r M'mnfSfWpwMfl"? pTW . r H it i $: PAOW TWO, MHWHHHMHBHH9BHH! MKiwoun matfi TRnuiNR MKOFoitn, ohkoon. kimday. iwimiWHVt inin. PCAL AND PERSONAL Members of thn county corps of Inspector itro now going over tho oi'eharda In .Ashlnnd and vicinity iirnrchlnK for bllRht and acale. The Inspection li undor tlto chargo of In spector" T. V. Bmllh of Talent. W. U. Shovctt, of tlm Hitter Uoot valley In Montana, la now making tho In spection with thum. Ho was sent tiy 'the littler noot Valley Irrigation Co. to-got practical knowledge of the blight and pent situation as handled under tho Oregon laws and tho aula superrlalon of Professor O'Gara. and hi carp of Inspectors. Ho to spend ing about two months In tho valley. Mrs. J. Morrltt of Central Point was among tho ninny from down tho valley who wcro In Mcd- ford Thursday. Closing out salo ot pipes. Ire land's Sraoko llouso. 11. K. Jfclll of Spokane, presi dent of tho Knguo Hlver Caual Co., Is making Med ford a business visit. Mr. ' and Mrs. T. E. McCarthy, wjio have been at Salem for somo time, aro In Medford ngnln. Real homo made treat! at De Voo's. AV. P. Bailor nnd M. C. Wilson of Jacksonville transacted huslncse In Medford Thursday. Bring that old cook with torn binding down and hare It rebound at the Mall Tribune office. Costs bat little. tf Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry Asbcraft wcro up from Ashland ono day this week. Fresh smelt today, Be per pound at tho Fish Market. Mr. and Mr. J. M. Taylor of Kanes creek were In Medford Thurs day. Insure and do sure. Right If wo write it, R. A. Holmes, The Insur ance Man. A. H. Houston and James Allen of Phoenix were recent visitors In Med ford. Fresh smelt today, 5c per pound at the Fish Market. M. L. Alford, cashier ot the First National Dank, has returned from n short Tlsit to Willamette valley points. Vapor oaths and scientific mas sage tor men and women. Dr. R. " J. Lockwood, chriopractor, 203 Gar-aett-Corey Bldg. Pbone 145. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo II. Monroe havo gone to Fresno, Cal., and may extend their visit to Now Mexico. E. a. Peril am, bridge contractor, has gono 'to Portland and will be gono a couple of weeks. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car- kin and Gleaa O. Taylor), attorneys- at-law, oyer Jackson. County Bank Building Medford. Jack Truo of Ashland district niado Medford a business visit Thursday. L.. earns ana c cnesicy wero over from Applegate the forepart of the week. 'New York Life Insurance Co., C. Y. Tengwald, Medford National Bank Bldg., phone 3371. Wm. Ccrlg vlco president ot the Pacific & Eastern railroad, left for Portland. Thursday evening. Mrs. 12. L. Farra ot Central Point was among Medford friends Thurs day afternoon. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. J. J. Houck niado a business trip to Ashland Thursday. 12. M. McKcany, manager of tho Producers' Fruit company, has re turned from Sacramento, Cal., af ter an abuenco ot xcvcral weeks. Fasblonablo dressmaking. Evening and afternoon gowns. Latest stylo lingerie a specialty. Mrs. E. M. Painter, late of Now York City. Hours 2 to 5 p. m. D18 King street. Phono G084. J. E. Davidson ami J. II. JJpcmau of Cold Hill spent Thursday In Mod ford. h. L. Jacobs, cashier of tho Fur mcrs and Fruitgrowers bank, was In Ashland Thursday on business. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphcrn, negatives made any tlmo or placo by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Frank Hybeo of North Jacksonville uud M. F. llauloy of upper Ilutto creek were. Medford visitors Thurs day. 15. W. Wilson, deputy xhurlff, wub tlo gtioBt ot Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Owoiib Thursday evening. Collect tnoso scattered sheets of music you value and bare them bound In book form at the Mall Tribune. tf W. II. Sherman and A. C. Hough of Grunts pass wero business vis itors in Medford Thursday. Porter J, Noff has gono to