PGB TWO. MEDFORD MXIIi TRIBUNE. BEDFORD, OKEQOy. TUESDAY. .TANFARV 29, 191n. I 1 1 ' T I i ii: i N i irj ! I- , I n . r ; , ! r tUBLWOXD MAIL TRIBUNI awMMBMBcra i NBWmAIRtl r AITBltNQON NTlNfco. i ' VhrHmottte Thnoa. Th M4fonl Mall, "Hi Mrdfard Trtbuno. The South ern OfitHK The Aftlifonrf Trimin. qlLMU Trjbw BuHitlng. M:JT- Keftft Fir TretJ phone, Main 30X1. anORQK rUTNAM, Bitter and Manassr KnUre an soiH!-laaa raattar at Modfanl, OrrReftf jwuMr tha act of Marel.3.-. orny rapnof th city o f Madford. OfftcMl raper et Jackson County. K MATM. un. yea.,, i7 nraniM OflB month, hy mall-. .JE.OO . .to IVr lMitKMHI"rt hy carritf In t Mnnpi, jaeKaonvino una in tral Point .80 Faturday only, by mall, per year... S.oo Wcfkly. per rcar . A.ta ADVENTSSTS OUT Tito meeting nl the local Seventh Day Advei)Ut church revoked itself into what inij&t be termed a mass meeting when resolution xvero pat. ol remonstrating against proivoed Sunday legislation now before tke United States hruuicNn emigres in Washington, D. C. The resolutions were brought before the congregation by T. Q. Hunch, pnMor of the church, mid were passed unanimously. They read as follews: Whereas, the Johnson Sunday bill, now pending in the Fcnatc of the United States, is religious in its character, in that it is designed to foster the religious observance of Sunday, and, Whereas, the exemption clause at tached to ot0 of the sections of this bill indicates most clearly its relig ioas character, by exempting from the application of this section those who belong to a religious society which observes Rome other day of tbo week than Sunday n a pnbbnth, and. Whereas, religious legislation is contrary both to the spirit and letter of Iho constitution of the United Slates, and if carried to its logical conclusion mean a union of chnrch with state, and Uio persecution of dissenters; therefore, Rehired, that we respectfnlly, but earnestly remonstrate againxt the pAisag!of this bill, or any other bill I requiring the observance of Sunday as a rest day which may come before the senate. BY VON DER HELLEN SALEM, Ore., Jan. 28. That tho Oregon State Insane Asylum will re ceive words of high praise from the Investigating committee, which has been named by tbo legislative as sembly, Is Indicated by a tentative re port which Senator Voa der Hell en has framed to submit to tbe balance of tbe members of tbe committee. Senator Von der llellen went care fully ovai the Institution Sunday and was surprised at tho cleanliness, order and neatneas which bo found predominant. '"Admirable care and comfort Is provided! for1 the unfortunates of the state," says the report, which has been formulated. TJk report further declares that from what could bo gathered the ad ministration ef the State, Insane Asy lum deserves praise for such care and eomfort given. APPEAL PER A writ of probable criioo has been granted tbe nttomoys for Afiku Spauo mid Frank Seymour, now un der sentence of death for the murder of George Dcdaykulous, by Judge r M, Calking, which will automatically postpone the date of execution, Feb ruary 14 for 00 days in order to give tlie attorneys time in which to perfect llicir uppenl to the taiprcmo court. Ay the supreme court will probably delay fcomo time in punning on tho u'jmeul' tho tno will probably not be executed uiitll Into in tho Hummer even' if a new trial be denied. "A truilbtfript of each case i now being prepared. Tho appeal will pro bably 'be lKirft'cfed Koine time late in February or early in March. FlltC COMPLETELY DESTROYS if EIURI FL0UBIN8 MILLS ItOBSBURG, Ore., Jan. 28.