Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mm. Fred Colvlg of Jncksonvlllo
spent a short llmo In Medford Frl
day. Mr, Colvlg, who lins boon ser
iously ill,' la reported somewhat Im
proved. J l
Ilcv. W. F. Shields wns among his
Blilnn'd friends, Friday.
D. 0, Wilson of Sams Valley Is
nmklnK Modlord a business visit.
I)jy fir .wood at $1.75 per tier nt
Jacksonville Apply nt 717 North
Jtlrorsltio nvcnuo, .Medford. 2G4
It. W- lkninn. wkri la flnvnlfinlnv n
I .".'. ." m " " """-- r.
mfnfiiR fi'ropbsltlon Hi Northern Call
iorliln, Is Id Bedford, vtsltliiR his
tfnflly. ' '
li. It. Fields has returned from n
visit with relatives living In Mcdford.
Closing out salo of pipes. Ire
land's Smoke. House.
J.V. Sullivan, n prominent stock
man of Atltona, with headquarters at
Scllgmnn, Is In Southern Oregon on
n visit. He la an old time friends of
Wm. Nellla and Alet Duff.
. Attorney McCnbo returned Friday
ffonl a professional trip south.
. Real homo made bread at Do
VooV '
Mrs. W. A. Jones of Jacksonville
Visited In Mcdford Friday afternoon.
Miss Amelia Hritt and Mrs. K.
Voftt of Jacksonville, also Mrs. R.
Robinson, wero In Mcdford for n
short tlmo Friday.
Fred Alton Halght (National Con
servatory Now York) teacher of
pland and harmony1, specialist In cor
rect principles of touch and tcch
n'lque." Residence studio, 116 Laurel
street, phono 72G2.
Samuel Mnthla ot Rogue River
made Mcdford a business visit Friday.
C. B. Watson of Ashland was In
Mcdford and Jacksonville Friday.
I). Kitim bat moved his sign buil
nes to the. Borden alley betweea 8.
Central add 8. Bartlett.
Mrs. James ailletto and her grand
daughters left Jacksonville for San
Diego, Cat., recently, to make that
section their future home. Mr. ail
letto preceded them several weeks.
Vernon Baltey of Missouri Flat vis
ited his brother, Ardell Bailey of
Mcdford tho forepart of tho week.
Vapor baths and scientific mas-
saeo for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, cUrlopractor, 203 Oar-
nctt-Corey Bldg. Phone 145.
Warren King and Louis Colver ot
Phoenix wero among their Medford
trlenda Friday.
E. W.'AsderaoB came down from
the Blue Ledge Friday. He reports
snow seven feet deep and falling
rapidly when he left
Mrs. Ualllday-Hftlgbt, pupil ot
Marchesl (Paris), Oscar Saenger
(New York) teaches the art ot sing
ing, tone placing and correct breath
ing a specialty. Exponent of pure
"Bel Canto" ot tho lUJIaa school
concert, opera, oratorio, Individual
lessons or la class (three In class)
Residence studio, 11G Laurel street,
phonej 72G2.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kecne, who
have been spending tho winter In
California, returned Friday evening.
. Mr- aflo Mrs. H. IT. Helms arrived
from Talent Friday, for a short visit
iu Medford.
M. L. Erlckson, supervisor of the
forest sen-ice, left Friday for a vlBlt
at Klamath Falls on official business.
Fruit labels In any color printed
by the Mall Tribune. tf
F. C. DoremiiB," tho horticulturist,
transacted business in Medford Fri
day. Mrs. R. W. Wilson of Central
Point was among her Medford friends
Carkln & Taylor (John IL Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank
Building Medford.
,.Mr, and Mrs. R. Taylor have gone
to Klamath Falls, to remain some
Dr. E. P. Duvls of San Francisco,
who U on routo to Portland, Is in
Medford visiting relatives.
Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myr
tle S, Lockwood (regular physicians,
uot chiropractors) have removed
their offices from the Hasklns' build
ing to 232 B, Main street. 271
O..L. MRugum ot Grants Pass, a
well huawn mining man, mado n busi
ness, trip to Med'ord during the
George M. Jones, who lias been
spending somo tlmo at Butto Falls,
made a (rip to Mcdford Friday,
To close them out, all cook stoves
and ranges, at reduced prices, glvo
us a call. , F. W ,Shapl$lgh ard
wanj Co.. 28 South Central avenue.
