Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 07, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight nnil (IrtlnrtUjr
Mat, OI .Mir. U7.
fnrly-rniiil Tear.
Cvcry Mohammedan Made n Soldier
In the Struutile of the Crescent
Aualnst the Cross Serious Situa
tion at Constantinople., Feb. 7 -After
a mooting of Hi" comuillteo of
national defense hero this n tii-rmmn
It wus Mated that tho HholM'l
Islam IiiiiI proclaimed a liolv war
through tint Monlnni world If this
U (run It llt ulil tho Turkn in their
nullum struggle and will make every
Mohammedan n possible noldler In
the utrugglu (if tliu Crescent against
tint Cross.
LONDON, IVIi. 7 With llolgrado
dispatches admitting t ho bombard
liiout of Adrlannpto In roiillnulng In
ilny with only tint slightest damage In
tlmt forties, diplomatics mut mill
tury observer, hero nro rapidly unit.
Unit to thn hollof thnt exhaustion of
liolli Turkey and thu llalkau allies
Hill mul thn war.
Only tho opposing forces In the
(lullli)ill peninsula noi'tii really active
In protcrutlnu of thn war I oil ay, nml
II In iHiimlblo thnt thn allies have dr.
Atlrlunople. Hrntnrl and Janlim while
elded to IkiIiI thn Turk Inactive II
risking their future on n desperate at
tempt to reduce Constintlnnplo,
How serious tho outlook In tlio
Turkish capital really In, wos learned
horn loiluy whon Information m re
ceived liy thn foreign offices that
when thn Italian cruiser Pisa nml
Han Marco worn ordered to t'onslaull
nopln thoy Horn Instructed to ufford
rnfiiRo not only to Italian subject
In thn rlty hut lo to tlm tin I tan
of Turkey In case developments mado
It expedient thnt ho would flee.
WA8IIINOTON, Fob 7 Itovoll
lug stories of liihutnaii troatniout ac
corded mttlvo rulilicr gatherers In
tho Putnamnyo district of Peru by
agent of n llrltlnh ruhlior rompaii)
urn told In u report by American con
Kill Hluart Fuller mini lu congress
today. Thn report filed followed n
Mvn months' tour of Inspection uindn
In tlm South American Jungle.
"Two hiimlrod wild HarhodoeM
limn." tho report hiis, "worn lin
portod to Torn In tWOt. Thoy wore
uriuod with Winchester mid wuro
Kent Into thn Interior to cmdavn thn
iloclln natives. Tho oxerelso of DiIh
Illegal compulsion wn attempted by
gross outrages upon tint Indians, In
cluding tuurilor, flogging nnd tor
turn, wherein tho HrltlHh coiupauy
forced thu HarhadooH men to partici
pate, "Death wnH tho penalty Imposed
upon thn native for not bringing In
it certain iiinntlly and quality of
ruhhor from remote districts, Fro
iiuoutly the company agent mado tin
example of Home savories whoso ruh
hor wiih not up to thu mark. Tho
vIctluiH right huud mlKht ho havered
ho might ho killed nutrlKht or
strung up hy tho toon until hu died,"
HAN FltANOIHCO, Fob, 7. Allog.
Iuk hla iIIukhomIh of tho youuc,wn
man'u nllmout wiih Incorrect, thn par
outH of MIhh ICrduii llamlull, a comely
yoiitiK vlollnlriti who died hero on
Now Yciii-'h moruliiK, today filed unit
for f no, 000 dumiiKoH ngiiluut Dr. IM
Bur F. liryant.
Tho complulut chnrRos Dr. Hryant
with proucrlhliiK Improper inodlcluu
mid with uoKloutliiK to attend tho dy-
Iiir kIiI or to houiI u uubutltutu lu hla
It lu nlloKod MIhh llniidall died
from convululoiiH and that Dr. Ilryaut
dhiRUUBod her IIIiiohh iih corehro nplu
ill moncgltlD,
Rockefeller Is Suddenly Stricken
Speechless When Questioned Con
dltlon Simply Pitiable Says Pujo
Shakes Like a Leaf.
