Tf rrr? t t TrEDFonr) ottl TRrnn. medford. OKKnox.TTtTrnftDAY.TKBRrany'in.'fnin. FA(?f3 TTTRTni v TEDDY CENSURES IDAHO SUPREME CORI DECISION NKW VOIMC MOTIO PICTl'IlK, TIIKATKK WIIKKK TWO WKKK TUiWl . DKATM AM) MAN'V III'UT IN FIHK PANIC Ni:V VOIIIC. IVI) III former I'nmldHil HiiokovoU miiilii Ms find lailillo iiipinrnmo In dm niunclU of the iiroRrt'UHivn party for ninny weekn lint nh'.til, In Nit)' Unit no fur iim I hi In coneorned there will bo no nimpiom lfi, no umiilKiiiiiiillnii, no yielding In tlm flKht for party, Tim iirognwdvn party Iiiih ronm to Nluy, lot declared The .president nuiilu nttiit'kod tint supremo roitrt of Mnlio for II denlidoit ilcnyloK tlm proureimlvo pnrty n plant on tlm ticket In tlm full elertlon nml nNncrtml this roiirt liuil ilium morn linrtu to roiirt" tliiin nny iinurrliltit ever on n, unit derlitrliiK llm decision "even nreitter blot on Anmr louu Judiciary limn tlm Drrnl Hmtt de elidou" Mnny of llm rnnapleuoiiit figure In Hit projsreiotlve ciinipnlRii hint (nil full cntlmrril for tlm l.liuoln itny illn iht of tlm Nulloiml I'roureiuilvo rluli Many women were present nml lniu tired of Hpi-ctntorii Hll"il tlm Imlcoio overlooking tlm hull ronm In lilt It tilt illliner wilt belli, Albert J llev erlilKe, prKrenhi riiudldnlo for Ku ernor of Imllnim; ()eur H HlruiiM. proi;iehle eaudldiito for gotornnr of Nnw York, William II. Ilotchklim and ex-CoiiKreimiiiiiu Hoiirko C'orkran uIko spoke Colonel Itoonevelt unbl In part: "At till tnomeut there bun oo rurreil In lilnlio n ilerlnlon by (lie hlKheM ntntii iiiiirt, whleh llliln It own 1 1 in 1 1 m In mi (.veil i!rttr offeium ni'.ulnxt Jimtlre nml iletetiry, nml nil even itrenler blot on tlm American Jmllrlnry than tlm Dreil Hcott drcU Ion ltiulf. Tlm reiieilonnr) Hiipreiiie rotirt of Malm Iiiin plioed Into tlm ha iiiin of llm rcpnbllt'iin mncblim. of which It an Ittielf n purt, pmrlsely u Justice Taney nml tlm majority of tbe Niiprettm ronrt of tint nullon In 1X07 pl)eil Into tlm liumU of Pres ident I'lerre nml lliirliiiunn nml llm teurtlunnry oicaiilialloii of which bn umt tlmy ero pnrl. "In Idaho the rmult wiin iu crave u mlnrurrlacn of Jimtlre at the elce lion an nlremly ormrreit at tbe noin dialing roiiMMilloii nml tlm roiirt be rumn llm nmtl potent liutrumwil In thin denial of Jimtlie. Thf ilcrtnlon I hold lo hue heeli nil out rage Upon tlm people of lilnlio utiil not ineruly upon them, but upon llm people of nil the United Hlate for tiny lulcrfer euro with the rluht of un American In any stain to rniit bin vote nml have It rotiuleil for the prcldciit of bin rholre l an otfciiKO ugnliiKt the Amerlcami of nil the state. "I think the result of the vole uhovtcd that If we hml been i;ten our elenr nml timloubteil right Idaho' elertorul voto would have been In the progrottidvo column. The action of the reiictlunnry roiirt, tuken Iu coin bluntton with the nrtlou of the reptili llran inarhlne renulleil In tlm doprlv utlon of the rlKht of the pooplu of Mnlio to express their choice, for perHlilent. "Abruhnui Lincoln nnbl Hint he be lleveil the Dreil Hcott dechdou repre wilted a rnimplraey iiKiilunt liberty between tbe then supreme court nml llm U'iiiIIiir officer of the reaction nry pnrty to which thnt supreme court beloiiKeil. I believe that