Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 20, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(NT MuWafiAricn
Tli IJfBcrtlo. Tim, The MMfonl
Mall, Thit wdfrit Trlbunft The Booth
em Orronlan, Tim Ashland Tribune.
OfflCfl Mall Trltmns liulldlnir, 3S27-S
North Kir street: phone. Main J011.
CJHOIIOR PUTNAM Hdltor nn.l MansRtr
Ratcred s second-class matter at
MiMfnnl, Orrcon, umltr tho act of
March 3, 1171.
Official Paritr of tha CII? of MedfonL
Official Paper ot Jackion Countr.
One rear, by mall , .tS.OO
Ono month, hy mall - .50
Pr month, delivered by carrier In
Medford. Jacksonvllls and Cn-
tral Point- - ..BO
Fsturday only, by mall, per year J.OO
Weekly, per year - -. - 1.80
Dally average for eleven month end
In November 10, 1811, Z781.
The Mall Tribune ti en sal at the
Terry Kewa Htnnd. Ban Vtsnclseo.
Portland Hotel News Btand, Portland.
Portlaml Newa Co, lortlaml. Ore
IV, O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash,
Tnll X.aitd WU TTnltsd Frst
Metropolla at southern Oregon and
Northern California, aid tho fastest
crowinc city in Oregon.
Population tJ B. census 1910 SSIOj
estimated, 191! tn.000.
Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, elvlnr flntat
mipplr puro mountain water, and 17.3
miles of afreets pared.
Poatofflce recelpta for year endlnc
Novumber 30, 1911, show Increase ot 19
per cent. ,,,.. .
limner fruit city In Oregon rtoitue
Illver PpltienberB apples won sweep-
Makes prlie and title of
"Apple Xlar of the World"
at the National Apple Show, fpotane,
1909, and a car of Newtown won
rirst rrtae In 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, B. C
$5,000 A W
VEYT IIAVET. Penn.. Foil. 20.
Salary of President Tuft us profes
sor of law t Ynlc $,",O0O n year.
Salary of Howard Jones, Ynlc fool
ball coach. .4,000 a season. To this
inny bo added his salary of $1,000
or so while workiiic elsewhere during
"off seasons."
The.e are the fitrnrM that are in
teresting tho members of the univer
sity colony and many others here to
dny. Jones is hnt five years out of
roilegc, -while Tnft has n record of
thirty-six years as a distinjuWlied
alumnus and master of law.
y M trewn
When the weeds In all the housc
. lawns
Get them ready for to Brow,
And the gran holds out a promise
That, 'twill soon bo tlmo to mow,
When all the llttlo birdies
Start ecstatically to sine
You can bet a Lincoln penny
That It's dern near spring.
When the Jam In mother's cupboard
Shows up few and far between
And when dad begins to patching
Up tho ruty front old screen,
When the dogs start In a howling
And tho cats unite to sing
You can bet a twisted fried cake
That lt'8 dern near spring.
It should bo made a law that
spring bo ushered In. by the poets,
tho near-poets, and the rhyme sling-
l-'or some time past tho Rhymers
club has been ominously silent. Look
for the deluge!
Acting on tho suggestion of a
imnred correspondent who suggests
that wo mako this column stand for
something of civic betterment wo
bog leavo to submit our platform.
During tho coming year wo hope to
seo to It that the following great re
forms are accomplished In Medferd:
Wo demand
That the old cloth rag that onco
announced Cuthberfs closing out
sale be removed from the building
nt Sixth and Central.
That tho Emporium sign be re
moved from Main street.
That the price of a certain hover
idge bo, reduced from ten cents to
flvo cents.
That infants coaso driving automo
biles. Thero nro several other plnnks wo
could add but what's tho uso of ask
ing too much at onco?
When wo start in on national re
forms wo will ask tho makers of
moving pictures to request escaping
heroes not to stop, when time is pro
clous, to muko heroic faces and ges
tures at tho camora.
SAN FltANOJSGO, Feb. aO.Roh,
ort J. Wldney, tho Los Angeles real
csjate broker recently hot through
the ptoirmch boro whilo in tho apart
ments of Mrs. Vivian Lyons, a pretty
Denver divorcoo, appeared today in
jvoliee Jfidxe Welter's court and flatly
folium! tp lirobeeujo tho woman.
UlIRMlitfiffil KV
JfvAiff J?
ITK legislative mountain
forth n trood roads mouse
even of a road animal of these limited dimensions.
