Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 05, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Directions for Preparation and Use of Insecticides and Fungicides
Tim following fornuilmi for tlm im'.p.iniUoii and iiho of iiiHoofli'McH and i'umw.ldvH urn in woordnnco with tho best prnotice. Thine
boon proimrod oxuIuhIvoIv for (ho fruit and truck uroworw of ho Kolmic Kivor Valldv: and. with thin fact in view, only Much matter 5h
Ih tltouirht nccoHHiU'v for the iiitolliiteni iimo of inKcctidoH and I'umricidoH in tlie control of Htich inKcct dchIh and fumroiiH discafiCH a arc of
iinportancc in the valley. For thin reason, the treatment of Much diHeaHCH a the Brown IJot of Btono fruita, tho various leaf Hpot
lllii .. Ik .J It I ... J . ?.. .. 111 ...1 II 1 . 1 I. . .... . .. .... Jf . t . . .....r . t ..!.... I AI T. ...... Til--.. TT..11....
Diuiii' uoi oi nppifH. eie., ih oiiuin'ti. livw aim iippiu hwmj, ho hci'iouh in many hccuodh, ih oi no econouiie importance in me iu)uii jiivur viuie.
Only in Home of the higher mountain valleyH, where air drainage Ih inmiffieient, Jh scab found at all, and even there commercial varieties arc rarely
Herioimly attacked.
'alendar has
included as
dincuHCH, the
I'-?. '1.1 -1 L!J
This lit lliu stiindnrd full spray for ojijiIpb nml stone, fruit.
Illunstotiii (copper stilphnlit) ...... f pounds
l.liutt ( unslaked ) , , . ,. ft poii mil
Wntur i f0 Kulloiifl
Dissolve the htuestouo by suspending It In it suck In water,
and (ttliitu to lift KnlloiiH. Hlnlcu tho Hunt to mi ttviiii paste, nml
nilil water to mako 25 gallon. .Mix these, dilute solutions liy
pouring together slowly Into tint npruy tntik or barrel Ht rain
UirmiKli n 20-inesh strainer liiadn of lirass wlm wlillu pouring
Into the spray tnnli, In large operations It I best to proparu
lock solutions of both bliinnloiio ami lime. Tim hliieMouo limy
bu dissolved at Ilia rate, of unit pound per gallon of water,
'ilia 1 1 mo may aliu bu slaked, but not loo far lu nilvanuii of
tlio tliiio necessary to use. It. Ily having a sufficient number
of barrels for stock ioliitlom, oiw man enn easily keep three
or Tour power spray outfit miiipllcil with tlm llordeuux mix
turn. An elevated platform upon which tlio mixing may bo
dona will savn Kriut ileal of limn. A II t tin haml labor as
pomillile should be tlm rule, ami nil Unit should bo neccsisry
In a well appointed mixing plant ahotilil bo simply opening
nml doting valves or gate. A scale to weigh the, materials
mud Hhoulit bit a necessary part of tbu etiilpmiit.
Thin la the standard aprny for blackberries, raspberries,
ml other cauu fruits,
Itesln I pound
Hal aotla crystals '4 pound
Wutur ' '. gallon
Hull together until n cluar In own color appear; then add
Hut iiIhivi In earh fill itnllnn of llordeuux mixture made
iirroidltiK In (he n-r.-v'O formiilii, given nlinw. The reason for
using tlio resin mixture I to caua thu llordeaux to pread
ami adhere better, The llesln-llardeaux ihould be npplled
with a good npruy pump and ii noitlo giving a very flue inlit
pray. Keep the mixture well agitated, and before inlug
remember that ll ihould be carefully strained no ai to keep
out all material which would tend to rlog the tinrite.
