f-rft wftHi; Medford mIil Tribune m SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hlioucr tonight SIjhi, 47 Mill. 32 rrtf-iiTon(1 Tr. DnllyHovFiilli roar MEDFORD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, Jf)13. NO. 283. l L.J .1 .'.;.' j " ELECT DIAZ MEXICO'S PRESIDENT i I 5 TA iff A E S Provisional President of Mexico MAD RUL FS AS A DICTATOR Mexican Conrjrrss Formally Accepts Madtro's Reslflttatlon and Elects Felix Olnz-WIII Declare Madero Insane and Banish Him. President Betrayed by Mis Captain mid Made Prisoner In P-tlace Crowds Rejoice Wildly. MCXICO (MTV. IVI). II). Thr Moj leu ii rongiest. today will formally accept tilt rcslgnntlnn nf Francisco I. Minimi (ih president of tint rputttio mill elect (Irnt-rnl Felix Dim, tin nlii'l lender, irniiiiiml pn'-idrnt. l'lnsloiww will examine Mndrro, mill if the pliuiH of enngrrHS are fill- llllfil. Mil' lOIU'cr pri'MiU'lll Hill im declared Insane mul Mill to nu niliiin for insane rrlmliinlH until kmp U linnlly dcclnri'd. Then he will b? priiimuni'rd snue mul banished foi etcr from tlio country. Iltirttn Dlrtntor Meanwhile General Victorian liner In, Mnilero'it riglilhnnd mini in the slniul against Din!, will net nn mill tnrv diotutor with General Illnnqiie. seriing u tnllilurv governor of I hi fnlcnil district which includes Mexico Cily. Rollicking crowd of merrymakers, jii'dluiit iMcr lh rcdnrnliwi of ih'iicc, litiluv Kwann ?rtro City priumpnl streets, awaiting In acclaim General Felix Diar, provision president of tin icpuhlie. All the horrors of the IhM (hi days nf fighting in which fullv .1,11110 iwrnoiirt worn killed nu.l 0.000 wore wnuuded, nre apparently forgot I i'ii in (ho cxiillnlinu nf Die advent nf u new iiliil. Vhns dr llotti Itlnz "Vivas" for Dine, Ilnrrln mid For lirin Dinr, t ho mnn whom Modem dime from Ihe presidency nml nnirr.v shouts nf "death to tin' MiiiIcihh" Imxc supplanted thii roar of riiimnii mill tho rupplngH nf machine (num. Gustavo Mudcrn, brother nf the fnr- iiuir piosidcul, mul nt whose ilnor iimsl nf tho evils of the Modem nd iiiiniNttntinti have been Itiid, sits n prisoner, liniiml hum! nml fool, shak ing with term1, lit knows his cxe. I'litinn Ik certain nml it '.mux pruh nhln tniliiY thnt lie will ho shut within twenty-four hours. President Mmli'in in n prisoner in the palace, with hi resignation nl j en (I v wrilli'i) nut, fl will lie fominll. I si tip Tia III ' ' V:h' y.w :PT . bTv WAiS COUNCL AND MAYOR MX ON APHMNTMENTS .( Removal of Olen Arnsplger as City EnfiJneer Shirts Row People to Vote on AmefMment to Charter Reports Received from Committees Popular Petition Is Criticized by Mitchell and Pcrtrr-Ktlly Offers a Petition. 4 QtNUPAL VlCTORlAIlO HUEJTCA. WASIUNOTOS. F.h. 111. -flemrnl Vietnrinn Hurrln, he.nl of the new pnitiiliiuiil Kneriimnit of Metien, tmluy wireil President Tuft nt follews: '1 him the honor In inform voti Hint I hnve nxerthrnwn thiH govern. ment. The forret nu with tin, nml from now on enee nm( prnsperity will jvten Ihnnijjlioiil the repuhln" RUMORS WAR OF BETWEEN BULGARIA E LERCH ACCUSED ANDR0UMANIA1 iCoiittiiued on t"KO 2.) INDCTMENTS R lli:itl.!N Pel. 10 -llulcnrtn nml Itnununla nro on tho verso of war, accord I tic to uVi-iiatrhea recelve.1 hero IIiIh evenlnn from the .Hoinlln, llun nnry, rnrreHponilent of tlio Tdko .lo luiii:. Mo teler.ra'ilni that extra nJI tloiu of tho llelr.rnili newnimperii iU elprn (lint UulKnrln ha wllhilrann two iIIvIhIoiih nf lufnntry (mm tin Tclicntalju IIiith nml In hiirryltii: them In the Hoiininnlnn frontier. Tho new I unronflrmeil. Tho Kemllu rorrenpomlent fnyn there Ik -'oneiM InipreMiloii thnro thut the HiilRarlnifltoumnnlttn r.Uu: tlou Iiiih mtililenly ehmiKeil, nml thu' a rlanh In near. OF BEING FAGAN 10 SMALL BOYS LEADING OFFICIALS OF COAL IRUST RAN' FRAN'CISCO, Feb. 10.