" PTOEBIX tfEDFOTlT) TOTL TTlTmTOR ftfTinKOm). OREGON, FRIDAY, FIWRPARV II. 1l)M. HOUSE PASSES UE W RIVER FISH COMPROMISE BILL Substitute H. 1. 167 Goes Through Without Change Measure Is a Compromise One, Giving Each Sec tion Something. Reames Pleads Cause of Jackson County Citizens Who Want Their Rights to Fish Protected. WANTS FISHING KEPT FOR THE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN SALKM, Fell. H. Tho Hoptie ritcr fiMi bill, (substitute II. II. 107) pass oil I ho house yesterday afternoon without mncmlment, nftcr n hot de lintc upon nincmtincntH offered by Itcllutul to cut nut nil hfininjr, nml Ulniichtml to make the season nt Oranh Puss from Mny 1 to August 1, both of which were defeated. 0 rants Pass has had a laro lobby hero for ci month uskinjr for nn open river, end tho mouth of thn river in terests have nUo been represented. Kennies of Jackson led the fight for tho sportsmen and closed river inter ests.' The bill is n compromise. It class ifies stcclhcad as trout nml forbids catching them except by hook and line, or their sale or purchase. It closes (he river above the mouth of tho Illinois to fishing except with hook and lino except from Jamp-Of f Joe creek to Grants Pass where from April 15 to May 15, gill nets mny be used. It opens the lower river to nets from April 15 to August 10 and to nets and seines from September 1 to November 20. A 3C-hour Sunday closed season throughout tho open hcnsou is provided and nets limited to 8V4-'cli mesh. In his argument on the bill Mr. Itcames said: ItcAmes Talk For Anglers Representative Reamea spoke for tho up-river interests as follews: "Tho subject of tho proper regula tion ot fishing In Rogdo river is not by any means a new subject, and this is not tho tint legislature that has been called upon to settle tho differ ences between conflicting interests on this river. For over twenty years tho fight has been waged. It has been a fight between tho interests at tho lower end, or the mouth of the river, on tho ono sldo and thousands of residents In Jackson county on the other. Tlicso citizens of Jackson county havo year after year prior to tho year 1910, petitioned succeeding legislatures for relict and every tlino tho legislature has decided the ques tion adversely to tho Interests of Jackson county. I do not say this In criticism of tho legislatures of tho past, but it Is a fact that until Jack son county made- her appeal to tho pcoplo ot Oregon in tho year 1910 It was Impossible for our interests In Jackson county to bo protected at all. This la probably duo to tho fact that tho pcoplo In Jackson county have never cared to aralt themselves of tho privilege ot using tho Roguo river fio as to commerclallto tho fish in dustry. Wo havo always taken the position, that every man in tho coun ty should bo given tho right to tho flah In Roguo river and an equal right to catch them for tho purposo of food. A. .Mountain Stream "Tho Roguo river Is one of tho mountain streams of Southern Ore gon. It rises in tho eastern portion of Jackson county near tho Douglas. Jackson county lino and flows west erly through Jackson county, through the beatirul and fertllo Roguo river valley, a dlstunco ot approximately seventy miles bofore it reaches tho Jotepblno, county lino. "Jurkson county has a population of 25,750 and of this number over 15,000 .pcoplo llvo within ten miles of tho banks ot this beautiful moun tain stream. Tho largest city in tho county Is my home city, tho city of Mcilford, with a population of 8,840, us shown by tho last Federal census, and this city U located but ton miles from the bunks ot Rogue river. Tons of Flt.li Killed "Prior to tho year 1910 tho fish ing laws on Rogue river woro changed ut every succeeding session ot tho legislature audi whllo commercial fishing was permitted by law at tho mouth of tho Roguo and for somo years in Josephine county, the laws wore most flagrantly violated and held In tho most supremo contempt. In Curry county located at tho mouth of tho river, ucts woro used having tuich a small mush, that tons ot our finest steelhead trout wero tukon and either thrown upon tho banks and left to die and rot or shipped to the cities of Portland and San Frauclsco whero they wore sold. Auieitt Dam Mess "III jQsonlilno couuty, situated at IIBHBwSbS' jM 'KnB KhI& flfrtl SPkHSEafSuiiSHir iaKwHHV tBBEEEi:'''-' N ?' Jmlv H!i19HP'M JsESm BBBKHHSaHswABBflBBBBRBBBBBY' mbhBbmBhbbbbbbv HK!l9Hr!F-V.i' ' ET BBBBBBBBBBBBbBShbbKkBBBBBBbIbBMN' ' JjiMHaBBBBBBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMraflP9HraL&.' 