Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    WW I. I PI I ; - , ,. , , , -.- - . -. - .- - lMMqM
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city Hftft
'fair- tf--&
Medford Mail Tribune
fair IoiiIkIH Mat. IWt
.Mln. 120.
Corljrcroriil Tr
Dully Hvfilli Vi-sr
, NO. 2.6!),,
r ,
Peaco In Slflht In Balkans Porte to
Retain Rule Western Part of
Atlilntinplo, Balance of City to Be
Crilnl Biilunrla.
Kaiser Semis Wonl to Cxar Fer
dinand Not to Fliiht Until Further
Efforts at Peace Are Made.
LONDON, l-'eli. 3.- The niniUUro
between Turkny mill (In li kan ul
Una oxlrct nt seven p. m. today
without either holllKorctil imiklur,
imiwi In prolong pciico. Dp to 1
o'rlocli mi reports of 11 resumption
of lumlltlllux hut) louchcd London.
Diplomats hero bellcvn coimldcra
lion by lliilitnrln of KuUor Wllholm's
1111(0 nml tho Powers' proposal to
Klvu llulgnrla control nf Adrlimnplii
has (litln)i-il renewal of flr.hlliiK.
LONDON, I'rli. a. IWe in lli
ItaibMiiN in in night, niH'ortliiiK In 11
rtwiMli'li rceeUeil liijtu Ittiliiv by "
new hhiov from Hofin. It snyw
IMUbHh Ik ixmly In ngrcc to the
I'owsm' proposal t tin I Turkey con
trol Ilic religious part of Adriuuople
If llin rol in veiled.
Hooter's Now tigcucy lino says ll
U n'Mirlil liy mt nulhnritnlivc
ttfltlUtO lllrtt till pOMl'IYI IlIIVO null-
milled In III" lliilgitiiim cabinet n
propomtl In nll'ivv Turlii'V I" iipiMiinl
11 trpH".i,tilnlio n lulc llu MimliMti
purl of Adriniioplo, llio rosl of the
oily In tin ceded In Holgnriii.
This would give lli pmli control
of llu I Inly City iniMipK'H only, ami
MftU. llm Turk would roll llicir
ipprosfiitntivo 11 governor Iml In I In'
Itulgnriiitis he- would ho merely n
Moslem priest.
Ilnlgurln C'ablnrt Mii'ln
It wm slated llm llutgnrliiu cnbiiirt
Inn) nuii'i'il In i'oii-.iiliT tln powers'
pmpiHNil nml In reopen negotiations
mi (lint linxiH, King Fordinniid, It
wns said, Irfl n sick bod In nllrii'l
the mliiiiflt tnrctiiK.
LONDON. 1-Vli. .- Tlt lliitkim-
ThiUhIi wnr Im Hrlii'iliilnl o lie 10
Miini'il Iniiiclit li v llio H'iiiitK of hie
Kiliw nKiiiiiAt tlio ili'fotiMiw nf Ailriun
niilc Iml, nllliotiuh lli.'ic U lint nliorl
Hint' nlirnilii.'. llio pnuorH ln-lii'vo,
nr nffi'ol to IjoIIpvo, llmt tin' mUlrr
Ml liv llio knlnor In IJinpi'rnr Font
inniiil nf llulKiiriii 1 hi I In fi)it iikiiIii
will nt loiiht ilulav a iciiponiiii; of
lioililltii'H until fuillipr iitlomptH nt
poiu'D an' iiimiIo,
CMlirr I'nHrrn ('niisnJ
Tlio Ooniinu miiililcr at Sofia pro
MMilcil tlio IdiiwL'i'H mlvii' 0 imlav. It
whn in thn form nf a unto mikkoaUiiu
that Tiirkov'rt irplv In llio powor
uiim fair ami rnut'ctli'il all Hint ooulil
do I'xpi'i'ti'il. It Ih iiiiiIimhIooiI horo
llio ntlior potviTH KiiiM'tioiiril llio kill
hi'r'i unto.
