- W(ft- m f Sl-v'v t Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mliowrrs, rooter Mn -Mf 3lin. !( I'rcclp. .0. twnnit Tr. - Movtifilli Trr MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, I'E HRCARY 18, 1913. NO. 282, DIAZ WINNING CAPITAL FROM MADERO INTERESTING SCENES IN THE STREETS OF MEXICO'S NATIONAL CAPITAL. WHERE PANDEMONIUM EXISTSF01L0W1 UPRISINGS M w'?cr?MfAUnKKMKr?i?.mmaMmimmmmmHm . bs. (r? -.-.- r-r-vT i irzw$$mm Vy .ri Jl . sMsMK. GENE2AU FELIX DIA2. llj y y , . -y mZWJJ FEDERALS RETREAT BEFORE VICTORIOUS ADVICE 0 10 CONTROLS (lAIA'KHTOK, 'IVxiih, Ki-li. 1. Mrwoiip-M rrriiMl hrm UiIk nf term-tin fnmi .Mo.sico City mIiU'Ii hml cnirl Hit' criimir lime cuitit'il llm lirliof Ihnt l'ri'Nldcnl Mntlcro Imn Ikimi lore, cil ti llio wull. TI10 fuel, hownier, Hint tlio triifotlilt iMititiuuril Inter otr ilihpnlohrs inilicnlcd (lint On rrn Dlar. Iiiih not nlruok tlio fiiuil liov. It in lirliovnl horr tlmt n hooii itt Hut ri'liflf niit I hoy will rrcn nil win. WlioliiKitlr foili'inl ilenurtioiiit wi-io rt'iorli'(l luilny. WA.SIIINOTO.V, IVIi. 18.-- Illnx i niplilly IniiiiiK I'ontnil of Mivxlro (.'ity ntul Mmloro'it ilnuiifiill liuurly KHimn ucnrur. Tlim in tlio glut of nn iinci'iiKiirril illHpntuli ivcuixctl huro to iluy from Ainlitirtxiiilor Ut'ltry I.iiiip WjUnn Iho first uiii'oiiHiiri'il iiowh of tlio iiutiml nlitiii siuoo Suliinlay niltlit. Wilhon ii'tmilril to llir oliito ilt' imrtiiHint that thi'io wuit noutiniiniiH conflict .Nrotcnluy uiul .ut of IiimI nilit nml tlmt tlio l)iii fontON iiro hti'mlily mhmiuliitf. Tlio Aincncnii iiinhdhMiilur iIi'uIhiciI tlmt Dim mmui will control tlio uhulo roniiluntlnl part of tlio oity. ms nllit tlio fciliMiiU ruliivil fmui lliolr cxinsril )o-.oiiH, lVtli'liil I."n (in-ill Wilson Niiiil tlirro hml lioon fixroo fllitln nml tlmt tlio fcili'inlH lunl h 11 t'ft' red cnoriiioiiM Iiiamck. Tim Amor- il'lllt CtllllltHHV win VOpOllll'lllv in tlio lino nf firo nml win xtrnol; liv nmi'V MADERO SAID TO BE WILLING TO QUIT WASHINGTON, Fell. 18. Up to n lalu hour thin nfturnnon, Hid iiliito - department Iiiih rceutveil no officlnl confirmation of the report Hint Piesi. dent Mndoio of Mexico, hml nroed to tlio nppntnlincnt of n proHitlont ml intciiin. No dinpiitohoH hnvo hoen veeeived from Amlmhsmlor Wilhon hiiu'o noon, MKXICO CITV. Feh. 18. (Censor ed) Two cannon hIioIh, tho firnt to hrenk the stillneHU of tho morning, woro fired at 10 o'clock. It wi)s not known which hIiIo wih responsible. It hecmno itilot iiKiiin ininiediitlolx tM!ieafti)r. I..IKI. ! MKXICO CITV, Fch. 18, (CunMir cd) Thorn wiih no firing hetweon MndorifltH mid Uiu.' men up to noon lltllWd VU Pljo ?.J I'A 'V '''' -m-M, iii,i'Mt'U CROVVD3 OOTSIDC CHAMDLO OH tn-mrrtttf fflffl ES FDIAZ T OF CAPITAL KK-nt liiillrtn winch, lioMcxor, ilxl mill) iiiiinnue. Mo Mini lluro wore ninny ilrnil nml womiilril, mostly Mn iloriNtitH, in front of tlio ciiiliiinKy. WIIhoii rt'ortril ho lunl Im'cm niuihlo lo tmcrrtttlii wlint ilmnttpc wim wrought l the foilornl htnnilnilil lint tlmt tlio flrinir wnH fiorro during the cnliro ioolt. Tlio Ainrricnn iimlms. miilnr'n li-pnti'lii'n nuliontv tlmt tlio romlition of Moxioo 1'itv w nppronoli iittr 0I11101. I'iiImii itil oorp-os tliroalcn Niitiliiiro, (ho Kid (.'ruin nml Wluto ('to orcniiirntunm hnvo iliHlmnilcil ami Ilia troops imorly toil, arc ho- I'lllllllIK (ll'MK'nitO. Only ItrfiiKo SKil Tlio Amvrionn ctnlniNsv nppnrontly in I ln only Knot of rofiiKO in tlio whole city. There WiIhoii Iiiih otnliliohod n rono of snfi'ty wlioio llio Mrictcbl hunitalion in cnforooil. Tim Knit it v "f t'10 nfliomt ilix pntohoN, contnistoil with tlio ooiiKorril pro trlcK'niins, is lii'llinnl to prove tlmt .Mmlcro in trying ilocprrnti'ly to conoonl tlio cumlitiuii of his ciuiho. Miint ilinpiiti'lii'H ure ItuiiiK ilclnyoil nml it i iloulilfnl just what lias reullv hapiuuicil in tlio lialtk'-torn eitv with in tlio hut few limn. Teli'urnphini: fitini Vera Crux to In v Conmil (lenornl I'mimln uVcliuiw Ihnt luinilroiln of rofnuoert arc crowd inir into Hint city from the cnpit'il. Ilo Iiiik I'niiiN Id fci'il tlii'in for onlv two iIii.sh. All tlm roftiKocii toll hoi. lot of iilnioM nicrciliblo hiinlxlilp- in Mexico Cttv where they wny the coii- illtlmiH are nhiioitt hcvoiiil hollof. IMMIGRATION BILL VETO BY SENATE WASIIINOTON, Feh. 18!