v 1 MEDFORO MfiTT; TRIBUNE. MIWFOUT). OKKCION. THUHSDAY, WJIIRtTARY i!0. 101.1. MHRMMMRr ?ji''iilj. i-.i.1 tii;jjjuat.,..iuiju.'ijj;r-!j.i-ii!.,j?"iii-ti.ii ' 'H' 'I L LU "J V I JJ'lt'lWJII I H'lUlW'TI RANGERS DISCUSS PRINCIPALS INVOLVED III COASTING ACCIDENT AT VASSAR. MANY 10 A1TEND OT I I :nDc M B MS RUN IE I URL AND LEARN MUCH Willi over sixty KunrdintiM of Uncle 8nm'a limber lands in this Rcollon in ntlcndnnoe, tlic convention -of. forest ranei-n nnd officials which opened Wednesday in (his cily continued it ession8 today, n general discussion of forestry problems coming before tho men. Midlers tending to instruct tho men in their variout duties aro Iic'iiir gone over thoroughly and much good is being derived from tho con vention. Hnngers and officials ef: four forest. Crater, SUkiyon, Klam ath and Shnsla, are in nttendnnce. Tho morning session todny was de voted to logging ocrntion;. A gen eral discission followed a short ad dress by Supervisor Erickson in which many of tho raiigvn joined. Tho meetings will continuo until Saturday overling. Friday the discussions will be led bv T. D. Woodbury of the district of fice at San Francisco, and will treat of (ttunipagc, reforestation, selling ngreenicuts nnd planting for second growths. Saturday, the closing day of the contention, Cort DuDois, district for ester, with headquarters nt San Francisco, will bo tho principal speaker, treating of the subject of fire protection and general efficiency of the service. bbbL leateBccccccccflc llm" k!9ii lit HL vbap -? I b1i 1 i IMBBmPi ( V T 1 1 i bbK VIsflBB&9- v ". Jk i PcnpiiSsoa MISS EL1ZA5ETH MYLOO O GEQfcGE DUfcBANK 5JIATTUCK MYRA MULST 'Aa result of tho drowning of Miss F.lUabuth U. Mjlod. twenty jean old, a Vawar tudent, and the narrow escape of four others when a lolmsgnn on which they were coasting down Sunset Hill, at PoiiRhkccpsIe, N. tH plunged Into a lako back of the college, a'J so l:tl and athletic activities at the college hare rced. ilia Mjrra llulst. who sat next to iU Mytott when the toooRpan leaped out of Its course and tumbled dowa the, embankment Into th laVe. was more rrhuly affected than the others who were rescued. Thts Is duo largely to ber efforts to save her eonipMiInn In tho lake. Professor George tt. Shaliuck. wlm, with Miss l'hrN nrlgr, ran out of one of tho college building when they heard tho girts sercunlng. N owrurd to his room, for sereral minutes after tho four girls wero rescued tht Professor dlred about In tlir lake in Impes of vlnc Mls Mvlmt Ml Prlmr l confined to her room also. REBEL CIFTANS 10 TALK PEACE KL PASO, Tex., Feb. 20. Gcn erals Incx Salatar, David Delafuenta and Knilllo Vasquei Gomez, leaders of northern rebels, today are en routo to Juarez, near where they will con fer with emissaries of Provisional President Hucrta of Mexico. Tho rebel chieftains say tt Hucrta will make Gomez and Oelafucnta members of his cabinet, General Salazar, chief of rurals, and pay each of tho rebel soldiers 100 pesos each, that the re bellion probably will end. Tho federal garrisons of Northern Moilco havo accepted Huerta as head of tho government except at Chihua hua and Xo sales. WEST WINS LAND L FR Si FUN EA6LE POINT EAGLETS By A. a Howlctt I omitted to state in my last that Mrs. Howard Fox of Portland, but formerly of this place, was here last week on her way to her mother's fnrm on Dig Butte. Mr. Nclliw, who owns the Flounce Hock farm and has been bpending Bcxeral days in Medford, came out last week accompanied by Mr. J. S. Hnrpolo and J. E. Swining and spent tho night with us ou their way up to his ranch. A. W. BmdsUaw. superintendent of the Iloguo Itiver Commercial Orchard, vus in town Monday getting