fyn flN. i Medford Mail Tribune IM 7,! SECOND EDITION WEATHER I'nlr (oHtglit Kiifl Halurrfny Mat. 4flj Mta. iM( lr, .. "l 'r w : Korly.iooiiHil Tr. tliy Hnvrnlli rcr. TAFT LEASE OF LIFE BY TAR'HPPEAL Humnnltnrian Motives Led President Taft to File Protest Against Exe cutori ol Former President of Mex ico With Huerta. W'ASIIINdTON. Krli. 'Jl.-I'intU li'iil Tnfl liitx iiirvftitrtl the txi'iiUni nf rnuit'lci I, .Minlcm, (lopohc.l iirlili'Hl of .Mi.li'oloiiiioriinly ( Ioii-I. Thi fact wan (Iinolnpitl licio I hit. iifliniiHji mIicii it wiih mitlinriliitiM'ly hlnliil Unit I'niU'it Slnlis AiiiIiiihhii. tlur WiImiii wiih HDliflcil nmru tliiiu lliiil. l.v liniirn ui ur ttiit fincni iimiiI'm oiKnitimi to nnv litu tu incimlc Miiilnro, (l.iicriil lluortn w niillficil n ml lio mhJM'il the Ameiicnn iiinliiihMiilor (lint MikIiiii'm fnln would lie MiltU'il imly aftiir oaroi'ul ooiiHitl. million. It nwik htiitol tlmt liiiiiiiniitnrtiiii iiiuliti iiiiiiilcil I'roMiildiit T ft to inlcivt'ilo in .MiiiIciVm liclinlf. Aflwr lui liml ni'tctl, I lu in'hiilcnt rccriwil I hi' I'lillinviiiK ti'lcKrniu fimn .Miiniii'l ItuJMH, kiiiiuI iniihlT of MdxIciiii Mu- "A liinllirr Miikoii I n hk ou to IiilKivt'ilo in liulmlf of Mntloro." 'I'lin I'liliinrl doiiHiili'ii'il MikIoio'm I'ii 1 1' at lt uicnliiit; toiliiy. Il witn liwinii'il tlmt uniillu'i I'liiiiiiiiinloiilioii it In lin Kimt o I'liiiUiiiiuil 1'ifHiilfiil Hiiiilii iuhiiiiu' luii) tlmt tlio Unlti'il SImIoh (ivenimuiit wmilil (kiiinuIit the I'MKMilinn of M micro iiiliiiiiiiin. A (initio from AiiilmaKinloi' WiNon tliU nrti'i'iiooii Hiiiil tint I llunrlii innl (li'iii'inl Dnu. Innl Hiiiumoiii'il rtnolu tioimiv lnniluiH mid inoiiiliuMit fiti rmiH to Mn.xli'0 City to (I'ihcuhh plaint for llin iii(ij'h'itti(iii of tlm iviiiililiit. IJinli'il SlutoH ComhiiI Camilla nl Yum Cnu rrMiri'il Unit (lunoraU VcliiKi'o inn Vitlili'r. aiiil olhor prom, iiicnl it'iik'iilH Micro rofiiKi to ti'coi; nirn tlm provisional Kovoriimi'iit. Ho aililiil: "Onli'iH from Muxlun City to ic Ii'Iiho tlm Diar. n-lii'lrt who liavo liocu iiniiiihiiin'il hi'io bitu'u Hid Wra Cmx nnoll limn not ami will no( Im olo. cil. A '.'I'lioial Hi'iitinii'iit of iiiiivhI H'IIIh." STORMS 3I0P LONDON, Tub. at. TolornphliiB fiom Duriliiiiolk'H, tho corronpouiloiit or tho London Dally Mall today ro portoil thut US Urouk trannpurtM nru waltliiK at Mltyluno for clour wcuthur boforo landliiK troops at HohIIiii, A dlHputuli front Cuimtuntlaoplo jiiIiIh It will ho IiuiohhIIiIo to romimu flKlithiK aloiiK tho Clmtuljii IIiioh for at leant thlco weuki, Tho situation at Adrlunoplo U roportod unelianuod, with tho l'oito Mtlll roftiHliiR to por niif forolnnoiH to louvo tho bohlofiotl city. yrtogjyijSRH jjfi'"TBBH XPl BPm iiV PLAZA DE. LA CONSTITUCCON ., '""" '" w TrWPS' KfPfiKCI HARD FIGHT 10 IMILLIONS DEPARTMENT OP FOREIGIS RELATIONS, CtSffiMllftljHalfllm ' AUJUUKIl 0 LOO I UN UIuJL MAnrnn niCM uncnTA diammimo r&mHk, i bw Ah? 5 t - a jj Yn!iaMfiHM i uiiiiiLLuiuLniuiiL iyimulru u vm nucn m rLHii in r r i iiTTnrr' BALKAN BATTLES PREVENTS PRINCIPAL SCENES OF FIGHTING III MEXICO CITY WD PRnMINEMT LEADER LIKELY ID BECOME PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT. nriTII nrilinrnn E-. " f '- - . . -JZLXJt 7 . X Ashland Normal Passes loth Hcuses III AMI III Fill H I II Mil i.i..lv-rMBBBBBBL. " J " s. .AX I 11 48 HOURSI Ep , 4-' I'aI1 Deposed President and Don Gon zales Garcia, Deposed Governor General Both to Be Slain Mexican Coiifjress Decides Fate Tonljht. IX I'ASO. Toxan. Vvh. Jl.-Krau. i"Ui'o I. Mmlrro, icMihfil pronlilcnt of Mt-xlfo innl Fn-ilurico Don (luiuuli' (lui'cln, dcpohcil piniui K''!n'l "I tin' Moxiuo City iliitrirl, will lio nliuii within fnrtyrl;ht hoiirx, ncconlnij; to prixalu inKii'iv iiimiuciI hero loilny from .Mo.iiMi City. (larelu u ai'i'iini'il of Kraftinj; from (he anav and is rcporlol to bo to hMint,ililo fur inonl of tlm 0,000,000 porno of a trraHiiry deficit. Tlio iloHpntrlict rofuixnl Iuti my that I'ltiMiilont lltu-rla wilt not ordor tho excontion. hut Unit Miulcro ami (larcia Mill din tindor tho "fuilixt lmv.' MKXICO riTV, IVI.. 