KWi,,rwE;J3vw?,m!r; t, vwpj snc " miiiimmnn '! n mm fprf" MPT'OCT VCXm TTRUNTl, JftTTCITFOftT), OftttGoX TTTDAV. .TANTTAttY ST. Iflla. M 1 hi ir n m ASHLAND PEOPLE AGREE ON TROLLEY FRANCHISE DETAIL ASHLAND, Jan. 24. Tho com mittee consisting of K. D. IUIrrs, C. I. Hoot, II. V. Wnlker. II. I Whlted, W. J. Moore. C. D. I.nmkln, E. T. Staples ninl C. It. Wolf, appointed by President llrlpgs of tho Commercial club to ko over tho proposed Mlnney frnnchliie, have gone over the objec tions as raised at the meeting and got together on provisions which would moot practically all of tho objections raised. Tho committee, later met with Colonel Mundy and W, I. Vow- tor, tho Mcdford representatives of the. Mlnney peoplo, and tho lattor ac cepted tho changes made by tho com mittee. Tho principal ehnnges made, were tho exclusion of tho tracks from tho Iloitlevard, also tho exclusion of freight traffic on Main ktreet west of Fourth street etcept upon special permission of tho city council. Track Wanted There was noma talk of excluding tho tracks entirely from that portion of Malu street between Oak street nnd Helnian street, but a canvnRS of tho business men and property owu ers of that district showed but three opposed to tho tracks wnllo most of tho others held that It would bo the death blow to that portion of the business section to run tho street cam around It. practically diverting all trade from tho outskirts of tho city and from tho suburban districts to those business places past which the cars run. Another potent reason for tho de rision wan tho fact that when a street car lino la built nearly every stranger who wants to look over tho town will ride over tho street car line, and to havo it fall to pass tho beautiful park, and simply show a stranger the back yards of the busi ness houses, would give a very poor Impression of the town. Full Ilegnlatloa A provision of tho charter as In serted by tho committee gives the council full regulation over the loca tion of tho track upon any street and over tho traffic, and expressly prohibits permitting cars to stand upon the streets any length of time without tho express consent of the council. The permission to. run freight cars over Main street, west of Konrth, under the consent of tho council, was inserted because of tho fact that it might bo necessary to put cars at tho end of tho lino or elscwhero for tho convenience of the fruit raisers In loading fruit. It will also, when that line shnll be built, permit tho twitching of cant of wood, hay other supplies to it placo closo those fruit ranches. I HE'S SOME JANITOR. I . MYSTERIOUS WELL OONMnEE IS AT THREE PINES TO NAMED TO BE INVESTIGATED A 8. lloxenbaum who has Just been awarded a medal a second tlmn for best kept station L. ROSEYGRABSMEDAL BEST KEPT STATION A. S. lto?enbaum. Southern Pacific agent, at this point, has Just been awarded by the company, for the sec ond consecutlvo time, n gold medal for hatug the bent kept station on tho line. If Itosey keeps on he will have moro medal: to wear thau the Grand Duko of Hussla. Medford friends of Mr. Itoienhaum declare that In addition to n medal for the best kept depot ho should he awarded a medal for courtesy and his efforts to please, for In these lines he also excell3. PUNCH COWS HE SNOWDRIFTS or to PANT 1 TO. ERECT BUILDING Ono of tho most modern and best equipped cleaning and dye works In the state will be erected at onco by tho Pantorlum Dye Works company, nt the corner of First street and North Grape. The building will be of rc-luforced concrete with cement floor will measuro 24x72 feet, nnd will contain an undnerground gaso line system. This consists of two rotary pumps and six tanks and has u capacity of eleven hundred gallons or gasoline. Tho building will bo ventilated with u lurgo power driven fan so It will bo free at all times, from gases. Tho move of tho Pantorlum peoplo Is fully In lino with their progressive methods. The company has bought a 100 foot lot on which to build and have arranged for construction to sturt nt once. With tho new plant the company will bo able to handlo nil work that may como In and for tho cuterprlso shown they are de nerving liberal patronage, Tho com pany's offico will remain whero it Is. What Is said to be tho hardest "cow punching" trip ever mado In Southern Oregon has Just been com pleted. In which a large band of cat tle was driven from