''t'f'i'i r i'iVi VV r'l !'' '' f tfc't'f K'fc' i A OTiDFCmn MATT TRIBUNE, MTDFOT?D. OBKC.QN, TllPRSDWY. JANUARY ffl, ,1013. FftaiQ 'J'HKKW T" 2TS- JES t . ! 1 i ' i.va I,- ' s 1 I IN hUNDI.IC. Kcolliinil, .Inn. till.--HIioiilltiK "TiiiIIiiiI" mill "Cownrdl" nit limy cliui'Ki'it through u ciovwl lliillitirml hum In hour I'multir As inllli, it Kniiii of iiillllimt Hiiffiu ki'IIkh iiiiiud a witrin wulctniio mill wmii uiniilily hustled to tlm Htrcnl. Tint utttxor of (ho ell) Inn) JiimI Iii trodiirml tlio I'n'iiilnr wIiiiii tlm suf fruwittitfi iiiioiiiimI. Tlrny miiilo ii imnorlvd rimli fur llm tontiiiiii Imt wnin InttWYoptml by tho miIii mill ili Hpltn n tint fight In wliloli tiulU ami hiti'iiiiih wiiiii iiNttil, limy ,iuiru ills- plIMI1l. Olio miffniKi'tli' iiiIihI mi a railing In llm liiiluniy hihI Hiiniriiil to Juiiii on Hit bond n( tliiiku ln'liiw, s Ix'ii a iiniii Ncnti'il h'-iir Iht, Hi'lii'it llu frmi ioil unnuiu anil ilruKKi'il her. Mcrciiiu Iiik aiul fighting lM-k Irom her limp. TIME RIPE FOR Ngtihel V I'" l'ie Ii'1' tdl"MliiK illlli'il New Vi'll., .Ian 'J.I: We imih I'uiifiiiii our It t ivHirl nl lltn ITIli hihI llif foreign itmtkeU mw ftlnml rilliH neeiinlliiK to I'M lilt ItH'I'lwd. I.hM"l Ik Cihhh4Iv A Co. ml Ue I lint there In m iihmI ilrmwiiil lor t NVhImmth, wluWt I Iih I '-alitor-iiia nro nee lee In I uiul itinl Oregon .Mir at from tlillil to ll; .himII H.llil to Ualtil, wIiiIh tlm Ciililomlii puiitin- Ml- Ml HlMIHt tllK UN I III' flKlirt', H I tier fK(lil to (l;iil ami mnall U to .i. I.OIIlllUI- ,M. IfUHIN ii Slilln Milu( 1 1 tit t tluMr iimiket l iiiicIiuhbimI. llMinlnirK- Culiliw Hint llmri' i a ntnuiK ildimiul Hiil IliWr IhI ipmlM tiiHt win I'kuii I On to I.1-. KhiiIk I'or IhuI uik wfii' hh fo- b'litl.tii IK1IMI; llaiiitinrx 'JIAIIt llii-lol lUO, total IMKHI. I'min tln nli.ivc mmi will iiolt lluit limn Cnrt) no (iHiit In l,ivirpool IhM ik, ninl In fuiM nl tliU uiul n'pnitu on itorllituHU .Vi-w oimi, wo ImliiHi- in HilvUiiitf our frivnil in lliw itorlliutwl wlio mny Iihvi NiIhvoi to let tliwu i-oiiio FonMinl ami we nlmll iilacn llmin wlmru wit lnlitt' lln'V will ml llm iiiiI. Tlic nmrliHt Iuth i iiui'limirMl. Cut of ChnIiiiumo .Siltmiliixi wlil nl iiiu'linii IimIrv ihodIIv fl.lin to .fU.OI). Wo Imvi imiIiI hhu'iiiI iarw or lloiim HiMiititNt hi inMtx mill" tliin u'ok uiul wi iilitmmtil rnmi -fl..'!!! to iJ.O(l in ittf I, $'J.()(l m'kiii to lm tlm uny top of tlm iiuiiki'l wIiiIk oiiliiiiirv toik Mini iiuili'.iiHlilt xurictii'K tMuilimu' to (ell aiomiil fl.llll. i in' wi'iniirr i'oiiiiiiiii rrv iiiiii miiiiiIiIc, ami tiiit 'iiiiiniiliiui of lio. Mppll'- III (III-. Ill li'llmillv l MTV liulil. OF GAS IS DEMONSTRATED Tlic new pioitH of 1 1 anhfiM iiiIiik mill Into kiih Iiiim proviil HiirroMful, iih uliown liy t. V. Topklu. foinmrly of tlio nial flttliW of Tuciih. at a ilmii oiiHlrallou In IliU city Winliminlay. ( A lnrKu rrowil wltm-iwi'il tlm ilom uiiMlriitloii, ami It In IllKtly thai mop will ho (akoii Hooii towanl coiihIiiii'I iiiK n plant at tlm Hmiuynlilii coal mini), ami with Him mm of tlio icfiiHc iouI kiim van ho (uruhiliiiil for tlm val id)' with very lit t to itjpcnmt. Tho coal coiimImIh of IVi por emit coal tar ami anplialtiuui which can ho iimimI for tho coiiKtriictlon of piihllc IiIkIiwiih ami for