i '-i i t I I l I '?' -WFPV " T y -T Jeff Made a !" SV rvf 'wRM ANQ 03 v'Vi" Vii --S.-iJ-.' i, CKU.V "fe CITY WILL FORCE At II !' t. II Mi. Illl lilt' f rmiiifil wl II 1. 1 luck Tliul'-iluv iiiuiti lug ft commit lei- iuiiimim1 of Council turn l'unitwll, Miilur mul Summer Vlllr n ni-iliilil to meet nl nlli'M wit lYrirrMmiMtUt nf lht (hffim-('Ufoi-niii Power cnmnuv nml miIi Htit trttiiloii mi ritftiil In riili fat wtwtricMy in tli 'll. I'ltlliiHC In FVeefo' ii Mn"H- hwmimi wn llir imil of tne HiHir iiflirmU lli ctiiiiicil will rim tin iitillrwiifi' fixing mliM fniiu wWch tlt tIH1Hlt.V HHIHIllt Kt HMft nvPAttt (Mi m i ii'ii I in the pubtlr utiliiii'M iHMWHwion. The hIv ullinr liuBiiuwi lnuiiii'li'i) by ll isihiiimI mi in iiiiiihhUhk llimr tilutUHi cttlllnir lor a hm'i'IhI Vice Immi lo vule 4-'),U0(l Himory IihiiiU. THv rliitiiiwl llio iliiln oT I'li'i'tnui fruut I'i'liriiMrv 'ill lo Murrh J. .MOinaWIIW I'lANDTI) lll'V I'lSKIIi, KIM.S Sltl.l I'lflCIILO. Colo.. I'qli. 13. Molt KArIm IiU iiIiiiiu lu olitalii furulu vvllli wlilrh lo Iniy n Hlol, Unnr K)nr, CS, h , I'mbIiIo iiloni'iir, nliot lilnimilf iriniiutli lliu UUiiiiki unit Ih iIiniiI Imru Uittay. Mi. CliMi'lnhil mi llollcj iikhiii I'lllNCirrON. N. J., I'ob. 13. I'rofiiwor TIiiiiiiiin J. I'ri'nlon of Writs uiilluH u'Hli 1)1 ItIiIh. formerly Mrn. (lnivr CUivnluinl. loll Imru Iml.ty (or I'lnHilii. 'nl Offl-u for liiiirntiii flTOl'ICTON. I'iiI.. Knli. 13. Tlmt tin iiurpom'ly hint IiIh Iok cnl off liy a I ruin lo rolli'i I t r. 0 n 0 tiutoiiinily on Itio tutt. Ih I'lmrKcil by mi iirrlili-iit In miniiii'i) eoniiiiiiy imulimt Joliu (Solim Of (lilt I'll). ,o lint 'I'lH 'fnll-IK hllliillVltllMI III l.tllll uuiiHLjr. Oro.. ! now oii.ttm muikul. TrM('tn from hU in ivvnuiy iiciok. Tim luiiil In Ciilupoolii i Ivor InillDin, iiiiiii Itinlwr iiuiplo. vliiv iimplo. IimmI, )ovv iiiuI mil. Tim mill Ih iiiluplinl to HiirilmitiiK "ml loliuii tii'i ilui it wull im Ki'tilii mul cloviir. 'I'liruo rallnmil llimn Ohikoii floi'trlr, noiillmrii I'lHlflr. Hpi'lni;fUilil mul Wiioitlmin I'lillvviiym all vvlililn xlx ililliw. Inn lliuw within (hroii mllitt. It.' I II., ulmtrlclt) mul tnloplloim on piopuil). !",S nillok to I'uiiluiiil. A liui;y uiiiiimry ul Hi'ovviihvIIIo IiiiiuI IIiir nil Urn proiliico limy vim i't. Tliuy will coiiliiirl for proiliicn. Tim ouiinra of HiIh tnopurty uro koIiik iluvvii vvlililn Imi itiiyn to IiuhIii plant Ihk for tlm coiiiIiik miitv1"' Any ono IiiUucnUmI lu KiiriliniliH; or diilryliiR HiIh In oiir opiioiliinlty. .1. I), lli'o hiiii, 'JIH Hon t li Cmitrnl, .Moilfonl, Uni.. I'litiiio III . It. Np iiKuntn. 37t NOTHJi:. Ilanl IIiiki party nl Nut. Don't in Iuh tlm luiiil tlnui party on ukatvu Tluu-Mtliiy uvoiiIiik. Fob. HI. l'rlr.oH for tlm lianlout iironnur. Hvnrylioily ronm ami liuvo lotn of fun. Tlio mil in raKKoil yon look tlm luittor It ulmvvu off. 378 A I'nwoshlvo Onitiiry. Tlio twontluth nmtury Iiiih kIvoii uh n uatlufactory trnatmunt for rluiiuna limn'. TJiu Amurlcan Uru and ProBB AHHticlatltin, of which wo aro inoiu horn, uro mminfartiirlui; n prupara tlon culluil Murltol Uliuiintutlmu I'ow-iIoi-h, from a formula adopted by tlm in after medical oxporto had pronouiicod It onii of roiit incirlt. Olvo Morllol Hhumnatluin l'owdorti n trial. Thoy aro i;iiuranti'i'd, lluHldim' dniFE utoro, otulimlvo