--The plant of the Iioseburg Flouring mills W today a complete Ions nn u result of a fire which started from u de fective fue. Damage $10,000. The milbi were a landmark, having been built in 1833. v am iBWBnMfnKtrr 4RiSflS mm ST MEASURE ASYLUM PRAISED m m w HOW TO REOPEN THE NORMAL. WHEN" tho southern Oregon normal school "was in tx- Istenoe, its approximate cost to tho state was $12,000 ahmiall,V. The 'modest stipend required for its mninhuuanee was the subneot of lonpr. tirades in the Portland Oregonian and its feebler echoes throughout the state, who referred to the appropriation constantly as the "normal school graft." "Raiding tho treasury" was a frequent scare-head used by tho reactionary press to influence popular opinion against the normal "which despite the shabby treatment rcdeiyed from tho State, turned out more graduates than the single normal at jNfonmouth does today. Yet now comes the Oregon Agricultural college asking a total of $850,000, and yet there is not even a feeble chirp from tho watchdog of the tall tower. Nearly a million dollars for the O. A. C, an inflated mushroom of an institution, is enthusiastically approved) Twelve thousand for the southern Oregon normal school, however, is a raid on the treasury, is a graft, and yeoman service is done by the press to protect the treasury and save the taxpayers. "Ask and ye shall receive" state treasury for tho O. A. C and tt must bo confessed, there is no false modesty shown either in asking or re ceiving whatever there is in sight and only the greedy cry for more disturbs the serenity of the occasion. The alumni of the Ashland normal are planning to sub mit the re-establishment of the institution to the people at tho next general election. If they will only reopen it as a branch of the O. A. C. sav tho normal donartinent of the O. A. C, there is no doubt the move. Then it becomes a Worthy and deserving insti tution. The Oregoniau and other mossbaeks will champion it, in spite of its being in southern Oregon, if the sacred, mystic initials O. A. C. are only linked with it. Otherwise there is little likelihood of success. RAISING THEIR SALARIES. EFFORTS of county officials' to secure raises in salaries by appeals to the legislature meet with small favor from taxpayers, who generally uphold the county court in its attitude that present salaries are sufficient and that officials sought the office fully aware of the remuneration provided. The county recorder is the latest to apply for a raise. Two years ago he secured a raise in salary from $1400 ti year to $2000 aud an increase for deputy hire from $600 to $900, making a total raise of $900 per year. Instead of conducting the office within the prescribed $2900 limit, however, he cost the county $650 additional for deputies, making the total cost $3550. He now wants another ma terial raise. The county treasurer also pay. In 1907 he was given a sucks a Hiiutuanuai increase. The sheriff is eiven $2500 idition to which tho county I ttinkii a? ... .1niI.! .... .1 iucjul vl v Aii.i uujhiuus auii me sneriii jisks .fiuuu a year extra for expenses. v And so it goes. If the county off jcials did not like tho salaries provided, they should not have sought tho posi tions. Ilaving eagerly sought them with a full under standing of the situation, they should be satisfied with the remuneration provided by law and cease trying to raid the treasury through the legislature. THE VALLEY'S THE Rogue River valley can never attain