Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 21, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Th DerwerMIe Tlmea,
Mall. Th MM
Th Hertford
I. Th MdfriJ Tribune, The Mouth
QrerefiUn, Tha Aahlamt Tribune.
rriM Mull Tribune, rtuiidlnr. i-JM
fflM k
In Fir
alrrati phene. Main 1911.
anonOR IHJTNAM, Alitor ami Manaser
Bntered na atcomllaa mattr
Medford, Oregon, under tha act
March 1, 170.
Official Paper of tha City of Medford.
Official Taper of Jnckaon County.
Runaomumox rates.
One jrer, by mall. ...- fS.OO
Una month, by mall , . .60
Ir month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville, anil Cen- .
tral J'oint..,-- .10
Fatunlay only, by mall, per year s.oo
Weekly, per year - .o
iwosx oniovxJiTioir.
Dally average for eleven months end
ing November 10, lll, mi.
Tha Mall Tribune la on pale at the
Terry New Stand, Fan Kranclaco.
lHirtland Hotel Nena Stand, Portland.
I,ortlAml Newii Co., Portland, Ore.
W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Waah.
Tall ZaatA Wire United Praaa
Metropolla of Southern Oreeon and
Northern California, and tha faatest
srovclntr city In Oreeon.
lopulatlon O. ft. cenaua 1110 SHO:
estimated. IMS in.000,
rive hundred thousand dollar Ornrlty
Water Syatem completed, nlvlnif flneat
supply pure mountain water, and 17.3
miles-sf atreeta 'paved,
Poatofficn receipt, for year endlnc
November at, 1911. ahow lncreaaa of 1
ier cent.'
Banner fruit city In Oregon Iloiruc
Klver SplUenberic apples won sweep
atnNes prlie-bnd title of
. ly M rewn
l&id Anderson is nl Inst famous.
Ilig picture is iu the Police Qazette.
Afadcro rose nnil fell wilU Iho rtocc
and speed of. the. Qamclt-Corcy ele
vator. A qunrlelto which sane hero the
other night ndvertified with stickers
on a hotel menu. The fellow who
printed the stickers wns responsible
for the follewing: "Sherbet Qunr
tctto tonight nt tho Nnt." Shades of
Schubert, what n cold come-down 1
By lcavinjr out tho pillars and
posts on Morgan's new two million
dollar bank thero will be no placo for
the common people to lean or scrctch
Tho first pest to attack the cherry
tree was littlo Oeorjre Washington.
And if it hadn't been before the
days of"-0'.Qsra.,Oeorg .would have
been properly 'sprayedpanked and
In Mexico they Jnwo .a way
Of changing: rulers every day;
A thing that makes it handy, very
To tho guy who prints the stationery.
Yon may talk about women,
Their styles and all that;
But the smaller tho woman
Tho blgecr tho hat.
Yonkcrs Statesman.
Yon may talk njionl women,
Who giggle and flirt;
But tho fatter tho woman
The tighter tho skirt.
Indianapolis Star.
You may talk nbout women,
Tho bold or sedate;
But tho taller the woman
The shorter the mnle.
Chicago necord-IIcrnld.
You mav talk about women,
As much as you can;
But tho prettiest woman
Picks the homeliest man.
Youngstowri Telegram.
You mav talk about women,
As much as you care.
But nine-tenths of our ladies
Have mostly stnro hnir.
Iis Angeles Express.
You mny Inlk about women
In mnpner profound
Bn' don't dure talk HehUv
When thev are around.
IT Is evident that tin city administration acted with un
due hasto in submitting tho armory appropriation to
popular vote. It is as yet, uncertain wliothor the stato
will make the needed appropriation or not- and if not,
there is no need of a bond election.
The National Guard officers have evidently been asleep
for they made no request for an appropriation from the
legislature, until the last moment. .Eugene introduced a
bill the first of tho session for an armory. Koseburg did
the same, but tho Jackson county delegation was not re
quested to act until the last week of the session, when it
wns too late to introduce measures.
