' p&oiitou. MTCDlTORI)' MATL TRTBUNR MftDFORrV, OKEOOK MONDAY, TANlUliY 27, lOlH. L' ) M I'U f r it si '4 3 MlDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE wra? KXOB7 fUN M MTOrOHD V SB NT NKWMPAPISU Rr AFTKUNOON OAT IIT THIS KINT1NQ CO. Tb Jpcnieeratlo Times, Tit AlmJforil Mull, TVs Mstrnt Tribune. Tit? Beulh em Orereeltwi. The Asttlanil Tribune. offiee Mull Tribune nult.iluir. sn-tT-Sl North Fir trt: phone, Main JOJt. USOUQK rUTNAM, Httltor anil Manner Knlered ns Bocoml-clnss matter M nlfnnl. OrfcQii. under the net of arch 3. 18J; Orrielnl Paper of lln City or Mr.Uonl Official Paper of Jackson County. EXALTING PUGILISM AND PUGS. fttTBie&HTlOX RATES. Ono year, by null.....,, SM Ono nUtnlh, by mall.,.. -... .SO Pnr mnntlt, etlvero,t by carrier In Merited. Jacksonville ami Con tral Point . . .80 falttrriay only, by mall. icr ytnr..- S.co Weekly, pr year .-.. . . 1 80 WORK CXXCTOATXtm. Dully average for rloven monthi end ing November JO, 1011, S7SJ. ' Tito Mntt Tribute Is on sale at the lrry Now Htnmt, Kan Frnncleo. lorlUti. Hetrl Nqw Hlnn.t. Portland. lnrtUnil News Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whtthcy, KoAttto, Wash. XvM SUastd Wlra trailed rrM SicpaHli, MXBrOmD, OMSOW. Mclronolls of Southern Orccen and Northern California, mid tho fastest venu'ltiip rltv In (lprmn. Population O. H. census 1910 SS10; Htllninle.1. ISI 5 tft.000. Five Immlrnl ttiouKiml dollar Ornvlty "Water Kystrni coinnietdi. huiiik nnen mtinly euro mountnlu tenter, nnil 1T.S mnra nr street paxru. ' Postofrtco receipt for year enttlni Koxrinbvr 30, 1911, show Increase ot 1 iter C4nt. "Manner fruit city In Orcson rtORtie Illver Hpltxcnlwn: apples won sweep stake prise nnil title of "And Xlar ot the WotM" nl the National Apple rthow, Kpokanc. HOD, and a car of Newtown won first Frte la 1510 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, II. C nm rrin la isil At tfptikane Nntlonal Apple HttOw won fcy carload of Newtown. i Itocito Jtlter peara brought liiRliest rrlce In Mil markcta ot tbo world dur OK tbo pant alx years. - JOLTS AND JIN6LES y Ad Brawn In Franco The llo Is hurled, n challciiBo made, A dozen men ejected. scare or more ot ducts ura planned And then a luun'o elected Tho people crowd about tho door And JHt tip every street. So eager, they, to greet their cholco They tramp him under feet. They laugh, they how), they pull their Hair. Tlioy drink, they sin?, they dance; Tie thus thoy make In each sis years A president In Prance. ' Our contention that tliu name n-late the man Is again borne out by tho prens reports. Capt. Jolly has now been fired from the navy for buying too much wine. TT OW do you nouount for Uio Hu't that our outlo oou- temporary, the ledfoixl fc5nn, h so puilisUcally iu (1111011? Perhaps it, eau he explained hy the faet that timid, lair ereat tires often admire strenuotis, ugly hnsles, even as pretty white Avomen wed black .'lack .JohnaouK. j f this is not the soltition, it is beyond our psychology. Says the Sun: We believe In nnort nml Vo bellevo lit PDortliiR nowa. Aa to the tiolliit Ihr Influence of "prlre flRht notices and prUe fight pictures" In n home "wijero there, nre soverni boy" wo have yet to know of it yottiiR hoy worth hl. onlt who wouldn't rend nhout prhe flRhts nml look nt prlio f iRht pictures wiieuuver he had n chnnre. Moreover such rending uoe him ho linrni. Wo enn think ot no better moral object Ickkou than was pre sented In Medford when Mr. llud Alutersott vanquished tho ring vcternn George Memslc. It was n parable up to dnte. It Was n morality play n In mode. In ancient flreece tho nthlotlc games were ono of tho fundamental requirements ot cttUenshlp, nml It wns 1'lnto who raid when n nation drops Its sports It Invites uuervntlon ami corruption. Perhaxis one can draw moral lessons Trout ji prize fight there is said to bo no limit to human imagination. Per haps reading of brute contests and of human