Salem ui)d Portland and will bo gono sev eral days. garggass , w i ., .. .jjj. jss i 1), W. Hnrdcr of (Herniate to stop, plug in Medford nt present. Mrs, Jlfelgcii, for many years n resident ill A at loch, died nt tho kfjme of her mm, H. T. Hodge of Gold Hill, aged 73 your. Tnko frco guewi on school pictures nnd get a beautiful picture of Crater Lnko frco at Corking ft Harmon's studio, 1SS E. Main street, near First National Bank. "Phono 2154. I. Householder nnd D. Mooro of Cold Hill district wcro In Medford Thursday. Mr. Young who has been visiting his con, Hnrry Youug, tho llnotyper, during tho past several weeks, loft for his homo In Michigan Thursday. Crater Lake photographs pro nounced by experts to bo tho best over mado ot tho lake at Corking & Harmon's stndlo, 1SS E. Main street. near First National Ban. Phono 2154. Kodak finishing and enlarg ing, negatives mado any place. Homor Alger on Thursday re turned from California, where he has been engaged In mining. Mrs. Dora Saltmarsh and C. C. Pursel wcro among thoso over from Applegate during tho week. Watch tho numbers on your tickets at tho Ugo. Every number ending with on 0, or every tenth ticket en titles you to a frco ticket to a later performance. S. P. Mathow ot Ilutto Falls is spending a fow days In Medford. Mrs. Harry Young ot Brownsboro, has gono to Oakland, Ore., ou u visit. Walter Bostwlck of Applegate made Medford friends n visit Thurs day. Jos. Griffin ot Ashland, a well known mining man, was in Medford Thursday, ou his return from Forest creek .district where he Is Interested. Horace Pclton, president ot the Gold Hill bank, was in Medford Thursday afternoon. Watch the numbers on your tickets at the Ugo. Every number ending with an 0, or every tenth ticket en titles you to a frco ticket to n later performance. F. II. Madden and E. B. Hanlcy have returned from their northern trip. Fletcher Fish, Now that tho iiertructiirn of the new Page Theater ! being erected a splendid Idea of tltn plans nlunrt which tho building was projected may be obtained. Tho r.tcel Is being rnlwd and Die brick Is rapidly being placed until how the general shnpo of the building Is evident, Fresh smelt today, 5c per pound nt tho Fish Mnrkct. A force of men wero put at work today making alteration!) on tho Ugo Theater. Changes will be mado In tho lobby and n pit placed before tho stage for tho musicians. Mrs. lnvronco Brown ot Jackson ville visited In Medford tho forepart ot tho week. Homesteads can be secured In Del Norte and Humboldt counties, Cal., and Curry county. Ore., by applying to E. L, Kendall. Crescent Ctty, Cali fornia. 275 Revival services nil next week nt Methodist church. Preaching to night, I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. I ly A. C. Howlett. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS 1ABT AMISTAXT Bay faons .3971 Vlffbt raoatsi a. W. Wtsks 3071 A. x. on, sees who Is in charge ot tho Nordlca concert In Medford, has been In Ashland and Grants Pass in its interest. Mrs. II. II. Tuttlo of Central Point visited Medford friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barncburg nnd S. A. Potter of Ashland tarried In Medford Thursday afternoon Luke Ryan of Jacksonville was la Medford ono day this week, on his return from Big Butte. la Watch tho numbers on your tickets at tho Ugo. Every number ending with an 0, or every tenth ticket en titles you to a frco ticket to a later Tvrfnrmnnn Mrs. J. H. Miller and II. Thomp son of Joscphtno county wero In Medford a few days since. E. P. Hughes and F. H. Carter of Ashland tarried In Medford Thurs day evening. D. Pcrozzie of tho Ashland Cream ery mado a trip to Medford and Cen tral Point Thursday. V. D. Looney ot Jefferson, Marlon county, and Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Lamphero of Paloutl aro Jn Medford for a short stay. Earl Craft, who has been stopping In Medford has gono to his homo In Trail district Watch tho numbers on your