . . IVnrit
I'riine: Jnnipo Dodge, Winifred
Clancy, Vernon Honey,
Secend: Ruth OurtiK, GlenroKo
Honey, Harvey Jorxoiihcu.
Spring Seil: (.1 purttt) MeniloU-olm
St. MnryV Aciideniy Singing CIiihh
Moonlight Soimtn Ilcetliiueu
I'liino, Ciiliicrine Deuel
Tho Herd nirl'n Dreuni..A. Labelzky
St. .Mnry'a Violin Qunrteltu
SALEM, Ore., Pub. 20. The sen
ate has toduy panned n bill appro
priating $&uuu to dofrny the oxpouso
or Mending Oregon Civil war veterans
who participated In tho battle or
Gettysburg back to that historic spot
whon tho fiftieth anniversary Is held
this year. Tho house had previous
ly taken fnvnrublo action.
WANTED Am seeking a llvo man
to act as agent for Medford. Huh
ntuiitlal company. Attractive pro
position. Ask for W, II. Dean,
Hotel Holland. 2'J I
party wants to buy tho best 980UO
Income ranch with buildings In
Hoiithorn Oregon. Ho will pay
.part cash. Will turn In f.'UOO In
Los Angoles cjty propurty and as
sume tho balance. Is yours tho
bestf C. A. McArthur, over post
office. Phono .'IG8I. 290
WANTKD liavo customer for fivo
room modern bungalow, must bo
suaii, and not ovor 8 blocks from
Nash Hotel. Will play K'OO cash
and 25 per month until paid.
Will not anucmo mortgage. C, A.
McArthur, oyer post office. Phono
.'IG81, J20Q
SALEM, Feb. 2il -Tho house ma
chine, led by Speaker MuArthur, sus
tained Its first real defent of the sos
slon, alter a battle laitlug practically
nit day yesterday upon S. II. 21I,
which gives the governor power to
appoint special officers to replace dis
trict attorneys who aro dullmtuout,
one of West's moral reform meusures.
The Issue was clean cut, machine
politics vs. moral legislation, giving
the governor power to enforce the
laws, and the machine went to pieces
after u hard fight.
The bill was permitted to pass the
house Monday by a vote ot 32 to IS.
Monday evening, however, It offered
such u fine opportunity to cripple the
governor's moral reform fight aud
"put him In the hole," that tho organ
ization lenders decided to chnntlco
the governor.
No sooner decided thnn they put
It Into effect by rushing through the
house at a night session by wlerd par
liamentary tactics a motion to recon
sider. At the time many ot (hone
known to be Hie stoulest supporters
of mural rtusndo bills wero absent, In
cluding Bouehrako of Benton, and It
was considered u moment of grout
stragetlc vnliie.
The motion to reconsider utter n
lengthy debate was defeated by n
vote ot 2S to 21. In the afternoon
n Second effort was mudo to recon
sider. Reamed raised the ixilnt of
order that It could not bo reconsid
ered n second time without n two
thirds voto and tho dubato lasted all
afternoon, ending In the routo ot ths
NKW YORK. Feb. 2C - Leading
stocks established higher prices In
the early market today. London
buying was n factor In Inducing tho
bullish feeling, (lalns ranged from
t to I lujIutM. Atturuuy (loiieral
Wlckershaui's declaration that tho
Hitrrlmuti dlsolulloii plan would be
accepted by the government was wel
comed by tho bulls. The market
closrd firm.
Bonds wero Irregular
SALKM. Feb. 2C The sennte has
today acceptvd the house amendment
under wiitsh It Is proponed to pay
future legislators k per day with a
maximum limit ot $300, the Inten
tion being to provide for a sixty day
rsslun ut tho Increased pay. Mile
age Is reduced from tho present rnto
ot fifteen routs to ten cents. The
matter will bo voted by the people in
9H In tho form of n constitutional
Itit longit In UundVring- liold ttit.
Try them it will py you. Tin r wit
his .' llie Pcrabf olr, with LINOCORD
Pembroke, 1 J S In. Kentrll, i 3li In.
Omnium. In.
CCO. P. IDE ft CO.
Alio A'altrj ul I Jo ihlrl
TnOY, h. v,
-nTtvnitm txvr. n jii m
Clark & Wright
Public Land Matters: Flnnl Proof.
DoDort Lands, Content nnd Mining
Cases, Scrip.
Hdigiit Music Studio
110 S. Laurel St., Mcdford, Oru.
Now York
Piano mid Harmony
Mrs. Florence Hallldny-lfnlglit
London nnd Now York
Voice Culture
Phono 72CU
""iViJ 2 for 25c
v '.
The New Spring
are here
Ami right smart and t'llie thoy aro. Tho alylus
aro prhmipally iMitawayn with a mnattoriiu; oMhu
Unitarian HIoumo 8tylt; inatorial.s aru rattnos,
t'l)t)ii,'o, sponge cloth, llptllVtrtl rortls ami Heroes.
Our prosoiit showing is principally in mnall sios,
Others coming in almost daily. M'lm I'tjatttro in
our new spring line is how reasonably priced. See
the newest effects at
915, !j$17.r0, $UU.50 and up
Early Showing of
the New Spring Hats
Tans For
Street Wear
Nothing smarter for ihts muon's
gowns than tan shootf.
Reliable reports from tho large
cities say they're correctly fash
ionable. .
Wu haw the now ones from' that
master-maker, "JOHN KUI.I.Y." lu
fifteen button boots.
Make our selection now.
Heo tlism lu our vvludow
SUus ' to S. Width AA A II ('and I).
-"-MfatatjsjtjsjfjtMB11 ""
"Good Shoes"
Oppoaito Post Of fico
I And thoy cut out a paper cat g
I Vljo refused to choso a rut, f ,, ' I
I Oatro thoy did not choniD lour
I To put in his cream, 1 itreerr't I
8 A liiindful of OOLDEri ROD OATS. ' '
W hutf, rifl. Jcol.i.roi. IOc.r liJJr u. luar lw.' jr"
y ., rm . Lu 1 1. in im it. i mhJ MHitruIr lr.
ssMsMwaantiaiiiiM VKr:rr ;iNiiMS&mKMMnmBmmuemmmMemtmmmsm
The stronger and rougher
whiskey tastes the more
harm it will do.
Why take chances with your
nerves, your siomach, yoxir
general health.
Cyrus Nohe h pure, old mid palatable
llollted ;i( dr!i!iig Mronulii. .
Sold nil over tliu yvorld. ' ' "
W. J. Vim Scltuyvcr & Oo,, Oonorftl Agents, Portliuul.
ot it pitta: $1.00
sv. 7
y .
k). I
ffy v
W- Kf I
y r '
II "In 1