Tbl Ii tho itandard ipray used during the iprlng for all
fruit trees, vine, shrubs, etc, before tba hudi open. I.lme
aulphiir lu concentrated form may bo purchased, but there ate
many who prefer to boll their own noliitlon. The propor
ttoni of lime, iiilphiir and water, according to the mol recent
lUVPNttgatloua are
1 pound
'i.2 pound
i.... ..,..,............ l gallon
l.limt (unnlaked)
Hulphtir (flour or flower)
In order to make CO gallon of lhneaulphur at one time,
all that I necuMiiry to do I to multiply the above formula
by 50. Tlio formula will read:
t.lmo (untked 50 pound
Hulphtir (flour or flower) ...110 pound
Water 50 to 55 gallon total product when boiled
Put about 10 gallon of water In tho kettle or bollor and
iturl the fire. I'lam the limn In tho kettle, and, after slaking
ha well itarted, add tint dry milphtir and mix It thoroughly,
adding water enough to maintain a thin pate. Hlft tho ul
pliur no that there will bo no lump. After tho alaktng and
mixing aru completed, dd water to about 60 gallon on the
invitNiirlng atlck or to a mark on thn ldn of the boiler, and
boll, tlrrlng until the lulphury acum dliappear. Then add
water to about tlio height of CO gallant and boll down to
about 65 gallon If tho ry I to bo uied at oncts, If It I
dcnlred to keep It far a abort while. It may be boiled down
to 60 gallon, During thn boiling proci the mixture ihould
bo woll itlrred. Ai n rule, CO niluute or vlgorou boiling
will raum thn iiilphiir to unite completely with tho lime A
low fire will iifct"nrlly take longer Do not overboil; when
tho lulphur ha combined with thn lime and tho mlxturo Ii
to be applied at once, continued boiling only add uxpemo and
doe not help or benefit tho ipray Properly made lime
ulphur I an amber-colored liquid, and thero ihould bo very
llttlu nedlmeut After aettllug and cooling, the mlxturo ahould
be tinted with a li)drometer, Tho following table, which may
bo ued for the commercial a well n the huiuvbollcd lime
ulphur, Indicate the pioper dilution for (he arlou concrn
tratlom: Taldn for IMIutliiK Coitrrntrateil l.lnuHulpliur Holutloii
Heading of Hydrometer Amount of dilution
Ilea u mo
. 7
I 367
1.2 tO
Number gali, water to ono gal. Ilmc
aulphiir lolullon. For dormant ipraylng.
1 gat. Ilme-iulphur
1 gal, Ilme-iulphur
1 gal. Ilme-iulphur
1 gal. Iluie-ulphur
1 gal. limo-auiphur
1 gal. Ilmo'iulphur
1 gal. Ilmo-tulpbur
1 gal. Ilme-iulphur
I gal. Ilme-iulphur
1 gal. Ilme-ulphur
1 gal, llmn-Niilphur
1 gal. Ilmo-iulphur
1 gal. Iliue-itulphur
1 gal. Ilme-iulphur
1 gal, llinu-iulphur
1 gal. Ilme-iulphur
1 gal. Ilmo-aulpuur
1 gal. Ilmo-iulphur
1 gal, llme-Hiilptiur
1 gal, llme-Hiilphur
1 gal, Ilmo-iulphur
TI1I1 lublo I roimtructcd for a dilution of 4.5 degree
llenumo or It equivalent 1.030 apeclflc gravity.