'Jl- Prctiilriit llimrlii of Mexico loilny aspired Rni. ora Mmlcro tlmt her liiisluind, tlio do (Miseil puioiilont, it not in liiimiiient ilmiRcr of oxfcntion. Miulvni'rt wife Ik priiNlrali'il and in nmlur tho care of pliVKiciutih. irnorla'H asxiiraiu'o was jrivrit oat of nipnthy for her uou- dllloii. Coiijjivhh tonight will oonsliler .Ma iloio'n falo. U in Ki'iu'rally cxpccteil that tin Mill not ho formally "executed, hut Ilia! if ho is to ho (.lain his death will come between hero ami Vera Ciiik the troop liaxiiiK' him in cliuii;o ie poitini; a "fatal iicoideiit" or that he wiim Killed while attempting; to eiii'iipi It in reported the jovernmenl Irea urv hhowH a defielt of (1,000,000 pcMix, for whieh Madero will bo com pelled to account. MII.WAI'KKi:, Win., Fob. 21 TlirentoiiliiK to pnrulyxo traffic all over tho Ktato, snowHtorniH aro ritK- liiK In Wltu'oiiHln today, In South uru WIhcoiihIh tho most ovcro blU tard of tho winter In bolnu oncotint o'rod nail train ilUpntcliorri workliiK In doiitilo hIiUIh to Keop trafflo mov tiiK. IW'Iro Horvlco Is ilomorallzod. DoHplto many prccautloim takon, It Ih roared streot cur traffic hero will hitvo to miupoail. Tho hhow Ih plIliiR waist doop ucnlast tho jtructuroa In tho bu8luorin dUtrlctu, xvhllo la tho pooror HurtluitH Itorolo offortH aro bo liiK mUdo to atuvo off tho offoctn of tho frooaliiK weather. Ghnrltnblo'or KitnlzntloiiH rcHcued muny outeiiHta rroni death In tho streotH ami llnod a HtarvliiK. frcozInK mob of mon and women up ror hot co(feo nnd othor rutlo)9, WISCONSIN BLIZZARD'S Rl MRDFORD, ISiHlI:,ii TvSPiBSWKrW : on in i prki atiidp mhmhhb' .bbbbbbhbbbk i t i. ' - .- r ttwi- lbk. iii-HMftaHHFvr .: "v fA1BTVBk V URf I r BBV XflBMk - ' KnMmmmCMmmmm .THE- Georsia WHICH WWVED AT VERACRUZ 4rOJV T MEMBERS PAY $8,500 AS FINES I'OltTLANT), 1'Vli, lil-l'iftfen memhera of tlio Portland Product) Merchants' nhxoolulioii, In the United Stalert ili.slrict court today catered pleas of guilty to charges of vielnliuit of tho Sherman aati-lriixl luw and coiiiparatiwly heavy fines wore as- tte.ixcu. Tho lotal amount of tho fines i $8,r00. Tho men wero indicted hy the federal jjrnml jurv three week up). V. II. Ulafko, of H. (Hafko ami company, ami prohidont of the nihiioiutioid was tho one to receive tint heavlent penally, fino bein f 1,2'tU. Other fines imposed wero a-, follow h: Timothv I'eai-Miu, $1,000; John A. Hell $700; . A. Dryer .7r) ; Mark Levy 7.)0; Fred II. Pao .o00; C. II. Dillov $.'i00; Hetherl MeKwen .fflOO. Charles It. Levy fl00; Kd II. Levy .fl00; Hen Low $100; John J. Cole $100; O. II. Canlwell $100; W. A. MaiiMfield $2.10, ami Kdward A. Ham fonl $'.'00 IS. SCOTT IGNORANT OF EXPLORER'S DEAIH SAN' FHAKCISCO. Feb. 'Jl Mrs. Hobert V. Scott is not yet advised of tho death of her explorer liusbniul aiul lilu four companions on tho South polar dash, according to Captain Slovens oC tho liner Tahiti, in port today. Slovens declares he intercept ed tlm moBsaiiOH intended for Mrs. Scott, who is on hoard tho htoumcr Aontni, nnd tried in vain to relay them to (hat vessel. It is not believed Mi's. Scott will hear tho I runic news until the Aoraui arrives at Wellington, N. ',., February '20, when bho expected to meet her !iityl)dt DU OKKOON, TODAY, TO$IUTAUY 21, 1013. EXECUTION kJ'-Vv3BHHMJnBHHJHVr'?SHHHHHHHHHHn PANAMA FAIR APP AON CUTT0MO0O 8ALi:.M. Ore.. 1-Vb. 21.Another $50,000 ban been cut from tho Snn I rnnclBco fair appropriation by tho homo ways ami mentis committee which todny reported fuvontbly on tho Joseph' Hcnatu bill rIvIiik $200, 000 to thu exposition with tho rec ommendation that It be mudu I1C0. 