' FAG1 TWO. MRDKOUD MATT. TRTmXNR MF.DKOttl). OKKCION. SATURDAY. KHMIMIARVai!. 1!1.1. lv W .j i;, i- jlm .-. . MHBIDfflBE m SESS n s AFTERNOON Pa iAftfcr n ftiost bueocsf.ful cnnvcntion extending over the past " ar dnys, forest rangers and nfficin'- will close their annual meeting t,.',ight nnd scatter to their stations in the Crntor, Siskiyou, Klamath ami Shasta for ests'. The convention has been most interesting. ' Saturday morning T, D. Woodbury from tho Snn Frnr.cfeco office, who isiiii qlwrRjj pf.tlio lumber sale work in California explained tho urinninle underlying the. proper management of timber resources in order that they may be used to the best advantage and at tho Fame time so that the working capital may be returned as a basis or future use. The balance of tho morning session was occupied h.v W. T. Andrew of Portland, who discussed tho yaluo and uses of ac curato mays in tho appraisal of slumpnge values, nnd the methods used by appraisers in determining inoo values. Friday's meeting was opened by Supervisor Kriokon, who introduced Cocrt Dn'Bois, district forester from ean Francisco. Mr. Du Hois covered, in an able manner, tho question of protection as applied to conditions in the national torcsts, including n history of the protection policy in the self-sustain ing and iuconic-producing forests of Ucrmnny. Mr. Du Bois pointed out the actual conditions as between the German forests and ours arc widely different. The broad underlying principles gf conservation which in. eludes protection, nre, however, iden tical, and tho main principle which must bo used is preparedness. C. IL Florey, assistant district for ester from Portlaud Biimmnrized the firo situation in Oregon and Wash, install, gavo a very interesting resume of tho co-operative firo work done uy liio lorest service in connection with tho states, tho arious tisiber owners, protective associations and nict of tho tnuibconUncntul railroad lines. fn it j ao or inreo interesting sugges tions for now but as yot untried ire ugnting apparatus wero discnbcd by H. C. Bartrum, whoso headquarters arc at Koscburg. During the afternoon session Dr. E. P. Meiuickc, tho consulting patholo gic for distriet 5, described not only the injuries, but also tho vast benefits they help to perform ia the decompo sition of tho dead and down material which is always present to so largo an extent in our virgin forests. Tho evening session was devoted to an enjoyable banquet at tho Hotel Medford, at which tho principal speaker was J. P. Familiar of Vreko. Many interesting experiences, person al and otherwise, were related. Su pervisor Bartrum wus'in his usual form., .but was .finally vanquished by one of Jus fellow Oregonians. An enjoyable evening closed with a vote of thanks to tho hotel management and ajpropria(o songs by various rangers. MERCURY DROPS T0 17 R EW T AT RRI6ATI0N MEANSTOGROWERS Dropping to 17 degrees, the mer cury Friday night registered tho cold est February night ever recorded in the Itoguo Biver valley. Never be fore according to tho records has the thermometer registered in February below 19 degrees and that several years ago. The prediction U for warmer weather. The indications for rain hnvo parsed. The cold nights are welcomed bv orchardists as it ia holding back the fruit trees, which is most beneficial at this time. SHOWNBYRETURNS had wild mum I mo, 'tut to' ttmuo of thrui iditlm that tlu luivo hov'it urn flouted wilh nolex, and woiuo nilli eoiitraeh Willi tlvH riil t'lmtne nM i ', . , ', :' .,",',' ,i,. .i uiilitre, claiming Ihul lb' milieillug agent u "il curiam, vhh niheis claim Unit ho umd u kind of flight of hund maneuver, clipped tip niluitl in uu oli-oiM'd for llii'iit In -ugu. I Ixuid n Intlv tm this motni'iir, Tliiiiniii, Hut' k1h heutd uolliiug on llio hIh'hI Inn houk, books, book , Mil I Iuhk Hint ii i i. . in.., '" . , , ' ' , the iiiiit of lln'iii uill lil- Mini llii'mii in for it '. is ilic hill oinl Hit inn Iimii hi' humi iii"lii! h"r llio iuii Ihi'ir inuu' i'ii .v '! i.iu''i BY CLUB AT TALENT Talent Commercial club havo chang ed their meeting to twice a mnuth. They intend to put on a series of lec tures along practical Jines, the aim being to secure n