tickets nt tho Ugo. Every number ending with on 0, or every tonth ticket en titles you to a frco ticket to a later performance. A. h. Morse ot Boise, Idaho, nnd E. W. Allen ot Eugene wcro among tho&o from abroad who hud business Jn Medford during tho week. Mr. nnd airs. C. D. Hendricks of Plounco Rock aro visiting Medford. Miss Louisa Carey of upper Itoguo river is in Medford for n short visit with friends. Waller Dudloy, n prominent mem ber of tho local lodgo of ElkB, was presented with a handsome omblem by tho lodgo Thursday night an n token of appreciation for his wrv ices. Dud leaves Saturday for an ex tended northern nnd eastern trip, ex pecting to bo absent sovoral months. E. W. Charles has returned from n visit nt Loh Angeles, his former home. Rogers and Walker, at tho IsIm, nro putting on a miiHlcnl net that is far nbovo tho ordinary. Tho IhIh this week hua n strong bill of vaudeville and licensed films. Watch tho numbers on your tickets ut tho Ugo. Every numbor ending with an 0, or every tenth tlckot en titles you to u frco, tlckgt 19 a later performance. 1 omitted to Mule in my Wl letter Mint L. C Duxnu kiivo u social dance nt liU homo last Saturday night nud I Imvo Miico. heard thnt there vn. n nice sMiipaiy ami (hut they had n very pleasant time. Scott Ck!ie of Ilutto Full, wiw n passenger on tho 1. & K. Monday evening- on hi. way home. Mr. Cro. oC lhttto Kails' iiIm nunc out from Jledfonl Monday evening and spent the night nt the Sunny Side. He says thnt since lie left hero some time ngo he has traveled over the bigger twrtion of tho state of California, taking tho const line from San Francisco to San Diego nnd re turninc through the center of the state. Ho spent some timo in visiting nmoni; tho orange groves of Califor nia and reports that the papers have not done the subject justice in their accounts of tho dnmnge done there by the frost, that it is n great deal worse than the papers represent it. A very large ortioii of the orchard in the flat country nro entirely killed, that many of the ulir'tree. twelve to twenty years old have bunded ocu and. that there nre hundred of aires whore nil of the trees will have to be due up entirely and new ones planted, hut that the trees near nud in the foothills wero not damaged so much, that hundreds of hoxc of oranges were frozen on the trees, nnd he pre diets that there will lw tho hardest times there for the next few years thnt they hnve over seen in thnt country. Prof. Suddarth, principal .of our school, says that they have the four rooms nil nicely nrrunged now sines Miss Knox hns taken charge of the. fourth room nnd they hnve tho classes divided up so thnt each class can be properly attended .to, thnt they now hnve ninety-two names en rolled, nnd the prospect is looking brighter. Wo ore living in hopes thnt plans etui bo perfected so that we will not have to cnd our children nway from home to bo educated but have them remain here and save the extra expense of goinj to nnd from Med ford five days in n week. As it now Mr. Heath's two children, Frederic nud Mit-s Frances, and Master Hob Pnloitzo nre attending the schools in Medford. Horn Sunday, Feb. 2, J1913, to Mr. nnd Mrx. Harvey Smith, near Eaglo Point, a seven pound hoy. lloni To Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Pence, nt their home on Kile Creek, Feb. 2, l'J13, u hoii. These two boys could hnve been their shadow on their birthday. HEAVY FINES FOR' BUCKET SHOP MEN WASHINGTON', Fob. 7.- Iloaw fines wero imposed hero todnv bv Justice Stnfford of Iho dUtriot crim inal court on n number of bucket hop owners, indicted i April, Will, by a fedcnil grand jury. l.ouin Colin, Angelo Colin nnd C. A. Tilli of St. Intuit and Samuel Adlor of Now York wore each fined $10,- 000; Oscar llnppe of ,lerev Citv, $.,000, and Chn.