! -, vr- Well, at That You Have to tuAt'b PAtn I MUTT, t WA IT'S CCwCltXRQD TNG CMATC&T NO OR IN .TURKlft TO KI4 srcM "1 &UCrAt HMtC COOf t'O 10, To I CC MOM. A t WVTLB Kl45 SENATE PLEDGED K L KAI.r.M. Oro,, Feb. 10. TFml Hot old iMiriiml kcIiiciI fight developing w it It rapidity k indicated. A bill twtt Introduced hi the houio ly Miify ii Wimlilujfli'ii itt nln'lixll Din Ahlaud normal mill amdhcr mix introduced In I lie senate liv Ilnrrolt of I.Wili'.'it lo ii'lvi I ho WVbIoii iiiinuiil. Tlio (ti mini' iiixnUiiii; (ho old iiiirmitl school situation was made a iIhv tr two hko when tho Jnoknii oouuly delegation in Iho house Intro duoed a hill providing fur a iiiillugo liit for the iiiMirl ami tnaiiitt'iiiuiro of tlio old Aliluint normal, which nkiiMf with I ln UV-luii normal hud lln liKtilh nf life strurk front it when Iho logUhitiiro n-l'iiifil In iiinkii nil (iiiMiiiialion foi4 it. It i ovidoat tlio hill I'ltiiio nx a Kiiririi' to iho I'liiatilla ooiuity di'lc Kiilioii, hooaiiko intiiilifiH in tin; limii' Miid ihoy did not ouni to rolvo Iho HkIiI, hut iiitrndcil to introduce a hill 'jiimldhli: A"- trHiixforriiitf tlio Woli)ii normal propcily to llu Wo-lon hohotd lUlriol. Tho Jaoknon oouuly inoiuhor ih xort Ihov linvo KOVfiili'cu M'tiatoro fi'd(fd to Iholr hill, mo they fool Miro of totliiiK it throuxh tho tiiior hoiiso. 'lite plaii i to m tho hill lliroiih tho Hotiato lnt and IIiiik six- it that iniii'li holler Hlaiuliiii; n Iho houxo, whvrv Iho tichl ol ontioonlrnto. IN A clauoo i.ilu tho front wimlnw of Iho itotiimi'roiiil oluh liiiildiin; will ho of hitoroMt to all who liuvo at hour! thVIr own and tho woll'aro of .Mod ford. Till fiuo lino of comix and ninny oIIiitm not mIiowii in tho window iuiilndin ponllry, dot; and out louio iHivw, will ho mauufaolurod in and lili)od fiom Mm ford within about ninety i lay. Tho onliro lino in to ho droxiod iiulfotmlv in now lithograph id ourtoim hoariiii; Iho lahul ".Mado in Medford," Two Mock roiioonw in tho miht haso itaoh tuiido laror chit"' than M i'd loiil. This oouipitny may not iniiko our oily, hut uudoiihtodly will mid inuoli to iIm rapid urowlh. Tho prosiiloiil of this ooinpuny, Dr. '. J. Korniok. In hIuId otoriiiurinii, and it oxpoolod in .Medford hood, Wlii'ii tho hiihiuoHrt is OKltddihlu'd, ho and IiIh hrolhor who is iinxooiulod wlh him, will nuiko their pcrinaiit'iit roldenen in .Medford. MUST KEEP REFUSE OUT OF ROGUE RIVER HA1.K.M, Oio., IVh. 10.- Sennloi I'ai'rt'll Iiiik iulroduoilo a hill roipioxt oil liy Kind, (luiiio Warden Fiuloy, ox li'iidiiiK tho law preventing tho import, il of refithe into a Iiiiko inuuhoi' of hlroanm of tlio hlalo. Thin in til'piM. lout Iho food fixh Hiijiply, A liiullur hill wan piiHHod two years iifjn 'ippiy- in lo the )oM'liutori river. Tho now hill applies to Iho Umatilla, Soi.tiiun, .MoKeuxie, Mood river, Klamiith, I.ohI, Powder, Wallowa, flriiudo Konilo, Claekainas, John Day, Molnlln, Sils law, I'nipipia, Kouo, Wood and Spianiie. Fines aro fixed for pollu tion of lliet-e HtroauiH. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Ily A. 0. Howlolt Mr. MoQuuid, Si1., who lert lion) Honio months no to try to find a ellnialo heller adaptud to IiIh wife's couilitioii, for hho has hoon in poor hoiillh for Hiiiuo limo lioforo ho ouuio I "" v.11 f UANDNOIA ow. arte ,.. . l NfcO.ll aWf B(Vf a 2 O'CLOCK,. JUiT -AT OR HCR (SND r i. it ri.e ii hero to live, rrlunird a few dnyn nn, hut 1 have not hmhi him iih tt ami Iheroforo am uiuihlo to asxinti a roa ooii for liiH return, hut learned that Mih. AreQuald was no hotter. His maiiv friends will extend to them a cordial Kreotinc. Dr. Unices Ih innkiiu; hlrt regular visit to.lhn Siiunynlilu I lino (inn's a week. 1 omit led to xtale lit tnv Inut that .Mrs. .1, Kraal; Itmwn yao a en id pnrtv at her homo on tint ovniltii; of tint .Mh. Thrro wont eighteen eoiiplcH preKouL and tho rvouiuc was Mpnt playiiiK fio hundred ntid whit. I.ttiht refretluaenlrtwero served mid my iufoniimit tells mo that Ihoy had n lory p!oantit time, and 1 will von turo tho nHMPrtioit that they were hound to have a pind time, us Mrs. llniMii (Amy) known jut how to ar rmio so as to have a good time wherovor nho u'os. I nee that hiiiio of our morchnutft aro heciuuiui; to reeeixo their iimv xprim; kiiis ami husiness is looking up auaiu. Thoro is o ho nu eleetiou held in our town next Tncsilnv on tho side jool of Helliinj it frauehiso to Iho Kajslo. I'niiit and Unite Falls Tele- phnuo company for thelrtv years in consideration of one dollar and no nioro. Cordon Torrol of Itke Creok and ouo of Iho Mct'nho hoyi woro miosis at Iho Sunnyslilo Inst Thursday. .Mr. Turrol wan huyim: n lot of diho of our linnlwnrit merohnnt, Hoy Ami pole. .Mr. and Mrs. Quaokenhukhor and her hisler, .Mm. (lonuau, were buyinj; Koods from our uiorohnutN hint Wed nesday. MiH flrncit (Vnley wan vNiliu fnetids in town diinni: the week. Tho telephone company hnve a new Hullchhonrd and cxKict to hnvo it in stnlled in a short time. Tho city council lime had tho town hall wired and Ketllni: it ready for Iho electric lights when tvo get tho "juice." W, W. Taylor hni hnd tho telephone lino extended to lux residence on the iioith Hide of tho railroad track. A friend of luiiio has Kent tho fol lowing elippiug with the reqiiCNt that I insert it in my Kauletx, and as Mr. I'arkor wiih for several year a resi dent of Medford and Mill hax a mini her of friends (hero I think tliey will ho interested in Iho netice: "Captain M. I Parker, miiHlcr and Jnirt owner nf tho good ship Miizamu that Halls the wateis of Upper Klamalli lake, ami Mrs. Hello Heunetl, worn married at ShippiiiHlnn last uvenin. Tho ccrcmoiiy proved Iho most auspicious hooIiiI uVfnt of tho season, both par ties have a wide circle, of acquain tances, who hid them success on their latest voyage." "- CENTRAL POINT POINTERS Coiiiioiliiiau A. W. Moon mado a husluoss trip to Jacksonville uud Medford Saturday. K. S. Scott, W II. Ferguson, It. K. Murray, W. T. Slidliam and 1. .1. Purkoypilo wCro traiiKiieting husiuess in Medfonl Saturday. Miss Sinilh of Medford was tho Saturday guest of Mrs. It. C. It on nut In thiH oily. .Air, Kichmoiiil of Fort Jones, Cat., Hpeut Siitilnlay horn negotiating with tho munagors of tho Itoguo Itlver hand for tho hand to phly a throo day engagement nt Fort Jones in July, including Iho fourth, and will most likely seuiiro Iho hand for tho celebration, .Mr. and Mrs. It. II. I'iinIoii hnve relumed, from a Houihcrn California tri. Hurry 13. Heal of Medford spout Sunday Intro. Mr. uud Mrs. Hroudlicnt, Mr, and Mrs, Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Sturto vaiit, Miss Pearl Itnsx, M(sh Floronoo Sloariis, V. J. Taylor and hou Ilay- iiioiul, Kruosl Miimot and Snm Mar- Hhal f.pont Sunday uftornoon in Med- ford. Kmll Lhuro loft Sunday for Vov TODKOTIP MATH TftTTimfa, MEDFORn. OTNSOON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1012. Hand It to Jeff i wtHtcwr VifUHGO HcR TMi, OUT n"jvo1MtT. cQw eC hies Hlatioh to accept a position as mnnagiiiu' foreman ot nu orchard in that vicinity. I lev. Hrtuil: of this city in holding a series of meetings at Talent this week. Mr. Hardy, ouo of tho teachers In tho flotd Hill high school, sis'iit Sat urday here on school business. Mrs. (lallnghcr of itock Point .pent Sunday hero. Mm. A. P. flillelto is spending n few days this week in the vicinity of Hold Hill. Mr. ami Mrs. J, S. Vestal of Koohj creek uncut the week-end with fricruN hero, reluming homo Monday. NOTICi: Of HUKT Mi:iM'IN OP CltCIIITOItS. In tho itlntrlet court of tho United Hlntei tor tho district ot Oroguu. In tlio mnttcr of Krnnk I.. Cald well, Hnnkrupt. In llankruntcy No. To' tho creditor of Prank I.. Cald well, a hnnkrupt, or (lol.l 1IIII, Ore. You a ro liercliy notified that on Ihn Glh day of February, A. I).. 