mmmmmmmmmmm UNMER6IN6 PLAN IS DISAPPROVED SAN FUANCISCO, Feb. 2. qr iiix itii htaml on its objection to the breaking of tho locnl system of the Southern Pacific within tho state of California, the Rtnle milronJ coin mission early today hnmlcd down a decision which practically defeats tho plans for nnmerfrtn-r tho Southern Pacific and Union Pacific railroads ns arranged by railroad officials and AUornoy Ocueral Wickcrshnm. The principal petitions of thn Southern and Central Pnoifio railroads for joint use of tracks and terminal fa cilities have in effect, been denied. Opposes Dissolution Tho commission declared tho pro posed plan of dissolution would re duce the Southern' Pacific to the po sition of an inferior line, that there would be one strong lino and ono weak line, and that tho Union Pacific wonld dominate the Southern Pacific. The comnisMon also flatly stated it wonld withhold its approval of tha unmcrsiujr plan unlev? the Southern Pacific would ajrreo to allow any corepetiaff road the same privilege or joint usttfof the Benicia line, and ter minal facilities upon similar terms which it proposes to accord to the Union Pacific. It also suirgested if the federal authorities rhould in list on the divesting of the Sonlhern Pa cific of the main line of the Central Pacifio to Osrden. it would prefer to se this accomplished by a lease. The commission's stand on the nn mcrging plans was sent to Attorney General "Wickersham at St. Louis to day in the following summary: Summary of Pka "Oeorjro W. Wickersham, attorney general of tho United States, St Leuts: Commission approves appli cation on tho following conditiens: "First : Tho Union Pacifio bo lim ited to tho lino from Sacramento by way of Kiles to Oakland as an cxclu bive line. "Secend: If Southern Pacific Krauts Central Pacific right to um the Benicia short line, it shall ac cord to all of tho competing carrier liko privilege on similar terms. "Third: If Southern Pacific prants to Central Pacific joint use of terminal facilities and industry tracks it shall grant to any othr opmpclinjj lino applying therefore privileges on similar terms. "Feurth: Commission approves 000 year lease on line from Tehama to Oregon. Halo of Weed line "Fifth: Commission approves sale of California portion of lino from Weed to Natron, Oregon. "Sixth : Commission approves trackage rights over Bay Shore cut off for a term of fifty years. "Seventh : Commission reserves right to pass upon valuations for rental and sale purposes when ar rived at under the method provided in tho contract. "Eighth : Commission impose coudition that Central and Southern Pacifio shall file joint rates, which shall not exceed the rates now in ef fect between tho same points upon the Southern Pacific within the state of California. "Ninth: Commission provides, by agreement of thn particn, that its ap proval shall wot M-re to revive or extend any franchise of companies involved. Although the commission deems Uiis unnecessary, it was done on application of Oakland and Sacra mento and by agreement with repre sentatives of railroads. Ilailroads Hedged "Tenth; Commitwiion requires that railroads involved shall bind them helves to accept conditions imposed beforo order becomes effective." Judge Lovett testified that imposi tion of conditions would require fur ther negotiations and would dofc-it plnu and requested that if the com mission found such cpurso nocossnry it indicate the terms upon which it would approve (hose matters within its jurisdiction. Accordingly in sup jrfemoiOtul opjiiiou cominibsion eeth out terms of its approval. Mdferd laptist Church There will bo preuchlnj: nt tho Baptist church tonight nt 7'tO. Dr. McCullough will preach. Dr. McCullough is prcqcliing very able sermons and should bo greeted with