11.0 gal, water
10.6 gali. water
10.1 gali, wuter
9.7 gal, water
9.3 gali. water
9.0 gali, water
8.0 gnl. wuter
8 2 gala, water
7 9 gali, witter
7.6 gat, water
7.2 gull, water
0.9 gali. water
0.5 gal, wuter
0.2 guli. wuter
6 9 gnl. water
5.0 gali, water
C.3 guli. water
4.9 gali. wutur
4.0 gali. water
4.3 gali. water
4.1 guli. water
Table Comparing
Degree Hpeclflo
llcauiuo (Iravlty
0 1.000
1 1.007
ll 1 1 t 1 1 iiV)U
6., 1.031
0 1.041
7 1.043
8, , , 1,060
U ,.1.003
10,, 1,070
11.... 1... 1. 078
12 1. 080
13 1,094
Iteaiiiuo'a II) Urometer
Degree Hpeclflo
llenumo (Iravlty
14 1.101
16 1.109
10 1,118
17 1.120
18 1.134
19 1.143
20 1.162
21 1,100
23 1.1G9
23 1,178
4 t t t 1 t t I 1 NiS
26 1.197
20 1.200
iiud Specific (Inivllle
Degree Specific
Ileaumo Uruvlty
7 t t tltailU
mil t l.M
29 1.230
30 1.240
31 1.250
32 1.207
33 ...1.277
34 1.288
36 1.299
30.,.,..,. 1.310
111 tlltlw
38..,,.... 1.333
39 1.346
40, ,.,..,, 1,357
Jtuloa (or Determining Number of Dilutions nml Doiudty of
If tho donslty of tho commercial solution or tho homo
made waiih him been flmt ilcturmlnod by the use of u hydrom
eter, Mpry of niiy dcilrud domlty may bo calculated by uilng
tho ttbovo tablu. llydroniotom do not detect Impurltlca In
lliiui-Bulpluir HoluttoiiH; theno enn bo doturmluod only by
chemical iinalybos. Tho rulo for obtaining tho number of
dllutlonH U an follows; Divide tho doclmul of tho concentrate
by tho (ledum! of tho ipray dualred, tho quotient will ho tho
number of dilutions. Kxample: Tho concentrated llmu-sul
pliur solution tests 34 degree Hoaumo which by tho table U
1,288 Hpeclflo gravity. It Is dcnlred to uso tho llme-milpliur
Holutlou to spray upon trues tit 3 degree llenumo which Is
1.020 specific gravity, Tho decimal of tho concentrate Is
.288 which divided by .020 equals 14.4 which Is tho number
of dilutions required, and which, of course, Ih obtained by
uddlng 13,4 volume of water to ono volume of tho concen
trated Ilmo-iulphur solution. This rulo Is baiod upon tho
general fact that tho dumlty of a solution heavier than wntor
varies lnvoruoly with tho number of dilutions. Another
example; BiippoHlnt,' tho doclmal of tho concontrato Is known
aud this concontrato Is diluted by a certain nutubor of vol
umes of wuter, what is the decimal of the spray? Let us
iko tho tlBures In tho example nbovo. Tho doclmul of tho
rotireiitrntu Is 288 and 13.4 volume of water aro added to
It. 13.4 plus I equal thn number of dilution. ,288 dlvldi-d
by 14 4 c( 11 u Is ,020 which Is tho decimal of tho spray and
corresponds In 3 degrees Ileaumo.
This Is tint standard Dimmer spray fur peaches and other
slono fruits to prtivunt tho fruit spot dlscaio. Its ue, how
over, Is never neresmiry If proper fall spraying with llordeaux
has been done. This spray Is much safer than dilute llmu
sulphur solutions, us It wilt not Injure foliage. It may bo
uied to prevent apple and pour scab where this disease appears,
It ul no hss a beneficial effect lu a limited way In Hid control
of scale. Infestation of the fruit may he checked by Its uso.
Mum (unslaked) , , . 8 pounds
Holphur (flour or flowers) 8 pounds
Wuter , , .50 gallons
Too Mine should ha placed In u barrel "and enough water
poured on to almost cover It. As soon as the limn begins to
I like, (he sulphur should be added aftor sifting ll so as to
break tlm lump, The mixture should ho stirred and moro
water added as needed to form a thick paste ut first and then
trraillllltv n Miln tiimln Tlm lion I nt thn alallnr 1 1 inn will
Irook the mixture and from 6 to 16 minutes will bo neremmy,
according to the quickness of the lime. He suro not to let
ll overcook ss this would tend to form compounds which
Mould burn. A soon a the sulphur and lime hnve reached
tho pntn state, fill up the barrel to 60 gallons with cold
water. Do not tint any hot wntor 'In making this mixture.
I'or large operations, proportionate amounts of limn and sul
phur should bo uied, and It will bo found that It Ii rssler to
make largo quantities than small amounts.
