Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Mr Wy P -rjwpwm
- It-tt f
Now comes Do Witt Van Court,
fight critic in the Lo AiikIch Times,
after sooimr Nud Anderson box tlirco
exhibition round with Oeorje. Mem
ie, with the Ktnrtlinj; announcement
that Hud In not n wonder, that ho
lnekH cleverness, thnt ho is not ood
oik his feet, and that Rivers or
ltitchio would hent him.
It in to IiiukIi.
Now, Mr. Van Court may be an
expert, nml Ills word may have vcij;ht
with fighters and promoters, ltut hi
reasoning is clenr to one who has
watched Hud in all of his Medrord
fiuhK Jinny local fans refused to
believe Hud could punch.
Then they saw the Mrmsic mill nnd
were. Mlcnced.
They then said ho wa" not clever.
Then came alone Mr. Italic Pieato
and njaiu they were silenced.
Hud leaves ninny openings iu his
Yes, bnt did you ever see n hoy
trv to tako advantage of itf It has
always meant n knockout.
Van Court's Spiel
Hero's Van Court's verdict tnko
for what it is werth:
Bud Anderson, tho Vancouver
lightweight, has surety started the
fight fans' tongues a-wagging in this
Tho Blnm-bang fighter always
makes them sit up nnd tako notiec. I
do not mean by this that Bud is n
slnmbang fighter, but it was Sammy
Trott,Jhc slugger, that mado them
take untieo of Bud.
Snainiy Trott in my opinion is one
of tho jworcst excuses for n fighter
1 have ever seen. Much liko Conley
nnd Flynn, ho knows little of defen
sivo work. Theso men always make
n fairly clever man show up much
better than ho really is.
I had the pleasure of seeing Ander
son box threo exhibition rounds last
Wednesday night with his sparing
partner, George Mcnisic.
It is impossible to judge a fighter's
ability in exhibition bouts, but enough
can be seen to get n fair knowledge
of his cleverness.
George was one of the toughest
lightweights in the country in his day
and n good man to draw lino from
on any man ho boxen with.
Hud is the mod powerful light
weight I have ever seen. He is well
built from his feet up, very strong,
n hard hitter, cool nnd a fino looking
fellow iu every way.
He may be champion some day, but
until ho tennis many things thnt there
is to learn ho will never win on his
Ife is neither a straight hitter nor
n swinger. His blows ure delivered
mo ro as hooks. He is not good on his
feet, neither is he fast.
Againta Wolgaat
I bclicvo boys like Itivers and
ltitchio would beat him. Hut he would
have a better chunco with Volgatt.
Wolgust is easier to hit and any
body Hud can hit ho should cusily
His judge of distance is not of the
best and a good fighter would keep
him on his toes, and off his bulauco
most of them time. He is also open
iu the infighting and clinches.
Anderson claims to have had over
forty fights. If this is true ho should
show much moro cleverness.
If I am not much mistaken, within
another year .Anderson will be in the
welterweight class. He and Mcmsic
am built much nliko uiid the weight
question was always n troublo to
George iu the last couple of years he
was fighting.
I bclicvo it will pay Hud and his
manager to -n slowly for a while in
matching him with tho first-class
Austrian Cardinal Dead
VIKNNA, Kob. 4. Cardinal Frau
ds Nugl, ono of tho cardinals created
at tho consistory In November, 1911,
died hero today.
Dally Bint from Paris.
W-u flLAl Uli. b M.lrtl I
um aM, w
Oo black fait hat with a aUn crown
tli iruadlni( alcrtU are taught In th
tfljr will tt Jc( 9ruaweot.-atagjiLwtat
SAt.KM. rYb. l. Senator Von der
llcltcn at the request f the Ashland
normal school alumni has introduced
the follow inir bill submitting the ques-
tioning of reopening the normal
school to the people of Oregon at the
general election 1014:
Section 1, rr the upiorl and
maintenance of the Southern Oregon
State Normal school nt Ashland.
