TAQt Kiairr yrET)Fonn TTprryE. NrKPFoun. oRKnoy. jKinnA v.jKrcnrnTANV 21, mm. BARNUMPLANS TO ELECTRIFY LINE TO JACK SON I E If tho plans of tho officials of the Horiio Hlvor Vnlloy railroad do not JiiUcarry arcat Improvements arc to bo (undo In tho lino between Mod ford and Juckronvlllo In tho near future. Tho rend tied Is to ho ovor liuulpd, tho trark put In first class ahnpo and tho entire lino electrified. Plans for this aro now being formu lated. With tho olectrlfylnc or tho Una tho serlvco to and front tho county seat will bo tuoro rapid than tit present and will bo Increased. In all probability tho line, once electrified, wll bo extended to cover n groatcr territory, not only In tho city but In tho valley. It will prob ably eventually beconio n link In an Intcrurbau line covering the entire valley. DIN E H STORM HUSBAND FOR DIVORCE OF PROTEST IS LOST Some where In n dusty pigeon hole of tho Jacksonville city archives reposes the propsed ordinance fixing n license f ISO a month on auto stage lines operating out of the county seat. None of tho officials of the city bcem to know what has become of It and peace again reigns in tho pioneer town. Tho proposed ordinance recently raised a storm of protest in tho coun ty seat, leading to tho resignation of n mayor, and Indignation meetings. Suddenly the storm died nwny and new no ono seems to know Just what happened to the document. In all probability It has already started with Its accumulation of tho ttust of centuries. l'a Dslljr Hint tiom . 9 SJHSBHHSIBBRHSMMBSJBBBHSBBtfEtrXSk bbbbbbrbbwMbSI BBBBBBHNBBBH'&Sk.4R1BHME'3r2f 1 nnm mi w iw. TfTTTT!"! COLLECTION Tlt qUAlnt otl little tint ot rfti prim (Utly turnrd up bor tn enin moM ffrctlv nhfn Ihf lrett jt dlt ornintfnt r''"fl tnntlv In I It l ipetltr iMcomlns imn OF $706,012 MS STARTS SATURDAY GRANTS PASS WATER RATES ARE APPEALED JACKSONVILLE TO SAN FRANCISCO, Co!., Fefc. SI. Bull for dlvorco against Robert J. Widney, wealthy Los Angeles really operator, .-who was shot in a San tHiHKlaikM VhIaI b.Ltt- flkt ' . " "uis m. ,,!., term of T. T. Shuw. realgned. A vlan Lyons, a Denver divorcee. ( ind,cal0ns arc that a woman will be will bo filed here probably lato to- cn08Cn, Mrs jra Harbaugh and day by Mrs. Wldney. according to her Mr8 E J Kub Mt)f. thc lwp n0gl own announcement. Mrs. Wldney j,romlnontly mcnlloncd. reached this decision yesterday, she A ,!,,, ,, n,M to nameU tld, when her husbaad appeared In' th,g offco w, m a probab. court and exonerated Mrs. Lyons of ty bo fcd by chaunccy FIorcJ. I SAI.KXr. Ore.. Feb. 21. The fiKht 'itier miter mtos in Omuls l'ass hns H1UF MAYDP (1(1N ntK,,uit ih s,,itc rniinmd commit. llnlL IflnlUrV OUUIVsioii iu the form of n compliant filed jliv the Kogue River Wntor eomponv. The complaint nllcKes that Iho city fiiiiiifil has nntiscd onliiiituces reutt- mcctiug Intini; the wnler rates nnd impoxlnct Tho city council of Jarkionvllle will at their next regular elect a mayor to servo out the ex- conditions on the compnnv which nro confiscatory. A hearing will ho ItcM in the mntter. Next Saturday, March 1, 1913, tho payment of taxes will commence at tho sheriff's office and IIioho who desire to got in wtriy nnd avoid tho rush may do so. The total tux pay able to tho sheriff this year amounts to abut $706,012.7(5. Tho sheriffs office has Issued tho following in structions to tho tat payors; If you pay your taxes on or boforo March IS you will bo allowed u re bate of 3 per cent. If you pay our taxes between March IS nnd up to nnd Including tho first Monday In April, thoro wilt not bo any rebate allowed nnd neither will