T I i PAGE FOtm. Medford mail tribune AN INDKl'KNDKNT NnWRPATKIl rUHMKIIKI) KVKKT AKTHHNOON BXCKPT HUNIIAT lit THH MKDTOIID PlUNTINCt CO. Tim ncmocrfttlo Tlmrs, Tito Mitlfortl Mall, Tho Mrdfont Tribune, Tlin South ern OtTKOntiin, Tho Aahlnmt Tribune. Offleo Mall Tribune Ilulhllnc. IS.JMt North Kir slirot; phono, Main SOU. niCOItai: PUTNAM, Editor nml Manser Rntercil ns sccond-clms matter at Medford, Ortfon, under the act of March J, 1STD.. Official Paper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. BVBSCBXraOH XATI8. B.0n One month, by mall- .50 Per month, delivered by carrier In Menrera, jacKSonviiio unu van- trnl Point- ... ., .. . Kfl rnturday only, by mall, per year 1.00 Weekly, per year ,. - . Via swoiixr cxsca&ATiox. Dally averace for eleven month end Inn November JO, 1911. '. Thn Mall Tribune la on Ml at th Terry Newa Htnml. Snn Krnnclsco. Portland Hotel News Stnn.l. Portland. Portland News Ca. Portland. Or. V. O. Whitney, Sealtle. Wash. TnU X.tad Wire Vnltd rreia 9lefatci. xxsroKD, easaoK. Metropolis of Southern Prem and Northern California, ond the fatt srowine city in Orcon. .... .,, Population U. 8. census 110 840; entlmstetl. llt 1'.0. ... Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, fitvlnB rinest supply jiure mountain water, and 1..3 miles of Mreeta rwed. . Postofficc receipt for year cndlnc November JO, 1911. show increase ot L per cent Uanner fruit city In Oregon lllver SplUenberw apple won Itojrue aweep- alakea priie ana utie or -Apple JUBff ox ih worn- nt tho Nntlon.il Apple Khow, Sfpolcane. I0. and a car or io Jowtowrn won ht Canadian International Apple Bhoer, Vancouver, II. C Wm Vv4 ! 191D IN CATTLE MARKET , PORTLAND. Feb. 10. Receipts for the week have been: Cattle S21: calves 11: hoi 3532; sheep ."ti'22; horex 100. Dnriiis tho week tho cattle ranrkel hits beeu steady to n shade weaker. The bulk of steer offering" have beeu short of prune in ipiality and the few in this week's run were difficult to move at $7.f0 to $7.75. Demaud m plow for nil crudes, but especially so for poorly finished Muff and small lots of cows sold from .$7.00 down to .f4.no affording to tptality. Light calves steady to strong nt $0.00. Dulls steady $-"0 to .0.00. An improved tone feuturctl the hwine market. Prime hogs found ready buyers $7.30 to $7.33 and one car tit $7.00, price from five to ten cent higher thnn recent tiolntious. Itceeiptx totaled over .'5500 head and the entire supply was cleaned up without delnv. i The demand for prime welhcrs. yearlings nnd ewes win greater thnn receipt, the bulk of which wcro con tract shipments. Yearling C.'J3 to $0.33, wether $0.00 to U.15 and ewes -$5.13 to $5.25 represcnt,thc bulk price in the sheep houre Lamb trade seemed' firm ii .,57.23iuid were easily coaxed if choice ipiality of fered. The lmub supply has beeu Final! as the 1912 crop is nearly ex hatistcd. " GLEE CLUB CONCERT ON WEDNESDAY EVENING Tho Oregon AKrlcultural College Glee cluli will maki) ita appcaranco I ntho hlgb school auditorium on February 12 iu bodbh, aluntH, skits, readliiRH and Scotch monologues. Tliobo optomlbtlc friends of last ycar'u organization wlio thought It Jiad attained tho acmo of musical perfection will bo agreeably surpris ed as tho work of tho present club excels tho fondest hopes of tho dt- rctor. Tho ropertolro will surely please. It Is arranged for a versatile audi ence, and while containing a few semi-classic numbers, tho stunts, readings and Scotch monologues pre dominate, this being the most