pavlui; purpoHuH, nmanliiK n Kroat hiivIiik of oxihiiiho of uhlppliiK t It Ih iiiatuiliil Into tlm val lay. Tlm apparatiiH wan a liimi)innilo coiciiin iiianiiractiiicil hy Mr. Topklu hy umaiiH of a hlnt'kHiiilth'H fan ami a couplo of iipiIkIiI hIiccIIiuu plpuri iilimit foiiitiHiu InrlioH In illaiuiitur ami lwaiitytwo IiicIioh IiIkIi, counoct nl iii with pIpi'H. Tho khh wiih form nil In oiio uiul piiHHinl Into tlio otlior, which wiih (llliul with coko that nop aiatcil tlio coal (ar anil iiiiphaHiiin ft out tho Kii". Ktoain Ih provliluil to carry tlm kh afUir It Ih traiiHfoi'inoil anil tlivu piiHHim thvoimh tlio noxt tank, whoio tho coal tar Ih raiiKht hy tho ioiikIi uiIkoh of tho coko, Thlu wiih a cruilo iiiiichluo, ami ot cnui'Hu a (IioiiiiikIi iloinniiHtriUlon couhl not ho kIvoii, hut tho apparattirt miHwnroil woll tlm piupouo, and u clioniH of "ali'a" piibbciI thrOiiKli tlio crowd whnu tliu coluinii of Mourn that wiih OHcupliu? front tho hccoiuI tank foi'iuod Into u flaiiio ot tiro whon torn-hod by u nmti'li, WOMEN 01 SCO AND MING IB ASQUJTH SHI N NEW OWNS IDGE UNSAFE; WILL BE K. (I. 1'iirliiiiu Iiiih flli'd a lepurl with llm rouiily court rovcrlng tlm ruiiillliiiii of tliu ll)lii'ii lirlilKi. In whluh II In ilniliiri'il lliat (lin Hlriirluin uhloh litis Hpmiiioil Die IIdkuii ntwr Tahltt Hock fur ZK yours. U uiiMtfti. TiMiipoiiiry inpiilrH in u lo lm luudo at niKii ami wlihlii a ciiinpaiiillvuly short 1 1 mo a now brldgo will lm con Hlnicloil In Km stciul. .Mr. I'itIiiiiu'm miioiI wiih iiihiIii at tin inmost of iln county uiurt, ami Ih riimplct", It I Niippurli'il liy ox lillilU wlili'll mIhiw tlio hIixiI ('lir)Htn Used ami llm lliiilwrH rotted. Tlm brldgo wiih nrm:li'il S8 ytmis ngn. Tliliti't'ii yi'iim ngifc It wiih lo Imllt to minin extent. Now, liuyoml li'inpnrary ritpnlrn lltllo ran lm dono with i. Tlio loiinty uiurt sliilen that dm noon iih iiohhIIi'c llm hrldgu wilt lm replaced wllli a new structure. KELLY ISSUES I'roioriitliiic Attorno I! I Kll ImoikiI a uaililiii! Wi'ilimnilii) iittor iiimiii to tho ranrliiTM of llm Willow Hiulutwi illdlilrt. who amtouiicitil that tluty hail declared war on dlgKur "liilrri'l aiul iiIhiiihmI to iKiriiiliial tlii'iu hy HpromlliiK olomd whimt. to c.ii Nlonl) In lln iimttcr iih there In a Mtato law which prohibit tho liidlncrliiilnato HpromlliiK of polnou. Tin ioIoiiIuk iiiiiiiI he ilono In a very careful iiinmutr. Me plaiu to confer with the rancher before they net. Mr. Kelly m'lit the follow Inn letter to tlm Willow .Spring Kratiite: "My atleutlon wan called to a iub llth article on the "'J limtaut, In which your urKniiUatlou U ntiout to com iiieuce a war of extermination upon the uroiiuil miulrrel. While I am In ttyinpJlhy wiih tour inoveineiit there U coimlilerablo iliiUKer to he expected from the ImlUcrliulimto mm of miI tim. Down In (.'nllfornla In a like eninpalmi iiKtiliut Dm Rrouiid Miulrrel all (if tlio hoiik bird and name blriln n Mtirh :ih nuall. Kroime, and pluiiHunl wero (lent ro) cil In certain valle)H there, and iiuitoiibtedly the name thliiK would roHiilt hero If polnoiied Krnlu wore to bo urattered about pre inlMciioiiHtily. I know you Keiitli'inmi are all IlitereNted III tho protection of our htniK blrilH and mime blnU. tuaiiy of which are tlioiimelvoH oxter uiliwterH of podtM, mid tho