titer be any penalty or Interest added. If jour taxes nV not paid on or befor thc first, Monday lit April. they will beconio delinquent, when thero will be added a penalty of ten per cent nnd tho tax will also draw Interest at tho rate of 12 per cent per annum Iu addltlou to tho penalty. It you pay ono-half ot your taxes on or before the first Monday In April, then tho remaining halt may run up to and Including the first Mon day in October follow lug. but It tho last half of tax duo is not paid by tho first Monday Iu October, It bo comes delinquent, nnd there will ho lidded to such tinlnnen n penally of ten per cent nnd In addition, such bittnnrn will henr Interest at tho into Vf 13 per cent per annum from tho first Monday Iu April until paid. On all personal property taxes, If ouo-hitlf Is not paid on or eforo tho first Mouthy In April, tho law com pels tho sheriff to levy upon nnd col lect the same after May 1st, heucn to prevent it levy upon personal pro perly after May 1st It will bo neces sary, for one-hitlt to be paid as nbovo stated, It tho taxes aro not pntd either half or In full by August 1st, tho property will bo advertised, which cost will bo added to the tax. If tho taxes aro not paid by Octo ber 1st. a delinquent certlflcatn may bo Issued for samn which bears In terest at the juto ot IS per cent per annum. County warrants will bo accepted to tho amount of $3.30 on the $1000 valuation. Instead of $1.90 on tho $1000 valuation its heretofore col lected. , Nineteen twelvo tnx statement sent out will bo termed official receipt when returned nnd signed by the collector, therefore do not fall to return statement with your remittance. GOLD DUST saves rubbing and saves your clothes Gold Dust lathers instantly in hot or cold, hard or soft water converts itself instantly into thick, vigorous suds that romoYO grease, grime and settled stains and cloar out impurities and germs. ' Gold Dust sparos you and protects your clothes from washboard wear. BAN IIAFAKL. Cnl Feb. 20. Kd ward Hutler nnd Frank Orady knock ed u shark senseless nnd dragged It Into their boat. Tho shark came to life and they shot It dead. The shark punctured the boat. any Intent to kill him "I knew all was lost," said Mrs. Wldney, 'when ho stated in court that Mrs. Lyons should not be held for attempting to murder him. claiming tho shooting was accidental. I bcllcvo my husband is insane." chief deputy In the offlco of Asses sor W. T. Grieve. BOGGS DENIES THAT HE TOOK INTEREST IN APPOINTMENT Citv Atlonicv Ikxres todav dis claimed having used his influence j meet in Med ford March 3 to hold a with Mayor Kifert for the appoint-1 hearing in regard to thc increase of STATE COMMISSION ' IS TO MEET HERE t The state, railroad commission will nicnt of II. O. Slocckmaun as city engineer. Mr. Boggs staled that he lind not even suggested to Mr. Stoeck Diann that he apply for the job. rates for tho Dutte Falls and Eagle Point Tclephono company. Ills company has recently announced plans for an extension of Its lines. Hotel Medford Rooms without bath 80c per day and ap. Itooms with bath 91.00 per day and up. Special rates by week or month. Combination breakfasts every morning 3, 35 and 48 cent. TOMOHHOW TKV OUU VSL'AL IIIO' MKKCUANTS' I.UNClt 23 CKXTS AM) SUNDAY OUU IIMXJWT DINNKIt 30 CKNTH During meal hoars beautiful mask and singing will be rendered by Herr Carl fSrlMen anil Mm. Kroljma. Bostonians FAMOUS SHOES FOR MEN ftenowned the country over as representing stan dard values in all the essentials of fine footwear. Our wide range of styles and sizes insures to you a satisfactory selection and