pop ulnr form of entertainment. Tho readings ot Joy Hcudder, a former student of Obcrlln unlver lty, is attracting unusual attention whorovor tho club appears. Ills im personations ot tho "Dutch Uutclier" and tho "Canadian Skipper" aro re- umrkuble for their vividness. II. W. Itussell, tho "weo bra lad die," Is In evidence ugalu this year with Lauder fongs. Ills "Kvery Lad die Loves u Lassie" and "Itoamln In tho aioumlu' " produce an effect that Is pleasing. All In all, an evening of genuine enjoyment Is ussurcd tho&o who at tend. Successful Root unit Herb Remedy. Tho study of roots and herbs, their character and power ovor Uls f;aso, was what led Lydla K, I'Ink ham of Lynn, Mass., to produce for woman's Ills the most successful re medy the world has ever known, and while she passed to her rewurd some years ago, hor work among suffering women Is still carried on by trained assistants and muiiy tons of roots aud herbs uro cousumod annually In tho manufacture of tho now famous Ly dla K. Plnkham's Vegotablo Com jiouud, oilKluatod h)' hor, DEMAND SLOW BEHER MARKETS FOR APPLES J Donn'm nml Son iue tho followine; market report dated Loudon, Jan. 25: Wo are pleased to report that the pituution on barrel apple hn innior inlly improved mid price show an appreciable inerense, notably in fed block ns fur it Iondou i conconied. Slocks of coiiimon .ttniK apple apparently-nre beinr nipidly clcnnel up and shipments to this .side have been diminishinp; considerably dtirtm; lu pnt three week. Seeing that coM stontRO stock i betnc held firmly for high pnces m New lork and else where with n coneouciit further ditr- iutition of shipments to Kngland, there in every reason to etippoo tlm we slinll c.)Hrieuce on tbi ido nil iinprovinu market ItenceforwnrJ. Quantities of Oregon Nowtown have been heavier in both mnrkat this week nml prices aro endcr. I.on tlon mid Lirci'pool nn tt'ittiit the same a far n medium ninl l.trse t-i.e fruit is concerned, but Loudon i conidcntbly better on voall fruit, roughly about 1-0 wr box. Califoniia Newtown iu both mnr kcl nre sfi"? out slowly, with per haps, mi exception in the cno of 4 tier in London. Price nrc not re muuerativo and thcro seem uo im mediate prospect of n ri-e. The first Australian -teamer is due here about the 23th to 30th of March, so tho KnglMi mnrlcl will rvmain open about 8 to V weeks for American tipple. We give below this week' price: Loudon Oretron Newtown 0 tot 10s; Washington Xewtnwns 7s0d to( s; wrepju cipiizeiiiieT" fs m iu; Cnlifoniinn Newtown four tier fl to G-.0d; P. 2 tiers 5 (id. LiverHol Oregon ' Rogue River Newtown, count S8-105 7s0d to 8 Cd; 175-185, 7 Od. 100-210 d to 7s. Hood River Newtown. 00-150 counts 10s to 10s 3d, 105 0 to 0 3d; 175-185 Ss 0d to 8s Od, 72-SS counts P 0d: Washington Newtown- 0s to i: t. !3s to 7: Cnliforninii Newtown, four tier, 0s 3d 4'i tier 4 to .. 3d. Irrigation, Historical REA BRITAIN lly V. II. Wnlker, C. K. Wo generally regard tho work and necessity of Irrigation aa a hardship and a misfortune, aud perhnps thoughtlessly wish that wo had the nbundanco of rain that falls on the eastern shores ot tho United States. That would bo right and good. If we could but control tho conditions un der which this additional moisture would bo furnished us. Unfortunate ly however, much additional rain during the summer months means lia bility of crop destruction by stiddou violent storms, or by lack of suffi cient sunshine, or failure of wator supply, as sometimes results from dependence