-In-ilietuientH were rclurneil thin ulter noon by tho United StnteH rtiuuI jury iitfiihiHt hevorul of llio highest nffie inlH nml ilircutoi'N nf tho Weatom l"'nel eompnny, llio Pneifio const lii'iiiivb nf tlm oonl trust, chnrsptifir eoiiKpirnoy to ilefriiud the L-ovenimont hv milking hIioiI reiht ruoorlH on hliipiiienU of conl. Tho offielulrt nml iliu'ctora imlicl eil hid; .John h, Howard of Oukluml, prcsU driit of tho Western Fuel cnnipiinvi .Iiimcs It. Smith, vleo president ; K. C. Mills o( Ouklnnd, mipetintemk'nt; K. II, Muyor, woluher, nml J. U. fiehiultt, Ifnhott lhuco nml Sidney Y. Smith, direelors. "fl. J, Smith, n former weigher for the company, was also indiuted. WnrrnnlH for llio nion were plnced in tho Iiaiids of United StnteH innrHhnl nl nneo for horvlco. IIoiuIh for tho iudieled men woro fixed nt $3,000 cacli, In ndditlni) In tho ciiininal in ilieliueutx lL'turnod, tho f-nverumenl, it wan Hiiid, will immediately iimlltulo (Ml prooeeiJinKH fiRoliinl tho eompnny In reenvej' jnonoyH Hiiid to nKKi'('Ktt( $100,000. BY HEAVY SELLING Ni:V YOUIC, Feb. 10. -United Stilton Rtee), Aninl;umnteil Copper mul I'diiiiBylvnnla were n few of tho HlockH which reached n low level In (mlny'u market. Lackawanna dropped ir polnlH and O. nud O. 2', AH the upeculatlvo favorite ndvnnred sharply nt tho oponlni; but worn forred down on heavy Bolllni;, Fnv oralilo reports reRardlnR MorRnu'R Ulneuu and tho Mexican Hltuntlon had their effect. Tho market closed fulrly Rtroui;. llonds worn heavy. A clean-up of Junk dealers who re ceive stolen property was started Wedneday mornlnn when District Attorney K. D. Kelly had a warrant sworn out nRalnst ' John Dee Irch, proprietor of the IatcIi Junk shop on South Front street. Lcrch Is said to hnve bought stolen copper and brass from a nans nf n doen boys who have boen encouraxed lu steallue. Tho bnys claim that I.errh told them (o Ret more of Iho stuff mid that they never had any trouble In dlsposlnc of It tohtm. A pcnrrh of Iho premises revealed Ml'rtrfll nrlli.l.. ulnl. u.ma lilnnllflri.il ml "'"" """ ...v......... JVhy owners and thero aro a number nf rases la bo pushed aRalnst the Junk man. Tlio district attorney will probably prorecuto I.erch ou a chnrRfl of contrlbutlnir to tho delin quency of minors, nnd will follow up this enso with mora against cer tain other dealers as fast ns evidence Is obtained. It Is held that Lorrh's Far,lnllke practices have cncnurnRcd boys to steal and that repeated reformations of this raiir have always coma to naught on account of tho cosy mar ket offered for tho stolen goods. After the Kntokahail cleared from one nf the city' stutinirst council sesiionw, in which mayor nml council men boldly defied cauh other, the fol louinu iinimrtnnt measunti were uf- ,.7. fecled Tuewday night 1. Confirmation, was refused to Mn)Or Kifert'rt nii'Hinlment nf Hurrv Ktockiimu lo succeed Olen Anixpiger ns cilv eiiKineer, whom he removed without ciuiso Inle Tuesday nfteruoon. 2. An tttneudmebt iin? the power lo j-emnve city offieinN from ofiTee to the,oiitiei and limttiut; the susendiuc jMiwer held by the tnnyor wa nnlcrwl ineludnl in the spi-cial election ordinnnce, election lo lake place Mnr. fl. 3. A rciKiil from Couneihncn Mit chell nnd Porter., ns finance commit tee, criticising ihe Mail Trihune'ji petition and stating that thero wai Wmn sntifactim.fli'4 some dtssntU fnelmn with the irtildic'mnrkel'nrt now operated, was read nnd filed. I. A reort from the Kpeciul com milteo lo investijjuto the pnst year's rcconl of the market nnd Market master