its full devel opment, horticulturally and agriculturally, until it i3 under irrigation, which will enormously increase its pro duetivitj' and enable each small tract to support a family. The valley, alone of the great fruit belts, is not only easily irrigated, but free from alkali which is a real menace in some of tho northwest and California fruit belts. The construction of a great irrigating system is neces sary to maintain the value of land as well as its productiv ity. A million dollars or more turned lose in wages here, as would be the case if such a syHtom was constructed, would not only greatly improve conditions but make this tho most prosperous region in Oregon. In order to secure the construction of this irrigation system, it is necessary to sign up a largo aereago of land under it. A reasonable contract is asked of the landowner, payments are easj' and the water can be made to pav for itself. The sooner a concerted effort is" begun to secure the required acreage for irrigation, the better for tho valley. A short, sharp, vigorous campaign should assun; the con struction of the system and its resultant benefits. 10 ASK PARDON LE Petitions to Governor West for n pardon for T. A. LeMnster, who plead guHy recently to a bigamy charge and wn. fined $400, tire now being prepared and will be circulated in the near future. It is hoped in this manner (o bcoure the releano of LeJIubter xvho i tumble to pay the fine and is herviiig out tho time in the county jail. LeMastor is well thought of by n large, number of biibiueio men with whom he hnd business relations, aud tho charge ngaiiibt him in mini to be a technical crime and not a moral one, tiB he believed himself to be a free man when he married a becond timo in this city, after being separat ed from his firat xvifo seven yeurs. TO CU11K A COLU IN OXK IUY. Take LAXATIVE IJItOMO Qulnlno Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. B. tV. QUOVB'S sig nature la on each box. 25 cents. EO MM is the motto hung above the in the world of the sitecess of wants to be increased in his raise to $1200 a year. Now he with S1500 for dcmitv. in ad- court has permitted employ- 1.1. ..?a?i 1 ,f-rrt GREATEST NEED. AMEN! DAM IS That tho next high xvaicr in Ilogtio river will carry nwuy tho Ament dam is the belief of Sam L. Sundry who has just returned from an inspection tnp on Itogue river. "The witter is now rushing througli i gap on the south hide of the dam having carried away the gravity ditch and a portion of the dam. Am soon as high xvaler comes again the entire structure will go down stream." The Ament dam has for years been a barrier to tho fish in ascending Itoguo river. Conditions xvero some wlfut improved lust year by the in stallation of a fishwoy built under the direction of tho state. Merltol Hair Tonic keeps the scalp In a healthy condition, prevents the hair from falling out, restores it to Its natural color and used regularly keeps the hair soft and fluffy. Has. kin's Drug Store, NEAR COLLAPSE CASE AGIST 'MECTIVE" IS V 'AT GRANTS PASS OHANTS 1'ASS, .Inn. US. Tho ctno nftninM K. Hurdiier, I ho Port land detective chanted with hininjx contributed to the drliiuiueiicy f minor in lmviiu: bet , drink of noda waler with Willard Crawford nu;ed 17 yeari, wiw called in .linle. .Well' court at 10::U) Momluv morning, l'nucoiitini; Attorney Kelly U np pcuriujr for tho ulato, while tho dot fence U In the hand of Attorney Oliver S. llrown and Hubert (1. Smith. At the inormmr senion Iho defence attorneys demurred to the