- Over tiding Presldenl Tuft's veto tho ben. nto today passed by 72 to 18 the DillinKlinni-Hnrnett innnigrntioii bill, containing u literacy test. TIiuho who Hiipportcd llio pi'Ohidi'nt'fl veto were Cation, Clnpp, Clarke of,Arkntt8iiH, Cm lis, Qrounn, Dnponl, Oiiggonheiin, MeCuniber, Marline, O'donnnn, Oli ver, l'aynler, Shivoloy, Smith nf Maryland, Sniilh nf Michigan, Stcph ciiHon,' Stono and Warren. The bill iik passed provides that n.i porfioim flhnll bp eligible to outer the United States who cannot read mid write his native language. It Is e. piiuled to exclude, hordes of collie and other cheap labor. ftnvornor Bulzor plana a thorouiih overhauling of tlio labor InwB of tlio HlUto vf flow Vorh, ...,....., .,...,,, MO PASSiDOVERTAFT'S FIREMEN WIN BOMBARDMENT READY FRi 54 RAILROADS OF ADRIANOPLE AVERTING STRIKE STILL IN PROGRESS Ni:V YOllK, I'ob. IS.Comploto rlctory for tho Firemen' Ilrotlicr- hood In tliulr itriku proceed lng agnliul fifty-four entlorn rnllroodn wan nccurcit tod ay in tho railroads accejitotico of nrbltrntlon under the Krilnmn net. TliU wok tho only conreinlon tho firemen demanded. Tho llrotherhood naniod Albert I'hllllpt of Riicrnmento, Cal., as lt reprccutntlo on the arbitration board. Tho railroads tinuicd W. W. Alterhury, Kenenil innnaRer of tho I'ennsylvanlu system. It Is declured the rnllronils mani festo insists on u public hearing ot their dido ot tho strike question. They recite their objections to the Krtlmun net, tho principal ono being that "tho ropsonslblllty which ulti mately would rest on a third mem ber of tho Krdinan arbitration board Ik too great to Impose on ono man." They Insist tho net does not guard the public of another similar demand for Increased whrcs by conductors niut trainmen, uddlug "Wo den I re to put beforo tho public tho notice thnt a crisis will confront them when tlieso demands ure considered y tho ruttroads." I. otters stating their stand were sent by tho rallrosds heads to Com; inorco Court Judge Knnpp und Act ing United States Labor Commln- sluuer Manner today. TO TO HF.llLIN, Feb. 18. Unless the eon flict in Mexico City ends speedily tho German government, it was learned this afternoon, has decided to hcnd u battleship to Mexican waters. This movo Iiiih been under consideration for sovonil days but tho government refrained not wishing to do anything seemingly offensive to tho Monroe doctrine. Tho Gorman officials decided to take netion following reports from tho Goniinn minister nt Mexico City and consuls Hint German life theio is endangered. CAUSE DISCONTENT VEHA CHUZ, Mexico, Feb. 18. Discontent is inereithing In Vera Crux over the nrrival lioro of the American battleships Nebraska and Vermont. Thu populaeo suspeuts tlio United States is determined to send lillU iifos q Mvswo City. WARSHIPS LONDON. Fell. 18. (Viim.iIu of tho htrictct fcorl Applied to nil ad vice from ('oiiHtmiUnoplc nml nn em bargo M'iireoly le Strict on till news from lltilkuu enpitnls mnkei. it ulmot iniK)ssiblo to get real iiifoniintiou ns to the nrocnss of the struir-lo he - tween Turk and lhriMinn. Among the few families received here today wns the information that the boiiilmrdment of Adrinnoplc is continuing with great severity and Hint fighting in the Gnllipolt penin sula hns been less severe. The llul gars there, it is mid, an fortifying heavily in anticipation of a mass Moslem uttank. Dispatches from Cettinje say tho alliei.' attack on Scutari has been de layed iHMidiuj; the completion of nc.r military dispositions there. This is taken to mean that more camion nro being rushed to Scutari to hammer tho Tiirktr.h fortress. Advices were received hero today by Turkish leaders which denied the repoited assassination of F.uxcr Hey. RUSSIA PRESENTS TO DFIILIN, Feb. lS.