largo public attend ance by furnishing entertainment of a class that will bo of benefit to tho .community. Tho first series will be given by Prof. Ueimer of the Exjieri mentnl station interspersed by other lecturers. These meetings will be free to tho public nnd will be held etery other Tuesday night at the Talent school auditorium. It will bo Interesting to nolo the need of Irrigation In this valcy us tet forth In figures hcrouuder. This ta bio compiled ami furnished by the Producers Fruit company, covers tho shipping ot tho first 100 cars of Now towns shipped by that company In 1912. As Manager llatulall of the Itogue Hlvor Fruit and I'ruduco association has pointed out, the lust year where extra Jonathans brought $1.21 a box. choice brought but 5I cents a box, In other words, with proper pruning and with Irrigation the value of the applo crop In this valley could be more thnu doubled. Tho figures fol lew: Apples No. of per box boxes 34 tier 64 103 3& tier..-. . 72 2H antler.-.. SO 880 34 tier SS ISSf, 3 Her 90 5731 Total boxes, 3J4 tier.. Total cars, 34 t!cr...... 4 tier .... - 100 4 tier .................. .. 104 4 tier 112 4 tier 125 L . OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 22. Tho Oregon-Washington boundary dis pute on tho Columbia river bobbed up again, when Senator Kspy of Pa cific county today declared that Wash ington cannot legally pay moro than one twentieth ot tho cost of tho pro posed Vancouver-Portland bridge. Espy cites a United States supromo court decision fixing tho boundary ot Oregon at a point approtlmatcly 100 feet from tho docks at Vancouver. SS23 13.51 78 2120 5312 9731 Total boxes. I tier....- 17,441 Total cars, 4 tlor 26 71 Commercial sizes (best Hollers), total cars, 40.22. 44 tier 138 92C3 4i tier. - ,-.. 1C0 9C50 4V4 tier. ... 165 S6-10 Total boxes, 4H tier 27,012 Total cars, 4 54 tier. 12.21 6230 16S3 23S3 61$ 511 5 tier and over...... ... 175 5 tier and over........... 1S5 5 tier and over........... 200 5 tier and over 210 5 tier and over........... 225 I I i n TO il B First Showing of Spring, 1913, Clothing for Men and Young Men t: KM ciethiuu: wo mm'. EfaKS HOUSE PASSES BILL $150,000 FOR FAIR Total boxes, 5 tier and over .11,430 Total cars, 5 tiers and over . 17.57 .Undersized. 59.7S cars. Total boxes, 60,306. Total cars, 100. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. By A. C. Howlett. SALEM, Ore. Feb. 22. After amending tho senate bill eo that tho appropriation for the Panama Pacific exposition will bo but $150,000, tho houso has today passed tho measuro' , ,. .. . .. . ..... . i relatives. vftuiuiv-sa ui wo iiruii'ais ui lliuil members who bcllovcd that a much larger sum should bo provided. Tho scnato bill carried an appropriation of $200,000. C. Heron mid Wm. C. Daley wero in our town last Wcdnenday. C II. Rolfo of Weed, California, was here isiting his aunt arid un cle, ilr. nnd Mrs. W, O. Knighton, Wednesday. Mr. Ilolfe mid his enrao over to visit Mrs. llolfc's father, Mr. Reese of Table ltock, who is scriouslv ill with cnuccr of tho utonincli, and whilo here in this fccctiou of the coun ty camu over to visit nonio of his "VOLT iim.v never have looked at the extensive line of x But that is no reason why you should not do .so this spring. Lot us show you the new models in all the different fabries we have for this sea son. Ve will guarantee to open your eyes to the values we are KM'Uf In our Hart, Sehaffner ic Marx line. You may now purchase them at prlaos you never expected to do so much before. KENTNER'C THE HOUSE OP GOOD CLOTHES k- KSB"Vm m ft lam WM Him SB SHIP OUT OF FUEL BURNS 100 IRK HALIFAX, X. S., Feb. 22. So ficrco nnd continuous wero tho piles encountered by (ho steamer JJnsicn noji on her threo weeks voyngv from Antwerp that her cnliro hiipply of bunker coal was consumed in mid ocean, and to biivo her from beinjr whplly helpless tho firo hnd to bo fed with timber chopped from the wood work of the ship by tho crew. Hy ufaing this fuel they succeeded in bringing the Casiscau to safe nuchor BO in Halifax harbor ljifrt jiiht. SUFFRA6I8TS COHTINUtt ' '' l MARCH TO WASHINGTON y IIA'yif J3 m GRAC1-; Md.. Feb. 22. -rWAlh "Ocucrnl" ltosulio Jones tri umphant though