Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 20, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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B i
,Tho famous "Uusly Hinge ' qunr
(ette, a headllner tn Mod ford musical
circle will bo heard tonight nt tho
Uga In old favorites.
Thn famous "Misty lllngo" quar
tern, a iioadllner In Mrdford mustcnl
circles will bo heard tonight at the
Ugo In old favorite,
Kcop your eyes on tho window of
tho Wonder store.
MIm Borland Houlnson of Oak
land, Cat., Is visiting at Jacksonville,
ltor former homo.
Georpo II. Wolt of Concord. Cal.,
is mnklne this section n visit. Ho
mar locate Gomcwhcro In Southern
Tred, aching feet mado llko new
at tho Beauty Shop. 28C
Mr. C. K. Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs. C. It. Oraw of Grants Pass arc
visiting In Medford.
Candy 15c lb. at Wonder Store.
H. D. Mills of Hutte Falls was a
business visitor In Medford this
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Croft of Trail
mado a trip to Medford Tuesday.
Don't go with eoro feet. Holler
Instantly nt tho Beauty Shop. 2Sfi
Dr. D. P. Adklns has returned
from n trip to Portland.
W. Ktcll'vPhlpps and his family
motored to Phoenix precinct the
forepart of tbb week, and were guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Racier.
Post cards, lc. at tho Wonder
E. H. Olmper and Mr. and Mrs.
George Kcldtmaler of Roseburg arc
among thoso from abroad sojourning
In Medford.
Closing out sale ot pipes, Ire
land's Smoke House.
Frank E. Bybeo of North Jackson
ville was among his Medford friends
a Brownstcln and II. Allen of
slim were In Medford during tno
Washington place cards and choc
olates at Wonder Store.
Mr. nml Mrs. C. E. Shcimard of
Grants Pass and Mrs. George Hood
of Salem have been vlsltla gin Med'
Oscar E. Overbcck, ot the firm of
Overbeck. Cooko & Co., Portland
mnr.!iintlvM of members of tho
New York and Chicago stock c
chances. Is in Medford.
Tiaii thn Mcrrlvold Shop ad to
t xr TirvMin of Gold Hill and
Henry Holton of Roguo River, were
among those who came to Meuiora
J. T. Burns returned Wednesday
evening from a trip to San Francis
Corns, ingrowing nails or aching
burning feet made well at tho Beauty
Shop. "
'6. M. Geisendorfer and family of
Ca'scadla and H. Rogers ot Eugene
aro Medford visitors.
R. L. Olson and R. T. Wise ot San
Francisco aro making Medford a busi
ness visit.
Read tho Mcrrlvold Shop ad to
day. Mrs. M. Rowo. who has been vis
iting rolatlvea in Medford. left for
Portland Wednesday evening.
Mrs. B. E. Haney Is tho guest ot
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schmltt
ot Jacksonville.
0. C. Beach, music studio. Vio
linist. Will. Instruct on violin, man
dolin and guitar In correct mothod.
Advanced studonta nnd beginners.
Address 231 E. 3th street. Phone
Home 314-1 or Main 3481. 307
Wm. Campbell, tho miner, was a
recent visitor in Jacksonville.
Walter Hardy and H. A. Scholl of
Grants Pasa arc among their Med
ford friends.
Read the Mcrrlvold Shop ad to
day. Mrs. Geo. B. Fox of Central Point
tarried a fqw hours n Medford
Wednesday aflerpQon.
Elmer L. Bashford. camo down
from Portland Wednesday on busi
ness connected wth the ostato of his
father, the late G. AV. Bashford.
Real homo made bread at De-
Voe's- ' '
Mr. atul.Mrs. T. K. Boyd, w)io went
to California ou a visit, aro In Med
ford again.
W. 11. Hatlcy, agent for tho Ore
gon Flro Relief association, made
Central Polut a. business visit
Read tho Morrlvold 8hop ad to
day. Mrs. James Pullon of Fort Kla
math has returned, from u visit at
Portland nnd Rofroburg and la tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Orth.