JICKYM, IHI.AND, Feb. 7 -Hyiup-tutu
of throat spasm twelve mluuten
after tho examination had started
thU nftoriioou nhriiptly ended thn
ijiiostlnniug of Win, llockcfoller,
Htamlard Oil MiiKUuto, hy Chairman
I'ujo of tho house money trust In
vestigating committee ami hy thn
committee uttornoy, Samuel (Jnter
meyor of Now York. Ilockefeller
apparently, wns suddenly stricken
itpoeohleiia nnd Attorney Untenunyor
refued to coiitluuo nueittloiilni; the
"Itockefoller'a condition," hald
i'ujo, "la Dimply pltluhlo. Not only
did ho Hhukn like n leaf all over IiIr
body, hut after tho flrnt iiientlon In
hcKan to coiirIi couviilalvely evident
ly lattorliiK under Rreat excltiMiicnt
nnd to all appearance on tho verso
of a collnpitc."
Dr ChiKllo hroiiRht thn nxamluu
tlou to n halt. He wa the flrnt to
nolo k)tuitom of tlm coiiiIiik Mpmm.
"Stop thlit thlui; nl once," he
ahuuted. "ThU U octremely danger
oun to my patient. Itockofnller may
dlo rlKht hero."
Meanwhile thn mnRtinto, with c)en
cloned nnd chin burled on hli client,
khiKik from head to foot. Ho bo
enmn deathly pain, ha voice died to
iiothtiiR and ho neoiuod to bo ntraui;
IIur. "Itockofnller." J'ujo continued,
"had to npenk'tlowly nml lu n whht
per. Ho upokn Into tho ear of n
ktetiocrapher who repeated hl an
twoni to ui. 1-vriJ thU wan crom
ptlihed with tho crenteit difficulty,
tho millionaire ahakliiK nil tho while.
"Hitch n thhiR na an examination
would havo been Impomlhlo. A kooii
an Dr. C'liapello Intervened nnd re
nuentod tho henrliiR Htopped, Attor
ney t'utormetor and I foil It would
ho both daiiKcroiiH nml Inhuman to
proceed Thoreforo 1 ordered tho
examination lunpeuded "
Ni:V YOIIK, Feb. 7. Added im-
imitmit'o of San Frnucico ns n nul
tonil center and employment for hun
dreds of men hy tho pureliaM! of tho
t'ontrnl I'neifio by the l:nion Pncific.
if tho department of justice approves
the plan for the dissolution of the
L'nion-Soutlieru l'noilio merger is tho
preilietion here of Kobeit S. l.oxetl,
ohairman of tlio executive committee
of tho Union Pacific.
"If tho plan is consummated," said
liovetti "tho lease nnd operation of
the Central Paeifio hv the Southern
Pacific, will of course cense, and
the Central Pacific will enter uMn
operation of its own lines with a com
plete orKimmilinu in California, from
president down. Thin would make
the Ccnlial Pacific u 'home road' for
'The president of the Central Pa
eilie will havo fully as much author
ity with tospect o thofo lines iih tho
niesiilcnl of the Southern Paeifio has
over its Hues. Tho Union Paeifio
control will ho UiioukIi ownership of
slock of tho Central Paeifio, tho op
ornlion heinu carried on by tho Cen
tral Pacific company ami hi its own
SAIjKM, Feb. 7. There will bo no
'blue Sunday" legislation by the
present lpjislnluro.
Thin much wiih made certain today
when tho house with only tho feeblest
protest killed the bill whieh luul been
indorsed hy thu Portland Ministerial
association, to closo tho theatres,
baseball games and other amuscmont
on Sunday.
Legislature Passes Amendment
Changing Divorce Laws After Be
Inu Stormed by Mothers Assocla
tlons of State.
CAIIKON CITY, Nov., Kob. 7
Hpurred to action by 300 mother
from Itono who advocated tho re
form, tho Nevada leRUlAturn thin
afternoon, by a voto of 30 to 22,
punned tho llnruc divorce meamire,
which wlpcn out forever tho divorce
colony at Itono. Tho nmeudmnut at
tain till end by chatiRlnR tho NV
rada renldenco rvriulremoiit to dl
vorco from alx month to one year
CAIIHON CITY, Nov , Fob. 7 -
Three hundred Itono mother, In m
tperlnl train of five car, arrived hero
today to innko n flRht before the Ice
Ulaturo for abolition of thn Ileno di
vorce colony. Former Divorce Judge
John H, Orr of Ileno I loading tho
flRht to make tho Nevada city a
rofiiRo for the inlnniatnd no more.
