Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 05, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1
The rmncratlo Tlms, Thu Molford
Mall, Tlio Mrdfortl Tribune, Th Booth
em OrcBonlan.Tlm Ashland Tribune.
Omen Mall Trlbuna Hulldln, 1S-IMI
North Kir ntreetj phone. Main 30!1.
OROROF. PUTNAM. IMIlor and Managtr
KnlfrrJ na nccotiil-olais mnt!r nt
M(Uorl, Orcson, under ths act of
March 3, IS.
Orflclnl Par of the City of Mcdford.
Official lapr of, Jackson County.
suxscbxvxxox atbb.
Aaa & ,.. ...1.11
One month, liy mall..
. .V
Per month, ilellvtrcil by carrier jn
XftrciF.I JAlrMnntltit tint Cn
tral lolnt . .
Faturday only, by mall, pr year. S.JO
Weekly, twr VMr-. - VSO
Tlilovca broko Into tho Smoke
Houeo on West Math street Tuesday
evening nil secured about $10 In
cash and a considerable quantity ot
cigars. Entrance was effected
through a rear window.
Tho robbery was discovered
Wednesday morning when the Smoke
House was opened for business.
Drawers had been ransacked and tho
ntoro gono over In general.
Tho police aro"worklnB on the case
with fcoreral clues to guide them. It
Is believed that the thieves will be
The mayor's cabinet as outlined In
tho mayor's first message to tho city
council seems to be very stow lu form
ing. To data but two organizations
asked to nanio a representative havo
responded, and (key have not yet
chosen a representative.
' Slnco the plan was announced con
siderable opposition has developed to
tho plan, Influential members ot tho
different organizations stating that
they see no reason why the men
elected to oftlco should not assume
(he entire responsibility for the poli
cies of tho new administration.
1 FT . it :
The local company 'of the Coast
Artillery Corps, Captain A. W. Dcane.
commanding, will give a public drill,
full equipment, at the Natatorlura
this evening. Invitations to tho city
officials and public havo been ex
tended. ,' Captain It. VS. Collins will bo in
Two htronjr bnskojbhll teams will
Ktrugglo for Mia city title Thursday
evening when the Chohcn Friend
meet tho IIi'l'Ii school. Each twini
1ms a Ieiij: list of viijiorics to iu credit
. ? . j, 1 1 . . A fi
nnd encli has us louowing oi couu
dent fan. Tlio winner of the gome
tnny claim the rilit to boast the
strongest team in feouthent Oregon.
The game will bo played at the Vat
ntl it in expected thnt the largest
crowd of tlio year will he out.
' Christian Church,
At the Christian church last night
Mr. Purlep, gavo an Interesting ser
mon on "Jijeals." He showed that
Hod's Ideal of man was a very dlffer-i-nt
typo to that admired by men.
Man being umTblo to appreciate God
at) spirit. Ho In order to get down
to the level of lost man himself be
came flesh and blood, and In the per
son of his son walked and lived
among men, and by Ills perfect llfo
condomned tho low and Imperfect life
ot man. Ills earth llfo becomes on
othlbttion ot what God regards as
truo greatness, power and goodness.
Heme tho llfo otrugglo to reach the
dlvjuo Ideal,
Two responded to the invitation
and tlit'ro was an Increase in the an-
dlehce, Tho music was inspiring
and thero is a growing Jntorest
Services begin at 7; 30.
Last Meetings In Hall
Tho evangelistic meptings being
hold lu tho hall on prnpo street will
bo brought to a close after tbo fol
lowing three subjects aro presented r
Tonight, Wlblo naptlsin. Thursday,
Tho Call Out of Spiritual Ilnbjjon,
Friday evening, Obedlento.
Whllo tho meetings were held in
tho hall the church on North River
sido has been undergoing cxteuslve
repairs. Other services will bo air
nounced for the church later,
runSMlnOfD. nfVRnr akthjoom
nxcwy ain.