upon rainfall alone. Tho necessity for Irrigation there fore, aud tho ability to Irrigate, as a matter of fact is really au advantage. It means an absolute control upon the water required to mature any crop, and this fact, considered with tho warm dry climate, nnd luck ut sudden and destructive storms, menus a combination hard to beat uud most desirable indeed. Tho science of Irrigation Is us old as agriculture lUolf, and thero still exist numerous remains of ancient tanks, dams and canal that dato back ovor 2000 years 13. C. Tho Ancients used great skill and Ingenuity In developing their exton slvu irrigation systems, and great sterile valleys wcro turned Into tho most fertilo of fields. Even In Mexico and Peru canals, hundreds of miles In length aro known to havo been built long be fore thellme cf Columbus. On the Island of Ceylon are to be found tho remains ot great dams from S to 15 miles In length. India now has 40 million acres un der irrigation; tho United States has about 10 million acres In India n bo nt 3 million acrcn aro Irrigated from wells dug from 10 feet to 00 feet deep; these wells are to a large extont operated by drawing the water from them by bucket fulls, aud threo men aro thereby able to properly Irrigate three acres per sea son. The annual rainfall of a district or locality does not clearly mark tho necessity, or lack of ncccislty of irri gation. It Is tho precipitation during the summer or growing months that tells the story. Thero are places where tho annual precipitation is 40 Inches per year, nnd yet Irrigation Is necessary, he cause most or tho rainfall Is In tho winter montns. Whllo speaking of rainfall, It may bo Interesting to stato that tho most tremendous full of rain over re corded was in Asenni, India, whom In 1801 them foil 80S luetic of rain wronFOTtP amn TitrntmE, 10 rORTLAN'l). Feb. 10. Willi the object of mnkiiitj accessible the prin cipal point of interest iu tho Crater Ixiko National Park by the summer of 1015, when the Panama exposition i under way nt San Fmnuiseo, the United Stnte engineer are planning to stnrt tho construction of road and trails in that wouderlaud u oon na the weather conditions will in-runt. Captain II. II. Robert, corp of en gineer, U. S. A., in temiwrary charge of the first harbor and river di-trie1. fcnys that $17,000 is available for the project nml he hope that this will be increased by $100,000 or more by the next congres. Assistant United Stntes Kngineer Goodwin, who ha been looking after the eou-tructio.i of The Dallc.s-Cclilo boat canal, will have charge of road building in the park, lie arrived froui the Rig Kddy yesterday to familiarize himself with the plan. Active field operation will be started about April 1. It i the inten tion to utilise tho Natron cutoff, built by tho Southern Pacific from Klam ath Kail to Kirk, a distance of about fortv miles Krim Kirk n tempornry road will be built to the northern boundary of the park. The engineer propoo to do the work by hired labor instead of follow ing the old method of awarding con tract. The project involves the con struction of kty mile- of macadam ued rood and 100 miles or trails, n task which will rctpiirc four or five enr. lly Juno 1 the engineer in chance exect to have n large number of tcnm, probably 100 head of horse-, us n pnrt of the outfit which will be employed in pn-hiiiir the enterprise to completion. Kicrimcutiil section of roadway- will be built on the start to determine jut what -ort of fiui-hitig mnteriaj.to two on the highway. and Instructive Facts during that year. This was equal to a fall of 07 feet In depth of water over the surface ot the ground In one year. Tho regular annual rainfall at this place Is 308 Inches. Another record hard to beat Is the fall ot 80 Inches ot rnln In four suc cessive days; this occurred in one of tho Northwest Provinces of India In October. 