Clydo Barnum of PhocnU and Mr.
nml Mrs. C, II, Domarco of Rogue
Mvor were In Medford this wcok.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Bay S-boa 3371
KtM aoBMi r, w. vfn aen
A. S. Orr, 389S
Henry Maury of North Jackson
vlllo aiienl Wednesday evening In
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stoddard and Mrs,
J Stover woro up from Ashland one
dnv liiia 'week.
Dr. a A. Lock wood and Dr. Myrtle
S. Lock wood (regular physicians, not
chiropractors) havo removed their
offices from tho Hasklns' building
to 232 K. Main street.
J. W. Casey of Portland, tho gen
ial representative ot tho Chicago,
MHwaukeo & St, Paul railway, trans
actod business In Ashland Wcdncs
day-afternoon, returning to Medford
today., ,
A. kC. Chittenden of. Rogue River,
was among tho many who camo to
Medford Tuesday.
Bring that old book with torn
binding down and have It rebound
at tho Mall Tribune office. Costs
but little. tt
Volnry Webster for many years a
resident ot Medford, Is now located
In Humboldt county, Cal.
Leslie Stansoll was, over from
Jacksonville Wednesday morning
Kodak finishing, the best at Wes
ton's, opposite bonk store.
Miss Myrtle Klnyou left for San
Francisco Wednesday afternoon to ac
cept a, position In, a millinery estab
lishment. Insure, and be sure. Right It we
wrlto It, R. A. Holmes, Tha Insur
ance M,an.
Mrs. Stewart Patterson and Miss
Ruth Hollo way are making a visit to
friends living at Portland.
New York Lite Insurance Co., O.
Y. Tengwald, Medford National
Bank Bldg., phone 3371.
R. 'Vy. Hitchcock and Jeff Grlgsby
of Eagle Point spent several hours
in Medford Wednesday.
Fashionable dressmaking. Evening
and afternoon gowns. Latest stylo
lingerie a specialty. Mrs. E. U.
Painter, late of New York City.
Hours 2 to 5 p. sa. SIS King street.
Phone 6084.
Misses Isalo McCully and Estctla
Levy ot Jacksonville visited In Med
ford Wednesday afternoon,
E. D, Weston, commercial photog
raphern, negatives mado any time or
place by appointment. Pfcoac M.
1471. '
Oliver Helms ot Talent and Harold
Lister of Central Point wero In Med
ford recently.
Buy a Singer at your own terms
and your spring sowing will bo a
pleasure Singer Sewing Machine
Co., J. G. Painter, agont, 417 M.
V. & 1L Bldg. Jhono 3441. Wo
also rent racblncs and do repairing.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Collins nnd
Mrs. O. N. Nelson wore over from
Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lock wood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-uett-Corey
Bldg. Phono 145.
Professor Roymcr of tho O. A. C.
experiment station near Talent trans
acted business In Medford tho fore
part of tho week.
Crater Lake photographs pro
nounced by experts to bo the best
ever made ot the lako at Gerklng &
Harmon's studio, 128 E. Main streot.
near First National Ban. Phone
2154. Kodak finishing and enlarg
ing, negatives made any place.
Mrs. J. B. Montgomery of Eagle
Point and her daughter, Mrs. E. G.
Roberts ot Big Sticky, traded with
our merchants Wednesday.
Miss Flora Gray, teacher of piano,
studio 144 South Central avenue.
Fbono 1241. 285
G. W. Kincald of upper Roguo
River visited with relatives In Med
ford during tho week.
Take treo guess on school pictures
and get a beautiful plcturo of Crater
Lake freo at Corking & Harmon's
studio, 128 E. Main street, near
First National Bank. Phone 2154.
Tt. M. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wilson of Central Point dis
trict were recent visitors In Medfprd.
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car-
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-
at-Iaw, over Jackson County lisnu
Building Medford. "
Sheldon Farrls ot Roseburg Is In
Medford, his former homo, visiting
relatives nnd friends.