J, E. Phlpps Is' In fedford' agalnt
aftqr an ubsurieeof' scVeral weeks in
Cajjtirnlo, ' " '
S. C. Carroll of Roguo River was n
recent business visitor In Medford.
Mrs. F. K. Reymer ot Talent won
among tho mauv who traded In Med
ford durjng the' week.
J., W. Qpp wn n,mong those who
transacted business In Jacksonville
during tho week.
Bring that old book with torn
binding down and have it rebound
at tho Mall Tribune office. Costa
but little. tf
Mi . n. n, Russell of Sams Valley
Is visiting In Medford.
J. W. Manning of Klamath Falls
Is tho guest nt his daughter, Mrs. J.
I). Fay. Ho la a pioneer nnd former
sheriff ot Jackson county.
Good npptca at retail at low prices.
Call nt Producer's Fruit company's
warehouse, Mcdford. 2G3
Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorco Patterson,
who have been visiting In tho valley
hnvo returned to their homo nt
Benjamin M. Collins nnd W R.
Coleman were over from Jacksonville
Friday afternoon.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
raphcrn, negatives mado any time or
plsco by appointment Phone M.
H. L. Gllkey, enshtor ot tho First
National Bank of Grants Pass, was
a business visitor In Medford Friday.
Thomas Merrlman and C. Rclnklng
ot Central Point precinct spent a
short tlmo In Mcdford Friday.
Kodak finishing, the best at Wes
ton's, opposlto book store.
R. E. Ncalon of Table Rock ar
rived In Medfonl Friday afternoon
for a brief stay.
Joseph Martin and M. M. Welsh
were business visitors In Mcdford Fri
day. Collect those scattered sheets of
W. F, Isaacs, L. B. Brown, 8. 3.
Smith, 0. S. Butterfleld of the mer
chants' association delegation at the
Albany meeting ot (ho iltnto retail
merchants nssqclntlon, returned Sat
urMAy. Emit Peck nnd J. W. MltohoTi
oro' visiting nl Portland nnd Corvnl
Ils. Delroy Getcholl tho banker, to
turned Saturday from a week's visit
nt Portland.
William Gorljr, general Manager
of tho Pacific & Eastern, stated to
day that as fnr ns ho know the pub
lished reports that Louis W. Hill null
Carl R.'Grny were to visit Medfonl
soon, are false, lie has heard noth
ing of the matter.
seen nnd Ideal," SiiiK"iK by the
quartet uud ehoriia iisixtod by the
mvlieslru. Uvoniug sevviee nt 7:110,
subject or sermon, "Mndti 1'erfeel liy
Mlrnjfiilo in the HIrM." MU- linnet
Mill sine "Mink Ms Soul It m the
Lord,' t" K. society nt (U!I0. Sun
day school nl 10 u. m. I'rnvef meet-
inn nl 7:!H) t. hi. on Thursday.
At the Churches
1 -rir , I
Zlon I.utliemn
At Zlon Lutheran R12 AV. 4th st.,
there will be services nt 11 n. m.
and 7:30 p. in. both In the English
Blblo school (English) at 10 n. m.
Come and worship.
For tho benefit of English spenk-
Ing Lutherans thero will bo nn Eng
lish morning service on (he last Sun
day of each month until further
music you value and have
Weeks & McGowan Co,
Hay, hon 3871
Xig-ai rbeatal .r, W. Wk 8071
A. S. on, 90311
bound In book form at the Mall
Tribune. tf
Mrs. A. Hearn and Mrs. E. Q. Cole
man of Phoenix wero recent visitors
tin Medford.
George Wooden, who lives on the
road between Medford and Jackson
ville, on Friday received a telegram
announcing tho sudden death, by
ptomalnb poison, of his sister, Mrs.
P. Ashley of Oakland, Cal., The de
ceased, is survived by her husband
and two children.
Special noon lunch 12 to 2, 2Cc.
