PAGE TWO. lOCAL AND L PERSONAL llarry Ward, driver for tho Pan torlutn, goes to Central Point each Thursday morning. Kesldcnta of Central raint and along tho road be tween hero and thero wttL please bear this In mind. ffip Pantorlttm clenna and presses nil aorta of clothing, l'liono 2441. Hats cleaned and blocked. Pan torlum. Dr. 8. A. Loekwood nnd llr. Myrtle 8. Loekwood (.regular physicians, not chiropractor) have removed their otflcca from tho Hasklns building to 232 K. Main street. Get j'our clothes cleaned and pressed at the Pnntorlnm and get out nnd enjoy yourselves. Mrs. T. W. Miles visited relatives living In Ashland Wednesday after noon. Closing out sato of pipes. Ire- land'a Smoke Houso. L. L. Jacobs nnd P. A. Klfer, who nro connected with two of the local tanks, were among those who went to Ashland Wednesday. Mr. and. Mrs. II. Harrison left for Portland ono day this week, Real homo niado broad at De von's. it Mra. $. R. Iteamcs of Central Point was a business visitor In Mcdford Wednesday. UlrlcU llros., merchants of Jnck aonvlllc. motored to Mcdford on Wednesday. Bring that oia took with torn binding down and hare It rebound at the Mall Trlbnno office, Costa but little, tf S. W. McClendon and K. Zana of Gold IIIU transacted buslncs In Mcd ford Wednesday. Attorney DoArmond went to GranU Pass on Wednesday evening's motor. Insure and be sure. Right If wo write It R. A. Holmes, Tho Insur ance Man. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Daggett have returned from a trip to their former home In the cast. Vanor baths and scleatlflo mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar- nett-Corcy Dldg. Phone 145. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lawton and Mrs, C. Leonard of Grants Pass are vis iting In this part of Roguo river Tab loy. John Thompson and George Stein berg were down from Gold Hill on Wednesday. Carkln ft Taylor (John H. Car kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, orer Jackson County Bank Building Medford. 8. T. Sandry of Roguo River, fish and game warden was In Mcdford Wednesday on official bualnesa. Jt. Hararaeraley of Gold Hill, who Is connected with tho forest aervce, spent Wednesday night In Medford. A choice lot of Italian prunes at a bargain. Addrcaa or call at 717 North Riverside, Mcdford. 278 Mra. Kmnia Clino has returned from a visit to Portland. R. M. Wilson of Central Point dis trict waa a Medford visitor Wednes day. Now York Life Insurance Co., C. Y. Tongwald, Medford National Bank Bldg., phono 3371. George Carter mado his former homo at Ashland a visit Wednesday. F. L. Cranflll motored to Central Point Wednesday afternoon. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite hook store. " J. C. Aitkin of Roguo Rlvor. depu ty fruit Inspector, waa In Medford Wednesday. So waa W. W. Fleming of tho Hame place. II. B. Tronson of Euglo Point dla trlct, h well known horticulturist, tarried In Medford Wednesday night. Faablonablo dressmaking. Evening and afternoon gowns. Latest atylo llugcrlo a specialty. Mrs. E. M. Palntor, late of Now York City. Hours 2 to 5 p. in. 518 King street. Phone C084. ' J. T. Jones, who has beon Berlous ly 111 ut tho Sacred Hcurt hospital, is convalescent. 1 Dr. A. C. Caldwell of Ashland, mado Medford a visit Wednesday evening. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphern, negatives made any time or place by appolntmont Phone M. 1471. W. J. Stnnloy, who Is In charge of tho Homostake mine, located near Woodvlllo, waa in Medford Wednes day. 8. 