Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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l Hi
r" -o
- I
They Certainly Have Some
Mi.ait'., it ti-.n.At, jay uftflp.T
IttL Mlli Kilt.. lr Has nr.fij mum
fcUT lHft Wmv, rZ
MQ VQKV PoftK.. l
MlMT SfcU. IT h0K
"tfAKV. IT WM, MAb
j;.i "vr an , v, vr 0 .,
;e game law
(JhIiiu Iii ii Imitty nlmtiiii't of Hut
HHiut' Iiimh iMililmliril mi (lu Imcl. of
limiliiiK llci'iifi Umu-iI in llll), Min
im h, Krirltiit MiinriMir uf
Cntlur ntiliiiiiul funwl, tm .VuM'tiilirc
II. IUII, iiiiKiiiiwImkIv nun jj'iU'V f
h i,Hiiiiit luw Mulnliuii by hliootliiK
iludLi fnun ii timlor Imnl un Klniiiulli
Utiii. LmmiiiK rTntlv I lull lie liml
limki-ii Mm u i It'll for ICIiiiniilli
CalUt hihwhihiI lnliiM n jhmIii'ii or
I In iittm-f. (ilmul xiiiltv anil hii fliinl
iR', Ilin ihIhmiiuiii IiviiI li luw.
IIhiI It nut liumi fur Mr. lit ii-Uuii'
ihniMi Miiillv in niHinimc U Mlll
utdiiillii iiIThw of tin fui 11 i'ilen
ill t ('linrxi1 f iiiimornl immliicl, In
(fiiliNlily iiHttir mihI(I Intro Unniui
llmt hu Iwil liuwllliiilv hilnUil the
KMiim law. "To ttl inu" ihn 0U
Nnweil urfloMi. iIhk into .Mr. I'.rick
mniV nffi(kil en iter nml in I'.ricl;.
"Ml 4nit iliMrv'firtiiut mi hitihiiiI
uf b ilui-k alwutuiK. TIiim ho ml
MtrtI In U ililtift iirrico, Imfcur
uliU iu net aiulliiiiK uU un .Mr.
.Mr. Mtunm' Htlttitluii s onlli-il
l lit wntlcr iy Hid tllilHol nrftue.
If vi-n-il Stnl Ohiiio Wnrrtim lliiloy
whit hUImI Hint lli ntV vh lint rhr
tin iu lh KIhwhIIi luki-n hut liml hern
lntir)rlHl fla Iwtiiilliig llieni. Mr.
I'.rlrkMUi llum ulnttiil liml h wtnilil
RiNiir Ml iniri" Imforp a jiiMtiur uf
III MM'i mill iflllllV. hm Im VM
ll'lllh tl Hllllllt I lull lit hii)) tlllttittilHf
Iv Hiiliilnl ilif l'hiiih lnw. Tlii In
lllil, Till' lllli'ui'il MuIhIii.ii orr II r It'll
on S'iim-iiiIhi 1 1. H .
The Hiiii'tiit hiiii'ljinlili't-n iiii'i'liii
uf tlio .liii'Uini t uiinlv lliiil'liiiu' mill
1, uHll iiMux'iiilmn uiih IihIiI Ih1 oihi
iiiK nil tlin roit uf tlin nui-iolnry
nml triuiMirur rmwiMul mul nppiiivcil,
A nui-iiiiinml illvlili'iul uf ."i l-'J iu
I'cnt vn ilui'liirod ini!(iiitf tint ilivi.
iIuihIi fr lh( Mr II pur runt, 'flu
luuuii'liittiin in hlnitln- on lln nrth
M'lil' mul i)h nii'l now I'M'cml .-.'.',-mill.
Tlin fulloHliiK ulfii'ors nml ilir
iiuIoch wi'in ii'.i'hiili'il nl (Im nniiiinl
iiii'iilliijc: DIii'i'Iiiim, l V. Uollh, V.