SOME people ah so orookctMlint thov think ovoryouo
else 1ms n kink of some kind. For tho benefit or this
class, the Mail Tribune wishes to state, onee and for all,
that it has no ulterior motive in its effort to keep the public
market conducted as at present, that a change in methods
or system cannot etteet tne paper save as u auecis wic
entire community, and that its energies have been inspired
solelv with the altruistic motive of lowering the high cost
of liviinr in Medford. benefittinir both producer and con
sumer, and attracting tho country trade that had drifted
elsewhere. The market has done all this.
Before the market was established, grocers sold Cali
fornia produce while local produce rotted in the field for
lack of purchasers. Farmers unable to market their t ruck,
refused in turn to purchase their supplies here. Lack of a
market made it impossible to give diversified farming the
needed stimulus.
The fight against the market has come from interested
trades-people with whom it, to-a certain extent competes.
These have fought it from the start, and are encouraging
the effort to wreck its efficiency and effectiveness by mak
ing it a political football, because it has lessened profits
and lowered the cost of living.
Bluntly, without the meat stalls, there would not, be
inducement sufficient to attract purchasers sufficient to
sustain the market. 3f the meat stalls are abolished to
please the butchers, then the
should bo abolished to please the grocer and truit dealer,
and tho market be closed altogether. But the needs of
the people as a whole, are greater than the needs of any
one class, and class protective, legislation must give way to
legislation for the whole people.
It is because the Mail Tribune has taken this broad
view, and because, when a conflict arises between a few
advertisers, who help support it, and the many subscribers,
who also help support it, the interest of its subscribers
must be paramount, that it has endured boycott and abuse
and probably will continue to.
The Mail Tribune has no interest in city politics and
doesn't care who draws the salaries, providing efficient
service is rendered. But it realizes that back of the effort
to remove the present market master, whose efficiency is
not in question, is a sinister desire to cripple the market
and destrov its efficiencv.
THE San Diego Sun.of recent date contains notice of an
application made by the Sweetwater "Water Company,
which supplies the territory, south of San Diego with ir
rigation wator, to the state railroad commission for per-'
mission to increase the rates charged water users 1250 per
cent. Says the Sun:
On tho acreago plan, consumers are now paying nt n rate of $7 per
acre, with a minimum of 350,000 gallons tu tho acre, and 2 cents a thousand
gallons for all water 1n excess or tho minimum amount. A majority use
over the minimum, and the average amount expended nn aero Is now about
$7.50. If the Increase proposed by tho water company Is granted to give
them "reasonable returns." the consumers say they would bo forced to pay
$24.S0 for the 35(1.000 gallons, or would average about $25 or $2R pr acre
per year. If the same amount of water Is consumed that they are now uMng.
Kconomy is already practiced, and it is.
used per acre could bo decreased with any good results, with water at
$24.50 or more per acre, It Is held that the grower would bc so seriously
handicapped that few would caro to engago In the business.
When it is considered that the users of this water all
paid a large sum either for a water right, or for the land
with the privilege of securing water, in addition to the
high annual maintainanco cost, it will be seen that water is
it very valuable commodity in southern "California.
The Rogue River Canal company's offer of !?50 per acre
with an annual maintainance fee of $2.50 looks extremely
reasonable in comparison with charges elsewhere.
In submitting the name of George Tranna to the city
council for reappointment as superintendent of the water
department, Mayor Eifert made a move which will meet
with instant approval on tho part of the public. Mr.
Tranna as water superintendent lias placed his department
upon a firm basis of efficiency, And is well qualified to
1... -111T..J..1. f .. ..1. 1.1.-1-- 1 1 ! J
xiuimiu me juij. .in wion lie
tion is wise.
To the Editor?
The peoplq of , Medford, as citizens,
and mombers ot ono municipal fam
ily, Irrespective of politics, party, sex
or occupation, nro chiefly concerned,
n tho installation, maintenance and
ojieratlon of all public utilities and
services, from tbo point ot view of
economy and efficiency of operation.