This Is the standard spray for apple and rose mildew for
this district. The following formula I for summer iue, or
after thn buds have opened,
Iron sulphate (copperas) 1 pound
l.lme-sutphur (32 degrees lleauuie test) .., 1 quart
Water 10 .gallons
Dlnolvo thn Iron iiilphato In about 6 gallons of wster and
add thn quart of lime-sulphur, itlrrlng well. Let the block
precipitate letlln for a few hours and pour off the liquid,
keeping thu precipitate. Then add 5 gallons of water, stir
thoroughly and let settle again. Pour off the liquid as be
fore. This process Is called washing, aud Is neceiury In order
lo gel rid or the excess llmn-sulphur which would burn tender
foliage Itt-pcat tho washing until the water Is no longer
yellow Thu black "muck" should bn diluted to 10 gallons
and sprayed with good agitation. If plant lice are present,
tobacco extract or keroinno euiulilon msv be mixed with It.
Arsenate of leud for the codling moth may also bo applied In
the snmn milium without any Injurious effect. For making
up largo quantities, proportionate amounts of the materials
should bo used.
It Is often necessary to apply the Iron sulphide before the
buds open, and In this case, washing Is not necessary. The
best way to apply It In tho raso of apple mildew Is with the
spring lime-sulphur spray. For apples badly mildewed the
previous year, use tho following fermula:
Iron sulphato (copperas) , 15 pounds
Llmcsulphur (32 degrees Ileaumo test) 15 quarts
Water 100 gallons
Partly till a 100 gallon tank and add thu regular amount
of llmn-sulphur solution for tho spring spray, and to this add
15 quarts moro of commercial lime-sulphur solution. Then
add 15 pounds of dlssolu-d Iron sulphate and fill up to 100
gallons, Stirling thn mixture thoroughly, then spray with good
agitation. If the llme-mlpliur tests less than 32 degrees, add
a little mere: If over 32 degrees, a little less.
Considering thu fuel that for each degreo Ileaumo thero
Is about three fourths of ono per cent combined sulphur pres
ent, It will bo easy to calculate tho exact amount of any con
rent rated Ilme-iulphur solution which must bo added, It the
test Is known.
This Is tho standard Ipray for thrlps.
water ...., ,..,.. ....,...,.............. C gallons
L)e (98 per rent) 2 pounds
Klah oil . 1 Vi gallons
Put water lu holler and add lye. When dissolved and tho
water boiling, pour In fish oil, and boll for two hours. When
sojp has boiled sufficiently It should have a ropy effect when
stirred. This formula gives about 40 pounds of moderately
firm soap,
Tho dlstllllate-oll stock emulsion should bo made as foleows:
Hot water 12 gallons
Klih-oll or whale-oil soap (above formula) ,30 pounds
Distillate-oil (raw) 30 to 34 degrees Ileaumo 20 gallons
llavo the water boiling when put Into tho spray tank and
add soap whllo agitator Ii running at good speed. When
soup Is thoroughly dissolved, pour In the distillatc-oll slowly,
keeping tho mixture well agitated. When oil and soap aro
well mixed, pump out through tho spray noxzlo at a pressure
of not less than 175 pounds into n storage tank. This Is
the stork emulsion, and contains 56 per cent oil. To make a
3 percent emulsion use 6V4 gallons of this stock in each 100
gallon tank To dlluto, first put the stork emulsion In spray
tunk aud then add water, keeping agitator running. To make
the spray moro effective, tobneco black leaf or sulphato of
nicotine may be added after the emulsion has been diluted.
The amount of each to add will he In accordance with tho for
mulae given eliewboro.
Kerosene ; gallons
Hard soup (whale-oil soap) Ji pound
Wuter 1 gallon
Dlssolvo soap In witter by holllnr,; ndd hot suds to tho
horoseue. Do not do this near a fire. Agitato the mlxturo
with n spray pump so as to emulsify the oil. After five min
utes tho mixture becomes creamy. To use, dilute the above
stock solution at tho rulo of ono gallon to 10 gallons of
water. This Is a standurd romody for destroying green aphis,
woolly aphis, mealy bugs nud other plant lice. It may ho
used Instead of the tobneco solutions It dcBlred.