K, Cioui'll mul 0. f Hiiukn; offii'i'ii,
Ih'rl Aiiil(tinii pri'-hlciil; V. ', Hid
Ilk. vii'i niviiiili'iil i T. V. .Miim, tivn
hitri'r; II. !. I'lutl; mvivIiiiv: . C
H"!i;, iifliiitf MTtt'tiirj mul ntlunicv.
lnipiuM'il mul ii'iiovnii'il Hiiuiih
mil ilin Mnlforil llnlii'iy iV lA'linilrs
bi'ii ill II! Kunlli t Villi n I nvi'iiiic, U
iniii uf Ihn iiiuhI iiiuilcrii phii'i'H uf its
hiiiil In llio nily. It. ('. .IniKi'iihoii,
Ihn pluprli'loi', in mi i.poi Icuocil Im. nml in spin Ini; im pnius lo ki'i'p
Ills phti'ii up In llm linn's In iiM'ry
piiilliuilur. n is a lliuioiili pin.
Ki'iitHlvn iiiurcliiinl mul iIcmhi'vIuix of
llio piilruiiuui) uf Mcilfoiil people.
(lur lli'Ht Kulli'r.
Wn mo mil I lint inoro of Miullol
Kudiiiii Ituiiiuily thiiii nil tho othurH
pii.t lotiutluu'. Tlila Iuiko uulu Ih duo
to tlio fni't that it Ih a inopiinitlon of
iiiiiiruhI nun It, luiulo nxproanly fur
odd piirpdHo, to cum ci'zuuui In ItH vnr
Ioiih foiiim. If you aro iiffllvtml with
thlri loiitluinuio iHhoiiho, do not ilnlay
iihIii): Murllol Kczouuv Huiucdy. Una
ldim driii; Htoro.
Farm wiibom with hoard In tho
Hiiltod Htulort avoraKod for inon
fio. lit) a mouth In tsilii, ? in.r.'j in
4b70 mid 0,80 In IDOti,
Y . , -
JfH. 1T I llUfc.
iHWiiil" TfV i i 1 1 fc'At.
.WV i IBllra I ,w - -
... y : i vr a on. 1 1 l. v. i
2A ' uSL 1 TAKO .r ,
iw pv
A 'N
f CWs' UXMl flT
Da A K.CH MA'. YrWr
blUtl'T JJ0W WHAT 'C
f ftli UAli kWAf.lflV A
TUrtKliM PftfW". MU6, 700 YWrt S
roit out; . can mm. thu in ..
.. ..... ... k,nv'i avjo. r.r.o I "";
COlUrACJUS tuMnao if
SAI.K.M, On., IVb I. Tho hill in
tnnluifil hv ltciiCHCiitiiliii l'wi'llitiK
pniMilliii; fur tin' iriiili'iini.' ti'iili' uf
liiihiliuil rriiiiiiiiiU mill ciIihiiihI In
miiiii U tuitny iihmh4i hv llio Iiuiiku
uilh mi iivi-rwlu'lniiin: iniijuilty.
Tim illnMitiiiii uf tlin iiHwiMirit mix
ri'plvlo ivltli ilnitunllu hIIiiiiIIoiih nml
iluriuc tin mil 1'nll rni'li nfllniiiiliw
vui wnn xiri'lfil with ImiikIn uf up
p.iiiii' fri'in miMiilii'i-H nml pi'i'lnliin,
HIHIHIC Ulllllll Wl'fi lllttlli pKlHIIIICIlt
'luliMuiuiii of lii xlnli'.
In lirlff lln iin'iiHiirr piiiihv Hint
Ihn Ktnli' liimnl uf IhiiIHi xlinll, upmi
rrfnlvtiiK n icpurt l' llu rffi'iil Hint
miiv inmnli' uf Hit' iisvliiiii'. uf tin
pi'iilliiillnt v or ultiur miiiiI liutlliitioii
nf tin' Mlnto in iiii'iinilili or n fhruiiic
I'liiiiiiial "kIinII pmcei-il u xlnrilui nr
nthrnvNi' tli'iit hiii'Ii i'linati' iih to
prutovt nml coiiaiin MH'ii'ty."
! Ity A. ('. I low lull.