1913, Frank I.. Caldwell, or Colli Hill. Ore gon, wait duly adjudged hunkrupt, uud that tlio firm meeting of tlio crcdlloni of tnld hnnkrupt will he held nt tho offlro of Iho undondgncd In room SO-:: over tho Juckaon County Dank, annex, la tho city of Medford, Oregon, at tho huur of 10 o'clock a. in. on Friday, Iho 2 1st day of February. A. I).. 1913, at which tlmu and plnco tho alJ creditor! may attend, provo tholr clalmi. ap point a triutee. examlno Iho bank rupt, order a sale of tho property of tho bankrupt, and t run unit such other bunliiosfl na amy proicrly come Huforo naiii mooting. Dated nt Medford, Oregon, thU 10th day or February. A 1)., 1913. 27f. FRANK J. NKWMAX, Hofents In llankruptcy. NOTICK POK IlIDS. Notlco U hereby given that acalcd bid for a Mvol hrldgo ncrot Hoguo river, aectlon 13. twp. 3C, It 2 W. of W. M. In Jackion county, Oregon, on alto of present bridge will bo re ceived and opened nt 10 o'clock a. in., March C, 1913, at tho offlco of tho county court ot Jackson county, Jacksonville Oregon. 1 1 Ul h will bo received, flrat for furuUliIng Mteel, rivet, etc., na per plana and strain diagram f. o. b. Medford. Oregon; second for furnish ing stool, tuatorlnl and labor for hrldgo complete and erected, includ ing approaches, etc., as per plans NEW TODAY 2M acres, two miles from Ashland, road right Into town, nnd tho land la covered with very valuable fir, plno nnd laurel wood. It la u groat opening for some man to mnko n lot or money Rolllnrr wood In town. Tlioro nro buildings and springs on tho place, nnd asldo from the C000 npd over, rords of wood on It, It la n good ranch proposition, l'rlco J4r.00 or which 12000 must he cash, and tlmo to unit on tho balance. For Hont Six room hoimo on pavomont, C, Flvo room house, modern and fine, IIG.OO. Furnished apartments, $12.00 nnd CD. HOON lioom ta. Jurksnn Ooontr lUnk llldai. WORTH WHILE Money to loan on real estate. 10 acres with C acroa cleared to oxchr.ugo for Vacant lots. Modem House For Rout, $20, No. 1519 North Central, C rooms and sleeping porch, can fur nish for auto, $25, flvo rooms ami Bleeping porch, rnngo. Ono block from Medford Hotel. $20, flvo rooms, closo In on cast $ldo, gnu, flno garden. $10.50, six rooms nnd don on Park avoutio, $13, Four room and sleeping porch on DuDkotn nvoiuto. $11.50, Flvo rooms, modern ot copt butli, Nil. U2C W. 10th Btrout. Above houses wator paid. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. tfsarJtA for Trying --" - i - -I-- ! , 1 Poor, fcoofc m nnd ntrnln diagram on fllo in tho county clerk s office, Jacksonville, Oregon. Koch bidder la required to doponlt with bis bid, b pt cent or tlio amount or bin bid, which shall bo forfeited to tho county In c&o ho la awarded tho contract for the construction of said hrldgo In accordance with his bid nnd ho tails, neglects or refuses for a period of two days after such award Is mado to ontnr Into a con tract and fllo his bond. A bond will bo required from tho sticcoasful bidder as required by law. Tho county court reserves the right at Ita discretion to reject any and nil bids. Dated Feb. 3, 1913. O. A. OAUDNRrt. County Clerk for Jackson County. FOll HUNT PUitMHllKll HOO.M8 FOIl 11RNT Large sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, price very reasonable. Home phono 2CC-K. 222 South Holly. FOIl UKNTNIco modern room with hoard for two people, at Mrs. Fay's. 22 (lenovn Avr. FOlj"Iti:Nf PtmxiHIIKIl APTH. FOIl IlKNT Furnished apartment now, private hath, hot water heat. Tho lterben Apartment, 10 Quince St.. corner West Main. FOR nCNT Smith Apts. 217 8. Rlr. FOll HKNT 1IOU8K8 FOIl IlKNT Soven room house, $10. Modern npartmenta, $20 corner Oakdnlo and lltb. Phone Col. II. II. Sargent. 