iigonta, ACTON AD TO LIGHTING RATES Poor Profit, Either Way You Spell It JllATH TIBL ccr, viMAr a - S0TT GKM'T I''A GONNf CO Urr1 ovt't v,v. A COUI'Cu) of " Jy1' fitTs a AND A I'lAITC AND WCOrAfl A OlVlNIi SCVAKG AUtl III mur CrMO Aliiir iwrifit"fiuiir CIVIC HIM MriMnw I AI'OVTUiAND ui.vr.vivj TMCV TMINf. Mt'S ifiNT T)0VN Hftt liv iMOllvriMCD Ar, an Aiuvnn. J & tSJS 'ASSOCIATION SUES HE LEFT BEHIND HIM On bi'lmlf of tliiilorn Infill iihti'Ii ni, t. I'liiiniHiitN fir iiuioiiiiN iniiiu f nun $3 to i"", mul HKKri'KHtiiiK flJ'i. tllf Mi'llfniil Mi'lclinnU Hfc'iiriiltlnll lin lirniinln nit iiKiuimt V. I'. Hun, I'niiimriv nf llii rlly but iioh ot Cliiisi. A mill' mint to tlm .Inrk-mi iHMiut v bunk liv ltiiu for iitllrclinn Iim bft'ii Httnehml. It i ieNirtil tlmt th $.'I21 i1m nut i-iivcr nil tlmt Khii hwim m ihi' I'itv in upon ni'Koimta but only tin' miiiiim ovvi'il iiii'ihImtk of tin .MiTi'lmntN iitMHicintion. Tlm (MiinplHint ban jut I ic imi fnrwarilfil fur mTviri on liiin. Tbi i'Hm will ho licanl lalir in tin' firriilt I'onrt. rilAHl Hit A.MH.MI.MI'.NT. Notlio In hiTidiy kIvimi. that the fol IowIiik In a 'nil unit iiirrtMl copy of tin Tltlit nml Text of that corlnln net of municipal It'Khdutlnn muonillnic tlm charter of tlm rlly of Miilfonl to ho mibmitti'il lo tlm liwnl vntcrn of iwibt city for tlmlr mloptlon or rojec lion at a Mpoclnl I'li'ctloii to Im h"Iit In mnl for until city on tlm IM ilny of March. If 1.1. toKdlmr with Um nunilmr nml form In which tlm ballot tltlo tlmrcof will lie printed on tlm official iHillot. Datcil I'elimary nth. 1!M3 M. T. ro.'ts. flty Hecorilcr I. An Art to amend tin1 charter of I he- rlly of Mini font by addlni; there to Herilon 73-b aiilhorliliiK the coun cil to borrow inoimy nml I worn no Kotlahlo coupon bomlH of the city of .Medforil for mi amount not iuivihIIiii; f 30.iitiii.uii for thu purpoKo of aiding In the coiinlriicllon of n Hlalo armory In tlio city of Med ford. OroKon, nml for Um purebnim of n ImiIIiIIuk Kite tlmii'for Tlm people of tlm city ot Mcilfont do ordain mm follewH: Section I. That tlm charter of (lie rlly or Meiiioril ho nml the h.iuip bore, by Ih amended by addlni: I hereto tlm follow Iiik tx'ctleu: Kevilon 73-b lu addition to all war ranlH nml bomlH aulhorlred to bt lined by hccIIoum 73 and 72-a of HiIh cliarler tlm louucll of the city of Med font Ih hereby further uuthnrlxod nml umpowiTt'il to liorrow money on tin faith of wild city ami for that pur- pone to hwuo wurrautrt mul ImmuIh lu the manner provided by Hectlou 73 ot thU cliarler for the miIo purpono of ohlalulliK tho netehMiiry fuiiilH to alii lu tlm erection. bulblliiK mul con struction of a ittntu armory In tho rlly of Mcdford. ami for thu purchtmo of a bulhllui; hIIo therefor, lint thu total amount oi tho lndelitedneH In curred ami tlm IkiiiiIh Itmiml purauant to thin Hectlou Hhall not o.reed J-0,-000.00. Tlm follovvliiK Ih tho form lu which tho fnreKOlni: meiiHiiio will appear upon the ballet: Special City Klccthm Match IhI. IH III. Mark between number ami aunvvor voted for. Kabmlltoil by order of tho city council. Chartor umontlinout voto "yus'1 or "no." "An Act to amend tho charter of Dm city of Mcdford by adding thereto Hectlou 73-b authorhliiK tho council to borrow money nml Ihhiiu ucko liable coupon bomlH of tho city of Medforil for