The good roads program of the legislature is praetieallx
Completed. It consists of an enabling net putting into
effect the constitutional amendment permitting counMes
to incur indebtedness up to two per cent of assessed val
uation, for the purpose of building highways, and a state
aid bill whereby a fund for state aided roads and super
vision of a state highway engineer are provided. Other
legislation covers minor matters, one of the bills enables
road districts to combine for special road levies.
It is greatly to be regretted that a large bond issue was
not authorized, for a system of state trunk lines, which
would have enabled the construction of important .high
ways through the state in time for the Panama expo
sitions. The actual cost to the taxpayer would be no
greater than under the bills that have passed, a half mill
levy caring for the interest on a ten million dollar bond
The county bonding bill provides a method whereby
counties can build adequate highways by issuing bonds or
warrants. If this system is good for the county, why is it
not a. great deal better for the state? It is hard to under
stand why the legislature has made no effort to pass such
a measure why such, a bill was not even introduced. But
then it is difficult to comprehend why it took ninety wise
men the entire session to agree upon an enabling act. The
state highway benefits the entire state and should lie paid
for by it.
The state aid bill provides for a state road board to
consist of governor, secretary of state and state treasurer,
with governor as chairman. This board appoints a state
road engineer at $3600 yearly, who acts in a general or
advisory capacity to county courts. The board lets con
tracts to the lowest and best bidder for state roads and
mav utilize the service of convicts.
An annual road fund is created by a yearly levy of half
a inilb and augmented by automobile licenses. The fund is
thus apportiened: thirtv-three and one-third per cent for
construction of state roads, and (G 2-'. per cent to be ap
portioned among the different counties. The latter per
cent shall be divided into thirds, one-third to be appor
tioned among the counties equally, one-third in proportion
to their respective areas, and the remaining third in pro
portion to their respective assessed valuations. The total
of the three sums shall constitute the apportionment of a
county conditional on the county's raising an equal sum,
the total to he expended wherever the county court de
sires, under direction of the state. Unused apportions
shall remain in the fund and be used for state roads only.
It would take a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out how
much a county had coming under this law, and the same
amount of money would take care of a large bond issue.
Still we arc thankful for anything from an Oregon legislature.
TIIE bill introduced by Representative Smith of Klam
ath Falls, making the state printer a clerk at $2-100 a
year whose duty it will be to prepare specifications and
secure bids for all printing under direction of the state
board, consisting of the governor, state treasurer and sec
retary of state, is one of the
before the legislature. In contemplates the letting oL state
Xirhiting under competitive
and takes the state out or. the printing husmess.
For mairy sessions, the state printer's office has been
the scandal of the capitol.
protected xne graic anu important legislation was matte
to depend upon protection of the office. At the present
session, the chairmen of the wavs and means committees
of both house and senate are
or his business associates.
The Smith bill will eliminate all this, ft will enable
the state to save money, starting with $20,000 appropriat
ed to buy n plant January 1, 19.15. The state will get lower
prices for printing than it could possibly under the present
system, or under a state owned plant. It will cut down the
amount ol) printing, which js now padded nifyond all
reason. It cuts the salaries provided $1200 a year from
those now paid.
The Smith bill was drafted by former Senator S. C.
Beach, a practical printer, and has the approval of the
governor. The house steam-roller, however, has sterilized
the measure by changing the date of its going into effect
from Dec. lu, 3914 to May 15, 1915. This permits the pres
ent printer and present system to hold-over for the print
ing graft of another legislative session, in which it is
hoped to get through legislation modifying or repealing
the bill and keeping the gratt
Two sales of acreage- In tho Oak
dale Park Addition during tho past
week will mean tho removal of many
now families hero this spring. L.
Stockwell of Ueach, K. I)., pur
chased a flvo aero tract and will
bring his family hero within sixty
days. Ho Intends to build u homo
on his place. Tho other buyer la W.
II. Woodhull, also of Ileach, N. D.,
who bought two flve-acro tracts and
will erect a homo thoro this summer.
Dr. Hverhurd mado tho sales.
WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 20.