brutes does not tend to brutalize youths, and that they only see in it "parables up-to-date" and "morality plays a la mode." Perljnps prize fights are a "fundamental requirement of citizenship, ' that must be the reason why they are for- luuucn by statute m every state. It was not to professional sport or commercialized sport like pugilism that Plato referred, but to amateur sport a?id popular athletic contests, the baseball of the vacant lot, not of the salaried league, the boxing bout of the gym nasium, not the paid pugilist of the ring. Professional sport flourishes upon the decay of athletic games ainwng the people, for which it is the substitute brought by ener vation and corruption. The growth of professional sport marked the decay of Greece itself as it has of other nations, Newspapers print professional sporting news because the public that supports them demands it. Koine of them imlustriously cultivate the demand because it pays finan cially, lint few have the hardihood to advocate what it almost universally acknowledged a demoralizing if not im moral influence and as such is penalized bv the law. Pugilism retains its popularity because it appeals to primeval Drtital elements latent in all the love ot struggle, of contest, the lust for cruelty, torture and even bloodshed. With the growth of civilization and the development of iiiuuamiy inese once tionnnanc elements must eventually be supplanted by nobler ones and the process is hastened oy rue disgusting commercialism and corruption that sur round the ring. ' Pugilism reached the acme of its development in the present smoky "champion of the world" whose life might well be called "a parable up-to-date, a -morality play a la mode." The mental development of Jack Johnson repre sents the mental development of the uug, and pugilism is no belter than the pug. . ' - - UD mm DEFEATS TROTT EARLY IN BOOT l.OS ANUKI.KH. .lun. '27- Hint An tlt'iMin of Mcdfot'tl, Ore., who U'rU. txelv iletVitteil Sammv Ttiitt of lo Ititnuux, 0., nt Vermin Sntunlny, tutu lm u mutch with ,loo .Miuntut in .Miireli, ncconliuv" to it liiliimiut to day by I'romultr Tom Mii'nvcy. The pitgilislio director lii'lK'vos Alt-tli'i-Mui exhibited snllicii'iit olic to entitle him to rttiUier eoimitluriillon. Friend of AmUrou niv trying to dioHiimlv him fntn the inevllii)r hi the belief (hat lie U not et remly for tho tup-uotoher. said Joe UlVurn, when united concern, lug tho tluht. I lore Is what Hofeleo Uylon thinks of llud: "Aiulornuu Inmlud nt will, working ovury known punuh, and ndiululsterod sevoro punishment, Ttott vih nn nblo to muko tho Hllghteiil hemlvviiy nltit tho Vancouver boy. Antler win proved himself to bo n clover, hard hitting combination tighter, llntli on the uffoiiHlvn nml defensive tils punches were nlwiiys up to iidver llnement. "Ho seems to bo u cool bended ring general. What ho will do If ho attempts to match liU ability with that ot tho illg I'our' runmlim to bo seen." . MARKET STEADY T OFIRM i PEANUT POLITICS A irtrangcr In town was much sur prised when ha heard Court Halt Is a man and not a hotel. Trust flat Nelson to havo the mov Ins picture machines trained on his wedding. Hat couldn't even tako the count from tho parson without ar ranging for tho press and picture rights. Hat's bride Is u talented cartoonist. Probably llat figures his own draw- lug power Is waning. Tho parcels pout makes It possible to glvo u brldo a tinware shower without tho usual attending boredom of having to bo present. If you don't bcllero it look over Friday's paper agntu and you will bco that Joe Mooniaw has been cow-liuiiclilng. ASSASSIN SHOOTS TO SLAY . ARCHDUKE LOUIS 0FTUSCANY PAIUK, Jim. 127. Firing nt tho Archduke liuta Hiilvnlor of Tu cuiiuy several times whilu lio was ut lux CHtnto in Mirumtx, in tho Iliilcnrno rbluiidh', a mull attempted to slay the lipblc&iUHU. All tiio bullcU went Wild. Tlie iibhiibftin in in jail today. f. i i- ' f JULIA MARLOWE STRICKEN WITH PTOMAINE POISON KT, LOUIS, Jan. 27. Stricken with ptoiuuiuu oihoii, Miss Julia Marlowe 1h today unablu to appear with K. II. Sothern. "DKTTKU things weix- hopec from the several recent 01 egishtture than DIED. 