an amount not exceedhiK 3O,000.00 for thu purposo of aldliiK In tho coiiHtriictlou of a utatu armory In the city of Medforil, Oregon, and tho piircliato of a bulldliiK hKo there for." 100 .,.. Yor. 101 No. NOTION FOIt IIIDS. Notlro In horohy glvou that Roalod hlila for a Kteel brblgo across ltoguo liver, hectlou 111, two. 30, It 3 W. of W. M. In Jackson county, Oregon, on nlio of proBont brldgo will bo ro cotvod mul oponotl nt 10 o'clock n. m March n, l HI, at tho office or tho county court of Jackson county, JacUsonvlllo, Oreijon, Hlila will no received, nm ror furnlshliig utcul, rivets, etc., as per Pimm and strain dlanrmn f. o, b, Mndford, Oregon; second for furnish- in: nteol. mator ai anil miior tor brhlgo comploto nnd oructcd, tnclud ln? npiirnniiboH, olc, iih por phuiH mid Htrulu diagram on rile In tlm foimty viojU'B olfKo, JttcHspuvlHoi jnfvHWi A B OTDTTOM) MATfi TftmtJhTR vwrmi OUT &NfKQ.. I1 " ' 7 "-M f? Orr-Ron, Hacb bbldnr In reipilrcil to deposit with bin bid, f per cent of tlm amount of hi bid, which Hhall m forfeited to tho county lu cnKo Im In awarded ;tlm contrail for the roimtructlon ot rilil brldKo In accordance with bin I bid nml ho falbt. ner.h'ttH or icfiiHcii for n period of two dii)H after mich nwnrd Ih nmde to enter Into n con tract nml file ti Ih bond. A bund will bo required from tlm i muremif ul blddur uu rcgulrud by law. Tho county rourt rencrveH tlm right nl Ur dlHcrctloti lo reject any nml nil bldn. Dated Kob. 3, 1913. (3. A. HARPNim. County Clerk for Jackwin County. I'ou iii:.vi -ii(iuhi I'Oll HUNT- rbiven room lioiuv. 16. Modern npartmentH, $30; corner Onkdnlo nml lltb. Phone Col. II. II. HnrKout, 3S 1'OIt HUNT Modern 6 room fur nliilied homo. Call at CO North Oranco. Toil HUNT Kurnliihed houao. cloio In, M. A. Itnilur, M. V. & II. Co. KOIt HKNTOuo hIx room homo, clone In. Call No. 310 N Dnrt lott. I'Oll HUNT- Several hoiuen nml Kiir dun landH of clulel uullt; liipdH prepared for Irrigation. Tor Halo, a few hundred loud of black Harden noil, delivered. AIho noHKOiied dry oak and fir jvood. I'. OiioiibrtiKKi. 401 HIvi'I-hIiIo nve.. .South. Phono 1911, Call moru la pi before 1 p. in. 3S9 I FOIt HUNT Three room furnished new Iioum'. electric lights, wntor. etc. 733 W. 1 1 tli St. FOIt HKNT--A hIv room modern furiiUbed buuKalow on Summit Ave., near Main. Itenl 30 per month K. H. Tinny, 301 llnrnott Coroy llldk. 3SO I'OU ki:nt IvUumhiiki) ItOO.MH FOIt UKNT Iirgo Hleeptng rooms, mid luodurii houKekeopIng apart inontn, prlreH M-ry rcanonablo. Ilouui phono. 30C-K. 333 South Molly. FOIt HUNT Nlco with board lit (ieneva Ave modern roouiH Mr. F', 33 NEW TODAY ISO ncrcH, nearly nil plow laud, nml lu cultivation, partly Irrigated, near town, near school, and ti flnu out range. Thin Ih a good home, nml all purpoHo ranch. .Iiiht what you want. Will take hoiuo Medford pro perly. Thin Ih a muip. Look It ov or. A four room iioiiko hi Siskiyou Height, close lu and on nu extra largo lot. and all lu excellent garden mid burrleri. Water and electric lights. Tonus to unit. Price $800, Heat tlio Htreet earn to this. They will tuns cIoho by mul Increase Its value. -10 ncros of choice garden laud, with deeded water right, fine Im provements clone to store and school. Must bu no on to bu appreciated. $0000. Tonus. C. D. HOON Itoom 12, JnrkHiin County Iluuk llldg. WORTH WHILE Money to loan on real estate. 