Tired, sore, aching feet mado
happy at tho Beauty Shop. 280
Ablilaml vol or will either grant or
rel'tiHu a trolley lino l'rauuliiso to tho
M. Tt Mitiuoy company, recently
granted a frnucliKu in this city, nt n
hjiucial election to liu held Friday.
JL T. Sliiuioy of the company ih in
Mcdfvnl tiiduy in connection with
trolley line IniMiiehH. JIu Hlalcs Hint
Inn company will hoou lie in a posi
tion to Ktatt active construction work.
Alter collapsing upon lacing Hie
firing Kcjuffil Frank Itcnico, murderer,
was btrupned to a chair und Miot to
death in the ntato penitentiary here
wni Hm ibuv
' 4
(Continued from vat !)
stricken crowds Rendered everywhere
the women shrieked and falh ij;,
fainting, to he trampled on hy tho
(leciiig thoiwauds. Into the horde of
refugees swept ridcrhi eiwnlrv
hoj0!, their hoofs hentmir down men
and women tud trampling those who
nlready hud fallen. I could Me dox
cna of tho refugees fall from tluUutl
lcts of the machine uniw which sol
diers from the imlnce trained directly
Pit tho crowd until the sticetx wero
Kwrpt clear of all but tho dead and
wounded. Tno hundred and eighty
Itodies ero removed from the streets
nrouiid the Z.ocuto as tho result of
the firt mnsaere and fully S00 luin
combntnnU were seriously wundcd.
Slaughter ty Bins
After the first slaughter Pia led
his cavalry nnd artillery ou the polio
to Cuidndela and the nfrcunl which
were captured after n idinrp battle.
Diaz thru Arranged to withstand a
protracted siege, assisted hy lleuernl
Moudragvm, the most expert nrtillory-
man in the Mexican nroiy. 'Che gov
ernment W4.s caught unprepared mid
could not immediately assault the
rebel position.
Madcro spent all Monday in send
ing troops and placing bnticric nd
vnntngeoiisly in tho streets lendms to
the arsenal. Early on Tuesday the
artillery duel benn in earnest with
six fcdernl batteries concentrating
their lire on tho Diaz fortifications.
Diaz, captured with tho arsenal nil
enormous supply of shrapnel which
he poured ou the federals in the sur
rounding buildings; with dUnstrous
Capital n Battlefield
Alien wars real horrors were
brought homo to the citizens. A scene
unheard of in modem warfare then
begun to unfold itself hofor the terror-stricken
guze of S0U.0UU )eople.
Tho capital became n great battle
ground for crowded thousands of
women und children, uoiio of whom
had been warned or given the slight
est chiinco to ocapo. Practically
every ono in tho city wns exposed to
tho clumco of death and wounds,
even when in their own homes.
Scores of non-combatants were
killed in similar circuuistuuccs by
bullets, Hying fur uud wide from
shrapnel shells bursting in every part
of the city. These exploded pcr the
most populated sections of tho city,
scattering tho deudly hail of leaden
missiles. Others crashed into the
walls of high buildings, entered the
windows of clubs, hotels, banks arid
stores, wrecking buildings by the
dozen, nnd killing and wounding hun
dreds of innocent persons. Dav after
day and often nt night tho same
frightful conditions prevailed. Add
ed to the thunder of Hiq siege guns,
camo tho almost incessant rattle of
the (piickfircrs nnd the whining song
of bullets.
On many streets tho bodies of
dead and wounded lay throughout the
day. These wero removed only when
darkness brought partial protection
to tho rescuers. Until Sunday morn
ing at 2 o'clock when a supposed 24
hour armlstlco was declared, tho
stricken city know hardly a moment's
CevnU(,n on Holiday
On Sunday tho people ventured
timorously outdoors, hardly believ
ing tho news of tho temporary cessa
tion ot hostilities. Ah tho morning
hours passed tho sound of church
bells, which had been drowned by the
bombardment for days, wero again
heard and again tho people flocked
Into tho streets. The city took on a
new llfo and tho people, quickly for
getting and ever ready for a fiesta,
acssumed a holiday spirit. They
promenaded tho streets, gathered In
tho actual zone ot tho week's fight
ing and watched tho preparations of
tho soldiers to rosuiuo their waruro.
