. VW TfEDFOnP irKTT, TT.TBT7NR MWDFOnR "","" 'i ' ". ' i in in i in i onr.aos, RA'rrnnAY. immvAjiY . ioth. L M fd nnTnim XIII IM I 1U VAJbUdL Jj ky gt m&A M- v n iffy Thn miifitrnl ilnptirliucrit of the Urealer Medford cluh hold lu first iuomIImk In dm (Irenter Medford oluli rooms In Hid Public Library lunt Mon tiny uftornnon, Hid iiroKrum IickIu- lllliK at 3 .III p in. i.'nitn over)' lip penrauco, this department, wlilcli U li(iiit to tm tint foiuiitntloti ofiin ever widening phorn of Interest and bono (It, n Htnrtcil most aiMpU liiimly TIh rooms worn filled to tholr en- lMflly, IllUl.y llollIK lllllllllil to tit seated, that much fur thn modest hopes of III our having the outortnln iiikiiI In clinrKo. Mm. IM An drown presided itnrlnn tlu afternoon, Inter Hifmliut tin number with short tulk rcRnrdltiR tlu rluli work. At nooii ns poislhlo, n definite course of -.ludy for nt IxiinI ono er will bo plnnuil unit followed, h) ml la r to other or iinultntlon. Tlix iiHTlluK was oi. oiied liy Mm 15. K. (lor" who present il tint topic of the day "How to l.ls It'll to Music" Mm, Hero's snbjeet wait treated with rcooKnltod nblllty, lirr remarks concise, to Ihe iolnt, mid very ht'lpfiil. 'ilio firm musical niimhnr was: I.Ut thn Cherubic Mont (from Holy (Mty) ... thiol Hiirltonn nolo mid l.nitlt-n1 Qunrtcttt. Mr. (Int. Andrews, Imrllnnii; Mm. (Iro. Andrew, MUs Phoeho Hunri', Mm. Prank lnunm. Mm. IM lon Two plane solos by Mr. Irene iHnnrn were then hoard, ir'CoiJi'i hy ii short Inlk dMi-rlptlvi' of tint com positions nml thtdr c"tiiHini'rn. Mm lunar pin) I'd: Tarantella, l.oschctUky; Spring flowers, Hchytlo. Mm. Isaacs ha not lio.'ii hoard In puldln for some Hint', hut her work prut oil on didllit ful an i'vnr. Milt llnnro snnu "Ills l.ullaby" hy Ilio American composer Carrie Jacobs Horn). Mis Hnnco pmisoMicsa motto soprano otre or remnrkahlo sweet tioss, hi-r nolo tire nwa very much enjoyed. Current musical topic of (ho day. relntlni: particularly to tint Pacific ronHt were thou read hy Mm. (JeorKo Andrew, Including a liivr from our eminent eiltlo, IM A ml row s who It tnJo)liiK thi produrtinu of thn l.om Imnll 0ifiM company In Han lron rltco, Mr. Carlton Jnnon In hU Initial np ponranro lu wilo work ht'foro n Mm. ford atiilli'iiro crontoit an ndtnlrnlilo luiprrMlon with two uumhirn, Molo tlli, Tt'hnlkowiiky; Divp Hlvt'm. Ham ut'l (.'. Tn)lor. thn latlrr nrrniiKod fronv nt'itro iuoloillf for violin by Mnuil I'owi'll. Mr. Jnnn wan com In'IIihJ to p'Hponil to an onroro, pin) lui; Schumnnn'N "Moiunut Mualcal." Mm. (JforKo T. Wllnon, tho talent. eil render rloivil tho proKram with two iiumhem, Incident In tho Uf. tif I'arepa Itoia, tho draml Opera HltiKor," md a character Mkctch, n Dplnil prenentatlou of child life. Tho neU meutliiK will ho held tha afternoon of tho flmt Monday lu March with Mm. (leorRo Andrew lu charKi. A Rrrat ninny com to Imvn tho ImprekHlon that only mudrlann nro wulcomo to thU ilepurliuont, an Idea which Id finite Incorrect. Any mimic lover or thnNo wntilnir to become mich are welcome. AppllratloiiH for tnnm hemhlp nmy he mailo to Mm. IM An- tlrewH, Minn JeuneiiKn Duller, coiro Mpondlnu secretary or officers of ;ln (Ireatnr Medforil club piopi'r, Tho tleparlment Ih very grateful lo Mr. II. J. rainier for bin loan of an iKc.elleut plnno to he lined hy thn club iib Ioiik as niTChhiiry. A Valentino party will bo Kvnu by Urn (Irenter