iocklori tine of poIhoii woiiljl do far more linrni than gooil. I believe lioweer. that )our rnuiiKilKU can bo waned nitnlmit the Kroiiud Mqulrrel micceHNfully and without dmiKor to the blrdn hy plac ing tho polMined Krnln well down In their hole, uiul by , not employ Iiik Hi" uo of H In imy other manner. "I need not call otir attention, at I It It time, to tho bird lawn oj (IiIk Hlale provldliiK pounltlort for the kill Iiik of certain protected ltlrdH, iih I feel certain thai otir iiiot) law ablil liiH orKaiilxatlitn will not vlol.ilo any of thene lawn, and that the poiik ltlrdH and K'lino blrdH will not Htiffer by reaumi of our iainpiilnii iiKaliml tho Kroiiml miulrrel." MRS. HAICHT TO SINR FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY A hoiik recital to bo nlven hy Mm. Kloreuco lliilllday llalKht at' the rreithytorlau church Monday vvtinliiK. February 17, iih a donatlmi toward proi'itrltiK new hookri for the public library, will bo looked forward to with pleaHiirablo anticipation by tho iiiiihIciiI peoplo of Medford. Thin event will prove an opporltui liy for tho peoplo of Huh city to par llclpato In tho excellent work of In- crotiHliiK tlio collection of ItookH In (ho now biilbliiiK which wiih opened aluioiit one oar iiko. TIioho who have already hoard Mih. HiiIkIiI'h boaullful hIiikIuk In tho varloim duirchoH will bo oHpeclally doHlroiiH of hciirliiK thin artlHto In tho varied pioi;rain hIio will pruacnt at (IiIh recital, QUIET MARKS STRIKE OF STEEL WORKMEN I'lTTSHl'IKI, Jim. !I0. -Quiet nutrkeil tlio Mrike ut llio workers lioiii Hie Itaukiii plmii ol' llm Amer ican Steel uiul W'iro coiiipany toilny, rollovnu' Hie killiuK ol' (leni'uo Ko.ley ii HiKtetatoi'i uiul llm wininiliiiK' of Hovoriil ollieiH in elnslieM lielwcen tlio pillion iiml HtrikoiH Mt nilit. Am Yon Affllctert With riles? Tli I a (lluontio, whothor aouto or chronic, Ih ouully and rapidly over enmo by iihIiij? Morltol I'llo rtoiuody. (Hvoh poHltlvo ami pormiiiiont rollot whon nil otliors fall, mid wo lioartlly rocomiiiQiiil It to any tmfforor. linn lilllP' Pir Btpry, B REPLACED SOON OSN WARNING IRST T L 10 (II.V Com I Hall) Iiml AlulerMoii Iiiim I'oiiIiI IiU liixt iiiipniliiiit eiiaciiieiit iiuay from Oieoii mid IiIn tunny I'riemlH. lie ilefealcil Kaoiuiy Tlnll in i ioiiiiiIh, miller tvntpx mill with mich eawe, Hint Huv ichiiII uiim a niiiiiii) to even finiie of llm l,o Anitt'lcM mi. Tlm ilcl'enl itelf did not mean mi iniii'li mm Hie timiiucr in winch llm! aeeoui.iklieil 'it. Defeat for Mini mount ohxeurily, o von nmv call tliin ililni'V mi iiiipotlniii one in Iuh c(mii lilK eaieer. He lli'il up to the li'pil liiiioti uiieu hiui liy liii Meilfonl I'lleiiiN. Hud foii-jlil n eiiiefiil fiulil ninl quickly hired up tint cmict way lo ilefeat Tiotl. He Mood off TrollV rii.lii wild a MtiaiKht left followed liy n iIkIiI or loft iiiicreut, mid oe eimlouall.v a tight I'luw, Inking it miv for Hie lii-Ht four ihiiiiiIk. In flip fifth loiiiiil Hud Iii'hiiii fililiiiir fax ter liv nemliiit; in lianl hiniiHliex to liolh liinlv mid jaw, mid Mm! Trull lo hi corner ill u liad hlale. In Hie ttll he pioeecileil to 1 i ti i m It Troll in a liuine like iniiiiiier hy ileliverini; iiuiiicroiiH IiIowh in Miu'cexioii. Iiml wa .'rv eool, iiml after Hie flr! loiiinl erv few at the