Luncheon ut tho Deer Park hotel
marked the stay of the "New York to
Washington" bund of buffrugettcs
Una IiiIkiiM' and brought
but in Oroiron wo are dad
most meritorious measures
bids, as a business house docs,
Log - rolling and wire-pulling
related to the state printer
BALKM, Feb. 20. Senator V:i
der Jlellen when nnked when the leU
luturo would adjourn replied:
"I don't know when wo t-hn 11 ho able
to adjourn. I never know the legis
lature to ho so far behind. You may
have heard of a kind of ntiir chumher
combination in both houses mukiii;
on agreement for Maying; no ninny
day over. I have declined lo put
my unmo to any Mich paper and inude
them clearly uiidcrMuud that I would
May by my work to the last minute to
do my duty to tho Mate, hut not a
Hccond longer for tiie purpose of
playing polities merely."
hero today. Immediately nfinr the
luncheon the party Marled for Klk
ton, Md., which thoy expect to reach
r ' sac
Decaufo of the present insurrection lu Mexico, which Is causing n sltun
tlou too srvat for tho government to handle, and which pruinUen n condition
of affairs uearlug anarchy, ttio United States government Is preparing to take
steps to protect Americans and American Interests there. It I likely uernl
war ships will 1ms ordered to Mexican ports nt once. The Denser, wlikli 1ms
been stationed at Acapulco, Mexico, although ordered to rush to Central Amer
ica, will doubtless uow remain whero she Is or proceed to Vera Crus.
The City Hall Comedy of Errors
To tho Kdller:
Tho mornlni; paper's comments on
what It dubs "A Comedy" at tho city
hall, boiled dawn to their real mean
Inp, nro nothing more nor loss than
n shabby dofcuxo of the continued
existence of tho rottun spoil H)stom.
In Its application to .MeiUord's muni
cipal service. Tho writer Is not nn
apologist for nnv former administra
tion, and ho Is not personally con
cerned with any reflections which
The Sim may fee fit to cast on any
former mayor, or his minrtrs. lie
Is concerned, with the majority of
Medford iRHiple, lu tho economical,
efficient administration of inuulcliwl
affairs. It will lie time enough for
any mayor to mako changes In the
list of municipal sonants when ho
can demonstrnto that any such pro
posed change will be beneficial to tho
public Interest. A proposed ohango
with no better Justification than al
leged private beoevolence, or petti
fogging tochnlcalltles.ttos erves th
swift condemnation that such nn at
l'OHTLAXI), Or.. Feb. 20. Vailed
States DlMriet Attorney 'hii Me
Court today announced liU rigua
tion an government prosecutor lur
Oregon to Inks effert March 1, Mat
iiwr that he had been appointed by
Attorney General WiekorMiam to be
come n t-iwial HttaiMiaut to the attor
ney general to pnisenule for the py
ernmeut in the notion pendiutf huhiiiM
the MibMdiurloK of tho American
Telephone and Telegraph coiiiMny
now being inveMigatml hy the ledernl
grand jury nt Seattle.
MrCourt will lenve for Seattle to
night to upend hcvernl ilnyH in con
nection with thii iuvestigatiiin.
Mrl'ourt todny Intimated that civil
action against the alleged telephone
mouoK)y in likely to follow w 1 1 o r 1 1
and that if m (he nelioti will ho in
stituted in .Seattle. He reftlcd to go
into detail in regnrd to tliU mutter,
IlOMi;. Feb. 20 Summoned to
Culro to attend J. I'lerpout Morgan
Professor (lulsoppo llastlanelll, olio of
tho greatost specialists of Italy, will
leavo hero tonight for Hgypt.
It is stated that .Morgan wlrod Das
tlauelll that his condition seemed
satisfactory but that his presence
was desired nH n prclautlou.
Dispatches received hriro say that
Morgan took a brief drlvo through
tho suburbs of Cairo today.
A Progresslvi) Century.
Tho twentieth contury has given us
a satisfactory treatment for rheuma
tism. Tho American UruB and I',i',a
Association, of which wo nro mem
bers, aro manufacturing a prepara
tion called Merltol Ithoumatlsm Pow
dors, from a formula adopted by thorn
after medical exports bad pronounced
It ono of groat merit. GIvo Morltol
Rheumatism Powdora a trial. Thoy
aro guaranteed. Ilasklns drug storo,
oxcluslvo ugento.
John A. Perl
Phones .11. 171 and Wi
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
tempt mi the part of the present
nut.Nor has already happily met with.
It seems to. mo that the whole
wrangle has arisen lu tho city hnll
spring from the mistaken altsmpt
of u twenty-seven per cent inn) or to
mako himself tho whole thins: In n
government upiosed to be run by
majority rule.