0. Collins" of Table Rock was among tho many who camo to Med ford for building material during tho wcok. W. H, Vcnablo of Applcgato waa In Mcdford and Jackaonvlllo Wednes day. Weeks & McGowan Co. TJNDERTAJCERS &ABY AMI8TA.XX Say Phone 3371 JTfg-bt ytumssi Jr. "W, Weeks 207X A. x. orr, 9S9S The meetings held In the hnll on Grape street closed Inst Hundny even ing when tho speaker addressed n full-house on tho subject of eonver sloil. Tho on North lllvcrsldo la ready for uso ngnln nnd tho next service will lie held thero Thursday evening, Feb. 13, subject, Tho Driv ing of tho Turk From Europe Fore told In Prophecy. Tho "Sultana. n six part serial by Henry C. Rowland, author of "811- Ser Side." begins In thla wcrk'a Post. 2S2 Dr. nnd Mrs. K. II. Porter nnd fam ily returned today from an extended eastern trip. Colonel J. F, Mundy returned Thursday from n business trip north. Take frco guess on school pictures and get a beautiful picture of Crater Lake frco at Gcrklng & Harmon's studio. 123 E. Main street, near First National Bank. Phone 2154. C. D. Woolvcrton and 11. 11. Nye of Rlvcrdalo mado a business trip to Mcdford tho forepart of tho week. Mra. Alice Smith was a recent vis itor with friends living at Phoentx. Harry Hull of Grants Pass was among his Medford frlenda ono day thla week. Crater Lake photographs pro nounced by experts to bo tho "best ever madoof tho lako at Gcrklng A. Harmon's studio, 123 E. Main street, near First National Ban. Phone 21S4. Kodak ttntahlng and enlarg ing, negatives made any place. Mrs. Carl Webb, who baa been In Mcdford visiting her parcnt8, Mr. and Mrs. II. Elliott, left for bcr homo In Portland Wednesday. F. G. McWHIlama nnd a party of Ashland ladles motored to Mcdford Wednesday afternoon. Buy a Singer at your, own terms and your spring sewing will bo a pleasure. Singer Sewing Machine Co., J. G. Painter, agent, 417 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 3441. We also rent rachlnes and do repairing. C. W. Willis of Portlanif Is visiting relatives living In Rogue river valley nnd Is accompanied by a son. They aro on their way to Southern Califor nia. Mr. and Mra. W. J. Gregory of Central Point and Ell Gregory of Fresno, Cal.. wero In Medford tho forepart of tho week, on a visit with relatives. Tho "Sultana," a six part serial by Henry C. Rowland, author of "Sli ver Side," begins In nott week's Post. Do Voo's Nowa Stand. 282 L. O. Van Wcgen of Ashland and C. II. Mooro of Seattle were among the many from abroad In Mcdford during tho week. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mcrrltt, who went to Portland several weeks ago, aro nt bomo again. Miss Belle Cochran has been vis iting Mrs. L. O. Van Wcgon of Ash laud. George 6. Howard, who is In a paralyzed condition, has been taken to tho Sacred Heart hospital for treatment. S. W. Foster of San Francisco, rep resentative of the Gcnoral Chemical company, is transacted business In Mcdford. Mrs. Charles Nickel! spent Wednes day afternoon in Jacksonville. Fred RIcdcl and L. C. Applcgato wero among the many Gold Hlllcrs In Mcdford Wednesday. M. K. Sweeney of San Jose, Cat., Is in Mcdford looking after tho In tcresta of tho Bean Spray Pump Co. Mr. and Mra. John Goro wero Ashland visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Becman of Gold Hill mado a trip to Mcdford Wednesday. Col. R. 0. Washburn of Tablo Rock transacted business In Medford ou Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. 