Jackson, County. Oregon; for the
im.vtnent or salaries of its teachers
and employees; to keep the buildings,
grounds and other property thcreot
iu repair; for tho purchase of addi
tional land for the campus thereof,
if necessary 5 for the construction of
buildings nnd additions to the same,
so far us necessary; for the purchase
of library books, laboratory supplies
and apparatus; and for the payment
of nceo-snry incidental expenses
there is hereby levied nn annual ta
of ouc-twenty-fifth of n mill on the
dollar upon all the taxable proiHrtv
within the state of Oregon. Such tn
shall be levied and collected us other
tnxes arc levied and collected, and the
fund arising therefrom shall be paid
separate and nprt from otln r funds.
nnd shall be known ni "Tin Southern
Oregon State Normal School Fund."
and shall be paid out uiilv on war
rants drawn by the sccretnrv of
state on the state treasurer ngtiiiil
said fund nnd under the supervision
and direction of the hoard of regents
nnd their successors iu office. If
any portion of said fund shall not bo
used during any fSscnl year, tho bal
ance remaining shnll be carried over
until the next year nnd added to the
fund for thnt rear, aud the secretary
of state is authorized and directed to
audit and allow all claims otherwise
paynblo out of such fund, regardless
of the date when contracted, but no
claim or indebtedness incurred by or
on behalf of said school prior to the
passage of this act shall ever bo paid
out of the fund hereby created.
Section 2. The Southern Oregon
State Normal School at Ashland,
Jackson county, Oregon, shall be con
trolled, managed and maintained by
n board of regents nnd their success
ors iu Office, appointed by and with
tho authority conferred upon them
pursuant to chapter 189 of the gen
eral Inws of Oregon, filed iu the of
fico of the secretary of stnto on
February 2Ti, 1007.
Scctiou 3. This act shall not be
come operative until passed upon by
the people at the general election to
ho held iu November, 1011, in tnu
same manner us provided in the sub
mission of proiosrd laws to the jico
pie under the initiative, and shall be
come n luw at such time if approved
by the majority of the legal voters
voting thereon.
PITTSBURG, Feb. A Marking Its
sixth advance In ten days, crudo oil
ws sent up Boven cents more per
barrol today. Tho Independent oil
concerns state tho advances aro part
of a Standard Oil plot to "squeeze
out" tho outsldo dealers.
The Joseph Seep agoncy sets the
prlco for this cection, and tho inde
pendents assert that tho Standard
Oil company controls Seep. Wbllo
crudo oil prices are advancing, tho
price of oil products remain un
Will Make. America a Itulilltcadcd
Nutlon if .Vol Checked
M. Pasteur, the great French phy
sician of Paris, ouco said: "I be
lieve wo shall one day rid the world
of all diseases caused by bonus."
Dandruff Is caused by germs, a
fact accepted by all physicians.
Dandruff Is tho root of all hair
ovils. If it were not for tho little
destructive gcruis working with a
persistency worthy of a botter cause,
there would bo no baldness.
Parisian Sage will kill tho dand
ruff germs and remove dandruff in
two weeks or money back.
Chas. Strang guarantees It. It
will 'stop Itching scalp, falling hair
and maku tho hair grow thick and
It puts life and lustre Into tho
hair and prevents it from turning
It Is tho hair dressing par excel
lence, daintily perfumed and fruo
from greuso and stickiness. It Is
tho favorlto with women of taste and
culturo who know tho social value of
fascinating hair.
A large bottle costs only GO cents
at leading druggists everywhere, and
by Chas. Strang. Tho girl with the
Auburn hair U on every package,
Mnnronn matti tribune.
For the purpose of meeting local
good road enthusiasts and discussing
the present roud situation iu tho leg
islature. Major II. I Bowlby, execu
tive officer of the Pacific Highway
association, vho constructed the
Mnrvhill scientific roads for Samuel
Hill, is iu the city. Major Howlby
has met n number of local huiucss
men today, discussing good roads.
