TfwV El v .WHMnMmmiw jjulj .i PRIZEWINNERS IN GOOD HEALTH mirrorm matt; TRTTmNrc. MWPflonn. )i?Knoy. vuinAv. vkhimtav7. hum, TT SCHOOL CENTERS Ar rii lurcnttrc to Induce children to begin early to caro (or their teeth, each child Attending nehool In the Honthcrn part of Jnckiion coun ty wm presented with n tubo or den tal crenm and a pledge, card con tnlnliiK Instructions for brushing and cleaning tho teeth. Fifteen prlios, consisting of dental cream and other toilet preparations, were offered for tho bent essays written on "Care of tho Teeth." Children wcro requested to observe these rules: 1. Subject, "Caro of tho Teeth." 2. Tho essays must bo written In Ink upon ono sldo of paper only. 3. They must bo original, not more than 300 words In length, and the ono writing them shall wrlto on tho back of his essay tho following Informatien: "Care of tho Teeth," name and grndo of pupil writing tho essay, number of school he or she attend. i. Not moro than two first iirlics shall go to any ono school 5. In awarding prizes, tho grade of tho pupil as well as tho substance of tho composition, neatness, legi bility, etc, shall be taken Into consideration. C. Tho essays from any one school should bo sent In one pack ago, and they must reach this office not later than February 1, 1913. Prize Winners Named Tho prlxo winners aro hero given with addresses and school districts to which they beleng: Fourth grade Lucy Davis, Ash land, district 60; Otto Meyer, Lake creek, 19. Fifth grade Laura F. Joy, Med ford, 29; Arthur Lord, Eagle Folnt. 12. Sixth grado Mildred Tucker, Ilrownsboro, 39; Marcus Kelts, Tal ent. 72; Lillian Owens, Wellcn, 90; 1'aul Jennings, Buncom, 27. Seventh grade Anderson S. Joy, Medford. 29; Pearl Watklns, Wat kins, 6S; Jean Finlayson, Medford, 10; Allco Mygren and Glen Tcrrlll, Brownsboro, CS. Eighth grado Lucy Wlthrow, Tal ent. 72; Hubert Smith, Jackson ville, 33. Many of the essays brought out the statement that tho essential thing In caring for tho teeth was a good tooth brush and ono or moro of such materials as lukewarm water, soap, salt, glycothymollnc, charcoal, peroxldo of hydrogen, tooth powder or paste, llstcrlnc, etc., and that when ono began tho prac tice of using them, the habit would do tho rest. Tho essay given below was writ ten by Laura F. Joy, a fifth grado girl In District 29, near Medferd: Caro of tho Teeth It Is very Important that we should know how to tako caro of tho teeth. They help ub In many ways all through life and that Is why wo should know what nature has given them to us for. - Tho teeth havo work to do as much as other parts of the body. Their work Is to grind up tho food flno so It can be easily digested. Wo clean tho teeth to keep them from decaying. Clean teeth also udd to tho appearance and inako ono look much better. When cleaning tho teeth wo must bo careful not to employ tho tooth brush so vigorously as to causo tho gums to bleed, becauso this docs harm. Tho tooth brush should be used at least twlco a day In the morning directly after breakfast and In tho ovonlng before going to bed. Tho tooth require very llttlo to keop them clean. Lukewarm water uhould bo used, it salt wator Is used It will bo all the better. If good powder cannot bo secured whlto can tllo soap will answer very well. Tho teeth should bo ctamlned twice a year by a good dontist and uuy cavities promptly filled. Mmc. Nordica Here Next Friday Evening assssssssssssssssssflWBsfaMssssssssssssH BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBISBL "" sEBSBSBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBf BSBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK' H U Is Br BMHpfJtHiHLLKL3F v vlisbbbI BBBBBBBLV 7.jBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCTt aBBBV' IbbbbbWt 'CbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK.V i-kmm BBBBBBBBB'IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRr H jBBBBBBBSf-' BBBBBBBBBl BBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBBWw" jPlBBBBBBB Mmc. Lillian Nordica. who wlP be tlnrn preoented to her on that occa sion and which wns a voluntary con tlrhutlou from her admirers all over the country, la n significant memento of her artistic success. Hotel Medford Booms without bath 00c per day and up. Booms with batli f I.CO per day and up. Special rate by eek or month. Combination breakfast every morning 23, 35 and J8 cent. heard In concert here on Friday cten Ing, Feb. 14th. mado her operatic debut as "Vloletta" tho hapless hero ine of La Tmvlatn In Brccta, Italy, This was followed by a train of simi lar successes in other cltU-s. Includ ing Milan and Genoa Her fame spread rapidly all over the Kurnpran continent from the cunny southland of song to London, and on to the ex acting censors of tho grent northern capital. St. Petersburg. Ono reason thcro was followed by an Immedlato re-engagement for another, a dis tinction of unusual occurenco and easily stamping tho singer as a great prlmo nonna. Thence to London, to Paris and In 1S94 to be awarded at tho Invitation of Mme. Coslma Wag ner, to rrcato tho role of "Elsa" In Lohengrin at Bayrcuth. Interna tionally famous, Nordica was about to accomplish tho greatest of her artis tic triumphs thus far In being ac corded tho honor of being tho first "Isoldo" and "Elsa" to bo heard at tho Prlnx-Itcgentcn theater In Mun ich. In 1S95, she effected what was virtually a rcuatssanco of Wag ner In this country, and tho momor- ablo November night of that yearl when sho sang "Isoldo" nt the Merto- During meal hour beautiful music polttan Opera House, will never be, and singing will bo rendered by Herr forgotten. Tho famous diamond ' Carl Orten and Mmc. Kvelyne. A Sale of Muslin Underwear Combined with Our February Clearance Sale Boautiful snowy white now undonnuslins in tho famous La Grocquo tailorod undormuslins and loss oxponsivo makes at special salo prices. Our show win dow for a fow days will givo you a faint idoa of tho spoclal valuos, but bottor still, como in and soo tho showing. Mc 23c Tomorrow's MEHCIIANTS LUXCII 11:30 to 2 p. m. Pottage Cecelia Baked Filets or Solo Au VI n Blanc Pommes Duchesso Curried Ox Joints with Hire Fritters German Pot Boast with Needles Baked Veal Hash and Poached Egg Mashed Potatoes Stewed Turnips Cold Slaw Vanllla Cream Orango Sherbot Tea Coffee Milk GOWNS SPECIALLY PRICED !)iio Gowns Gity $1.:15 ami $l.r0 Clowns 9-i $l.f50 Gowns $1.19 $2.00 Gowns $1.48 Others $1.69, $1.98, $2.39 up PRINTZESS SLIPS Specially Prlcod $1.5).") Printzess Slips $1.-18 $2.r() Pi'inlsH'ns Slips $1.89 $:U0 Print .oss Slips $2.49 $ Printoss Slips $3.-15 Others $3.89, $1.89, $5.35 up. Combination Corset Cover and Short Skirts specially priced. Combination Corset Cover and Drawers specially priced. Corset Covers, "Brassieres, Drawers, Golf Skirts at special sale prices. MILLINERY Extreme price reductions on trimmed ami unt rimmed Hats One-Half Prico and Loss. DRESS SKIRTS At one-half price and less to reduco tin's immense stock of skirts and prices have been reduced to Ono-Half Prico and Less. WINTER COATS Eveiy winter coat in stock including black broadcloths, caraculs, chinchil las, mixtures, etc., sizes