0. Burrows left for Grants Pass Wednesday evening to visit bcr mother. Mrs. Ira Dunham, who Is qulto 111. Blaluo Kluin was a business vis itor In Ashland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Taylor were over from Jacksonville Friday after noon. E. J. Fisher of Forest Orove and C. E. Armstrong of Glendale have been making Mcdford a visit. Miss Williams, deputy postmaster of Jacksonville, was In Medford Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Barker of Roseburg, former residents of Med ford, aro spending a few days here. Chief of Police Hlttson left on Wednesday night for Portland being called as a witness lu the McAllister case. L. Merger of Talent, has been ar rested ehurged with selling intoxicat ing liquor to minors. lie will bo given u henring in Justice Taylor's court Suttirduy. Verger it n vineyurdiht of Talent, who makes his own wine. It is said that lie recently hold mwio of it to boys. IIu declares he did so hind vortcntly. A lleliublo llulr Tonic. It Is an easy matter to provont bnldncbs, dandruff and othor diseases of the ecalp by using Merltol Hair Tonic. It should bo used regu larly to keep tho calp frco of dand ruff germs, es theso germs aro tho cause of tho majority of cases of dandruff and later, baldness. Wo aro authorized to guarantee Merltol Hair Tonic. Leon U. Unuldus. MDFOUn MATTi TRIBUNE. "HONEYMOON EXPRESS," NEW YORK'S LATEST ' MUSICAL COMEDY, SCORES DIG SUCCESS Q "The Honeymoon Express," New bad been delayed for some time, is Garden. The chief cntcrtalucrs aro Gaby, ns usual, Is most Interesting to appreciated. Aa Yvonne she I nt her U a great favorite. i ' . i i ; .' ... 10 TO BENEHT ROAD County Judge F. L. Ton Velio nnd Commissioner Leevcr visited Gold Hill Thursday morning where they met General Stiptcrlntcndent Camp bell and tho resident engineer of tho Southern Pacific company nnd made arrangements for widening the opening boncath tho Gold Hill bridge Just this sldo of tho city so that traf fic will be ablo to pass baiicath tho brldgo without difficulty. Tho rail road officials agreed to tho chango and will have it maao at once. 34,000 FIREMEN 10 SHE TODAY NEW YOKK, Feb. 13. Thirty-four thousand firemen on custom rail road will receive orders to strike Friday unless somo agreement is reached by the railroads affected and the Firemen's Iirotlicrhood todny. The walkout will take pluuo -19 hours after the strike orders nrc is sued. Despite the activity of the com merce court Judge .Martin A. Kunpp, mediator, neither side will concede a single point. i k WANTED- KVKItY that 14 t , i " Mi t it AJ1 In knowing how, 33 years' experience. mv OAtv DOIY3 ano l4 ,mt 'sSJaW tt hwty race in Z-frLr "vsSMA. o"t or txt oAMcra s&f A r Kv m'txt Kty-. &il ktaV C asasasaV NHwevRxsy XX vam V ,aBsm'P'vv CsWaaaWVxasas ?Hv III . 'I ' ti -eVsw aaaaaam CrJI SV 1 ' l 11 kL iF aaaaaV JLMl jA .j "m aaa Kris CHANGE MTCDFOHD. ORUCIONVrill'KSOAY, KUIWMWWY VA, York's latest play, the arrival of which scoring n tremcudoiM lilt tit the Wlulet Miss Gaby Dcslya' and Mr. '".r Jol.on the audiences, and she I mint thoroughly best. Her dance with Mr. Hurry I'llccr . .j- . ., int st J.J. t-tiu'.u - jaji TOLLIVER NOT GUILT! OF SLAYING LEWIS SAN DIEGO. Cnl.. Feb. 13 "Not guilty," waa the verdict today In tho case of Hubert G. l.owls, accutcd of murdering C. II. Tollvor, the airship Inventor last May. Tho Jury did not leave the box. Lewis admitted killing Tollvcr. but declared ho was driven Insane by wrongs Inflicted by them upon his wife. WALSH VICTIM OF LATEST-POISON PLOT NEW YORK, Feb. 13 A plot to poison Police Captain Walsh whose confession la alleged to have Involved a number of high police officials In Now York's police graft scandal, was reported today.' District Attorney Whitman ordered a nurse und n doc tor to Inspect all food preiuired for Wnlsh. A heavy guard also was thrown about his rosidence. TO CUltK A COLT) IX OXi: DAV. Tnko LAXAT1VK IlItOMO Qulnlno Tablets. Druggists refund money It It falls to euro. B. W. OIIOVE'S sig nature Is on each box. 25 cents. - FOOT