2S9 FOR RENT Modern D room fur nlshod houso. Call at CO North Orange FOll RKNT Furnished houso, closo In, M. A, Rador, M. F. & H. Co. FOR RKNT Ono six room house, closo In. Call No. 310 N. Hart- lett. FOIl RKNT 10 room partly fur nished house, closo in, 31 North Unrtlett. 27C KPK IlKNT OKMCKS TO?MTENTu7go7oinVortVbVo"lo1f tlco rooms with elevator sorvlco, team heat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co, FOR RKNT 3 offices connected over Kldd'a Shoo Store. Low ront. TonuH. A. C. Taylor, II. It. No. 2, Medford, or Clark's Realty of flco. 2S3 FOIl HUNT MISCKIiliANKOUS FOll RKNT 12 acres, good house and barn, between Medford nnd Jacksonville. Inqulro Mrs. 0. L. Davis. 713 West Tenth St. 279 FOR RKNT Three acres of bottom land end ot North Riverside, small orchard, can all bo Irrigated. Must bb routed this month. Call phono No. 1173. Address Mrs. Ruth Kelzorn. Medford, Ore. 27C FOR RENT Oood Improved ranch, 140 acres cleared. Address "Op portunity" caro Mall Tribune of fice 2S0 FOR SALE LANDS FOIl SALE Three acres of bearing pour trdes, garden soil, $1000. C. Caro)', Talent. Oro, FOR 8AL15 HOUSES FOR SALK 0 room modern houso, ono block off paving. Must bo Sold. Bargain It taken at ouco. P. O. Hot 110. 277 fin-fr-f- : " ' ' FOR SALE 1X)TS FOIl SALK 5 lota on Ross Court. Will soil whole or separately, bar gain. Apply owndr C. D, Woolvor ton, Gold Hill, Ore. 286 FOR 8ALl-MiaCKl.L.NF.OU3 FOR BALK Sovoral Poland" China brood sows. W. J. Hnrtzoll, -1BS-J-l. 275 FOR SALK Carey Safe, cost $100, will Bell for $100 It sold at oaco, F. S. Billings, Columbia Hotel, Ashland, Oro. 278 FOR SALE Loose lent lodger sys tems, any stylo or mado to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery, FOR SALE GuBolluo wood sawing outfit, almost now, cost $312.00, tako $175.00. Geo. F. Dyor, the uutoiuoblla man, North Central Avo. 278 aSMhtfhaaMkaaMk FOR MALI: MlrlCKI.LANKOUb FOR BALK Flno -jalod timothy hay. Hollywood Orchards. FOR HALB ONo Jorsoy sow with calf by her Hide. Inquire J. W. Haven, Oakdnle Park Addition. Phono G903. 277 FOR BALK Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at the Mall Tribune offlco. FOR SALK-S tons good alfalfa hay lu stack. Mil out King's. High way. Phono 110-L. 276 FOR 8ALK Ralm, thoroughly dry lC-tnch wood In two tier loads nt $2.60 per tier. II. F. Van Dyke. Phono 40S-R-n. 277 FOR SALK Seasoned dry oak and fir wood. F. Ossenbruggo, 401 Riverside Ave , South. Phone 1941. Call phono mornings be for ono p. m. FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for salo or rent sings at the Mall Tribune. FOR RALK Household furniture cheap. 328 North Central ave nue. 27G FOR SALK Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Fruit box labels In one two or tarco colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Tribune, FOR 8ALK Tank. 0000 gallon gal vanized Iron tank, cheap. Phone 80C-F-3 at noon or after 6:30 p. m. FOR SALK Ono good 4-horso pow er Falrbanks-Morso gasollno en gine. A. J. Florey, Kaglo Paint. Oregon. FOll BALE Beardless barley hay, two Cyphers broodors, and Whlto Leghorn cockerels, Wyckoff strain. Also English go-cart. Phono 20-J-4. A. W. Stone. FOR SALE Airedale Terrier pup puples, well pedigreed, cllglblo to registry. Ira. J. Dodge, phone 201-11-3. 