supplies Ho reports that he has lots of work to do and that cvcrtlungis progress ing finely. Wo had n little oxciteemnt in our town last Monday afternoon when L. K. Hnuk'ri team camo dashing down throuirh town ut brvukueck speeil withont a driver. Ho hud driven up to tho back door of tho depot and left them "just a minute" to sec about feomo freight, when tbey took adrau tugo of liis absence mid started for home. This is tho second time they lmvo run nwuy from the depot I un derstand. A company of burvoyors came out Tuesday morning to lay out u new county roud through the A. J. Daley place, running cast through the old Wiljisuroft place, tlieneo noutli to in. tersect the county road from Medford to Urowiifcboro. Mr. and Mrs. IL F, Wilson of Med- ford nnd tbeir son, Irvin, of Marys villc, California, ho being a telegraph operator in tho S. J railroad office there, cutno out to look up a fjvo-ucre tract of hind thoy had traded for, nnd v'hi'o hero called on your Kagle J'oint correspondent. Churlcs I'mctt, one of our progrcs fclvo farmers, living along tho P. & E. railroad ju&t below town, was doing business hero Tuesday. In my Eaglets published Tucsduy I made u mistake in reporting tho ac cident at tho Buzzurd initio and gavo tho uamo of Mr. Stnoy 'instead of Strong os being one of the men caught in tho tunnel. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hoyt of Klam ath Fulls and Mrs. 0. If. Shaw and her four children of Fuirview came -in to uttend tho funeral of their bister and aunt, Agnes Love Howlctt, last Friday; also Bo v. Murk C. Davis camo from Wolw Creek to conduct the fuuurul services. SALEM. Feb. 20. After six years of effort und wailing, the rewnrd for one of the many fights he and his pre decessor in office bate made in be half of the common school fund of the stafc enme to Governor West to day in the form of a patent from the United Slates giving tho stato n clear title to about 7000 acres of indemnity school lands in tho Lnkcvicw district. Of the 7000 acres for which patent had been received, 4000 acres were involved in fraudulent selections. The title to tho lands was in dispute. Un der the direction of Governor Cham berlain, Oswald West, then btntc laud agent, about six years ago, began to dig into the records of these selec tions. He found them tainted. His activity mado mnny who were back of tho dummy selectors afraid to con tinuo with their deal and keep up the payments. About the same time A. Walter Laffcrty as n sccial agent of the government mado an investigation of tho lands involved. He then rcnigncd PROSECUTOR NOW IS TAKING GREAT INTEREST THIEVES GET COIN TO PAY IN E. E. Kelly, probntiou officer, nnd friend of the kiddies. That's the way it reads now, for tho prosecuting nttorncy has taken up the duties of probation officer for Jackson county and henceforth will devoto n great deal of his time in straightening out tho careers of the youngsters who run foul of tho law. The Oregon law provides for a pro bation officer aud juvenile court, the latter presided over by tho county judge, but owing to n lack of funds no probation officer has been appointed. So Mr. Kelly decided to take up the work himself, and ho now hns six youngsters reporting regularly to him onco n week. 4,Thcro is n vast amount of work to be dono here," M.itc Mr. Kelly, "and I feci that it is of tho utmost inixrt ....mm rri.- ... ,.. r.-.. f l , .