Hunynnl, stating that the market had been nu unqualified suc cess and thnt it would be tnnl-ad-ministmlinn to remove Kunyurd, was also rend nnd ordered filed. Council men Campbell, Summervillc nud Mil lar composed this committee. Arnsplger Cum rirt The fireworkrt slnrled immediately nfler the session oimviciI. The news thnt Mavor Kifert hnd Tuesday after noon dischntved City Kugineer Am spiger had filled the crowd with ex citement which wns blown to flame when .TudRe K. F.. Kelly tnnk the f!ior wnen iiiq mayor asked ir nnyone would like lo be heard. "I believe," slnled Mr. Kelly, "that your honor did not consult the city ntlomcy when you discharged Mr. Amspiger, or else you would Ktirely know (bat you bavo not Iho rigbt to rvtuoxc nny city officials fmm office. The. charter only Riven you Iho right (o suspend nn official until the next regular meeting of the council. I ad mit thnt b,,' a stretching of llio charter you could keep on suspending him nl each meeting. I want to know if it is your intent In suspend him fmm time to time, if the council refuses to ncccpt this suspension of -ours." AMERICAN AMBASSADOR AIDS MENACED COUNTRYMEN IN RANGE OF MEXICAN FIRE ksksksksksksBskskskskskskskskskskskW -' lksksksksksksksksksH sisisisisisisHisisisHllKsrisisisisiH kkkkkkkkkflkkkkkkkkkkksX" 'lkkkkkkkkkH e LHLsVHHLsHHLisIbH "" urn m PRAISE WORK F RUNYARD IN CITY MARKET Special Committee Named by Mayor Revlews Growth of Market awl Tells sf Its BeiMfieial lnflwfteta Under Present Market Mister. First Year Largely ExperimeMal.MNl Rules Altered ta Suit Ex Mir j-Emergencies. - Henry "Lake. Wiison. tvrro. canriaaiiT uoe truuu4,-,w)ss Iluudrrd- of A inert, an famlite, n it n-Krtel. bare tn'cn forced lo fle frnhl -h..lp linliiu. 1., M.vl... Ill, Imii.a i9 ,!. f.(..M .,... n. . .. . ........ ... ..... v.. -,,t .-v ..it iiKuiiuK uiirv. Jciiiorr7 bomen oul-Ilf ihe xone of fire have bern nemreil for many of them by Ais hn.ii!ur WIImui. who Is lining hi ulmot lo mid the flithtlng. I1U conttaot PjieaN to I'rcnldrut Jaft will likely caunc the t nlteil Stale, gorerument lo make kotue uioemcut to prewnt further slaughter of Americans and for eigners. FEDERAL JUDGE IMADERO'S BROTHER PERMITS MYLIU TO ENTER COUNTRY NEW YORK, IVh. 10.--Edward F. Mylius, the Hritish editor who served a jail sentence for libeling King Oeorge, wob pennitled to enter Ihe United Stales today by United States Judge Xoyos. Immigration offieinU who sought (o bar Mylius from the country alleged thai his nffeimu was a criminal one, while attorneys for llio editor nrgueil that it was ot a political nature. E STILL FAR APART POHThAXD, Feb. 10,Following Iho (eslimoiiy of William Ilouian, this afternoon Iho state expects to rest in Iho prosecution of K. S. J. McAllister, nn attorney charged with immoral pinettces connected wilh tho vice scandal, Three witnesses, Roy Ktulvl, Kenneth llnllister nml Louis llurus testified (ndnv lo alleged ciimes ' T IN AG'IN.OUT AGIN. GONE AGIN. OLIN Notwithstnudiiig that Im lias been 'fired" by tho mayor twico within llu pnst (wo days Olen Arnsplger will ap pear nfter tlio next council meeting to again claim (lie job ns city engineer. Olen wns fired Tuesday afternoon nnd again this morning, lint ciles the oily chuilev na authority for tho fnet that tho mnyor's tlismissnla enn only woil; ns suspensions and thnt they nro good only until tho following ineoling. Thus AniRpiger wns suspended ngniu Yciliiohilny morning nnd will go hank tlio first Tuesday in March. Ho will uuiko mi "off again on ngniu" record only omiullcd by tho famous FilllH'gllll, Mayor Eifeit evidently believes that he has the removal power for Wednesday morning ho told Anispig er that tho