sore-footed, tho tuf fragetto array marching to Wiibhiug toi Hlartcd from hero toduy for Ue lair.' ' "Ooneral" Jones dpeided to cancel the scheduled Sunduy blop of her army t Toysou mi$ ijn,tead Aill trump to Baltimore, arriving there lao jn ,tbo afternoon. PRE5IPENT TAFT VISITS AT HOME OF BROTHER r NEW YOICK, Feb, 22. IWilont Tuft arrived hero at 7:15 o'clock this moniing pud went immediately to (ho home of hw brother, Henry W. Tuft. At 11 o'clock ho boarded tho yucht Dplpljiu tuid went to Fort Wadsworth, ul the entmnco of New York harbor, to ajtuud poremonies thero iu connec tion wjlji thoiustnlluHon of au Indian juctnorial. REMOVES BULLET FROM HEART'S OUTER MEMBRANE HONTItEAL, Que., Feb. 22 At tho Itoyal Victoria hospital yesterday, Dr. George Armstrong performed tho rare mid remarkable operation of remov ing a bullet from tbo pericardium, or outer membrano of U. Culuugclu'd heart. Colangolo was fthot by his hon during a uuurrvl last Sunday. Tho bullet was located by means of an X-Itay photograph, and the only hope of saving the patient's life was by an operation. Lnto today tho patient was progressing favorably and hU ultimate recovery is looked forward to. JOHNSON TO BE ACTING PROSECUTING ATTORNEY PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 22. Ever ett A. Johnson, who forfeomo timohus becti urtfibtunt to United States Pis trict Atloniev McCutirt, vhoao resig nation was accepted by Atorucy Gen orul Wickershum to take effect March 1, will probably act as dintrict at torney under uppoint of tho district court, until biich tinio ns President elect Wilson nouiiuutes u permanent BUCCCHhpr, l,. Kobert DawMn of Trail wns nlso the guest of Wm. lvnightoii Wednes day. Wo hnvo bceu having ipiito a time in our little, town Wcduesduy. Tim whole trouble nroso bceuuso there hnppcned to bo a company of book agents put in au npeuriiuco to dc liver the "Contcninl History of Ore gon" and collect from twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars fionj unite a number of our citizens. The solicit ing agent hnd been around Inst March and homo of the good people, wore asked to gito au account of their lives and experience in Oregi!, ub they wanted to write up a set of three or four volumes, and tho mt"l of them complied with tho request. he agent in tho mean time wntii'ir it down nnd after was rend wax naked to sign tho name, Muting (but the ac count given was true mid correct. The agent would ut tho t-nuiu timo nsk them to sign up for n set of tho books to bo dclUcrcd iu the future, no money required iu mhunce. r the course of n bliyrt time another mini would como around nnd abk you to have your picture out in tho Imok at tho moderate prica of from fifty to one hundred and fifty dollar, ac cording to tho apparent hire jf I ho purso of tho party applied to. flut when tho distributing agents came around several of our good men be gun to kick and ,ay ihey did not higu up for tho hooks ut nil bur simply higned tho statcmepr that what, lhy AAA j iMMM4J .. j2MIMiM2l 4 " -4 " 'yr - ""'w 5I43m0OI"00 Vyr w " ! ,,.,.a., tf ! ! ''" ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abmoiuiety Puro Thm only Baking Powttmr mmdm frmm Roy Mi Grapm Or mam of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE Y f t f t t r r f t t t t t f t f T f ? ? t t T t t r t ? T t t T r ! ELECTRIC COOKING IS TRUE ECONOMY NO FLAME, NO SMOKE, NO GAS, NO ODOR, IiITTLE HEAT, NO WOOD TO BRING IN, OR ASHES TO CARRY OUT, NO MATCHES NEEDED, READY AT A TURN OF THE SWITCH. ELECTRIC RANGE, price $fi0.00 with hroilor in ovyn or fry; is bull or, oleaner, safyr than any olhor uookinj,' appliafi&o. neighbor wlio uoh one. Mid ratoor family use, .00 per ihOiidu Will Imko, roast, broil jwk your EL BACK) OVEN, price $12.00, will roanl a chiukoii or bake two loaves of bread. Can be connected on any lamp socket.' No special wiring required. Costs 5 cents per hour or less to operate, depend ing on quantity of current used. KxaHnsMflMSMHaEMB 1 . 'T il i.t- v SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE California-Oregon Power Company 216 WJ2ST MAIN STREET, PHONE 1081. itJ&ii t T T V y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V f y y y T y y y y f y y