:. UV ft. J;1 M p" . V - V,i h , You Never etivr ooor on 1 SLWit-o. Mtr EAGLE POINT EAGLETS My A. 0. Hewlett llt'i-nitiii Mojept nml IiIk younger lirollmr riiiiiit out from ihulr homo In tin Lake creek ((iiintry after u Imiil of Mlrn fonrltir. Inst Monday nml from (lie amount of Urn goods tin1)' dud limy Intend In fmieu In n Iiitk" Irani of Imiil. A ftiw iliiyH lino o Inn! quite mi irllliiil I Into In our town. Oho of tin li'tiiiiH belonging to lloruUli (t Hon, owner of the K'hrIh I'olnt livery nIiiIiIk hum M iwhI Itu; hitched to n ilnii hltHeuted coM-ri'il liuck nml one, of tlio ImyM Hobble, was standing In front of tlii'tn holding tlii'iii by the IiIIh when lny lnviuiii) frightened nml started to run Hiking Hobble on tho oiiil of tin' tongue nml neck yokn n few fi'ii when lio fell off nml fort iiitntuly liotli liorum nml tin hack rotnpMoly mUncd him nml ho hail the preneiice of inluil to lay itlll on III faro nml draw IiIh cont up over liU lieml. Ho got off with only n scratch on thu wrist, truly n remark libit escnpo. Mr. nml Mr Krwln, who nro llv Iiik nn it mrt of the old Hnhler place, wen In town Tuesday morning. .Mm. Ili'iijiimln Evans, wife of tlio new Imrher. rnutu out Momlny to Join li"r husband, they nro thinking of locating permanently among us, provided hn finds that (hero U busi ness enough In hit lino to justify Ills remaining. George l.lmlley, who has heou con nested with thu Jackson County llnuk for mi torn I joars, canto out on tlio l. & M. TiiuHdny innrnlnK nnd went on up to thu I ,nk o crcuk country on it hiului' trip. In my lnl I mentioned that Hoy. Wllllum II. Howell, llnptlit i.nMor unn hero holdluc icrvlciNi. llo tit- tended, pmyer mretliiR on Friday nlKht nnd " u very IntercHtlui; tn Ik mid then rominenred I lie regu lar unrvlreti on Htindny nt 11 ft. in. llu held ttorvlrcH minlu nt 3 p. in. nnd nlito at nlKht. mid miuln on Mon day nlKlit. and minounced Kervlren every tiny In thu nfternoon nml enrh oviiuIiik diirlmt tlio rent of tlio week mid on Sunday nt 11 it! in., etc Hn In n vury plonunut mid forceful talk er mid Neiitim to ho very onlhmdnMIc, mid many of iih nro liopliiK Hint ho will lie tin liiNtruiuent In the hnmlH of (lod of doltiK much i;ood In thin community. Thoro hcoiiih to ho con hlderalile Intereiit inniilfeHied mid tlio i'oiii;rt'Kiitlomi nro Konurnlly larr.. I CENTRAL POINT POINTERS I V Col. I'. li. Ton Velio; county JiiiIko nnd County ('oiuinlHlonur V. (J. I.uo- vcr met Hoiilluirn Pacific railroad of- flclnln hero Tliumday mornliiK nnd had ii eoufereiuo with them In re- Kurd to contemplated railroad Im- provementM In our city and county. Olio of tlio moHt ilolliihtful nffnliri Hint Iiiih over heou i;lveii hy tlio lail Ioh Aid wiih Wudtiemlny nfternoon nt thu M. H. church In honor of the uluely-flfth birthday of (Iraudiiiii Dawiiluit, ItulutlvvH, frlemlH nml nc iiialntaiiccn woro nil ;athured thoro to Kroct HiIh honored lady who Hoomed im lirluht and IntulllKont tu miy ono proHOiit. Tlio church woh very prettily doenrntod mid n vory oiijoyuhlo progriim wiih roudorml, After tlio proKrnm mi olnboruto lunch wim Hiiived, Uio principal funturo of thu lunch holm; a birthday enko for lumidmn which wiih deenrntnd with iiluuty-flvo cuudlcH, All departed wlnlilm; thin populnr oldorly Indy iniiiiy moro happy hlrthilnyH. t, i. .lacolm of Medford npent n fow Iioiiih hero LIiicoIii'h blithduy, vIhIHuk