10 acres with 0 acres cleared to exchange, for vacant lots. Modern House For Itent. I3C, No. 310 North Central, G rooms nml sleeping porch, can fur nish for auto, $3i"i, fivu rooms mid aloeplng porch, range. Ono block from Medford Hotel. $30, flvo rooms, closu lu on cast aide, i;as, fine garden. $10.50, six rooms mul den on Park avenue. $13, Four room and sleoplng porch on Dakota uvoiuto. $11.50, Flvo rooms, modorn ox copt bath, No. 113G V. 10th Btroot. Above houses water paid. BENNETT INVESTMENT 00. ly ?' MM)F(flU). OUIWOX, TlUJltSDA V. TjUVAUY 1?J, ' n r Nov To 'll; " - our iOMu wue I - lC0RfHK.ANt COP . C5tfftt 1 BNv HAD TMQ I rje'yMgfi '-'Cnr j,)0A J W " - v -w W : L- ..jgjtggj-s' roit iti:.ST im)iiki:ki:i:pin(i ItOO.MH KO i "t """ lliST Kuni Uhmi 'ho iiaokt ci' ItiK roouiH, electric IIkIiIh. 333 S. Central. 380 I'Oll ItUNTl.lKhl heumikpeplni: KOIt SAI.i: Tank. C000 Rallon Ral rooniH 14 block from Holland vnnlxed Iron tnnk. cheap. Phono Motel. 130 Urupo and Sixth. 383' 80C-F-3 at uoon or after C:30 p. -r-.--rrruntT-- a I m . run hi;.m j uh.m.siii;i ai'iw COIt IllCNT - FiirnUhcd aportment! now, private bath, hot water heat. Tho llerbeu Apartment, 10 Quince; Ht.. corner Went Main. POIt Ili:NT Bmllh Apia. 317 8. Itlv. i l-'OK Itl'.NT OITJCIM FOIt HUNT Large, comfortnblo of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furul turo &. Mdw. Co. FOIt UKNT 3 offices connected over Kldd'n Shoo Store. Low rent. Terms. A. C. Tnylor, It. It. No. 3, Medford, or Clark's Iteulty of fice. 3S3 FOIt UKNT MISCKLLAXKOUH FOIt HUNT 13 acres, good house nnd barn, between Mcdford and Jacksonville. Inquire Mrs. G. L. Davis, 713 West Tenth St. 370 FOIt HUNT Oood Improved ranch, HO acres cleared. Addrrsa "Op portunity" caro Mall Trlbuuo of fice. 380 I'OU SAI.i: I.ANDS FOIt SALK Three ncren of bearing pear trees, garden noil, $1500. C. Carey, Talent. Ore. ; " : j- n -rac rou kali; nouses FOIt UKNT Oil SALK Flvo room house nml 3 h acres In fruit, would rent Koperately Phone 3SC-L. 383 J'Oll UKNT- From March 1st to Oct. 1st. completely furnished country hoino. Kvery modern convenience. Phono 31-F-23 or addrew J. L. Tracy, It. F, D. No. 3, Medrord. Oregon. 3S0 FOIt UKNT- : room houim. fair barn. 7 aore of land. 1-4 mile west of city limits. 10 a mouth. Imiulro While & Trowbridge, phone 3501. 383 Fltll UKNT Six room modern Iiouho Strictly flrht clatui. Imiulro 31 S South Lauiel. 381 I'OU sai.i: MVTH FOIt SALK 5 lotH on Hosa CourL Will suit whole or separately, bar gain. Apply owner O. D. Wuolvor tuu, Cold IIIH, Oro. 3SC FOIt SALK -Snap. $700. $100 cash nnd $30 per month, lots 8 and 0. block 0, Laurelhurst Add, Medford. AddreHs 603 Swctland llldg., Purl laud, Oregon. 378 FOIt K.VL15 MISCKLLAXKOUS FOIt BALK Carey Safe, cost $150. will sell for $100 It sold nt once. F. S. Uilllngs, Columbia Hotel. Ashland, Ore. 37$ FOIt SALK Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at the Mall Tribune office. FOIt SALK F.nt. ualcd timothy Hay. Hollywood Orchards. FOIt SALK $300 will not Duy the fastest automobile lu Jackson county, but It will buy ono of the fastest trotting mares, Maybell, record 3:37 h. sho la nlso good un der saddle and large enough to work. Also for sale n very fine 3 j ear-old standard and registered filly good size and sound, will mako a flnu driver, price $150, Also n gentle pony, will drive single nml any child can rldo It, price $75. A. K, Ware, Medrord. Oro. 380 FOIt SALK New 7 h. p. motorcycle lu ported comUtlou. Ounrautecd for 3 years. Cost $S30, will sell for $330, Address Hox C, caro Mall Tribune. 