with even moru jimtlre Ahrnniim Lincoln If ullve today could tmiko the mine Mntemcut about the action of llm re ficitlounry rouit of Idaho In connec tion with the reactionary leader of the republican mnchluo of lilnlio. "Hut the com t did not Mop hero. Then) aiih In Idaho it newgpapor which fftirlcHHly mid In entirely proper manner condemned the court for thin (iiitriiKe, Tlm editor mid publlHlier of that paper mid another man connected with thnin have been thrown Into Jail mid fined hcnvlly for contempt by the court. Tlm court In h opinion Iiiih cited tlm nutiieioun ilynnnilto outniKeu and tlm like that hao occurred iih JiiHtlflnn tholr ai Hon, No more extraordluiiry pleu waH over made. I leld to no man In tho horror I feel for tlm unar ehbilH mid nil other ciIiiiIiiiiIh who do murder, wlmthur by d)iimullo or In nny othor fiiKhloii, "Hut tlm ilaniano they do, tlinunh crcut, Iu by no inemui an great to tlm ctiiiNu of law mid order an a that done by u declxlon Kiirh iih tlm do cIhIoii In iiueHllon; mid no miurchlHt over can or ovor will hurt tho coiirla iih thoy urn hint by mirh action ah HiIh of tlm liltshoHt court of tlm ntntt of Idaho, Iteiuoinlior that If tlm int uition of tho Idaho court In pnnluli Iiik Id crltlcti for contempt la propnr. then Ahnihmu Lincoln nliould luivo been Jailed mid fined for Ida worda about llm mipromu court of tho tinn ed Htntcs In connection with tho Drod Hcott ileulHlou, "Abrnlmin Lincoln wns no tnoro or Iorh Kiillty than tho three men whom the utiproinu court of tho Htuto of Idaho luivo InipilHoiied for contempt bocatiHo they ciltloUed, Iu Um bo voro Inucuauo than Abraham Lin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHulllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHMffAKrHiBHF k rffrr r' IHIH mmK.k.H""flulmmmmml m, 'UmmmmmT In MOVING PICTUR.K THEATRE WHERE RRE PANIC OCCURRED w m li wife 1 1 : . i.l In ill' I'll e c ileeu ix-rn iiitt were rrl)il:.l Injiireil ami taken (O liHp,ll nlnl tuorr Hun a i'fil "( '(i wire luili) linl.i'ii up nml liniimil in the imiilc nl the llnuittoii 1 1 IplxMlrontr u iiimlnir hlrturi HeMiie in i w i.iL.,) inn-nil) n mi , n iiii; fire when u fl.m huriieil Allbouch It did hardly mie ilxllar'n iImiii Nk'" li wn i fi'M'M; mii i. n ti miiuil ule of the lnMinin 1'hr.ilre dlNHKtrr where hunilrtil of (xTnoiu pliiUKed frvliz'cill) iliiiiKh I In- fr.'i.i dM,r iiihI Jiimmnt Iu a trui:i!lliic. ruihiui; iiuhm nt the bottom of a xhort fllKht uf itcp'. .h,i tirrifli link the t'Miiti ii f hiiuuili IikIiiun In the narrow Hue Hint fllfiiieii and pulketueu bad to crawl otvr th lvdlr to no In the i" tm ire iltnn fmir hoii'lril peron were crowded In the thenlre, which formerly wn an old rlmrvh. trutehlne Hie howlia' "f i iiM-iirtlrniini. wliu u mbli'ii fi.iih from tin' mutiny pb-ture nun hlim bnniKht forth irle of "Klrr"' nut riHUllid In lb Urrtlile miuI- AUbuucb the flr 4 ijuULly i-iHiisuUIm-U Hie crowd becuiue to eicllid that ILX uuiil uiad ruU fur Hiv narrow Cwr. coin, a decUlon nn Indefeiulbli- from every utamlpolnt of low ami Jimtlie uiul popular rlclitn iih the Dreil Hcott derliilou ItHelf. "A cave like thnt In Idaho tdiowii the need of the power of popular re call of the judiciary, n need which I believe could probnbly bent be unit by hnvltiK tlm