Trepon MMIorlcal ! City Hall MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE WEATHER? 1'nlr tonight unit Tucxtlrtjr Muv. n.H( mim, ::i. SECOND EDITION l'irlf mriind Yi-nr illy-HVfiilh Yr Mil EXPLORER SCOT! FEL1Z DIAZ IS nrlrf Revolution Accom,.ll'! s Re Irnsc ol Old Dictator's Kr.iliM Irom Prison and Ends Willi His Drclnrlnn Himself President. I Orntral Hcyrs Also flclcascd Trom Prison Is Amonii Twn Hundred, Klllrd In Rattle. ' MKXICO CITY, M'N.,: Kfli. Kl.-I'Vnncisi'o I. Ma dent, prcttidcnt of Mexico i wax today cliiiiiini as air riicni.v oV the republic li, ' (leiicrid I'Vli I Ma, nepliev of I'orfirio Diaz who lias pro claimed hiiiiHcIf provisional president of the republic. .ltidero and his I'ainilv I'll d Irom the city carh todn. DiMcoiitontcd troops re lmncd (leiici'iil Mcrnardo Uccm and l-Vli. Diaz Irom1 rixoriand they iiiminliati In ' cd a revolution against Ma .Icro Sunday. On. Ivc.u-.s was killed in thi) skirmish in Ironl of the palace. .Two hundred art reported killed in Sunday's battle. (lencral I'Vli. Diaz is In complete control of the cap-' ital and hifs force is maintain hit; order. i .Ww U ('uiifliiiittt i WAH1IINOTON. Vsh. lo. Conor motion of flwifml IVIi Dm' rclenc I nun prison H1 tli mihsequent cap tor .if Mxln City bj tit evolution M reiwtd by IIih atiito depart iii ut hrv lotln.v in mi official dis IHilrh from American Aiiibumudor W'il-tn. Il is fNiil Dim Mini hi mmi pinclicMily r hi control f lh en tire ifily. Am ilmtn of lb diplniinitii onrt, Auibitindur Wilii iiffiniiillv deinaii-ib-d of both (IpiioimI Dinis mnl Piol-li-iil Mnderw full pioloetlon f nil for-i-iHiier. Scoietary Kno.x Inn wiled WiUitii li icpoil linmediiiloly detail III' (-.MIllilMIIIM nt Hi Moxienii I'lipilltl. Whether Amciitnn wnrhi will If ni-lu-il t Mexico probably will ! pi-tiil mi W'iIoii's llllWcr. AiiiliiiHiiilnr W'iUon' ii'pnit o llu slate ili'imilnu'iit suid: "Tint u'volt stalled i'iuIv Sunday, (loiicrul llinx mnl Ito.o wcio iolonod limn prison. (Icnciul Kcos wii kill id in I In' fmht nbnnt I ho pnlnoo Kipiiiri. Two bundled persons im (Continued on I'ai;o C) F DN TO BORDER l-:i PASO, Tow, Keli. 10.- Most of I III- I'eileinl Me.MC'UII 1 1 oops ill fill liiinliuii nImIo urn ileelnriui; for l'Vlto Wwt. toiluv, flliiwiiiK Hieii' rci-civiiiK Hie newh of Kin acliMtiiw In Mexico tily. Tlicy were Kept in iiiuornneo of llio cioiiilitloiw in Hi" cnpitiil .von. leiilny, It i oxpci'iml Hint Dinz' Nlmiil'mil will Iki ruined rvi'iyulieto lliioiiKliout llio sliilo licifnru uIkIiI. At .lunrc. llio Kitrribon of liOUO U Hi ill in iKiiormiiio of lluwo ilovolop liieiiU. Tlicv uro IicIiik kept in their InirniokH mnl uro not nllowed In eom iniiuiciilo with Hi" onlwhlo world. Ah ii i-CHiilt lio. lmo not yd descried .Miuk-ro. PRDCUHED AS NEW PRE SPENT EDERAL PS DECLARE OR UNDER FEL1Z DIAZ CAPTURE CJTYJ3F IIP FROM MAPI Principals In Sunday's Battle oe.nri(al r I. MADLKO ' MUfAI. JUJIOOK KKXCXf lnv( I'rc lilt ill MniKro, who in Ilc.lti ' ll- Ilia fainlh Ik low, (iui dill Id w ill!a In Kittle I'AIIIS, Poll 10 DcltKlil oviT liln iu'IiIihw m ovi-rthrow or Prunrluro 1. Muiluro, iirxulilmit of .Mnxlco, wan tu lirMioil In ii toloKrnin rccolvnl hero toiluy from I'orfirio Dim. former pruMlititiil of Hint lopiiiillc, from Cnlro, KRpt. Ilttforo kmvliiK I'liln, Ola prcillrt oil Mmlciro'H ilowufnll, bccMuo llio liittur nimlii prouilsoH to tlin pooplo which ho hud no Intention of fill fllllUK. It I lii'llcvoil hero that inonoy fiirtiUhi'il to I'orfirio Dlax cuiimihI I'ollv Dim' roloaHo from prl koii ami nlno that tin former pnM-ili-nt Ik ImrkliiK the now- revolt. WASH INll H)ST. l-'eli. 111.