Mm. W. ('. Cloiiuuitx. wlfo of our
lolcpliuiio opvrator. iituunKur. mid
owimr of a majority of the nlinrim of
thu KiikIo I'olnt-Uiillu KiiIIh ti'lcplionu
roiiipuny. hud n ulM-n mid iit'phnw,
Pratiohi nnd Hcrt SpaulilliiK, nurd
vii and four rflupectlvoly, roino
out from Kiiiimis City. Mo . on thu
Aim In raru of I hi' oomliictoni, mid
tliwy arrlvud n fw ituy no Iu kok1
lliHltll fC DIllHlulIll IHipiPoU IHC In
hv iii iiiv IvikIoI'. tu tlio iwiilorH of
lli Mull Tnhtinn that thoy tin in a
IMinition Iu I'lirnisli niiyoni) who ucods
uiiilurtaMiiK kuuiU. Mich hm iriuLos,
litirial i'uhn, rti'., un tin xhortit nu
iii'i', a-, thev Iirvi' iniuli' imniKumcnth
illl II. ('. SIiihiI; of Axhlaml In kiHp
thi'iii roiiMtmitly htipplii'il, and liny
thiiii; iu that llnu nan he finiiUhril at
onro. -(Adv.)
Dr. V. W. 1. Unit i.-pniln that llu
xlork him xixili'd thu Iiuiih of Mr. mid
Mrx. Win. Cliniutioix of Hutto Kail
on tho lltli uf ilaiiuiiry ami thu io.iilt
wuh a fiuu hoy now Ivi'upx ihem rout
Mm. I'Vi'dei ink who 11mm on u faun
about two allien alimn hein on llu
Hrowiixhoni road ami her ulcoc, Mixn
i:iiin Hownrn uf Axhluud, were Iu
town liixt I'rldiiy huvinc a lot of
HimuIn of our luorchaulx. In xpilo of
"liiird linu'M," had ruinlx, and iIin
iik'rrrahli won Hun1 people will emtio lo
tiiMii ami lniv cimmIh.
Mixh Sarali SIiih'toil, dauhlor of
om of our prori'Hulvi' I'linnrm, who
liwx on lln I1, e; K-. wax xhupp'uiK in
uui r'liiluv.
Henry Cliililieth, one nfuur lemlin
lilnelinitliH, hits lieen ii'iiiTiiii);iiii; in
thu iiiti'iinr Of hiw simp elmiiKiiiR
iIiiukh aromiil iu ax to i.'ii him inoro
iituin, and uettintr toady fur the
N)iriui; woik.
Thu hiilnwulk Ih now ruiuph'lt'il no
that tin M'lionl ehildri'ii eau havu a
eleiui wall; fium hulh lniilert Iu thu
xi'houl Iiiiuku mid wo ii.xpoi'l to xooil
I ii ink it uxleinl front mm end uf tho
town n the other on hoth nides of tho
Win. Vinklo roOelvcil an oidor ovoi'
llio phuno Fiiila.v lo hnvo u load of
Ki'nxel on llio Hiouuil noitli nf tho
ijepol hy Salui'ilay noon hi that tlin
oh'utt'io I'oinpan.v vould put in tho
Irniisniitler for Ihn iixo uf our town
mid wo aro led lo holiovo that wo
will havo tho ".iulei'" lioio hy tho
twentieth iuxl.
Our mayor linn employed (lu Kos.
onhoiir lo fix tho oioKxIiur In front of
llio Kajjlo liuli'l and now wo eaii ovuss
without wadinir In llio mini.
Denton llowoia mid' 11. IIiiRhen
ur AhIiIiiiiiI woro Monday vlRltorH
Mr. Ho wo of Hants Vulloy la vfait-
Rugs in Turkey
v,a Jt,Ui!IC,
.UeiU "-ll
" -. i ii.ii . 1 1 ii i iiwi wi i i i - mn i . in ?- ...... mil i t iMii i i ti i in - i ii ' - . . . ' T I
i , 5'iLi. w, uw I fcL. to ,AU tMr two. it ntc fHt 'S-- - lUIHH
OJCi VAWC I'KA'rur, toff U3P&. n oum rr.A'iti; w& "" : '- - - 5"-- -, --H
$ r f- m & N 4 ' "fftlw lsW
liiK htM dniiHhtcr Mm. Hon HdliiKtnii
Iu thin city.
II. A. Thlururr or tlio 111k I'liiio
l.iimhor i(iiiiniiy and Mr. Jutniitoii
Lthn rallrond frolKht mid puHKetiKcr
aijoiil worn Monday vltllorK horn.
Mm J. W. Merrill Hprut Monday
Iu nraiim I'uhh,
Mr mid Mill. J. C!. Ilorrlm;. Huh.