IiIh hruthor, City ltccordor J. V, JnrohH. Mrs. 11. C KoiiinrH npont WoiIiich day iifturuoou In Medford, Kred Doford nml J. 0. I'oiiillotan or Tuhlo Hock Hpunt tho mlddlo of tint woolc horo. Mr, mid Mm. H. C. Vushlnirn of Tnl Jo Hock worn lnwlnona vlsltora horo Woiliicudny inornliiK. Mlsa fiarali Ilohh, MIhh Loin Wlilto, MIhh 1'onrl I'nnkoy mnj I, J. l'urkoy pllu weio iifloriioon vlaltora In Med ford from liuru Kildiiy, Can Tell When t- 4 i Clarence Ioverh xpetit Krldny uierulm: In Ormttn l'n. A. W. Moon mndu a huiluenii trip to (IrnutH l'an thu Innt of tint week. City council met 'riiiirndny evmiliu: with Mnor Cowley, Kecorder JiicoIik ('ouiirllmmi Aloxnndvr, Duiiltip uud Oluii prt'Netit. No IniRlneM wan Irmmuitud for luck of n quorum and council adjourned lo meet Thurndny, Tel). 211th lit 7 : :i 0 p. Ill, MIhkch llliiliclm mid draco Miller hno returiieil nftcr it tevernl weeks' vlnlt with liome folkn ul I.nki creek. Mm. C Hiinlnn wan n (Iruutii 1'imn vlnllor the mldillo of tlio week. Mm. Day of (Irnntu 1'nint enjned it vlill with her pareiitM, Mr. mid Mm. W. W. Hcott In thU city. WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETSl J . ('. llmhry of I'rohpeel wiim in itiiiK IiIh limny frlcniU hero Kunduy. A foutrnct linn recently lieen let fur tlio enrim; of thu orchard known iih Hid "70" on Keonlo iivuiiiip. Minx Kdttip Iwln, Aniline I,ewli nml Lawrence Nielmlit xpeut Siiuduy ut the Ditvidftoii home. Ouluc to the fact Hint n number from IhU vicinity nre tukitiK part in "A Handled YeiirH Ako," to lie lield in Ccn I nil Point central hall in lie helinlf uf V. M. C. A on Fehrunry 10 Willow Hprinp hIioiiJ bo well rep roMcnlet Hint uvriiiui;. ?dr. and 3tm. Wilson of Millioiinlro How, viiitetl in HiU neighborhood last Holiday. Sunday n oIiikh wih orKnnitcil for Ilililo hlmly liy Hov, A. A. Dnvin. Wo hhoulil nil take nilvnutncp of this op Mirliinilv to become mere familiar with thu leaeliinpi ami iiIm to xliow our uppreeinlioti of Mr. Diivih' ef forlH in our belinlf. Kii-Htl llnrriH Iiiih been iipixiinted janitor of the Helmut. Willow Spriii,M nrune,e met Snt urtluy pxeitiiiu nml u cry inlcreitini; program wok rondered witli it vocal medley. Mr. MeKllloyn miii two notion eliannliicly. An excellent pa per on "lllinoin l'rojjrcKrtivo Knrmer" wiim read by 1 M. Palmer mid little .Mihs r.ldeu Hhowed rcat drmmitii talent in n n'ellation while Albert Korpoy entertained iih with a violin neleeliou, Ail luterexlini; paper wiih read by I). M. MeNiiHSer after whieli iiniHie bv Hn oreheslrn wan rendered nnd ei:jii.cd immensely. llulneH meeting followed mid a fancy (lrens program with refioolimcntri wiih tle oiiled upon for tlio evening of Feb ruary L'u. Pupilii of Willow .Spring kcIiooI will ulvo mi entertainment In honor of hiueoluV ami Wnwhinulon'H birth days on J-'riday eveninir, Februnry 21 at 7:110 nhnrp. Thin program promineH to bo very inlerertlin mid a eoidial luvitiilion In extruded to all. Tho iliicctors of tho hcIidoI met Sronday cveiihij; ami decided to im prove thu nchool by plnoini; paper Iowch ami u fotiiitain of liipiid xoap for tho benefit of tlio pupiU; liy tho iiho of ail ami Hwcupliu eompoiiml on tho tloorn; a lelephono will lie placed In thu buililliii; ami i;radiui; of tho tonis Krouiulrt will do eoinmeneed at oiico, Willi tliPHo iiiiirovcmonts wo now luivo a model hcIiooI, ALONG ROGUE RIVER Dr. Cliinliolm