Suddenly and without warning, n
rattlo of small arms and tho shrieks
of buratlug shui.s liroko the stillness.
Caught unawares by tho action of
Mudoro's forcos In breaking tho ar
mistice, hundreds ot non-combatuuts
wero shot down in flight.
Madoro'a soldiers had taken ud-
vantngo of tho armistice to improve
their positions. They fired upon Diaz'
soldiers ou tho pretext that tho rebels
had broken faith. Tho battle waged
fiorccly all day uud far into tho
night and was resumed Monday and
again Tuesduy.
Notts of Ilucrla's Coup
Oil Tuesday raiuu tho fearful tid
ings that tho federals wero preparing
to iiso mortals to hurl dynamite
shells at the Citadel. A tortured
populuco stood trombllng, expecting
L'omplcto ruin of tho city, when word
camo to a sudden und significant
chango in tho situation. Generals
IJuortu and Rlunquot, federal com
manders had arrested President Mil
dero and Gustavo Madero. Thon tho
battle ended.
Boon tho strcots woro filled with
MUi Maud Tiffany, the American
jlrl who Is given cn.Mll for the present
English erase for American ragtime
lances such as tho "turkey trot," en her
arrival in New York from Europe, says
"Everybody's doing If over there.
MIsji Fanny Ward, tho actresv has re
turned to America for a short vllt
prior to going Kick to her estate, Strut
ton Chase, at Chalfotit-St. Giles, Eug
land. When she landed she wore a
oat containing mora than, 1,000 mote.
thousands shoutings "vivas" fur
Diaz and Huerta. Tho events fo
lowing wrought klnde.Urtiplu changes
In the situation.
Generals Huertn mid Din ad
dressed tho populace nnd others of
tha provisional government scurried
about, assuring tho WlUvns that tho
reign of terror nnd ended nnd that
a new era of pence and prosperity
had dawned.
CilMaxt Miulrro Shot
General Huerta assumed tho rolo
of military dictator with General
Diaz coniniaiidcr-ln-clilcf of tho now
allied forces, whloh, shortly before,
wero fl)liig at each other's throats.
Tho scnatu elected, a provisional
president and Wednesday President
Madcro und Gustavo Madcro, the
president's brother und evil genius.
wero removed to tho nltudel where
GuitUvo wns executed.
Tho total cost of human life wns
enormous. IlesldeNt tho destruction
ot property It Is estimated Hint 2S00
soldiers nnd 200') non-combatants
wore killed. About 1000 soldiers
ami 3OU0 uou-ronibutauts woro
CARDIFF. Wales. Fell. SO -"Wo
havo blown up the chancellor of. thu
exchequer's homo," said Mrs. Em-
incline Pnnkhurst boforo a gathering
of suffragettes tonight. She wns re
ferring to nn explosion early today
which wrecked Dnvld-LIoyd George's
country home nt Walton Heath, and
which tho police believed has been
done by tho suffragettes or their
male sympathizers.
Our Best Keller.
Wo aro selling more of Morltol
Eczema Romody than all tho others
put together. This largo salo Is duo
to tho fact that It Is a preparation of
unusual merit, mado expressly for
ono purpose, to euro eczema In Its var
ious forms. It you aro afflicted with
this loathsome dlsoase, do not delay
using Mcrltol Eczema Remedy. Has
klns' drug store.
Rastitolnnd has a population of
I04,,ri07, of whom 13!0 nro Euro
peans. Babies.
Every woman's heart responds to
tho charm and sweotness ot a baby's
volco, because naturo Intended her for
motborhood. But even tho loving
naturo ot a mother shrinks from tho
ordeal of Buffering and danger. Wom
en who uso Mother's Friend uro saved
much discomfort and their srstoms
aro In a healthy condition to meet tho
time with tho least poasllilo dungor.
Mothcr'n Friend is recommended only
for thn relief nml comfort of expect
nnt mothers, and its many years of
success, nnd tho thousands of endorse
ments received front women who
havo used It uro a guarauteo of tho
boneilt to bo derived from Us uso.