- Atlor- ney (leiierul 'Leixh-in lull., tiu.i'- ly miuouiiccil his uppiin r. L Hie. Sniiiliei-o I'lu-ifio mnl Union l'm-inc pluu lo disMoUn their uui'cil inter- erttri, follow mc ii eonloietico with the nl tnu'K of the ruilronilx, W'ickeihum Iniiismitteil nil lite va pern in the cuc l the federni eonrt In Suit City with an order for the court to mipcrvixo the oponiliju of the dissolution outliueil. AS PREMIER OF JAPAN TOIxlO. Kelt. 10. l'iciuier h'.iUurn nuil his enhinet icniKtied loiliy lic cniiHO tho diet ictused lo rcsoiiid its luck of eonl'ideiKO otc, iillhoiih ic ipicxlcd to d v) ny the w i lo KnlHiirii was stiiiicd on the lreet after his iCHhjnutlou was iniulo puh lie. Itiotcrs nl o attip' oven nicnt buildings mid nowspitpe nfi'tctu. ii i i r t " mgmmammmKmmmmmm PRIIO DELIGHTED W NEPHEW'SV CTORY MKDFORD, AND PARTY F OFF 10 MEXICO Inlrrvenllon by Unltfd Slates Hot ! Planned But Safrty of Americans I and Forelnners DemandedHold Mexico Responsible for 'All Losses. Mo Immediate Danner Threatens Bit Situation Is Grave and Crisis Now Exists. WAHiiiNtrroN', ivi in -Poor Amtrlran Hrirnhltm will he rent to Mi xlrmi port to exorclxe "moral fiine ' for the protection of American llve nnd property nhoiilil the Ulat roolntlon Hpreiul throiiKhioil the r ptihlli- Thin wait the derlilon or the Mute ilepartmont thin afternoon Two of thn warnhlp. It In drcldeil will ho went to Vera Crux, one to Tai;t Iro nnd the rruUer Denver, whlih now In at Acapnlro. will hi? ordered to remnln there Indefinitely The w'pufli nviillahle for Immed lute dlnpntcli to Mexico are the r.un Itoat WheelliiK and the crulner Den M olnen liiteneiitlnii .Vol I'limiwil ( lllHpntchen to tho tato dopnrtinent thU nflernoon declare that forelKnern , In Mexlro City and elnowhcre In tho country are In no Imniedlato danger. l)lKciinlti the Mcilran nltiiatlon hero thin nfternoon, Secretary of State Knox unlit: "W'htlo tho nltiiatlon In apparent ly grave and Indlcaten a crlxl hat hcen roached, It doon not yet appear that there In the Hghtent imnnlhlllty nf America InterforrlnR Talk of , Intervention at thin time U prema ture an nothlnK hot an upheaval JeepardUlm: American liven wilt ehniiKo the Kovemmeiit's nonlnler ventton policy." Held to Answer CoiiRrt'ttman Hnutlll of New Jer ney Introilnced a reolntlon In tho honuo today illrertliiR Secretnry Knox to Inntruct Amhavnailar Wllnon at Mexico City to 'notify the exist ing Kovernment of Mexico that It will ho held Mrlclly and Immediately niiHworahlo for nny Injnrlonn nctn to American IIh or property." Intorvlowed on tho Mexican situa tion ConKrcnxman M unlock of Kan HnH mild; "Kill flrnt nnd Inquire nf-terw-ardH In tho nlato departmenCn policy. It nhould hrliiK tlio liluuli of nhamo to nny American's cheek. The policy Is Insipidly weak. If n Kuro pean country were concerned we are Mexico would ho forced lo niiHwer In ouo day," ASK EXPLANATION OF OUR WARSHIPS ASMORALFORCE WASlllNflTON', V'eli. tO.