'The two yenr old iluuglitcr of .Mrn. It. Ij. Wiincr died Sunday from bpinal mcui'iigitix, Jiuni'K If. TwoL'ood. well known to fcoiithcru Oregon pibncei-h, died ut hi home In IloUe, ldnlio, Snturdny mor ning. Dentil won duo to heart full- Ht'l'. Mr. Twogood was u botitherii Ore g'on jtioiiccr of llio cntly fiOV and wiih wi'll uciuuititisl with the curly history of the county, mid hi rcmiiiitx-cnecii hitve hecu printed in the Mail Tribune riild other county papers, He ww Hiio of ii fnniily of seven, thu fulher ut weven children mid the xniiulfnther. of seven. One of his mhIois, Mrrt. Ktoiightcn I. Joiierf, residud in Jnek boi)ville, Mr. Tivngootl wns t tin old t't Member of the II. I. O. K. lodgp in IiImIw, r"r'Hiierfi mtvIccs will lie con dueled under nusj(icoH of ie Kllth of 1M tlf, d f i-oin this ones, most oL wnose energies vere spent in efforts to discredit the governor instead of framing beneficial and needed legislation. However, these hopes seem futile, as the new. members seem more con cerned in gratifying the animosities of the Portland Ore goninn and the Powerman assembly faction than in enact ing desired laws. Not having any quarrel of its own with the governor, the legislature proceeds to champion the quarrels of the session of 1911, and to fritter away its, energies passing vetoed measures over the governor's head. Jn one case, gag rules were applied, and st measure introduced by the attorney of a corporation to grant a monopoly of certain lands to his client, were pushed through. A study of the vetoed bills to which the governor stren uously objects, shows that the vetoes tire mostly in the people's interest. Alost of the bills being put, through are salary grabs, which ought to be turned down, for an of ficial who makes an energetic campaign for an office with a fixed salary, has no right to request more pay before lie has had time to warm his office chair. The more the legislature plays peanut politics and fights the governor, who 1ms originated most of the meri torious measures before it, the more it will increase his popularity and the more it discredits itself with the elec torate. The legislature is tolerated only as a necessary nuisance. Senator Von der'JIellen and Representative Keaines have voted generally to sustain the vetoes. EIFERT SHOULD REDEEM HIS PLEDGES. THE attention of Mayor Eifert is respectfully called to the following pledge made by him in the newspapers to the people of Medford before electien: "If elected, my time and services will always be uvallnbto to tho public mid suggestions and criticisms will ut ull times receive most careful consid eration. When ever It is apparent that tho majority of our citizens uro united In opinion opposite to my Indhliliial views, I will yield to tho ma jority, regardless of my pergonal opinions." Public sentiment is strongly in favor of the retention of J. K Jtuuyard as market master, because he understands the work and has made the market a success. The socialists at their regular meeting Sunday adopted resolutions that speak for themselves, demanding that the market bo kept for the people instead of being made a vehicle to pay political debts. .If a call were issued for a mass-meeting of men and women to consider the market situation, resolutions similar to those of the socialists would bo adopted by an over whelming majority. There is absolutely no doubt but that the "majority of our citizens are united in opinion oppo site" to the mayor's "individual views," therefore the time has come for him to yield to the majority. ' i We call upon Mayor Eifert to redeem his campaign pledges, cease efforts to make the public market the