wc'Wm&jtf w- Afr&V -- k r W 'J,' 'ay aaaaaadaaafarMkaa ssxruns Trr1 till) rftBatTONDKNT rUKWfltr letfM t'x JKIflPV NBWSPAt'lIll HT AKftfrlNOOtf I1IU HUm)AV uv iiu hunting 'Co. .Tho Doitioarmlo Times, Tim MiMrord Mall, Th Medford Tribune, Tho Houlh ern OrwtftnlHn, The. Astilnml Tribune offleo-Mhil Tribune nuibllnR. SH-tt-3, North Kir stroct; id'"".!, Mnln 3021, t OHOItOK 1'UTNAM.Mgltor nm,l 'Mnnngc'ri Knlered. n rtccond-clarts matter it! Men-rent, Oregon, untlcr ihu act or, March 3, 18TB. I ii i j Official Vnrmt of tlio City of Medford Official Paper of Jackaon County. rrT IKTCTXFOttt) MaTTi WTOTJNTC, MTTOFOttT), THMTOK FTTrnAY, .TAKT7ARY'2 1, 101ft. 1 THRJE -ikPOilTANT MEASURES. - . , f 1 'I 1. ,fo :P'I-:S13,NTTA,WV1') ,101lN IT. GARKIN oithis'oily, IV ha's Ih'i'CM.' IninoVtfnit nieusiu'es Yiofr lionrtultr lioTofo ...tTBSttCrtCPTXOir fcATSS. , OmyAfj iy mail- .. .. 5.ov ,Ono month, by. malt. . . ,G0, 1Vr 'Mniilh; dellvrrvd by carrier In Mixlfal'tl. Jackannvllln unit On. tral rolnt. .' l ... .So; FirtHttfcjy only, Tsy malt, per ienr.... 2:po, 'v-i rr TH -- .- r , IW6RS 01RODLA.TXOW. . TMIly nvcfafct- for eleven months end Ing November 39, 111. 2751. . Tli Msll Trlbuno la on imlo at thej i erry own nwiw.san Frnlicteo l"ortlwfl Tlttttd Rewa fttnml. 'Portland.! JvrtlaRiJ Npi Co., Portland. Ore. VT. O, Whittle), 'rValue. Wnah. v, ,. in . ,i , i, , .a . . r " rU Win Bltt4 rri snfaKBM. cfcBi-eemfcaox. Me'troVetf et Southern, "Orr?oh anil Northern California, and tho faateal-l cmwlnc elty in Orerson. i joniiaun u. k. census jsiu ssig rive liumtrnl thousnml dollar Oravity Water Hystcm completed, plvlnc ripest nil 'aUinly vtirn mounlnln water, and 17.3 liifs or utreeis nnveiL rc"toffl receipts for year endln&j November 30, 1911. ruhetv lncrcam of 13 rtannr fruit city In 'Orecon Ttocuel ,jiiver piiaeiiuere appiea won sweep- aiaxea pruc nni irue oi . "AyvU JMtiy t tat fitM" at the National Apple Hliow, &poUane, TM9, and a eip if Nwlbtln won Mt Hm is lata - . . at Canadian International Apple Stioir.l Vancouver, rw li, At oVa'no SthnI AWto -Siow Von tiv r4rlfwtil nf.NrlnH'niL -'.-V-T'-r-:- - " -"V7 i.L.-,. ..., j jtosuQ Jyver pears oroBsa iukih-hi, RrKrm vi. (no.tiuriu uu BB tf4 aViW year. 1 r.'Af GOOD ROAD PLAN 4. A com. y Improve tire of atate tlu k'L'isl.'itnnMvhii'h ai'o oC muoh inlofost to this section. and whifh wore di'awn to nfoot rcooift tlovolopnitMit.s mid conditions hi'iv. lih uirsi, iiouso mu iNo. m;j, ik toft-oKUlnu- t'onnmion nion. Tho hill requires that all ehimuission nWn 'mufet he lieensed by the railroad commission; yayhip; for .sueh license the nominal stun of one dollar, andnnust file a bond with the railroad commission providing that they will pay (lie proceeds of any consimnucnti to them to the I'aVmer so consigning it. It also provides that, in case farmers and orcliard owners are unable to get reports or estimates from their products after n reasonable time, they shall notify the railroad commission and it will investigate the sale. The bill is not aimed at the Inmost commission men lint gives the railroad commission great--powers in bringing tho dishonest ones tolime: and provides not onlv lor tines for not milking reports when requested 'but also provides for the revoking of their licenses. The bill also provides that any person who receives 'consignments after a cor poration is insolvent is guilty 'oha felony. Had this law been in force While the Rogue liiver Commission eomnnnv was carrying on its practiced, man v of the fanners -who consigned their produce to it Would have been protected. The measure is modeled on that of Minnesota! Wisconsin, wid Washington, where it has been tried out for inanv .a oars and foun'd .satisfactory. It is to be hoped that it will be passed at 'this session, as it is much ndedod. The next, House Bill 20. 