- i juuiiv. ne uuujin:n uiivu run mill anu ocyan practice as a land aiior.0f the law through uo malicious reas ncy. He took the cases of borne of the men who were trying to secure these lands from the state. He at tacked Chamberlain nnd West through the columns of tho Portland Telegram. During the campaign, ef forts were mndo to inako it appear that Chnmberiain wns connected in some way with land frauds. Tho pa per abused Chamberlain over the matter. TAMMANY IMPLICATED BY POLICE EXPOSURE NEW YOHK, Feb. 20 Offers to turn stato's cvldcnco against Tu in many politicians havo boon mado by Police Inspector Dennis Sweeney, ac cording to reports hero today. Swcon- noy Is under Indictment on u chargo ' attendance oning, nnd their cases, if dealt with in a proper manner, really do not prove serious. Every tbno n youngster gets in bad now, he is taken before the juvenile court, and committed to my care. I watch him nnd if there is an incliiintiAn ou his part to straighten up, I help him, and gito him full op portunity. I hojw to accomplish much nlong this line." COAST PHYSICIANS TO CONVENE HEHE SEP. 18-20 ,TAFT. Cal., Feb. 20. While Johnny McCarthy of San Frnnclnco and Hilly Murray of Sacramento battled twenty vicious rounds for a percentage of tho "gato" receipts. Izzy It eh f eld whoipromotcd tho bat tle, was hotd up by two masked and armed thugs In tho box office of tho fight pavilion and robbed of 11300, tho cntlro receipts, according to Rchfcld's complaint to tho authori ties today. Kchfcld was counting his cash as the spectators cheered tho furious rallies in tho arena, when he looked up Into tho barrats of two guua In the hands of tho robber. "nomembcr the boys In tho ring," pleaded Ilohfold when ho was ordered to pass over tho cash. "They are working hard for a plcco of this coin." With an oath, nno of tho bandits swept tho coin Into a sack and es caped. . 1 NEXT SATURDAY Tho roiutulttco of tho Medford Commercial club and Medford Mer chants' association havliiR In chnrKo tho nrraiiKoments for tho blK Irriga tion meeting to bo held next Satur day afternoon at tho Nntutorluin, re ports that a larav delegation of cltl tens will ho ou hand from the many sections of tho valley, Interest In tho topic belliK Kreat. Medford cltltons will turn out In force to discuss tho matter. Tho valley seems awake to tho pos slbllltles or Irrigation at tho present tlmo lu a greater degree thnn nt any time heretofore. Tho proposition of tho Hokuo Illver Valley Canal com pany to Increase Its service providing enough nereago Is secured, Is mooting with favor. It Is hcllctcd Ihtit the big meeting Saturday will add great, ly to tho Impetus of tho movement. Mall Trlhuno's classified ads bring results. Hotel Medford Itooms without tialli OOc per day and up. Itooms with batli 91.50 per day and up. Special rate by week or month. Combination lireaUfsnta every morning U9, OA and 43 cent. ToiiinrmnN UTh: MKltCHAXT'H M'NCII 23c Fulton Market Clam Chondcr Fried Sliver Smelts PommcM lltssolo Flaked Codfish In Cream German Pot Hoast I'otatoo Pancake Itagnul of Veal nnd Mushrooms Spired Pickles Mashed Potatoes Creamed Carrots Cocoanut Cream Plo Fruit Sherbet During meal hours beautiful music and singing will Iki rendered by llcrr Carl Orlssea and Mine. Kvelyne. Physicians of Oregon, Washington, California and Idaho, with soino of the great medical authorities of tho United Stntcs as speakers, will bo held In Medford, September 18 to 20, plans for tho convontlon being per fected nt a meeting hold at tho Med ford hotel Tuesday ovenlng. Over 200 physicians, surgeons and mod- leal men of tho northwest will bo In of levying trlbuto on vlco resorts. District Attorney Whitman thinks that largo sums of graft money wore distributed among Tainmauyites, WILSON WILL RETAIN WHITE HOUSE EMPLOYES WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. An nouiiccmeut has been mndu here today thut President-elect und Mrs. Wilson will retuin the majority of tho