PTTOKFOUK. "" MEDFORD OlIU TRTBUTO MEDFORD. OREOOy. FRIDAY, JANUARY M. 1010. It.. L" If i r B i i i j t . i It- ;i t ' I t I mjcdfokd Mail tribune , AN INDtfKNHKNT NKWHIMPRIl i'uw.y it.lM.IIKI) RVKIir AKTHUNOON XXGHPT HUNDAT IIV TUB MMUI'-OIUJ IMUNTINU CO, Tlio Democratic Time, Th. Mnlfbnl Mall, Tito Medfnnt Tribune. Thu Sauth ern Oreonln, Tlio AahUmt TMimrus 6fflr Mit Tribune llull.1ln)c. JS-17-39 North Fir atrtj phone, Mnln 3031. UROnOU PUTNAM, lWllor ana Mnnairer Kntrrci an conl-cIon mnttr t Med f wit, OrcKon, under tho net of March J, H7. Officii,! Paper of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. kUBSCKIPTXOir BATS8. Ono yrar, by nnll . . 15.00 On month, by mntl.. ... ... .. .80 Per month, delivered by carrier In MaMirnril. Jnrkiinnvllln and Cerw trnl lolnt-. .. . .80 Ptttuntay only, by mall, per year S.oo Weekly, per year-. .- . ... Vto wow cracntATiOK. Dally nveraKo for eleven months end Inn November 30, 1911, 3TE1, Tho Mall Tribune In on Bale at the jerry Now Hlami, Fan rrancieco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Portland New Co, Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle, AVaoh. Tall Xaid Win United JPrtta Xlptch. sxsrnKS. oxtooK. Metropolis of Koutharn Oregon ftml Northern California, and ths fastest crowing city In Oregon. Population O K. census 1103310: estimated. J1I in.000. I'lve hundred thousand dollar Oravlty Water System completed, giving flneat nupply purn mountain water, and 17.3 mil nf utreels tvave.L PoMoffle receipt for year ending November 30, jju, snow increase or i per cent. Ilnnner fruit cltv In Orecon ltocue lllver Hpltxenbers apples won sweep. lanes pnsa ana uuo or Annie Hu of the World' at the National Apple. Show, rpokano, 10, and a car or isewiowns won rtnt Vt1 in lsio at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, it . Tint Frit In 1911 At Spokane National Apple Show won by carioaa or rtewiown. noma lllver nears broueht hlehest prices In all markets of the world dur ing ine pat iij yearn. BE E Mudam Lillian Xordieo, one oC (he world's greatest sopranos, will be heard in Medford Feb. 14th, if ar rangements now Under way arc com pleted. The great diva and her com pany are to pass through Medford on that date. Her manager slates that they will stop off in Medford if there w any prospect of drawing a crowd. WANTS TO KNOW WHY r ' JOHN D. IS FREE WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Con greRmnn Gamer of Texas is this afternoon prearing to renew his de mand that Attorney General Wicker sham explain why tho warrants is sued by a United Stales court in Texas for the arrest of John D. Arch bold, president of tho Standard Oil were not served. The warrants were issued as the result of alleged viola tions of the Sherman anti-trust law. ASQUITH'S HOME IS BESIEGED BY WOMEN LONDON, Jan. 31. Armed with slings, a band of suffragettes bom barded the house of Premier Asqultb bere this a.ternopn. Several police were hurt by missiles during tho af fray, and' half of a score of women were knocked down. Tho police were reinforced before, they could clear Cavendish. POPULAR LEADER OF & STRIKING WAITERS jtw6 EuzAfcerH Gurti.eyjr-t.yNN , I HUaabeth Gurley FJynn Is the prln Mptl leader of the waiters' strike, which baa .tied up most of Now York's largest restaurants, She Is the most Influential person la the entire organization and la responsible to a large extent for the great activity of the waiters. She prom le the closing up of every restaurant la Jfew Y'ork clty including those at the various hotels, unless tho demands f the striking wullers are accepted. 