Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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M KiiMKl- ii.vtii ii Hi imi m
I . If M M H I i - 1 1 I (Villt) fi .-to.
' V.
v , Vsj i
atEDFOTro amr; tribune, araPFOim okeciox, wkdnksday. feiritary 10. mm.
fMi'iM ill I v kv . '- IM
Tho Washington Tea given by Iho
Parent-Teacher circle of the Hoose
vclt school linn been postponed until
St. Patrick's day.
v Physicians of Modtord met Tues
day evening and made plans for the
entertainment of tliu Oregon TState
Medical society which meet IniMcd
ford" In September. Coramlttcocs
wero nppoluted to take up the differ
ent lines of work.
Spring hats In nil their glory at
tho Homa Millinery. 1101 flth
street. ' Open evenings. 2S3
II. A. Scarlet of Portland, Pacific
const distributor of tho Overland
cam' In lii "Medford to arrange with
C.'n. Onted for nn nddltlonnl iwm
her of Ovorlands over Mr. Gates con
tract. Keep your eye on tho windows of
tho'Wonder Store.
TWWVC. T. U. will meet nt tho
homo of the president, Mrs. H. Hor
ner, 723 S. Central Thursday after
Tired, aching feet made like new
nt tho Dcnnty Shop. 2SC
F. Ai Bertram and Ir. nnd Mi
II. D. Dixon of Grants Pass are vis
Itlng tit Medford.
Candy 15c lb. at Wonder Store,
J. J. Skinner nnd Charles Derby
were 'down from Griffin creek one
day this week.
Don't cro with soro feet. Relief
Instantly at tho Ileauty Shop. 2SC
Tho road lending from Itooscvclt
avenuo to tho Phlpps place, which
haB been tho cause of much unfavor
able comment, Is being put In first-
class shape by Uond Supervisor Klme,
who will doubtless mako good In that
Tost cards, 1c, at the Wonder
Mr. and Mrs. It. n. Lawtnn nnfl
Mrs. Clara Lowe wero among those
who were over fom Eagle Point dur
ing the week.
Closing out salo ot pipes. Ire
land's SraoVo House,
Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Milton ot Eu
gene and J. A. Dunbar ot Albany tar
ried In Medford the forepart or tbe
Washington place cards and choc
olates at Wonder Store.
Mr. and Mm. W. T. Grievo ot
Jacksonville motored to Medford
Monday afternoon.
Read tho Merrlvold Shop ad to
day., 4. -David
Duncan ot North Jackson
ville left for British Columbia Tues
day evening. It 1 rumored that ho
will not return alone.
Coras, Ingrowing nails or aching
burning feet made well at tho Beauty
Shop. 28C
Read the Mcnlvold Shop ad to
day, f
T. "Walston and S. M. Carpenter
of Sterling spent Monday night In
E. M. Rhoton. the noted pocket
hunter, and Earl Knox ot Siskiyou
mountain came to Medford Monday.
G. C. Beach, music studio. Vio
linist. WJ11 Instruct on violin, man
dolin and guitar In correct method,
Advanced studonta nnd beginners
A.i.iwtRn "34 E. 9th street- Phono
Howe 314-L or Main 3481. 307
Joseph SbRska and Charles Morri
son of Grants Pass wore in Medford
Fred Ropn of Talent, who has been
spending tho winter In California, Is
t homo again.
Road tho Merrlvold Shop ad to
day. J. W. Casey, TopresenUng tho Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Taul R. It., Is
In the valley ou a business visit.
1. F. Swayno of Applegate was In
Medford nnd Jacksonville Tucsda.
Real homo made bread at De
Voo's. S. B. Holmes of Eaglo Point made
n trip to Medford the forepart of the
week. Ho was accompanieu ny vu-
llam Brown of British Columbia.
-n,.nd i tin Merrlvold Shop ad to
Mr. and 'Mrs. H. h, Splkor of Doug
las county have been visiting In this
Dr, S. A. "Lockwood nnd Dr. Myrtle
8. iTockwood (regular physlclaus, not
chlrbpractors) have removed their
pffi'cea som tho Hasklns' building
JR 532' E. Main street.
PorterJ. Neff made a professional
trip to Gold Hill Tuesday evening.