to fit all, at exactly Ono-Half Prico. TAILORED SUITS ONE-HALF PRICE Only few more days to choose from our entire line of winter suits; styles are strictly tailored mannish mater ials which arc always correct at ex actly Ono-Half Prico. CHILDREN'S COATS $1.00 Children's Coats $2.25 $5.00 Children's Coats $2.50 $S.f0 Children's Coats $1.25 $(5.50 Children's Coats $3.25 $7.50 Children's Coats $3.75 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3MTTTrIMr Z'K1KKK1KK1 W-w--w-v-r-r-w-w-w-ww-w-r-w t-w--w-wt-wtw-w-wt-w r v -w w w -w t .-- -wvr-r-w-w-w-w-w- E AT YREKA SUNDAY A double wedding occurred Sun iluy at Yrekn, Cnl., whereby Mnida Lelloux became- tho bride of R. h. Ilurnctt, and Miss Gcorgiu Nailey tho lirido of Hurry Helms. Tho double wedding watt kept neeret until ThurB tlny when tho brides thcmbclves gave out tho news. All pf tho conti'uuting parties are wlill known in Medford. Mr. Ilurnctt iy employed by Uto Puoifio Motor Supply company, while Mis I.o Rous h employed by tho Medford Cigar storo. Mr. Heluin is employed in the Holland buffet, nnd Miss liniloy was enmlnvml nt llin Puntnrinm. The two couples will innko their homo in this! r t y ! f T z V t t f t r t t t t t r y t y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ! Grand Opening Sale of Spring Goods AT NEW GINGHAMS 1000 yards of new Spring Ginghams; fast colors. Many new styles 4 (a Sale price vl MANN'S CENTRAL AVENUE, NEAR P. 0. 1 NEW PERCALES 3000 yards .'KJ-inch Percales, in dark and light styles; guaranteed fast -I Aa colors. Salo price XUi First Showing of Spring Waists 1000 Tailored and Lingerie "Waists, beautiful new styles, all sizes. On sale 0Q 1000 Lingerie, Flannel and Tailored Waists on sale Sat urday, each $1T2S Saturday, each Beautiful new embroidered linen "Waists at $1.98 and $2.50 New Tub Silk Waists, mado with the new style (M QO collar. Sale price, ca yl.v(j An odd lot of slightly Waists, clearing up price, each soiled 48c NEW JUVENILE CLOTH for children's dresses, a yard 25 Continuation of Our Muslin Underw'r Sale Lot 1 Women's muslin draw era, corset covers and skirts; values up to $1.00. rQ, Sale prico, each Ovj Lot 2 Women's muslin gowns drawers, skirts and combino; tions; values up to $1.25. 7(p Salo price, each "wL Lot 3 Women's muslin corset covers, combination skirts and gowns; values up to ff -i Q $2.00. Sale price 4JUJLJ Lot 4 Women's gowns, corset covers and combinations; val ues up to $2.50. d OQ Sale price, each $ CORSETS Women's Corsets, good grade, sale price, Afto a pair OL CORSETS Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, odd lines; values up to QC $3.00, sule price, a pair.... vOX Fisrt Showing of Spring Dress Goods Cheney's "spot proof" Fou lards, the best made, exclusive designs, bale price, a yard 98c 1000 yards new nicssalines in all tho much wanted shades; 27 inches wide. Salo OQ price, a yard OV Beautiful Goods in tures. Sale a yard new wool Dress grey and tan mix- M'lCC, $1.19 Now serges, poplins, diagonals and many other popular weaves in all the new Qfif shades. Sale price, yd vOX NEW GALATIAS AT 18 YD. NEW RATINE CLOTH Continuation of Our Embroidery Sale 1000 yards wide omb. and in sertions; values up to r 15c. Sale price, a yard wl 5000 yards fine Val. Lace and Insertions; vulucs up to F 20c. Salo price, a yard "C Now Flouncings in all the up-to-date patterns; vulucs up to &9J)ft Kiiln ni-ir.f. AO T H5C $2.00. Sale price, u yard 3000 yards extra wide Enibroi- 10c dory; values up to uoc. Salo prico, a yard.... New all linen Torchon Lace and Insertion; values 191a to 