1 MME. NORDICA MAY HEARD B- v!mmh WIPE PUT W1TII nn improvement in realty eontlit ions in the val ley it is ine.vitn.blo that the obnoxious pest, the real estate "crabber" should again make himself apparent, lie is tho curbstone artist who spends his time getting wind of deals being made by reputable men and who then threatens to block everything unless he is given a part of the commission. Within the past two weeks several im portant deals, transactions that would have meant some thing real to the valley, have been so blocked because, in these eases those behind the deals, would not agree to be robbed of a part of the legitimate commission. The real estate dealer of this variety not only spoils many a good sale, but he boosts the commissions' beyond tho fair and reasonable limit. 3 le is a menace to the health of the real estate business and a pest to the community. In former years the city has seen enough of this shyster crew and experience has proven that it will work great harm if he again be allowed to operate here. The names of every one of these men should be made public property, the legitimate dealers should unite to drive them out, for Medford will not stand for the crimes formerly committed in the guise of real estate transactions. TO GET $3000 A YEAR SALEM, Ore., Jan. 31. Senator Calkin's bill fixing the salary of tho governor's private secretary at $3000 a year was passed by the senate to day. Another bill passed was one Intro duced by President Mnlarkcy and Sen ator Butter fixing sever penalties on officers of banks who accept gratui ties from prospective depositors of money, or sellers or securities to banks, and upon outsiders who offer to pay such favors. Seventeen bills In all wcro passed by tho senate today before that bod dajotlrncd until Monday. SCHRICKER COMPLETES THREE DAY TESTIMONY UELMNOHAM, Wash., Jan. 31. W. E. Scbricker. tho convicted Lacon-' nor banker whom the state mado Its own witness In tho bank conspiracy trial here, involving Jacob Pttrtb, It. V. Ankeny, E. W. .Andrews and Daniel Kelleber, officers of tho Seattle Na tional Bank-, concluded his testimony att 11: 1G this morning. He had been questioned for four days, only two witnesses,' called ontVlf turn, breaking the continuity of his testimony. These were Representative W. W. Conner of Skagltaw county, who testified to Ankcny's counselling him to deposit with tho Scbricker bank, and Mrs. Inez Sollars of Laconncr, a telephone girl, who testified to overhearing In advertently part of a telephone con versation between Andrews and Schricker a day beforo Schrlcker's bank was closed. FIGHT FANS ARE EAGER FOR TONIGHT'S MILLS SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 31. Every true fight fan In San Francisco and environs Is anxiously awaiting today tho bell which will send Willie Hoppe, Butchertown bearcat, and Tommy Murphy, In a four-round clash Both are fit and eager. Young Abe Attell meets Young O'Leary of the Northwest, In the principal preliminary. This scrap promises to wear a hole right down into" the cellar. Lem Kegg vs. Younj, Wussow, Phil Morgan vs. Bubbles Robinson, Tom Mlckola vs. Sam Slavlcb, JCJd Bertelson vs. Joe Phil lips, Owen Hooker vs. Dick Green, Happy Thomas vs. Jack Robinson and Joe Mackey vs. Dick Kendall round out tho card. LEAGUE CLAIMS THAT THORPE BELONGS TO IT CHICAGO, Jan. 31. If any major league busehull club wants to sign James Thorpe, tho great Iudiun ath lete, discredited as an ainntcur, it will have to buy his release from the Fayetteville, N. C, club, according to u report toduy. Thorpe Iiuh been on tho reserve list of that cluh for two years, and although a "bush" team, it will doubtless demand n couple of lots in Wall Street and a block of government bonds for the noted "Sao and Fox" warrior. Tlio final diHiMsilion of tlio prizes Thorpe won at Stockholm will not ho determined until the full Olympio committee meets this Hummer. MIXTURE OF THE RACES IS LEADING TO TROUBLE POUT DARWIN, Australia, Jnn. 31 The mixing of white people, Chinese and ahoriginnls in tho less civilized portions of tho northern territory is regarded with serious eyes, owing to the fact that a piebald population is springing up in this sparsely popu lnted portion of tho commonwealth. Ono result of this state of affairs has been n great difficulty in govern ing tho territory, owing to tho fact that tho mixed population is unsym pathetic toward tho administration. There nro 4000 white women in tlio territory, it fair sprinkling of Chincfco and thousands' of blacks. r THIS PEST. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho Polo game that took plnco at tho Nat Wednesday evening was en joyed by all who saw It and many suggested to have another ono soon, Tho game was won by Nat team No. 1 playing against Nat team No. 2. To accommodate tho peoplo who did not seo this thero will be another came Sunday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. H. Bowman, of San Mnttm, Cal., arrived in Medford Thursday evenlug and otpects to remain In the city sev eral weoks. Mr. Bowman hns been associated with Dr. Geo. L. Helms In a business way for several years and ho may become Interested with Mr. Holms In his orchard Interests near Medford. $5,000,000 IS PAID FOR HUGE OIL COMPANIES SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 31. To further develop tho Midway and other oil fields of California, tho Oil Pro ducers and Refiners, Limited, n big London syndicate, has toduy taken over tho United Oil cotnany of Is Angeles and the North American Oil Consolidated, and Section Two Syndi cate, of San Francisco, the consider ntiou being .fp,000,000. The ileal Iuvh been pending for months. v The London concern is headed by Crowther, tho Ftritili oil king. Tho enlarged concern will he known as the United Oil company. The North American company was headed by Louis TitiiH, of Oakland, and the Section Two Syndicate by San Francisco oil magnates. The United coniwny sold for $2,22.",000 and the other two for $2,750,000. MAN WANTED AT LOS ANGELES IS NABBED ACROSS SEAS LONDON, Jan. 31. Victor Clem ent Fisher, wanted in Los Angeles for alleged embezzlement, wns arrested here today on nn extradition war rant. He wns remanded to Jail pen ding nn investigation. Fiher in chnrged with embezzlement of .f2.V 000 from n Los Angeles concern. Chamberlain Helps Soldier WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. If a bill Introduced by Senator Chamber lain is passed, Brig. General Thomas A. Auderaon of San Francisco will bo given tho rating of Major General on tho retired list of tho army. General Anderson served in tho Spanish and Philippine wars. John A. Perl Undertaker 8 8. BAUTLETT Phones M. 471 and 473 Ambulance Service Deputy Ccroner M$M$M$M$M$ t t r t T t t BEFORE YOU BUY THAT SUIT SEE WHAT THE GOLDEN RULE IS OFFERING NOBBY SUITS AVe hftvo a number of new nobby Suits for Men and Boys in browns, greys and blue, mixtures, every one a bargain at regular price, during tbis sale they will go as follews: BROKEN LOTS Suits sold up to $18 for $10 Suits sold up to $25 for $15 OTHER SUITS AT 25 DISCOUNT HATS Nice lino of Soft Hats for "Men, latest blocks, and assortment of colors. Sale price only $2.45 TROUSERS One lot Trousers, cashmere and worsted, all sizes and hard to beat for the money, sale price ONEFOURTH OFF T t T t T T T T J t KMM DROVE AUTOMOBILE 40,000 MILES IN " A RECORD TRIP AROUND THE WORLD MRS W A HAIL ND SON MELVIN Driving their Packard enr back to their home, from wlirro they started, Melrln A. Halt and lilt mother, Mrs. William A. Hall, of New York, completed the flMt motor trip nmtitid the world. The enr In which they left New York In June, 1011, for Knulmnl U (lie car In which they rotor tied to New York. No part of It had been renewed, except Its tlrv. In their wander tugn Mr. Hall and his mother drove their cur approximately, -IO.ikjo mile. It has been citlmntcd they trnvi'lled In thirty-three couutrlet and ikihI mure than 5,000 Knllotm of gaolruc. HEAVYWEIGHT BILLS ARE PASSED OVER VETO SALK.M, Ore, Jan. 