of Iluguo Hlvor was called In coiiHiillulioii at Ihu Hauiiali homo it 1W days ii(,'0. A. A. Hall ami hod, Huby, were in Ceulial Point Ratui'ilay. Nv, MaikK of Trail iniulo a trip to tli'o viilloy tho first of tho week. ilisHos Mnry ami Aftirtliu Hiiro mid brotlier Normmi iittoudoil a HiupriHO party at HciikId Friday nielli. Died, at tho family roMilonue, Fob runry 11, llllll, ut Hillll p. m., Sirs. Joseph llauuuli. Slio wiih about Ti8 yi'iiM of iiko. Slut was sink only a wooj; but was vury low tho qutiro tinio. Dr. KiroliosHpir wiih In con stunt atteiidliiiou but uotliiiu could Im dono oxeopt to caao hur Huffoiiug. Klio leaves a husbaml, two sons, Jas per ami Joseph, uud two daughters, Mrs. Tim Daily ami Miss Mirim Him iinh, uiul tluoo Ri-uiululiiUU'on, bosidoa MEDFOTin MTTffi TRTTONE, MEDFOTm OftKClON, SATURDAY. FEBTCTIAIfT jfc. Something '11 Come Up I r "' ' .- ' .... . i" ., . j. , 4 ' t NCHBK WAS V.rM WS'D havo J ,- u I II. - . ' II I - ' l liniimnlicrcil friemlH lo moiir her Iohh. .She was a kind friend and a loving mother ami loved by all who fcnew Jier. Tim Dailv, who Iiiih been tit tin homo of hi nick father in .Mvdfonl, Merited Die Itc medy. A now iclontla preparation for both Internal nnd external uno ami ntinolutclv without nn eiiual for tlio treatment of plleit In any form. Auk im to nhow you thin remedy and ex plulu 1 tn many ndvantancH. Leon 11 llniklnn. netici: KOIt 111 IIS. Notlro l hereby clvon that nealod IiIiIn for a ftteol lirldco ncrom Hokuo river, section 13, twp. 3C, H 2 W. of W. M. In Jacknon county, Oregon, on nIIo of prenuitt bridge will bo ro celred nml opened at 10 o'clock n. in., Mnrrli D, 1U13. at tlio office of tho county court uf Jackson county, Jncknonvllle, UrcKon. Did will bo received, flrxt for fiirnlihInK nteel, rlvotn. etc., as per plana nnd itrnln dlncrnm f. o. b, Medford. Oregon; aecond for furnlih I UK ntecl, material nnd labor for brldKo complete and erected, Includ ing appronchet, etc., ni per pinna and utrnln diagram on fllo In tho county clcrk'a office, Jackionvlllo, OroRon. Knch bidder I required to doponlt with bin bid, C per cent of thu nmotint of his bid, which shall bo forfeited to tho county In enso hn Is awarded tho contract for tho construction of said brldgo In accordance with bU bid nnd ho falls, ncclects or rcfusos for a period of two days after such award Is mado to enter Into a con tract nnd fllo his bond. A bond will bo required from tho successful bidder as required by law. Tho county court reserves tho right at Its discretion to reject any nnd nil bids. Dated Fob. 3, 1013. O. A. OAnnNRR, County Clerk for Jackson County. KOU IlKXT rUHMHlIKU A1T8. FOIt HUNT- Furnished apartment new, private bath, hot wntor heat. Tho llerbun Apartment, 10 Qulnco St., corner West Main. FOK HKNT Smith Apts. 217 S. Itlr. NEW TODAY A party with 20 acres of choice threo-yenr-old penm will exchange for n good resldonco property of Ilko vuluo In Medford. The trees aro all In flno condition, nnd on excellent soil, nml thoro Im n deeded water right goes with tho laud. Tho or chard should bo seen to bo appre ciated, and la valued nt 17000.00. No buildings, just soil, water and puar trees. A party with flvo item subdivi sion tract In San Diego, will oxchango for an npplo ranch In tho Koguo river vulloy. Tho property Is valued at 1C, 000 and can show a flno propo rtion to tho party Interostod. Tho