Till! )AI.I.!-:S, Ore., IVIi. a.-Tlie
Vniled titntori (nveiuiiHMit niiil the
Hlnlori nf Oii''on nml Wawliinj;ton
will iiaelt ho iiHkeil In npiirnprinto
.$."1(1,(1111) fur a lU'liillcd Hiirvey ami
thoiniiuli IliVi'HllKiilioii nf the pro
poHi'd Coliunhin tlvcr power prnjeel
lit (,'elilo. TIiIh wiih thn uVulhinn
reaolii'il liy llio I wo oxuuutivu com
inlttecH, heuileil liy (Inveriior LUlor of
WiiHliiulon, nml (Inveriior Went of
Oregon, ufler llio hIIu hail heen kouo.
over uiuefiilly.
AecoiiliiiK to Rtatii KiikIiiooi' IjOwIk
of Oregon, ho U eoilniii tlio hlnli'H
ooulil iliHpimo of llio :i00,()00 eoiitin
uoitrt hoiHepnwor uliil 12(10,000 mldi
tioiipl hoiHepowoi' availiililu elht
iiioiiIIih in thn your, which could lip
HOncniU'il liy tlio eoiiHlriiolioit of a
jmiwih1 pliiul ii Colilo.
Tlio iiohI of llm proposed project Ik
estimated ut .f.'Il.OnO.OOO.
"Tlio Bovonth Oliord," tlio piny liy
AHliloy Miller, which la nliortly to bo
protlurml liy (Iooiko W. Lodoror, liun
but four clmiucturB,
Cavalry Orclares Intention of Avenq
Inn Murder of Naxlm Pasha and
Entire Army Is Torn With Dlssen
Hon and Another War Imminent.
Revenne Is Threatened Upon Military
Dictator Troops Refuse Him Per.
mission to Land.
VlliNNA. I'".4i. a. -Fri'hli iniillny
niinmt; llio Tmkili trnn nt Ti'linlnl
jii willi piolmliililv nf a iiiuhI sriliiili
I'oudli'l lui'iikiiic nut aiimiiir I lit' Mum
li'UM at any uiniiirnt i rexirlril lioro
Imlav in ilUpji'ti'hi" frmii CoiiHtnnli
iinplf. Tlio illtmli'li miv Hi" Tin k
ili I'livnlrv luivo ili'i'liiM'il tlioir intt'ii
liiHi nf iivininic Hi" riiiinlnr of Nnrim
Pimlia, (tint llu wliolo TtnkMi nrtuv
Im Inni with iliwuilisriii'llon ami that
mmlliKi' IiIimhIv war is oorlaiu.
Tlio Ironl.l.. at Ti'liMlnljn. llio ilin-
pllll'h hH.VH, caillO to II hl'llll wlioii
Huvor llo.v, ilni'r f Nnim PiikIiii
ami imw mililHry iliolnlor nf Turkov.
l-ltnl tlio ramp. Tin KnuU rofiiHCil
In allow Haver Hoy In illiiotuit from
Ium Initio ami wrro nulv pn-vrnli'il liy
a no r row inn ruin from nlttiokinj; him
in (ho tniiUt of his xtnff.
Another Coiihtniilinoptit ilifpnteh
niyn ilmt Klitikri l'ahn, now emu
tiimiiler nf Ailriniiople, )tH Kent no.
lien In llnxer (lev that at mioii iih
tlio war is oer tie will Imrrv hit
lroiw riiuii Ailriniiople nml then will
take full mill ample levniK" for (tin
mtiiiloi' nf dm former eomumiiiler-in-eluef.
LONDON, Feb 3 - Iteport of n
Horloiu rupturo lintweoii the Triple
Alllnuco nml tlio trlplii llntonto wnu
tlio only npparoul remit hero tliU
eenlnK of a prolrnrleit lemilou of
llm nmlitiniiailorH In nu effort to pre
vent n ri'iniiiiptlon of the llalknn-
TurkUli wur wlilnh I kchctluloil to
In-Kin toulKht.