The nmeiiilmont pahel by the leu
inliitiiio whieh killx lteno ns n divorce
center will tn into of feci uk n Intv
Jiniuiirv 1, 1111 1.
When the iiHucmbly beenn eoiihid
oration of the menNiire half tho wom
en of Itono packed tlio linll prepared
to oe the fupoH of tho men who op
tmxcil tlio imhkiiro of the moiiMure
which they were a unit lu ! em mi dine
Votes to Kistoiie notion on various
pretexts were itiickty tlikjioKCt of
unit the roll call was taken in dead
Hilenec. An effort was then made to
extend the time when tlio hill coos in
to effect until January 1, 191.'. but
this wrnt defeated.
Only ni the hist did tlio lisfcninjj
women apparently rcaliro tlmt the
fish! wni on. Then thoy cheered
heartily nnd kepi it up even nfter
adjournment, which was tuken nl
1'OIITI.AND. Feb 7 Ad WolRiut
today nRrccd to flRht Tommy Murphy
at Han Frnnclnco Fob. 2J for 9,000
or nn option of taking fifty per cent
of tho groMs receipts of tho nmtch.
Till agreement wn reached between
WoIruhI nnd Promoter Coffroth of
Han Francisco during n lout; dis
tance telephono conversation today.
WolRRnt leaves for Sail Francisco
either Monday or Tuesday to sign
I'lTTSIinta, Feb. 7. Hepudiut.
iu published reports that he had
only enough of tho Fricdmnnu tuber
culosis serum to emu only his wife,
Dr. Austin Held, of thin city, who has
just returned from llerliu, announced
today he possesses sufficient of tho
culture for forty persons. Ho did not
secure the nenun from Dr. Friodmnnn
but from Dr. Piorsow-ski, another
Merlin physician who formerly was
Frieduuinu'H aide,
Dr. lleid stated he will conduct
his experiments with the euro in this
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Four
American warships today were ord
eted to tho ooasts of Central Amer
ica to prevent ti revolution hy tlio
slate department, whieh may result in
u general war involving- every South
American country except Mexico anil
Costu Hn.
Tlio plot conterH around Now Or
leans where the state department is
informed there uro several filibuster
ing expeditious nbotit tP, bail.
OUEOON, VIM) AY, VEllHUAllY 7, 1913.
Principal Witness in Beach Trial
l-cfts vtTBcn. wen-urta
Mil Marlon U. Holllus, who wa n'iiylnR nl the home of Mr. nnd
Mr. Frederick O. lloarh at Aiken. B C, at the tlmo Mr Heach I nlleRcd
to havo (tabbed hi wife, wo uuo of tho most Important witnesses at the
trial. Mis lIolllnH wai reading In bod when sho heard Mrs. Heach'
arrcani and wa one of the first to reach her slilo after tho attack Thu
Jury acquitted Mr. Ileach today.
HAI.KM, Ore.. Feb. 7 Tho Horuo
river fish bill was reported back this
morning by tho house fish commit
too a a substitute for the lteamcs'
bill. It opens the river to commer
cial fishing, nets only, below tho
below tho mouth of tho Illinois from
April 16 to A iiR. 10 and to seining
from September 1, to November 20.
Commercial flshlnR lu permitted In
Josephine county from a mllo below
tho steel bridge at Grants Pass to
Jump Off Joe creek from April IS
to May 15, net only. This gives the
Grants Fuss fishermen a 30 day sea
son. Tho nets are restricted to SVj
Inch mesh.
Representative Ilallard filed a
minority report, cutting out seining
altogether, but after a sharp debate,
tho majority report wns adopted.
Tho measure will be voted upon
either Saturday afternoon or Sun
day. Tho bill is taking practically
all of llcprcsctitatlvo Kennies' time.
positlH to assist tho city lu harmon
ious condemnation proceedings of
Its system, In lieu of tho cltya buying
tho system outright for $37,000,000
woro mado by tho directorate of tho
Spring Valley Water company today.
Tho municipality desires to utilize
the plant In the plan to secure water
from tho Sierra Novadu mountains.