Morrlw. I. O. l.ovi'. T. J. 01 Urn mid
I!, (i leu no ii of tho Herald of Mm were
Monday vUltom Iu Medford.
MUn Murjorlo Wnlklim or MoiUord
upoiit tho wcok mul with roliitlu
In; re.
Mr. and Mm. 1'nuik Miller and
Mm. Italtioy and dnuKhtor MIm Or.i
rotiiriiml (rum tliolr Ml north Mon
day. Mm J N. Huiltli unit diiiiKhtsr.
MIxk (irnrit, nro laltltiK frloiiilB nt
NolliT of HtiKkliulderx Meetliitf.
Notice In hereliy plvun that tho un
iiual mctitliiR or thu Mluekhuldom or
tho Itor.uo Itlver Trult &. I'roduoe
jmoclatliiii will hu hold In tho public
library InilldliiK In tho city or Mod
ford uu tho lltli day or Puuruar),
I? in, at io o'i'lock a. in.
I mod Jnuunry II. If 13. '
.Mllll Ii,
All uiiorKntlo moiiilieiHlilii rain-
IkiIkii U about to bo tiiidorlakon by
tho local IoiIko of tho fraternal
Ilrotluirhoud tho big I'nolflo coast (m
tvrnnl Hoclaty which recently wont
to loKal rato and tho moiuboriihlp
liopm to double tlio lornl inoiiiber
xtilp within thu iinxt (ow wookK.
Tho ntiito maiiaKor M. (1. O'Mallry
Ih oxpectod hero from Portland In n
few dnn to ndvUo with tlin membnr
ulilp r(KnrdliiK tho blK eampnlRn.
Tho Fraternal Brotherhood U 10
yi'iiru old. It hoadipturtom aro In
1 .04 Angulos. Throughout Its llfo It
mulntaliied ono rate for ItH mombom
furnlhblni; uroldont, old ago. total
dlwiblllty nnd death benefit at a loan
flmiro thnu many boclutloa charRod
for ntraliibt llto. However, when
tho OroKou leglalaturo panod tlio
Mobile law mnkliiK thu National Fra
ternal HoiiKrosa Tablo tho Htaudard
of vnluo for fraternal bocIuIIoh tho
Kratornal llrnthorhnod called a po
olal meutlliK of Its Miipromo IoiIko and
at iiiicii compiled with tho law. In
ho doliiK tho mipronio IoiIko wiim
artunted by tho knowledge that
wlillo tho Mobile Law kuo thorn
until 1UU3 to (omply with Itn provl
idoiu eommou houenty
domuiided Unit thoy dtaiid on ado
iiuuto rulea Iiociiuho It would, thoy
roll, lib illnhoiuiHt to niTopt now
monibortt un a rato which tho law
or thu htato had mild wim luaduiiuiitn
mid which miibl bo thuuecd. l.lko-
Honest Advice ft
Homrliow Itirro nUta a Yt amount ot
x-riiiirtun m lo tlio tiiltillli7 uf iiitlnit
I.'oiiiuiiu'IIoii. W flail limn luit tm;
ml urn ulnifrc li wlmt ,o mmiI
tf we were attllctrU with TiilH'tciilonli.
wo nhwiilit tn priHli-t'lj- what wo ak
ollicra to itn laVo IMmnun Altfratltn
iitomiUly anil falllifnlly The k.uoii we
ktinulil ilo llil ami warrant we luie
for anVlnir all I'miiuiiiiiltiea in take
it. la Unit we liiito Hie rt'irlx of muuy
rvcoverlcii. one of wlileli folIn!
llllll riumiueliitliiia Ate., I'lilla., I'a.
"tlentli'iiieu: I 'or two Kara J af.
rllrli'it with lioinorrliuKrK of the Iuiik.
tlin totaled nearly ono litiiulrml.