Moreover the bill reported by the ways and means com
mittee, at the request of "Representative Carkin, one of its
members, calls for a 25,000 appropriation and not a $10.-
000 appropriation, and contemplates a $(55,000 investment,
instead of an $S0,000 one, as the National Guard has claim
ed so we are virtually spending $ 10,000 of our own money
to secure $25,000 of the state.
In the caso of tho Ashland and other armories, the state
mid Ritrdrn hi (tin nnl few yearn, wo
rnntiot ilepruil on Its growth nlonn
I without nnie-thltig In mint'ort It, niul
that I water. II. (' UAHNNTT,
The Horuo HtvVr valley cannot
very well get nlons without Irrlua
(Ion, In my opinion, and UinAri who
arc holding bark tiro doing nil they
ran to prohibit lliolr own roperlty.
Cannier, Meildml National
paid half, the city a quarter and the county a quarter. "Why
is the exception made in Bedford's caseand only a third
paid by tho stato? Principally because it is nn 'eleventh
hour proposition and too lato to dictate terms.
It would bo better to drop the armory project until
another legislature and secure tho appropriation on the
Fame basis that Ashland secured Iters halt from the state.
.Tlicre is no crying need for an armory at this time tho
Ti...-..! T 1"..- -1..MI l.ll ...! ... 1
oiiuiiui-iuiu js u vcrj-' nuu uiiii nan nuti auouonum aim
will answer the purposo for the next two veal's or until
such time as the state can meet us half way.
To rulso tho urlco of land and to
provlilo for better trolKht rates and
to benefit every perron In Itoguo
Ulver valloy, wo should havo an Irri
gation systoin and ctalillfih It as noon
as posslblo,
a W. M'DONAI.n.
Cnshtor, Jackson County Imntt
I reRard tho completion f the
Hoguo Hler Vnltey Canal rompauy
canal an nltHoltito niceslt'. Tlu
lands of tho valley cannot bt mntl to
produce within GO per runt of their
maximum rapacity without water.
Tim fifth annual lmuitat uf the
North Dakola aorlety wan held In the
Medford hold Thurodny, hIkIiIV
threo tortiior residents of (ho Dnkola
nralrlefl lining urespnt. It wan tho
most successful Kulliorlnj; In Iho his
lory of tin.' urKivnlintlon.
Officers for tho coining year were
otveted as follows' I'resldont, Mrs
John Carklus; vlro-preslih'Ut, K N
Cninplioll, secretary and treasurer.
TIIE position of Grants Pass on tho Rogue river fish bill
is illogical. It advances as the main reason why com
mercial fishing should bo reopened tho fact that dead
salmon injure the water supply.
Any move which would eliminate tho salmon should bo
favored by Grants Pass, but unless this salmon elimination
is done by Grants Pass fishermen in a stream too narrow
for commercial fishing, the people of Grants Pass evident
ly prefer to enjoy the dead salmon juice.
'Iho fish bill as it passed the house is a pomnrniiHso.
Tt gives the Grants Pass fishermen a 30 day season and
!- X1 1 I 1 'V. ... ..
permits uie lower river an cxtcnaca season, it will there
fore, eliminate most of the salmon that bother Grants Pass
But unless Grants Pass fishermen are given a three months
season, threats are made to defeat the bill.
As a matter of fact, it is the profit of a dozen commer
cial fishermen that Grants Pass is concerned over not
the welfare and health of the people or the pleasure of the
sportsmen. Tho total catch by tho Grants Pass fishermen
in 1909 was 99,500 lbs. of chinook, 24,518 lbs. of silvcrsidos
and 15,837 lbs. of stcelhcads. In 1910 it was 91,300 lbs. of
-fchinpok,,5500Jbs. of silversides and 4700 lbs. of steelhead
f-or from $5000 to $7500 a year an enormous sum to get
excited over, and make so much noise about.