The MinlianMidom ndjniirneil their
uicctliiR nt four n'clork nml nfter
thn Hosnlon emlvd tlio rcpreentatlvt'
of nerinniiy, Italy and Aimtrlu woru
Meen talkltiK excitedly tOKether. This
riiiiNed a report thnt scrlotia troublo
tietw'ceii tlio two r roups of powers
lind occurred hut no nulistniitlntlon
of Hh accuracy could tin obtained.
The inodt rlfild renimrtihtp In IioIiir
enforced toulKht nt both Constnntt-
iioplo nud tlio enpltnlH of tlio llnl
knit Btutea, Tlio only direct dls
imti'lirn received hero said that Tur
key and tlio llalknn nllleii were tnov
Iiik their troop propnrntory to flKht-
Iiik ul both Adrlnuoplo and Tchntnljn,
I.ON'DON', Teh. a."ITypnorito nml
Irnllor'' wero u few nf tho terms tip-
plied. In t'linneellor of llio K.eheip.ior
Lloyd-denii'ii hero loday hy Mrn, Km
muliiio I'liukhiirHl, leader of militant,
HtiffruKcllcri, in addrcHsiiijr u iniihtf
mceliuu: ut tho London pnvilloii. Mil-
tiliitioti of Kolf links, tho latest of
mil I medio vandalism, was hunrtily
endorsed by Mrs, I'ankhitrst,
Tho Hiiffriinotles jenewed I heir
eainpaiK'ii 'i' violenoo ul'lor u "Voles
for Women" hill, npproved hy rov
oniiiient olTiolals, ineludinc Lloyd
(leoiKo, was withdrawn in thn limine
of coiiiinoiiH hy Premier Asipiith,
RI'ltlNOFlKM), 111., Feb. 3. For
tho first timo in 'JO years a demotunl
Fdwurd V, Dunno, forinor mnyor of
CliioiiKo, today was inmif;iiriitvil rov
oinor of Illinois, Kelirin flovornor
Duiicgu iiitruiluucil Uumio publicly.
Supreme Tribunal Hands Down De
cision Holding United Shoe Ma
chinery Company Is Not Unlawful
To Escape Criminal Prosecution.
"Rule of Reason" Helps Court Arrive
at Decision Dismissed Criminal
WAHIIINOTON. Feb. 3.-Tho su
promo court of thn I'nlted tole!i to
day hnndiol down a derbilon that
the United Hhoe Machinery company
lu not mi nulitwfiil monopoly In re
utrnlnt of trnilo. It wait chnrKCd
that thn to in puny rontrolit patented
inuctilnery lenurd to 1300 nianufnr
turern In 31 stated, rancliiR from
con I ml of HO per rent of welling
machinery to 10 per rent of laatltiK
Today's declidon ineniiH thnt of
flilnlx of thn company will escape
criminal prosecution. Apply the
rule of reanon' In reaching lt
decision, the supremo rotirt nfflrmed
tho decreo of I'nlteil Htnles District
Judito I'titnam of lloston. dlsmlssliiK
thn criminal Indictments ncnlnst
flrvo officers of the company who
were churned with violating the Hher-
man antitrust law.
Today' derision followed tho in
dictment for rrlinlnul prosecution
under tho Hherninn anti-trust law of
flvo offlrerM of tho United Hhoo Ma
chinery company on Kept. 19, 1911
President Sidney W, Wlnslo-, of Or
lennn. Mass.; Vlco-Presldout Bdwant
I'. Ilurd. of Newton, Man.; Vlce
Fretldniit (iHirtf.i-W. I'utnam, of
Newten: Vice-President Wllllum Har
bour, of New York, ami Director Kl
mer P. Howe, of Iloston.
Two distinct chnrKca wero madn
aRalust the defcndnntii. One charced
thnt, by mentor ot four formerly In
dependent shoo machinery manufac
turing companies Into tho United
concern, tho defendants controlled
K0 per cent of Interstate commerce
In tho machinery. Tho second
charge was that by tho so-called
"tying clauses" of Its contracts leas
ing machinery to ulioe manufacturers
the defendants had conspired to re
strain trade.