In the event tho city does not de
al ro to Institute condemnation pro
ceedings tho company further pro
poses to arbitrate, thu proposed pur
chase (trice on tho basis of valuations
of tho system becured by dls Inter
ested parties.
WASHINGTON', Fob. 7. The
house committee iinestigutiu); the al
leged cNistunco of a shipping trust
rortlimi'il ill miilio lim'rt Imlnv with
P. S. Groves, president of the Phila-
ueipiim mm unit 'iransportatiou com
pany as the first witness. Ho alleg
ed that the Southern Paeifio employ
ed f has. WiiL'iiee at Pliiliulnliiliiii.i tit
n , ..,, , .
get from the employes of the Groves
llmi 111 Cik.mi lint. tmi. m.Iii.jb .....
....vq iii'iii(iiwu .uKiMiuii); mani
fests, so that the Southern Pacific,
could get in touch with independent
SALKM. Feb. 7 Tho widows
pension bill passed iho senate today
with but ono dissenting voto. The
bill had previously passed tho house
by unanimous oto and is now up
tho governor for his approval.
In brief tho bill provides that
widows with a child or children, shall
bo paid 310 each month for the first
child, and S7.G0 monthly for each
additional child.
Women whoxo husbands are con
fined In state Institutions also come
under tho provisions of tho bill.
PlllLADKI.PiHA. Feb. 7 I.cndinK
members of the Philadelphia Mar as
sociation announced today thnt at
Monday's 111001111); they will investi
gate the mysterious circumstances in
the arrest of Milan K. Pew, editor of
the Philadelphia News-Post, arrested
on a charge of criminally libeling
Police Magistrate Carey. The asso
ciatioii will lso investigate Pew's
charges against Carey.
The warrant for Pew's nrrest was
issued at '' o'clock Wednesday after
noon. Ho wns told it had been issued
and waited in his office for its service
until I) o'clock. It was not served
until six hours later when Pew was
drugged from bed. Tho bail was fix
ed at $U000, an exorbitant amount.
A1KKNS, S, C, Feb. 7. Aeeuscil
of gashing his wife's throat in nn
attempt to kill her, Frederick Beach,
rich resident of thU town nnd for
merly of New York, was formally
acquitted by a jury hero in Judge
Spain's court after only a fiiw min
utes deliberation,
lteaoh and his wife, on the stand,
both sworo the attack on Mis, Bench
was committed by a negro at night in
tho yard of their home and that the
assussin fled as Mrs. Meach fell with
n great wound in her throat. Thu
case was mysterious from inception
and the verdict today did little to
vienrK up.
"Moonshine and Bosh" Says Mac
Veigh Cabinet Discusses Order
Conpress Starts Probe Explana
tions Forthcoming From Officials.
WASHINGTON, Feb- 7. "Moon
shine" and ''bosh" were the words
most used by Secretary of the Trea
surv MncVcigh hero till afternoon in
rcfcrnui; to the prediction in New
York of Kudolph SpreckrK S1111
Francisco millionaire, that the rouit
try is threatened with financial dif
ficulties at it result of the issuance
of "treasury circular No. ."."
President Tnft mid the cabinet dis
cussed this afternoon the ttossibility
of the order causing a panic.
''I haven't seen the order," said
Attorney General Wiekcrshani. ''but
nil tnlk of a plot to dynamite the
Wil-on administration with a panic
bomb is nothing more than hot air."
The house committee on expendi
tures in the treasury department has
started an investigation on its own
account. Acting Chairman Young an
nounced he would ask Secretary of
the Treasury MucYeigh to testify be
fore his committee regarding the cir
cular. Assistant Secretary of the Trea
sury liailey issued n statement this
afternoon explaining tho order and
denying its illegality ns alleged b
"The order simply increases the
number of deHMtorieV' said Mailcy,
"for the purpose of simplifying check
exchange without materially increas
ing tho fixed balance of national
funds in national bunks.
'Under the old system there were
i.'O national deiw.sitories. carrying a
total fixed balance of $J8.000,000!
Under order number five the number
of depositories is increased to 530
and the hixed balance increased to
about $."i0,000.00(). This means n de
crease in each individual bunk."