spoils of politics, aud reappoint the present market muster, ; , Mill Winn In Sixth l.OS ANOKt.KS, Cnl., Jnn. 27. llud Anderson, of Medford. Qro.,vlald low Sammy Trott of Columbus. Ohio. In tho sixth round Snturdny with a short left that Is n Jewel tor e.xeeu tlon. and n ripping right that carrion tlninngo with every swoop. Audoron dcelicl.v whipped hi man. bringing to it quick finish what had been scheduled ns a U0-rouud bout In tbo Vernon urenn of the Pacific Athletic club. Ah early as tltu second round An derson had Trott on the floor. A right to tho bend knocked Trott dowir clone to his own corner, but ho enmu up without waiting for n count. An derson's left Jnb kept Trot IV bond II) lug tmbk In n maimer that prom ises a stiff neck fur the Columbus lad for days to come. Kvcry round belonged to Antlorson. Thu host Hint can be said for Trott Is that ho Is game. From robe shedding to knock out there probably was not a mluuto when Sammy didn't ronllto that ho was In tho linmls of bis master. Volley or IWM mid Itlglit During tho first minute ot tho sltth round Anderson stepped In with n hnlf dozen of letts aud rights In quick succession to the faco and un der tho Jaw. Trott spun around on tils heels and dropped to tho floor ngalnst tho ropes on the south side of the ring. Sammy took the full al lowance of time and came to his feet In n badly dazed condition Just ns Ilefereo Kjton's arm was poised for tho count of 10. , Anderson cooly worked his victim towards a corner., A right nn thn bend staggered Trott and n wicked left sent him sprawling to tho can vas In n sitting imihUIou. Kyton raised Anderson's hnud without counting for Trott. The loor was badly grogged for several seconds af ter he had regained his feet. Anderson was handled by Mnnngor Donald, George Momslc. Jerry I.u klus and George Moore. Anderson was the first to land n blow In the opening round, -lie sent n light left to the head. "Hud" sent In a hnlf dozen loft Jabs and crossed with a right to tho chin that stag gered Trott. Trott took a chance with ujvlld rlHht swing and caught llud on tho chin, minding him back. Anderson slipped In a left on tho slda or tho faro, all but upsetting Siiiumy. Tho luttor whs swinging wildly, An derson wns cimiIiicmh I tf elf. Oliloim GncN nt Sky In tbo second Anderson flattened his mitii to tho canvas with u right on the hivid. llud staggered his mini again with a left Jnb. AudorsonV loft Jab kept Trott gazing ut tbo sky. From boll to bell Trott liml been wob bling about ut arm's length from An derson, llud landing ut will. Tho third round saw Anderson clipping the iiunieldly Troll by clean lefts and rights on tho race. Trott wns anxious to maul during thu clinches, but Anderson kept himself clear. Tho fourth round brought heavy punishment for the now tired and bleeding Trott and ho tottered to his corner In n groggystato nt tho bell. Tho fifth kuw AndurHon walking slowly about peppering HuiiiiioI'h sore face ut will. , rn thn hlxth Aiidtrsou, with a flock of lefts and rlghtd on tho faco dmvo Trott to the floor ror tho count or nine. A light right on the head, a hard left on tlnchlnuud tho show wits over. .'lot Itlvcis llooMft llud I.OS ANOKl.HS, Cal., Jan. 27 -"Hud Anderson easily quuliriod for tho lightweight singes when ho stopped Sammy Trott of Columbus, Ohio. In tho sixth round of their scheduled 20 round buttle ut Vernon this nteinoou. llud has the punch und J bellevo ho will eventually miikp n champion Ha Is u clover boxer uiid us giuno us they iiinko them," John A.' Perl Undertaker illi 8, IIAIlTIiKTT IMioucs M. 171 nml 473 AmbtiliUicp Bcrvlco Deputy Cot-oner Wda-t 1 Startled l'OUTINM), Jun. 27.