u full house. Everybody Invited. There will bo services every night this week. i A Reliable Hair Tonic. It is an easy matter to prevent baldness, dandruff and other diseases of tho scalp by using Mcrltol Hair Tonic, It should be used regu larly to keep the scalp free of dandi ruff germs, as these germs are the cause of the majority of esses of dandruff and ..Uteri baldness. We are authorized to guarautee Merltol Hntr Tonic hcon J), Hasklim. M MAN LNES RUBBER WORKERS E AKKON. Ohio, Feb. US. - ltefusul by the Ohio legislature to Investigate conditions in tho rubber industry nnd fniluro of the slntc board of arbi tration to bring the men nnd their employers together enuscd heavy de sertions hero today from the ranks of the Rtrikers who are fighting the ruber trust for higher wages nnd better working couditious. It is estimated that nearly 'J,o00 striker today quit the ranks of the men thus reducing the number out to about 15,000. At tho plant of the Goodyear Rubber company, ono of the struck concerns, eveu the pickets de serted their lines nnd returned to work. The officials of the rubber plants deolaro they will treat with their men individually hut not as members of thn Industrial Workers of the World. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Hopkins and sons, Frederick nnd William, are at homo in this city after a six weeks' trip to the Panama cnnnl zone. Mr. Lnnc nnd his mother, Ur3. Lane, arrived Monday rooming- from southern California where they havo been visiting since tho first of tho year. Miss Mary A. Mee, Mrs, Emma Bebb, Mrs. E. It. Glcnson spent Mon day nftcmoon in Medford. Mrs. W. E. Alexander, Mrs. Greon lenf, Mrs. M. It, England and Mrs. II. X. Aid rich were Monday morning visitors nt Medford. Miss Mnrjorie Watkins of Med ford spent last of tho week here. Mw. Gregory nud daughter of Agnto were frhopping here Mondnv afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nick Brophy of Med ford motored hero Sunday nftcr noon. THAW TO TELL INQUIRY OF BRIBE FOR FREEDOM ALBANY. X Y., Feb. 25. Harry K. Thaw will bo asked to tell Gover nor Suiter's committee of Inquiry what he knows about tho most recent attempt to procure bis release from Mattewan whero ho has been con fined for ftvo years for killing Stan ford White. Tho demand that Thaw be examincU camo from William F. Clark wbo declared "a prison ring" existed who traded in pardons. Titanic Hero After Itewanl NEW YOIIK, Feb. 24. To receive a medal from congress for tho part bo took In rescuing Titanic survivors, Captain A. II. Rostron of tho liner Carpathla, wbo is hero today, will de part for Washington in a few days. Hotel Medford Rooms without bath BOc pmt day and p. Rooms with batb f 1.BO par day ad sp. Special rate by week or month. OombUaUoa breakfast every morning 33, 83 and 45 ccata. Tomorrow's MERCHANTS' LUNCH 11:30 to 2 p. m. Cream of Potatoes a'la Medford Tenderloin of Sole Tomato Sauce Pommes Jullcnno Potted Itlb Ends of Beef Potato Pancake Iloilcd Sugar Cured Corned Ikt-f New Cabbage Spaghetti a'la Itallenno Mashed Potatoes Mexican Deaus Green Applo Plo Lenion Sherbet Tea Milk Coffeo Daring meal hoars beautiful music and singing will be rendered by livrr Carl OrUfien and Mmo. Evclrne. mmemom lljShGQjPohshes riNCST QUALITY LAKCCST VARIETY ran "CUT DCE" the only lidiea'thMdroalne tlut MUlrrlr conttlna OIL Jllacka anil IVIUlic, wlut' and chiittu'4 toota and alioea, tUan HlUiaul rub- TBMCH.CtOSS.iOc. OVtombluailou (ur cltaalm; and jiolitunc all t lad orruiatior un n, xoc. 3TRaiu', iw. "MJKg WHnriln UaU form with apouscjaukk. Ijrrkuiacd wbHidlrtrrana(alioca. I5. uiu - .ixn w nmiuis laoiai auon. i" round wtlto cakea packed in ilnciln bona, vrlili tpooge, Ite. InbiudaomOilajjoaJujaluuBi boici, wllbaponsa,Sec. TllTr" combination for centlemtn who take irtdain bulojj tbelr anoa look A I. Kntorta color and I Ultra to ill black abora. PolUb wlibabrutb or clotb, M caoU. 