Harvey Wells and Geo. H. FUz
gibbon of Portland are 1n tho valley,
transacting business.
Bring that old book with torn
binding down and have It rebound
at tho Mall Tribune office. Costs
but little. t
Robert B. Roamcs of Central Point
wur In Medford Tuesday, making his
parents a visit.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
7 PliOB 8371
Sight Pboaesl T. TV. Wks 307X
A. K. Orr, 36SSI
.1. J. ltnuck went to Ashland Tup.
ilny mornhiR. rcturnlne In tho even-
Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. J. Thorpe nnd Mrs
I.. IJ. McCarthy were Medford visitors
during tho week.
Kodak finishing, tho best tt Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
11. B. Nye ot Rlverdnlo nnd Geo.
I,. Hnff of Gold Hill spent Tuesday
In Medford. ,
Jt. J I. Rradsbaw of Brownsboro was
n Medford visitor Tuesday.
Mr. nnu iMrjlt l(. 0 xjunenn worn
among tho many who camo to Med
ford on a shopping trip Tuesday.
Insure and bo sure. Right It wo
write It R. A. Holmes, The Insur
ance Man.
Rev. R. S. Danlolsou of Mnlheur
connty is among the many from
abroad who Are visiting In -Medford.
Mrs. M. Hollenbeck of Prospect l
making Medford n business visit
F E. Martin left for Rogue River
Tuwulay evening, on n business trip.
New York Llfo Insurance Co., C
Y. Tongwald, Medford National
Bank nidg., phono 3371.
John Wnrner of Trali creek brought
a wngon load or choice bam nnd
on con to Medford Tuesday and dis
posed of nearly All of it nt tho public
market In a short time.
C. E. Metr of Grants Pass nnd J.
H. Morrfs ot Salem have been trans
acting business in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. L. I.. Lore of Cen
tral Point district motored to Med
ford Tuesday afternoon.
Fashionable dressmaking. Evening
and afternoon gowns. Latest style
Itngorio a specialty. Mrs. E. M.
Painter, late of Now York City.
Hours 2 to G p. m. C18 King street.
Phorie C084.
Miss Gladys Stevenson has been
entertaining Grants Pass friends.
E. D. Weston, commercial pnotog
raphcrn. negatives made any time or
placo by appointment. Phoa M.
W. A. Tcntscli of Ktnmath county,
h'ns bee ntransactlng business in Med
ford. Buy a Singer at your own terms
and your spring sewing will bo a
pleasure. Singer Sewing Machine
Co., J. G. Painter, agent. 417 M.
F. & H. Bldg. Phono 3441. We
also rent rachlncs and do repairing.
Fred Williams ot Dunsmulr nndd
C. II. Parkhurst of Weed. Cal., are
among their Medford friends.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sago for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corcy
Bldg. Phone 145.
Claude Jones and George McDon-
Qiigh ot Sams valley transacted busi
ness In Mcdfqrd Tuesday.
Crater Lake photographs pro
nounced by experts to be tho best
ever made of tho lako at Gerklng &
Harmon's studio, 12S E. Main street,
scar First National Ban. Phone
2164. Kodak finishing and enlarg
ing, negatives mado any placo.
Geo, N. Anderson and G. F. Bil
lings of Ashland made a trip to Med
ford and Jacksonville Tuesday.
Miss Flora Gray, teacher ot piano,
studio 144 South Central avenue.
Phono 1241. 28C
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stowart havo
returned from Portland, whero they
havo been spending tho past fort
Tako free guess on school pictures
and got a beautiful plcturo of Crater
Lake freo at Gerklng & Harmon's
studio, 128 E. Main street, near
First National Bank. Phono 2154.
' Herman Offenbncher and Willis
Knox wero over from Applegate Tues
day. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank
Building Medford.
J. W. Opp andF. W. Carnahan
made a trip to Jackson creek district,
whero tho former has ettenslvo min
ing interests.
Tired, sore, aching feet mado
happy at the Beauty Shop. 280
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller and N,
A. 8umner of Portland have returned
home after a short stay in Medford.
T. J. Hamlin, ouo of our pioneer
farmers, nnd M. II. Cuslck were
among those who had business In
Medford this week.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 10.-Hv n
vole of 213 to 11-Mho home todnv
refused to oxerriuV President Tuft'
veto of the I)illinKhtmHunutt Im-J
tnipration bill. The .vennte vcstcnlny
voted to ennct the measure over tho
president V eto.