"There, ure orospects iu the present
legislative outlook from n good roads
standpoint, which augur both for the
success aud failure of the road pro
gram," states Major Howlby. "The
I situation has slightly inproved during
i the past week nnd with hard work
wo may be able to get the legislature
to pass suitable good roads measures,
"Tho enabling net is certain to
pass aud this of course will help
some, but the two per cent limitation
ffeets it considerably. Tho stnto
highway bill will havo harder sled
ding. "In n few days tho legislature will
vi-it Mnrvhill and view scientific
roads. Highways will be the one
topic of the day aud I believe the leg
islators will be more favorable to cer
tain of the roads bills after their
v isit.
"Hard work is needed nnd greater
interest on the "art of the teople."
8ALKM, Ore, Feb. . Incrcaso
of tho stato supremo court from five
to seven members is provided to
day In a bill Introduced by Scuator
Iiutlcr, which has been approved by
the scnato committee on Judiciary
Tho bill creates two departments
of tho supreme court, of three
justices each, cither department hav
ing power to hear and dctcrmlno
cases. This plan it Is argued, would
mako practically two supreme courts
and thereby hasten the decision of
Relay Ilacr at Nat.
Owing to the new manager V J.
Tanner, at tho rink the crowds are
gathering much larger dally, and
to extend his appreciations, ho Is to
havo one thrilling new feature every
Wednesday evening at S p. in.
Wednesday, Feb. 5, there will bo a
relay race that always ctcltcs every
one. Don't fall to sco it. Skating
beforo and after game.
Hotel Nedford
Itooms without bath 00c per day
and up.
Itooms with bath fl.50 per day
an J up.
Special rates by week or month.
Combination brcnkfaala every
tuomlng US, 33 nnd 43 cents.
11:30 to 2 p. ni.
Puree, of Tomatoo Aux Croutons
Mlnulons of Itojal Chinook Salman
Pommes DDucbcsso
Hasseupfcrfer with Maize Fritters
Minced Chicken Hash n'la Poulctte
Iloast Shoulder of Pork with Appls
Mushed Potatoes Stewed Turnips
Cabbage Salad
Green Apple Pie Lemon Sherbet
Tea Coffeo Milk
Ihirlug meal lioura beautiful music
and singing will be rendered by Herr
Carl Grissea and Mine, llvclne.
Fattier really oucht to havo
his picture taken ho hasn't
bad a photograph slnco that
funny looking ono In tho cut
away coat that ho was married
In. ('Twaa a noon wcddlue,
you know,)
Vcs, mother says 'twas a
good ono of bim as ho looked
then, but really, for tho sako
of tho family, thuro should bo
ono of him as ho looks now.
There's u Photographer Iu
Your Town
H. C. Mackey
Mulu aud Central, Mcdford.
MEDFonn. okkcion, TmrenAV, kiwhuahv i, inn.
(IHANTS PASS, Feb. d. Al the
meeting of the council n special fund
to bo known ns the railroad and con
struction fund was oreuled, and the
treasurer vvns instructed to transfer
S'.VilH) from tho general fund to tlu
new nccouul.
A second resolution directs thai
nil bilN nnd claims on account of the
eMnsc of building the municipal
railroad from flrnnts Pass south to
the Applegatc river now or horcuftet
Incurred shall bo referred to the
public utility commission.
I'p to February 1st all hills for all
departments of the P.-I. work
amounted (o .$1,738.07, vouchers Tor
which aro iu tho hands of the com
mission. Tho engineering depart
meat since the office was first opened
lias contracted hills amounting to
S.V.27.5.". this figure including the of
fice nnd field expense. For clear
ing right of way nnd nil other items
coming under the head of the grad
ing account, bills for $1,11)1.70 nre
vouehercd, while for printed sup
plies, etc.. $18.7.i is charged.
From 15 to 18 men nre. employed
on clearing the right of way.t the pav
roll to date amounting to f&'iS.-IS. To
show for this expenditure, 'J I ncrcs
of right-of-way have been cleared,
including that portion from station 81
to station 'J30. The workmen nre
now just across the Jerome Prairie
Twentv-two bond hnving firm
havo made inquiry regarding tho
$200,000 bond issue, and some of the
firms will send their porsonnl repre
sentatives hero.