While Tho Sun Is asking public
(mention on this matter, why not
shed a little Unlit on Himsh) points
alse: Will the Hun May tkat h ma
jority of .Mayor IHlVrt" known
frtMids and supporters. Inborn lr
tlun. expect!, ar would Iihv ap
proved, of the appointment of the
present city iittuniuy I who, by the
way, was approved by tho council.
( trogardlrss of whethsr the appoint
ment was gootl or had") How
many votes would Tho Sun vuy It
would have cost Candidate IMfort to
have mado a pre-elsctlon nnnouuo
niMiit of his Intention to appoint his
present appointee?
O Y ti:nowam.
This Will Stop Your
Cough In a Hurry
Sase S3 lir Maklne Tfcl Coobb
Syrup ( llumr.
This recipe makes a pint of letter
cough syrup than ou ctuld Uiy romly
made for i'M. A few tiiu.tlly
compirr tho most oImIIimIo amjih
stops -mn whogning cumuli quickly.
i in
pie us it is, no hotter iwinwly eon Iw hud
at any price.
Mix one ulnl of crnnulated sucar with
Vj Hnt of warm water, ami slip fur 'J
mlnuttrt. Put 21& oun of t'lrwx fifty
crnt' vrortli) in a, pint Nittte; tlirn add
the Stij-nr Syrup. It lis a plvitsant
(auto ami last a fatally a tang tlto.
Take a leaspoonful every oar, two or
thrre Imur.
ou osn frcl this take hold of a cough
In a "way that nmias IhuIiumh. Has a
gixxl tonic i'loct. Iir.irc up the alilwtitr,
and is kllshtly laxathe, too. wtdsh I
helpful. A handy remeilv for har
nrss, croup, bronchitis, asthuu and all
throat and long tnmhlrs.
'Jim I'lH-ct of iiliin on t If- tnemhranrs
Is writ knowTi, Pine Is tln m.t -ulu-ahlo
concrntrattsl romioiiiul of N'nrwe.
glan white plan extract, and Is rich lu
gustarol and all the natural linilltiif
pine ilcliicat". Ollirr nrciwrutluns will
not work in this formula.
Tlils Pint'xam! Hiiar Syrup rrrlpehss
attained gnut pularltv throiighmit the
United Stales and ('.inmln. It haw often
lvn Imitated, though never siiccrofully.
A guaranty of alMu!c sstlsfactlnn. or
money promptly rifunili'il, p- with this
recljin. Your druggist has I'lnrr, or will
p-t It for vou If not. scud to Tho
l'iuex Co., Ft. Wayne, lud.
We Offer You These
Qualities in
Baking Powder
Greater leavening power, (20
to 2T per cent more), absolute
purity- guaranteed for a mod'
"" '" ' . filSUSfi
"r.n iinr iionno iJj--"" v' :,i
At your grocers
Ask blur for It.
Wo will send
you, upon re
quest and a two
cent stamp, our
cook book con
taining roclpoX
for ogglesa cakes
puddings, etc.
Heat tie, Washington
Clark & Wright
Public Laud MuttorH! I'lnnl Proof.
Daflort Lauds, Contest mid Mining
Canes, Scrip.
You Limpcrs!
You Nccd-TIZ
Puis l.lfe, Vim, llnergy Into Tlii-d
I'eel, litmbo, Hplue, and U a
Wonder for all loot Tioulilei
b'n'o Tilal Piukiige llilngH .lay
If yitur feet fool as It they were
stuck In the mud--If thoy feel its If
e.wli slep were it hip-hummer blow
get a bo of TI'. from nnv druggist.
;!' rents
Drop All '
Foot Troubles
Into a
TI. Foot
TI. fomt hath draws out the
pol-ons that lodsded ill tut llieetalnud
poiusons that lodge lu the root poiot;
not da ou will be looking at
other sufferer Instead or being tho
abject of commiseration. Corns are
gone, bunions are reduced, feet aro
smaller, shoes fit flue. And If )ou
hsvft never tried this wonder, TI,
wrlto to Waller l.uther Dodge ft Co ,
USa H. WiiIhisIi Avu., Chicago, III.
ror n free trlnl imckage. or get u 2r,
cent box at any drug store, depart
ment, or general store. You will
iirxcr know- real loot comfort until
)OII haw lled TI.
Bittner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
All Kinds of Properly For Halo
I 'or Sale
30 nrrc. elm lu. good house,
burns and outbuilding. IS acres
bearing orchard. Prlw JKaOO. terms.
20 sere, near Medford, all lu al
falfa. Price $S000.
10 aertss. Improved A-1 Har eroek
botlotu laud, ISoOO.