That Is thcl,r first interest, the
middle and the last. There Is no
room anywhere for any public con
cern over tbo good or 111 fortunes,
politically, of any mayor's adminis
tration, or ot any council cjlquo.
Efficiency of service and economy of
operation cannot bo maintained at
their highest point If positions In our
civil service aro mado the biennial
reward of mere political activity.
Whatever sins ot omission or com
mission in this respect may Ho in tho
shadows ot past years, tho present
administration lias betoro a golden
opportunity to distinguish Us regime
by establishing tho civil servlco of
Medford upon u lasting foundation
of merit, and mprlt alone, That
foundation onco laid, no futuro ad
ministration with any hope or expec
tation of public favor would ever
daro do otberwlso than to build
solidly upon It; and tho public inter
est in tho structure so reared should
remain sufficiently keeu to guarantee
a recall campaign against any mayor
who would then attempt to make
the public sorvlco a football of poll
tics, or a feeding ground for hi per
sonal favorites,
It appears plain to tho wrltor that
no man dealing with public affairs,
save the very dullest and most obsti
nately Ignorant, cau fall to percelvo
Efficiency Needed, not Politics
S 1 II II I . I , , wj
JH-XOU -1-L-11U.H I -UlU-l
vegetable and fruit stalls!
not belloved that the amount of water
nas iiiacio goou, aim his reien
tho decided drift toward public In
tolerance of the evils of old days
with which we aro still threatened
in our municipal uffalrs under dis
cussion. Tho writer holds no brle
for any former administration, or
any individual therein concerned; he
holds no commission to take up any
gago which tho present administra
tion may havo prepared to fling at
shadows. Let the mayor and his
chancellor spill themselves out as
they will but they should learn to
leavo efficient public servants uliie,
until thero Is just reason, connected
with the performance of their pub
lic duties, for discharging thoiiV
They should do anything else in the
faro of public Indignation nnd pub
lic punishment.
The revival service ut ihe Jlctjto
diht KpiHcopal cliurcli, corner of
Dnrlk'lt nnd Fourth htrcctn coiilitiuo
with iiiiahiitetl interest. Sorviccrt
every night except Haltiiilay, Fine
cougregationnl Hinging led by clionm
choir, under the direction of F. ('.
KdmentleH. Subject of Kcruion to
night, "The Scarlet Thread." A
hearty welcome itwaitn everybody.
John A. Perl
riioneu M. 471 ft" 473
AinbuXance fkrvlce Deputy Ocronef
Favors School
To tho IMItort
With all duo respect for our lninfc
orable county Judge niul ye editor, I
should llko to wrlto a tow linos In
uimtor to tho couuuitnlcntlou ot Mr,
Sturm's In regard to our school
supervision. Of course, vcry one
linn n right to bin own opinion but
forming too b'nsty an opinion Is a
fault every on should mold.
To judge tho work ot suporlwor
by tho notes read at tho Parent-
Tteachors meeting would bo as un
fair nn to jtidgo tho merits ot n
tectum by tho notes jotted down by
some auditor us In both cases the
notes were brief nnd to bo usod sim
ply as" .reminder of tho fuller and
more complete work.
Surely, no ono would think that
children were of less vnluo than
fruit trees or roads, et wo have
fruit Inspector and road supervisor
so why not havo school suporvlorsT
No ono would think of letting an In
experienced ponton go to work on
their place without watching nnd In
structing them, no why should w
allow Inexperienced teachers to go
Into our school roomn and gain ex
perience at the expense ot our chil
dren, when by Intelligent school
supervision, the supervisor, who has
been a successful teacher, could cor
rect their mistake before any dam-
ngo wni done nnd gle thm vnluabb
hints which provn of nlim to both
teacher anil pupil. Then, too, he
sees that each district receive tho
benefits of the O. A. C. literature,
and IT. S. Department of Agriculture
bulletins without any expense or lots
of time.