2HF SBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBF ITbsSkBBDBBBBBIBBr BhBhBhBhBhBJBJBHIJBBBK f Tick -t WMVBVHBhBhBhB PHBMBBSCil-H'r n- M'MqjBBBBBBBrBBy BbBbBbBbBHBBBB- - v f "-V "Sir. aBBBBBBBBUBBr H" r tStSBBBBBB lcprentatlvc C. Jj. lteames a placo about four miles up the river from tho city ot Grants Pass Is lo cated what Is known as Anient dam, a great wooden structure serving no good purpose and doing no body any good; a structure that never nas been and probably never will be put to any beneficial use and that serves no other purpose than that ot keeping fish from going up the river. For tho past five jears at tho toot of this dam fish havo battled in nn hercu lean effort to perform the almost Im possible feat ot getting over the dam. Not content with robbing nnd stripping tho riffles of all tho fish as they como up the stream, the gill net fishermen fished right at tho fish way in this dam and took tons of fish from tho tlshway, defying nil of tho efforts ot the fish and gamo war dens to make them desist. Appeal to tin People In the year 1910 tho citizens of Jackson county, Oregon, npc.iletl their causo to the people of the whole stato and asked the people of tho entlro stato to decide tho ques tion for them. If you will examine the official voters pamphlet for the year 1910, you will see how fairly this question was submitted to the voters of the state. I am going Into this question at this time becauso cer tain pcoplo havo charged that tho act of tho people passed In tho year 1910 was not understood by them at the time they voted upon it. The act was simply drawn and was placed upon the ballot in such a way that no voter could possibly be misled. It provided simply that it should be un lawful for any person to take any fish from Roguo river in any man ner except by tho means of hook and line, commonly called angling. Tho pcoplo ot Jackson county had a pago In tho official pamphlet and in that pago they told tho pcoplo of Hie stato ot Oregon thaMflo Roguo river was a mouutalu stream, as It Is. They told them that tho coplo at tho lower end of tho river were tak ing all ot tho fish and that commer cial fishing should not bo permitted In so small a stream. There was not a fact or circumstance set out In that argument but what was abso lutely true. Tho people of Josophlno county had a pago In tho pamphlet and there they set forth reasons why the river should not bo closed to commercial fishing. Tho interests at tho mouth of tho river also had a page In the pamphlet and tho mat ter was given the widest publicity. .Majority Was 10,000 "There wero 49,712 votes cast for the. Roguo river fishing bill and but 33,397 against it and the measure had a clear majority of over 16,000 votes. "At tho session In 1911 held but a few mouths after this act had taken effect, It was claimed by tho people of Josephluo county and tho pcoplo of Curry county that a great wrong hud been done and that It would be unfair to permit this wrong to re main upon tho statutes for u period ot two years. They claimed that thoy should bo given an opportunity to submit tho law to tho people of tho country for their approval or re jection and that, Inasmuch us an election could not bo hold for two yeurs, that it would bo wrong to re quire them to wait for so long a time. Accordingly, at tho session in 1911, thero was introduced by Mr. Plerco Houso bill No. 218, which act was practically a repeal of the law which tho people hud pussed but a few mouths before 'This bill passed tho houso by a veto of 32 to IS, and It passed the senate by a vote of 18 to 12. It was vetoed by tho governor on the ground that It was an attempt on the part of the legislature to set aside the plain law of the people, and thut Ml has never bevu tnkeu up for consideration by this house, at this session. No Kffort to Remedy "I am going Into tho hlstury ot the fishing laws on Roguo river so that all may understand at the out set of the argument that this act now before us If enacted Into law will re peal he law passed by tho people In the year 1910. It must also be borne In mind that nt tho general election iu 1912 no attempt was undo by cither tho people of Curry or by tho people of Josephine county to have this law repealed, although both counties claimed that tho law was confiscatory and harsh and that It should be repealed. , "I believe that I represent tho wishes of tho pcoplo of Jackson coun ty when I say thnt It tho matter .were to be left to their wishes alono that they would rather havo tho law re main Just as It Is now. The way the law Is now, the greatest number of people derlvo the greatest amount of good from the fish product in Roguo river. During tho spring, summer and fall months of tho year thero are hundreds ot men, women and children who line this stream on practically every day and