rinjj.iil't llmitylit Tiotl had a eli'mee. .Many MeilfonllteN I'oilv ieople from Mcilforil Mil ill reellv hellillil 1 lltlM comer. At I he cull of i'htv round llii'V ttoiilil i. liter Iiiim, mid when Itefrrco Kjtoli ntixil HudV arm in (nkto ol vielnry, u uiiKlity ell rent the air, for we Iiml ptoM'il to the ltrt AnetcH xporto, Hint wo weio not Mteli Kulies utter all, hut knew all the time that we were on tin map. We wen1 treated my ll l,y ih.t Iffwt AiiKolen faun, who ie a Imncli of Reed fellow. Tho only kick we Iiml wji-, that limy did ait ymli our money ipiick mtiuili. Vow iin to thu ofA el PiuI'm .ietory had on the Jji- Aueelet tritic. (They are home eiitien for yon havo ! hho" them , The (act u, they know erv little inn-i ot Hit) no.v than tltcv did before the ficht, except that he in ii (wo handed fighter ami ear riif a knockout punch in cither Itaiul. Hi ox'ii htyle of fiKlitin was mtieli talked of ami his ilefciiho criticized. Hut we know in .Mcilforil that scvernl hoys hate tried to take mh nutate of llioe apparent iH'iiinp, ami got knocked out for their inislnke. Fits hiiuuioiM and Kctcltcl were Imllt open fiuhterrt mid hiieccs-ful, Idnl ih Hit -eiihiitional Htyle of fighter of the Ketehel type. Can ou imagine Iiml Ainlci-wou fiu'lilint: two twenty round fight us Ititers ami .Mainlot haw, with no knock ilowur If Iiml cvt-r IhiiiIh oue-lmlf as iminy hlows ns Hiicrs or Mainlot, (hat they ImuU'il on each other m their two fights, hiiincthinu" is going to drop, mid drop Imrtl. Hud is nlso much fanter thiiii generally given credit for. In fact tlio Lm. Angeles fmis do not know wliether Trott wiih ho Mow Hint lie uimle Mini look fast, or Hint Hml was o lnt Hint ho iiimlo Tmlt look hlow. They do not know that Hud is one of tho fiereitht inllghlers in tho liglit weight ilixihiiiii today, that ho lias a kuoekoiil pmioh that has to I ravel only eight inehoH, Hie largest bauds, in strange.! lightweight in Hie world, mid has tho eiiiluraiico to back it up. t:pcrlciuo Ills experience is los than older lighters, mid tho ipiehlion is, will hi-, inaterial ndvaiitnges he great enougii to defeat tho lop-notclicr.-, Person ally. I think Hud has a grand cltatii-e with any of litem. Still a couplo of iM"io gin wiiii ineiiiiuu class boys iiught help Ilud to put on tlm finish HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them la .Mcilforil, ami Cisid ltcason for It Wouldn't any woman bo happy, After yuaiH of hackncho HiitforhiK. Dnya of inlHcry, nlghta of unreal, Tho dlBtreHH or tuinury troubles, Whon hIio finds freedom. Many readoru will pioflt by tho fol lowing, Mrs. Jiimi Sovoy, 102a Ninth St., Muiirord, Oregon, uayH! "I first uol Doiiii'h Kldiioy Pills whllo living In Idaho, 1 had mifforod a grout deal from kldiioy trouble, and noth ing uooiuod to holp mo. I had in touso pitlim In my back, hips uiul kid uoyn, when I Hturtod using Douu'h Kidney PIHh, but was soon relieved nnd finally cured by thlu remedy." Tho above utiitoiueiit must curry conviction t tho nitiid of ovory read er. Don't simply uak for h kldiioy roniody auk distinctly for Doun'a Kldiioy Pills, tho minio Hint Mrs. Sovoy hud tho roiuuily backed by homo testimony. SOo nil Btoros, Fou toi-Mllbui'ii Co., Props., Ihiffulo, N, Y, "Whon Your llnck Is Lnmo Ho nionilior the- Nutuo," WHAT