pres cut employes of tho White House proper and the executive offices. MARRIED. W. Tyler Smith, Jr., of Medford and Miss Stella Mocker of Lampasas, Tex., wero married at tho First Pres byterian church In Portland, at 8 o'clock last nigbt, tho Rev. John II. Doyd, D. D., officiating. Friends and relatives of tho contracting' par ties wero presont. Thoy will spend a short honeymoon in the north and mako their home In this city. Doth young peoplo aro well known In this city and havo a wide circle of friends In tho Rogue River valley. Tho Broom Is circulation manager of tho Morning Sun, and tho brldo was formerly connected with the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company. Tho marriage was tho culmination Legal blanks to; pale tt the Mail I "f & romance that began last aura TrbW QfUw tflnw, .,.. ' Committees worn nppolntcd by tho Medford physicians to perfect plans and mako tho preliminary arrange ments for tho September convention. These committees are: Flnanco Drs. Clancy, Scolcy and Steams. Entertainment Drs. Hmmona. Morion, Thayer. Coiroy and Golden. Publicity Drs. Hargravo, Porter, Marlon, Lockwood, Durbcr and Lock- wood. Elaborate plans will bo mado for tho entertainment and rccoptlon of tho visiting physicians. Plans may bo mado for taking tho visitors to Crnter lako. Tho Commercial club and Merchants' association will bo asked to unlto with tho committees. Moritol Pile Itcmrdy. A new scleutic preparation for both internal and external uso ami absolutely without an equal for the treatment of plies In any form. Ask us to show you this remedy and ex plain Its many advantages. Leon U Ilasklns. NOTIOK. Notice Is hereby givon that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council March 4, 1913, for a license to sell malt, oplrl- tous and vinous liquors at 31 South Front stroet, for n porlod of sit months. II. H. RADCLIFF. Dated Feb, 18. 1913. Baldheaded Row FOR EXCHANGE Flno dairy farm In tho Willamette valloy, close to county seat most all set to clover, large new barn, good house, water piped to barn and houso. Clover seed will pay from 7C to 100 per aero. Will take good homo In Medford, somo cash and good terms on balance, this Is a choice dairy farm and at a low prlco. 10,000 Portland Income property to exchange for Medford property or farm. A snap for 10 days. 36 acres all In cultivation. 8 ncres In S-ycar-oId pears. S acres In 2-year-old pears. S acres In C-yenr-old peaches. 30 apricot and almond trees, llalanco In grain, good houso and barn, good well und spring. Call and let us show joii this place. For Rent Modorn furnished and unfurnished houses. Somo good buys lu city proporty. Wood & Messner Phono nr. ,No. H H. Central Tho president of tho Ray City, Mich., trades and labor assembly was elected to the Etate legislature, NOTIOK. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil at its meeting to bo hold March 4tb, 1913, for a license to sell malt, spirituous aud vinous liquors In quantities less than a gallon at Its place of business on lot 11, block 20, city of Medford for a porlod of six months, W. M. KENNEDY. Pfited Fcbruory h, PJ3, Early Piety Not .Munys tho t'auso of llulilnrs Inasmuch as it Is an accepted fact that baldness, falling hair aud dand ruff aro caused by a germ, doesn't tt stand to reason that tho only way to prevent such calamities is to kill tho germs? And doesn't It stand to reason that tho only way to kill these gorms Is to uso Parisian Sago, which Chns. Strang has so much faith In that ho guaran tees it to euro dandruff, fulling lialr and Itching scalp in two weeks, or money back? Parisian Sago Is a delightful hair tonic pleasant to uso. It is not sticky or greasy, and