Medronl club next Moii tiny afternoon, I'tdiruary thn tenth, ul tho llaltil Medfonl. Card tuny ho enjoyed. Thn Indict are nUo prlv lloKed to hrliiK their fancy worlc and taku part In thn afteruoon'i pleanure. Mm, r, l'J. Merrick Ih chairman of thn committee, her amilHtunlu IioImk .Moniinuu'8 l(. II. Kent, C. M. Kith), I). V. l,uko, II. i:. Mamli, fl. Cot- lorlll, H. A. Nye, dim Newberry. H. Mncdowvii, J. V, MncOlntchln, F. II. Condor, McCalliim, J. l.awlor, J. i Mundy, II. K. l.uinHdon. Mrs. Dun (Inniett Invited a fw frltinda to hor homo ThiiiHday after' noon to muot .Mm. Oarl Webb (noo mtlml IJUIott) of ITortlamr. Mm. Wohh Ih a former Medford Rlrl mid tit preiumt Ih vImIIIiik hor jmrontH, Mr. anil .lr. HiikIi Klllott of thin city. OthoiH nrt'Hont ThuiHilny afternoon woro Mm. Illicit Kllloti, Mm, iiur nard. Mm. S. 8. Smith and Mm. ! 0. llnriiOBU, Mm. JumcH II, Watt wait IiosIorr to u ploiiKant compiiiiy for hrhlKo nt hor homo on JnukNon Houluvard tliU nfturnoon. (IiichIh prcHont worn MoHdanuiB a. A. Nye, I- U. Merrick, I). W. Luko, II, U, I.uuiHilon, M. 0. Jlnrbor, 0. M, KiikIIhIi, C. M. Kliltl, It. A, Ilolmoa, F, V. ilolllu, Mnhlun I'm Uln4 V, 1). Wolcli. Thn monthly moetlilK of (ho W.wh liiKton Clniii of (ho I'amnt-'IVachom iiNNOclntlou to Imvo been held Jaic uary I Oth, wan poMpiniod until Thumday afternoon of I hln week, and held lu fluhth Krndo loom of thn WnnhliiKtou Kiaiumiir kcIiooI, The niei'llriK wan called to order hy the prenldnnt, Mm, F. V. .Meam, followed ny prayer. .Mr. t;arter liramiou wan then heard lu a plnno nolo. After a brief himlnnM nernlon tho nftornoou'n proKinm wvih taken lu clinpKo hy Mm V. F llrown, irniler, who (tve n few Introductory totnark. Mm. Charlen Hoy npokt on thn Niihjoct of oxiimlnnlloiin and report cordn. The prlnrlpU. HiookIiI broiiKht out by Mm. Hoy wnt the judlnlotm lioln of the child durliiK Hie xxaiiiluatlou per IoiIn, iikkIhIiiiico with ntudlen inoul difficult; aluo a calmliiit IhniiKlit to do away with thn Hlrnln and fear tin linlly mniilfeiled nt nitch a time. Th recoKiillloii of tho Inability of Ih" tenchem lo cIliiiko (he (ihin of month ly and final toil an thn nchool hi lent now tttandn wait proNented In a very clear IIkIiI. A monoloKiie, extmrt from "Hon jiy'n Hchool )n)n" by Mlrnt Van Motor wan hlKhly appreciated. MIm Viola rheliter lu an Intercut liiK manner vok. of the p)Rlbllltlrn of the nchool hoiike an (he oclll ceu ter of thn rommnnlly. A plnno nolo wan excellently ren dered by MImi 1'iirucker. nfter which thn proKram wan concludrd with an addreiiit by Mr IM. (lore who npokn of thn new Idon of cUlur; nchool credit for hoinn work. Knell talk wan followed by II. e dlnnunnlonN, thnno prcKeul oMlmalluu thn mertluK oh one of thn bent held thin Momcnter. Tho following In a rrltlcUm of n noiiK recital Risen by Mm. Florence Halllday.llalRlit, December H, 1 ! 0 9 . In Kan Joo, Calif , where nho flmt niilded after ItMvInK New York, and wan written h) Chirenro Vrmy, thn well known California poet and mu ni on I critic of thn Han Jonn Mercury, lu which paper thn nrllrlo appeared "A very InterentlnK none recital wnn nUcn lant eveuliiK nt tho C'hrU llan church tin South Fifth ntrcet hy Mm. Florence llttllldnyHalRht, an-i Mnteil by Meimm CenrRo d'AhlaliiK. Fritz d'AhlaluK and Fred Alton HbIkIiI, the latter r.entleman heltiK tho accompanist or thn evenltiK, both on tho orimn and piano. Mm. Halttht