-"Wliov." whistled Ad Wolgust when ho hoard Of the victory, .scored two rounds quicker than tho best of Knockout llrofvn. "This follow Anderson must be ii bear, an even hotter man than 1 figured him." contluund tho ex-llghtwelght champion. "Trott Is nn easy niivn to bent, but it hard ono to stop, and you'll certain ly hnvo to baud It to Anderson. Ho will be a big drawing curd at l.o AiihoIoh now and McCaroy will keup him there ror his next three fights It he doesn't got licked. "Andemon can bent lllvors tomor row, simply figuring on hi, show lug ngalnst Trott. Oness its up to mo to tackle him ono of those days If 1 nm to regain thnt title nml hold It." Mr. Anilcrvui Happy VANCOUVF.lt. AVush.. Jan. 27. "Oil. I'm overjojed that Muddy won." said Mrs. Charles Anderson, lilt mother, when sho learned of her son's letory mw Somuiy Trott, ut l.os AukoIok. "Hut." nut! her voice fell to lower tone. "I reel sorry for the other fellow. Hitd know llml Ills mother will feel ns dop rosed as I nm glad over th outcome. "Muddy had nrriuignil ut the tele graph otrico fur them to cull in by telephone and toll the result, but I was confident bo would win all rlnht. I received u letter from him )oaterday telling m to feel easy and not to bo anxious, became ho knew ho wns go ing to win. He know that I would be worrying about him, ns I nlwayn do whun 1 know ho Is going Into tho ring. "Hut I have become reconciled to his boxing and want him to go to the top of the laddar nm! win tho highest honors ho can. Thuu I want him to retire and give It to somebody nine. The furl thnt I would not glvo my consent for him to box weighed heav ily iiMin Muddy V mind, nnd It was only when lie was here for Christmas that I flunlly relented. I went with him to the depot In Portland to eo him off and just as was leaving I told bl m thnt I would glvo my con sent and wished him the best of luck, ami that has hud n good effect on my boy. "Muddy Is Good liny" "Muddy Is a good boy to his moth er nil right. Ho thinks of mo In many wayn thnt nrt comforting to me, nnd I do want hint to go uImhiI uow and win tho championship of thu world, nnd than retire. "lint with all my Joy at having my sou win I never forget tho ono who hurt lost. I am sorr If Muddy hurt tho other follow iniirh." When told that he had not Injured Sammy Trott very much, but hud only dazed him for u short time, Mrs. Audorsou felt relieved. . "Of course I would rut bur have him win tlmn loo." Mrs. Anderson minted. "I nm very happy Hint ho hits won. Somo oil must loso every tlmo. inn! Sin ' Troll would have put my boy out If ho could. Mill for ull that I can't forgot that Hainno's mother will feed very badly. I feol very sorry. Indeed, for her." Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Lund Mutters: Flnnl Proof. Desort Lauds, Content nnd Mining Citscs. Scrip. FOR RENT We have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT 00. POllTUANO, Jan. 37 -llecelpts for the week hnvo been: cattle, 17 17; calves, 'JO: hog. CISS7; sheep, mill! horses, Is, Tho cattle market Is steady lo firm In nil Hues. A third of tho week's receipts wns rnntrnrlod stuff from Citliruriilu nml Uluh points, lonving nil Innileqimto layout for tho huywrs nnd bulk or beet offm-Higs worn only fair to medium quality, lleot faiuliio still nriito with prime stock ut n premium. Moat steers sold steady ut $8.00; cows. $0.7B to $7.00, nnd heifers, $7. lift to $7. tin, Mml innvket wns strong ut $0.00 for choice light cuhes; bulls nnd slugs steady. An "up and down" hug market In fluenced by slie of receipts. Demand for hwIiio broadens toward tho week end. MoudnyV run of 27 IU head broke nil former records for n single day und lowered prlco n dime. He action mi In after Tuesday and top jjroilo wore soiling fieely nt $7. HO to $7.7R Thursday, Sheep house IhisIuom wns limited only by the nlo or receipts. Mut ton value had a strong upward tend ency us tho week uilvuueed. Prlmo wethers sold $tt.