Because he is developing marked
symptoms of quick consumption, due
to his confinement in the county jail,
friends of T. A. LeMnster, who pled
guilty to bigamy recently, are to make
an attempt at once to secure his re
lease, in order that he may be treated
properly for his illne..s. It is feared
that confinement for i few weeks
longer may prove fatal. A pardon
will be sought at once.
LeMustor is n large fleshy man, of
the build that succumbs most easily
to tuherculoois. Physicians state
tlmt only outdoor exercise and sun
shine can help him.
Wliilo technically guilty of bigamy
I.eMnster was never bhowu to be mor
ally guilty. He left his first wife
seven years ago and she instituted
divorce proceedings. I.eMnster did
not leani until n short time ugo, xvhen
ho married again, tlmt the deereo
had never been entered. Tho decree
has bince been properly entered. It
wns shown that ho was ignorant of
the fact that he was still n married
man when he married the second time.
Ho i highly rcgaided by his business
He has still several months lo serve
in the county jail unless pardoned
SALKM. Feb. 7. Increase of sal
ary of circuit judges of tho state so
they will receive $1,000 a year wns
voted by the senate today and the bill
now goes to the governor, who vetoed
a biuulur measure two years ago.
Tho senate also uussed thu houso
bill giving school districts of over
110,000 population tlio uuthority to
establish trudo schools for dependent
girls, Iho support of such schools
will bo taken from the funds of tho
school district,
NO. 273.
Heavy Financial Storms Confronting
New Administration as Result of
Treasury Order Number 5 Which
Gives New York Banks Receipts
NEW YOHK, Feb. 7. 1'owlblllty
of heavy financial storms confront
ing the administration of President
Woodrow Wilson soon after his In
auguration March 4, unless congress
Investigates the causa and purport
of "treasury circular number 5," Is
seen hero today by Kudolph Sprcckcls
a millionaire of San Francisco.
"Tho circular direc! that customs
money bo deposited In national
banks," said Sprockets today. "I be
lieve the order directly conflicts with
tho law.
"It seems strango the the Taft
administration should Issue such an
order on the eve of going out of of
fice. Wo have the rlcht to question
tho motive which prompted such ac
tion. Unless the order Is promptly
rescinded we will wltnci a marked
and unusual increase In deposits,
principally In New York banks, thn
Increase amounting to 1200,000,000
annually In New York alone. When
tho new administration takes office
It will be obliged to demand the re
turn of theso funds to the govern
ment. The effect of the withdrawal
of so many millions is bound to causa
financial difficulties.
"I bcllovo tho people aro entitled
to know who Is responsible for tho
plan and why It was put out at this
time. On the face of- tho order
there Is no specific provision that tho
banks shall give security for the de
posits er proven -that they shall-pay
NEW YOHK. Feb. 7. Suspension
of a deputy police cc-mlssloner of
New York, alleged to bo involvod In
the police graft scandal, was momen
tarily expected today. All other po
lice officials mentioned In tho nffulr
havo been suspended, and as Pollco
Commlsloncr Waldo has held several
long conferences with his suspected
assistant, some sort of action Is ex
pected before night.
Tho name of tho deputy commis
sioner under suspicion has not been
definitely disclosed. District Attor
ney Whitman spent the entire day
raising his evidence for presentation
to the special grand Jury which con
venes hero Monday to probo tho
scandal. He insists that attempts to
block tho probe will tall, and pre
dicted the Indictment of Pollco In
spector Sweeney and Pollco Captain
Walsh. In addition to Walsh and
Sweeney, Pollco Captains Thompson
and lludsey also havo been suspended
by Commissioner Waldo.
SAX KAFAKU Cal Feb. 7.
Uattered almost boyond recognition
by tho breakers, tho body of Her
bert Ropsold. tho young "Perfumed
Burglar," was, found by fishermen
In the bay two tulles west of Bart
Quentlu prison, from which ho es
caped January 10, and is In the
morgue hero today, Identity was
established by tutoo marks.
Warden Hoylo of San Queulln be
lieves Hepsold fell from a high cliff
noar whoro tho body was found
whllo trying to find his way to a
boat. His footsteps nud previously
been traced to tho top of the cliff.
The weather was very cold whon
llopsold escaped and It Is belloyod
this brought death quickly before ho
could louvo the water. The body
was but partially clothed,
llepsold's funeral' will be held to
-. K'a.