Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 15, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    '"cfW"""' -
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight, HtHitUjr !h-w
ers Mm. M MIm. 30.
NO. 280.
rarty.a-pniKl Trar.
lully Hvnlh frir,
;'H l II' I I . I ' ' 1
' I'll". I ..I'.IUIILI."! ..'-.l.l'J.) -li.l J..I ,JJ... J.i!.l'IJ-L'J-- -J-., ill II
" ' I-" i. i. 1 miancr:
3rnnlo Reucsts president's Resigna
tion nnil Appeals to People for Aid
to Elect New Executive-Diaz Re
(uses Armistice till Madcro Resigns
MEXICO CITY, I-Vli. 15. - "I will
din rather limit resign."
Thin defiant reply wnn unit by
President 1'VnnrlHi'o I. Madrn of
Mexico today l III" advisers nml
lenders In llm Mctiean nnmli' l
Spent most of lust night ami today
trying to Induce liliu !' quit iiMn'i'
nnil Mrmti Hut elertlou ol n new
Pit I.u Harm nml tin' eniumillce
nf Ni'imlom enlh'd on Mn lero nllcd
I r Lit Hurra hail conferred with
General Din regarding plans fur an
nnuUllee lit tin' request of t presl
ili'iit. 4Mndcn iroMM then a com
ioIIIpp from each pnity to consider
plans for u solution of tin situation.
Diaz, flatly refused to ronsider an
unnistice, declnriiig lio would enter
no negnllntions for piarr until Mn
dero Inn! agreed to renlgn, I"0' re
ply wns submitted to Mailrro, nml li"
again refused In resign.
TIip senators nml Francisco l) l.a
Harm then left Hip nntioiml pnlnpp
ami went Immediately to the chnmbcr
of deputies where, they began IIip pre
parntion of a manifesto to tin effect
that unless MinIiTti resign inmirdi-nti-ly,
American intervention Is per
lain. The mnnlffiilo will plend with
the people to join In n potircrtrd
movrnu'iit to oiihI Modern from llm
Before tin senator submitted theii
li'innml to Mmlnrn, they mibmillcil a
statement to thr public which U
nruiidiii; Hip greatest excitement.
Members of Hip j-eunle committee
declared Hint Hip British mlnUlrr had
received n pnliln from President Taft
ndvMng Hint American troops now
nrp piironlp to Ihn Mexican border
ami Hint It was Tnft's opinion tlmt
inlpnrntfon l inevitable.
ATHENS. Poti. 1R - Evacuation of
lln Island o( ('rein by tho prntiTllug
power, f I real Hrllnln, Itusaln, France
mnl Italy was muil.i toilay nmt tho
(iri'i'k (Iiik IioInIpiI nmlit an putliun
Untie ilomouilrallnn liy tbn Crutanti.
TIip (Inn of tlm powpra whliii
linvu flown wllli tlmt ot Turkey, elnro
I DOS, wuro IiiiuIpiI down liy a ilo
tnnlimpiit of liluo Jiickpta from u Hrl
Huh rrulipr,
Tho (Iuk wnro IiniiiIpiI over to
tho roiiNiilN of tho rpiorllvo roiin
trip, thnt of Turkuy Iu-mr hIvpii ovit
to tho (lormtut roiiKiil.
WA8IIINOTO.V, Fob. 15 Por tlm
firm Hum In morn than u routtiry n
pri'uldont or thu United HlntCH nut
with tho sunntu today, tho occntrion
IicIiik tlm tnomorlul Bervlro for tho
Into VIco-I'roMiliml Jamoa flchool
craft Shurman, Tim prculilont aimku
I'loqnontly an did alio Hpou,kur Champ
Clark nml Bonutora Hoot, Martin,
(InllltiKor, Thornton, Lodge, l.aPol
lottP, Kpiirn, Williams, Cnrtla, 011
vor nml O'Onrman.
Many dlprnniutu and other promt
nont pumona attondod tho uvrvlco.
Wholonalo oxpuhllona of JWa ro
tnkliiK plnco horo, owIiik to tho ro
rout oiifovcomotil of tho liny roijulr
Iiik JowlBh morchunls and thulr
nBcnts vlRltlnu tho cnpltnl to prodiico
tPKlBtrntton curdH, Tho oxpulslbns
hPHiui with tho Himflhm Now Your,
tho pollco holnu limtntctod to nccttpt
uo oxouacs, .'