370 FOU SALK (lasollno wood sawing outfit, almost now, cost $313.00, tnko $175.00. Geo. F. Dyor, tho automobile man, North Central Avo. 37S FOU BALK' llrood sows and small pigs, nil Poland China stock. Also largo Petaluma Incubator. Phono IGS-J-1, W. J. liarttoll. 3S3 FOU BALK 1 John Dcoro doulilo disk plow, 1 Hancock double disk plow, 1 La Crosse double disk plow, 1 largo wooden roller, I heavy work mule, W. O. Cordon, Ashhuul, Phouv 813-F-l, 37V , - , IJlfl - a. Now To GUT TH fcuCKGd ' lAONtV i'eii'ham: misci:i.Ii.ni:ous I'Oll HAI.I-J Shnri)cH cream Kpara I tor and Mouh'h bone grinder. Per fect londttlon. IMiunu 8I5-K-34. I 3S3 FOIt SAM Hetisoncd dry oak and F. OtHPnbruKge, -101 (r WOod. Hlveri-lde Ave., South. Phono ItHl. Call phone mornings be for ono p. in. Foil BALK Legal blanks, treajpaai notlccH, for aale or rent ilngi at j tho Mall Tribune. FOIt 8ALB Letter heaas nnd fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. ! FOIt SALE Fruit box labols In one two or three colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Trlhuno. FOIt SALC Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or znado to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery. FOIt BALK One good -uurse pow er Falrbanks-Morftu gasoline en gine. A. J. Florcy, Kaglo Point. Oregon. FOIt 8ALK Ileardless barley hay. two Cyphers brooders, nnd White leghorn cockerels, Wyckoff strain. Alt-o Disc plow. Phono 30-J-I. A. W. Stone. FOU SALK Alredalo Terrier pup pliplcs, well pedigreed, eligible, lo registry. Ira J. Dodge, phone 301-U-3. 379 FOIt SALK Grain hay nnd corn. C. W. Isaacs. FOIt SALK Light touring car. fully equipped In excellent mechanical condition; thl Is a vory service able machine nnd a bargain. Hear Crcok Onrugo. 378 Foil SALK Fine young Poland China pigs. C. Fitch, Uoliuont rauch. - 378 FOIt SALK Furniture for flvo rooms, whole or part, house for rent, sleeping iKirch, garden nnd trees, luti KaKt 13th street. Main 5131. FOU .SAI.i; FOt'LTHV AM) LOGS FOU SALK -Place union now Tor baby chirk, thoroughbred llarred Hocks; S. C. Hhodo .Island Heils, 10 cents a piece. Kggs for hatching. $1.00 per bolting. Mr. K. S. H Hit ler. Phone 30SI. 3S0 FOIt SALK Complete chicken plant, good btock. Must bo Hold nt once. 1700 Wont Main. FoirSALK -Cyphers now 310 egg incubator, used for only one batch. Prico $35. It. II. Paxson, Central Point, Oro. 3S1 FOU SALK Kggs fur hatching, White Leghorns. Wyckoff strain. A. W. Stone, phone 301-J-I 305 FOU SALK Orplngtou er.ch. P. 313-X. Three pure bred Whlto cockerels at $1.50 O. Uox Cl; Phone FOU SALK Alt of my Crystal White Orpingtons, Now Is tho time to make up your breeding pons. Bar gain It taken at once. Phono 51 83 M. L. Fuller. 379 FOU SALK Several Crystal Whlto Orpington cockcrols. Big husky fellows at n very low figure. V. C. Haines, 3 mllea northwest of Medford on Uoks Lane. FOU BALK Splendid puro bred Barred Plymouth Hock cockerels. Address M. Il caro Trlbuuo, or call nt GO! Plum street. FOU SALK Place order now for setting eggs from my pon of Whlto Orpingtons. J. Horman Harrison, 707 West 11th, Phono 361-It 287 FOU SALK- Pen Whlto Orpingtons. Sovon two year old hen, headed by cockcrol from trap nested high ogg yield lion, Ktcoptlonul pen for spring breeding. Ira J. Dodge. 