25c, salo prico, yd ,..'2' f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y Recovered Frtn Severe Lung Trouble Vhtl w nil kiHit I Ik I I'li-nlr nt trnh ilr ami iihhI fowl t nnrxnr; In iriaciii nltfrliti friihi Ihii IiiiiiIiIp, iiimiIIiIii( i iintr l ntnlrtl In lirlii filll lipullh. Jrknuii'ii Allrmllir Til it infill Ini' fur hliii unit luiii Itniililm, mill mail? frporla lillt lirrii lrrlrtl (liuttluk llml It limiiglil dliniil iihmI tr.iilln In inimliiT nf rtira whlili nrrv ilnlnrnl liifp, th nil tuirrtpri hIu utr nut lirui'Dllii nllirrwlar, nhniilil, l rnt Inrmlliiiln lil It haa ilium for nliirtp It limr Urn Ihf nimu nf rralnrliu Jun In timllti. In Tfitliat thla i .... .. . Minn lir. Minn. .'Mlfnllrmrnl In l)Mrmlr, itH. mnt Marrh, limi. wia lkTn llli lirniur Htt nf llin luiifa, which roiiniiH nm antral ttttVi rurh tlm in in; !! 'I hr.n If ft in trir wk ami iinilir. m nlhla mill cuiil.l not .Irri., Mr , 'Mlli. m... (""'t W- ,Mj lirniur ilrUn mo In Vat. Hiv In Hilinlirr. Il. I .Uiilir.1 ,0. F". ''' I hail taut iniirn lirlimtiliaN'a, "Mflljmt III In ti fur tlitr irka, "In NoTtinl.r I itattnl fur llriiTcr. Out. Afltr my frrlTl, I met Mldiarl llfmlr, wbo, u.n riMn .f m, i.iii.iiilnn, urnl u tn iU licCwan. Alirllr. lu ylwiit two month. I Ikii tn few Lrltrr !,k.'p! 1'VH,'1"'. Htr.Hr ni mnt Ini IJOlnr. 1 think I am a. h. mi.ii i.. . .i ...i ;..:.. -'.'. :." "tv." 1. . -II ..IV ITll WP 1)11.11 rnirr mr writ-til wa ISi) imiimla '"w. wrlth liu, mr imrnial wlihl, dmIIIi, f rn hflp an, n,rr i.-ton 5n In 'U Tu,,,",lu. I w"l ma.llr tHwor'n fflitatll) I'AtJt. t. r'AHN.UMIT. -J.".,ikl"." All"l l rlfoctU In limn, rbllla. Aathnu, r Krtpr, Tlir.iM ami l.unt 't'rnnlilr. mnl In tho rattin. Dor n.t rnntaln uimna, nnlalr or halill rnrmlm .Irtira. A fur InukUt trlllBf of rrrnrrilya an.l wrlln tn IVkin.n l.atKiralorj. I'tillaitrfnlit. f , for mm ? . iltnv. for aU hr all rilln iltniilala I Iff n WHERE TO QO TONIGHT UGO THEATRE COMPLETE CHANGE TODAY Only llmiii'd Jllmt I'our of 'cm. OliaitRo crory Sunday, Momtuy, Wiultiemlft)' H'l Friday. l-'lll HAY AM) HATCIlOAY Knlem: Wntrr lllglil Wr HeIIr: IIiiIki' Unit Oirn l.ubln: Hntln mill (lliiKlmtit Muilc I'uilcr tho Direction of Mm, WuoUortli, II) O.NTS lt Liulur Now ManuKumiuit. STAR THEATRE Mi'tiriirit'N Home ut l'ito.)nto rinitiiil.t)it "(iai'moxt wi:i:kia" You Mioulil ni,vcr iiilnit It wo nlmw It every i'rlilay and Saliirdity. Hoot current nvciiln Hliuud. Auotlior Iwo-rcnl fcnluri', "I'liins or coNHciuNoi:" Di'l'lctliu: a powerful utory of love, Imtrvd iiml Joiilouy "Hint ow.v coir.vritY" A i1iutp)ny of tho Spanlxh period In noiitliorii Cullfornlu. I'ortruyvd by thu famoiia I'IjIiik "A' coiupuny. .New l'dpiilur Siiii Wo IVnturo Our .Muilc nutl Ilffn In. SPECIAL Colgate's Talcum Powder, 25o cans, ityfi a can y y y T y y TOO HAH wu rnu'l lot you In on tho Hecrot yot, hut It'n no good tluil you will rollbli It nil tho tuoro whan wo nprontl tho Rind tidings. Within tho next two week wo nro koIiir to iniikn an iinnouncoinunt that will nut ou wild with outhuuhtHin ami will con vlnro you that tho Stur Thou tor meant) proRroanlvonetis In photo play nccetiHorli'fi. Matlnooi Dally, 3 to 6 p. m. ADMISSION. 5o AND 10c i ISIS THEATRE VAUDKVIMJ4 i. ItOOCIlH AND WAhKlIlt '. ', ', Ulpny Mualcal Act, Spoclal ; ; ; Rfonory ; No uyo ntruln to bco our ' picturou ; ! I'lioto I'Iiivn Friday & Hnturduy THU IIAIUCM OAITIVMS '.'. 'J ItColB 'i HcolU J ;; O'HAIlA HQUATTKIl ANH ;; CoiiiIiik Next Wtfk TIIH OUOOKIIH PATH 'i ItUUIH THU HUH MAN'S HONOIt 2 Itcolu Wntoli TIioho Diitefl i fttttfttttftt? tfy- .... r : ?