1 can nsaiiro tho people of Medford
that nothing will help along at nptdy
n cause for n proHpcroui future for
tho lloguo River volley an an Irriga
tion system. M. I. AI.KOUl),
Cashier First Nutlonal bank
N'otlco Is hereby given thnt tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil at Its meeting to bo held March
4th. 1913, for a llccnjo to nell malt,
spirituous and vinous Ihiuors In
quantities less than a gallon at IU
placo of business on lot 11. block SO,
city of Medford for a period at six
Dated February H, 1!M3.
HM IV . NT ,
m; .v'ii, ,uif
TT1 XLi'MiL-'SJlir-
" .JF
m iPIVl r m
yt mei s . lor Lii.
T)i nrw Mlil lumlrtrdColUrtor
the mlny ihxiitndl ol men )o dmaml
K)tn-l!inj di (mm liir onlinniy rolUr.
I Im LiniKcxd unt)irll)U liutlonl.uUi
Ide Silver
Ittt lontt in Uutxjrtirg- KoUl ilu.
Aho Miikrr r 1,1 Shirt I
TflOY, N Y.
Steam freight trucks nro forbidden
In tho street of Montreal.
g LOSER inspection of the cood roads mouse that tho
v legislative mountain has brought forth in the shape of
u suue am oi", snows mat it is niuceu a very lecDlc little
creatine and one which tho senate should perforin a sur
gical operation upon before it is turned loose.
Under its provisions, calling for half a mill tax and its
uisiriuuuon according to me involved scheme outlined,
some counties would get back more than they pay in and
others would not get as much.
"Wheeler county would pay in $2,055 and get back
$5,304 in state aid, Jackson would pay in $10,000 and get
back $9,738. Multnomah would pay iu $1 00,000, and got
back $42,379, and so it goes.
There is nothing fair or just about the hill. It had
better all go to a state fund for state highways, with noth
ing back to the counties.
Councilman Millar's Defense
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, Tho
prohibition of prosecution of labor
unions and farmors' organizations
under tho Sherman anti-trust law by
tho department of Justlco waa writ
ten Into the sundry civil appropria
tion bill tonight by tho houso. This
was accomplished by tho adoption of
an amendment providing that no part
or the $300,000 appropriated for tho
enforcement ot tho anti-trust law
lihould bo expended to prosecuto any
voluntary organization of working
men and farmers.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 21. Tho
lower houso ot the legislature today
passed a bill abolishing capital pun
ishment after tho Rev. Arnold, a rep
resentative from Wahkiakum county,
had vigorously opposed the measure.
The house also passod a bill redis
ricting tha state for congressional
imrpocee under the 1010 census.
To tho ediler: "Wnsting Time In
Our City Oovernmenl." Under thin
heading the power that "Iluhl's" su
premo in (ho (.nudum of the morning
paper, afflicts our community wllh
one of his Jong winded foamy com
ments on public affairs. This nrtful
critic must bo losing his footing en
tirely, otherwise ho would not stoop
to deal in personalities. AH ray steps
were taken after duo consultation
with many of my constituents, nnd
sorao advice of socialist comrades,
and I decline absolutely any responsi
bility of moves made by other coun-
cilmen rclativo to mailers that have
como before1 the council under the
new administration, No doubt those
gentlemen can and will speak for
themselves. I consider it nn outrage,
and iinjiistifinlilo on tho part of iho
morning paper lo accuse mo of "linv
ing spent more timo in the last three
weoks devising traps and ambuscades
to pester nnd embarrass Mayor Eifert
than to havo properly transacted
municipal business."