Would Mr. Sturges. who I or
wax a rond supurvUor, hire some
stranger to work on his road and
pay him wages without going to see
how much or how well the work was
douo? No! He would simply laugh
nt the Idea. Dee he Infer thnt his
Two home-tend vonlr-t en"es arc
engaging the utteutioii of W. II. ('an
on, United HtntcH Inml eotiimisxioiier.
The fir-tt was hoard Tuettlay, lite
second being heard tixlin.
The Toiled State U contesting the
claim of I'erev Slrnltoti of ApIiIiiihI,
who iiskn u patent ttl html in the Pond
Indian country, N'oii-reHidencii nnd
insufficient cultivation in charged.
The case of the United Stales n
Clinton Texter is bring heard today.
Uncle Sam nllegeii that Texter has
not c.ttalilihlicd a reiilcnce on hi
home-lend in lite Sipinw l.nkc coun
try, that ho htw failed to improxe or
cultivate it.
Three appointment vro mado by
Mayor Eifert ut Tuesday evening's
session of tho rlcty council, the three
being confirmed by tho ilty council.
Tho first one was that of (leorgo
Tranna a water superintendent. Mr.
Tranna has filled this pl.ico tho past
year and hail mado good.
Harry I'lerco was appointed
plumbing Inspector, tbo plan to com
blno this with electrical Inspector
having failed.
Olan Arnsplger, city engineer was
apoplntcd electrical Inspector. Ills
reappointment as city engineer was
not mado, but this move Indicates
that he will bo so appointed.
RALKM, tire.. Feb. .". A hill wiv
ing tho hcltool leacher of Portland a
system of ciiil service Iiiim today
passed tho house. The measure pro
videH that the hcltool board hhall dis
mirnj ii lonelier who Iiiih been em
ployed for two veprH without giving
the rcitsouH and without granting
Hitch teacher a hearing. OliargeM
must ho filed in writing niul full testi
mony nitiht be publicly (liken,
Piles Cured In 0 To li Days.
Your druggist will refund monoy
If PA.O OINTMENT falls to euro
any case of Itching, Illlnd, Dleedlng
or Protruding Piles in 0 to 14 days.
GO conts,
l L4.
Thwrm im
That im
Laxative Brome Quinine
V9ea rue fOHUt oven to oime a oold im one bay.
Always retppmbor tho full n&nio. Joo J ff jCg
for this signature pu every box, !?6g, j fipjCyVtrl
children nro of less Itnportnurn than
his roads?
To lie sure, nn Mr. Htiirgess ob
served, wo should till know enough
to havo our children's drinking cup"
scaled with lo wnler because none
of s would wish our children to
drink ntler children who have skin
or blood trouble but as tar u that
Is concerned, n man know ho
should work well to draw good
wagon but will they all do so It they
know that no ono will know wheth
er theytwork or not? It Is tho same
with n teacher. When teacher
knows thnt the directors seldom If
ever visit her school or Inspect her
work, what Is to prevent her becom
ing buy or careless?
Mr. SturgoH say pictures do mil
bring In nny money but If joti are
simply looking nt monetary vnluos,
neither docs music nor many of the
other studies but who would wish
to llvu without music, art nnd litera
ture? As 1 understand education,
It I the means by which person
Is fitted to go lnlo tho world,
mingle with people nnd bo able to
converse Intelligently on all subjects
of common Interest. Could he do so
did he not know, nt least, n few of
the world's most noted artists nnd
their work? Who would wish to
havo their children to bo dumb and
embarrassed lu n company of er
sons who were speaking on subjects
eery ono should bo familiar with nnd
have them realise they might have
been conversant with the subjects
had their parents or school director
allowed these subjects to he taught
when the supervisor udvlsed the bet
ter method by which they might bo
tniight. I can not see why any one
who ha thoroughly Investigated tho
matter, should In any way object to
our system of school supervision.
GLADYS H Mll.l.Klt.