orchard must bo clonr and produc ing, A flno block of six largo lots' near tho rosorvolr, nro offered nt a spe cial prlco of I18R0.00 for tho block. It la tho most Rightly part of tho city, nnd bound to ralso vory rapidly In prlco, as soon na tho stroot car ayatom la liiBtnllod. Follow tho crowd, and got a homo horo whllo thoy nro cheap, C. D. HOON Room ID. Jackson OouiitT lUnk Hid. WORTH WHILE If you want n bargain, lnvostlgnto this cloao In ifi-ncro tract of pears, about one-third Just coming Into boiirlug. J 5 acros only 70 rods from city llmlta of Medford nnd In tho boat or chnrd dlatrlct In thu ltoguo river val ley. 340 llurtlotta G-yoara-old 275 llartlottu 3-year8-old pnat, 300 IVAn Joua 3-yoara-old pnat, about 1 aero la alfalfa nro.und barn, vory boat of soil, now Page foncq with jmlntod codar posts, aurvoy pf now 'railroad within CO foot, of cornor, troea havo boon well cared for and aro In good condition, BENNETT INVESTMENT 00, - I r wiifii ! . 1 Ik 1 1 W wns culled home by the Hlncsi of hi iiollier-iii-lnw. .Mm. llnunnh. roil IIKNT IIOL'SKS FOIt HUNT room house. $000 per month. Hold Hay Honlty Co. FOIt HKNT Furnished flvo room modern bungulow. Inqulro 203 F. & F. Illdg. Phono 128-K. 2M FOIt HKNT Hovrii room house, $lfi. Modern apartments, $20; corner Oakdnla and 11th. Phono Col. H. II. Kargeut. 289 FOIt HKNT- 10 room houso rear of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, sultnblo for business, real citato, boarding or rooming house. Hold Hay Hcalty Co., Gth and Fir Ht.s FOIt HKNT Modern G room fur nished houso. Call at CO North Orange. FOU HKNT Fiirulshrd houso, cloio In, M. A. Under, M. F. & II. Co. FOIt HKNT Ono six room house, closo In. Call No. 310 N. llnrt lott. FOll HKNT Several homes and gar den lands of choicest quality; lands prepared for Irrigation. For sale, a fow hundred loads of black garden soil, delivered. Also seasoned dry oak and fir wood. F. Otonbruggo. 401 Hlversldo avo., South. Phono 1941. Call morn ings boforo 1 p. in. 289 KOIt HKNT Thrco room furnished new house, electric lights, water, etc. 722 W. 14th St. FOIt HKNT A six room modern furnished bungalow on Summit Ave., near Mnln.f Kent 130 per month. K. S. Ttilny, 201 Oarnett Corey Illdk. 280 FOll KENT Ftm.VISHKn HOOMS FOIt HKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart monts, prices vory reasonable. Home phono 2CC-K. 222 South Holly. FOIt HKNT- -Nlco with board at Geneva Avo. modern rooms Mrs. Fay's, 22 FOIt HKNT IIOUSKKKKPING ItOOM.S FOR HKNT Nlco roonj for Tight housekeeping, 3 blocks from P. O. Home phono 219-K. 311 N. Hart lett. 280 FOIt HKNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, electric lights. 322 S. Central. 2S0 FOll HKNT Light housekeeping rooms Vt block from Holland Hotel. 130 (J rape mid Sixth. 283 I'OK KKNT OWICKS FOIt HKNT Lnrgo, comfortable of tlco rooms with elevator service, stoam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOU HKNT 3 offices connected over Kldd's Shoo Store. Low rent. Tonus. A. C. Taylor, H. H. No. 2, Medford, or Clark'a Realty of fice. 2S3 FOU HKNT MISCKliliANKOUS FoTritKNT Hancliea. largo" and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Kay Healty Co.. Cth and Fir. FOU HKNT 30 rooin fiirnlahod hotel on percentage. Gold liny Koalty Co. FOIt KKNT Good Improved ranch, 140 acres cleared. Address "Op portunity" euro Mall Trlbuuo of fice, 2S0 FOU SAU; 1IOUSK9 FOIt KKNT OK SALE Flvo room houso and 2 s acres In fruit, would rent seperntoly. Phono 2S0-L. 2S2 FOU KKNT From March Ut to Oct. 1st, completely furnished country homo. Kyory modern convenience. l'liono -i-i'--.i or iiiKiress j, it. Tracy, K. F. I). No. 2, Medford, nrnirnil. "SO 280 FOll KKNT D room houso. fair barn, 7 acres of land, 1-4 mllb weht of city llmlta, ;i0 n mouth. Inquire Whlto & Trowbridge, phono 2S01. 