18S4. In ouo day on the Island of Ceylou thero fell a total or nearly 32 Inches or rain, this being tho greatest fall over reenrdod for -t hour. In Haiti- more Maryland, on July 12, 1003; thero foil 14 M Inches of ruin In two hour and 20 minutes; which equalled over sit Inches of water per hour. Tho Irrigation of land Is no new en terprise, and there Is -probably no feature of It but that haa been thor oughly Investigated. Tho fact that It haa been practiced continuously for ages, proves that it I desirable aud practicable, and that It pays. Tho Kugllsh government has spent Kovcrul hundred millions of dollars In India on Irrigation, and It Iiub proved to bo a great blessing to that coun try, as well as a paying proposition to the Kngllsh. It was but n short time ago that un article appeared In our dally paper under the heading "New Irrigation I'roblom Ioms." This article went on to stato that r certain government official claims that great dnngeru coufornt the Irrl gallon or lauds for farming, not only on account ot tho alkali that may he deposited, but also Iu what ho terms the wearing out by saturation. Ho nUo states that so far us ho knows there uevor haH been any long continued Irrigation In a, sutnl-arld climate anywhere In the world. We havo but to recall tho fact that we have many sectloim In thl coun try where land bus been under con tinuous Irrigation for -10 years or more, aud to ull appearances the land Is as fertile and strong as over. (To bo continued) MARKET REPORT. KQGS 30c. UUTTKR 32'2c. IJUTTBlt FAT 31c. POTATOES 7fiol per 100. CAUIiAOB lcl'je. CAULl KLOWKR 75e $ 1 .23. APPLKS 30o75o box. HONKV lOo&lfio lb. KAUKRKRAUT 30c. WHEAT $1.00. OATS 00c. HAY Veucli, $11 ton; grain, $12. J1ARLFA' $20 ton. . CORN $25 ton. VEAL Dressed, 010c, POULTRY- Mixed chiehniR, 12c; dresrteil, lG22o, RUSH RAD WOK GRATER NATIONAL PARK Miaiwrnu orfion. moxhav, kiwkuauv 10. tni2, Nordica Promises to Mlllatt That (liu Nordica concert Friday night bids fnir to cclipt nny other affair given in Medford, i shown bv the immense ndvnuce nle of the oeiiiiig day. People, anxious to ob tain the choice mhU were on hand long before the Im office opened and their number whs Hiimiieuted a tin hiiIo of eatk orogiessfld. Fnnn iudicutiiu, nt least a thoiisiiiul peo ple will hear the great diva when she sing iu Medford. (Kvonlng Telegram. February (1.) One of tho richest vocal feasts that haa been sproJd before Portlauders In many a day was partaken ot by u large audience at the llelllg Inst night when Lillian NordleM and her assisting artlitHuppoarcd under that theater's maniigoment. From tho greed tor more manifested ljy tltu rtt pcatcd aud Insistent recalls from tho uudlcncQ It was difficult to liellcve that they had beeu fwiHlcd only the night before by Seinbrlch but, this was Nordica, our own American si.ir. us regal and magnificent as ever, with u voire ot -wonderful ampli tude, and even though tho program was very long containing twnnty two numbers In all tliej clamored for more, aud as a cuuitmuiiueo cloven encore wuro given by the singer and her iuistnnt, Wllltmu Morsu Utimmel, violinist. Although