JihIkch npimlutcd or elected for life, but fillbjcct on pell Hon to rernll by popular vote uvery two e.irii. "Till iicllon would not, however, meet ull the dllflcultle of tbe rniu. In thU fltnte, for liiMnme, there have beiiu many well-meniilui; JihIki-h who, Iu certain enne, imuall) nffectliiK la bor, baMi relnlvretl dedkloim which weru wholly Improper, wholl) roue llonary mid frniiKht with the Krnv cut IliJiiKtlce to tliomi damn of Ihe cotniiiuully nliiudliiK mom In need of juitlio. What U needed lure Ix not the rluht to recall tlm JiulRe, who In no mo one limtanre Klve n inbttaken and reactlounry Interpretation to Ita coiiMllutlon, but the of tho peo ple IhetuiielveM to cxpreim utter due ilellberutou their deflulto Judpuieiit a to shut the roiMtltutloii nhntl per mit In tho way of IcKlidatloii fur no dal mid JiiHtlce. "I hold that In audi n tofo n the hnkenhop case, In nudi n emu) as the workmeu'H roinpeiiKutlou net, In mich n cno on tho teiiemeiit hoimo tiiKiir factory net, In nudi n race nn tho net providing for tho cafeKtiardluK ni;alnt daiiKemim uinchlnery, In mich n cane iih the elKht-bour law, Hint It U for the people to iheumolvoM lo decide whether Mich n law U or U not lo Mlaiiil on Hie olittule IkkiKh I do not euro whether )ou call thin action of their iionxtriiiui; tho count I tutlon or iiiuklitK the coiiNtltiitliiii. I euro for tho fact and not for the name." Hubntltutlni the word "proRron nlo" for 'tepubllcnn" In .i letter written by Lincoln, the milmtltiitloti behiK, Colonel ltnoeelt Hold, only that of the uiiino of tm piomomilvo party of today for tlm pmKren-tve party of LIiicoIii'h t lino Colonel HooHevelt read the letter, iih follew: "Ah to (ho matter of (union, I am for It If It can be bad on uoKiesnle KIouiiiIh; mid I urn not for It on mi) other torum. A fiiHlor on any other teruiR would ho ih foolUh iih uupilii clpled. It would lobo the whole of what wo have, whole the common en emy would Ml III cam all the voto that Ih hoKtlln lo iih, The (location of men Ih ii dlffeieut one There mo Itood putilollo men mid aide atate' men In IIiIh territory opponcd to iih whom I woubl cheerfully aupport If they would now place thcuioHlvoH on prottresHlvo kiuiiiiiIb, hut I am HKiiliiHt letting (loun (ho piomeKHlvo utiiud n rd a hair' breadth. "What Lincoln then xnlit iih to principles men unit methoda applloH exactly lo ull,nttoinplH to fiitm or nnialiiamate tho prnmoHRlvo with any other party In our own daya," MAnniED, Hamilton Watlilim ami Ida Jano Harrow were united Iu mairlago by Ilov, V. Y ahleldtt at tlm I'rosbytor lau inatiHO ut 7 p. lit., WedncHilay, February 1-'. Mr. ml Mrs. Wntklim are both front near Kulo Point, mid otpect to live on their lari;o ranch, five iiiIIch north of that place, With them t;o tho ood wluliea of tholr tnntiy f dentin, PIT SIORE IS GUTTED BY FIRE I'ire nl hii null hour I.mIiij cutli'i (he pMint -Imp nt the enmcr ol Fifth ; lrmoliliril, wni with n portion of the dwelling;, one ol n few Imiilmnrks Hml n on the fmui vheu "Cnele Tom" MeAinlrew tmk msies-.ion -oiiie foity-vlchl yeopi njjo. Some new feiiciiij; wen milled hImi mill nt tiresent ince the return of Kioil w outlier mi entire new yard fence I bi'inu' buill. The crouiul lu been phiweil for Inwn nml n locust mnl