HAUTFORD, Conn., Feb. 3.
Through an Instrument which can bo
placed between tlio source of tho
nolso and tho person's uffected by
It, lllrnm Maxim tho famous Invent
or, has announced today that he
hopes to make whole cities uoIucIcbh
In flvo yearn.
"Tho dovlco will Hhed silence In
tho ennio manner that n lamp sheds
light," Maxim stated to Intervlowers.
"Thero Is one bad fenturo about tho
Bllencor, however. A criminal could
drown a cry for help by using It."
Maxim decliireH that tho Instru
ment Is still In a crude utnge, but ho
has applied for patents on toiuo of
Its parts.
llKIH.IN, Fob. 3. Work will soon
begin upon a "sunken" airship har
bor In Gorninny's Island fortress
Helgoland In tho North Sen, whoro a
.oppelln aero cruiser will bo sta
tioned. Tho vast shed will bo sun
ken Into tho rocky Island so that It
will not afford u murk for bombard
ing ahlps. Whon tho Xcppollu lands,
It will literally disappear Into tho
TRENTON, N. J Feb. 3. Pro.
elcot Wilson today iinmed Jos. I1.
Tumulty as his Kcorolnry whon ho
becomes president. Tumulty is Wil
son's present bceretnry iu tlio ;over
iior'a oU'ico,
ssssssssssssssssssssssvn sssssssssssssssssssssssHssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssf J "y
PrssssssssssssssssssHssssssfflsssssssssssssssHssssV "
ssssssssssssssssssssssssH 1 A ssssssssssssssssssssssV Wjsslsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssi
ssssssBssssssKSrL VssssDHissssissH '
BMWgssssssssssssMBg' . .ssssssWiMWPJWlsBaWssssssssB M
iHssrs?ssHl.'1! Jrjtf&BtfwSF'' ssssTssssW
sksWHsrfiBBiBSjM4fHmisssHsasuKjllvfcp sssa ssb uje
SsMMEsssVswrW&tissstSr li'-iisssssl SSB
MMEEt2MWm' sssft. '' '"'-' '" Mf"- ssB-ssswv
Gen. Sickles (Center) fought through the Civil Wsr, and lost hi leg. Hl
father, ho was a jutcnt lawyer, left htm and hu two children two million
He has Just been drpotcd from the Chairmanship of the New York State
Monuments Committee, whose object was to erect monuments on different
battlefield for the noted New York soldier.
An order of arrest was issued Saturday for him for a shortage of Twenty
three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-six Dollars. His wife has come to his
awilUnce screral times, but this time refutes to do so.
THKNTOK, X. J., Feb. .X-.lames
J. Oallnchcr, who Mint nud hcrioush
wounded Mayor (laynor of Xew Yoik
City Aiupict Of lt'10. died of ivre.w
in the state insane ;iylum liere to
dny. (lallnKher nltemMci1 (m kill Mayor
Onyuor an llio latter was" about to
leave on a (lermati steamer for u trip
to F.urope. Heeau-e of tho innyor'd
mlvniu'ctl use it was fonroil for ;
time Hint death would roMill.
GalltiKher was oueo n municipal
employe nud when he wns d'neliarKed,
asset ted Mayor Qn.winr wa. roH)n
Alter n brief trial, (lallaher was
ndjudfied snne and sentenced to pris.
on, hater he was found insane ami
removed to the nliun here.
WASHINGTON', Feb. 3. Tho
United States supremo court today
denied tho right of Jack Johnson, a
negro pugilist, to appeal to that
court from the decision of a United
States court, which refused htm
ball whllo under Indictment for white
Tho court dismissed Johnson's ap
peal without passing on tho validity
of tho whlto slnvo act. Associate
Justlco I.a.Mar read tho decision, it
ruled that JoIiiibou waa admitted to
bull after his appeal was tnkon, and
aa ho secured relict It was not nec
essary to pass upon his motion.