beautifully Rowncd, dlpla)ed a magnetic ilnRo prenence, and thn olcn and techulnuo of a well trained nrtlnt. Very appropriately thn program opened with thn nrln from Handel' ChrUtman oratorio, "Tho Memlali," entitled "He .Shall Feed Hln Flock," followed hy thn well known aria "O Henl In the Lord," from Mendeln nohn'n oratorio "KHJiih." Tlieso nu m bom worn rIvcii with the nun Inlned nonoroun tone necenwry to the rendition of ureal rompoHltlonn, tho orRiin accompaniment nddliiR Rreatly to the rellRtono beauty of the arlnn Mm. Florence HnllldayHalKht w'l apiear lu n hour recital at tho Pre hylerlnn church Monday evenltiR, Feb. 17, for thn benefit of thn library, an Hinted hy Dr. J. W. J. Marlon and Mr. Fred Alton HulRht. accompaulnt. Tho fourth of the llevnlcin nerlen or flvo wlnlrr jmrtlM took place Tumday nvcnlriK nt tho n in nil hall lu tho Nat The parly, thotmh nr raiiRed In ii very nhort time, proved one of the mrmt enjoyable of the nerlnn Indoor hnnrduill and an mic tion Htunt heliiR tho feature boforc thn dnnclnit. The hall wn decorated with pnl'iiH and fnrnn, hniumockn arid nwltiR wern tatloned at convenlnnl placet, mid thn mioMn all appeared In IIrIiI riilnmoiit, carryliiK out tho Idea of a Hiiiuiner party. For the auction, bemiN worn distributed an money and uplrlled hlddliiR for pnck m:en, onn of which contained a prlre, followed, Thn following were on tho cemmltteti: Mnnnm. Middle, l.umnden. Hoot, Tumy and Hchunter, thn Innt named iicIIiir an auctioneer The loeul ('. T. V. luul n very InliMottiiiK liusinexH ineellnx Thum tlnv iiriernoon, Tim tlil'feretil mper luleuileutH rcMiiteil Iheli wotk. One fiunilv (mil heen looked idler mul n iiumher ol' imllviilunlH were helped I'IrIiI nick fii IN were n'xr!rl ritnl I .'I.HI" iiiick of lilerntllie wete (lit tlilillted. If iinv sick or need eoile tlt'cil iciidiiii mutter it would he eon feriiiic it Inwir mi the inemhem of the union if Mlcll wiih reporleil liliil Hie union will try mid till the. demnnil. In I li I iillliliyeiiienlH wete lillule fol Stole I'leniilenl .Mrs. Adu Wnllnee I'lirieli. She will leetuie Veiluoinv eeiiin, I'eliruury '-'H. in Hie South M. II. ehuii'h nml fhr will uNo fill some pulpit in the city Sunday morn iiiuv I'Vhrtiury -M. Ilememher the iIiiIoh nml keep Ihein open, One of (he henl paid hliiKem hi (he world Is .Mine. Lillian N'nnlico, who will lie iieiiru in I'oiieert ehre on I'ri uiiv eeninir, reiirunrv II. On one tieeaion -.lie iceeUeil a fee of .:iM)0 for B concert of an hour' duration nt WiishiiiRlon, J). ('. The ilivnV limt fee, however, wiin not for hillK int;, hut for cmiM'tiline; no) to sint;. Ah u Utile iirl nt Imt liome in Funn inulnli, .Maine, she lined to lose to Iry her niee at nil liuicM, and much Iti the iiiuioyniice of her eltler; Mister, of whom there weie five, would ivr- i--( in joininir in with them whenever lliev snritr duetM together. So in or der to silence the future tlivn, lirihcry wjih resulted to, and she wiin kivcii itome monev on couilitinn that she promised to keep nuiti. N A HI NEXT FRIDAY wmir cH DEFECTIVE M IS SEIZED AT GRANTS PASS A car lornl of lirnr-milpliiir nprny n lieinir held in (IraulH J'nif, the Hale of it beinj; fothiildcn hy Fruit In xpecior JJurkc on account of Km lor Benllutf MrcnKHi. Tho rny warf fhipp'il from Ashland nml hilled an .1,1 htri'iijtth. hut a tent of five bnrreN hy Inniicctor Ilurke showed hut 2't. Tint sprny hail heen no!c1 to orchar dists In Hun count v hut delivery not yet made. The MiipcrH of thit lot wern notified by ' Iclcphone nml nre exM'eted here imlny. Thev clnim tlml their rheiniHt rnmle tcstH ihowinc .11 ami Ihe f-hipment made in good faith. There in n Mute law prcventirijr the shipment of low tent nprny, cnrryirij wild it n fine of ?W0 for violntion. "H1:.' "'.'