None of my objections fo appoint
ments were of a personal character,
and further, we socialists need not
"deviso traps nnd ambuscades" for
wo do all our business nbovo board
at nil times. As far as Judge Kcllcy's
amendment to tho chnrtcr is con
cerned (and I do not doubt for n
moment its sincorily), probably the
morning paper knows mora ubout it
than I do, nnd I voted for it for tho
simple reason that nt all times I pro-
ler to have matters of importance t?o
before tho people for approval or
It appears to mo thnt tho morning
shoot must bo sorely disappointed in
its appointee; Mr. Eifort, iind all (hut
is implied in this paragraph. If nhy
one has a just right to complain of
treatment received bold within nnd
without tho council chamber, and
this refcra to morning paper nlso,
it is I who bus always found himself
alono bnUlinc for nnblic imumvu.
raents. Hut I am satisfied that the
council will tnko caro of tho city's
uffairs, notwithstanding tho scurril
lous attacks of the morning paper.
From what I can learn through
qualified critics, tho Itogue IUver val
ley's primary need at the present
time is irrigation.
Under Irrigation tho wholo valley
would become as productive an the
best portions now arc. I)y extend
ing irrigation through tho valley pro-
dutlon now small would becomo
Agriculturo Is the present nnd ulti
mate dependence of our population
for support. With our valley ono
vast field and garden under Irriga
tion, transportation will bo easily
Tho first thing for us to do Is to
spread water over tho valloy and our
responsive soli and matchless cli
mate will do tho rest, This Is attain
able and can bo done and should bo
dono ut onco. D, F. MULKRY,
Two Girl Tell'Story of Their
Illness and How They
Found Relief.
mm imii
1 sjVHir
!pflv tf B
mm. iv j
New Orleans, La.T-"I tako pleasure
m writing these lines
to express my grati
tude to you. I am
only 1G yuan old and
uvrk in a tobacco
factory. 1 have
been a very sick girl
but I have improved
wonderfully slnco
taking Lydla E.
I'inkham s Vegeta
ble Compound and
am now looking llnu
and feeling a thousand Umoe better."
Miss Amelia Jaquillard, C13 Sev
enth Street, New Orleans, La.
SL Clair, Pa. "My mother was
alarmed because my poriocbi were sup
pressed and I hud pains In my back and
side, and severe headaches. I had pirn-
files on my face, my complexion was sal
ow, my sleep was disturbed, I had ner
vous spells, was very tired and had no
ambition. Lydla K.l'lrikhum's Vegeta-,
ble Compound has worked a charm in
my case and has regulated me. I worked
in a mill among hundreds of girls and
have recommended your medicine to
many of them." Miss Esteixa Ma
cuirb, 110 Thwing St., Saint Clair, Pa.
Thero Is nothing that teaches more
than experience. Therefore, such let
ters from girls who have suffered and
were restored to health by Lydla K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should
be a lesson to others. The same remedy
is within reach of alL
If you want special advlco write to
LTdlaK-PInklinni Medicine Co. (conn
dentlal) Lynn, .Masn, Your letter ulll
be opened, read and ausucrrd by a
woman and held In strict conlldcnce.
Wo shall expect no grpat amount
of growth and prosperity In tho val
loy until an irrigation system is es
tablished. Although tho valley has
sprung into a vast field ot orchard
'CUT EDCC lb orjy lidlo'diMdrriilne tint
IMMlUftlr coutiln Oil. IllKkl "! rulLhcilutlct'
utl chikucn' lxKttnltlit(, tMjiei without rule
I,ln. !.. TBfNrit r.lJIVl " 10r.
"JMNDlTtomMiiUlou lor clrmlna ml polljhlnu
!Iklnd.ofruMtorUnUix.,tfc:. -SUirlz.,li.
-QUICK Hlim"(lnllquMrormwltliioui:ejiiu Itl'
lytKint D"1 MtitttnidirtytiiuuitiMri. iucii'iic
"ALSO" CHANS and Willi CMS cjnvtf itiou. In
round hlw ckn lucked) n xlccilo Uiiri, "lilt
lonjt, 10c In tuiwUoiac, I u-0 aluuiluuDi byici,
HllUiODce, !Sc.
"UirE" combination tot cetit!mrn who tika
pridoln hating Ihi'lMhOMlook A I. ltrttoru color
andlmtratoall black tbot. 1'olith vthlistriuti
or clotb, 5 cenU. -BUY ILITfilit.lUccDti.