Our family iliyali'lait mlvlft'il nunllier
rllinnte. na to remiiln wonlil prolialily le
fatal, llowetitr, I remiilneil, ami In l-eli.
rnary ot tIKi.', I wiih taken with a aeiern
nttnek of iineiiiiiniilii. When 1 reemercn
eiilllelenllr In walk aliout Iho lioiiao I w:a
left Willi n frlHhtfirt. haeMiiB "'imli,
which no im-illolno I liml taken eotiUl nlle.
vl.ile. II waa at tlila lime. Mareh. 11K,
Hint I learned of ami marted takliu;
Kekinaii'a Alterative. In a xliort time
my roiiRh whh none nml 1 waanroiioiiueed
well, riluen t tint limn I time hud two
ellKht Mlaek f I'ueumoul.t mid 1 lme
renort'Ml io no other medicine to effect a
"t'niii nt preaent In exiellent health and
feel Hull a loin; nt I enii nlilalii lk
mnn'H AlteratPo. I have nn fear of Con
munition. I ciiiiiirtt ajieak too hltshly for
Hie imoiI It liaa ilonn."
rekiuaii'a Alteralho U effeillin In llron
rltllla, Aatlima, liny I'ever: Throat and
l.tiuu Troulllei, and Iu uplnilMlntr llio
aratein, Unea not ronlnlu nolaoua, oiihilea
or linlilt furnilnir ilrutra. AU for lio.iklut
lellliiK or reemerlei' mid write to Kekiiiin
l.ilHiruloiy. Pkllailelphla. IM. for more el
ilome. I'or ito hy nil tcnllmr ilruni.'i'H
Ifcr. ye vcAiw. Lot thi'j jf . i ' ; pok. 700 .aw. THowAfc -tiifiS:-2 - -'HHH
I l...M Irvtfl . E " r-rr-.--TTT i r..(. . i n i w-Mf- mjm
JXMUS.T WLLj-j JiJSP-.- ' &fib AC "-J?," Mo4T66LLHfl. ir -it:h:l iVWH
i rri , u&3L : (T i--ytoL uaAV tr - - H&hH
ib . vb i 'i Hb." vm ' iii'a .ij ri im r - .. : Bw -
tg- I H" -a '
wo thoy roll also that tlio lonRor
thoy delayed rcddJiiHlmmil tho IiIrIi
er thoy mint go abovo tho Mobile
law whou thoy did thniifto.
Ah a reHiilL of their timely action
tho Kratornal Brotherhood In on
ilomeil by thu liiminincn cominlK
nlotiom or nourly eery Mobllo haw
Htatu In tho union mid Itu member
nlilp rojnlcoa lit the knowlcdpo, that
thay nro iiiomberH or a Miotety that
NtnndM four iKpiaru to overy wind
that blowm. Mmiy of Mcdlord'n
prominent i-ltUtuia aro iiiptubem or
tho rrnleriinl Hrotlirrhoud nnd tho
aoclnty hu ninny IuiIscm In Oro
Kon. 270
netici: I'Olt IIIUH.
Nollrn lit Inrrby Khen Hint nealrd
lildn for a Mleel brldK) ic'ronn ltoctie
rhr. ihhiiIiiii 1.1; twp. a, jl 2 W.
of W M In Jnrkfoti comity. Oregon,
on ltc of iiretioul brldgo lll bo ro
eel util mid opened at 10 o'clock a.
m, March G. 1!M3, ut tto Office of
the county ixiiirt of Jnokton county.
JurkftdiiWHo. Onon
llliU will lit rcrelicd. flmt for
furiilililiiK xtiM'l. rhett. etc , iih per
plana nml Htrulu dlni;ram f. o. b,
Mi'dfortl. Orepon; Hecond for furulalt
Iiik xteel. miiterltil and labor for
brldKo rotnploto und erected. Includ
ing approaohoi. etc., an per plana
ami Mrnlu dlugrnin on fib) In tho
county clurk'a ufflcc, Jacksouvlllo,
Kuril bbldur Is iv(tilrud to tlepoalt
with IiIk bid. Ti per "t of tho amount
of hlH Mil. which ihnll bo forroltcd
to tho county In rnio ho In awarded
tho contract fur the coimtructlon or
u.. 1,1 l.rl.lrrn In nrrnril nil I'll Willi hln
i., ... ..,.. ... ..--...-..-,. - -
bid and ho fallH. urRlecta or rofiiBOH
for ii period of two ilnya after mieh
nwnrd If mndo to entur Into a cou
tract and file bit bond.
A bond will be reipilrod from tho
Hurrowiful bidder an reuirod by
The county court reserves tho
rlsht at ltd discretion to reject any
and nil bids.