contains only those liigrcdionts that will surely benefit. It Is now sold by druggists ull over America, and by Chos. Strang for GO cents n largo bottle. It is used ox tensivoly by women who dcslro luxu riant hair with u radiant luster. Tho girl with tho Auburn hair is on every package Wo Turn Out MANV A LOAF OF liRKAD Hero Every Day, Yet Can Not lUi ACCUSE!) OF LOAI'l.NU Wo Keep Ilusy Turning Out Ilukcry Goods of Quality. MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 42 Soutji Central Salves Cant Cure Eczema In TfgtrA to pkln illie. medical uthorltl ri now iroil on this Don't Imprlnon lh lleai scrnu In your slcln l.y the ui of tttny lvm, n! Ihu rucnurif thm to multiply. A true cur of all toscmatoua dlie can lit brought about only by ualna tlia hesllnr nnenta In tbe form of a lWitld. WAHII TUB OEniffl OUT. A almpl wash A compound of Oil of WlnUrvrn, Thymol, and otbr In. irreaitni a coiniiinta in in u.u.u. dlacaa ctrma and daatroya thm. nn aa nothing lhn aoomaa- ana ntui ina iki la lias war dona. A to etnt bnitla will start th cut aid fc-lve you Instant roller. Wo liav mad fait friends of mora than ona family hy racnrnmandatln thle n.D.I). I'laacrlritlnn to a altln suf ferer here and there, and we want you to try It now on our poalllr iay guar antee. I).n.I. Boap keeps the pores clean; auk ua. 1'reacrlDtlon. This penetrates to the I MEDFQRP PHARMACY In Order to Continue Dusmess Must immediately turn as much stock as possible into CASH Everything at groatly roducod prices. . NOTHING RESERVED ' llore aro hoiiiu of (liu bargains: ,. LEATHER AND ART GOODS TticlmlhiK Hand UaN, Coin Vtmu'H, Hill Hooks, 0a ill Cases, Pictures, HrasH (lootlri, Clift Novell ica, Baskets, yaeliots, Motto Cards 50 OFF BOOKS All popular Copyright, at 50 Evorything olno in our up-to-dato stock at 25 off, nothing rosorvod Remombor, we carry a lino of Stationery, Blank Books, Office and School Supplies; Also Whitman's Candy Sale Began Saturday, Feb. 15 AVo reserve tho right to recall all prices at any time. Sale strictly cash. im:li no i it tiik GREAT RED PLAGUE Utlicni of tlio itato aro urged to Inform tbomielvcs regarding this idacuo which li cauMng great aufferlng among boy a and young men, and eancclally among tho Innocent glrla ami women of the elate, 1'arenta aro urged to protect their children, and provide clean, whole ouio Information In place of tho unclean mlalnforuiatlon they cannot now help getting. Bend for any of tho follewing: i'hki: cmcuiiAits l'or Vounit Men Circular No. 2 Tho Four Hot Mr. Circular No, 9 Hex Trutha for Men. For Older lUiya (13 to 18 yn. of ago) Circular No. 8 Virility aud I'lijalcal Development. I'or Vounit IWiya (10 to 13 yra. of ago) Circular No. 7 Tho Secret of Strength, l'or OlrU Circular No. 4. A Plain Talk with rjlrli about their Health. For Vouiik Women Circular No. 10 l'hyvlcal Development. MurrUco and Motherhood. For Haiviiln Circular No. 1 Tho Ncod for IMuratlnn InHoxual Hygiene. Circular No. 3 When and How to Toll tho Children. Circular No. C A Lint of Hooka for U.o lu the Family on Hex. Betid 2-cent stamp with your addroas to Till: OltKGON HTATi: IIO.VHD OF IlKAlril 70U Hclllnit llulldliiK, 1'ortlaml, Orrf;oa Dopartmont D CLUB RATES For the Dailv Mail Tribune and the Weekly Pel Norte Triplicate $5.60 a Year Tho Triplicato is published Weekly at Orcseont Oity, tho hustling coast city about which many people now wisli information. This offer is open to all who now sub scribe or all who havo paid up their sub scription to Dec. 31, 1912. TWO PAPERS lfOU A LITTLE OVER TliE PJRIOJ3 Olf ONE . ii Weekly Mail Tribune -Triplicate, $2.70 annen'w p mu t in w iim-ia i'ijmwi'l.'H.V't I'WTIayafii Mimuai.ii & 4 it