tor o many )ear she has been aceejiled aa tho lndlnn ox ponunl of WnRiierlnu roltm. by a re quost, the only Wngurrtau number uppoarliiK on tho program l.'llza beth's aria from "Tnuiihaiiser" was supplanted b) the aria Iu tho voeond art from "Mine, lluttorfly." hIvoii with exquisite lionuty a hricUui aud pathos that wrought'lcr hearers f JsissM usMfy .'Ui.BwisiTi) jaP,"v. iHMiBKaMtSHHiiiBi f JEBtS9Si?w,Vr J t ,t djVOBr7 A KK?SSSSBlMtSr 'SJOHbsbbbiwmI (nii JUt: lit-''. v tiM fmiW? ksss5?' MrxBHskShsMi M'y'iTiiii ' Mi i 'I I'ciU'f i i V - Hv'TSiiiSssHi ffKffitSSSMBpiil'' sH3swl3sflsGsQ Bs1BjfVRBtflViBkS33BkniBBBBMilBBBRF YBMCff3yssM1rijitsssW isssKf Single Tax Only Cure for High Rents To the Kdilur: ll'iorrimj to the! mocmeiit on (he purl of the soeiul ist of our community lo lower the rent, for liuiue4 Iioiiuch, n report ed iu your iiMOte of the .'In I insl., nl low me to any Hint the method by which they propo-e to handle llio laiidlord problem 1 lll.e uulo that of the man who Iried to llirnw u hull by tukiii hold of bin (nil iulcud of Kriihpi'ii.' him bv the horn. If the sociulUl would look Into thu history of reiitf, luxes, tariff, etc., they could enclly find the jnnpei solution of Ihix problem. To try uud perMiutde or fir,oi the, Jiiudlurd to uccept .M0l renin' when the supply uud demand innke those icntul woith $200, would be like living to perniiudo in forco(he.fulinei to uc cept fifty eeJjt per bushel for whent when the market Value wn one dol lar, or to tnke H.IIII per lou for their huv when, the muiket vnluo wn fltl.OO, Only two thing will briui; the prico down; the one i more store, more wheat nnd more hny; the other is es iihuih for thu xioic, the wheat or the buy. Ah we cannot reduce the hitter our attention must revert to the faruier uud u toru relit lire the topic ut liiind I will-confine my urgumciil ot that alone. Now just for illustration : If there were hut ten stores in our city nnd wo hud twelve uiurcliunln who wont ed to conduct hiixinvMH here, the ro ault naturally would' ho Unit tweliu men bidding for thoso ten slore would wise the price of reiil lo I ho lilgjie-il limit, tvlilelt I lie li'inle of our Be Record-Breaker Xoidlt'ii Into a wild demonstration of delight As If to further complete her tri umph. In rcxpotiso to this dtnuititd, gave the uprb llrtinhlluV "llattle l'r," heard hero twite before In tho Inst ear. ouie when siiiik by Helm-munn-lloluk and more recently by Cndskl. This number and the "Krl KIiik' wcro mudo tho basis for com IKiratlve study by a large number of critical hearer in the audience Mine. Nordica gave an Interpretation of the groat Schubert song that wn completion for Its dramatic fire subtle shading, while tier tonal beauty, particularly In the softer pi anissimo pnaiMgo, was pure delight. The program was unique for the number of Kugllih souks which are ever grateful to au audience of Kng-llsh-speaklUK people, uud particu larly so when tho enunciation of the artist was as superb us that of Mine. Nordica. Threo of her encore wuro In childish - WukyMeld-Cadiimn's "Tho l.nnd of tho Hky-lllue Water." "Mighty Lak a itoso" and the fninll Inr toltliiK or tho drowning poem, "The Year at tho Spring " lly u coincidence Aruiiaky'M "Hut Lately In Danco." which fcWmhrlrh saiiK tho previous iiIkIU, was given also In the Inst group of songs by Mine. Nor dleu. with u flu appreciation of It beauty and ihiiImm. William Meno UuiHUifl. Uollulut, made frlonda with his HUdlemo at otir. iiUtyltiK brlllbuit