Whalo-oll iioup 1 0 pounds
Quassia , 5 poundn
Water , , 100 gallons
Putro tho quassia clilpa In a sack, cover with about 10
gallons of wntor nud soak for 24 hours. Then boll, remove tho
chips, udd tho soap uud boll until dissolved. Add water to
mnko 100 Kullons. Kor making whalo-oll soap seo formula
given elsewhere, This formula has given good success In
destroying soft bodied insects like plant lice, young squash
inigs, eio,
Arsenate of leud ...,.,,,.... 4 pounds
Wuter ...,.,..,..,, 10Q gullons
It Is bettor to purchuso arsenate of lead than to attempt
to make It. In mlxlug, preparatory to spraying, tho umount
of ursonutu of loud for each spray tunk full should be worlcod
Into u vory thin pasto having tho appearance of milk ot lime.
It should never bo thrown aa a musa Into tho spray tank.
This Is tho standard spray for codling moth and other eating
Tobacco black leaf 1 gallon
Water ; , OS gallons
Bulphnto of nicotine (black loaf 40) , 1 plut
vyaior , 11a to 12G gallons
mis is mo Bianuaru summor spray ror sucking insects,
such us green aphis, woolly aphis und other aphides,
Hellebore. , , 1 ounce
Water ,... ..2 gallons
This Is valuable as an InsectlJe for uso on vegetables
which are almost ready for market and on which arsenlcals
cannot be used,
1 yrMnruin ti ounc&
Water ........2 gallon
Thl Is a contact Insecticide but Is not poisonous to man,
Ilurnlng a little pyretbrum powder in a room will tend to
destroy files aud mosquitoes, Jt may be dusted on plants as
a dry powder.
This may be used for root maggots. Work tho mixture
Into the soil.
Lime (tinslackcd) 10 pounds
Carbolic acid (crude) 1 to 2 pints
.....50 gallons
.... pint
. . . 1 puunu
Blake the lime with a little water, add the rest of the
water and tho carbolic acls. '
This, like tho above formula, may be used to destroy eggs
and young maggots Infesting onions, radlihoi and other gar
den crops.
Carbolic acid (crude)
Hoan (hard)
VfHIVr fessesas.t)l JTS4 1 10D
Dlsiolvo soap In boiling water; add acid and stir or churn,
as lu msklng keroseno emulsion, until thu substance becomes
cresmy. To use, dilute one part of the emulsion by adding
30 parti of water,
White arsenic .1 pound
Hrown sugar (or molanes) 1 to 2 pounds
11 ran , , . . . .6 pounds
Thoroughly mix tho above and add enough water to make
thoroughly wet. A spoonful should be placed near the crown
ot each tree. The mash may be uied to kill grasshoppers,
but ll Is usually best to cover the trees and use the llordeaux
mixture as u repellent.
Molasies or sugar
. .1 pound
40 pounds
1 to 2 pounds
. ...... ,b pound
Make a mash by adding water; add molasses (or sugar)
and salt; mix tboroughly.and scatter In small piles among
planta or In beds before planting. This bait will prove more
or less effective in killing cut worms and cabbage worms. It
may be sown among the rows of plants to be protected. It
Is valuablo for destroying cut worms in young onions.
(Formal tlaliydc)
Formalin (40 percent solution) .
1, BIV. ....
1. .. . .. . ,
... .
....1 pint
30 gallons
This Is a preventlvo ot potato scab and smut ot grains.
Potatoes and grains should be soaked In It for about two hours.
Smut ot onions may also bo prevented by treating the seed.
Practically all garden seed will bo disinfected by the use of
this formula.
(lllclilorlde of Mercury)
This is the standard disinfectant when working with PEAR
I1L10IIT. No other disinfectant should be used to wash the
cut surfaces or to disinfect the pruning tools.
Corroilve sublimate
1 part
.. . . 1000 parts
Corrosive sublimate may bo purchased In tablet form at
drug stores, and directions (or making solutions will be found
on thu container. Never put corroalvo sublimate Into a
metallic container, always uso a glass bottle. Ue sure to label
tho bottle "POISON" In largo, plain letters. It Is the deadliest
or poisons.