IN JAOKON C,6.' hurt! to fit "l no mnttur how tondur how wide how narrow how thin how short ' how long ; , f tlnjy are , wo stake our feputatlou lu fitting tliem. J? ,. t w 4 BEHLING'S hS L 7 -1 j it-, rn 10 Ill, PA8U, Fob. lit To nld the garrison nt .Inures to ivtlst u possible American Invasion tho moliltlittug of all Dint troops In Northern Chihua hua bus boon ordered timmllug lo lihi leaders hero today. They de clare tho Junrox garrison him do- elnrod for Dtas despite- denials on tho part of Its rnmmnudor, I'ol Van Miles. Thoro nro throe thousand re bels In tho Jnuros district. Refugees reaching hero today from Clundad, Chihuahua declare thoro Is great disorder thuro and hundreds of merlcnna nro oudniiRored. When the refugees left tho city was In con trol of n number of about 1UO0 drunken Mexicans. Three thousand troop garrisoned there refused to fire on tho mob, It la reported Ac cording to unconfirmed reports Gov ernor Goiirutcs has fled trout thu city. T TO FOR LENGTHY STAY Ad Wolgast. former HghUclght champion of tho world, passed through Medford this afternoon on his way to San Francisco whero ho Is to meet llnrleui Tommy Murphy soon. Ad stated that ho regretted that ho was unable to stop over nt present but that ho would do so In tho near future and spend consid erable time lu tho n alley. On their first eastern trip the C'hl cage Cubs Mill play nu othlbltlon game at Syracuse, N. Y.. the pro ceeda to bo given to Mrs, Doyle, widow of tho former third baseman of the Chicago team. Baldheaded Row Karly Piety .Not Always the l'iiite of italducnn Inasmuch us It Is an accepted fart that baldness, falling hntr and dand ruff nro caused by it genu, doosu't'lt stand to reason that tho only way to prevent such calamities Is to kill the germs? And doesn't It stand to reason that the only way to kill these germs Is to use Parisian Sage, which Clin. Strang has so much fulth In that ho guaran tees It to cure dandruff, falling hair nnd Itching scalp In two weeks, or money bockT Parisian Hugo Is n delightful hair tonic pleasant to use. It Is not Micky or greasy, and contains only those lilgredlcuta that will surely benefit. It is now aold by druggists all over America, and by Chns. Strung for 50 cents a largo bottle. It Is used ex tensively by women who doslhi luxu riant hair with n radiant luster. Tho girl with tho Auburn hair Is on every package 81'IIINO hTYLCH Groy Drown White lllack Shoes iinw, iu ' fi. It" f WW'1 DIAZ IS S ENVASON WOLGAS )l. DOUGLAS ALARMED OVER AMERICANS lUU'dUN, Aur, IVh II M.uiii Is felt heiv lodnv lor IIu ttit ol Aiiu'ili'tm citixniiM li( the olnle o Souorn, Mo.ieo, TJio sllimllou t becoming moio deliiiito daily, uiiil while the tVdoiul offlcem mo Kivlu out telegriium put polling lo coin I nun Pivddont Mndero, uliiod through tho go ci uoi'V ollirc, siiving "all iinli't ul the capital; iiiuutr) lraiitiiil; Diar. ho ovuitliiovwi in n V hours,' tho gurrisonM lu llm larger towns niv openly dlsn I fooled. l'nuuluciit Mti.xloiuirt luiv'ti com. meiierd, luoio or loss uunidndly, to iinnmiure ihelr favor of l)ln nnd h open ieolt would not surprino any one, f Four troops of llm Ninlh I'niled Sliiles on villi y, whiuh Iuih heou pa trolling the houler west of heie, ic oeixed ordoix lo return imuiodinlol to DoimhiH, when' the n of tlt logiinenl Rh now iiiolulixeil. 