-Kiisia has re cently presented Serxia with anus and equipment for 100,000 men no cording to news ageuey dispntehes received hero today. It is declared that German diplomats fear that Hus sin is giving Servia active backing against Austria. The outlook for Kuropemi peace is considered dark. SPOKANE WANTS TO CECEOE FROM STATE OLYMI'IA, Wn., Feb. 18. "Tho state, of Lincoln" to add n new stnr in the flag, is the proposition innda today by Senator ''Hick" Hutchison of Spokane. Ho prepared a resolu tion memoritiliEiiig congress to oreato n new s.tato out of all of eastern Washington and five Idaho counties, which ho claimed nro more logically united than nro tho eastern and wes tern counties of Washington. WARSHIP'S CANNON BURSTS CAUSING THREE DEATHS FAIUS, Feb, 18. Causing tlneo deaths a cannon aboard the French hattleship Dnnton exploded off Tou lon today according to a dispatch in "I'nlriiy ft locnl newspaper. AM ERIA TO RUSH SUPPLIES TO FRONT. IN CASEOF WAR WASHINGTON-. Feb. 18 -Just how rapidly the Krcntet munitions of war e-food bnpplies eould bo mined hhoultl the United States Miid trooinr into Mexico, became known today, with information as to the xnst pre- J partitions' of the timrterron.Htcr's de 1 l""1 T nny. Sufficient Mere: stores to feed nn nnny of .10,000 for n month nro todny to readiness for re moval aboard trains and transport at nn hour's notice. In the quartennucterV department at Washington, whence tho greatest amount of stores would go, there is waiting sufficient food and "houMtig" supplies to care for l.'.OOO soldiers. Kvcrythitig is ready for shipment to ;cnport News to be placed aboard the trnusKrts the moment the inter vention onler is issued. In addition to the supplies on hand, arrangements have been made with great wholesale houses to ship on immediate notice vnst humilities of prepared food Muffs. Tho greatest' movement, in case of intervention, xvould bo made from Fort Sam Houston, Texns, across the border, nml from Omaha, Nebraska. In ease of war, tho nunrtcrniabter'h department has authority to take oer entire railroad ami steamship lines if necessary, and to obtain sup plies from any soutee they desire. The lesson taught by tlm mobilization of troops on the Mexican border two years ago, will be used. From Wash ington, orders as to what stores shall bo shipped ami what troops shall em bark in tho case of intervention, hnve nlreudy been ihsued. LISTLESSNESS FEATURE OF NEW YOHK. Feb. 18.LIstles ness marked tho entire session of tho stock market today. There wits a good demand for tho seeulntivc fa vorites, Heading and Steel each gain ing a point. Tho announcement that tho firemen on the custom railronds had practically settled their difficul ties with tho railroads without u walkout, forced a higher range in the dealings. Improvements in the stun divrds was offset somowhnt by sternly selling of long stock in other nuartovs. Tho market closed dull. Konds were irregular. TO PRESENT MRS. TAFT WITH $10,000 NECKLACE NF.W YOHK. Feb. 18.Under tho direction of tho Kcd Cross society hero ii campaign wns started today to collect $10,000 for a neoklaco 'for Mrs. William Howard Taft. It will bo presented to her at the expiration of tho president s (erm, ' TYPE5 OP MEXICAN GOOD ROADS COUNTY BONDING ACT RESCUED BY REAMES, PASSES BOTH HOUSES; NOW UP TO THE GOVERNOR SALK.M, Feb. 18.Urenkiug the deadlock for good roads legislation, both somite and hoine Inst nizht con curred Hi the "nuufftlmojilS" " Iodine Hnrrctt county bonding bill (S. II. VJt) reirtel by conference committeo from both houses, and the measure is up to the governor for signature. The bill enables counties to issue bonds or warrants for building high ways. Ilcumc llrcak Deadlock Credit for breaking