Manhattan Care. 2G2
Mr. Edmondson, who has been vis
iting his brother, B. F. C. Edmond
son or Big Butte, left for his .home
In Arkansas Friday evening.
Owen Dunlap. Guy Trashcr, L. A.
Rose and A. II. Houston or Phoenix,
were recent visitors In Medford.
New York Llfo Insurance Co., C.
Y. Tcngwald, Medford National
Bank Bldg., phono 3371.
Postmaster Woodford, who has
been at Kansas City, attending the
federal court as a witness In the
Lounsberry case, will return this
evening. He has also been visiting
In Los Angeles and Oakland, Cal.
Fashionable dressmaking. Evening
and afternoon gowns. Latest stylo
lingerie a specialty. Mrs. E. M.
Painter, lato of Now York City.
Hours 2 to 5 p. m. CIS King street
Phono C084.
Owing lo the Inability or Mrs. C
B. Young to continue the work for
somo tlmo tho W. C. T. U. was obliged
to elect a now president. Mrs. Hans
llolmcr was mado president and Mrs.
Thomas Howell, secretary.
A shoo sale that should Interest
buer In tho valley Is being con
ducted at the Behllng shoo store.
Prices havo been cut and the bargains
offered speak for themselves.
W. T. York will return from Kan
sas City tonight. Ho was called thero
as a witness In the Lounsberry train
robbing, case.
Miss Bertha McPhcrson will ar
rlvo In Mcdford tonight from San
Diego where she has been living for
the past year. Her mother, Mrs. J.
McPherson, Is quite seriously ill In
this city.
Insure and bo sure. Right if wo
write It. R. A. Holmes, Tho Insur
ance Man.
Charles Opplo, or Grand Rapids,
Mich., was In Mcdford several days
recently on a visit to his brother-in-
law, A. Coleman, and family. Mr.
Opplo was en routo home from a visit
to Southern California. He Is very
favorably Impressed with Medford
and tho Roguo river valley npd has
promised to return here and Invest
during the noxt fow months.
Judgo F. M. Stewart, of Eagle
Point, was In Medford Saturday op
The Wednesday Study club will
hold their regular meotlng Wednes
day afternoon at tho public library.
Tho subject for the arternoii will bo,
"Nagba" and Mrs. English will have
charge, , t
Miss Cora Utloy lofi Saturday for
Huron, 8. D., whero her father I
yery seriously ill.
Prof. Gcorgo Rebec returned Satur
day from Portland whero ho has been
lecturing on University Extension
I 8. Steenstrup returned Batur
duy Irom a hrlor visit at Grants Pass.
Judgo W. M. Colvlg leuves tonight
for a visit to Portland nnd Salem.
Wm. O'Hara leaves this evenjug on
a short business trip to.Portland and
othor points. .
First Church of CtirUt, Sclent M.
Sunday meniinj: service nt H
o'clock, subject of lr..;on-crinon,
"Truth." Wednesday evcniiu: meet-
iiir nt 7:H0. All nre welcome. Sun
day school nt 10. All under the nue
of twenty nre invited. Rending room
heurs: 2 to ." u, m. daily, except Situ-
day. Church edifice, -J 12 North O.ik-dnle.
Olive Rnlieknh Lodge No. 2R I. O,
O. F, recently held Installation of
officers for tho ensuing' term. The
officers elected were ns follows!
.V. 0.. Mrs. Jetle Hoard; V. U,
Mrs. Ada Bench; F 8., Mrs. Mary
Wiley; It. S Mrs. Kfflo B. Ussher.
Appointed officers in follews:
V, Miss Jonw Wilson; (, Mrs.
Lottie Howard; Chnp., Mrs. Avu Mil
ler: R. S. N. (I., Mrs. Nellie Wing;
L. S. .V. G . Mrs. K. Wilson It. S. V.
O. Mrs. Norn lllldelirand; L. 8. V. (I.,
Mrs." Edith Miller: Insldo 11., Mrs.
Roso Sltuonv, 0. tl , Arthur Wells;
Cnpt. I). T. A. N. Illldebrand; P, G.