Dated Feb. 3. 191.1.
(I. A. UAKDNHlt, .
County Clerk ror Jnckuun County.
I'OH 11KNT C.ood Improvod ranch,
140 ncrea cleared. Aildrcaa "Op
portunity" caro Mall Trlbuno of-
21 acres lulJoluluK n Reed llvo
town, with n lnr;o pay roll, near Al
bany in tho Wlllnmctlo valley. Tho
pluco consists of eight acres ot youiiK
apples and pcam. and two acres of
ciirdon. and borrlo. Tho balance la
a Umbered park, Heeded to grass, and
nil excopt ono ncro Is lovel. This is n
riuo homo, with a good. seven room
Iioubo, largo barn, and other build
ings, l'rlco J17.H00.00 and will
tnku $9000 oilU ut Medford or
cloao in property Iu uxchnnuo.
32 acres uu Ashland road near two
towns 20 acres or Alfalfa, uovorul
acres flno grapes, and uovornl acres
of bearlui: New tow ns. lMno niodorn,
bungalow, largo barn mid olhor build-
lugs. Htock goes with tho pluco.
This Is tho garden fpot ot tho valloy,
and Is a flno diversified producing
ranch, l'rlco. $1 1 000.00.
Hixiin lit. jMrkHoii unlv Jlank IlliUr.
Worth While
Two nodorn IiuiiruIowh, woll ln
cuted In lMsndoiin, Cal , valued at
$0000, to exchange for improvod
pear and apple ranch hero, will con
sider plnco up to $11,000.
A bargain, hot 50xiaii, ono-luilf
block rrom paved stroot. l'rlco $125.
Ono or tho finest vesldonco lots on
South Oakdnlo, eastf front, aisto 8Bx
U'G, l'rlco, $H60, terms.
lluslncss lot with a future, jnat
vlpo for improvomonts, no other lot
In Medford can beat it. Investigate
Investment Co.
FOR IIKNT Hcven room house. $10.
Modern apartments, $20; corner
Onltdnlc and 11th. I'liono Col. II.
II. Sargent. 289
FOIl IIKNT Modern C room fur
nished houso. Call at CO North
FOU IIKNT Furnished house, cloio
In, M. A. llader, ih V. &. II. Co.
FOU. IIKNT A "modern Turnlshcd
bungalow with fireplace, Iu a good
nclKliliorhnod nnd reaxnnnhto. K.
8. Turliy, 201 (farnott-Coroy llulltl
Ing. 272
FOR IIKNT Modern furnished
rooms nt tho Cottage, C04 West
10th St., two blocka xouth Medford
Hotel. Hot and cold water In
rooms. Mm. II. M. Cost. 271
FOIt KttNT -I.arga sleeping rooms,
nnd modern housekeeping npnrt
incuts, prices very reasonable.
Home phono 2CG-1C. 222 South
FOR IIKNT Nlcel) furnished sleep
ing room In new modem houso.
cIuko In, Phono 3721.
FOIt IIKNT Nice modern room with
board for two pcoplo nt Mm. Fay's.
22 Geneva Aye.
for iu:.vr FL'iiNhSin:i aits.
FtHMaiNT I SmtthXpts. 2178." Kl
FOIt JIKNT Itrgo. corafortnblo of-
flco rooms with elevator service,
steam heat, hot and cold wator.
I.ow rates. Apply Medford Furnl
turo & Hdw. Co.
FOR UKNT 3 offices counccted over
Kldd's Shoo Store, how rent.
Terms. A C. Taylor, It. R. No. 2.
Medford, or Clark's Realty of
rico. 2S3
fou ha lb una
FOR SAhB 5 lots on Ross Court.
Will sell whole or separately, bar
gain. Apply owner C. D. Woolver
ton, Gold I1IU. Ore. 2SC
mm a
FOU SaT.B lMg soveral brood
bows nnd a number of oung pigs,
nil Poland China stock. W. J.
Hartzell, phono 4CS-I. 272
FOU SAhB 100 egg Old Truaty In
cubator practically new, side-bill
plow, cross-cut saw, washing ma
chliio and few pieces of furniture,
one hlvo of bees. Phono 123-W.