drupe street-, but owe o Hie ,0 m, muHt ,,. ,,,, .,,, t.olte,l loenlion of the eMnbli.liment ,. ftfl).flu yKn ntM ,,,. n.efa,,,ewer(.,M,s.lye,eele.l. ItMJ,,,,, , nM f. ,, owiii'd liv. t). .1. Stnll. The I.i-h will riiiiKe nlii.nt K'tiilO. eoveri'd b iiiMtit miee. The nils iniile the ImHilinr Imrtteil fiercely for n time but a liberal two f wntir mibiliuil them mininiTbureSTbill reportedfavorably .HALL'M Feb 13 The way nnd mean committee hn reported fnvor ahl) upon II II los, Introduced by Curkln of Jaeknou to onlitbllHh a bur eau of iiilnen mid Keolocy. Tho bill eorrle unit annual appropriation of JiO.OOn n ejir, hnvluu been reduced by the committee front fUS.aoO. Only Hie fact that Mr. Carkln wn n member of ino aRlind mean com mlttee Mitved tlm bill A hard fight itKalimt It U In pronpect In tho hoiuo. wotilil IniM! Iie'ett. left to die of old one but ns fuirlv in front of the deiirwnv nnd'un on tlrt" decline, ro it trn dihoiril M The pioiieeis hate left llielr murk ii il iiitnn have inshrd away but it is w'liil to mill' Hint it number remain Ilo Milne the changes nml improve meiils tluit have eame iu these Inter ' ilitv. It U Iiohi1 they iniiv live to . oee mill hear the trolley ears itloii ! with other improvenients mill eltnuvs yet to iiime in Him valley. HELP THE LIBRARY PURCHASE ITS BOOKS MODERN IMPROVEMENTS ON M'ANDftEWS HOMESTEAD Auiout; the impriivfiiiont in Hie -.imtimlioir eoiinlrv ueur Meilfoiil tuny be not cil Hie Mil inns clmiiKe maile nt the .Mi-Amliew farm iluiiug the eloiini mouth nf the pat .ear. Atteiiitmiin weie muile in the dwell iiiK mi iii to iillovv hiitliroouiH on Imtli The following nre mute of the bookx, useful nnd iiilerextin, which the public library would like to put on the nhehtw: Slrullou "Morlix of I.ibetlosl." Taylor "I'lineiples of Seicutifie .MiiiiiiKemeiit." Shneklclon ''Advenltires iu Home Mnkliv." Sndler Cnui-e nml Cute of ColiN." lliiteliinson-"l'oii(iucst of Con sumption," Uiickcu "Tnith nnd KeliKion." SpottiMir "Wot Id's MineraU." Anyone who is interested in any of tlio.c Mibjeels run help the library purehno (lie book1 by nttcndinjj the benefit emieeit. Feb. 17lli. The I'resb.vleriiin vlinreli Inm vcrv kiiullv niven the use of the church. The flonin. An iip-lo-ilnli witter ssetn whs iiixIhIIciI eomihliiii; of piieuuiHtiiM newspapers niv very Kiuieroits in civ pieiite tnnk with eleettie pinup midline mitli;iHi. It U hoped the public iiuiomntie niviteii wuieii it ut most peifeelmn in its pfliforintince. The dwelliinj was wired nml elee ttieitv siihstiiuteil for eaibiile liphl in;, A modern fmui system of sew njje disposnl whs ulso eompleted, wood hoiike a ml model it wultr. luuise nlso eoiishueleil, The old poullfv house whielrwns will iccpoud uilli it generous ntleud nnee, TiekeU on nlc at ITaskins'. I'm'.", oOe. Hob llexchor, the Cincinnati Hpecd kliiK, has now led tho National league In base riinnliiK for four miccosslvo ears. i Ivil! Powder Absolwely purb The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar . Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable HOW RD OT HILL AUDIENCE TO HEAR LECTURE (I'oitluud Journal) Kiitmii'l Mill, who hn jutt been elected preoidrit of tho American lloriil Jluilders' (tocintion, hns n wttnn udmirer in Hr. J. P. Knlily of Mt-ilfonl. Dr. Ileddy vhm in Port laud yenterdny nml told amoti other PTniniseenseK his exfM-rienre with tins first Pncifie Const flood Itond eon vention which was orgniiirrd by Mr. Hill. "About 12 yenrH k," nid Mr. KrMy, "I received n letter from n friend, who was then living in Sent He. urn! I wnH living In Spokane, "The letter ntntrd that n friend of Ins, Samuel Hill of Seattle, wan k"!"K to hold n two or three dnys.' jjood road-: convention in SKiknue, that he personally did not know nuythmc about tfood roads, and didn't know unvhodv who did, but, Hint Mr. Hill wim n friend of his, nml wished Hint I would do un thine Hint I could to make the convention n success iu the nv f uriishiiiK nn audience. "Three or four days: later Mr. Hill, nccomp.inb'il by Charlie Chamberlain mid .Itnle Hnnford, nnd n couple nf eouiitv commissioners- of Whnlcont eoniilv, Wash., nrrived on the scene to hold this food rond eonventiou. l'llsonem In Audleoco "Mr. rhnntlierlin. who wnH netiiiR n jiilvnnce ncent, had borrowed the use of n church in which to hold the convention. The convention day ar rived, nml four or five ix-ople nssrui-blt-d in the church. Chailie wnnled to know if there wnsn't some way in which we could rustle up an audience. The only wuv I knew to get an aud ience wns to an down to Ihe city jail, I beiiiK chief nf police nt the time, and having iu jail about 80 prisoners. 1 requested three or four of the plain clothes men nnd officers to get the prisoners up to the church to make Mr.' Hill believe that he hud an and ienee. "Hetwecn the plnin clothes men, po licemen nml prisoner, we collected about 100 H-oitlc. The convention lasted three dnyx. Mr. Hill hud the undivided attention of nil present dur the entire three days while the con vent ion lasted. Itccolue-J Heal Iloostrr "I listened to one of the commis sioner from Whatcom county Mating his exn;rienees In building good roads nnd wns very much imprvvscd with tbo arguments he put forth, and the results obtained from the money that wn sjient under his .supervision in building good roads, nnd I have been u consistent good roads booster ever since. "This, I believe, wns the first good rood convention ever held on the Pa cific coast. In those day the news papers did not give the good mad movement nny publicity, not knowing nny thing nhotit them, mid they didn't consider the subject worthy of hjkicc in their papers." "Dr. Jleddv once told mo thnt by reason of those addresses, he liegnn boosting good rond. nnd I consider him one of tbe greatest good ronds boosters on the Pacific const, and Medfotd. his homo town, now has nbout 2.1 Bitlei of paved rets, and Jackson eoimlv is one of the wist progressive counties iu Ore-mu " said Mr. Hill, roumcutiiig on lie. Keiblvs stnte-icnt (F yfamoSB Health It tbo foundation of all good look. Tho wlso woman rcalixes this and takes precautions to preserve her health and strength, through tho pe riod of child bouring-. She remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far as poulblo tho sufferlnc and dangers of such occasions. This every woman may do through tho use of Mother's 1'rlend. This la a medlcliio for uternal application and so ponotratlng la Its naturo aa to thoroughly lubrlcato every musclo, nervo and tendon In. volvcd during tho period before baby comes. It aids naturo by oxpandlns tbo skin and tissues, relieves tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pro pares tho bj stern for natural and CIfilflr tafo motherhood. 