For soil-Infesting, seed-eating insects such as the wire
worm, tar may bo used with good results.
Pine tar 1 tcaspoonful
Socds , 15 pounds
Dampen the seeds, such as corn, squash, canteloupes, etc.,
with a little warm water. Put In the tar and mix thoroughly;
allow to dry before planting. The tar acts us a ropellaut.
Tanglefoot may be purchased in cans or palls It Is
manufactured by O. and W. Thu in Co.. Orand Rapids', Michi
gan Ily putting It on bauds of paper or strawboard secured
about tho trunks of trees, It will catch such Insects as creep
up or down tho trunks of trees. It will not dry readily, and
ono application will last a long time.
. ()
(overiiineut Whitewash
Llmo (unslaked) 40
Salt 15
Illco flour (or ground rice) 3
Spanish whiting 4
ulUO , 1
Slnke the lime In warm water uud rover so as to keep In
tho steam; strain through a fine stova or strainer; add tho
salt, well dissolved, lu warm water. Then add tho rlco boiled
hot; tho SpanUh whiting, and finally tho glue which has been
previously dissolved over a slow flro. Lastly, add tho flvo
gallons of hot water. S(lr well and lot stand for a few days.
Apply hot with a brush. Ono pint ot the mixture will covor
a square yard. Coloring matter may be put In, such aa Spanish
brown, yellow ochro, etc,
Whitewash for Trees
Lime (ntr slaked).,, , 30 pounds
Tallow 4 pounds
Salt 5 pounds
Water. KuoukIi to make wash flow woll.
When old trecH aro cut back for top working, they may
he protected from sun scald by using tho above wash.
Whlto load, slightly thinned with Unseed oil, should bo
used where largo cuts are made, or lu caso where tho wood
Is exposed by tho removal ot the bark and cambium aa In
tho case of pear blight erudlcatlou. It should not bo applied
lu tho latter cuse until it Is cortuln that tho disease has been
12) (3)
3 pounds 4 pounds
2 pounds 2 pounda
2 pouuds Llnseod oil 1 pint
Resin . ... . .4 pounds
Noeawax. ., .2 pounds
Tallow . .. ,.1 pound
Beeswax , , ,1 pound
Resin C pounds
Llnseod oil ...... 1 pint
Lamp black . .....1 ouuco
Doeswax 1 pound
Resin 5 pouuds
Linseed oil ..... ,1 pint
Flour .....1 pint
Steam and Hot Water
All Work Guarantied
Vrlr.rn itritaoitabl
afl Howard Block, rntrsne 00 etli an.
Kotna rboo 3i.4.
Clark 6c Wright
Public Land Matters: Final Proof.
Desert Lands, Contest and Mining
Cases. Scrip.
We have several up-to-date,
modern 5 and
6 room Bungalows
M. J?. & H. Co. Bldj?.
Get tliis idea of rough, high-proof, strong whiskey
out of your head or it will get youplay the
devil with your nervesruin your digestion.
Why punish yourself.
Cyru N'oble, pure, old and palatable
liottleil at drinking strength.
Sold everywhere and cost no more than
any other good whiskey. n
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, FoHland.
Read This Old
Chinese Proverb
"A good customer won't change his shop, nor a good shop
Iomi Us customer onco In three years," says nil old Chinese pre
vent. The Importanco of this to you rests upon the fact that
tlm "good" customer has confidence. In his shop, and the "good"
shop gives the customer quality, service, and a square deal.
iou can rely upon securing these things from tho merchants
who advertise in The Mall Tribune, for they reallxe that onco
favored with your trado, they must render all these things to
retain your custom. Their advertisements In Tho Mall Tribune
are offers of goods of the best quality, courtesy, and speedy serv
ice, and when yott shop In their stores they fulfill thoso promises.
Shop with reliable merchants, and acquaint yourself with tho
buying 'opportunities they offer by reading their advertisements
closely and constantly every day In The Mall Tribune.
Copyright, i13, by J. I Fallon.)
Ross Kline and Harry H. Hicks
are now sole owners of the
It will be our policy to run
nothing but first run licensed
films, four changes a week, four
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