Enormous Damage to Capital City by
Burstlmi Sheets Red Cross Aban
dons Work Madero's Forces
Storm Arsenal Repeatedly.
MI'..'iro CITV. Fill. 1ft Tin ilnin
ii!" In propi'rly In .Mpulro City from
H'IipI mnl fpilprnl mipIIh this nflpr
iioon uiih tilappil at fJl,()IIO,()IIO. All
imliiNtrv mid Piitprpriii" an' pom
plfti'lv ili'innrnlii-il and thin pnfori'Pil
iillfllPn will mwpII llm pimt of Hip
rnnni'iiiciilM n-ii by hiniilri'ili mnl
tlioiiHiiinli of ilollarx,
TIip KpiI nml Whilp CroiM kopIiIIpn
bavp iilmiiilnncil lite work of purine
for llm liijnii'il lippniiHO Ibi-Ir fltiKi
bavp Im'pii liml upon nml tlii'ir am
biilmippfl wtlrcil.
TIip liixl nittbl'H HkIiIi'I)!. wbii'li
stnrti'd at III n'ulopk, pontinin'il until
four a. in. todav. Tin .Mailpm fnrpni
ilpxiKTitti'lv tittai'kt'il llm ri'bi'l stnuiu'
botd but Hip Din. Ktinnt'rN mowril
them iliiHii.
After Hip piclomary hour for
hrenkfmil, Hip fiubtini; was rpitimrd.
TIip fnleral lnom reenti'dly pbnrj
ril Dior.' nlicl fctrnnulinlil, llu nrM'iwil,
but pn rvpiilMil wilb lieiny Ioshph
mm rapidly an Hipv ailvmieed.
Tlie Modern forep U fii;blinir with
itn bnrk In the wall, apimrpntly lie
lieiili Hip Ntabililv of the (.Mivern
tnent iIppiii1h on tlip ontponip of to
day'i baltJp. It N known Hip feilprnln
nrp tired of fiuhtini: mnl but fur Hip
pnpoiiratjtiiii'nt of (lenernl Ilnerla
would ilphert,
Unrip Hama itrainl Jttrr Inventlcatlon
of aliened fraudulent practices of tho
Western piiel company, thn raclflc
count nrm of Hip coal trimt, wll end
In urrent and rrlmlual prokpcutlon
licro next week of ppral of Ha of
This wna the declaration hern thin
afternoon of Hulled Ktiten OUtrlct
Attorney McNab. Tho teKtlmony
Introduced by tbn i;ramt Jury hai
teiuiiorarlly fortified thn lotitentloim
of I lio apuelnl Krand Jury that the
conl trimt has awlndled I'lielo Ham
out of hundred of thoimtuulK of dol
lara In refunda on Imported "ml.
Tti'Htluiouy corroborated beforo
tho r.rnnd Jury, MeNab allpRea, nhowa
offlrlala of tho company bnvo tamp
ind with welehlni: uiumrlUH. Iirlhed
onKluepra and connived with official
of Mpaumhlp linen to defraud tho
iioveruuH'iit of ciutom moneys.
"Uconomy Dumocruta" bd by ltoH
roKPiitatlvo Itoddenberry quit flllbim
torlni: luminal whnt thoy character
I in aa oitravnunnt annronrlallon bllla,
It appeared almout certain today that
no more bllm would ho punned In I no
h nil so at this upshIoii.
Tho flllbiiHtora are now preparing
to prevent action on tho $180,000,.
000 pension bill now pending In tho
Tho naval bill which provides for
two now bnttleahlns and carries uu
appropriation of $1 40,000,000 wan
allowud to stand but tho public
btilldltiRS bill was cut until It now
cnrrleH only about f25,000,000,
NKW YOmC, Fob. 15. Lolilcli
nml Norlhwestorn broko houvlly In
today's hchbIoii of tho stock market.