'J: ""2 Mother' Friend ArfiJjtft is sold nt drug OilVlU r tores. Write for freo book for ox roctant niothors, which contains much valuablo Information. 0RADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. AlUrJi,, C PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Quarantied Trices Iteaaonublo COFFEEN & PRICE OS Xowara Blaok. Xntrsno on 8tU li. Xotut vaoat at. V: FOR SALE Jn order to fnkn up immediately a himincss proposition in Han Francisco I have decided to offer mv Orchard at a GREAT SACRIFICE. IF INHERE EVER WAS A BARGAIN IN THIS VALLEY, HERE IT IS 8 acres Bear Creek bottom soil, 2 miles north of Medford post office, planted to Newtown Pippins eleven years old, and interplanted with Bartlett and D'Anjou Pears 4 and 5 years old. A strictly commercial proposition. Melons, Potatoes, Cora, etc., CAN IiE grown to perfection between tho rows. Would suggest to parties having a little idlo capital that this proposition will pay much better than LOANINO money. A SURE PICK-UP OP $1500 to $2000 Can be made inside of six months. My price is $5,000, $3,000 cash, balance on time. Real value of place $8000. INVESTIGATE TODAY. F. G. Andrews, Owner Hotel Holland Medford, Oregon L ' . NATATORIUM Friday Evening FEB. 14 ONE CONCERT ONLY NORDICA Assisted hv Wm. Morse Rummel, Violinist; Romayne Simmons and Mabel Krog-Rummel, Pianists . Prices, $1.50 and $1.00. Seats at ITaskins. Greatest attraction at most reasonable prices ever booked in Medford. IIKLP FIOHT THH GREAT RED PLAGUE Citizens of tbe stato are urged to Inform themselves regarding this plague which Is causing great suffering among bojs and young men, and especially among the Innocent girls and women of tbe state. Parents are urged to protect their children, and provide clean, whole-, some Information In place of the unclean misinformation they cannot now help getting. ' Send for any of the follewing: KltKK CIllCUhAIlS For Young Men Circular No. 2 Tbo Four Set Lies. Circular No. 9 -Sex Truths for Men. Tor Older Hoys (13 to 18 yrs. of age) ,, Circular No. 8 Virility and Physical Development For Young Hoys (10 to 13 yrs. of age) Circular No. 7 The Secret of Strength. For Girls ' Circular No. 4. A Plain Talk with Girls about their Health. For Young Women Circular No. 10 Physical Development, Marriage and Motherhood. For Parents Circular No. l The Need for Education In Sexual Hygiene. Circular No. 3 When and How to Tell the Children. Circular No. 6 -A List of Uooks for Use in tbo Family on Sex. Send 2-cent Btamp with your address to ' THH Oltl.GO.V STATE llOAItl) OF HEALTH 70;l Selling Hollaing, Portland, Orvgoa Department D ?'- CLUB RATES For the Daily Mail Tribune and the Weekly Del Norte Triplicate $5.60 a Year Tho Triplicate is published "Weekly at Crescent City, tho hustling coast city about which many pcnplo now wish information. This offer is open to all who now sub scribe or all tvIio luivo paid up their sub scription to Dee. 31, 1912, TWO PAPERS FOR A LITTLE OVEjU TILE PRICE OP ONE Wlrlir Mnil Tko .Tt-SnKnafs 9 70 ' " .-.-j 1 1 9,