complaint, holdinir that the bettin? of a uta of soda water Vra too trivial to eoiislU lute an offense, and that tho act could not contribute to the deliinpien- cv of a seventeen ear-old boy. The demurrer wn- promptly overruled by Jtidjrc Jewell. The defense then ak- cd for n chains of venue, nlleginK that tho court wm prejudiced and could not site the defendant a fair trial, preditciua: the letter which Judpe Jewell had ptiblUhrd in tho Courier following the ronvictioim in Hie police court for uiunblinc, as in. dicntiuj; U condition of mind. The request for chance, of venue wna de nied, the judge statin? that he felt that he could rive Gardner a fair and impartial trial, aud that he could rise above pergonal feeling in the matter. A jury wai demanded, and 4v men will bp chosen from tho rcfpdar circuit court panel. BOX soSWes - A PLEASING EVENT The box social Riven rccontly by Mcdford Canip No 90, Woodmen of tho World In conjunction wltb Chrys themuin Clrclo No. .14, Women ot Woodcraft was a complete success In every sense of tho word. About 1C0 pcoplo were present, including mem bers of both orders and Invited guests, anionic them helnt; W. L. Spl cer. manager of the Sacramento dis trict, and J. It. Wick, clerk ot Ash land Camp W. O. W. Tho early part of tho evening was devoted to games and other lines of amusements In which everyone thor oughly enjoyed themselves. About 10:30, J. W. Mnu. nowly appointed district manager proceeded to auc tion off the beautiful collection of botes which bad ben prepared by the ladles of tho Circle. Tho boxen were In great demand and wero sold very quickly, and moro than Jf.O.OO was realized from tho sale of them. Af ter tbo boxes wero all disposed of the Jolly crowd retired to tho ban quet hall wher thoy did ample Justice to the splendid lunch which each and every box contained. Mrs. CauRhran'a orchestra fur nished cxcollcnt music for tho occa sion and was ono of tho enjoyable features of tho evening. EDEN PRECINCT Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dean of Tal ont spent Sunday with Mrs. Dean'a daughter, Mrs. Louie. Colvor. Mr, and Mrs. John Schldeler ot Talent visited Hiclr daughter. Mrs. John Lacoy of Phoenix on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Anderson of North I'hocnlx spent Saturday In Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Ruder and Carl Newbury spent Saturday In tho city of Mcdford. .The ladles who spent Saturday In Mcdford were: Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. IV O. Coleman, Mrs. D. Lenhars, Mrs. Lutlo Stancllff, Mrs. B. O. Iloaso, Mrs. C. Carey, Mlsa Fay Carver, Miss Juanlta Furry and Miss Itosla Ign iters. Thoso who took Saturday morn ing's motor to Medford at Phoenix were: Messrs. S. O. Van Dyko, Owpn Dunlup, Allen Roberts, A. S, Furry, Ouy Thrasher, Profossor Agor, Lutlo Stancllff, Anbury Furry und Itnlph ltoborts. Mrs. W. O. Illnehart wont from Phoonlx to Central Point to visit friends Saturday. Mr. Faymcn, who Is a brothor-ln-law of Mrs. A, D. Ferns, has moved Into Phoenix and bus been buying a lot or alfalfa of C, Caroy. Tho men who have formed tho coal company at Talent, are all men of business und highly capable, Mr. Adamson Is tho banker In the Tal ont State Hank. Mr, Vandersluls and Mr. Drown aro both merchants In Talent, Every one Is yety en thuklastlc over tho proposition. John A. Perl UndertaKcr 4 , 28 S. IJAHTLFrr I'houcs M. 471 and 473 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner JEFFRES AYS BUD ANDERSON IS CHAMPION STOCK t.OS