Hagle Point to Dead Indian. Caught In tho snow tho last three miles of tho Journey required IS hours. For three days tho vaqueros were practically with out food not daring to leave to se cure It. Fred Dutton, Carl Illnger, Hay Harntsh, Joe Moo maw and Carl Von der Hellen handled the cattle. The trip is usually mado easily In one day. Ilowover, when the higher levels wcro reached deep snow was encountered which blocked progress. Tho horses were used to break trail. Finally Dead Indian was reached whero hay had been stored for win ter feeding. The mystery of, the exnledhn: well nt Three Pines, near Omuls l'ns,, is to he solved. An e.xoert from the nil regions of Texas has visited the phenomenon mul he snys unequi vocally that the well is oer n lmdv of petroleum, and that escaping govs nre responsible for the rumbling nnd muttering nnd the more violent eruptions Hint daily eliuru the six feet of water into mud, nnd thnt hnve made tho neiehliors believe that Threo Pines was located over that place we read about. A recent press account of (he well's netivilies reads ns follews: A mystery hns recently developed nt the town of Three Pines. 1). Davis dug n well on his initerly. It was six feet square, in the clear nnd forty-one feet deep. It was exen vntcd through granite soil nil the way nnd nt the bottom n xeiu wns struck thnt stive iv feet of water. For n while the well was on its good hchnxior but recently n series of commotions dNtiiibed it u passerby hearing noises thnt sounded ns though n great animal were flounder ing about. Liter in the night other disturbances came from it, each one leaving the water murky ami riled. One of the commotions was so seven that it shook the house twenty feet nwnv nnd awakened the sleeper within. The next night the plitnometin wns again rejwnted. The disturbance seemingly coming from the well nnd forciug the columns of water upward. It comes with much force but the volume of water is not greatly in creased after each eruption. Mr. Davis protoses to put n gasoline en gine on nnd pump the well dry nnd see whnt there is nt the bottom. WOK EOR ON Initial steps toward the Inaugura tion of a campaign to secure Irriga tion In tho Kogue lllver valley was launched Thursday when President J. A. Perry or the Commercial club ap pointed a committee composed of Professor P. J. O'dnra, K. A. Welch, and A. C. Allen, to arrange tho pre liminary details. One plan will ho a mass meeting with representatives from every section affected present. The committee nnd the board of di rectors of tho club will also meet and confer upon tho plan of action. The Merchnutn' association will take ac tion along similar line tho find of the week. Am roou as the .10,000 acres nro signed up and tho commltteo to be npiolutiMl by tho landowners to In vestigate the financial standing of the company, their ability to furnish an adequate supply of water and the feasibility of tho plan attested by an etpert ouglncor chosen by the land owners, but paid for by tho canal company, nctunl work will start on the construction of tho project, en tailing tho employment of tilio or 700 men and teams. Tho company agrees to rurnlMh water In 1JM-4, n year he fore the rush of eastern people to tho coust to see tho '1910 cxHH!tlon. The Dally Hint fiom Paris. 7 1 ya I If mm W sww t . L I ALENT COAL MINE BONG V WOK HD IS NEW PLAY HOUSE tmfc. 1-1 I., ItN IWM4 Clra, tar u tun! lu nuke mi tiirrn or ttu Orirt tin mi ii- inurniiiK lr. Oilit rnrut tutluu. Ualell thi t.4k'un4l front ntii and lltiuao porHet l cojuttMtily i'Uvd. Mul.on lirerelL MISTAKE MADE MORTAG E AE CITV TllKASUItKll'8 XOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the city treasury for tho redemption of Warrant No. 2, Issued against Lateral 14, District No. 6. Interest will cease after date of this notice. Dated January 21. 