.' if THRRIV 1 1; iff IM i ii mil ii "! lTTMTE PUBLIC HEALTH J T?A0C MAKK TOOTH PASTE is in a class by itself; a delightfully exquisite toilet preparation containing the most agreeable antisep tics known. You will use no other kind if you try it. Wo use it ourselves and wo recommend it highly. Your money back if you don't like it. MERITOL PEROXIDE CREAM HAS NO EQUAL Haskins' Drug Store Exclusive Mcritol Store - A A Tmbm; r F Mlllitii .V'irdlen N'n ullniclioii ever hooked in Mid find hat emiKCil Ihe widrprcnd itu teres! Hint N belli,' cvJdenred In (he comini,' eoncerl by I.iilmi Xonlien nml her eompmiy. A larK'f ilclcRotion from A-liland nml (Irani I'mn are to utlend, while from iioints nn distant iin On.elle and Vrekn, Cnl, resorvn lions ore lieiili; made. MeillWil mid iiiljncent InwitH have rcsiHiuded loy ally, which indicates n capacity house Ihe nlo.li! of the l-llli. The reduction of pricei hn proven most iHipular ami u rush on the box office is anticipated hv those in touch with tho iiffnir. The sule of sent jipeiw .fomlav for nubsorihcrH nml TiifMlnv for Ihe ueiicrnl iitiblie. Hoth win be at I fusions' ilmt; slorr, to which mldresK mail onlers should be sent. ? ? ? ? t T ? ? ? ? ? t )Wm.j&j&&&a&&&.&.&--! &.& y-. y -v -- -v -- JWm . a r fi ft tm mmk A ili A irit affa NORMA CONCERT TICKETS On Sale Monday, February 10, at 10 a. m. at Haskins, Drug Store, for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY General sale opens Tues., Feb 11. Reserved Seats $1.50 & Ta. aT aTTa aa at. .y. a. .t. aT jTa aT. .Ta aT. AT aa av .A AjvA. aT AAA -- - - -- - - - - -- y m. w .-. AAAATfcAT-At ,tkl- ATfc AT. aTa a aaaaA Aa aaaTa jyAAAA,.. aa aTi A aV AjT. -- - . AttyA--lrA-l! JTA-fcfcM jfffc The Altar orlety kavi iip of It mom HiirceiiHful pnrtleM TuenJay even IliK mKIi Hlxtoon tnhlen of f'lvo Hun ureii, ami many oinerH prtie't put IiuIuIkIiik lu (ho name, Tho firft prim for Indie wan won hy lrn. 1., Hamllmn; for Kentlemon, hy Mr White. A fw Informal dance woro onjoed and coffeo ami cako nerved. Mi. (Inrrett and MrH. Schullo com noictl the commltteo for tho ovchIur. Tho oxccutlvo committee of the Iowm clnh Imvn formed tholr plniiH for clnh nicotine an follew: Onu imnqiiot and ono picnic In each car, tho other moetliiHH (o ho callod by tho offlrerH to milt tho iiUmtmro of the meinhor. Till year' hanquot will ho k!Ki In March or April, Tho IndlcB' auxllliiry aocloly of tho DaptUt church hold Uh monthly no clal at tho homo of Mrs. Harvey Do Armond on Lnurol utroot, Inut Tuca dny nftornoon. A InrKO crowd wna presunt. A flno prournm was ron dercd, followed hy dollclous rofixHh-monts. In tho fnturo all nrtlchm for publi cation lu tho social dopartmont must rtiacu tins offlco hy Friday nt 11! o clock in, Otherwise thoy cannot ho printed until tU KoUowIuk wook, TIiIh oppllcH particularly to club or IoiIko reports which nro usually of comddornbln length. Tho flmt nicotine of tho Home Kconomlc department of tho Creat or Medforil club occur next Wednes day nt 2 31) p. in, at