SAN FHANCISCO. Feb. -I.-Miih-sachusetts,
tho first N'ew Hnglaud
state to select n sito for participa
tion iu the IOI.'i fair, picked its site
Why is Crescent
Better? l
It Is made under tho direction
of export chemists, by modern
methods and ts a
linking Ponder
known for Its purity uml whole
someness it leaves no harmful
rcslduo In tho food and It
Besides all this
It reduces tho
cost of living by
saviug on eggs
in cako making
25c u pound,
at your grocers
Try It and
nrovu this to
your own satis
faction. &.WJ " I
Seattle, Washington
Made in
Your success and tho prosperity of this city and valloy de
Home-made Products. Ask for "Mado in Medford" goo
tho homo factorios and institutions. Try this and in a
Office Furniture
Library Furnituro
Bedroom Furnituro
Diuingroom Furniture
White Enamel Furnitura
Built iu Buffets, Scats
And Bookcases, Etc.
Store Fixtures
Porch Swings
Cedar Chests
Cabinet Work Done
in Ouk, Walnut, Fir, or
Any Other Wood Desired
Cabinet Makers
Mission Furniture
E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop,
113 S, Holly, Medford
hern lodnv with nil ceremony.
More limn 10.0110 icldcnl of Sun
IVnnclico mid viclnilv who chvlm
Massachusetts n I'11'11 htrthplitcr
look pint Iu the c.vcic scs, which were
Ki 4
fl RUN the
iknnin hint
1 Doyour.woxk." r
Jf in nci'd of itiivlhiiitf iii tho Silverware line, 1 huo it.
Knives, forks, spoons, curving seta, game shears, steak sets, salad forks, hut tor
spreaders, oyster forks, fruit knives, orange spoons, berry spoons, and everything iu
silver for the table. Sugar'und cream Tea Sets and dainty Silver Dishes.
I carry tho Cioiiiain Co., Keed autl IJurton, 1817 Kogor irothers, "Win. 1). Durgan.
MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler
Noar Post Offico.
Medford Iron Works
E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop.
General Foundry and
Machine Works
Pacific d01; Home 298L.
Res. Pac. 0031; Home 227L.
For tho best of
See us. We make a specialty of
Factory Comer South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Phonos
held on Iho Piesldlo reservation, The
Sixth nnd Slxl ilh liifnntiv icgl-
iiiciiIm, u squadron of cavutry, signal
corps and oilier hiiiuchcK of the iiimv
stulioiicd III I ln Piesldlo unruded Ih
Housework is hard work with
out Gold Dust; with it to save
half your time and labor, it's a
joy and satisfaction.
Gold Dust cleans everything about the
house from cellar to attic and cleans
it better and quicker than any other
product, device or method that was ever
invented. Millionsof women have found
this out; we're talking to those who
haven't and are consequently doing
their work in a longer, harder way.
The use of Gold Dust will save your
time, spare your bock and mako your
home us spick and span as a new pin.
If you have never used Gold Dust,'
cither make a bee-line for your grocer's
at once or call him on the wire and
order a package. It will do all and
more than wo claim for it.
Use Gold Dust for washing clothes and dishes,
scrubbing floors, cleaning woodwork, oilcloth,
silverware nnd tinware, polishing brnstuvork,
cleaning bathroom pipes, refrigerators, etc., soft
ening hard water and making tho finest soft soap.
Medf ord
pends on Your Patronizing Home Induatrioa and using
as and insist on your contractor and buildor buying of
few months wo will havo a "GREATER MEDFORD"
If it's mado of
Sheet Metal
I cau mako it
Home M. F. & H. CO.
Phono 30L Bldg.
honor of the occuHnu,
A luncheon wiih pnillclpiitid In nl
Die I'ulncv hotel hv Hie fair cotu
uilssinuers mid Iho visiting icpicscu
lalives of .MiiNsuchiiNclls.
RigHt wiih
RATES: Ono cont por word
por insertion; 00c tho lino by
tho month.
K. A. Hicks P, M. Korshavr
Qonorul Manager Oon, Baloi 11 gr.
Quarry Owners and
Oregon Oranlto stands tho toil ot
Medford, Orogon ,
V ' fc
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