Cungrcftsuum Oolilfavl f Now
York ilelVmW President Tnft's stmid
ngmnst tlie Lill, spying:
'The literaoy tet is inot unfair
nnd uH-Aineriumt."
(.'ouKrcAsuiuu Cnunon wild the" hill
lind Itet'ii preuouilv "i-ed by both
lnme in definnea or pntriotie mid
wie judsment."
.I iii i i
SAl.KM, Or., Fob. ilKMembers of
the itpnntt tile today nmiutiin; under
the tnnr of n veilinl t'iiti;utioi d
inillistered by Senator .hwepli who
lind been orittflfted for hi nllont ef
foiH to uluir the buoiut of the nu.
to. ,locli -dnditrod on the floor T
the senate thnt liiiuor, and not lilm
lf is what h irixm'.ilile ir th
slow progress beilitf uuide.
"Wliv. ' known in the hull of
the enpitul, till over the citv mid nil
over Portland whnt n furoe tht leii.
Inture i-. Knw, there U litiuoi in
evidenee throughout the enpitnl and
it is in the nommitteottHmift whew
the member hlivo eers to it.
"1 lme alio heard thnt mmie of
tho senator; lmve used it nnd havo
been more or Johj ioflueueed in theii
work. Thirt i h the IPKihtulitto i
held up."
Because It was understood that
those East Mnln street property own
ers who had curbs already placed
"when tho street to Roosevelt avenue
was pncd, would not be assessed for
same, a number of proiierty owners
protested to the city council Inst
evening that they had been assessed
the saint' us those who did not havo
curbs, iiirl Huntley acted as their
spokeshtan nnd succeeded In having
the matter referred to tho street
committee for adjustment.
Automobiles and Tehlcles nro pro
hibited from traveling at a speed ex
ceeding over 10 mites an hour across
city bridges by an nrdlnnnco jiassed
by the council. It is also made un
lawful to drive any nnlmut over the
bridges faster than a walk.
Kingsbury of MetKord vliltml Mrs.
Joe lludvr tiuudn.
Mr. and Mrs. John (Irnfei and Mi;s.
Mutton were vlstlng .Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
H, Furry Humlny. .
Art Hoover ot Kdoii Valley was
nt 0. Carey's. Monday after ulfnlfn
hny. Mr, Hoover says everyone In
his neighborhood are plowing.
Mr. and Mm. Ernest Reiuuss of
North Pliuouh spent Sunday with
relatives In Phnoiih.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Phlpps of Mod ford
wero visiting Mrs, Phlppn' brother,
Joe Hiul or, and wife Sunday.
OiietttH nt tho home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. lien Frenh Sunday wero .Mr
mid Mrs. Fred Coinutt.
Misses Elslo nnd (Irayro Potter,
Miss lliunin Tedrle.
Tnlont Is rejoicing over their con
templated water system. Water was
turned Into their mains Mouduy nnd
everything Is working fine. They
surely do deserve much credit tor
iiulck work.
Wm. Carey of North Talent has
sold his two aero place mid moved
bnok Into the city of Talent The
priced paid was flMio. He sold to
Mrs. Reed, sister of Jnuios Allen.
Mrs. RiH'd nnd UVr son will make
their home on the place.
W. Aiming of Frn Valley was at
C. Carey's Sunday.
uoorge Airoru nnu lamiiy wero
guests ot Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs,
W. K.
North Phooutx
Mrs. A. II. Houston Is arltenly III
at her home In Phoenix.
F K. Furry wn n business visitor
In Talent Monday morning.
Misses Maude New:ntry nnd Allen
(Continued from page 1.)
accepted this afternoon by congress.
The plnns of the legislators to have
physicians ndjudge him innne nnd
order his committment to nn asylum
for the criminal insane until pence
once more has been firmly establish
ed, reached Madero early today. He
He received tho news with bowed head
but made no comment. Madero, eloe
friends sny, will accept tho banish
ment plan without n protest; probably
inking up his residence in the United
American In Favor
Dinr went in person to the United
Stntes embassy today to fonnnlly
ratify bis agreement with General
Anti-American sentiment has dis
appeared, and the American em
bassy's automobile is cheered in the
streets whenever it flnhcs by. It
was this automobile, with n messen
ger bearing n white flag, which con
veyed General Diaz' message of voaee
to General Huorta Inst night after
the arrest of Madero.