Mother's Frlcijd allays nausea, pro
vents caking of -
tho breasts, and IIlMl H ft t?Q
in cvory way Zirr k
contributes to !T'ZlWfll
strong, healthy - ""
motherhood. Mothor'a Friend Is sold
at drug stores. Wrlto for our freo
book for expectant mothers.
That the deadlock between the
timor and council oxer cll employe
is productive of some good lo Hie
taxpavers is cwdcticed by tho fact
that taxpayers uro now saving tho
salarv of a city engineer, for Ihoro U
no rilv engineer lit pivneul. Olln
Vinspigvr who was impended Wed
nexdav fop the seeoiid time hv llu
mavnr has turned in the keys of his
office pending development, lie
stated today Unit he would, us an in
dividual, work with any couuiulmeti
or citizen in giving a us data I hey iiiav
rviintre in connection with iiapiove
incuts until such lime as ho was cith
er reinstated r his Miceossor took
oi nee. . mo council reiinc in
confirm other appointments thu ul'tlce
remains vacant.
That the influence of t'itv Attorney
Hoggs Is great enouxh with Mnvor
l-.Uert to offset any promises made
liv that official, is indicated liv the
uiiHiiutment of II. U. Stocckmanii as
ritv engineer, whlelt appointment was
not confirmed by the city council.
Ktocckmatiu was upimiiitcd in prefer
ence to V. T. Uevcridgc, who wns u
Mud worker during the campaign for
Kifcrt. contributing in a great degree
lo F.iferlV election, and who was
prumicd by the candidate, now
mayor, the npxiiutmcnt of citv en
gineer. Kugiiiecr Hevcridgc wns an
applicant for the Msitiou previous to
Kiferl's elect ion nnd wns promised hv
the mnvor that "he would bo taken
care of" mil his fnends urc rouse,
(piontlv greatly di-apKiiiled.
NEW YORK. Feb 20. - Additional
figures tn show tho enormous pro
portion of the alleged graft payments
Finds Holp in Lydia . Pink-
ncllevur, Ohio.- "I was In a trrrible
state before l look Lydla K. l'lnklmm's
Vofjntahlo Coin
pound. My back
nchcIuntil 1 thought
it would break, Iliad
pains all over me,
nervous feelings and
periodic troubles. I
was very weak and
run down and was
kxilng hopo of over
being well and
strong. After tak
Inir I.ydla L rink-
ham's Vegetable Comjwund I Improved
rapidly and today inn a well woman. I
cannot tell you how hnppy 1 feel and t
cannot say too much for your Compound.
Would not bo without it in the homo If
it cost thrco times tho amount." Mrs.
CitAS. CHAPilAM, It. F. D. No. 7, Uclle
VUC, Ohio.
Dccauio your rata Is a difficult one,
doctors having donu you no uood, ilo not
continue to sulTcr without nivinjf I.ydia
E. I'lnkham's VeRctablo Compound n
trial. It surely lias remedied many
cases of female Ills, such as Inflamma
tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors,
IrrrKulnrltieti, periodic pains, backache,
nnd it may bo exactly what you cvkI.
The Pinkham reconl is a proud and
peerless one. It Is it record of conntnut
victory over tho obstlnato Ills of woman
Ills that deal out despair. It Is nn es
tablished fact that Lydla Ii I'lnkhnin's
VcRctablo Compound has restore d
health to thousands of such sulIVrini;
women. Why don't you try it If you
need such a medlclnu?