If ruiiri1.lrdoAinoihulliklnil jruuwant.M-nditi
111 Wk In ttnir tnr full li rku rlivf Kvl PI1
2020 Albany Straal, Cambrtdga, Mm
Ihl Olilttt aJ -artnt Manufailuitnv
Shot Mlliiti in thi U'atM.
John A. Perl
28 fl. IJAUTLK1T
Phones M. 471 and 478
Anibuluucc Service Dcuuty Coroner
WA!.I .v KID
ItefliiPd Comedy Kntertaluera
In a Novelty Surprise en
title.! KIIK
J Plmlo IMnyt 1-Vlday fintiml.iy
I 3
Till: SHAl'CllltAl'M
Keels 3 Keels
A Oenulne Irish Drama Pro
duced Amid Genuine Irish
I Mallmv Saturday and Sunday T
X t
The Safest place to go- Fireproof,
modern and up-to-date In every respect.
A llronrlio WYMrni I'rnliiro
thi: PKosi'itcniit's iaujiiti:k"
TlirillliiK western ilrama, full of ne-tlou
ciAPMovr wiiuki.v
Wo show It every Frbluy and Satur
day Intent current events.
thi: thai
A story taken from life It will corn
maud attention
A Thanhnusiir funny film.
Coming Monday nnd Tuesday,
Feb. !M and US
M'alr1ili "K'iiy.ll'" Feature
Tlirwi Heels
Tin: law of thi: vi:kt
Wo nro going to bring It to Med
ford. Will let you In on It soon,
it's a pencil.
Mis. .tiiimn Wold. A resolution
lliniiMiiH I lie miuiftRomi'iit uf tho hu
ltd for Ihn in nn nor Iu wlilrh llioy
hnudtcd tho affair wns pititsod.
The followliiK iiroitrnin, etithiisl
itMllrttlly rccidreil, in itlven:
"Dakota Pralrles.'V.Mrit. .lohn Car
klu. I'lanu solo, MIhk Loralnn Hilton.
Vocal solo. "Hlug. Smile, Slumber,"
Mr. I) McKlllnp.
Speech. I). W. I.uko.
Voenl duot, "A IVrfeet Day," MIhs
1 1 unco and Mm Wold
lleiiilnlrcniH'eH, I', I), Mertlok,
Vornl milti, aelerted, Mls I'hopTO
Hailed. '
AddreM, JiuIro IJ. I J. Kelly,
Hong. "Ainerlcs."
IMIei Cuiod In II To 1 1 Day.
Your driiKKlrt will refund money
If PA'O OINTMKNT falls to cure
any ram of Itclilng, llllnd, lllei'dlnit
or I'rotrudlnn I'lles In 0 to II days,
fit) rents,
Local tilanks tin sale at tho Mall
Tribune nfflrn f
Every Drop
Does Its
Kerolrno Is an economical
motor oil because It lubri
cates so thoroughly.
You Rot tho full worklnR
value from ovory drop
thou It burns up cleanly,
and you havo no troublo
with carbon.
Raid In Mr
1 and C
aallon Cans
Fniy to Handle,
For BIo I'vorywhere
Standard Oil Company
Honest Manufacturers We
come Your Investigation
When you read ihn advertisements alwml some well-known pro
duct you often find Unit It loutHlim tho, "our fac
tories nro open for your Inspection."
Ttm manufacturers who make. hiicIi stntrinentH nro nbaolutely
suro of thu quality of their r.oods and the i-oiidlllon undor Mhleli
(bey tire made. They know their iiintlioiU will aliiud ih iiunt intre
fill Inspection. ,
Kvery ndvertlsetiient ou read In The Mull Tribune U the expres
sion of a merchant or inniuiUutiirer whiwe niereliiindlso and meth
ods are honest. Satisfy yourself by roIiik to tho store and eliii:
that every value Is as represented It tuny be oen belter.