-Senntnr Miles Poindcxler lodav introduced in tho Hcnatc a u'solulion demnndinj; Unit Seeretnrv of lh Tieasury Mao VcIkIi submit n coniplelo CNplanalion of llio "lieasiny circular No. f)". Hudolph SpreckelH, a San Vrancis. co millionaire nnd politician, reeontly hint tied official circles hero by de elmiiiK Hint i,U) ,l,ll,r wiw dniiKeroiw, thieatoned set ions financial dislutb nnces and hlionld bo reM'indcd iiuino diatoly. LEGISLATURE SEES GOOD ROADS AT HARYSHILL VOHTIiAND. Veb. 10.- Members of llio Oregon lejjislnluro who visited jraryshill, W'usliiiiRton, Sunday to iu bpoct llio roads built under tho direc lion of Samuel Hill, ono of tho most prominent uood roads advocates in llio country, mo today enthusiastio over llio rciuIlH which can Iio obtain ed ItY buildiiiK loads under scicntilio cumlitionu. x, - iim OUKCJON, MONDAY, KKimi'AKY 10, 1912. OF fl FROZEN 10 DEATH Latest Photograph MlUPm ' 5B'.' ''.81 i RfflDHsBfcWH - vfBI " ra i IHKiAlf; 'X-ndW&WBi MSB I HtHHT ' ttHltBHiki 7jk HBHH ' CAPTAIN ROnEKT F 3C0T1 MRS. SCOR ON E E SAN VltANTlStO. Veb. lO.-Mrs. Kobeit V. Scott ( London, wife of Cnplaiu Seolt, Hh Ilriti-h exploier, who is revirted to have met death at McMiirdn Sound with the other mem bers of hi MMith polar expedition sailed from Ihi port last Wedno'.dny on the Aornuci for New Zealand to welcome her lucdmud. Ilefure lea -inu Mt. Scott predicted that hur huhbaud would not leaeh eivilizntion for at least two months. "Coiiieqitenlly," added Mrs. Scolt. "I expect to leach the Antipodes ia ample time to greet him nnd hear his story of bis three years experiences in Ihe mmiIIi pole rvKioni from his own lips, I e.xpoet our meeting to Inko jdaeo at one of tho bOiPh New Zealand porK" COAL STOCKS HEAVY XKW YOKK, Veb. 10.--The stock mnrket elo-.ed dull today. Declines were fractional, with tho cxoeplion of Canadian I'aoitie which lol 2V'i points. Coal clocks displayed unex pected licnvinoo. Sonio selling by tho tradiu! elements imlueed by the renewed Mexican involution. Vo reign markels weio depressed. Sonthein Pacific touched IOMh, tho lowest since 1010. Sled iiImi slumped. IlouiK wero ensier. E 10 PASADENA, Cnl, Veb. 10. That tho Immeuso UiiKKouhelm smeltiut; Interests may ho moved liodlly from tho United States to South America, U tho declaration of Isnao Oukkou helm, who Is In Pasailonn today. GitKRonliolin cites two reasons for too posslhlo change, nutt-corporatlon legislation In tho United States and tho business opportunity offered by tho i-omluR operation of tho Panama cnunl, WAY I WELCOM EXPLORE 1 GUGGENH of Capt. Robert Scott MR CLEVELAND IDE OF I'IM.NTKTON, N J.. Veb. In. Mrs. Orover (.'levebind. wife of the former president and Prof. Tho'iin 1. Preston of Princeton uuivoilt. were married at ten o'clock Mi'cy. Prcnideiit llibbeii of Princeton pit sided al the ceremony. The wedding wtis simple. As Miss Vranees VoUom. Mr. Cleveland was the fitt white, house bride. She became engaged to Piof. Prchton M'venil months ago The wedding took pltioo in Piof. Hibben's home '.eu o.