ConfUcato Madero Imitate
Generals Diaz nnd Hucrta met nt
tho American embassy nnd pledged
tbemselvoH to co-opemto in recon
struction plnns. The crowd there
cheered Ambassndor Wilson and the
American flag.
It was rejMirled this nflernoon that
(be 4-tatoi of the Maduro family will
be confiscated. Muren Hernandez,
brother of tho deposed minister of
the interior, .hhouted "Viva Madero"
when, rurnles demanded thnt he shout
"Viva Hutjrtn' ITo was Miot nnd
The building eonlniiiitiK Madero'-
official now .paper was wrecked to
day. Trooiw control the city nnd
have orders to fdioot looters nn wield.
Pimples Source
of Great Danger
May be Means of Absorbing
Disease Germs in Most
Unexpected Manner.
The Parviit-Tonehr, nsMioinlinu
of tho Wtwhiugtiui school will meet
Friday, Hot". l!l, nt the. school build
ing. An interesting program has
been arranged. The subject for the
afternoon i "School Fatigue." with
Mrs. ,1. (. flun' ns louder. All moth
ers who nro iittoroMod nro welcome
nnd the children will be ennui for hv
the kindeivarteii committee
Your Child's Hoaltli !
Your First Thought
It ,oti havo children, naturally
your first thoughts nro for their
health. You certainly want them to
develop strong, healthy constitutions.
The most careful attention inusf bo
given when children show the first
syiiiptomn of tho ninny, common nil
meats. Perhaps they are weakly and
thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrific
ing strength. These and other HP
pmeiitly minor ailments may be tho
roreruuuer to n weak constitution for
Such children need .inyim's Tonic
Vermltugo wliloh Is essentially a chil
dren's tonic. First of all, II Will
properly euro for tho child's stom
ach, It will ulso Improve tho appo-
tile, nnd will add strength to the
other organs of the bodr In ess
of thin or Impure bloml, It ItictoaMi
tho number of red corpuscles enablliiK
the enriched blood to keep ttie body
healthy and strong.
Among tho most common alliiieuU
that children doudop Is (list or a dis
ordered stomach, leading to an Im
paired digestion. In many runes this
trouble Ih duo to pnrnsltos In the in
testinal tract. To correct such ti ou
tdo, Jayne's Tonic Vormlfimo Is un
surpassed. For more than eighty jenrs ml
lions of children have been restored
to health through the use or this
tonics Insist usn Jayne's: accept
no other. Sold bv drugglsls cver
where. Dr. 1). Jano & Son, Phila
delphia. Pa.
Five Thousand Druggists
I'ltllc lu Opinion Itegmdliig Ouo
If nn ouo should know tho value
of a medicine It is tho ictall drug
gist who sells It.
ThuMore, when over five thousand
of the bent ictnll dtugglslH In tho
country lerouiiiiHiid Vluol, our dell
elous cod liver and lion tonic, with
out oil, as the iireatost tonic rerun
struutor and strength mentor they
hnxn over sold, it mintt Indicate the
value of Vlnol,
Wo could publish columns of such
testimony as the follewing:
Mr. IC. I. Speiis, d,riig"lst ,,f Alpo
us, Mich., says: 'Vlnol Is the Ideal
tonle rooon.lruolor, us It really to
day Is tho best remedy wo )mo on
our shelves."
Mr. F. Iluchullx. the lending
druggist of KpriiiMriidd, Ohio, says:
"Vluol gives better satisfaction than
any medicine I have sold In my store."
Vi ask evoiy run-down, nervous,
debilitated, used or weak person or
any person autforliiK from ehroiile
coughs, colds or bmurhltlH, to try a
bottle of Vluol with the Understand
lag that their money will bo returned
If It diss not do sll n claim Med
ford I'lmriMHcy, Medford, Oro.