742 W. 14tll St. 270
FOU SAhB At 132 North Ivy St..
complete hoiiHohold furtiUhltigs,
including Turkish rugs. Teak
chair, lint rack-seat und tabuur
ottos, elegant mahogany bed room
bet. Garland steel range, water
burk and gas plates attached.
dttdiuH, ho bov, etc.. All In goud
condition and very reasonably
priced. 27 1
FOU SAhB Tuitk. SOOOgallou gal
viiuUod iron tank, cheap. Phono
SOii-F-3 at uoon or rtor C:30 p.
FOU SAhB Soft wood lit chunks,
itlso full blomled C. W. Orpington
pullets, $lu a dozen. Phono 403-U-2.
FOR SAhK Calling cards, prlntod.
engraved or ombossod at the Mall
Trlbuno office
FOU SAhB Three work 1ioms. 1
pair matched blacks, weigh 1300
lbs. each. 317 B. Jaekfcou St. 270
FOU SAhB hooso leaf lodgor sys
tems, any stylo or mndo to ordor
by tho Mull Trlbuno bindery.
FQU SAhB hcgal blanks, tresspass
notices, for salo or reut sings at
tho Mull Tribune,
FOU SAhB hotter heads and taucy
stationery, prlntod, engraved or
embossed, as you wish at tho
Mall Trlbuno.
FOU SAhB Pluco ordor now ror
sotting oggs from my pott or Whlto
Orpingtons. J, Hormtin Hurrison,
707 West 11th. Phono 301-U 2S7
FOR SAhK Splendid puro brod
Haired Plymouth Rock cpckorels.
Address M, Il caro Trljmuo, or
call nt C04 Plum stroot.
FOR SAhB Fruit box labels In one
two or three colors, printed as you
ordor at the Mall Tribune.
FOR SAhB Crystal White Orpiug
tons, Kolloietrniis strain, nlso prize
winning, Indian Runner ducks,
bono SOC-F-2, 877
FOU SAhB Flno bslcd timothy hay.
Hollywood Orchards.
FOIt IIKNT OU HAhK Houso und
two (teres In fruit. Good chance.
Phono 28C-h. 202
FOIt8AhK- All of my Crystal Whlto
Orpingtons. Now Is tho tltno to
make up your breeding pens. Jlar
gnln if taken at once. Phono C182
II. h. Fuller. 273
FOU SAhK -Second hand model T
Ford In flue condition. Call 332
North Ivy street. 271
FOU SAhB Anyone wishing to gut
good furniture cheap. Inqulro
710 Taft street. 271
FOU HAhE 3 pens choice Crystal
Whlto Orpingtons, also orders for
hatching eJi. cry reasonable
prices. Call and nro slock. 30
Keeno Way, Siskiyou Heights. M.
Hvans. 270
FOIt RAhK Several Crystal Whlto
Orpington cockerels. Dig husky
fellows at n very low flgtiro. W
t Unities, 2 miles northwest of
Medford on Itosa hanc.
FOU SAhK $10 Incubator. $10: a
$20 Incubator, $C. at C21 W. Palm.
WANTKU Young man stenographer
Apply In owu handwriting, stnto
sulury (losircu. Auuresa box -U
caro Mall Tribune. 274
WANTKD Man and wlfo to work on
ranch. Steady Job. rtox J. D..I
caro Mall Tribune. 270
WANTKD -l orchard man to work
12 acres of bearing orchard on
shares. Good proposition offered.
W. J. Tanner, Natatorlum.
Waxtbd situations
WANTKD Position by man. tho
roughly competent of planting and
caring for young orchard. Dest of
rererences. Address P. O. Hot
712. Medford, Ore. 272
WANTED To rent a furnished
Itouse. country or city. May to Oc
'tober. Apply Stauton Grlffls.
phono Cll-J-3. 273
WANTED Chlckons, hens, roosters
und pullets. In any quantity. J.
Ih hyons, Phoenix, Orcgou.
FOR EXCHANGE AVell located view
lots to exchange tor modern resi
dence. Address A. II. C, caro Mall
TO EXCHANGE Wo need an auto
mobile In our business and havo
homo good lots, clear or encum
brance In good county seat town,
to trade ror one. See G. Alldor &
Son. room 212 F. & F. llldg. 27 1
TO TU PB Atilomobllo for good
work team. Address Hox SC, ruro
Mall Trlbuno. 270
LOST String of gold beads. Phono
Home FJ-h. Suitable reward. 271
MONEY TO LOAN On city und
closo iu ranch property. C. A.