379 HKLV AVAX'fKD FKMAL1S WANTKD Woman for general house work on rauch close to Phoenix. Wiito J. H. Lyous, Phoe nix, Oro IIKLP WANTKIrMALU WANTKD--Man to prune sntnll tract. Must understand bis business. Beg Jllx, Mull Trlbunu, IgU), T v i -'-J-J WAXTi:il MTtolTIONB WANTKI) Japoncfe day work. ' Frank Nnka, phono Pacific 1871. Call after C p. nt. 303 i WANTKI)- All around work by re Ilahlc man, work by hour, day or week. Addri'iH Curtis Wood, P. . O., Medford. Ore. 37 wanti:d M!.sci:m..inkous WANTIiU 500 laying hena for cot. nt tho ArniHtrong ranch. 3 miles cait of Mcdford. C. II. Nclte.3Sl f WANTKD To exchnnge equity In $300 piano for good caw or type writer. Addreaa Box X. O., care,' Mall Tribune. 383 . WANTKD Stock hogs. 100 to 135 lbs. K. N. Carlton, Central Point, j Ore. Phono Farmer 114. 3781 WANTKD Pasture for 1 calf. Give Information. Apply O. F. Cbllgren ' 730 Oak St., phone 7G01. 377 WANTKD Chickens, hens, roosters ! and pullets. In any quantity. J. II. Lyons, Phoenix. Oregon. ' WANTED To sell or exchauge or borrow money on ten acres of good level Land In Bams valley, ono mile from Table nock. Address M. B.. , care Mull Tribune. 27S WANTKD A spring tooth harrow, j t 15 teeth. Phono 403-11-2. 280 j : I : WANTKD A good arm horse, wt. about 1400 lbs. Sec A. A. Davis. j I'OU EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE 150 acres partially cleared nt Wolf creek to exchnngo for acreage or Improved residence. Value $ 4000. owners only. W. 8., care Moll Tribune. 280 FOU EXCHANGE Portland and Willamette valley property for Medford and Hogtio river valley, owner O. E. Wnlllug, 301 W. Park. Portlaud, Oro. 278 LOST LOST Small Mack mare, weight about 950. Branded B ou left hind hip. ropo burn on left bind foot, lias on halter, and has whlto spot ou fuco. Lester Stevens, Phoculx, Ore. 2S3 MONKV TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1000, $5000, or $7000 at S per ceut on farm laud, glvo comploto description. (I. W., caro Mall Tribune. 27S MONEY TO LOAN Clark Itealty Company. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C81. BLS1N1USS DIUIX-IOHV Abstracts HOGUK HIVEH VALLEY AU STHACT CO., No. 6, South Central. Auto Supplies LAUEIl AUTO SPUING CO. Our bis secret lu making springs Is tho tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest mid best equipped plant lu the Pacific northwest. Cse olir spring when others fall. Sold under gunrauteo. 30 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys C. L. HUAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFP. AYM. P. MEALEY Attorneya-at-Lavv. Rooms 1 and 3, Postofflco bldg. A. E. UEAMES. LAWYER Garnett- Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law, 123 uust Main street, Medford. Oro, Accouutauts D. U. WOOD Genornl Accountant Your books audited and kept for a roasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office, Medtonl Mall Tribune bldg,; phono 66 ll; resi dence phono 0303, -' ' ' " Typewriting TYPEWRITING Manuscripts ro vlsod. copied and placed for salo. Legal copying, letter dictation co machine. Lillian A. McMillan, Room 30. Jackson County Bank. facia irtvw. By "Bud" Fisher HFY, MUTT, HELP f nUSLVF-SS DIHLCTOUY Chiropractor DH. It. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor. ncrvo apcclallnt Rooms 203-04-05 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Vapor hatha and scientific massage given; ndvlco In dietetic, medical gym nastics, hydropthcrapy. Lady at tendant Phono Home 145-L, Main 5712. DIL A. R. IIEDGKS, Dr. Louise E. Hedges, Mechnno - Theraplfti, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraptsts. These systems, Including dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydro-thcr-aphy, etc., produco results In both ncuto and chronic diseases. Con aultatlon frco. 230 North Barttctt St., next door to M. K. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appolntmetn. Bdll phono Main 4171. Dentist DU. W. SL VAN SCOYOC DIL C. C VAN SCOYOC Dentists Oarnett-Corey bldg., snlto M0. Medford Ore. Both phones. Garbage GAUBAGB Get your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 6251. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NUItSEUIE30nr"Trocii aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We aro not In tho trust II. B. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotol Nash. In Bldd entranco, noxt to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the algn of Tho Mall Trlhuno. Printers anil Publishers MEDFOHD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing offlco la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, otc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Physicians and Hurgcans DIL P. GCARLOWr DIL EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 4 10-117 Garnett-Coroy bldg.. phone 278-IC. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DIL S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE B. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 233 E. Main, Phones, office, 28; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eyo, oar, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses suppltod Offlco 2SS East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. ni. to 8 p. in. Both phones, E. U. P1CKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack eo u County Bank bldg. Offlco phone Main 432; Res. phone, Main 5S2. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett fits., offlco phone, 271; rcsldenco phono, 273. DR. MARTIN U. BARBER Physl clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone Paclfla 1101. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician nnd surgoou. Phones, offlco, 601; resi dence, 7341. Office hours 10 to 13. 2 to 5. DR. W. "W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 303 Gaructt-Corey, Building. Phone 91-R. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Luins dou. 215 E. Main Bt. Phono Main 091. E. KIRCIIGESSNER, ,M. D.-fPrac-tico limited to chronic ' diseases. Offlco Hotol Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Hctddonco phenes: Farmor lGxx? Eaglo Point mid Rogue. River line. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done qulekly and well. Trnnsrcr EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAGK CO, ortlco 10 South Fir at Pheae Bell 3152; Home 350-K. PrIM rlieUt. Barvlca Kuaraute!. , 1 1 l-T eH&' 1 V i mi u IT )