Central Point, Ore
.Mayor Kifrrt called I lie attrition
of Ihe city counoil Tuesday cwning
ti Ihe fact llnit no Milking fund for
the retirement of tho water iiiiproe
incut bond hud been erculcd as pro
ided h law and asked lltal this be
done nt once. After u churl discus,
stiott it wiih referred to the finance
committee for report.
The proHMtiii of building three
ctotiu hcncrH in the clt at ouiie
came before the council from (Icorgs
II. Millar. Tlio finance iitnl street
I'ominitlvcx togi(htr with the city cn-
gineer wen put ut work on t.
Hyomei Inhaler
For Catarrh?
If Vou Own One
Then you ought to know' that
druggists everywhere w'll hnnd ou
a bottle or Ilooth's HYOMEI for
only R0 conts. Pour n few drops of
HYOMEI Into tho Inhnltr and start
this very day to breathe the healing
Ilalsamlc vapor and destroy the Crt-
taarh germs.
With every package of Ilooth's
IIYOMEf comes a llttlu booklet which
explains how easy It Is to end tho
misery of Catarrh and Croup. It Is
made of Australian Eucalyptus nnd
(ontalus no harmful drug.
Hut best of nil Chas. Strang Is au
thorized to refund your monoy Is
you are dlsatlsflcd. if you haven't
th ii HYOMEI Inhaler ask for tho com
plete outfit, f 1.00. Just breulho it
No stomnch dosing.
Auction Sale of Acreage
The undorslgued has decided to
make another auction sulu or i! xh to
r. nrrn Irnrtu III thll I'llirCO flllblllvl-
ulnit lintw.-mi tho 16 til duV Of April
und tho IGlh of March.
Kltico my sale last March miicii im
provement has bcon douo lu this lo
cality, positive evlduuco thnt this Is
tho preferablo location for building
suburban homes.
Two ulco homes nnd n ntimbor of
smaller ones huvo been built this
pust summer und full. Hulldlng Is
now going on lu this neighborhood;
a now freo rural delivery now passes
through tho Plorro Hubdlvlslon. An
electric ,pownr nnd light lino has re
cently been constructed. With gootl
roads, freo soil und city wuter, u
homo hero Is a llttlu ranch In thu
For particulars utd terms wrjto
WM E. Miiln Ktrcet, Medford
" ;u J.i. - .1 . . ,. I
- X.
in i i , - i -fc
POHTIiASI), Kch. A.- Tim rrlwm
Hon of I'lcsl.l.'iil W. X. IVrilii of I'u
cllle itnli'iHy, Forest drove, Die,
bus tmlnv hecii iietcilctl iiuuiiIuioiihI
liv'thn himiil of Ilitslci'H, The ie.g
tuition Imtoiim's ell'eetUe nt Ihe cud
of the iivi'M'tit school vent',
rrcMuYnl Fen In' ticlhni wuh
euttscil, t Is mild, hv ilhhlt'il Httppoil
of tils nilinluistinlioii hv Ihe I mulct's.
Which Is Heller Try an Hxnrrl
Itieul or Profit by a Metlfnitl
ntltcn'x EMicrlciice
Something new Is an experiment.
Must bo proed to he ns represent
ed. Tho statement of a innnnfitrtitrcr
Is not convincing proof ot merit.
Hut the endorsement of friends Is
Now supposing you had a had
A lame, weak, or netting one,
Would )ou experiment on It?
You will read of many so-called
Endorsed by stranger from far
away places.
ltH different when the endorse
ment comes from home.
Kimy to proe local testimony.
Itend this nitse:
(1. M. Jones, HOI N. Central Ave.,
Medford, Oregon, says: "1 found
Doan'rt Kidney Pills especially
adapted to my case. My buck wns
very stiff and painful mid I had oth
er nunolng Buiptoms of kidney
trouble. Doau's Kidney Pills, pro
cured at llnsklns' drug store,
brought me prompt relief nttd slure
Inking litem, my health has been
much better. This exrelitit reme
dy hu earned my endorsement."