A fow slmplo tests with
modern instruments rovonln
thu oxact condition ot your
Don't ucRlcct your most
Important svusu,
lilt. ItlCKKIlT
liyonlulit Npcsiallht
Oyer Kuutuor's
Nowisthe time todo
your painting.
riccaiiKO A. J. Uatholoniow Into ot
fit. Louis Is horo to do it and will do
It cheap. All work douo In first
dabs workmaiiHhlp iiiiiuner. lCsti
mates furnlsliud. Talk It ovor with
Drop postal to
827 H. Control.
to tho police wero obtained. today hy
llliitrlrt Attorney Whitman. Twenty
saloon uud. Imtolkccpmn woro iUs
tinned nnd tine negro, Loroy Willi
Ins, appeared Inter huforo the grand
Jury to testify that ho paid from $nu
to Mita per month to thu police for
Uvldciiro which tho district attor
ney has been gathering fiuui thu sa-
Absolutely Puro
Economizes Duller, Flour,
Eggs; makes the footl more
appetizing and wholesome
The only Baklntj Powder mmlc
from Royal Grape Cream of Turtnr
A Thing of Beauty
Is a Joy Forever
And Its value Is douhlwl when oli can buy It at a prlca fnr Ihm
than usual.
Now U the time whou suuh opportunltUsi nltouud. BprlHK stocks
am coinliiK In. Wlntor clothes and winter tMmUhlMW must ho
Now tho itiumtmnl nmrka down his aiilta and roatr. Ills drNtrli,
linens, and other liousohuhl furnlshliiKs. flood hukoini iisii
their values. They hasten to take advnntncu of iIiwmi atdn to co.
uumlcal llviitK.
Head Tho Mall Trlhuno closely nnd constantly every night, so
that you may not miss one of these opimriunltles.
In this way you will know whero lo htiy, whnt to liny, and when
lo buy to hel mUniitiiRo. Uvery advertisement Is a iiiwhko t ou
from a rellnhlo inercliant hoo wines and merrhuiidUo are of thu
(Copyright, tt'in, hy J. P. I'allon.)
When You
Waltliam is the watch for time
accuracy. Men who do thiiif,"
on schedule arrange their duties
by Waltliam time. The
is the watch of life-long service
and right now
"It's Time You Oivntd a WaUham."
We have a complete Waltliam
Mock including nit modclt and
i;radcs at a convenient price
taiiKc Come in and talk
watch with ui.
Mr w jSxi 1
Capital -Surplus
This hank wuh oHtuhlUhcit '1U years into lo nuut tho h.uiklui:
uends of thin community, with a paid capltul or IS5.000.00, and
ovor Hlncu said thno Iiiih eiiilvuvorcd to keep uhreast of, ami with,
tho financial conditions of this country and tho community which
It servos. Its policy In tho futiiro will hu the kiiiiio iih Id tho punt.
AccordliiK to tho Judmuont of this hunk, tho oiiu vital necessity
at this tlmo Is thai tho IIokuo river valley kIvo, Ita aid ami support
to tho coiiHiimmatlou and completion ot tho IIokuo Itlvor Valloy
Company's IrrlKutlou projeut. Wo trust that at tho mcntliiK and
rally ou Fohrunry 'i'i, 11M!!, and at all othoi times, tho owner of
land under thlu proposed projoct will ulvo thoso lutonmted In tho
consummation and completion thereof careful and thoughtful con.
W. I. VAWTHIl, PrcHhlont, '
O. it. LINDLIOY, VIco-l'ruHldont,
O. W. MotlONALD, Onshlur.
Inoukcvpom will ho hi Id heforo tho
grand Jury Inuiormw. It will show,
according In tho dlslrlut altoriiuy,
that moid than MOD saloons nml ho
tels, many of which violated mi law,
paid loKtilurly to necuto freedom
from pollen Intel fcienrn. II Is o.
Ilumtcil hy Wliltiiiau that u ipuutcr
of a million per your was paid fioni
unu Inspuclluu dlulrlct.
Buy a Watch
of standard maku you huy
HomnthliiK that will liut you
ii llfo time with proxir care.
No piece of iniichtuury vlll
run ns Ionic us u watch, and
i;lni tho Mirvlco a watch
I Curry
ami Itockfoid Movciuentu.
All of tlicsi) uiovemeiitH
havo an ahsoluto Kuurnnteo
from mo and from tho fav
turlvw Unit iniilto thuiu.
Martin J. Redely
Tin: .ii;vi:i.Hit
.Vi-nr Coot Office
.i.,),' -