Moxlcun pntroloum rono 1 Y und Cop
per I point. Tho Mot lean crisis and
tho trouble butwoou tho flrvmon on
eastern rollroudn and tbelr employ
orH coutlnuod to havo a rostrlctlvo ef
fect, Northern Pacific, Canadian
Pacific, Pennsylvania and Northwest
orn wore especially "wonlc through
out. Tho market cloned dull,
Uonda woro Irregular.
Administration Hopes Financier Will
Be Chosen as Madero's Successor
and End Troubles In Mexico-
Marines Ready to Land if Needed.
WAHIIINOTON, Feb. 115. Tho nd
mlnlNtriitlon hopes If Praurlnco Do
l.a llarra abonld ultimately ho Ma
dero's HurcPHNor, Hint pence, will fol
low. Dp l.u llarra Is popular with
nil MdjIcuiih and baa a cIoho knowl
odito of this ipivernniPiit'a feelliiK
to war tin Hip Mexlcnn rppubllc. Por
Kflvoinl moutbn after tho abdlcntlon
of Porflrlo Dlnx, he acteil as provl
nlonal prealdent and hi administra
tion met with tho apjirovul of thn ua
It was admitted at tbn Mate de
partment, however, that even If pence
coined It will be months before any
new administration Is stable cnouRb
to enforce order mid that Americans
and other forelr.uers would continue
Atmpncn of offlclml news today of
conditions In Mexico and other Mexi
can paints csuncd orders to bo Is
sued to the commnudoru of thn war
ships (Iforgln, Virginia, Nebrasku
and Vermont, all In Medcan waters,
to be prepared to laud marines and
blue Jackets If American Ambassa
dor Wilson or any of the American
consuls should need their services.
K'nch commander was Instructed
to Inkn orders from consuls without
waiting for orders from Washington.
The landing of a large force of ma
rines, Secretary Knox says, would
not constitute Intervention but mere
ly tho "exercising of pollcp power."
DOUOLA8, Arlr, Feb. 15. News
ot dlMatlsfuctton among the
Indians because of tho entry Into
Mexican political affairs of another
Diaz was brought to Agua Ple,ta,
opposite Duuglns today by Indian
The Indians, It Is reported, are
openly showing their anger that a
member of tho family of Porflrlo
Diss, for whom tbelr trlbo bns un
dying hatred, should attempt Inter
ference, with the government. It Is
freely predicted among tho Madero
sympuihlters at Agua Prleta that
the Indians will come to thn aid ot
thn Muderlutas If Dlar gains the 'as
cendnnry at, the capltul,
Thn Qa n.uhv hatred for the name
or Dlax date's from tho cnsluvemeut
of hundreds ,rif their wurllko trlbo
by tho former Mexican dictator.
SALKM, Ore., Fob. ir.The coun
ty unlnry measure, which classifies
tiio thirty-four counticn in tho state
according to population mnl assessed
valuation, mnl fixea tlm salaries of all
county officials in each class at the
same figure, has passed tho house.
Multnomnu county, the only one In
tho first olasj, is not affected by tho
bill nt present.
For Ino mnl Marion, in tho second
class, tho sulnrieK are: Sheriff, $2,
000: clerk, $1800; assessor, $1800
judge, $1000; school superjutuniun,t,
$ 1(100 j treasurer, $15200.
In tlm third class, comprising
Clnoknmus, DourIiic, Jackson, Linn
and Umatilla, salaries for tho same
officials are, respectively, $1000, $1,
700, $1,700, $1500, $1500 nml $1-100.
PAYS $50,000 FINE
DETROIT, Feb. 18. lines aRKio
Bating $50,000 were imposed todny
on thu members ot tho ullegcd "bath
tub trust." who were convielcd of restraint of trado in thu
Unit fit States district court hero.
United States Jtnlgo SosnioiiA ImrioU
m tUo fines,
Cain Founded City at Klamath, But
Submersed Continent Site of Birth
Place Asserts famous Archaeolo
(list of Harvard.
IIOSTO.V, Mn!., Feb. 15. -Tlm re
port of Dr. Chorion Jblloek, the. I'a
iiioiik nreliiic.itiiirill. who. after re
nenri'l iimlmipftTtlint Cuin, non of
Adam, foumled A etly lie fore the
flood at a (Milut near whero Klamulh
Knlln, Ore., now Hlniiilt, U toilny nt
Iractliiu ninny inmtigiilorM to Har
vard, where hi rr)orl has been filed.