McArthur. room 3, P. O. block,
phono 3081.
husinkss nirnxnoRY
O. h. REAMK3, LAWYER-rOfrico
MoiUord National Rank bldg., uec
oud floor,
Attornoys-ut-hnw. Rooms 1 and
2, Fostutrico bldg.
A. E. RBAMES, hAWYER Garnetl
Coroy bldg.
KEY, GBO. W. OllBURVJ llooms
11 aud 12 Jackson County Dank
W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun
sellor at i.tuv. i-j i.,ii8t nam
street, Medford, Ore.
Civil Engineer
hOUlS W. WHITINQ Civil engineer
nnd survoyor. wutor filings and
irrigation work a specialty; sur
veys, subdividing, building grades,
city engineering, drafting, sower
design, concroto work, pump nnd
canal s atoms, Room 2, Palm blk.,
Medford, Oro.
vAfix xvm.
By "Bud" Fishex
8TUACT CO., No. C, South Central.
v . - ," "l-l 't
D n Vnnnrinnnrst Arrnnnlnnf .
Your liooks audited and Kept for n
reasonable figure; your business
solicited. Office. Medford Mall
Trlbuno bldg.: phone 6611; resi
dence phono 6302.
Bit. U. J. I.OCKWOOI), Chiropractor,
nerve specialist. Rooms 203-04-05
Girnett-Corey bldg. Vapor
baths and scientific massage, given;
advice in dietetics, medical gym
nastics, hydropthcrnpy. had at
tendant. Phoae Home 14G-L, Mala
UR. A. R, HBHGBS, Dr. hoiitxe B.
Hedges, Mechano - Therapists,
Chiropractors, SpondylotherapuHs.
Thfao systems, Including dietetics,
curatlvo gymnastics, hydro-tber-aphy,
etc., produce results In both
acute and chronic diseases. Con
sultation free. 230 North Dartlctt
St, next door to M. B. church.
Hours D a. in. to 5 p. ra. Other
hours by appolatmctn. Doll phone
Main 4171.
Garnett-Corey bldg., suite J5J9.
Medford, Ore. Doth phones.
GARDAGB Get your premises
cleanod up for tho winter. Call
on tho city garbago wagons for
good service. Phono Main 6251. F.
Y. Allen.
aro budded, not grartcu. Our stock
Is' not Irrigated. Wo guarantee
everything put out. Wo are not In
tbo trust. H. B. Patterson. Office
removed to office Hotel Nash, In
sldo entrauco, next to barber shop.
Notary Public
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic. Drlng your work to me at the
sign of The Mall Trlbuno.
Printer ami Publishers
best equipped printing office la
southcru Oregon; book blading,
looso leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir Bh
Physicians anil Surgcaas
drV f. a. ""crloSvv'diCkva
MAINS OARhOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-417 Garnott-Corey
bldg.. phono 27S-K. Residence
420 South Laurel st.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa
nnd Burgeon.
Practice limited to diseases of
women. Offices 232 B. Main,
Phones, offlco, 2S; residence, 814.
DR. J. J. BM.MBNS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
car, nose and throat. Byes scien
tifically tested nud glasses supplied
orrice 238 Bast Main 8L Hours
8;30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Hoth pboutm.
B. II. PICKBh. K. D. Office Jaek
son County Dank bldg. Office
phouo Main 432; Res. phone, Main
DR. MARION Physician and sur
geon. Stewart bide., corner Mala
and Uurtlett ets,, office phone, 271;
residence phone, 273,
clan and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel, Hours
10 tu 12, 1 to i. Phone Pacific
DR. U. W, ChANOY Physician and
purgoon. Phones, office, 601; resi
dence, 7241. Offlco hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5,
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
Physician, 303 Oaraett-Corey
' Bulldlug. Phone 91-R.
Stenograplilo work done auUkly
and we)l.
Trnitster '
Offlco 10 Mouth Fir ah Pkeae
Roll 31C3; Home, KfQJC. l't9t
right,, BprvJce suttraate4.
i '1
) '
V v
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Jf. &&'
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