a perfect fit. ' t The Wardrobe Snvn vntiranlf Inntf hours of weary, droary Iksg "Basket Partieq toil, and double the life of your clothes, by buy ing and trying a pack age of Gold Dust next wash-day. A unim WlAmA IW-aJ-rLJ) r Do not nip.nsphlhi.barii, oj, smmonls or ktioirn wllh Gold Duat. Gold Duat hit sll dtilrsMc cUmsInf quilltl in a perfectly hirmlcm 141 J lasting form. fl' JrtfeLUu rtJfi "Ut th COI.D DUST TWINS do jour untk." THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chica.o V U 1 1 ' WEST MAIN ST. -. Mint- t. Im I t.op xu 4 ttitmm 4 roar It Ht.f'l . far rr.Ml 1.1 ft4M.. It IrM, And they cut out a soldier bold Who wu brave u warrior of old, He could not be beaten Because he had eaten A courageous breakfast of QOLDSN ROD OATS. .11 )W fJmrrr'i 4fr4$Mfr4fMfrMfMSM3MX"X GRAND OPENING SALE OF SPRING SUITS AND COATS M. M. Department Store Successors to Meeker's SATURDAY MORNING OUR ENTIRE SPRING STOCK FOR 1913 WILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR EXCLUSIVE STYLES COME HERE FOR. NO TWO STYLES ALIKE AND POPULAR PRICES. CALL AND SEE WE CARRY LINES FROM THE LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD SOLD EXCLUSIVELY TO US. THE STOCK WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. SUIT DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR. I S ill ill tmmf - W r $9.98 e All wool serge, brown, tan, navy, satin lining to mutch; shields, weights; in all respects finished like a $1G.50 suit. Thc biggest value that ever canio to Medford. $14.98 Tirthis suit wo give you" thc best in style and workmanship that can he put into a suit. Must he seen to he appreciated. All colors and mixtures; com pare it with $20.00 suits elsewhere. Ladies' Spring Coats $9.98 All thc leading shades, tan, grey and white, and full length; all wool goods; beauti ful finish. Opening price $9.98 $12.98 Man tailored, beautiful fin ish; tan and grey mixtures; also navy. Pure wool a win ner for the prico; sold every where for .$18.50. . $14.98 Misses' Combination Suits, red jacket and white skirt these are the newest things for Misses' wear. See our windows.. 1 Opening price $14.98 $22.50 Tan whipcord, all wool, skin ner satin lined a pleasing gar ment in every respect, and is a wonder at thc prico; usually sold at $27.50, our opening price $22.50 $12.98 Coats i Under this prico we aro giv ing values that can not he equalled at $10.50. When you see them 5'ou will say the same. AH sizes $14.98 Coat3 White and plain colors, full length and three-quarter length all new. $18.50, $20, $25 Coats A big assortment, all styles and sizes; lot us show you for wo know wo will please you. Big assortment of Spring Waists in white band embroid ered voiles, all sizes, daintily trimmed. Opening prico 98f Middy mouses and Dresses for girls, iu all the newest ef fects; navy and red trimmed; all sizes (5 to 20 vears, $1.15, $1.19, $1.09. Wash Dresses for house and street wear, tan, light blue, irroy and while, all sizes, $1.25 $1.50 and $1.75. Romombor this is tho popu lar priced store our aim is "bettor goods for loss money". This opening salo starts Sat urday morning and ovory lady should take advantage, and secure their spring suit now while tho picking is good. WE HAVE IN STOCK 500 SUITS TO SELECT FROM. WE ARE HERE TO SAVE YOU MONEY. 2a a fBBBBt ,BV M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE FOR "GOOD GOODS" New Location 230 East Main mmmmnmmmmmmm fr$H;$H;; i i um v V 'I1.' ,' ' ')W wi 'v ' SBJWWMjaWBWegBWW. ,-U.U J'-W JI pfwgwwij.ijjpjiijiij jtjm ( Am ,' W9WiWf 1 l..'.ti UIU'IJL'WW ? t r t f r T ? ? ? t t f t t I J J J Y f t T T V