-ily ll.o member of tho unmedints families ami a few intimnle friends nf tho couplo Ir-iis present. An nttempt was made to, keep the news ot tho weotlmg secret until tomorrow and nu hour nftor Ihe ceremony flat denial Shut it hud Ir.k en ilaee was made. It had beer, gen erally helieed Ihe marring.' was lo have been deferred until after Kuster. It is stated Ihe couple will leave to i ight for Vloridu to spj,l (lie wi-Uer. IN SPUE OF BLEASE WASHINGTON, l-Vli. 10 Oover nor Dloiiso of South Carolina can keep his etato mllttla at homo If ho wants to, on Inauguration day, mout hers of tho eommltteo today an nounced, but tho colored mllttla and civic organizations whoso scheduled presence In tho parado equsod tho governor's order, w III march Just tho same. Nearly 1000 negroes will ho In lino It Is said. Whllo deploring tho attitude taken by tho ohet oto cutivo ot South Carolina tho Inaugu ral eommltteo members expressed no surprise In vlow ot tho governor's well known views. FIVE MILES IN 4:20 IS TETLAFFS RECORD l.OS ANOV.I.KS, Veb. 10. Vie miles in four minutes and twenty sec onds is the new track recoid held to day by Teddy Tetlaff, who motored that distance on the Ascot Park cir cle in tho best time ever clocked on n southern California course. Tho fig ure clips moro than n second fiom tho provious record established by Harney Oldfiold, several years no, Tho truck was in poor condition, BECOMES BR PRESTON IN DASH TO AV E ALAWY OAR EXPLORATION EMDIilON ARE SOUTH Extent of Disaster Not Disclosed But It Is Believed That Only Five of Party Perished Records Found at McMurdo Show That Scott Reached South Pole January 18, 1912, But on His Return to Base of Supplies, Brizzard Overtook Him and Before Shelter Could Be Reached, All Froze to Death Scientists and Sailors Included In List of Perished. LONDON, Feb. 10. Captain Robert F. Scott, British south polar explorer, and all his party of five who made he dash to the pole, were frozen to death at the depot in McMurdo Sound after Scott had planted the British flng beside the Norwegian banner left there by Captain ftoalrt Amundsen, his successful rival. This information, flashed by wireless from the relief ship Terra Nova today to Wellington, New Zealand, reach ed London within an hour afterward and created a sensa tion exceeding anything the eity has seen in a decade. Only a brief outline of the polar tragedy has so far been received. The Terra Nova wirelessed that records, with the dead bodies of the explorer and his men, told the story of their achievements and of their fate. After reaching the pole, these records declared, Scott and his. partv re turned to their depot at McMimlo Sound, but arrived thole in the midst of a liowiing blizzard with the tempera ture so low mat unman Doings :-J-o-delails.havo yet been few words of the tragic story and but little information lias been gleaned as to how the bodies were found. Onlv laconic messages from the Terra Nova that she was re turning after a "groat calamity" nnd tho unsatisfactory information that Scott and all his companions were dead has yet reached the world as a grim foretaste of the great est of polar tragedies. Of tho slxty-slx men who accom panied Scott many wero scien tists of note. Those host known wero Lieutenant K. II. Kvans, sec ond In command; Dr. K. A. Wilson, chief of the scientific staff; Lieuten ant V. L. A. Campbell. Lieut. H. L. Mall, magnetic