& In $H.n0 und ooh $6. BO, u qiinrter ovr former prima. The lamb market la sternly lo strong $7.00 to 7 3n, with deiiiduil tor ex ceeding supply. , . i, r - i Pile plied III tl 'I'd I I Oil), Your druggist will rerund money If- PAZO OINT.MHNT falls to mire any ets' or ItililiiK. MUiid. MleedliiK or Protruding Piles In 0 to II dn. 50 cents. AFTER FIVE YEARS Wliiltirop Child Wn HrMorvd (o Health My Vluol "Five years ago our little girl had a severe ntlack of diphtheria which left her subject to bronchitis nnd (Untouch trouble. She has ben al most constantly under incdleAl treat ment. I have Hhn tried two nr threo retuwdlM containing rod Itv'r oil but found her stomach rebelled against the oil. Heading your de scription of Vluol I decided lo try It and dltl so with most astonishing re sults. 1 cannot IiohIii to tell ou how she has Improved Internum you do not know what a little suf furor she wna ror flvo yarns. Sho has gained ten pound since she commenced to take Vluol. nml tho story of What Vlnol tins done for liar Ii only halt told In this tetter.'- Mrs. Adelaide Millloy. Wlntlirop. Mass. Vluol contains all tho honllng ourn live properties of cod liver oil. with out the oil aud tonic Iron added. That Is why It hcld (his little girl after other romedloH hail fulled. Wo ask mothers of weak, sickly children to try Vlnol on our offer to give back your money It It falls to help thorn. Medford Pharmacy, Mvd ford. Ore. Manhattan Cafe 25c Noon Lunch Soup Meat, Choice of Two I hi treat) Pio or Pudding Coffeo or Milk llrood mid Huttur r 3C It's got the punch NOTR- Had I rnl .l. Mill, MI ! M4lfM ft, ,nnr (Irnrtr ..nam f r r-niUut ll.t '! wuoKlr ii,-. UJutcmiicB A 1 1 P A I your Grocer Men like it n ,. W Draperies Wo curry vtry cuiiirilole lino of ilmit'-rlcM. hico ciirlalliN. fix t tiren. etc, nml 'In ull I'luNMVH of iiiiliulHk'rliig A Kpt'clul until lo look ufltr Hits work cxcliulvoly uml will Hi vo uh good notvltii uh Is iiuxHlhli) lo set III even tliu largest ellU'S. Weoks & McGowan Co, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ISIS THEATRE v.viimvii.i.i II.VIUUTV AND HIS HAD llhickrncn Comedy Singing, Talking uiid NOVHI.TY DANU1N0. liioiiiplujs, Sunday mill Monday t THU PHMTKNT ATAliA thi: imu.MMP.it TAMIMJ THItlH PAMHNTS STAR THEATRE Hie Home or reulutv PliotoplutN McdroiilS Home or Pholoptu) Today mid TomortOn Only "THU AIt'HIt OI It MAT II" A KitppluK Indian and frojitlar llfo plcttnv portrayed hy tho famous "Khj-IUio" fiiiiipnny In two iitels, SOOB lent. "I Hit lillll. I.V TUII AMM(tU,llt" Ah iHtvrvaliMg Itnmnmiu "A Mi ON AtVOJWI' OP A MA.VA.VA" Bom Comedy At Holder Ringing "Ooo,lli)c lrr IhhI)" front prodHcttnu "A Modern ItnV iniltltliST AVO WOOIAVOUTH ' Th Haiti we Uisnrds. Matinee Dally, 3 to S p. m. ADMISSION, fie AND 10c COMING FltATUtHS Hr. Our. Ml. Ilauin A OrvHt Northern kenantloii Iti 3 rettlii. February itrtl mid till "He may be president." Thai la the proud privilege of every American bom boy. Hut. whqthAr or no. ho Is our mii und photographs that prrv bis boyhood and otith will menu ererylhlug to you In after yetus. What he nteans to you now, he will also i mm u to others some tluy. mid the little rollec tluH -"UiUen at' various nges will be n prloles treasure for onernlloHa to oeuio. TheraV u photograplior In your town. TL C. Mackcy Main mill (Voli-iil .Metlfonl. Oio. i 4-l-t-H-:-H"i1 ( t ft" t I n Luxury Without Extravngauco Hotel Von Dorn 2ll! Turk Street I linesl popular priced :: Jlolcl in iSau b'raucisco , i Modorn Central :: H--l-H'HH-'''l-M-i Wl .foiu tji .Trl.'mjM3.l BB Mriii 3j" Ml " m i TiaTl j, ...tfj.'' Belt located 111 ill "d ?:: HgffigaiSfl" i,0lol in the City. Running dUtfllcd ice writer in each room. European Plan, n la Cnrtc Gifc. ' : Tariff on Rooms 12 room - U0 rooms -50 rooms 00 rooms vllh yilnli tild fit) roonu vitk ftltilo Ulk $1.00 each l.fiO each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 30 iiillei. bedroom, par lor nnd bath 3.00 each For mnru than one nuetl add $1.00 extra to the above rates for each additional Riietl, Keductlon by week or month, Manitfmrnl Ch$Uf IC, KUty m'JttKttmivcMza&m vn&f i f.if wvw ifygyMM