-Allov.of WVhimj. ton and Win. J-Vx of Jersey Citv SAfiOO each.. The oaos auaiu-l iv other nllogod hnekotslmp operator wcru nolle prosed. j , COPPER IS FEATURE OF NOTICII. Member of HI. Murk's (liiltd aro roiiiiosloil In ineiit at lit Murk's hall Hatiirilny nflornuoii to inert lllshop llcnildliig 1W "'"""" "S-1 Y iizcj s 2 for 25c Tho new Mvluu LuflJrmlCplr frr tlie Puny ihnuundi 61 tarn wlm dfrajml toniMMnd tBllWtnl liotn llio cnliiuty c4l!t, I Itt Llnxonl unWftlaMo Luitontwlri Idelver dollars X longnt m ltundrtinliolil hp. CCO, P. IDE ft CO. AUo .1filTJ 0 Ittc ShlrU TROY. N. Y. f Men s Shoes $3.15 Kill- rtuii' yi'nr.s wo Imvo wtld (ho ,,Vobor" .f.'t.no hIioom in MotU'oid. 'I'lioy iiIwiivh provo Hiilirtrnolmy, Ask otii'oiiHtoiiioi'rt iMintiyniliii; tho itioriUs tl'llils httoi;. Wo Imvo thorn now in slock in tho lutoat ltisU in lint Ion or liluohor, inosl any ilosiroil lonthoi'. Wo nro giving (on por oont tilT on nil shoos which rotliioos tho price ol Iho Wobor shoos to l.lf) n pair. THE WARDROBE WEST MAIN ST. XUW YOHK, Fob, 7- Tho Block market closed dull today. Colon and Southern Pacific gained frac tionally, dcsplto tho nuiiouucomout of tho llnrrlman diMntutloit plan. London reported n chcthc In tho slump In coppor, which aided In mak ing tho metal tho ftrouncMt fen turn ot tho market. A stiffening In Kcnllng nnd Stool aided thu llarrlmiius. The rallroud stocks wcro predomliiont. Amalga. mated and Smelting opened three fourths of a point hlgliyr than tho IiiHt closing. Itoinlti vero steady. Ugly Stri s Quickly Bariishtd Yo Marvel How Worst Skin l-op. lion Disappear a Result of Famous Remedy. "-" " C' v' " X" "v '' v " SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. vBSSSJI If rou hare bpn Xstillnc ume Uood tnmblr. ome eruptive Utn llifi'. cill tt tewma. lupui, pmrlaula, malaria, itrofulu or hstyMvwUl, tUrre Is but en sure. Mf' way fo 'core II. Auk at tiny drug atnro for a tl 00 bottlo of 8. fl. 8. nnd you nre tlinn on the ro.d tn health. Tho ncllnn of thin reinartuMo remedy li jut as direct, Juat as r"ltlve, lust as certain In Its Influence as that the sun rise In the cost. It It oao of those raro medical forces which act In the Mood with the Mtno tlosjrro nf cer tainty that Is found In ull natural ten dencles. The manner In which It d"m. InatM nnd contmli the mysterious trans, ference of rich, red. pura arterial Ucod for the diseased venous blood U mar velous. Out throuch every akin pore acids, sermii nnJ other lilixxl linpurltieit aro forceil In the form ot Invisible' vapor. The lunsrs breathe It out, the liver Is stimulated to consume a (rronl proper, tlon of Impurities, tho stomach and In testlnes cease to cmvcr Into the Mood stream tho catarrhal, malarial serms, tho towels, kidneys, bladder and all cmunctorlcH of tho lxly nre marshalled tnlo a tlKhtlns form to expel every . tlce of rruptlre disease. There Is scarcely a community any where but what has Its llrlm; example of tho wonderful curative effects of 6. H. 8. Oct a bottle of this fsinoun remedy today, und If your rase Is slut born or peculiar write to The Hwlft 8m. clflc Co.. 117 Hwlft ni'ljr., Allanla, (la. Their medlral laboratory Is fsmous nnd Is conducted by renownoU experts la blood and skin dUcaies, No. 81! 30 ItKrOUT OF Till: a)XIHTIOX F ; The Medford National Bank at Medford in the State of Oregon, at tho closo ot business, February t, 10 in. Keviiirccs TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BALK Orulu hay uud corn. W. Isaacs, WANTED Girl to help take caro of children and assist with light house work attornoons. I'hono 1302. WHITE WYANDOTTES Eggs for setting and stock for salo from tho best birds In Southern Oregon. Winners of 1st prlzo for pen, 1st cock, 1st and 3d pullet and 2d ben at Grants Pass Poultry show 1913. J. II. FULI.EK, Talent, Oregon. IOan and Dltfrouiits . ...... Overdrafts, secured nud unsecured ... II. H. Hondo to secure circulation -.. . U. S. Uonds to secure Postal Savings .. Premiums ou V. 8. Honda ...... Bonds, Securities, etc. . .. Ranking house, furnlti.ro nnd fixture mm..... Duo from National Hanks (not rcsorvo ngoiita) Duo from 8tato and Prlvato Uanks und Hankers, Trunt Oni panics, and Savings HankH - Duo from approved llpservo AgcutH , Exchanges for Clearing Hoimo Notes of other National HankH Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Ccnta Lawitn Money Jtcservo in HiinK, vu: Speclo .. Itedomptlon fund wltlwU. 