and mcteorloglcal ob server; Lieut. K. do P. Henlss; Lieut. II. It. Mowers; Knglneor Lieut. E. W. Hlley; surgeon and zoologtst, O. W. Kvlck; surgeon K. L. Atkinson, bac teriologist and parasitologist, and F. II. II. Drake, secretary ot tho expedi tion. Dentil I.M Cut Down Reports received lata tonight In dicate that only five perished, Cnp tnln P. Scott and four of bis GIj com panions. This so far as can be learned by conflicting fragmentary dispatches from New Zealand lata to night Is tho truth sifted out ot a mass of reports received today which it first were taken to declare that SOFIA. Fob. 10. Completo route of tho Turks before Ilulnrl. with heavy loss of life, Is reported In dis patches received hero today from tho front. Dead and wounded, the dispatches said, littered tho battlo field on Saturday, Tho panic stricken Ottoman troops nro reported to hnvo tlod without their flags, rifles and machine and Hold guns. "Tho number of men killed among tho Bulgarians," says a bulletin Is sued today by the war office horo, "Is not yot known, but It appears to havo been Insignificant." MEXICAN REBELS READY TO ATTACK BORDER TOWNS AUSTIN, Tex., Veb. 10.-Volowinu information received by Governor Colquitt that Mexican rebels are pre vailing to attack Piodras, Negra, Matamoras, Nucvo luiredo, mid other towns on the Mexican sido of tho bonier, detachments, of state ranger arc to ho tabled to tho border ;uurd. COMPLETE ROUTE TURKISH IROOPS BEFORE BULARI NO. 275. SOOTH POLE ;i could not survive the cold. loan ned of wliTi vi'rirn flii limf every man with Scott had met death In an antarttc blizzard at McMurdo Sound. Karller tho dispatches which wero received and which wpro rotayod from Wellington, N. 7.., afer tho re ceipt there of wireless messages from tho Terra Nova, Scott's supply ship, said tho "entire Scoit party," wore dead. This now Is believed to refer to tho "flying squardron" of four men who, with Scott, started Janu, 1th. Ii:, for the pole from a point ISO miles south. FlyliiR Squadron Only It Is believed that after reaching tho pole, Scott and his companions Dr. Wilson. Captain OateJ, Lleutnunt Dowers and Petty Officers Evans were overwhelmed by a blizzard on their return journey nnd tbut other mombors of tho expedition later found tholr bodies with notes ot tho trip which attained for Scott his life's am lilnltlon and also cost his life. ;T ALLIES 10 REOPEN IE LONDON, Feb. 10. Sir Edward Grey, foreign minister, conferred hero at length today with tho Turk ish ambassador nnd a news agoncy reports that within a week tho Turks will ask tho allies to reopen pcaco ne gotiations prepared, It Is said, to concede to tho Christians till but completo control. CETTINJB, Montenegro, Feb. 10. Tho xvar offlco horo toduy an nounced that tho Montonoerln army, with King Nicholas and Prince Peter In command, havo captured the Heights ot Danlaujoll, u position commanding tho defenses of Scutari, Tho Dardunjol! hoighls were cap tured only after the florcest fighting which lasted from Sunday morning nil day yesterday, nil last night nud pnrt of today. Servian forces nldpd tho Montenegrins who captured the position only uftor threo futile at tempts to storm It, OVERTAKES M IS H K REUES EA CONFERENCE