BUD'S F G SOUTH WL IN HIM Ing touches' of (lit1 game. Heforo go ing to Iih AiigeleH Hml foitghl all tlio Hci-oiid in I crs lm could get to meet him, mid' now there ant no more to liglit except tho higher class hoys. liin (Jriffiu tho popular referee mid promoter of hoxlntr eoiitestH in Hun FrMiieiseo went to l,os Angt'len to see Hud light, Jiiciilciitnlly imiking Ills cxpeiiscH on (ha fight. He wants Hud lo meet Jack Ilrillun hefore Ufa club in a ten round hunt In Frhrunry. Hint might defeat Itrittou, hut per Honnllv I think i( very unwise In giv iug awiiv weight at litis stnc of his Clip Out If You Grow Fruit and Vegetables, Fill in and Help Take Census in Order Statistics for Cannery May Be Secured That ItoKiio river valley Ik being looked townrd as ono of tho most favorablo districts of Oregon for the establishment of raniieiles, ft tilt evaporators, pickling factories, etc.. Is evident from tho largo number of Inquiries thnt nro being received asking for definite Information as to tho varieties, acreage, etc., of tho various fruit and truck crops which nro grown here. It Is uufortunnte that this Information In not at band, nnd to secure 'it tho Medford Commercial club and Merchants association have requested P. J. O'tisrn, Pathologist, to prcparo a census blank which should bo filled out ns promptly as possible by every farmer and fruit grower. This Information will bo of great value nt this time, ns It means that outside cnpltaJ will be Invested. (3 rowers should coopcrato by filling out the census sheet nnd returning II at tho earliest posslblo dsto to P. J. O'fJara, Medford, Oregon. Fruit and Vegetable Census for Jackson County Name of I tn itch P. O. Address Directions for fludlug Kartell VAIIICTH2I No. of Acre No. of Trt Apples Nowtown HpltrenberK Jonathan Wluesnp lieu Davis Ited Check .. M ...... . ! mwmm,i..mImmw ' Pears Ilartlctt Howell ........ Anjuu . Comlcu Hose Winter Nells.. P. Harry....... w...... " lHMMttUwMtllt Peaches Alexander ....... Hole .... V.. Crawford .... L. Crawford .... nihcrla .. Mulr Salway ............ Tuscan Cling... Lemon Cling Orange Cling,.., Phillips' Clin;:.. M ...... tnnwi (.'hcrrlr Hoynl Ann...... Hlng Lumbort ....... H. Republican. MM Apricots Hlenhulin Moorpark Tllton ... ! ?! Hoy a I ! HttSSltM ! Prunes Pellto ! Italian t MttlWM Plums lied Juno ... Abiiuduiiro (i rapes Tokny . Malaga Muscat . Mission HcitIcs LogunborrlcH HuHpborrleH .. Illackberrles , Dewberries . Gooseberries , StruwberrlcH . Xiils Almonds Walnuts . Other Fruits VEGETABLES Acreage to be planted in 1913 Tomutooa Asparagus . - , Potatoes' Hoots Means Onions .... Cubbngo ,.. en nier, ruiM-clally with yn liigli cIuhh hoy of Ilrittoii'rt ealihrr, who U no eontvmlor of tho lightweight title, ami iiK whom Hitchic, WolgaHl, Kiv crs mu .Misinlot do not en re lo mix with. And jiow comes Frank Hnnnati, spoiling editor of the Hnn Franeixeo evening "Mt, cciiHiirin Hud, calling him swell Ji'iflilt etc., bccniiHo tin Jom not giro wriglit to Ilritton. That Hml lias the Kuril hend in n joke, Anyone who know Ilud, known that ho if n most unassuming fellow and n gentle man In everv ri'Stwet, Mr ninl Orit'fifi Owner, Agent or Lessee BhlppliiK Point nnd Distance.. At of Trtra j. mlH Cftrp.ltlJ fbrtlom Hoi twHtf ....U MMltttMtM f W I , it ! i llllWMtttlW i ! 