the public II hrary. lime limited to one hour nml a half. The subject of the mcotlUK will bo "The Home lleaullful" ex terlor nml Interior. I'aiH'rs on this subject read by Mr. J. C. Schmidt ami Mrs. II. C. Stod dard will bo followed by Kcnornl ills ciunlnu. All Interested nro cordially Invited to attend. The eivio filmly department of the (Irenter .Medfonl Club will meet in Ihe public library nuditnriuin on Fri day, IVbninrv 1 lib, ul J::iO p. in. Wo wih lo prepare ourselves to use our new- pi hiloo.es of citizenship with in tellieeuee nml tViM'tclion, ho wo will Im'riii the study of municipal limit. All the women of Medfonl nml vicin ity nro uru'od to attend the mcrlinc-. of this ilfpni linen! whether club members or not. .Mrs. Chns. I Sehioffelin, chairman. lino of the most pleasant social affair of the new year was Riven at the homo of Professor and Mrs. I., .ii. nweoi ai inoir nomo near IIoiikIo, Poll. 1st, when about sixty of their friends from Mcdford. (Jold Hill, Table Hock, Tho Meadow and Ilcaglo, met for an evenlnc of recrea tion and danced until the wee sum' hour. CoiiKratulatlons wore show ered upon the host nml hoatoss for their hospltnlity. Tlio partaklnc of the dsHoIous breakfast served tho niorulur of Schrovo Tuesday by tho women if Ht. Mark's Riilld were amply repaid for rorcoakluK the homo hearth for ono inornliiK. Over sixteen dnlMrs was cleaiod, Miv. T. A. llowd enlorluiucil Mitt llcloo rnmp, No. I71.'l, 11. X. A., Fri ilnv nl'lciiiooii. One nniuo wiih bnl lolcil upon for membership to the emnp. Ilofrohlnuents were scrvcil by Ilio hostess, MIbh Ilertlm IlrnmlenhiirK of this city Ih onJoyhiR a very pleasant win ter nt Onklan.il, Cul with relatives and frlomls. The officers of tho North Dakota clnh, onn of the first to he. orRanlzed nmniiR tho state societies of the Itoituo river valley, have announced tin: plain or the club to hold tholr annual banqunt at thn Hotel Med fonl ttrlll Thursday, February 20th. at C:30 p. m. Au Invitation Is ex tended to nil former Dakotlans. llev. Charles ScaddltiR, bishop of OrrRou Is tlu Ruent of Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Koiitnor for a few da. A spe cial ineetliiK of the (Julld was called this nftemtMin when Itev. Scaddlni; met tho women of the church, the men to convene Monday afternoon. Rorvlres will bo conducted tomorrow moruliiR by lihihop Scaddlni;. Mrs. William Miller, Taylor ave nue, entertained tho Home Mission society of tho M. K. church South. Wednesday afternoon. After the business of tho society was trans acted Mr. Miller served dainty re freshments, assisted by Miss Goldlo Taylor. The Five Hundred club mot at the homo of Mr. and Mr. S, A. Nye on the, Kast Side, Monday evonliiR. Thn next nicotltiR will take place In tho elegant new residence of Mr. OeorRo Trclchlor on Onkdalo avenue south. Mr. and Mrs. ricorso Monroe woro Riiosts or Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stod dard at their home Wednesday even ItiR. Mr. nml Mrs. Monroe left Thursday tnornlnR ror Fresno, CM., tholr tormor home. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Payne or West Fourth street entertained with cards Thursday evening their Riioits bohiR Mr. nml Mrs. Mowsler, Miss Lu cllo Messier, Mr. nml Mrs. H. C. Stoddard. Tho monthly luncheon or the Col Ioro Women's club was held at the Hotel Medford this afternoon ut one o'clock. A number or Important business matters wcro considered, Tho rPRUlar monthly meeting of tho Young Ladles' A mo ma class of tho llnptlst church met with Miss Nora Dally, Tenth and Laurel lust Wednesday evening. ? ? f Y r r r r r r r t r r Y r t Y 1 R E E It is now time to get busy planting trees. WIIK.V YOU IMTItO.VI7.I-: Tin: Eden Valley Nurseries You have tho best stock of Roods In tho valley from which to choote. You nre dealing with the leading nursery of Southern Oregon. You encourage a worthy and wlde-a-wako home Industry. You get nursery Roods that have been properly handled. You aro dealing with a nurseryman, not a treo agent. You get reliable stock and reliable advice. You will bo pleased with tho Roods, tho price will bo right. What more do you want? I have In stock a splendid line or shade trees, berry bushes, rhubarb, flowery shrubbery, vines, creepers, etc., for city trade. Call and see my stock, you are always welcome whether you buy or not. Delivery yards ono block eat of the new concrete bridge. S I ?v I'lieNi: 8oi x. s. nnxNurr. 1 ? J T Y t Y e-7 MS..M..-.S. Mr. nml have boon city. Mrs. A. AHord or Talent visiting relatives In this Mrs. James D. Dnnlop wmh hostess to tho Itoynl Auction llrldgo club Thuradny uftornonn nt hor homo on Siskiyou llclb'lita. Society Ih doo-llghted over tho coming of Mny Itobson to our city to play "A Nlshl Out" Sunday m-enlng. Miss Iva Coffin will bo hostess to tho members of tho K. K, club ut her homo noxt WediU'sday aftornoon. Another skating party wns In pro gress last evening, tho rink having noon obtained for prlvato uso only. Mrs. J, F. Halo nnd child have re turned from several' weeks' visit In Cnlirornln. TO Cl'KI. A roi.il IN ONK DAY. Tako LAXATIVi: I1ROMO Qulnlno Tnblcts. Druggists refund' money If It falls to cure. K. W. QKOVK'S slg uaturo Is ou each box. 25 cents. Mr. and Mib. Woyno Leovor of Central Point, spout Sunday lu Med ford with Mrs. A. K. Jeromo, Mrs. It, W. Huhl rotumod Wodncs day from mi extended yIhIl In III! I nols. A llellnlilo Hair Tonic. It Is nn easy mattor to prevent baldness, dandruff nml other diseases of tho scalp hy using Merltol Hair Tonic. It should bo used regu larly to keep tho scalp rreo or dand ruff goruiH, os these germs nro tho rnuso of tho majority of cases of dandruff ami later, baldness. We nro authorized to guarantee Morltol Hair Tonic' Leon 11, Uusklus. Electric Heating Current for y2 kilowatt air heritor (will heat about 500 cubic feet) 2.00 per mouth Plat Kate, Current for kilowatt air heater (will heat about 750 cubic feet) $2.50 per mouth Flat Rate. Current for 1 kilowatt air heater (willhcat about 1000 cubic feet) 3.00 per month Flat Rato. Current for V kilowatt aii;hcatcr (will heat about 1500 cubic feet) $3.50 por month Flat Rate. Current for 2 kilowatt air heat or (will heat about 2000 cubic feet) $4.00 per mouth Flat Rate. Current for 2i kilowatt air hcator (will heat about 2500 cubic feet) $4.50 iior month Flat Rate. Current for 0 kilowatt air heater (will heat about H000 cubic foot) $5.00 per month Flat Rate Above- 3 kilowatts at tho rate of $5.00 por month flat rate for each 3 kilo watts installed. On aecouut of having a certain amount of power that is used in tho sura- mor for irrigation wo aro makiug tho above rato for oloctric heating to apply from September 1st to A ray 1st, only. California-Oregon Power Co. 216 WEST MAIN STREET J ' 3 t t ' i m i w