31. The home today passed two hilU over the veto of Governor We't. The bills were parsed nt the last session of the leg islature. llolh hill-, were of the "heavy weight" tyM of legislation. One of them reipiires station agent to pot notice of the arrival and departure of trains, while the other will compel the fanner to get out in the road Hint adjoins or runs through his property and gnib the weeds and thistles out of it. Coal Must Be Certified WASHINGTON. Jan. 3t Notifica tion was received from (In-.'co by the stato department today that coal shipped via tho Dardanelles to Black Sea ports will be liable to noliuro by Greek warships unless It Is certified to bo for consumption nt neutral ports. jf Wells to Meet McCarthy NKW YOHK. Jan. 3 1. --Bombardier Welli, heavyweight champion of Kngland, and Luther MeCnrty, who holds a like titlliSii America, huvu been matched for, a 10 roiml fiuht in Madison Square (inrdeii here late in March or early' inJ'April, according to n cable today from Loudon. Soldiers Ordered to Posts CONSTANTINOl'LB, Jnn. 31. Orders were Issued today to all offi cers and men of the army now on fur lough to rejoin their regiments within 24 hours. It's different! I Eachpiece of Orange Blossom Candyv Kfcs aj lavor all its own Mt-dfoi-il riiurmacy, V.. Agls, t THE GOLDEN RULE 3! "?, ft. HALL IN WOR AUTOMOQUE BLOOD STAINED BAGGAGE IS FOUND IN FRISCO HOTEL SAN niF.OO. t'nl., Jan. ai. .Mys- terv MtrroiiniliiiL' the dcalh mid ikh. sihle iniirder of ('ail lleckmaii, an upholsterer of San Francisco, may soon be solved, following the rinding today in a hotel here of the man's hlood-fctaiticd baggage. The luiKgngc had been held b.V the Intel where tlio man witi registered. His body was found in the hnv in December, with nil evidences of n murder. A wtrniiKe letter written in what the police lliittk was i code known only to Iteckiuun and his friends or enemies wax found and its contents nro being iu -1 1 -gated. OAKDALE CASH GROCERY Still doing business an Corner Oakdale Ave. and 11th St. Read Our Special Bargains for Saturday and Monday, Feb. 1 - 3 rotator, Hr 100 ll $1.00 10 lit. Oraniilnlcil .Sugar worth 1.50 sale price 1.2.1 Diamond W Canned Pcarlicx, Aprlrois I'chi-h ami Clicrrlen Aor(li 30c, Kill o price 2.'l lnsh Ilaurli Kggs .21) i:nnllili llrcakfaxt 'lea, orlli COc, halo prlro !KI I-l Monte I'rcKcrTr worth 30c, halo price ... 22 Del .Monte, Puro Honey worth 20c, hah) price 1.1 Kiiuny .Monday Hoap (I for 2,1 Dlaiiioml I'niirako Flour 2 (K'kgH. for - 2.1 (I llw. l'etlt Priinex 2.1 Filtered Sweet filler, per gallon .2.1 n llw. I'lnk Urnti. 2.1 Oakdale Cash Grocery FLANNEL SHIRTS One lot of soft French flannel Shirts, big bar gains at JJ51.CJ5 SHOES A full line of the proper styles lo fit all feel. Men's gun metal button and laco Shoes, were $4.00. Sale price $2,08 Women's $3.00 and $:i.i"0 Shoes at $2.05 Everything in Shoes for Children. (Jonie in and see them. RAINCOATS .Tust what you want for this weather. Women's Kaincoats, splendid values $0.00 Women's .Raincoats, better values $8.50 MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS 1-4 OF? Bcnelitcd Maiy Who Hid Tuberculosis Tliioe whti tiiltrr from Ctiituiiiillnn M KUtc-ridljr iruiililril mIIIi ill if lit mrot. fcicr, lix f Mrrluctti mitl III tie ii r no kihii. I'rmli Kir, iimul fim-l, mill Itir jituiicr tf ot Hip limljr ntn m rnlll In a rvcmnTjr, Iml In iinny r Hiiliti-lttllic ! I nmliM llrkinnii'i A I IrMtttn l liirtllrlnn "tied l Imtii moat mirmnfiit In nlniiliitf nlslit i'il, mtncliiK fir mi J iimiiiulliis tl'illli una ninny wlm have lunl II. tln-tam It mornl llirlr llvi. llliilUln wlml It ilia In llila rt, - "tlriiiieuirii- I'Vr four yrr I wm tniillilnl with rtmsh, Wlilrh smilimllv Im-miir wuri I Mil lilslit wcl nml imliin In mr rfiMt. I vr luliitf injr mi Itriiii Mini una imiiinv u nun mm wen lillllil lint Mill ml In inr liiill'rluitil