'I .M,... I ! ! I j ! W i ! i i ! m ' ,...,........ ! ItMMINt 'M , ! I M MI i...... I ! MMOiMWNtlHMi ' J ' ,.,.v. MS-liMlMtM (MtlMtMMIIIftltMMtl ii ro the bent of friends. Hut Ilud prom Ixcil McCnrry Hint if he won from Trott, Hint lm would hot two morn botitH before bin club. MoCnrcy envn him his iiml chance. If Hml did not stay with liin promise, Los Angeles writer would criticl.c him. Ho thero you are, you cnmiol pleaso them nil. My prediction is that Hud'H sensa tional style of fighting will make him n popular in other cities as it lias In .fcdford. And if ho ever wins the championship title, no one will ever need to blush for him. Heron hop lug Hint he wins it without a nkip. AtTff I rr luted UlKl Olhfr tmporttnt laformttlon ! ( ! .(.. -. ) ! . II ( Vinol Helps Old People Hero In Proof Tlmt If. Otrnten Htrrngtli Bo mnny cases llko this nro con stantly coming to our attontlon that wo publish It for tho benefit of ethers: Mrs. James McCormlck of Conors, N, Y says: "My mother Is an elderly lady and after hnvlng pneu monia she did not seem to recover her strength. Hho was no weak It wan about an much nn nho could da to get from bor room Into tho living room. Her strength seemed to bo all gone. I commenced to glvo hor Vlnol and In less than a week sho wan llko a now woman. Bho had regained her strength so sho coutd got around nnywhero." It In tho medicinal curative ele ments of tho cod livers without oil aided by tho blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonic Iron which aro contained In Vlnat thnt makes It so efficient In such cases. It you havo nn aged father, moth er or anyone In your family who needs a strcngth-croatlng tonic, try Vlnol on our offer to glvo back your money If it falts to benefit. Medford Phar macy, Medford, Oregon. Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau All Kinds of Property For Sale I'or finlo Two room house and largo lot, closo lo pavement, 500. G room bouse and Vi lots, water and newer, West Main, $1375. 6G acres, CO acres in cultivation, SO In orchard, nil kinds of bcrvlcs, 4 room bouse, barn 40x10, water right, Prlco 113,000. Tor Kicliango 320 acres near Phoenlr, Arizona. 160 acres In Eastern Oregon and fine Ashland residence for good residence In Medford. City residence and some cash (or Improved small tract, close In. 134-acro Improved ranch, with (Ino water right to oxchango for bunga low In Medford, must havo some cash difference. List your houses and ranches with us, for rent- Employment Girls and women for general housework. Woman cook on ranch. MRS. ZMMA BITTKZS Ffeoae IIobb 14 Opposite Nub Hot! ROOMS 0 ud 7. VMM BLOCK. MHIIHHIHtlHHIHHU Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel Von Dorn 242 Turk Street Z Finest popular priced Hotel in San Francisco Z Modern Central tHHHMIIIIIHHMMtm E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Portraits Interior and extorior viows Flash lights Negatives made any tiino and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Guarantied Trices neasutmbU COFFEEN & PRICE S3 Howard Slock. Satrsac oa ltb M. Horn rtioas 849. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, W. O. Public Land Matters: Final ProoL ,. Desert Lands, Contest and Mlnlug CnBcs. Scrip. m. . ti V HMHIWWIWl i nl H J I -1 t 4 V