AKflKUM, Jan. 28. In Iril'lo lo. (hull oij;hloeii minute of actual iii wolk. "Hud" Anderson, imielirnllv unknown outmdu the Imr del linn of U home town, ha wonix f blowing of the most critical fight iiot'i-i in l.iw Anuclet. It in nfo to mix. that there isn't one man who xwitehed Aiuleron xveai' down and knock out Siimmv Trolt at Vernon Saturday afternoon but In noxious to M'o IIoh two'haipled but tier in nelioii auain. The defeat of Trott in itself did Hot mean much for Ander-uin. It xu the clran-ciit manner in xrhloli "Mud" opened Unit tav'K'd him as hciu$r one of the moil iireuiWnu: lightwcuthtH in Hlirht. A hard, fat and clean puncher. "Ibid" Maud up to hi- work mid looks for nothing hut fttntieht shot Host of all. Anderson can tip n mnu over with cither hand ami he does not have to swing from hU heel to gut result. Ainlcrcnn ha been promised a March match with Joe Miiudot. He prubahly xvill claim this privilege. In this connection Jim Jeffries said yes. terday: ''(loodi 1k.v, (lib) Anderson, but richt now cither Ilivers or Alaudot would tako all the ficht out of him iuwidn of ten round.'". "Ho doesn't knoxv ciioiikIi yet to hold hi own nninsl these fellows It would hn the most fonlih Ihinu in tho world to hand him over as unerifieo to olio of these cxjK'rieuccd aud M'UHoued fighters. Careful man agemrut is all that U rcquiivd to mnke n champion out of him. If he is handled right he will develop into n great lightweight." patton mm Street Couimlssloner ration Is making a hit with a largo number of people lu the city by keeping a crow ot men at work In tho outlying sec tions of the city rehiring sidewalks and crossings which havu been In u bad state during tho winter. He has left the paved streets and Is making It possible to come down town with out wading la tho mud. Mr. ration states that Inasmuch ns the council some time ago ordered tho cement wolk nt Intersections closed to tho street, ho would pro ceed to enforco this at once. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. JL J. Park and family of Hoo burg, Idaho, are at Hotel Dunlap in this city looking over tho country for a few days. Mr. and .Mrs. II. (,'. (llcusou of Phoenix, hpent tho tirst of the week hero visiting relatives. W. C. leaver spent Monday at Gold Hill on county business. Ocorgo K. Fox HH'iit Monday in Grant Pass. Mn, J. V. Aiidorsott was an after noon visitor in Mcdford Monday. .Mrs. licunt of Talent spent Mon day with frU'iids here. . V, Middlehuschur of Trail was in after supplies the first of this xvcek. Mrs, Cornish of California, for merly of this city is here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Sherman of Ashland spent the xveek end xvilh her mother, Mrs, Geo. Ifcssclgravc. . Mrs. flalligher of Gold Hill has taken Prof. GreciilrnfM place for tho timo he in away as manual training teacher and superintendent. - I -! L . , That "Gee" with tho requirements of your vision, not approximately, but exactly, are awaiting you bore. I study tho hu man oye and its varied requirements, and use corroborative tests. 1 also glvo you frco ndvlco about them and furnish absolutely correct louses to suit all flights, Young and old with weak eyes will bo benoflted by dcaM Ing hore. It. HI OK I MIT Over Ken In ct's MANY FROM MU J5000 BET UPON bud 0 MAICH WITH JOE RIVERS T.OS AW,i,r.S, Jan. U8 r.iwmw aged by hi boy' defeat or Hiimiux Trott, Dlek Donald, miuingcr of Hnd Andrrsuii, I out. today with nit offer to bet $.'iltlK1 Hint iiidctoii can bi'iil Jou Itixci-N. Donald insist Unit An- dei-Miti Is iciidv lo meet niiv opponent selected for him, hut that tho l.os Anguine Mtvticnn is ufrnid of hint. Hit or is willing to meet Iho new lightweight, tieeoidiug to hi manager Joo Loy, but ho xxill interpose nun condition the side bet must ho $10, 000. Levy declared that ho will post that amount the moment Donald sax tho wold, ..,..