Any time any wlmkcy in.stes so roujjh and uronjx
BUI Farewell to All Wood and SUn
Tho rercarch laboratory of The RwUt
i)pcinc Co. lias colloric-l a vat amount
cf Information repinllng tho nj-ti-ud of
LlooJ illMaa. In thouisnili of lnlancci
the most virulent types t.aie Invn tho ro
suit of comlnc In contact with tllicuio
cenns In public plncrs. on.1 the ftppurunt
ly InjIcnIRcant -lUmpIo h ben tho
cauie. It IprttaHs with axtonlnhing ra
pidity, often Infecting tha entire )stcm
In a few days.
It Is fortunate, however, that there la
a remedy to oojxj quickly and thoroughly
with such a condition, and thank to tho
entrry of It ;oduwn tha fimuut
8. 8. 8. may now bo ivul at almost any
rtniR store In Iho cJvillroJ wisU.
This preparation itnnJ among.
pecino renicucs & dkkxi purimir u
is wiinewhat revolutionary In Us compo
sition, sliico It sscamplUhu all tlut wat
ever clnlmed for mrrourr, lodldos, ursenla
and other Octructlvo mineral druKs, unJ
yrt it U ntMolultly a purdy veselaMa
product. There nro mure casot of urtlc
ular rheunuttltin, lootnetor ataxia, pa
resis, nurltU and laillar dUcasvA ruult.
ant from tho uro of mlneruls limn from
dlxesMo Kerms direct. Th.Jo fuels are
brought out In a highly Inlenstllne twU
compiled by tho mi tl leal ilcinrtuiunt of
Ttie Hwlft Hpcclllo Co.. MT Hwlft I lid it.
Atlanta. a. It U mailed frci. tKttlier
Willi u apocliil lllar of advlco to uJ who
ore strucKllnic with a Mootl nincajo.
Jet a II on bottle of K H. H. lonlay ol
your dniKxl't It will urprli yuu wlu
Its wonderful aclUsi In tho blood.
jr. W. Wheeler of Afclilnnil upcnt
Tuendny with his friend W. E. Kuhler
in tho sulmrlis of thin city.
llcv. nnd 3fr. Aldrich, Zhn. II.
Pierce, Mrs. "Vnvno Leever nnd Jlrs.
W. llnmmott were nfternoott ibitors
in Medford Tuesday,
Attorney S. V. Ucckwilh of Wert
ford mndo n business trip hero Tues
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Itollinft of Con.
cord. N. II.. vihited Mnyor W. A.
Cowley nnd family and other iclntives
hero tho foro inirt of tho week and
left for Portland Wednesday evening
enroute' home
Murk Perry of Ashland biieut Tues
day hero with friends.
Manv of our rwoplo went to Med
ford Tuesday evening to hear Bishop
Coel: tfllk.'
FOR ItENT Well furnished n room
bungalow and sloeplng porch, iwo
blocks from Washington acliool,
Sll Laurel St. 288
Medford Citleii'H i:perloiirei Fur
nihil Tojilc for .Miilfonl I)Ihciiu,Ioii
The following experience occurred
in Medford. A Medford tltlzon re
lates it.
Hlmllar experiences aro ocourrlng
Medford people nro being rollovod.
Getting rid of distressing kid oy
Try Doan's Kidney Pills tho tested
Medford remedy.
Medford people testify, Medford
people profit.
Tho evidence Is homo evidence
tho proof convincing.
Medford testimony is gratefully
Medford sufferers should heed It.
Mrs, Ornco Skeotors, 0 W. Juck-.
son St., Medford, Oro says: "I can
recommond Doan'a Kidnoy Pills, pro
cured at Hasklns' drug store, for
pain and stiffness In tho back and
other symptoms of kidney trouble
This remedy relieved mo when I
used it and I havo been well over
For salo by nil dealers. Prlco CO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., niiffnio,
New York, solo agents for tho United
Homembcr tho name Doan's
and tuko no other.
Nowisthe time todo
your painting.
Because A J. Iiatholomow lato of
St. I-oul Is hnro to do It and will do
It cheap. All work done In first
class workmaiishlp mannur. KM I
mates furnished. Tulk It over with
Drop postal to
827 8. Centrul.
We have several up-to-date,
modern 5 and
6 room Bungalows
j M, Ti & TJ. Op. Bldg.
are Your new
Spring Shoes
1 vffvPlr T
You can make your cholco
from tho window If you choose.