offieo of city engineer had been declnrod vnonted pud thnt Arnspiger was fired. .Arnspiger re plied that ho would not consider tho older ns dismissal hut merely ns n suspension until (ho next regular meoling, At present writing there is no city engineor, unless Arpspigvr holds thnt position undor Rusponsion. Tho muyor intends, to fight tho mntter out to tho Inst ditch and tlio engineer is no less determined to get his righfs inulor the churtor, , (Continued on Pco 3) WEYERHAUSERS PLAN TO ENJOIN SPECIAL LEVIES SALEM. Or., Feb. 10. Xn ugree ment is yet in sight between froimte mul house ns to time of adjournment. While tlio organization m each linu-o has decreed that tho session shall be prolonged over fmly dnys to deul with vetoes nf tho guu'ruor they dis agree among themselves ns to the' plan In bo pursued. Tho house wants to stay with it continuously into next week, perhaps nil week. SHOT BY ORDER OF FELIX DIAZ EL PASO, Texas. Feb. 10 Private dispatches received hero today say Hint Gustavo Madero, brother of Ihe deposed president, has been executed in .Mexico City by order of General Diaz. Tho report is unconfirmed. Guslnvo Madero was declared to be Ihe most hated man in Mexico nnd was accused of having induced his brother to repudiate pledges to dis tribute Inrge tracts of land in Mex ico. It is claimed that he depleted the nnlinual treasury, whilo the wealth of the Madero family greatly increased. OF POET OF SIERRAS OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 10. -The re mnins of tho lnle Jompiin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierras," were cremated. At the homo of the poet nn Oakland Heights befnre (ho body wns borne to the crematory there were simple, ser vices. A eulogy wns delivered by his lifelong friend, Colonel John P. Irish, Miss lltniiche Partington, tho "Giver nfllest," nne nf the poems of Miller. HISTORY LIGHTENS THE APPLEGATE That the. railroads nnd Weyeiiiaus er timber interests may bring suit to enjoin tho county from collecting the special road tax voted by Iho taxpay ers of soveral districts, is tho state ment of W. T. Grieve, county nsses sor, wbo says that agents of tho rail road nud timber interests have so de clared themselves to him. Tho representatives of tho interests declare that they have u decision of tho supremo court that all fond irieet ings to consider tho mntter must ho called by Iho rond supervisor nnd not by 10 per cent of tho taxpayers ns is proUded iu tho section of tho code followed by tho taxpayers in recently voting a special tav. Tho timber interests linvo enjoined tho gcnoral.road tax levy in Klamath county in nn effort to stop nil rond work" iu Kinuiatu. The special committee appointed by Mayor Kifert to investigate tho public market bns reported ns follews: Medford, Ore., Feb. 18, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor nnd City Council of tho City of Medford Gentlemen: Your committee In structed (o investigate the condition of the public market of this city and1 the conduct of its superintendent while he has been such officer, are. glad to bo able to report that we find the market in a most prosperous and satisfactory condition nnd that Iho work of the superintendent has been especially efficient and effective. Ha has .succeeded to a gratifyinj- degree in giving satisfaction both to the pro ducers selling products in the market and to its patrons. He has not lim ited his work and efforts to the duties usually nssumed by a market master but has in addition takea it upon him keif lo workwith abd advise produc ers to the end that the market might not bo over-supplied with products which could not be disposed of each market