C, Mrs, Llila Meadows.
Mmlc at lite .Mclluxllut Church
Tho ivinl miisionl .numbqrs nt
the Methodist church wilt include the
nuthems "How Lone Wilt Thou For
get Me" by Pf luegcr, nnd "Come Sing
RcfVire the" by Schneucl. Mi.s
Corfin nt the morning service will
ainc "The Kverlnxting UKhl" nnd Mr.
Clarence Meeker nt the eveninc er
vico will sins "At the Break of
All pupils who wll be six years old
on or before the first day ot Juno,
1913, may enter school Monday
morning, Feb. 3d. This duto Is tho
beginning of the second semester of
tho grade schools.
I will nlso stnto at this time, that
my office hours will be from S-:iO
to 9:30 a. m., nnd from .1:00 lo
-1:00 p. in., In the high school build
ing, All the rest nt my time will be
given to supervision In the grade
and In the high school.
tr Here's n (Uonous Onnorliuiilv Jo huvo itionov. lM!
St. ."Mark's Eplroml
Services held In St. Mark's hall,
corner of Main and Holly streets,
Sunday, Jan. 26. Sunday school 10
a. ni. Service, Holy Communion 11
a. m. All are welcome.
Sunday school at usunl hour. II
If. Tuttle wilt prench nt the morning
service. Tho Young Ladies' Amomn
class will have charge of tho evening
service. Special mtudo by clinic in
the morning and in the evening the
Men's orchestra will assist.
Medford Methodist Episcopal
church, corner of Bartlett nnd Fourth
streets, K. Oliu Kldridge, pastor. Ser
vices Sunday as follew: Preaching
11 n. m., 7:30 p. m., subjects, mor
ning, "The Secret of Power"; evening
"Wild Oats." Sunday school nnd
MeiJ'a Ilibto class 0:15. Kfiworth
League (1:15 p, m., hoys' military bri
gade Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
7:30 o'clock, Ihcmc, "Christ ns a
Citir.en." Splendid music under the
direction of F. E. Kdmende. Sja'cinl
fen I ii res for Sunday. A hearty wel
come for all.
Corner 9th and Oakland. Blblo
school meets at 10 a. in. Preaching
morning nnd evening. C. E. at G;30
p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening. Choir practice on Friday
On next Sunday, Feb. 2nd, our
evangelistic meeting is to begin. El
lis Purdeo of Red Bluff, Cal,, will do
the preaching. Preparations aro be
ing mado to provide excollont music
for tho ontlro meotlng. You aro
cordially Invited to come and wor
ship with us, D. I), Boyle, minister.
I - '
If You Have or Know of n Dellrnte
Child I tent! This letter
"My little daughter Louise, age 9
years, tins always been delicate, an
aemic, had no appetite nnd seemed
listless, nnd wo could nut seem to
find anything that would help hor,
until wi were advised to give hor VI
nol. She started taking It six weeks
ago anu Inside of two weeks she
showed a marked Improvement both
In appetite, vim and looks. Being so
well pleased with the results, I con
tinued giving It'to her, nnd words fall
to express mygratlmdc. nm! fnlth In
Ylnol both as n blood maker and
body builder. As1 'my child was nn
anaemic for so long makes tho reason
all tho stronger' fdr me to recom
mend It to others In similar condi
tion.'' Geo. E. Monro, Brooklyn, N.
Vlnol restores health nnd strength
in conditions like this because In a
natural manner, It increases the ap
petite, tones up the digestive organs,
enriches the blood and strengthens
every orgon or tho body.
Evory bottle of Vlnol Is guaranteed
to glvo satisfaction or money re
funded. Medford Pharmacy, Med
ford, Ore.
Here's a (Uorious Opportunity to huvo niono
U'tlie saving ol' a nice little slim of Shoe .Moiiev l.sai
Bijoot toyon,
Oomo Right to Tills Shoo Salo and Savo Itl
Never mind how inanv Shoes von hnvi
"Shoes are Shoes" always. There's plenty of
weather ahead for the kind ol shoes we're sol
aiidjuiothor pair or two at, the present priees
wm oe a jroou investment.