(Sign this and mail or bring to Mail Trilmno for
presentation to city council).
To tho Mayor and Council
of tho City of Medford, Oregen:
As a citizen of Medford, I protest against making
tho public niarkot tho spoils of politics and potifion
your honorable body to reappoint tho present niarkot
master, .T. E. Kunynvd, who has so satisfactorily con
ducted tho markot sinco its first oponing,
Namo , ,
Residence , .,
E. Sickles
PAHIS, Feb. 3.-The trial of what
rcniuiiiK of the famous Uminot roiir
of outlaws, Cnrouy, Dieudiune, Sondy
and seventeen others which last
year held Paris in terror for several
months, begun here today.
Tim llounot cane of "Phantom '
oullnws, as they wero called by rea
son of their Keomitu; npiwnrnnce in
several places at once, was the Jesse.
James crew of France.
Tho mont notorious of the Donnot
eiimes was the mbbini: of (ho Chn
tilly bank, 110 mile- out of PnrN. A
powerful automobile was taken from
a eheauffeiir, whom they nhot dend
in his seat. A imsxvugcr in thn car
wns wounded and escaped with his
life by feiguiui; death. Kntcrinp; the
bank they killed two cashiers, wound
e( Ihree oilier bauk official, robbed
tho vault 8 and escaped.
Several day later a crny automo
bile look the wromr turn nt n street
crossing. A imliermnii niounled the
"lep lo cot the ehnul four's lieene
iiiuiiber. lie fell with n bullet thrnugii
his heart, llounet fired tlio revolver.
Arrests of the jjnnn membors follow-
PlTTSUUItn, reb, 3. Strikers
from tho ltankin and Ilrnddock steel
mills held a mass meeting this after
noon to plan (or future action In
their struggle.
According to n statement of Gen
eral Major UoWItt, noarly 70 per
cent of tho strlkors bnvo returned ti
work nt tho Ilnnklu mill, and sovoral
hundred men have resumed at tho
Ilrnddock mill.
West's Bill Makinn Federal Liquor
License Prima Facie Evidence of
Sale, and Howard's Dance Hall Bill
Pass House of Representatives,
Hoskins' Bill Making State Dry Ex
cept in Limits o! Corporate Towns,
Gets Favorable Senate Report. '
HAl.F.M. Ore., Feb. H.-IIoth
branches of the legislature today ad
vanced legislation that strikes nt the
iKpior interests.
The house passed and sent over lo
the senate the bill nf lleprescntntivc
O.ll making a federal liquor license
pnran fneie evidence of (he snle of
intoxicating liquors, nud the bill of
llcproeiitntite Hmvnrd making stric
ter law for the regulation of dnncs
In the senate two steps wero taken
ill the same general direction. Sena
tor Woods' bill inimsing seven pen
alty for giving dnigs or linuor to in
mates of prisons or of bounty or
state institutions was passed, and
Senator Hoskins' bill making tlio
stnte dry except within the limits of
ineonximtcd cities nud towns came
from the committee with a favorable
The Hoskins bills would put nil
rountry snloons out of business and
leave only such, thirst parlors n ar
protected J)V the Jiome, rule.. amRd
Biejjt.,. ,)"otliiBj else ot importanre
was nVcomplishisl nt tW' short eesitnn
bf the-wo-liou'u-4-'prrvKntA"tovifM'
adjournment, nlthnugh Iho senate re
ceived several new bills thnt will be
important subjects of debate Inter on.
The sterilization bill, introduced in
the bouse by Representative I.Iewel
ling was up for debate in that body
today but did not reach a vote.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 3. A motion
to quash the writ of hubens corpus
granted Col. Wm. It. Nelson, owner
of the Knusns City Star, sentenced to
ono dny in the county jnil for con
tempt against Judge Guthrie's court,
was filed here today by Attorney O.
II. Dean, representing Judge Guthrie.
If tho motion is granted Col. Nelson
must go to jnil. If denied tho writ
will be passed upon Wednesday by
the supremo court of Missouri.