In Hip iutroilui'Hon to his report,
Dr. Halloek any:
"North Americai (tho Hiblieal I.nnd
of Nod. lylmr ViMwnnl of Kden)
was a pompnratitely old country
when Cain wns evleled nnil uilgraled
thither after his juiifortuunte eeo
)iailp with bin younger brother, Abel,
though its iHipulntiiiii wns presumnb
ly hMtmo nud scnHercd, Imiti: chiefly
iiomndip. pastoral nml nripuHiirnl.
inoMnueh a tliero, were no ngr't"
ttoiiH of people, i'nln built 'the firht
city.' There he took n wife.
"This iwirtienln' settlement i lo
cated liy DibHcnf 'archaeologists in
Oregon, near Klamath. Hip terminal
of Hip nneient trnns-Paeifie route
from Tuba (IIip Mibmergod continent
in Noah's day, and It i said Hint its
remains have been traced and identi
fied. Whcrcevcr it wn, it wnn iufnr
entially. the original birthplace of the
allegorical Adam 'from whence "he
was taken" when the Iird etnb!ifli
ed him "in the Osilrn of Kdeu."
Other conclusion niched by Dr.
Hnlloelc nrr: 4
"Coin himself Jwn.s boni onlsiilc
the finrdrn of Kilfn nfter the espul
nion. (
"Kdrn wnsl'UVVI in n 'co.utincntnl
region to thn eKslwnnl of where
Adam nnd Rve were bom, thn Xoah
isn deluge having oblitcntted I rare
of it. The penis of Polvne-.ln indi
cate Hint Hip continent of Tula wns in
the. Pacific ocean mnl the Philippine
Islands are among the remnants of
that continent.
"Thn sinking of the- continent of
Tula pnuifd nil I ho southern portion
of whnt is now South America to
bulge from the ocean."
VIENNA. Feb. 15 All Anbtrin was
thrown into a war fever today by an
alarmist editorial printed in the
Heiehspost, the personal organ of
Arch Duko Fraux Ferdinand, the heir
apparent to tlm throne. An article
intimate that a struggle between
Austria and Itussin over Albania is
Tho'Vriler of tho Heiehspost edi
torial throws a side light on the re
cent autograph letters which passed
between Emperor Prima Josef mid tho
('or of Itussin by declaring Hint
when these epistles failed to bridge
the Auslro-ltussinii differences the
conventions of ambassadors nt Lon
don will fail.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 15. To se
euro a letter from tho Sultan of Tur
key demanding that tho 600,000 Mos.
lem tribesmen In tho Philippines
submit to United States rulo In or
der that peace may bo restored there,
Major John P. Pluley, United Stutes
army Is today on his way from this
city to Constantinople. Many ot tho
recent revolts centered In Moslem
tribes ot which tho Moros nro most
WASHINGTON, Fob. 15. Appro
priations for federal buildings for
Sfiittlo $:i00,000; Hoscburg, Ore.,
$100,000; Hakorsfield, Cnl., $100,000;
Oakland, Cnl., $75,000; Snn Pedro,
Cul., $00,000; Snn Luis Obispo, Cnl.,
$80,000; und Modesto, Cnl., $20,000
nro included In tho rough draft or
tho public, buildings bill which is be
inj; prepared for tho bouso today,
Governor Knocks Down Newspaper
Reporter That He Claims Lied
About Him Admits tt Is Not Dig
nified But Says He Is Only Human.
SALEM. Feb. J.'i. Politienl circles
ore flgog todny over a physical en
counter between flotenior Oswald
West nnd P. I- Pprkiui. iiPwspnT
re wirier, during which both fell to thr
tilp floor of Hip lower corridor in Uip
cnpitol building. They were epnnit
pl bpforp iiiiipIi dnmngp had resulted.
The governor had just emerged
from A committee room nml Perkins,
in company with Senator llenn of
Eugene, were returning from dinner.
Perkins was dischnrged from th'
Portland Telegram Inst Miuimpr. hav
ing been accused of grn fling, nnd
Inter ejeeted from membership in the
Portland press club, lie was re-era-jiloyed
by Hie Telegrnm for the legis
Intive session.