'Its Y LUTE" alza, lu eanta. I r iruur da Ur doaa not a R-n t Ua k liul xuu waat, nt'l ni tb Mica I n lainp f ir full i lrkt, rbwKa lulii WHlTTlMORt BROS. CO., tO'tS Albany Slraat, Cambrldga, Mail Thi Ollmani Ijirttit fitaitttfacfuttrtaf Shut frllikn in tin H'uiU. r DES RT NG STRIKERS IRrEDFOTlT) MATT) TRTnUNTC, COUNT VOTES OF E E SAN KIIAXC18C0. Cah, Feb. 25. Itcturns are being rcceUcd today at the central headquarters of thn Pa cific district council of the Klectrlcal Workers In tho oto on tho otter of the Pacific Telephone and Tolegrnph company of a 25 cents per day In creae for electricians In lieu of the fifty-cent Increase asked for. Tho vote will bo canvassed Wednesday night. Tho Pacific district Includes Ore gon, Washlneton, Idaho, Nevada and California. Officials or tho company hero aro hopeful a itrlko will be averted. Medford local of the tlrotberhood of Klectrlcal Workers held a meeting Monday night and In accord with tho other locals In tho Pacific district, VQtcd on tho offer of tho Pacific Telephone & Tclcphono company of a SS cents per dny Increase. An In-crcn-o of 50 cents was asked. Tho ballot Is a secret ono and Its GOLD DUST dots all the hard work Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dost does all the hard part of the task without your assistance. Gold Dost is a good, honest, vegetable -oil soap, in powdered form, to which are added other purifying materials in just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigor ously and without harm to fajbric, utensils or hand. Tfaliawb-Busy- D a4 Smi, Naahlha. Bern. $. Amnaaia t Kacaaaoa with CalJ Dat CU Dart baa all tfaalrakla cUaaaiaJtwalrtWa is a tHtitr baralau M laatiaf (arm. "U tk COLD DU3T TWINS Jyt.h" Wldcli AVo Aro 1'rouU to 1J As Wo Conduct A SANITARY, HIGH-GLASS BAKERY FOIt VOUR CUSTOM We Aro Anxious FOIt VOUR TItADi: Wo'ro fitrilnK Hard, Vour I'atronaRo nud Favors Wo Hold In Hitch Regard MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN VI S. Control Draperies We carry a very comptete tins of draperies, iaca curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all claasm of upholalerlns. A special man to look after thla work excluatvely and will give aa sood aervlce aa la noaalble to set In even the largeat ctttca. Weeks & McGowan Go. Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel Von Dorn 242 Turk Street Finest popular priced Hotel in San Francisco I Modern Central fVTiVVTTTw m WORKERS K PROBLEM mm ml w ur m I -" P U I'i' n mm A V I MEDFORD, OREGON, TtTRSnAV. FrcniWARY Itf, WW, ' l-.i- .J..LLI K '!-. I !-! "1W 't ' result l not snowti. It I. believed howevvr, that tho Medford lorn I has voted to reject tho offer, EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. lly A, C. Ilottlett. It, It. M Inter, our nheep man wns In lowu the latter part of tho week. Our athletic club Is progresaliig finely under tho direction ut profei sor Btngleton. O. 8. Hrown an attorney of Grants Pass, called oh your correspondent last week. He was here oil business with our uew barber Mr, Kvans. I omitted to state In my last that Mrs. Crow of Ilutte Falls was In town lat week, the guest of Mrs. J. It, Jackson nnd they two called ou Mrs. Howlett and the girls. Our city dads met, Informally. Inst week and granted tho Ktectrlc Power company an eitenilon of tlmo' 4h$mm$h$m$m$m4hh$m a . M :l -v . fa ( v Made in Your success and the prosperity of this city and valley de Home-made Products. Ask for "Made in Medford" goo the home factories and institutions. Try this and in a Offico Furiiituro Library Furniture Bedroom Furnituro Dinlugrooin Furnituro Whito Euamol Furaitura Built in Buffets, Scats And