In nn interview published in the
Stnr loday Criminal Judgo Latshaw
U niilt'd ns saying he never would
permit Col. Nelson to go to jail.
Attorneys for Judge Gutbrio nsserl
this nlsn puts Judge Lntshuw iu con
tempt of court but Judge Gulhrio re
fused to comment on tho interview.
RALKM, Ore., Feb. II. That the
buildings of the Eastern Oregon hos.
pitnl nt Pendleton nro well made
structures, built apparently to endure
nil time, is tho opinion of tho mem
bers of tho joint ways and tuenns
eommitteo of the legislnture today
returned from n trip of inspection of
that institution.
Chairman nbbott of the houso ways
and menus eommitteo said he had
never inspected finer state Institu
tional buildings. They nro of rein
forced concrete nud ho throught they
would last almost forever, He crit
icised the elnbornto finishings, espec
ially tho use of marble and elnbornto
oleetrienl fixtures.
SALEM. Oro., Feb, fl. Senator
MeCulloeh has ready for introduction
today u bill to extend tlio veto power
of tho govornor to a siuglu item in n
hill, which will ho. possible without
killing; tho cutiiQ bill.
S. S. Bullis or New York Leaves for
East After Planning Extensive Op-
erations at Noted Placer Mine
Much New Ground to Be Worked.
Engineer Is Busy Getting Out Profits
Active Development to Start on
March I.
'' After formulating plans for tho
development of tho Sterling mine,
probably tho most famous placer
mine lit Koufhcrn Oregon, which call
for an outlay of $200,000, a. S. Ilul
lls, a capitalist or New York City,
has left for tho east, leaving his son
In charge 'of tho work hsre. Mr.
Uullls will return soon a actlvo de
velopment work is to start March I.
The outlay of $200,000 Is deemed
necessary for the construction of a
high lino dltrh and other develop
ment work In order that tho high
ground, lying above the present
scene of operations, may bo proper
ty mined. It Is planned to work
this ground, said to b very rich, to
the top of tho divide.
Harry K. Foster of this city Is In
charge of the engineering work In
connection with the mine and Is now
preparing profiles and estimates for
the construction ot tho high lino
ditch. ,
Mr. null! before his-departure
stated thaObo believed, tha ftertinR
mlno capable of produelniC-fsr"!ore
than It had In. .the ritl 'which funs
into large figures, and that he would
sirjLsiqxwHiHajsjf aWU-,
in mo mi no to a ieu
WASHINGTON", Feb. 3. When
tho house met at noon today It was
expected to hold night sessions
throughout tho week In an effort to
dispose ot all pressing buslneea be
fore March 4, tho date ot President
Elect Woodrow Wilson's Inaugura
tion. Thoro nro but 25 $ T.-orklng
days of this session left.
Failure to get through several
big appropriation bills Is threatened
some of tho members ot congress pro
moting they will lapse Into the ex
tra session to be called by President
Wilson. So far tho legislative and
judiciary aproprlatlon bill la the
only big appropriation bill to pass
both houses.
It was predicted today that It tho
public buildings bill passes there will
bo another billion dollars congress..
Kepresentatlvo Fornoy sorved no
tice that tho republicans would not
submit n minority report of tho tar
iff bill.
SALEM, Ore., Feb. a.Prcident
Mnlnrkov nml Seuntnr Mcnullncli nrii
joint authors of n resolution to bo
introduced in the senate late this
afternoon in ndnnt thn nolifoniin.
idea of the divided legislative session.
It cuts tho forty dny session in
two, providing for ono 20 duy session
then nu adjournment for not less
than sixty nor moro than ninety
All bills must bo introduced iu tho
first 20 days. Tho resolution, If.
ndouted, will submit tho question to
tho people iu 1014.
' '
I.OS ANGELES, Feb. .1 Illness of
Chief Counsel Eurl HoxerH of :iiu
defense forced tho postponement lo-.
day of the Harrow trial, Tho exaiHf
inntion of witnesses is scheduled to
conlWuo tomorrow moriiinjc nt JO