day, and at the same time should bo supplied with. tho largest possible number and variety of dif ferent products so that purchasers nnd- consumers would find thero everything necessary to meet their demands. Worked Under Orders We beg leave to slain further that tho market master has at all times worked in hnrraony with and has fol lowed tho directions of the market commit lee of the city council and that he has never in any respect deviated from the strict letter of Iho ordinance erenUnc; tlio market either in respect to his duties, the hours of keeping tho market open, tho making of charges for space or otherwise, except by express direction of said market com mittee. Wo find that the market committeo of tho city council hns iu a number nf particulars mul at different times in Btrueted tho mnrkct master to devinto from tho rules laid down in tho mar ket ordinance mid for all such devia tions, the members of tho market committee of the city couiiuil. holding such positions at Iho time tho devia tions woro mndo, nro willing to nnd do nssiime full responsibility. Market Ordinance The original market ordinance was (Continued on Pace 3) Probably tho most historical spot in nil Oregon today is Ihe region of Iho llig Apph'galo whero even the roadside is literally sdrewn with tho history of Oregon. Some 12 mouths ngo n sleek gen tlemiui appeared iu that country iu tho guiso of Hosworth and began gathering local biography. For bait he used tho honeyed flattery of a biography in a four volume centennial history of Oregon to bo published by tho Clnrk Publishing company, iv Chi cago concern, which ho leprcsented were getting-out, n history of Oregon written by Joseph Gaston. It is alleged that tho soliciting biographer (up on tho Applegate they lenvo off tho bio), would wrilo off tho data on it noto hook for a history of tho biographeo and thereafter induce tho grapheo to sign his own biogrnph, hut ingeniously folded bonenlh Iho biog raphy wns n contract nnd noto rang ing from $'J5.00 to $75.00 according to tho nmouiil of honey contained iu tho write-up, and calling for tho pay ment of said sum upon tho delivery of tv four volume History nf Oregon. Yesterday wns delivery day on tho Applegate nnd tho outraged members of Ihe stung club in that vicinity were unanimously repudiating tho bio graphical agreements with tho 23 nnd 7f dollar story in, them. Pat Swnyno who drovo in from Iho upper Apple gaeo last night reports tho rood blocked with the numerous volumes dumped into it nnd says it is probably tho most historio highway in tho world today. One family was stung for four sets vnnging from 23 to 75 dollars nnd tho sixteen volumes stnekod up in tlio rond in front of that ranch rise in tho mnjestio pro portions of n lmrthohU slntuo en lightening tho Applegate. Jinny Wed ford peoplo woro nlso stung and charges of obtaining notes under falso pretenses will bo probed by the grund jury noxt mouth. STATE AID ROAD BILL GIVES HALF TO MILLION ROADS SALEM, Ore. Fob. 15, A bill providing for a tax of ono-hulf a mill for tho building and Improvement of roads hns today passed tho house. It also authorizes a road board to con sist of the govornor, secretary of state and state treasurer. The houso was In session until early this morning, clearing away accumulated legislation. Govornor West retained the Bar rett county bondlug act to tbe sea ate yesterday with the request that tho Kellehor amendment he added to section 34. It Is not belelved that ho will vetp It, even If the senate re fuses the suggestion. Tho Itoguo river fish bill will ! reported out of, committee -Thursday, as passed by tho house. ijH i St i y? w 4i vl A .:! 3 if H .1 , " h