1913. G. II. SAMUELS. City Treasurer. ENLARGING STRIKE NEW YORK, Jan. 24 Marching past tho principal hotels and cafes and calling upon tholr fellows to quit, waiters who have been on strike slnco New Years, succeeded today in effecting a general walkout of wait ers. In tho Victoria Hotel, Follcs Itcrgero Tlrcstnurant and Rectors' several hundred responded. In other places tho waiters agreed to wait un til tho proprietors considered their grievances. Thus far eervico In nono of tho big hotels has been effected. I. W. W. organizers havo called mass meetings for this afternoon to discuss plans to extend tho strike. Wages In Japan havo risen fiO per cent lu ten years, the cost of living 33 per cent. tr- n-A With the understructure of the main floor of the new opera houso completed, the new building Is assum ing concrcto shape. As soon ns tho weather permits the brick sldowalls will be erected. The slopo of the main floor, tho orchestra pit, and the stage are alt built now etcept for the final flooring which will not be laid until tho building is protected by a roof. A largo crew of workmen arc busy each day and It Is expected that tho building will bo completed, as far as tho exterior is concerned nt least, within two months. Attorneys II P .Miilkey mid tins Newberry and Dr Phlpps of Medrord were lu Ashland recently to argue a case before Judge Calkins. It seems (' II. Pierce of thin city gave Dr Phlpps n mortgage on rertnlu pro perty In Medford alleged to have been Intended only to cover Mr. Pierce's residence property. Dr Phlpps com menced foreclosure proceedings and It wns found that the uienKureiueiits of the property ns covered byt the mortgage Included a portion of Mr Pierce's greenhouse. Mr. Pierce brought action through Attorney Mul key to have the mortgage changed because of alleged mutual mlitnko of the parties. Mr. Newberry rep resented Dr Phlpps. Judgo Calkins took the motion under ndvUetucnt. ON LARGE SCALE The Talent Cotil com puny, n re cently orgiiulted corpointlon with Talent nn Its principal place of hunt nens, bids fair to be one of the innxt Important factors lu the development of the Hoguo river valley. The company, which has recently been In corporated, has been for some time steadily at work developing a find of coal on the north nldo of the Hear creek valley. The initio Is back of tho Van Dyke place mid when tho water compelled them to shut down work thlu fall their tunnel hail been driven 1H! feet Into the mountain and they had a thiee-fool vein of coal, HO Inches of which Is good blackHiiiltli coul. Tho purpoMo of Incorporation was ho that a limited nmouiit Of development stock could bo Hold for tho purrhaxn or machinery mid to pay for contin uing the tunnel. The mine Is located back of the 'Van D)ko place, about equidistant from both Ashland ami Talent, live mltcti from each, and will uie.iu a solving of the fuel problem when It becomes a producer of on com mercial Hues, The offlieis of I lie company tiro as follows - Pretildeitt, Cuiiiiett Itcexou; vice president. Peter Vaudcrsliiltt, necre tnry, K II Adauisou; treasurer, l.onls Drown. Hotel Medford Dooms Million! lutth fiOu per day and up. Ilooiiis with bath fl.tlO per day and up. Npeclnl intes by week or month, Combination bicnkfasts every morning u,n, ll.l ami Irt rent. Toinoriou's Me U.V Dolled MIUtCIIAMH I.UNOII Pottage a'la AiikIuIno Filets of Alaska llnllhiit Parsley ilaitro Pommert Natural llnrrlcot of Ox Joints with Corn Frlltitrs Kugllsh Pot Hoast ilteatnnd Pudding Minced Chicken Has a'la Puleito Criiostado Miuhed Potatoes Slewed Turnips Cabbage Salad Chocolate Cumin l'i Fruit Sherbet Cotfeo Tea Milk Dining meal h n beautiful iimln and singing v 111 be ieiidei h) Heir Call Oilsseii and Mine. Ctcljuc. Merltol Hair Tonic keeps the scalp In a healthy condition, prevents the hair from falling out, rostorcs It lu Its natural color and ued regularly keeps the hair soft and fluffy. Has kin's Drug Store. tt . am.tu ;-i mes 5V? Z lor Oc The nrty Cngldi Mifl. Tk hot prrtraUlion o( th tmtnrtiwljr pHiLita.l .wy ihip, 1 lu ho rlV ixd Ik.uijt ol jrmmtuy lwj i (uunJ i i Idejilver Collars Wild Lusxor J tnbrc!ulte butl9aiUi. GEO. P. IDE (V CO. Alio Mitktri ol lilt Shlrli Tnor. N. Y. Manhattan Cafe 25c Noon Lunch Ihlllp Meat, Choice of Two ICuliees Pitt or Pudding Coff r Milk and Mutter ir.wss u m st arrived A shipment of delicious Orange Blossom I Candy A I MIIIIOltD . rXczr I I'll.Mt.M A( v nJYyk I Dxcltislve Agts. wjf-j HERE'S A JOB Cliaafe Failed; Medicine Effective frKt,hVi,B"dne!.Bl?!'.h.?!'."wt. Mldom more tint, 'rr,..,Y u'...1?. ' uuro i vrtam. 