lilt tint A liliyUIll lirnniiUlirril mjt im l'iiiiiiniitlun. .Not liflnu mllM, 1 wm pimnlnnl lir tliv itiklioi of Hik l'ol rllnlr IIimiiIIiiI 'llioy ! litiiiiniiiirnl I ho illro l'nnuiiilliiil, wtilili tirnvrn Ulrr Ii) mi rinniltnillim nf ni I inn, n 'l'iilrrruliiU lUrllll mitk foiiinl I nrtliTvil In it l'i'iiiinillK llm lillnl. My iiiiIivt nnnlil no I ulloir mn in ki uittll I Inn) Itlul CrkniHii'ii Aldf mli. Ilifurn I Imil UVrll I til' ninlliln I lirt-r. hitU I timl rt-llrf nlslit oiit tvnanl, imtn In Urn lirmm ti" llrtl, iuli lmiOM ihk mitl pijr, fi'fr Irft UK' Ullil I riiuiiiPlirrl irrlllus Hill My lirnttk lirmuin Inn nut I sin In rtrvllrnt tii-nllli nnw anil tuvr lirvK i-iniiv.'tfly viirnl for trn jt, I ttruns l ri-oiniinrnil II" (MIIS) MAIIV WAHXON Oste IM llrreii. ItM H IJIhKI I'lilU , IM. IN'knmlH Aliftnlll" I' rlTrvtho In lltiill rhllla, Aitlinm. liny IVtrri Ttir4l mnl Lung 'I nintilM. mnl In iiilinllillnK Hi" jitrin lw not inn In In olnn. niUlri r hutill furinlns ilrus. A"k fur luwiklpt trtlluir of tiviii'rli-4 mnl hiIIk In Krkniaii l.liiiatiry, I'lillailrliibla, l' . fur til dm ip. I'nr aalp dy all pilln ilrusslau !" Luxury Without Extravaganco Hotel I Von Dorn 'Jl'2 Turk SI red I Finost popular priced 3 llotd in San Francisco X Modorn Central I HtfrMM si"i:riAii me n.Mtd.MNH Ten (lunlen Jelly ? .10 .Stuff'l (lle .10 Peanut Hatter .. 10 .lell.O a for ..., 2.1 Knyiler Pork and IIciiiim 10 Campbell'M Soup II for 2.1 Del .Monte Pumpkin, 2 rant 2.1 llagley Toniatort 10 Wonder Salmon .... 10 PheoNant String HeaiiH 10 (JueiMi of llcnrt Satdlneit 10 Ilex llluelug .10 Hex Ammonia 10 CrNp Soda f.'rav, mt lb 10 Corn Meal, mt kwU 2.1 KMlft'x Macon 22 ! f ? ? T t T ? T ? T ? ? t f ? ? f f T f ? V t WHERE TO GO TONIGHT -r4-M-M- ! ISIS THEATRE i hohi; AND lll'HKi: CoTncity SlnnUiK and Tall; In it I Kcreiilrln IMnelng Plioiopla)H I'Hilii) Miiiiinliiy Tin: NcuiiMi: WILD PAT tiii; i-iitni'iniTi:it's i.ovi; :: Tim iilory of o rireiuan'ii lud- ! ', tor nature, hhowlng real fire Kceiteri. STAR THEATRE The Home of Feature Pholoila)i All All Star Hhnw Todny Xlll.l. OI'THIJ PAMPAS" It'n ii I'bliiK "P" Wooleru without favorlten lit the leading rolo. (lAPMOVP UltllKI.V Dent film Hewn of current eenti, 'Ull.l. AND A WAV It'H n Thaiihuiikitr. A MILLION IMH,UltS" A ph'tiii llil will hold our alliin linn. New Song Appropriate Mtxlc and Kffi'rl UXTHA MPKCIAIf ICXTMA Momla)', Toediiy, Wiliiedny Plcture.i of tho MID ANDCKSON- SA.MMV TltOIT (s.nlenl at All gi'len, Jauuury 35. Matinees Dally, 2 to C p. tn. ADMISSION. f)C AND lOo CO.MINd PiaTtJltl-S Dr, liar. V.i. Union A Oreat Northern neimutlnn In 3 reel. l'ebrunry Mnl ami tilt Clark a Wright LAWYERS WAHIIINOTON, D. (J. Puhltc l.ntnl Matter: I'lunt ProuL Deiert l.ntiilti. Co til cut ami Mining Caieit. Scrip. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Hoating All Work fliinniiilteJ I'rlrcN Itruauiiulils COFFEEN & PRICE 33 Howard Block, Entrance oa Olli 81. Horn riiona 34fi. Draperies We carry a very cmnnletn Una of Orupi'rlt'H. Iiiru curluliiM, ilxlnri'M, etc., nml ilo all CliiHu.'H nf iiiilinlMlPrliur. A hli'lnl innn lo look nflur thin work fxelimlvrl uml will Klvo u uimhI ncrvlrn iih In iiiinrIIiIu lo K'l la oven tllll IlirKI'Ml (lllll'H, Wooka & McGowan Co. 1 JaY.'il JW -Hi w aTOlTr Bill fill I "II llil -n ; --i'.,.'i . II. lMHnl..l .mS ijc.-il lUUIIUU and most popular iW;fc ""- hotel in the City. Running diilillcd ice water in each room. European Plnn, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 room .... $1.00 each 00 room 1.60 each BO roonn - 2.00 each 00 room with pilnili bath 2.00 each 60 rounu xiib pilitli bath 2.90 each 30 tultaa, bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For ntoro than one gueit add $1.00 extr) to the abovo rates for each additional Quett, Reduction by week or month, I Managtmtnt CA.W.r If, Ktllty ITTrttXLl-iWJLlklillSi k--! 'W' y