8hoe modes from the "JOHN
KELLY' workshop In ltochos
tor the Home of Good Slioes--thot
will delight every lover or
smnrt footwear.
You should mako your seise
tlnns while slros nnd width aro
You cannot, go astray this
spring In tan, uhlt buok or
gray suede. Strictly live num
bers. to t;i.rn
Cooo Snocs"
OpiMikKo Pit Offlro
I 1 II Alt
it innkcs you kikikc your Jicacl and sny bur-r
let it alone.
Never 5iit unytlun into your stomach your palate
ThnOs why Nature jjavc you v palate.
Try the Ww Cvro .ld.-
the intuitu r il boll'i (In
-Ml .,'
W, J. Vnu Schuyvcr & Oo., Gottcral ARonta, Portlnnd.
A Small Leak Will
Sink a Great Ship
You may spend ns you go, pnlug no attention to thn opportuni
ties to save which are advertised by progressive merchants, but
you will find sooner or later that lit t to nxpctiies count up to largo
A loose, hcre-nnd-tkero buyer can quickly squander all her money
by forgetting tho Tnluo of tho llttlu purchases.
Care In oxpctidtug tho small amounts will quickly repay thn eco
nomical houiewlfu.
Kcry night In Its ndvortUIng columns Tho M ml ford Mall Tribune
points tha wny to many opportunities for stopping tho small leaks.
Special soIini aro ndvoctlscd by Iho merchants. In muall tlilnri,
such ns soaps, ribbons, and notions, there may bo just one penny
off the regular price. Hut when ou add them all together you
will find that tho pennies number a dollar or two.
Head nil tho advertisements in Tho Mall Tribune closely nnd con
stantly uvory night for opportunity to save not only pennies but
Hotel Medford
Jtooms without Imtli noc per day
und up.
Iloouifl with both $1.50 per day
anil up.
Special rate by week or month.
Combination breakfasts every
morning , HS and 10 coots.
11:30 to 2 p. in.
Purca Mongolo
Dolled Halibut Ilolliuidalao
I'ommoH Natural
Ilollod l'ork Hparo KIIik Honor Kraut
Drlsu Stowed Dubllug Htylo
Hpughettl Mllannlso
Crcumed Itlco Mashud Potatoes
Hauer Pickles
f.omon Bherbot Chocolate Cream Plo
During meal hours beautiful music
nnd singing will bo rendered by if err
f'arl Orlsseii ami Mine, ICvclyno.
TVo carry u very comnleto line of
draperies, lucu curiuliis, rixturns, otc
anil ilu sll cIukhijh of upliulslurlnK A
npoclal man to look uftor UiIh work
exclunlvuly und will kIvo iih kooiI
xervlco uh Is iioskIIjIu tu net In uvn
tbu lurKust cltlus,
Wooks & McGowan Oo,
Capital -Surplus
This bank uas established 23 )ers ago to meet tho banking
iifcds of this community, with a alil capital or 'j.oou no, and
over since wild time lias endeavored to luqi nlnixihl of, and with,
the fluaiiulal (oudliloiis of (Ms cnuutri nnd the community which
It serves. Kit policy lu thn futuro will tin tho same as In tho past.
According to tho Judgment of this bunk, tho ouo vital uucosslty
nt thlH tlun s that tho Itnguo rlvnr valluy give Its aid and auppurt
to the consummation and lotuptcilou of tho Itoguo Itlvcr Valley
Compauy'H Irrigation project. Wo trust that at tbu meeting und
rally on February --. 101, and at all other llmw. tho owuur of
laud under this proposed project will give thoso IntcroHlcJ In tho
ciiiisnmiuatlon and completion thereof careful nnd thoughtful con
W. I. VAWTUIl, Presldoul,
(I. It. LINDI.KY, Vlw-lTolduut,
o. w. Mcdonald, (tshior.
t't FANCL D30S.S
0air:rUid. $1.40
W Sill kMl irJ IMa
Order DIRECT from a Factory
that makes a Specialty o!
Inspected Sasfi.Ooors and Mlllwork
comet mont Ds:ns p en nn
-slltliu 6'3U UP
t rtr rm vexun coose cp 7c im
-mii.iuiii C.IOUJJ
csmcc rsoxrvrifiosiM C? 7K im
- (Uln mI ll.ey . , ,?ClOUJ
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