-. I, i CONTRACT LET TO HUILD BAY CITY SUP-TREASURY WASHINGTON, Jan. 2H-Tho cm. Irani to build tho San Kraticisco sob treasury was awarded today lo (Iraut Foe of San Francisco bv the reaurx department. 1-Vo submitted tho blu est proposal among l"i other enntrac lors with a bid of :rt f ,:ioo. A Ncxv lllncovcry. One ot tho sensations of tho twen tieth century Is Merltol Itheuniatlsm Powders. A boon to every sufferer, Tho host known remedy for rhouma Usui In all Its forms. Ask those xvho have tried tt. llastctns' Drug Store. Praise This Remedy For Consumption If ttiA voluntarily written wr1 of IttNlrtlll vil Ittlug In all IU ut the ruunlrr nrablnit )Ukiuoi' .Xllrra tl, rruM-dr for tlm tmtnirnt ( ciiubIk, ril ill, ilirimt ami lung triiuMi-. r' lit Im. Illrtnl. IkU lllnlkhic U rr- Ululjr ilntn a Tt niunmt i( ui for turh nirrrr XX n aut non (ml rrt, ami altn to jrnii tli aalura nl wonlt of itIh- of llio nlio iloUr It m fllnl I brut-In likiur nw rtllnl nllh lli. Mtltrra Imnturnt that It ntrr,l thriu lo liraltU. TtiU l a 4tniln takrn I turn manf. - SI Mats' Arnitfmy. O'.N'dll. Nrdriika "(lriill"mn .Xlmnt urTrii ;nil kg.) I wm XtickiM with llw ilrrail iIIm, TiihrrmluiU I ruiiahnt unirlnalr, eouM nut nlnp nnr rl, ctrii roulil not wk out lul mul nmlil itu no work 1 hi) Ikrt ln-iimrrhii;r. tjO.p.1 MimhI iuut ( lb Hum uJ urfrfr.l if liltllll mill, frtrr and thlllt A txil4ll.t ut Ciiluuiliu, Ohio, ironounril my niM lltilxlraia '.Vrrljr Atk ycr ci I hMnl of tir Allril ami tiruouml ii ut , with lh mult that I aMin faiiml mymlf rrlurri In liMllli 1'or lit pt fnnr inn I Iutp Imvii aliln In iMnlliom uiy tracltlAir. and Ihoinrti I Late alwara liail hrarx attioul wurk 1 am alKi ililr in IH-rform tnntli manual lalmr I routbUr your nrdklnr. If falllifullr taken, a uu.t rirfllrnl rvmnlr fur iunumiilnn. Slolhcr HilMtlor IKTinlU thla lrtlininUI. (SlRBnl) SlSTIJIt MAIIIK HMrra of SI Kranrl. rVkmab'a Alltratli la rrfffllri. hi limn rbltla. Ailnroa, Hay I'rtrr Ilir.nt an) I.iihk Trmililrs. ami In nrliullillni; tl) alm. im iidI contain txtUuua, opinio or liolill tormina itrima Aak for tMw.WIrt uIIIub f tftiiTPilM (nd writ to IVkinan ljilMiralory, I'bllailaltilila, I'a , fur Ml ilrncr. 1'ur salo by all Imillnc drasalali How to Make Batter Cough Syrup than You Can Buy A Family fupplr, flavin 9a and I'-uIly nuaraatard. A full nlnt of couch srrun as much aa xou could buy fur t'iM can raally be mailn at boiar. You xtlll flint nollilng tuat liold of an oliatlnatn cnu-li moro (pilckly, umully ending II iiuMn of 21 bours. Kxcellent, too, for croup, wboopliig cough, noio lungs, aatlitru, jKKirticaa aud otltcr throat troubhi. Mix ono pint of grnnulatid sugar with 'j pint of warm water, und allr for 15 nilnutra, Put St 14 ouncua of I'lnrx (llfty crntk worth) la a pint bottle, thru add tho .Sugar Syrup. It fcrapa )rfectly. Take a trapooufil orerjr out, two or three hours. This Is just lavallx-a cnouch to I.clf cure a oiugh. Alto stlmuUtr ttio apw) tltc, which Is luually uujt ty a cough. Tlin taatn Is ilcmanl. j no rucct or pine ami sugar syrtip on the inflamed mtmbrancs la wult known. Plnet U tho innat valunhlo concentrated compound of Korxvay xvhltn nine extract, rich in gualacol and all tho natural lieallnir nllwi i-lemrnta. Other nmura. lions win a i r it . i.i. .