Kidaler. Jo aelilni. Sanisate uud .arcytkl iiiiin hem wlili vigor or ijl and much liwiuty of tone, with the toault that many recall worn kIvhii hlui. to all of which ho Hindu Kduorou ictsponin ltom.t ii HIiiiiiioii played llif pluno arcotnp.uiliueuta with pleasing lirll Dance. couiinuiiiiv would pay u profit ln ocr and nb'iM' the rent nml oilier expeime of cuudiiidiui; the suvernl kinds of buiiioH. Thu money in vented iu ihu huildiiiK". or whether IIibv were old or new, would not in ter into the couiddorutinii of how much lent could bo churued, iinuiu iie.' of course, ihnt each wn accept -able uud well loeuled. , llul now .1111 iiteie IIiokc condi tion uud iiMsuiue Hint there were twelve shire uud only leu ineiiliiinlH wnutiiii; to conduct hiislucn here. In the fiixl iustaiico filed, the incl-(limit-, arc bidding for the Mlores; Ihero nre not eiimijili stores to go iii'oiliid, uud the lenls o lo the highest level. In Ihe second iuxluucc the Inudlords nre bidding for the leu niiln. for there arc not enough mer chimin In go urouiid! uud the rents would full lo Ihe lowest level. Now, Ihe liivt hinluiicc u like unto the Conditions which brought Ihe price of store runt up to where it Is iu Medford todny, uud our problem now has resolved itself iulo the niies- iieii: now uie we in incieae die supply of stores, thereby decreusing the cost of reiiluls The solution is easy; adopt lje single tux and if properly applied it will meet every rofpiircnicnt, I'lidtr pitenl 'system, if n iiiiin John A. Perl Undertaker M S. JlAU'l'IiK'rX I'liouea M, 171 nnd 4711 Ambulance Bervlco Peputy Coroner Iiiilld il new hIoic or liupiovc all old one, along I'lime the nssessoi' uud rlues tluxos) hltu. Isn't that ill- couingliig the builder -dl-eoiirnglng Industry - taking Inhorf Now. hii pose wo lithe olT the lux on building nnd uppl.v it to tho site Millies (land) I f n imiii own u ImisIiicn lot uud know Hint II he build n sloio on it from which Im will get n rew ind', thai lie will mil he lu.M'd uuy inure lor the whole than lie would ha for the emplv lot, won't he build uud gel tint Income, giving employment to industry luMeitd of holding hi lot mil of si. when tho luxe ui'o no high on II uud no Income lo pay lh; ln.e vvitttf To luv i thing U to mnhe lea ol it, Tnv dog nnd you have lo dog When iu Kinuee they luvcd MudoHM Ihev liulll with fewer win dow.) or ol'teit with none ut nil. Thn n ciiiniuodilv Ititali enough uud on keep it out of the country nnd itiilnil il- produellou; lux houe (n we do now) uud .ou luive fewer nnd IKiorcr house; Hit stoiim (n we do now) nnd oii hnw fewer nnd poor er :tores uud higher tent, heentie the ttnnit pnv the UX in his lent. Hut. now muik thi well, tnx laud mid oii euiiiiot iniike II les, nor poorer, nor les produetie. Tnx land Miluf ami (he laud must he ultltrcd lit order to wiv the tnx, thus litUng euiploviueiit to Inbiir or else be thrown iism Hie muiket ul such ptiees Hint labor could nciitiie enough laud to employ, itself. I IntM Hint thi ' explanation i clear enough so that some may eo the virtue of Henry Ocorge' theoilc thus applied. A SIX0M3 TAXER. Medford. Pie. Mall Tribune' classified ada bring result. HOW TO GET STRONG A Simple Remedy, WenkncsM may be einued by a run down condition. mal-nMliiillattnn of food, lack of Iron III the blood or a result of slrkncM. Whatever the cause, we want to say to every person who needs strength. ou need Vluol, our dell clous rod liter aud Iron tonic with out oil, a It Is the most efficient