Oovemor West said tedny:
"The Evening Telegram of Port
land has been printing from time to
tune lying nrtieles in which I hnv
been branded indirectly ns n crook,
nnd I know Mr. Perkins to be respon
sible for mot of this stuff.
"While I have no control over the
columns of the Evening Telegram,
thank God I still have the right to
choose mv own onmiumy. I promised
myself if Perkins ever spoke Jo me
I would knock him down. He did.
nnd I did.
"I know the whole affair is untiling
to be proud of nnd many will say that
one occupying my position should
carry more dignity, nnd in nnswer to
this will say that in Inking this job
1 did not take any obligation to no
longer remnin human.','
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 Unequiv
ocal nnd official denial of reports
from Mexico City that President Taft
had cabled the British minister there
thnt American intervention is inevit
able wns issued from the While
House this afternoon. II wns stated
Hint thn president bits had tin com
munication, cither personal or other
wise, with any British official here
or in Mexico regarding tlm Mexican
SALEM, Feb. 15-Carkin nnd Hand
ley of Tillamook, have introduced n
measure to provide for locating ex
IH'rimeut mid demonstration farms in
each county. It is modeled along tho
lines of the agricultural county fair
bill of Governor West, giving u fair
in each county. It provides thnt tho
county court enn either buy or rent
or use tho county poor farm ns mi
experiment or demonstration farm,
nnd hire uu expert demonstrator from
the agricultural college or the de
partment of agriculture nt Washing
ton or some other college, or some
practical horticulturist, dnirytnuu or
np-to-dnto fanner, to mn it under
their direction mid with the help nud
nssistnnco of the agricultural college.
It nlso provides that tho county may
arrange with any farmer to use n
small )Krtion of his form ns n demon
trntion unit, the fanner to provide nil
labor, tools, machinery, etc., nnd to
hnvo hia fnnn open to inspection of
tho other fnnnS wf the neighborhood.
LONDON, Fob. 15. Alleged to
have been driven away from this city
by tho porulutcnt attention ot favor
seeking Londoners, Flnley J. Shop
nrd and hs bride, who was Miss llolon
Oould, aro today on their way to
another part ot tho continent. It
Is stated thnt many ot tho favor
seekers met tho boat which the new
ly wods arrived oq,
Federal Judge Ward Sets Aside Or
der of Secretary Nagel for Depor
tation and Rules That Former Die
later Can Stay If He Wants to.
NB WYOKK, Feb. 15. Clprlano
Castro may stay In tho United States.
This was tbn decision hero today of
United States District Judgo Ward
when ho settled the status of the for
mer president of Venezuela beforo
thn American law. Judge Ward set
nsldo Hip findings of a six-rial board
oT Inquiry nt Bills Island nnd the
order ot Secretary Nagel for Cas
tro's deportation nnd held that the
ex-dlctator might remain In tho conn
try ns long as bo pleased.
Castro was delighted by the ver
dict but nnnounced that, having won
his car.?, ho soon would sail tor Bit-
PARIS, Feb. 15. Thnt within a
yenr Asia will prove the bait for tho
long expected "grand conflict" in
Europe is the opinion ot diplomats
here today. Even with Turkey chased
from the map of Eurre, a friendly
settlement of Hnlknn boundary lines
achieved nnd the Aegean Islands
amicably apportioned, there still will
remain conflicting interests in Asia
Miner. President-elect Poittcare de
clares tho France in Asia
Minor will not be sacrificed. "No
country will be allowed to lay a fin
ger upon isin Minor where wo have
vital iuteretH" declares the German
ambassador in Constantinople. Huh
sin seeks nn invasion of Armenia
which entangles ninny interests nnd
must stand intact.
This combination, according to "La
Peine," a loenl newspnpor, is hound
lo bring on the conflict.
SALBM. Feb. 15. Sonator HoMIs'
memorial to the legislature of Wash
ington, protesting against the adop
tion of legislation by that stato pro
hibiting the transmission ot electric
power to Oregon has today been
adopted by tho Benate by unanimous
vote President Malarkey urged
unanimous voto as a strengthening
of the protest, saying that the pass
age of such legislation by a sister
stnto, leading almost certainly to
reprisal, would be most unfortunate.