8. Treasurer (&tf of circulation);. Jl2l.soo.sn i;,'-M8.:t7 . 1011,000.00 7.000,00 2,3110.00 , 2y,o:is.r.2 . -18,800.00 727.80 i,u7r..sr ;2,:m7.2C rf.0Jl.28 1,200.00 217.00 -10.007. ir. ft,000.00 .7:iu,or.i,io 4100,000.00 . 25,000.00 l!,771.rfi Total MablllllCH Capital stock paid In .; Surplus fund- - : Undivided Profits, loan cxpomicH and taxcu paid National Hank Notes outstanding .... 100,000.00 uiviuenns unpam 210,00 Individual deposits subject to check 3 01, DO 8.30 Demand certificates of deposit y , 47,004.38 Time certificated of deposit ti'J,ifUJi! Certified chocks 0-10.80 Cashlor'a chocks outstanding 2, 523.05 Postal Savings Deposits , -1,310.58 KotcH ami uuia rcuibcountcu 5,002.02 A. T f f f r r t r r t . t r v A I z ? y r f t f t r T r I t T T ? T t f J t T M. M. Department Store Successors to Meeker's Bargain Saturday , LADIES' HOSE 100 iloztMi IjiuHi's' lifu lUisp, spliiit'tl lit'pl, doulilf too, fast blade,, plain of ribbed lop. Saturday all day, pr. 10 EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING 27 iiii'lips wide, fast nlgcs, lii-autiful pattpi'iis; sold in .stinit' storos Tor o()c yard. Special UJ) RAMIE LINENS For spring, all polors, ,'K5 iuclioH Avitb';jiust Hip artii'lp for llic sjirin and siuiniiLT. Spucinl 121 TOWELING .Mill oiid liiii'ii crash Towcliii, usual ly sold for lli'of, on salo Saturday, a yard 8V i BLEACHED MUSLIN nine Star intisliii, 'M inches wide, extra quality; usually sold at tOc, on sale Saturday all day 7$ Ladies' Spring Suita SO.SDS Wo have Tit) tailored Suits, navy, brown, tan, satin lined, all wool serp.'. These are the greatest, value over offeretl; usuallv sold at $t..0(. All new goods .'. i?J),OS MEN'S HATS Hig assort incut of Men's Divhh Hats, all colors; sold in all stores Tor $U.fi0. Ou sale Jjl.,50 MEN'S OARHART GLOVES lig special in Men's gauntlet CI loves; regular $1.7f the world over, on sale at this store, pair ipt.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's cotton ribbed Underwear, I'lesh or natural grey; sold in nittny stores for (!5e a garnieiil, on sale hero Saturday VA)$ Calicoes Light, dark and mediumstandard yard .5 Wash Dress Goods for spring aro horo. Eastor comos oarly don't dolay your buying assortment complete M. M. Department Store Successors to Meeker's FOR "GOOD GOODS" ---Je "J-5 '5 "' ''' " $-M$M$M$t y NORDICA CONCERT TICKETS f y y y y y y y y y y y y On Sale Monday, February 10, at 10 a. m. at Haskins' Drug Store, for subscribers only General sale opens Tuesday, February 11 Reserved Scats $1.50 y y y y y y y y y y y y k A A A. qOIhOvOXh:h A. .. A. A. A. '''' V J 5 -ajev J Js $- $ -5s -- Jo J J J 5 ' v $ Total 720,05,1C Htato ot Orogon, County of Jackbon, SB. 1, W. II. Ooro, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is truo to tho bent of my kuuwludgo and liujlaf, W. Jl. OOUK, President. Subscribed and Hvvorn to before me this Oth day of February, 1018. O. W. KOHlillTR, Notary Public, COJUtr.CT Attest: r J. A. PBRIIY. K, K, MHIMMCK, .T. M, KKKNB. Directors. sssssssssbWtFk r r iJ S fTvssssssssftiltW. rmm2rrUKb2ibtoa If in need of anything in the Silverware line, J. have it. Knives, forks, spoons, carving sots, game shears, steak sols, salad forks, huMor spreaders, oyster forks, fruit knives, orango spoons, berry spoons, and everything in silver for the table. Sugar and cream Tea Sots and dainty Silver Dishes. I carry the Gorhain Co., Tfecd and Uartoji, 1817 .Roger Brothers, Wm. li. Durgnn. MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler Noar Post Offico. J t r v ? V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y x y y V f y y y y y y y y y y y i