2S3 FKK HKNT Six room modern houso Strictly first class. Inquire 3 IS South Laurel. 2S4 FOU SALE 4 room houso and lot 700, 100 cash and 11G.0O per month. Uold Hay Uoalt;' Co. FOK SAIiUliOTS FOK SALE 5 lota on Kosa Court. Will soil whole or aoparntoly, bar gain. Apply ownor O, D. Woolvor ton, Gold Hill, Ore. 80 FOIt BALK LA.mS IIIHIOANTKD LANDS IN SUNNY A HI ZONA. $15 to $20 per acre. Furtllu soil, ubundant water, Ideal cllmato, magnificent scenery. Write Hoard of Trade, WIIIcox, Arizona. FOU SALK Hancbcs, aero tracts, town property, from $f per acre, upwards on G and 10 years' time. Gold Hay Healty Co., SI tth and Fir. FOU SALK M1SCKLLANKOUS FOU SALK Jackson County War rants. Will give accumulated In terest as premium. Room 33, Jackson County Hunk Illdg. Phone 782 or 3CG1. 284 FOR SALE Calling cards, printed, engraTcd or embossed at the Hall Trlbuno office. FOU SALE Have told ray ranch C miles from town and must dls poso of m)' wood. Hard wood II. "G a Her soft 11. GO a tier on the grounds. For further particu lars tea Dr. Holms, 113 North Fir. Phono 287-K. 2SG FOU BALK Fine Ualed timothy liay. Hollywood Orchards. FOU SALE 1200 will not uuy tho fastest automobile In Jackson county, but It will buy one of the fastest trotting mares, Maybcll, record 2:27 tt, sho Is also good un der saddle and lame enough to work. Also for sale a very fine 3- year-old standard and registered filly good size and sound, will mako a fine driver, price $1G0. Also a gontle pony, will drive single and any child can rldo It, price 176. A. K. Ware, llcdford, Ore. 280 FOU SALE Automobile, four cylin der, light touring model, tires nearly now, 3 extra Inner tubes and ettra casing, extra spark plugs, top nnd Bide curtains, windshield, clock, spedometer, electric side lights, acetylene headlights, car In excellent running condition, $400. Address P. O. Uox 702. Medford, Ore. 283 FOU SALE Drood sows and small pigs, nil Poland China Block. Alto largo Petaluma Incubator. Phono 4CS-J-1. W. J. Hartzell. 282 FOU SALE Shnrpless cream separa tor and Mann's bone grinder. Per fect condition. Phono S1G-F-24. 283 FOK SALK Tank. G000 gallon gal vanized Iron tank, cheap. Phono 80C-F-3 at noon or after G:30 p. ru. FOU SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for salo or rent sings at tho Mall Tribune. FOU SALB Lcttor heaas and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, aa you wish at tho Mall Tribune. FOH SALE Fruit box labels In ono two or three colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOK SALE Loose loaf ledger sys toms. any stylo or made to order by the Mall Tribune bindery. FOK SALE Ono good 4-Tiurso pow er Falrbnnks-Morso gasoline, en gine A. J. Florey, Eaglo Point, Oregon. FOK SALK Ileardloss barley liny, two Cyphers brooders, and White Leghorn cockerels, Wyckoft strain. Also Disc plow. Phono 20-J-4. A. W. Stono. FOK SALE Oak tiirnlturo, house hold goods, ruga, carpets, comer S. Front and 12 th. Phono G134 