JV also need the shelf room for New Spring Shoos.
Phis is a salo of high radti shoe and the
prices tpioted hclow are exceptionally low.
Shoes " Shoe
97.00 nun kill down 90.00 SI.OO nmikcil ilmui M.'M
9(1.00 marked iMun M.00 jaflo umrkiil itmwi Hii.Kfl
ViOiiiarkiMilimii 91.00 muiked ilown WJ.ln marked ihmu :t,HO 91MM nmiknl bhii fa.m
10 per rent oil nil Woiiicii'n 10 mt rent 1111 till Mrn's llone
v Iutiry NIIhtm slliNr
lo cr rent off on oil Chlhlrrn'N SIhh-s
"Good Fit" Shoo Store
Preaching at 11 n, in. Subject,
"The Power of Conviction in tho L'n-
FOR SALE Must sell property on
Holly street very close In, consist
ing of a six room modern bungalow
with fireplace, laundry trays, and,
screened porch and a large barn
or garago on an east front lot.
Property cost $4500 and I will sell
for f 2000 cash. Property Is now
rented to desirable tenants and
paying good Interest. Address Box
8. T care Mall Tribune. 263
WANTED Dressmaking, evening
gowns and party dresses a specialty
Phono 169-K. 204
FOR SALE Four horses;- Ireland's
Smoko House. - 207
aprea, 05 In alfalfa, fully equipped
with stock, tools aiid hay, otchango
for good Income. Chus. Gilchrist,
Sams Valley, Ore. 2C8
FOR SALE Fox hounds, White
Holland Turkeys, Buff Orpington
hens, team, wagon and harness,
two houses cheap. CIiuh. Gil
christ. Sams Vnlloy, Ore. 208
Every woman's heart responds to
the charm and sweotness of a baby'a
voice, becauso nature Intended her tor
motherhood. But even the loving
nature of a motnor shrinks from tho
ordenl of suffering and danger. Wom
en who use Mother's Friend aro savod
much discomfort and tholr systems
aro In a healthy condition to mcot tho
tlmo with tho lonst posslblo danger.
Mothor'e Friend Is recommended only
for tho relief and comfort of cxpoct
nnt mothers, and Its many yoars of
success, and tho thousands of endorse
ments received from women who
have used It aro a guarantee or tho
benoflt to bo derived tram Its use.
Mothor's Friend allays nausea, pro
rents caklop ot At, rf
the breasts, and HlflTn&ti
In cvory way lsvv
contributes to Sr'2ilnil
strong, healthy 'fxm
motherhood. Mother's Friend Is sold
at drug stores. Write for our free
book for expectant mothers.
Electric Heating
Current for V-j kilowatt air lioatcr (will Iictii about f00 cubic feet)
,,, .mi 1 92,00 per month iFlat Rate.
Current tor kilowatt air heater (will heat about 7f0 cubic fot)
' 1 , 1 . ,,,) J?2.50 per month Mat Uale.
Current for .1 kilowatt air heater (willheat about 1000 cubic feet)
, , .' ji ,,ii Jj?3.()() per month Flat Hate.
Current for .! kilowatt air heater (will heat about 1500 cubic feet)
$3.50 per month Flat Kale.
Current for 2 kilowatt air hoatur (will heat about 2000 cubic feet)
9-1.00 per month Flat Kate.
Current for 2(. kilowatt air heater (will heat about 2."00 cubic feet)
9'1.50 per month Flat Hate.
Current for ,'J kilowatt air lfeafor (will heat about .'1000 cubic, feet)
Jj)5.00 per month "Flat U'ato.
Above 3 kilowatts at the rate of $5.00 por njonth flat rate for each iJ kilo
watts installed.
On account of having a certain amount of power .that is used in the sum
mer for irrigation we aro making tho above rate for electric- heating to apply
frpm September, J st to May 1st, only.
California-Oregon Power Co.
I have three sworn enemies
the drunkard, heavy drinker,
. 1
and the man who craves rough,
strong, high-proof whiskey
C3rrus Noble
v Bottled at drinking strength
W. J, Van Schuyver & Oo, Qcncral Agehta, Portland, , . 1