Tho memorial asks the "Washington
lawmakers to defeat such legislation
or to delay It until n conference can
bo held to reach an agreement be
tween the two states.
SUTHKULIN. Ore,, Feb. 15. Dud
Bngte, a half-breed Indian, la dead
todny, and Deputy Sheriff 1 L,
Kddy seriously wounded as tho re
sult of an exchaugo ot shots which
followed Eddy's attempt to servo a
subpoena for Bugle's appearance bo
fore the grand Jury at Uoseburg.
Engle met tho deputy at tho door
ot bis homo and flrod with a shotgun,
striking Kddy In tho back. Although
badly hurt, Eddy returned tho tire,
with his. revolver, Instantly killing
the Indian.
TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 15-rSuffer-iug
tho loss of Miss Augusta llichter,
who dropped out hero becnuao her
feet were "sorer tltnn they were cold"
"General" Hosnlio Jones nnd her
"tinny" of New York suffragettes
who uro marching on Washington,
left hero nt nine n. in. Miss Florence
Allen nnd Miss Bertlm Miller joined
thu marchers hero. Tho "anny" ex
pect to spend (ho night in Burlington,
N. J.
Firemen Reject Peace Offers Ber
tjer Introduces Resolution for Gov
ernment to Seize and Oopcrate Rail
Systems After First Week.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. At noon
tho officials of th Flremens Broth
crhood rejected tho counter propo
sitions of tho G4 railroads Involvod
in the threatened flremens' strike.
Commerce, Court Judgo Knapp ami
United States Labor Commissioner
Nelll, who wero appointed the spe
cial mediators ot tho strike, nro
again conferring with tho two fac
tions this afternoon.
WASHINGTON, Feb. IS.- Author
Izlng the government to sclxo and
operate tho 54 eastern railroads that
woutd be tied up by tho threatened
flremens' strike, Itepresntatlre Bur
ger, socialist from Milwaukee. In
troduced n resolution Into tho Hoimmi
today to effect government control
of the strike situation. The resolu
tion If passed would become opera
tiro If the strike lasts over a week.
It provides that If tho strikers are
unable to scttlo their differences
quickly the government shall "selxe
the railways, terminals, belt lines,
coal mines, workshops and all other
property on the grounds ot a great
public omergency."
According to the resolution the
postmaster general would operate tho
Hoes until congrcse could Inaugurate
a department ot railways.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. A de
layed dispatch from Ambassador Wil
son in Mexico City reportcU that an
American boy named Lasan was
wounded in todny's battle. Wilson
declared the Mexicnn foreign minirter
bad requested him today to move tlm
embassy to Tncubyn, a suburb out-
sido the bnttlo zone.
Secretary of Stnto Knox in n'stnte-
incnt todny declared Wilson cabled
thnt Dinz had recently submitted to
him the last correspondence tho rebel
lender had exchanged with Madero
regnnling the character of the war
fare. Knox snid this correspondence
mnde several recommeudiitions with a
view to saving lives and property.
The battleship Georgia nrrived nt
Vera Cmz nt noon, ncconliug to n
nnvy cablegram. Whether nld was
nsked of her by American inhabitant i
there is not stated.
SALEM, Feb. 15. Desplto tho
fuel that over forty senate bills are
ou the calendar awaiting third read
ing that must bo threshed out beforo
night, tho senato worked al a lei
surely paco today.
Besides Indefinitely postponing
eight bills, mostly of small Import
ance, tho senate passod two Import
ant measures. Ono ot the bills
killed was tor the establishment ot
a. stato sanitary board and state
plumbing inspection.
Tho important bills passod wore
the Moser bill establishing a stato In
dustrial school tor girls and the
Perkins bill regulating the sale ot
SALEM, Feb. lfi, Among the
bills Indefinitely postponed In tho
senato today were:
To provide for weekly cash pay
ments of employes.
llelatlng to payment of wages to
omployes whenever employment Is
Appropriating $25,000 for a sta
tue ot George II, Williams In Memor
ial Hall. In Washington.
Creating a horticultural cow mission.