For sb b all dealers. J'rlro 60
cents. Foslnr-.MIIbtlru Co , lluffnbi,
Now York, sole intents for the Culled
Itemember the name Doau's
and Inke no other
t j
2 for 25c
Tha nov CbcIIiK Mood. TKj brtt
pffWTvUiioo ol the irjmmwljr populu cut.
a.wty hp. H 'J' k-ptt nd
Lruly ol imffltty slvrtyt (ouad la
With Unocal)) UnbfriUlib) buttonholr.
GEO. P. IOC ft CO.
Aho Mnitri ol U St.lrlt
THOV. N.r.
Eggs for net (lug and stork for
sale from the best birds In Southern
Oregon. Winners of 1st prize for
pen, 1st cock, 1st and -'d pullet and
2d hen at Orants Pass Poultry show
J, If. ITLLEK, Talent. Oregon,
W cArry n vry comnlota Una of
ilriilxTlm, laco curlulim, flxiur. lc,
ami ilo nil clanwn of ujliollrliiK, A
mxtclal limn li look oltor ItiU work
axalimlvrly und "III Rl ns fc'ooa
errvlce u In liomlbl lo ifvl lu avtn
thu InrcrNt clllc.
Weokfl & McQowan Co.
Official Photographor of the
Medford Commercial Club
Amateur PiiiiHhing
Post Carda
Panoramic Work
Interior and oxtorior viows
Flasli liRlita
NojmtlvoH made anv time
and any plnco by appoint
208 E. Main Phono 1471
iim i t
Luxury Without
Von Dorn t
242 Turk Strqot
I Finest popular priced
Hotel in San Francisco
I Modern Central
ijMiv' q an ro r DAaH
Comedy Hinging, Talking and Mim
ical Art.
Pltntoptii))!, 'I mutiny unit Wctlncsdity
pathivh whkklv, no. 01
tetvii.i.i: hvi:
iihonoio'h mexican
Coming Thursday Three reels
"THE KEIlllY (IOW"-Three Heels.
Whoru joti get our inonoy's worth
on both sides of the dime.
Your Ijih llpiMiHitully of Seeing Urn
AndiCMiii.'lKitl Itiulug Ciintcst liKbty
1 i1
Another of Ihe famous I'HIiik "A 'a"
port no ul of lire lu Iho witstiru hills,
1 000 feet of mmiidy and n httigh In
oorv font.
llrtngtug a crlinlual to Jtiktlre.
"lilt INS VM. HH.UVN"
H'n u Tliaiihoiisir comedy.
roilltltST and WDOI.WOUTH
In approprlnle music tittd effects.
Matinees Dally, 3 to C p. m.
At your Uroctr
XOTK- KnrkiM Sroal tUmp
ll Ii ) uur nmiHl litra n.
1 1 U I (J M ! Ukl rl IIUiIum
lit aJ iMinli Iik-
Haight Music Studio
ll) S. Ijitiri;! Ht., Medford, Ore,
Now Vork
Piano and Harmony
Mi. Florence Halllday-Hiilght
London und Now York
Vidro Culture
Phono 7-0-
Baft located
und most
hotel in the
City. Running dhftillcd
ice water in ench room.
European Plan, a la Carte
Cafe, t'
Tariff on Room
12 rooms - - $1.00 esch
00 rooms - . 1.B0 each
80 rooms - - - - 2.00 ench
00 rooms iifc ptlnl bill 2,00 each
SO rooms nits irlnli litk 2.50 ench
30 lultei, bedroom, par-
lornndbnth 3.00 ench
For more thnn ono auoit ndd l.00
extrn to the above rates for
4 ench addltionnl gueit.
Reduction by week or month.
Managtmtnt CAr IV. KIUy
a,. , X Ji" rw vBm j wm inj ,y j a ej
A good
for a
I Day's
1 i' gJ