--..-- not work In this formula. The Plnex and Rticrar Hvrun reclnn Is now itaed by thouaanda of houacwivrs throughout tho United Htntes and Can ada. Tho plan has been Imitated, hut the old successful formula has never been ispialrd, A guaranty of aboluto satlafactlon, or money promptly refunded, wim xvltli thla Ttclpu. Your dmgi'lat has I'iner, or xvlll p-t It for vou. . If not, wid to Tho I'lncx Co., Tt, Wayne, lad. IF IT SHOULD HAPPEN Thut you xvaro In tho midst of baking, and callers should come, would It not iq good to feel that lettlug the dough Maud a while would nut, spojl, hut lipprove your cukes and pastries? THAT IH OXI1 TIIINO THAT CUKHCKNT HAK1XO POWDHIt xvlll do, and you will find many other good uunll tles In It whon you try It. Siuo per full pound can. At your grocers, Bend us 2o In Btumpa for our cook book. OIHCSOKXT MANUftUrfUIIIKG COS1PANY, Hrattle, Wnsliliigton, III I WnllitSnOjLvSl tiJmgjRolislies , riNtaT ouAiirv tAraT vahibty "I'.Hr rDSK" tlu nl UiVfa'alioailrelne thai Milliily u il toil, y h-ml I oiiih lati' amUMlJltAal hiU ftuil -'-, WiliKH l.lllwul rub HU linn. Vt-t. -I Ull!l CLOW BXIUVf ' inn on -re " '( rtLlhS ami cnllihlntf allkiiiiUKfiiiul iftanai iwi,M -rAfla', Hk, nim u Ulll1v,, iiMuLliioiiiM itiHUi.vjaulcU. Iyiltantamlhllrn)il nrfaninalitw. 1 ic. .1. . -Atntr tl and Hlllf urn r V1 .'! ruanU HhUarakra m krjhi a ft. -Mil Nura, nllli laiK,u, luhiUir,larkiialimiliiuui Imici, 'lllll' itii'WiiM for cillmo wlm ki irldlnhaliilli-"li-wanuk M IImUim ntf anilltiilraiiialltiii i"vi. Iwali wliliat'iuilt or tlih,MM. "UXIIV IIITI""iir,let.Ha. Ill t ilrIT ilKHKM k"l' "" k'l am.4 II wiurrtMoaa unos. i co., 80-80 aiban airaal, Oanitiililoa, Maaa. 7 ! - ' iiN.iimf ,w yin, it it Huh!, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE The Home of I cut tiro l'ltiiloplnjx Mnlfuiil's Home of Pliotoplnys TiMlny and Toiuorroxv Only "Tin: Aincit oi' iiimtii" A Krll'I'liiK Indian and frontier llfo ptrtiip iortrayisl by tho famous "Kny-lteo" company In two reels, 2000 feet. "Tin: rmiL in tiih AiuiciiAiir An Intercstlnpt Unmanee "AM. OS AtfOl'.NT OV A IIA.NA.VA" Home Comedy Al Saltier RIllRlug "IhhxIIijo Hxery. IhmI" from prodiirtlou "A Mudent Hxc.o I'ttltltltST AXIi WOOIAVUHTII The ltnullmn Whards. Matinees Dally, 2 to C p. m. ADtnSSION. Gc AND lOo fOMIXO 1'IIATlMtKH llr. Our. Kl. Hallux V (Ireat Northern a-aoilon In 3 reels, IVtinmr) :tril and lilt HAIHtlTV AM) HIS HAD i lllarkfavw Comedy RIhxIdic. Talking and NOVHI.TT DAKCINO. Photo l'liiw Totil.iy and WYducMliiy PATHirS UUKK1.V NO. All I.OVK AND TrtlMt'HKItV THH SliltVAXT I'ltOlll.llXI Coiiilog 'fliuiMkiy A MAX AMO.Ntl SllsX Luxury Without Extravagnnco !:: Hotft 1 Von Dorn i 2-12 Ttii'U Street I Fiuost popular priced i Hotel in S'aii JjVancisco I Modern Central i 4W4l'fMi-HW4't ArouniifW&rlil SECOND IDEAL CRUISE 1IY Tllll S. S. CLEVELAND M 7.00(1 TONSI Leaving San Francisco Feb. 6 vim luinaua mica ana luuniriea en a juljlltl liiralilo Mih Kria aa rur linliil. 1'nry lutury u.l romfuit IniufnJ, 110 DAYS?650 and up Inclullnii all liccciurr oiptniti afloat aut aili'im. rallwHy, rurrlmoa, liolala, auljra, (nil aUu cull ioo J Uraa U auj froui jruur liimif tilHer VtnUri lit ft Orient. tt Wfil Irnnci, rimqini runitl, lull anil DOHft, do, It rllt lor UNilriituI vnitKl. KID Poxxell Kt., Kau I'mnclnco, Cab, or local iigculs, wiW FHI 11 h a kn'gpa'n ISIS THEATRE l V At DKVM.LH i iii I w iaygMiB Hth?v rr JmHP i. i-tA iiJfcgJWi'i