279 FOR SALE Grain hay nnd corn. C. AV. Isaacs. FOR HA Llv POULTRY AND KGGS FOR SALE Cyphers new 240 egg Incubator, used for only one hatch. Price $20. It. II. Paxson, Central Point, Ore. 281 FOR SALE Crystal Whlto Orping tons, Kellcrstrnus strain, also prize winning, Indian Runner ducks, bono S00-F-2. 277 FOR SALE Kggs for hatcblngj Whlto Leghorns. Wjckoff strain.! A. w. stono, phono 201-J-4 295' FOll SALK Three good Huff Or pington cockerels. O. F. Chllgrou, 736 Oak St. Phono 7601.. 277 FOR SALK Two dozen laying Brown Leghorn honti, 50c each; nlson four fiuo Whlto Orpington cockerels. P. O. Box 61; Phono 342-X. FOR SALK All of my Crystal White Orpingtons. Now Is tho tlmo to mako up your breading pens. Bar gain It taken at once. Phono 0182 M. L. Fuller. 279 FOR SALK -Sovernl Crystul Whlto Orpington cockerels. Big husky follows ut n very low figure. W. C. Haines. 2 mllos northwest ot Medford on Ross Lauo. FOR SALK Splendid puro bred Barred Plymouth Rock cockorels. Address M, B., caro Trlbuuo, or call at 604 Plum street. FOll SALK Place order now for sotting eggs from lay pen ot White Orpingtons. J, Hormnn Harrison, 707 West 11th. Phono 361-R 287 FOR SALK Pen Whlto Orplngtbns. Soven two yenr old hen, headed by cockerel from trap nestod high ogg yloUl lion. Exceptional pen for spring breeding. Ira J. Dodge. 279 HELP y'AXJKp lALB WANTED Woodcutters; Apply" to B. F. Van Dyke. Pnclflo High way, near gas plant, 270 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position "on "'rnncli by married man. Address Box M. 11.. caro Mall Tribune. 277 WANTED Position on ranch by man unit wiro, capable, no chil dren. Address II. K 500 10. Main St., ABhliunl, Oro. 277 IIKLP WANTKD FKMALB WANTED Cl'rtlo help Uko Tno? children and nsslst with light houso work afternoons. Phone 1302. WANTKU MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy second band In valid's chair. Reply No. 8, caro Mall Tribune. 27C WANTED Stock hogs. 100 to 125 lbs. E. N. Carlton, Central Point. Ore. Phono Farmer 114. 278 WANTED Pasture for 1 calf. Give Information. Apply O. K. Chllgron 73C Oak St., phone 7C01. 277 WANTED First class cow, Hotsteln preferred. Roll phone Farmer 814-IM2. 370 WANTED Chickens, hens, roosters and pullets, in any quantity, J. IL Lyons, Phoenix, Oregon. FOR UCFLNGn FOR EXCHANGE 2 ranches near Albany, all bottom land, for Med ford property. $2100 merchandise stock and store for property nnd some cash. $8000. 2 hotels on coast, clear, for .Medford property. $8000, livery business and resi dence for ranch, no fruit. Portland residence property $00,000 and cash up to $00,000. for acreage. Clark Roalty Co., 20C Phlppa Dldg. 274 FOR EXCHANGE $20,000 Med ford property for good grain nhd stock farm. 4 residences, all rented, good rentals. 00 lots, good locations. "Will tako clean stock ot groceries. L. B. "War ner. 275 FOR KXCHANGE Portland nnd Willaraetto valloy property for Medford and Rogue river valloy, owner G. E. Walling. 301 W. Park, Portland, Ore. 278 FOR EXCHANGE For city proper ty. 10 acres, C acres In cultiva tion, living water. 3 miles from railroad postofflce. An Ideal chicken ranch. O. M. Rose, phono 290-L. 270 LOST LOST String or gold beads. Suit' able reward. John Rcter, Hotel Medford Barker Shop. 270 LOST Small black mare, weight about 900. Branded H dn lett hind hip, ropo burn on lett hind foot. Has on halter, and has whlto spot on face. Lester Stevens, Phoenix. Ore. 282 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $4000. $5000, or $7000 at S por cent on farm land, glvo complete description. Q. W., caro. Mall Tribune. 