tho deadlock belongs to Itepresctitntivo C. L. Iteamrs of Jackson, who is being tdiowercd with congratulations by tho legislators. The bill ns finally wss- ed is practically the same as that introduced by Kennies early in th session, eunbles comity courts to call special bond elections when petition ed by one-fourth of the voters, tho petition to set forth tho amount of bonds oroposed, time they run ami rnlc of interest. Tho county court in its onler stntes xihnt roads within the county are to be built and im proved xwth the money. The court can, if it desires, cull a road bond election upon petition of oue-tweutieth of the voters, but it U not mandatory, lloml iuterert must not exceed (I per cent, and bonds can- TO IN OLD MEXICO WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. Ity Sun day "J.OOO United States marines, ready for immediate uso in Mexico will have lauded at Giiuntamno, Cuba. Tho trausports Meade and McClelluu will leave Norfolk tomorrow with the marines on board. The government still retains Its non-intervention policy but it is pre. paring for action if wanton slaying of Amorienns or other foreigners should stmt in Mexico City or any of tho other towns in tho disturbed re public. Except in the south, Mexico is sur rounded by American buttloships nml troops. The stato department has almost abandoned hope of the Mexi?o City situation clearing and hopj American residents and other foreign ors will lenvo there us quickly as possible. Official dispatches received hove. today say that hundreds of refugee nro arriving nt Yera Cruz. Tho refit. gees declared the food supply in Mex ico City is steadily diminishing una tho natives of the uitv ato romotml greatly aroused over the sitipition, 2000 MARINES READY LAND CAVALRY m "" uot bo sold for les than par. War rants may be issued in lfcu of bonds. The building of highways Is eutire- Hy--nirftr-jfwi3itt?9H-lke,acyity court. . Story of Deitdlerk: Tho story' of the legislative- dead lock is mi interesting one. The situation presented to the two houses was without paralell nml noth ing but the strong desire of nil of flu members to compromise nml to assist in tho enactment of u county bonding bill prevented tho deadlock that has existed since the opening of tho ses sion from causing tho defcut of all good roads legislation. The house had passed the Kuril bonding net which provided that be fore any county should bond that n county convention should first bo called , which convention should de termine the kind of roads to bo built, the place where they were to bo built, the grade, cost, and nil other details relating to the bond issue and to tho building of roads. This bill was sent to the senate and that body refused to act upon it but retained the bill. House Held Up Measure The senate passed the llurrctt bill xhieli provided for a blanket issue of (Continued on fuse 6.) ISTATE AID ROAD COMPROMISE BILL SALKM. Ore., Fob. IS. Uy unani mous consent there was Introduced Monday, by Ropresontutlvo Spencer on behalf of committees of roud3 and hlBliways of both houses, a compro mise highway atate-nid bill, and tho prediction Is mudo thut It will puss both houses. Tho bill provides for a Hoard ot Highway commissioners to consist of tho governor, secretary of stato nud state treasurer, who lit turn are to appoint a statu hlghwuy engineer. Provision Is made that tho automobllo fund shall bo turned ovor to tho com mission and that a levy of ouo-hulf a mill shall bo mado. Two-thirds of tho money Is to bo used by counties of tho state In building permanent roads, Tho othor third U to bo used by tho ututo. In the event that a county does nut use t.ha money Hi lotted to t, tho money reverts to iha statu hlghwuy fund and will bg usad by tho state, This bill tngother with the com promlno hill authoring counties to Issuo bonds to build roads xvlll da much to solve the road prebWw Ju the state, It U said. BOTH HOUSES 1 , r (id