000. Tho propoed appropriation has now dwindled JiiHt $350,000 ulnco Joboph Introduced hU bill on tho first day of the sesulon culling for $500,000. Tho house today pr.saed tho gen eral statu house budeot appropriation bill, carrying $1.231,'.MC for expusen of tho executive, administrative, Ju dicial and othor depurtineuta of tho Btuto In the next two yourn. Au appropriation of $70,000 for tho Blato board of forestry Includ ing HalarloH and expensea ot flro wnr dens wns Included In tho budget. BRYAN, TEOOY AND BOB LI XFAV YOISK. Feb. 'J!,- Pandemon ium following denunciations of Wil liam J, Hryau, ltoheit M. La Follette, and Colonel looevelt, hy Lovi Han otMt't, former attorney general of Wisconsin broke up tho annual dinner of tho American Papor and Pulp as sociation at the Waldorf AstoV lad night. "Bryan, Roosevelt mid La Follette, tvoubloMuno triplets of trihulntion, Don Quivotos of Armngeddon, the Mad Mullahs of progress," was the uhnraotcmntiou that blurted the up load. Toastmnster Charles F. Mooro asked all who did not like tho t-pooeh to louvo tho room. Many left. "Hireo cheers lor the bully," greeted linnerolt s reterenco. to Roosevelt as "hull uiooso apd bully," WOMEN PLAYED HEROIC PARTS TEN DAY BAHLE (By a staff correspondent of the United Press. MKXICO CITY, Feb. 21. TUc part played by Americans in general and American women in particular in tho tea diivs battle recently cuded here, was heroic Tho most prominent women workers were: Mrs. Henr- Iinu Wilson, wife f the American ambassador, who tire lessly attended to tho needs of tho women xho sought refuge, at Ihe 1'iiileil States embassy; Mrs. Paul Hudson of Kansas, wife of the editor of tho Mexican Herald, who remained with her husband in his offi ico in the iroiHio.: heart of tho battle zone, tl Ihe fighting; Mrs. nitrce MoKull. wifo of an Amerieau liewspaponnun, who with her children lived for n week in tho basement of her home with machine gims planted on tho front porch and sharpshooters stationed on tho roof; Victoria Hastings, an Eng lish gill, who acted as a volunteer correspondent ynd braved frightful danger. Oilier heroines included 'Mexican telephone girls, who remained ut titer posts until shells cut tho wires and partially demolished (ho tolephona building. Countless instances of if. mulo heroism could bo told, chiefly by women visiting the homes of the poor to aid and cheer them. stockISt Tales NEW YOHK. Feb. 21. Sales In tho few minutes ot tho stock market today showed a slower toudoucy, Heading lost ono and Canadian Pa cific 23, Tho bears, mado a raid at tho opening which led to hasty cov ering. This put tho favored stocks gradually higher. Tho market closed firm. Bonds wero steady, OF MADERO Medford Armry and Rogue Riv er Fish Dill Up Today Seven Bills Signed by Governor Now Laws. SALKM, Feb. 21. A hard fight is provide for and maintain coutinun both liou-es of the cgt-.!(uuru at mid night. If it fails, both houses Will probably hold over nnd adjourn Sat urday ipght to reassemble .five-days later. The Ashland normal bill, introduc er c. ve .i:h.-inrn..: Vr. 7?:-hhTii i I'J 111 till IIV-IIVII, III II1U BUUUll'. pns-cd the house last night and is now up to the governor. The jredfonl Armory uill will be voted upon this afternoon by tho house. A hard fight is in prospect. Tho Hogue river fish hill comes up in tlio senate this afternoon. Six house bills and one senate bill nerc signed by Governor West todav. One of tho most important house bills signed is ono which creates the state board of control and places all tho state institutions under tho super vision of this board. Among other bills signed were; Consenting to Ihe purchnse of the locks nnd canal at Oregon City; cre ating a state board of accountancy; providing that the school hoard in nn school district in the slate mav being mndo this afternoon to adjoin it tion of evening schools, and regulat ing sale of liipior ott Sunday. PUBLIC BUILDINGS T I MHClllVnTV ti-i. n uhiL ''. f. i.