ICeep In touch with the news of tluwn store by rwidlus the ad
vertisements In The Mall Tribune chwcly and ooimtuntly every ulitht.
(CopyrlBht, 1KI3. by J. P. Fallon )
75c Fiction now 50c
25 off on all other boohs
Blank Books, Pencils, Pens, Inks, Mus
cilage, Typewriter Paper 1-4 off
Fancy Stationery - 1-2 off
Regular Stationery - 1-4 off
Everything in.the store is reduced
Matinees Dally, 2 to 5 p. m.
Had Tuberculosis
of Glands; Now Well
If you are a sufferer from aiamliilar
rutiorculoala. or know of Bnjronu ao
BiMcttU, It mlk-lit bo well to limxtlirati)
tlili oo, wham tbq writer ileclarea nfler
a. ienr of aiirTerlns, lio fouml iiermauf ut
relief and full rerorery to Lialtli hy
ii "III ir lknian'a AlteratUe, a metllrliia
waleli lina been ffevllro In many caava
(it -
.. M7 l.aruton Ht., l'blla, l'.
''Oentlemen: In Mardi, W, was
taken atck and my doctor tirunnunced
ray rao Tubcrculoila In tlio (Hand.1
Medical treatment did not lielp me, and
on my doctor's advice, I went to n boa.
I'ltal to bo operated upon, but relief waa
only temporary. I ot atrinisth, and at
tluiea would bare cold aweala and fever.
In April, 1U10. I returned to tbu lioapllal,
but thu continued onvrallona were not
btncdtlnir iiih.
"In the meantime, a friend of mlna
adrlaed iC'kiwni, Alterative, aaylnu It
waa irood for Tlibereulotla, Tho wounda
in. P"; ."' "T1- 'H1 "I""" "'"I "
frightful condition when I alnrlod to
Inku It. After uilnu two bottlea, I
found I waa Improrlnir, harlnx uolntd
wclKbt, could cat, und wua able to alevii.
I continued uhIiir It until 1 wn well,
which waa lo November, lOlu. Ileforo I
took tbo medicine, bad llirco beiuor
rfaagea) alncu I havo been tnklnu It, I
have not bad nuy. On November 11.
1010, I alarted to work, and alncu that
I I mo I havo not lot oun day's work
through alckneaa. I can highly recom.
mend llckinon'a Altutatlvu to anyone
who la aufferlnir from Tubereuloala or
(Hand Trouble, providing they tuku It
aa nirecieu, I win Biauiy eorreapoud
wllh nny parly dolrfntr further Infor
mation of what Ilia medicine did for mo.'
I H worn anidnvlt) JOHKl'll 11. WIUTU.
Kckman's Alterative la cnectlvn Iu llron
rbllla, Aatbmu, Hay 1'cvert Throat and
I.iuik" Troublca, and In iipbulldlnir tho
ayalem, Does not ronlnlu nolanna, opiates
or habit. forming druira. Aak for booklet
felllutr of rrroverlea and wrlln to Kcknian
llti.I.ln,. Ill.ll.l,..lnfln It. f..m ...I
inif.iHi"l , HllHiiVllillllli 1 M.f l"l Oil" !
dence, 1'vr sale by all Icmllnif ilruifKUt V.
So waU'li tho mimical program.s nt ihe ITgo
(undor now liuumgcmoiit). Wo will not tiro
you with too much of a HnmonosH. Lust,
nighL tho "Rusty Hinge" quai'totto made a
gi'V'it hit. AVo'll havo 'oin hack later, hut
wo have something now. You'll lil;o it, It's
Homothing different and something new. ft s
mimical and entertaining,
Complete change of pictures tonight. Mat
inee Saturday and Sunday. Four big reels
of latest licensed moving pictures. They
will be interpreted musically by Mrs. AVooi
worlh tho picture fan knows how much that
meanrj. Trices always tho same-
and 10
Under Now Managomon,t
14 w.-t.