Hsi Image
(lood laotlsrn hniisu, close In, for
vacant lots.
S nero orchard, nod Improvemsnts.
all rotund, chHKt Ih. for city rwddenco
property and sumo cash.
IMr Hem
lloustw and rooms, furnished and
I.lst your houses and ranches with
us. either for rent or sale.
T)pwrltr, Hid condition, for
sale cheap.
(Hrls and women for gnneral
Itaneli hands.
Klrat-rhis waltrwss.
Mlddle-agiNl chore man on rsnnh
Ptioue Home 11
Opposite Niihli Hotel
HOOMH nod 7. PA Ml Ill.OCK.
Auction Sale of Acreage
The undersigned has decided
ml.. Biwiilmr noolloti sale of 2 '4
m. fs-5Y avttaH: ln
t3i Fi&zKkk Jn7
A'1 Si iJHyW
5 ncro tracts In tint rierco milium
slon between the I nth day ot April
and the l.'.th ot March.
Hlnro my sale last March much Im
provement has broil done lu this lo
cality, jxisltlvo evidence that this Is
tho preferable location for building
suburban liouies.
Two nice houum and a number ol
smaller ones have been built this
past summer and fall, llullding
now going on In this neighborhood;
a new rree rural delivery now passos
through tho Pierce Huhdlvlslon. An
electric power and light line has re
cently been constructed. With good
roads, freo soil nnd city water, a
homo here Is a llttlo ranch lu the
For particulars and tonus wrlto
t)l!H i:. Main Hlieet, Medford
Official Photographor of tho
Modfortl Commercial Club
Anialoui' Finialiiiig
Post Curds
Panoramic Work
Interior and oxtorior views
Flash lights
Negatives mado anv time
and any place by appoint
208 E. Main Phono 1471
W rnrrw a vtrv
ry romploto lino ot
diuiiiTlH. fnco ourluliiH, Mxliiron, oto.,
mill ilu ill uluMSvn nf iiliollrliiK. A
Kpecluj man tu 1'ifiK aflur this worK
oSohiHlvi'ly unil will slvo um good
sorvleii as Ih possible to nut lu uvea
lliu lurgt'Ht elllcH.
Woolcd &McGrowan Co.
t 1 Aiv
The Hafest place tu go fireproof,
modem aiid.up-to-dnlo In every ro
A seelsty drums laattii from llf.
onnetuil with a rtwllsm Uint Is mt
hentillMil as It Is pathottH. It's a
l'lflng "A."
OruntMt events l.altsst war iinws.
A ThMislintiMr.
Oh! You henpecked husbands, gt
lu on this and Isaru somiHlilli
AIAV.WS A (50011 fco.Ntl
Wo are going to bring It to Med
ford. Will let )ou lu on It soon.
It's a peach.
Matinees Dally, 3 to C p. m.
I'lider New Management
"iitsn inxfjir
old PAvnitrriW
four Stusppy. lUiptd Actlau Photo
Pl with "PKT." Wnullr
fnl HsIhshIssI Hunt) us th
It's a Pippin
Music Under the Direction of
Mr. Woolworth.
ADMISSION n and 10c.
sH-HHW-r-r-H-l !
U M.I. .V Kill
lteiind t'iuwv ICntrtiner
In a NoMrltv Horprlsti en
titled khi:
Photo Plo)s Today Only
tiii: iici.icpiiom; ciki, and
nut uiv
roi'it.oi:oi'H 111,0011
IViuilug Pilday
Till: HII.M (JllltAL.M
In 'I wo Iteels
-H"H"H-t-H"- I -I -l-H-HHr-HM-
Luxury Without
Von Dora
2-12 Turk Street
Finest popular priced
Hotel in 8an Francisco
Oentral Z
Deal: locMetl
and moat
hotel in the
City. Running distilled
ice wntcr in each room.
European Plan, a la Curte
Cafe. 1
Tariff on Rooms
12 roams . . . .
00 roams - - - .
B0 rooms -
00 rooms villi ultili' lath
80 rooms vriili ilrjte tith
$1,00 esch
1,50 each
2.00 onch
2.00 each
2.60 each
30 suites, bedroom, par
lor and bath - 3.00 each
For morn than ono uuost odd $1.00
extra to the above rates for
each additional Quest.
Reduction by woclc or month, t
Manatimtnt Ctrnlir H't Ktttiy
' (
$ tl iHf sj ,
s lih M4 , .j,,siV