278 MONEY TO LOAN Clark Realty Company. MONEY TO LOAN On cuT and closo In ranch property. O. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 36S1, BUSINESS DIHECltMlY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6, South Central. Auto Supplies LAHBR AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret lu making springs Is the tempering. Wo nro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs whoa others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore, Attorneys O, L, REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFK, YM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law, Iloom9 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at Law, 123 East Mulu street', Medford, Oro. Accountants D. It. WOOD doneral Accountaut Your books audited and Kept for a roasonablo flgure: your buslucss solicited. Office, Medfonl Mall Trlbuno bldg,; phono 6611; rosi. douco phono 0302. PMm FTVU. By "Bud" Fisher IJUHI.msS DIRKOTORV Chiropractors. DR. II. J. LOCK WOOD, Chiropractor. nerro specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Oarnctt-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advico In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-L, Main G712. DR. A. R. IIEDaES. Dr1. Lonlse HI. Hedges, Mccliftno Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydre-ther-apb, etc., produce results la both acute and caronio dlnesses. Con sultation frco. 230 North Dartlett St, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 0 9. m. Other hours by appolntmetn. Bell phone Main 4171 Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOTOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg.. salts XJ0. Medford. Ore. Both phones. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good sendee. Phone Mala 6261. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries qUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock to not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are not In the trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic uring your work to me at the sign of The Mail Trlbuno. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the dcsi equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book blading, loose lest ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Physicians and Surg DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41G-417 Oarnett-CoreT bldg.. phone 378-K. Residence 420 South Laurel at. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E. Main, Phones, offlco, 2S; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Oftiee Jac son Couaty Bank bldg. Office phono Main 432; Res, phone, Main 682. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stowart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett sts., office phone, 271; residence phone, 273. DR. MARTIN 0. BARBER Phyri clan and surgoon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. HoUrs 10 to 13, 1 to 4, Phone Paollle 1101. DR. U. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office, 501; rest dcuco, 7241, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5, DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey, Building. Phone 91-R. R. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician nnd burgeon, over Hutchison & Lums don. 215 K. Main St. Phone Main 991. K. KIROHGKSSNER. M. . Prac tlco limited to chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3, Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer !Uxx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River line. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm Meek. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & 3TORAGB CO umce 10 Mown Kir st, Pbom Bell 3152; Home 300-K. Prle right Service guarantees!. l