FOK SALE Four ton of alfalfa hay. Call on Kates at Nash Harbor shop. 2S0 FOU SALE POULTKY ANI EGGS FOK SALE Cyphers now 240 egg Incubator, used for only ono hatch. Prlco $25. K. 11. Paxson, Cctitral Volnt, Oro. 2S1 FOK SALE Egga for hntchlng. White Leghorns, Wyckotf strnlii. A. W, Stone, phono 201-J-4 295 FOK SALE Thrco puro bred Whlto Orpington cockerels at $1,50 onchV P. O. Hox 61 "Phone 3r2-X. FOH SALK Splendid pure brod Ilnrred Plymouth Hock coekorels. Addross M, D,, caro Trlbuno, or call nt 604 Plum streot. FOU SALE Placo orders now for baby chicks, thoroughbred Harrcd Hocks; S. C. Uhodo Island Hods. 10 cents (i pteco,' Egga for hatching, ,i,uu por sotting. Mrs. i:. a. liitz ler, Phono 29S4, 2SU 1033. FOU HALF POl'LTHY AND KCJS FOH SALE Several Crystal Whllo Orpington cockerels. Dig husky fellows at a very law figure. W. C. Haines, 2 miles northwest of Medford on Hoss Lane. FOH SALE Place orCer now for setting eggs from ray pen of Whlto Orpingtons. J. Herman Harrison, 707 West 11th. Phone 3C1-U 287 help waxtf.t;-male WANTKI) Traveling men who are making small towns and cross road stores to handle onr new and up-to-date pocket side line. Pays a commission of $4.00 per order. A winner. For full particulars ad dress Hard Mfg. Co.. 212 Slgel St , Chicago, III. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Jnpaneso day work. Frank Naka, phone Pacific 1.H71. Call after C p. ra. 303 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Plowing or team work to do. V. II. Cuslck, care Mall Tribune. 281 WANTED To buy, a homestead re linquishment or will pay for loca tion on good land. Owners only. Address Holland Hotel, Geo. Hess. 285 WANTED To borrow, $1G0 or $200 for C or 8 months, payi 10 per cent. Good security. Address 220 care Mall Tribune. 280 WANTED GOO laying hens for cost at the Armstrong ranch, 2 miles cast of Medford. G. II. Nelle.281 WANTED To exchange equity In $300 Piano for good cow or type writer. Address Dox X. G.. care Mall Tribune. TS WANTED A spring tooth harrow, 15 teeth. Phone 403-R-2. 280 WANTED A good form horse, wt. about 1400 lbs. See A. A. Davis. FOK EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE 150 acres partially cleared at Wolf creek to exchange for acreago or Improved residence. Value $4000, owners only. W. S.. care Mail Tribune. 2S0 LOST LOST Small black mare, weight about 9G0. Hrandcd I) eta left hind hip, rope burn on left hind foot. Hus on halter, and lias whlto spot on face. Lester Stevens. Phoenix, Ore. 282 LOST French bull dog. tiger brlndle answer to tho nnmo of Keybo. Howard, lit S. Central. Phone 1241. 282 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Clark Realty Company. MONEY TO LOAN On city and cloao In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block. phone 3081. iil'sinkss nmr.tnoHY Auto Supplies LAHEK AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs Is tho temporlng. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest mid best equipped plaut In the Pacific northwest. Uso our sprlugs whou others full. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Hank bldg., boo oud floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Foatoffico bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. W. J. OANTON Attornoy nnd Coun sellor nt Law. 123 East Main street. Medford. Oro. Accountauta . R. WOOD General Accountant Your hooka aidtod, and Kept for a reasonable flguro; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.: phono 6611; resi dence phono 6303. Typewriting TYPEWRITING Manuscripts ro vised, copied and placod for sale, Legal copying, letter dictation to machine. Lillian A. McMillan, Room 30, Jackson Couuty llaijk. Phouo 1334. FXTtlS FTVTB. By "Bud" Fisher r i HUSINEHS DIRECTORY N p Abstract ROQUE KIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6, South Central. Clilropracturb DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist, iiooraa 203-04-0G Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago given: advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydropthcrapy. LsJy at tendant. Phone Home 14G-L, Main G712. DR. A. R. HEDOES, Dr. Louise E. Hedges, Mechano' - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylothersplsts. These systems, Including dletetles, curatlvo gymnastics, hydro-ther aphy, etc., produce results la both acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Dartlett St., noxt door to M. K. church. Hours 9 a. tn. to G p. si. Other hours by appolntraetn. Dell phone Mala 4171. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., snite It JO. Medford, Ore. Beth phones. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala 62S1. F, Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treed are budded, not grafted. Oar stock to not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not la the trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic Drlng your work to me at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Printers and Iubllheni MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the oest equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing syztesss, etc. Portland prlcea. 27 Norta First, Physicians and Surgeana DIL F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phone 278-K. Resldeae 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLB S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. tasucu iimiieu to t uweasei or women. Offlcea 232 E. Main, Phones, office, 28; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon, rractice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 328 East Main St. Hours 8;30 a. m. to 3 p. in. Both phones. E. R. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jnck son County Bank oldg. Office phono Main 432; Ilea, phone. Mala 682. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stownrt bldg., corner Main and Hartlott Bts., office phone, 271; realdenco phono, 273. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian ana surgeon, onice Falm block, oppoalto Naah Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono Pacific 1101. DR. K. W. CLANCY Physician and surgoon. I'nonos, office, 501; rol donce, 7241. Office hours 10 to 12, 3 to 6. DR: W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey, BUUdlng. Phono 01-U. It. J. CONROY, M. D Physician nnd burgoon, uvor Hutchison & Lums don. 215 E. Main St. Phone Main 991. E. KIRCHGESNKR. M. D. Prc Hco llmltod to chronic diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Residense phones: Farmer 10xx5 Engla Point and Rogue River Hue. Stenographer BLLA"MdAUNYAAVPlfcU Stonographle work dona qutekly, and well. TratMrfer BADfl TKANBFBH & HTORAOH CO. -lOfflee IS South Fir st. PImm v Bell 3153; Hone 35Q-K. FrieM rignu fciarriee guarantee. , Wl . t f 'A 1 .3 f' 1 ii ''J ,ru. "i