'arrnltd." tjuiueiblog E COWLES SALEM, Ore., Jan. 24 A bill to create u ututo fire marshal, carry ing with It un appropriation of ?1D, uOO was presented In the house today, by Representative Reames of Jack sou. Twenty-ulx states, according to sta tistics presented, now havo state flro marshals. In Ohio, whero tho law bus boon in forco for 12 years, It Is Bald (o havo demonstrated Its offect iveuww in reduclug Insurance rates and saving flro losses. , foi:cAmi.n' .A'llie l mfOIcloe made htr!JUv ;f'W"0B were not Mesi fit.'f rp,0l,'er,e., w.iullttl. Now we .'In. Iljat Kokuian' .AltrnillrA alwutd be lwJ S "JZy, CB" ' TubrrcuIo.N. 2 ddl"K2 Li,i0 no""'l".' oU mill frr.j, r. .r .H. A r.rk.W. efft lire I bare hteu iurH from n nrrmaiur wllb TyMioW l'nuinoul, 1 TunV li" tnme try uiucli affetteUi inr siiutun were rouna. On Februirr SI, JWC, l wi, wl,K,1.l,0 B" ' Worlb. 'Te'st! Ublle ibere an In ir ribt luns .roke and illicbarceU, I gnii wJr.e, and beraroR very luucL emacUitcil. My ntijil. elan liifonucd mo Ibat I imut t'o to W... ,...." ' ,l". " l.iilr. I left "."., ,uup.i oui, ii7, june ml arrlletl In Canon itrj ffeble. Aftir Ixiutt ...I .i. ." rr, wy iiuytirian mrormed we that uiy cjm! a fcopele,.. Tbree wtvska later I returned liome, welublng 103 poundi. the doctor harlnv siren mi no "turtme of remblnff there ullre. On July U. 1W)3, I l,eg,u taking Kckman'a wonderful remedy for Con sumption. Today J weigh 158 pounda. I aw atout and well and can do any kind of work aliont my grain elerutor I have uot an acbe nor patn In my lunga, eat well, aleep well, and neier felt better." (Hworn afHilarlt) Alt'l'lll'll WUIIH. Kikinan Allen; Ire U effntlve In llroo ebltU. Aatbma. Jlay IVver, Throat and I.uuir iroiiblia, uiid In uiilnilldluif (be ayaleiu. l)o,-a unt i onljilii polaona, oiilatea pr liobltforiiilnK druga Auk for booklet tel Intr of wnierlev, nnd write to Krkuiai! Laboratory, phltudelpblj I'a , for more erl deuce, for sale by all leading druggl'ta i Xew today at COOO S05" Black calf suede 15 but ton Boots with craven ettc 7 inch tops, made exclusively for us by "John Kelly". In San Francisco and Portland this same boot sells for six dollars the pair, find on Main St. in Medford you must pay five dol lars the pair for boots not nearly as handsome. Our Price for these "Good Shoes" $4.50 the pair including a fit at Opposite Post Office Fifty little steps save you Fifty Cents and be sides walking is really Jieaitny. ---Jaiv--.. J aa, oo .. - Jv .a Annual i t t f ? f v f t r r ? T T Y T ? I t t r ? ? ? T ? r T T t t ? t T T T White Goods Sale AT LACES 500 yards new val and torcheon laces, values up to 20c, sale CJ price a yard C MANN'S CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. O. EMBROIDERIES fiOOO vards witlc cambrin iiil Swiss embroideries, values up (o 20e, ,ale price 10c MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE "Women's muslin drawers, eoi'set covers and short skirls, up to 50c values sale price, each . "Women's muslin gowns, corset covers suits and skirts, all new styles, up to $1. values, ea., "Women's muslin combination suits, skirts, drawers, Princess slips, up to $l.fi0 val., each 29c 59c 89c ALL WINTER COATS REDUCED Women's :!() Winter fonts $15.00 Women's 20 Winter Coats - $10.00 Women's pr Winter Coats $7.50 Women's $10 Winter Coats .'. $5.00 Cliildrcn's 8 Winter Coats $.1.00 Cbildreu's $10 Winter Coats $5.00 Children's $5 Winter Coals $2.50 I Children's $1.50 Winter Coats ... . ..ipi2.'.j r- WW ALL PURS BELOW COST SHEETS 72 x 90 bleached sheets, sale price each QQp ,'eal (50c values, Ov PILLOW CASES '12 and '15 inch pillow eases, 38o values, p sale pyico each J.J.I BIG REDUCTIONS ON WOOL DRESSES MUSLIN Fruit ol the loom mus lin, 15c value, sale- price, a yard .. 10c LONG CLOTH Mnglish long cloth, 15c values, sale price Qa a yard vi $3.00 CORSETS, 98c 100 pairs Warner's rust-proof coi-sets, up to $3.00 values, spe cial, sale price Qfif a pair yOX 75c CORSETS, 48c .100 pair Warner's corsets, good quality fitted with two pair hose supporters, special sale IC price, a pair "OC SATURDAY SPECIALS Colgales Tale. Powder, sp'l. 15 Good pearl buttons 5 Good hair nets 4 Good cotton tape 2 Best darning cotton 2 Clark's O. N. T. cotton, 0 for 25 Children's knit waists, 18e grade, special, each 12' Good Terry wash cloths, special price each 4 23c - UNDERWEAR SALE - 23c Women's and children's vests and pants in white and grey, My special each ... 9c HOSIERY SALE Women's and children's black hose, special a pair 19c - GLOVE SALE - 10c AVomon's and children's wool gloves and mittens, 25c. -JQ grade, sale price, a pair Iwl 23c 9c fast 9c ! t V T r ? Y ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? T t T T ? ? f ? ? T T ? T f T ? f f ? ? r r T ? f f f T t f ? T T T T T