-nu mi add,tlonaI appropriation of $20,000.- uuu luu huusu puuue UUIIUlUgS Dill wus reported to the senate this uioru lug. The following sums aro in cluded: For buildings at Portland, Oregou, $1,000,000; Tho Dalles. Oregon, $24,- 000; Albany. Oregon. $10,000; Miles City, Mont., $75,000, and Santa Bar bara. Cab, $20,000, all post offices. Ciibtonis house ut Everett. Wasa., $75,000; Wenutchee. Wash., $S5,000; Missoula, Mont., $125,000; post of fice at Vancouver, Wush., $115,000. Tho appropriation for u post offleo and customs house at Oakland, Cab, was Increased from $75,000 to $115, 000. EXPENDITURE BILL CUT TO $1,500,000 WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 Ap proval was given the 1'erklns' lilll providing for a $1,500,000 govoru- mont. exhibit at tho Panama Pacific exposition by tho senate committee on Industrial expositions today. (t Is bolleved that congress will accept tho bill In proforouce to tho Kodooburg bill appropriating $2,- ooo.opo for th oxpoBitiQn. F OA OWN N0.285. ; LOST, BY IE METHODS IN U. S. TREASURY House Committee of Investigation Claims That Government Has teen Mulcted by Depositary lank Sys tem and Wants It Abolished. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Denun ciation of the manner In which the treasury department conducts Its business and the declaration, that the government has lot mlllloas of dollars by "crude methods" were voiced here today by the house com mittee on expcadlturea In the treas ury department, which has completed -ItaJnYMtlBattanof. flseal operatles and riled Its report. ' . "Interest amounting te 136,600. 000" the report says, "hasbeea lest to the treasury In the'Iaet twenty six years. fThe treasury's handling of general surnlus funds has been crude, unbusinesslike, unprofitable and discriminatory. A working bat anco of $25,000,000 In the treasury Is sufficient. Tho government can Incrcaao Its revenuo $2,000,000 a year by charging Interest on tho funds In government depositories." liOss is fO0,oeo,OOO Referring to the working balance, tho report says that largo sums have been unnecessarily retained In the treasury, sometimes aggregating $100,000,000. It adds that In addi tion to tho $36,000,000 lost by not collecting Interest the government has lost on tho "excess balance" re tained In tho treasury for the last twenty-sit years, figured at 2 per cent, $17,6610,860. "Tho right accorded certain banks." the report says, "to act as government depositories Is a discrimination- against all other auks not go designated, nnd Is a species of special privilege uud government favori tism." The report urges legislation abol ishing the depository-system and tho substitution of a law which would force banks to bid for government deposits. Discriminatory lruc(lces "Thero are now 436 depositories," (Continued on rage 3) ir it TO FIGHT HUERTA KL PASO, Tonus, Feb. 21. Alber lo Madero, uncle of tho deposed Mex ican president today is virtually a prisoner in Juarez, in the custody of supporters of Provisional President Huerlu, It is not known what action will bo taken in his case. The stuto of Chihuahua hus flatly rejeoted Huerta us head of the ipy eminent, and reports received hnre stato that tho revolution started in northern .Mexico has iuurcusud in violence. Governor Gonzales oC Chi huahua, with his cabinet uud the members of his family, has arrived at tho border, leaving tint government ut tho stuto in n chaotic, condition, It wus believed hero today that it'l the rebel leaders, with the possible exception of Gonurul QroZyO, vyo i' I roject Huerta, and combine their for ces (o oj.noe tho uew-ROverniiiwit. bUMD )7 1 H&J tall I 1 I ' t I -" i 1 i H n H V