strength ertntor wo haw Iu our store A cane ha Just come to our at tention from West lUden, hid. A beautiful )ouug lady was a complete wreck, run-down, worn out and nerv ous, ao she had to spend one-third of her lime tit bed. Nothing which was gheu her did any good until Vluol wa recommended by her druggist, whluh sliti says did her mooro good than all the medicine slut over took In her life put together, aa II built her up so she Is now strong, well and active. Il la the medicinal elements ot the coda livers contnlncd III Vluol aided by the blood making and strengthen ing properties of tonic Iron which make It so siuossful and wo well return our inoney If It does not help you. Medford Pharmuo, Medford. Ore SEED POTATOES Kliioal selected seed sitntoca. PrlrcH low, constilerliiK umilHy- Our supply of tho following, which la limited, la being handled throuuh J. (!. Hehmlilt'H feed store. "Karllest of All" (well known, ami boat of all the early potatocH, while, uniform, smooth, prolific. U also u groat keep), per HHI lbs. ii!.flll narly Hunrlso" per 100 Iba. . U.no "A'morlcaii Wonder" per 100 lbs y.i Order noW; aa flrat-rlasa la at u premium. Janes Bros. Capital lllll WHITE WYANDOTTES i!l'uh fur setting nnd atnek for aalo from thu best birds In Houthorn Oresoii. Winners of lal prlto for pen, 1st Mick, lat ami 2d pullet ami i.l bun at (Iriints 1'aaa Poultry show lOlli, .1. II, la'M.IJH, Talent, Oregon, FOR. RENT We have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M, F, 'JT. Co. T31dg. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT -M--M- I ISIS THEATRE ? VAl'llKVILLi: JAM KM AM HTIIIILINtl T HIukIuk. Dancing uud Hldowulk t pat tor Photo Phi) .Monday I A NAII.OIt'M IIU.UtT TIIHHriltlHOX Till: IRON MRRL t inning Toiiiomow PATIIIW WKKKI.V NO fi'J tmi; ro)Ki:i path I . mioi of the t'tlderworhl I III Two Heel 4.4..hH.-4-M-H"l-M"H-r E. D. Weston Official Photographor of tho Modfonl Oommorolal Olub Aumicui' .KiiiiBliinjr Po.st Curils I'anurauiic Work Porlraita Interior iiiitl oxlorior viuwa Flasli liglits Notraiivt'ri niiulo anv tinio ami any placo by nppnintr incut. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Luxury Without Extravaganco Hotel I Von Dorn I 2-12 Turk Street i JVineat popular priced i l Hotel in San Francisco I Modoni Ooutral I 4 I 4-f-H M 4 ! Draperies V r irry n .ry fiinilrl linn of drMrri far.-riiflai'i". Itf. nto., nml il nil tl.ii.i. s nf iiiilinlntiTlnif A lyui iiwiii in l"S nfirr this worS) r.(ul.lf Mini nH Kiln iih KiMl nvlic h In i- ill to url In nveti tho lurg.nl till- Woolw & McQowan Co. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHIIINtnO.-S, l, o. Publlu Uud Matlenii l-'lual Proof. Desert l.amla, (Jotitoat and Mlnliig CaueN, Bcrlp. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Hoating All Work Ouaranlied 1'rlcvs llvaiuiiatilo GOFFEEN & PRICE 95 Howard nlook. Kntrano oa 0IU It. Koiu riiou ato, lc5rtrrVKTSttil'r'i "C31 locmuu raiillil and moat f o n u 1 a r iota in thu City. Running duftillcd ice water in each room. European Plun, a la Curtc Gifc. . i Tariff on Rooms 12 rooma .... $1.00 eseli 60 rooms .... 1.50 each SO room .... 2.00 each 00 room silk ptiitl lilh 2.00 each 50 rooma slid piiutt tilh 2.C0 each 30 tuitei, bedroom, par lor ond bath 3.00 each For more than one sueit add $1.00 extra to tho above rates for each nddlllunal oucit, Rcduct.'nn by weels or monlh. C Manattmcnt Chitter IV. Ktltty J WisasJXBi3ra2a2 j t I - . tt:-2 Hiiiii HI i'l iliuTKm II' Ai ll!'(k('f:J:II5 "''iWcr- -1 i y