'I'hoir phioes will ho Inkeii hv Hie Hflh oav nlry, leu troopx of which nro now located ul Foit lliinehimeii, Auxoim, WAR NEWS UPSETS Xi:V YIHJK. I'eh. II. The M... k market tinned firm tmlitx. The prep, trillion to export 1,00(1,(101) mro gold, dtwiniiig more lltsu $'i,ll(Hi.lliU) from the Ih-sI iili-trfHurv, cttn-r.l great uiienaiiionn in twoiey etrelf The MexioMii lovidutHm mill the threatened Mi-ike of firetaon on ! eni railroads osiied mi mioettled du tliroiighont. ('qiinihiui I'neilie dropped three f EARLY BUYERS GET BEST CHOICE ' I roiiMnt find my sUe." otplalunl a worrledliMklng woman to a frlmid one afternoon, us she enme dltMfinsolalely from tnt walat toiiuter. "What." she answered, "you couldn't yet unfitting Ui fit yon in tluxio lovely waists? Of cmirae, yw ttm't ihmh tu wtf ymi worti ItAiklng for It now." "Yes, I wits." "Will, what toiild you taissrt at thrtsa o'clock tn the aftwrttiMrtt, and you take a thirty-six. You know that ala guw fiulvr than anything else." "I'll know bottwr next time." sighed the disappointed on. Tho most rollablt) merehiiuU lu Metlforil ailvnrtWw tkvlr mtmt linportiint mouey-nlMK opportiinltloti Jit Tin Mull 'IVtttMsa. IttMtl The Mall Tribune closely mid constantly mary iilght, tk )ott will always bo pouted and be aide to shop early. (Cup)rlght. 1013. by J. P. Fallon.) TURKS WILL LEAVE EUROPE ACCORDING TO BIBLE PROPHECY Ksl.-iMi.sli I'ltpilnl al .Icfiihiili'iu. C'onm lo llio Snvpnlli-ilny AiIvimiIIhI i-hiuvli on Norlli Iiivci'sitlo 'I'luuwlny ovfiiinj;, l'fl. KJ, and hoar an oxpo.silion of the niosl woikIpi'I'iiI prophoiy in tho Itililu floaini; with time driving ol' tlio TiiHcb IVoiii Kui'opt' which takt-s jilaco jnsl bH'oro I ho'imporljiiil t'vi'iit in the woi'ltl's liinloiy, f When You Waltliam Is the wntch for tlmc nccttrncy. Men who tlo tiling on schedule arrange their duties by Waltliam time. The WALTHAM is the watch of life-long service and right now "It's Time You Owntd a WaUham." We have a complete Waltliam stock including all models and grades at a convenient price range. Come in and tall; watch with us. KI rN w Zi,,"'"Mr"'' T--r'j :... "- ' a poltiU whilii Ihe urnnml mllrnNt lll us. lit .v .Itrnillng lnl 'i BMtl Sini-llinif 2 piut. Tim ittllHWit i- In .ii eh lliroiivhuiil. Iliind- weir wo ilt, MOTHER SO POORLY Cmiltl Hnrtlly Cnro for Chil tlrcn Find lonlth m Lytllft E. Pinlclmm'o Vec- ctnblo Cotnpuuiul. Ilovlna Center, NiY. -" i'orslxyenrs 1 have not had ns gtd health n I havo now, l wuj very young when my llrst Imliy was Uim and my hcaltli waa very bad afUr that. I was not regular nnd I had pnlns In my back nnd was so tMMirly that L could Imnlly take cnro of my two children, I doctored with nv iral doctors but got no better. They told mo llmro was nu lii'lo wllheut nu iiKratIon, I linvo tisetl Lytlln 1 rinkham'a Vegetable Com lKtund und It has helpeil mo wonderfully. I tlo most of my own work t.ow and tnko rare of my children. 1 reconuniiid your rt'tnetlles to nil sulTorlng wointui." Mrs. WiM.Mtti A. Giiaiiam, Cnro of i:utw(,Itoviiin,Centur,NY. Lytlln l rinkham'a Vegutablo Com pound, made from ttativu nsiCs ami herbs, contains no narcotics or hnrmftil drugs, nnd today holds the record of Isdiig the most successful remedy wu know for woman's Ills If joii nenl such n inetllcine why don't you try It T If you lutvo tlio sllglitont iloulit tlutt Lytlln i:. IMnl.liiiin's Vegetit lilo Coiiipoiinil u III liolp oii.w rlln iiiLjtlln IM'Inkliuiii .'MoillcliioCo. Your letter will Imoponoil, reiitl mill itiiswcroil li n ivtniiiin, mitl Ittdil In strict tiiMllilfiii'... ji - Buy a Watch 1 of standard make you buy soim-thlug that, will last you a life tlino wllli pioper tare. No ploeo of machinery will inn as long as u watch, mid glvo tho Ht'i'vlco a watuh tloes. I (.'any IIOWAIID IIA.MII.TO.V WALTHAM KI.OI.V ll.ld.VOIH KOITII IIIJNII mill l(ol(foiil .Moieiueuts, All of thuNu movements havo mi iibHoliitu guarauteu from inn mid from the fao torluH that inttltu thuui. Martin J. Reddy Tin: ,m:vi;i,i:u .Near Post Offlto $ W