take from It for food hundreds nnd hundreds of fish with hook aud line. During tho year Just closed there wero Issued In Jackson county to pcoplo who fished In the Roguo river fish thousand anglers' licenses at one dollar each, and every dollar of this money went Into tho game and fish fund of the stato for tho better protection of fish and game. Curry County's Claim "Hut our neighbors In Curry coun ty are claiming that tho citizens of Jackson county havo destroyed ono of tho principal Industries ot that county. They claim that they hnvo an Industry at tho mouth of tho river In which they hnvu Invested ucirly a quarter of a million dollars and thut It Is selfish of us to Insist that they should be required to take these fish by means of hook and lino, tho samo way that we do. You must bear In mind thut the pcoplo of Jackson coun ty do not want to permit commercial fishing In Roguo river In Jackson county becauso by so doing it would give to a few gill net fishermen all tho fish that aro now enjoyed by thousands of citizens ot Jackson county. ' Tho committee on fishing has wrostled with this problem for over two weeks and I do not bollcvo that thero Is a man on that commlttco ot seven who will say thut, as u mat ter of right and wrong botween the citizenship of Jackson county aud tho citizenship of Josephine, that tho citi zens of Josephine should be permitted to tako these fish with nets in com petition with tho men and women fishing further up tho stream In Jack son county with hook and lino. Only n .Mountain Htmitn "I havo lived all of my llfo In the Roguo river valley nnd I know thor oughly Juckson aud Josephine coun ty. I say to you that It is simply a mountain stream whero commercial fishing should not bo permitted. If It is permitted, it simply moans (hat a few gill net fishermen wllV tako from tho Roguo fiver tho fish that should rightfully bolong to all of the citizens. "As the river passes through Joso phlno county, every rlfflo is a spawn ing bed, and theso spawning beds aro located not over ono hundred yards upart. Across practlcully evory ono of theso riffles u man can easily wade and ho w(ll not bo In wator over his waist; on many of them a man can wade out to tho conter ot tho river and walk for a quarter or half of a mile dowu tho river, cross lug from bank to bunk at pleasure, On practically every riffle a mau can wade out waist drep aud enst n fly on the opposlto bank. Two expert gill net fishermen on taken In any other manner except with hook nnd Hue, commonly called tingling. Tho Rogue river steel head n stream like this can take all of the M" "dmltted by nil fish rultiirlstn to flli Hint nrn lii Urn river. These H' a sea going rulllliow - li trim trout. fish ns they travel up the river will travel nppnu I mutely 12 or 15 miles n day, In n stream like this the gill net fisherman goes to the lowest rif fle, makes i enteh, and tho next day travels fifteen miles up Ihtf lver and that night lakes what Is left ot the school that worn fortunate enough to gel by him tho night before. Willi twenty or thirty of such experts nt work, the fish that got past the gill net fishermen and oer the Anient dam Into Jurkson county would not We have tried In make Him restric tions In this bill such that none of thn steel head or other trout etui he taken In any part of the liver except by hook and Hue hut that the clil nooks and tho sllversldes may be fished tor with nets In Curry county. tVtmvssloii to Josephine "In the hill It Is provided ns a con cession to Josephine county that tliey may he permitted for thfrty das, be ing thnt period ot time front April tSth to May Kith, to eateli fish with be, nnd experience has shown UiutK lu.H. Tliii reason Hut tho sea- they havo not been very numerous. L wns um from ,prll Idtli to Mny ' In the present bill now up for 15th Is that during this season of consideration. It will he noted that the steel hcAd Is classified as a trout and that tho steol head cannot he the year there Is tho largest run of chluook salmon Iu the river In Jose plilno county; nt the same time the river during this period of tlhiti Is higher than It Is during thn slimmer nnd full mouths, mid them will lin somo ehtuiee for n few of the flslt to elude thu gill netters aud get to .lauksou county. If Ihn season should ho longer, you would permit net fishing Iu this little stream tit a lime when the water was shallow mid when the gill net fisher yotiltl take all of tho fish In tl'to river In Johu phlue county. "Representing the people of Jack son county, I desire to say that If the river Is to he opened It should tin opened under thn strictest of restric tions. I ii m not saying nor conced ing that It should ho opened at nil hut, If It Is, then tho strictest of regulation should bo eutnired. It must be liomo In tutiid that a general election has taken place since this law wits passed and thut the people were not asked at this last general , .'