Bookcuscs, Etc. Store Fixtures Porch Swings Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Dono in Oak, Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desired Cabinet Makers Mission Furniture Works E. G, Trowbridge,Jr., Prop. 113 S. Uolly, Medford l'l of ninety dsys In which to tiring the electricity Into our town. They seem to he having trouble In procuring their transmitters from the (arlory. Archlo Wilson of Cotlnga Jltove. and T. 0. Iluueh of Medford punned through our town the last of the week on their way up to tho Luke creek country. Hev. Ilureh was go. lug up to try to orgaulte a church of tho Seventh Buy Uaptlsts In that neighborhood. George W, Wnmsloy, who has been visiting relatives In Los Angeles and vicinity for the past few months re turned last week to his home in our towh. Mr. and Mr. Clugcnld of Prospect pasted through town Inot week on their way home. Kd Foster who has a farm on Itoguo rlror below Trail, was doing business with our inerchautH last week this Is Mouduy morning and Lawyers Our possession of the proper facili ties to handle orders for Stock Certificates Bonds , Corporation Records Seals Attorney's Supplies is bringing us the business of South ern Oregon. Only those who do not knQw that these goods can be made in Medford are sending north MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridgo, Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 401; Home 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L. For tho best of EVERYTHING MADE OP WOOD See us. Wo mako a specialty of OFFIOE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORSand WINDOWS, Etc. Factory Comer South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Phonos . MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR 00. W I 1 I' so ntiout all of my Item are of lad week's gathering. (leorgn Flutter, one of our leading blacksmiths, has ronrluded to tnke tho Dally Mnll Tribune so liu can gut "All tho news nil the tlmo," P. II. Dully, principle of Hie WuiIl Ingtou school of Medford culled ou us for dinner tinturdny. He had bustneis huru with tho First Btato Hank. MoHitrs. U. 11. Harnlsh, Win. ltrown Br., Mr, Heath, uuu of our merchants, Mrs. Itoo nud her daughter, Mrs. J. C. iJiwtou nnd Mr. II. II. Tronson, the apple king, went to Medford Bat u r day and Mr. Dlaomud, a brother urday and Mr. Diamond, n brother firm of Heath & Diamond, nnd whu was formerly In the employ of the l & 13. railroad, came out on a visit to his father and brother, tha same day. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. llot and .iS I H!J J II. J 1 Jo-mJmJh5 Attention Medford ponds on Your Patronizing Home Industries and using ds and insist on your contractor and builder buying of few months we will have a "GREATER MEDFORD" If it's made of Sheet Metal I can mako it JOHN 8IPPLE Home Phono 30L M.F.&H.CO. Bldg. If'HII l."li I )' 'fir-in,! i "i-1 another one of our dniinhtois, Ml lliittlo started fur Klamath Full last Uaturday. Piles Cured In O To 14 Puis. Your druggist will refund mousy It PA,0 OINTMKNT falls to uura atiy rase of Itching, Illlnd, llleedlug or Protruding Piles In 0 to 14 days. CO cents. wi Hi jj -m i-tiiu,..11...1! niLmi'.uunt O, A. DE VOE 418 W, Main lUitrllmtliig nutl Hubnrlptlons AOKNT for Tho Saturday Evening Post The Ladies' Home Journal The Country Gentleman Be and ICo per copy, fl.CO tho year. For sale at all news" stands Morn Hoys Wanted lMionn Mln Mil mJmJmJmJmJmmJmJmJ t ju;v- Cement Drain Tile Irrigation Pipe ETC. "It's Strongest and Everlasting" MEDFORD OONORETE CONSTRUCTION CO. Factory N. Riverside Ave. Phone M-652 H. A. Hlcki General Manager P. U. Xerihuw Gen. Bklei Mgr. OREGON GRANITE GO. Quarry Ownors uud Manufacturers Oregon Oranlto itands the toil ot time. . Medford, Pregon. .-.j ?fW i