. i .i ; ' ii t ' in1 . ' ""1 election In express llielr vluwii on this Important mutter nimhi, Mltiinlloii Niiiiiiniirleil "llumumrliliig tho entire situation, It Is us follews: I'lrst, fishing with netH should nut be permitted In Jose phine county at till for the reason thnt the stream Is too small and shallow to penult fishing with nets therein. There Is not another stream on tho coast of this size where fishing with nets U permitted! second, If flshlim with nets Is permitted In (lurry county, It should he permitted under tho strictest of restrictions mid lit such ti way that somo of the fish mny he permitted to come on up tho rlwir, where they mny bo taken with hook and Hue. If thin Is itcctim pllshed then wo will have u live and let live policy; If It Is done In any other way, Jackson county will bo completely robbed of all her flshltig rlithts on ItoKue river." .'. -i ..'... I-'1 ,j t t X t f ? t t f v ? f t ? ? ? r f t y X Y ? y t f t i y t t t y y f y t y t t y f t y y r After Inventory Sale AT ?AiMjMjftMt- W.V.V-V.V.P-----r-- ---r T - - ,- T w -w -r r -v f y X x t X y ? t x r r y y r r y y y y i 200 Woint'ii's tailored Waists u few slightly soiled; up to $1.00 values. JO Sale price, each 0 MANN'S CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. 0. 200 AVomen'M fine l-ingorio Waists, nicely trimmed; valued up to .fU.GO. Sale price, fQi each viC We have just finished taking inventory and find that we are over stocked on some lines of merchandise. For the balance of the month we will offer SPECIAL PRICE reductions in order to move these goods quickly. We must have room for new spring gooods arriving daily. Don't fail to attend this sale. WOMEN'S $15 COATS 99.98 The balance of our $15 Winter Coats, all this winter's styles, to lie closed out in this sale Q QO at, each ..vvVO WOMEN'S $25.00 SUITS ijjlS The balance of our $'J." Winter Suits, all good styles, well made, good colors, on sale Saturday, each $15.00 Womon's $15.00 Suits $0.08 The balance of our $15.00 Winter Suits, all good styles aud colors. On sale Saturday, flQ QO eat'h ...Vv.trO JUST RECEIVED A Shipraont of Now Spring Suits, on Salo Saturday, oach $10.08 rr . . PETTICOATS CORSETS WAISTS GLOVES GOWNS Black sateen Warner's Children's Knit Women's Capo The balance of Petticoats to be "Kust-proof", up Waists. Why pay Gloves, real $1.00 our $1.25 Outing Sold Saturday, to $IJ.00 values, 25c 7 Sale price, values, Sale price, Klaimcl Clowns each Saturdav, a pair each a pair Saturdav, each 48c 1 98c 15c 39c 98c ALL FUR MUFFS AND SCARFS AT SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS. BLANKETS CI rev cotton Hlaiiktits; 85c values, a pair 59c OUTING FLANNEL Keg'lar 15e grade this sale, a vard 10c Flannolotto Tim balance of our 12V- Flannelette, this sale, a yard 9c WHITE GOODS Kor waists, un to :i5e values, this sale, a yard 19c ROBELAND FLEECE Regular price luV, this sale, a vard lie Opening Sale of the Latest Styles in Wash Goods 30 inch Percale. Why pay loc. Sale price, a vard 10c Best Washing Gingham made. Salo price, a vard, 10c Klaxon Best grade. Sale price, a yard 15c Nero linen for dresses. This sale, a yard, 15c liatine In all colors, til) inch, salo price, a yard 65c FREE SAVE YOUR SALES SLIPS AND GET WM. ROGERS SILVER FREE. $2000 Worth of New Spring Hosiery on Sale Saturday Women's and children's fast black Hose. Whypayl5c7 Qa On sale at, a pair v "Dan Patch" Ifose for Hoys; as good as most 25c grades. 4 Saturday, a pair ltll rnfauts' lisle thread Hose iu pink, white, blue, red and tan; Ca good 25(j values, Sale prico 3C Just received our celebrated Lavender Top Hose, tho best made, a pair 50c 5000 pairs of Silk Lisle Hose, iu tan and black, this sale, a pair 25c Opening Sale of the Biggest Line of White Goods in the City Fancy whit o Klaxons. Why pay 25c. This sale, a yard 15c TOWELS Good size, worth 8c, this sale, each 5c India Linon, splendid 15c " grade, this sale, a yard 10c Long Oloth Good 121ju grade, safe prico, a yard 9c White CYopo for Underwear, this sale, a yard 18c Special Notion Bargains Saturday Colgate's Talcum powder a can 12c Good Hair Nets, each 4c Good ITair Pins, a paper 2c Special Notion Bargains Salurday Darning Cotton, a ball 2c Good Shields, a pair 15c . D. M. 0. lihub. Cotton, a skein 2c t ? r X ? ? X X ? r r ? ? ? r t f ? ? ? T ? f T ? ? ? f ? V t f f t t r t t T t f ? V ? ? r f f ? ? ? r t t r y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y t y T y u i : : J : i :t 1 S-S.tfc