142, is to provide for interest on county moneys. This idea was introduced bv the conn- n iiwi.w . i .:.. . r a 11.. ..n -i.r-t i v u"sw'i, uiwrBViRMon at reruauu: ivneu rnev passed a CHARLES M. SCHWAB, BACK FROM EUROPE, TELLS OF WONDERFUL NEW ORE FIELDS 1 1 ' -''.. . Jin . i "j ' a ri' 1M t aaaaaaaaaanraaPPiaBL flSaftlaBaaamaaHaaaaaL. ri BBBBBBHaSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBBWi VJf Wl ICES ClARs&LcHy&& DotlilN ii llio Iniporlniit irntn,'oiiioiits on In'lmlf of Hlool inli-rest In ttits I'initrj nliloiriio wu- rt'jwrUMl In roct'ttt entile iUnnlcluM to Imvo mmlo In CtirK vn nwtlo Known ly Clmrle M Srhunli n hit nrrlvnl In XuW York Jti lio.tnl I Ho KftNer Wllliolm II., of tlio North dortnnii l.loytl lino. Mr. iliunl), Ulio It iircsldont of tlio llotliloliotn Stool (!or()rntln. ilH "liwnl tlio nt ih.1t by nrmiiccniont with French fltmticlors. who hnl tt elA u rnnci4iiiiii liv tlio t'liiilmt mnortitnont, lio Imtt tiikon over for tlio lleitilotlcm Sfool ('.rMmtloii n larco flohl of Iron orv (toHUlt In Clilll, noitr ' fIiro of Crnlulo Crux liny, lio niltl Hint it floot of hImiiihIiIim will lie inii'i iiiiiiiihII.iioI.v l curry tho nro to tlil.i country. Mr. Sclnvnb tcclnrrtl tlio irv ilojil tti ho tlu il ;iot In tho worM, nMiyliiK slxty-.iovrn or coin to tliu ton llioru. iao,'tyj,OW.LXK) toua of Iron ore Uvnllibo lu tlia field. of hiKhway improve- oi n county in Jus owinmine: but all funds must be denosit- tbo feature of state' 0(1 1U tile name Of the COUlltV. under lioavr uoiiiiHv Tr i of countica that wish expected that tire Irncasure, in Jackson county alone, will or tho act is pro-isaAe n good deal m6i'e than the salarv of tin slwu-ifF ..! rhtrodticcd in tho scn-1 liTastirer and their denuties. SALi;.M, Ore.. Jan. lirclienslvo pttta ment, cmbraclR? aid to srobpfl to tako aJvantago vldfcil In a bill i ato by Von ilcr Helton of Jackson county, chairman of ho committee on roadtt ami highways, on request ol the Oregon TldteV asaoclatiou. Senator Von tier llcllcn rcparda this bill as having great merit, but Wtio't comtflltflHK himself tb any pa'rilCuIar 'bill. lie says ho expects Vhnt his committee will hnvo to gath 'cr In all tlio road bills ns they arc In trtldu'ceU, consider them together, nnd try tb produce somo homogeneous bill from the ones that aro offered. Tlio bill presented by tho Hotel Men's association, which was drafted liy W. C. Bristol. Is tho first u'enoral rnnd 1)111 making Its appearance. It 'flxon low salaries for a highway com Wtoldncr and assistants as a conces sion to the otitsldo counties, which 'have 'not boon favorable to salaries Huch as somo of tho leading road ad vocates say It Is necessary to pay. The bill defines a state highway VtHYoHt connecting tho larger centers bf'Vopulatlon, used moro or less by 'thV'people of tho entire state and by "trAVel from other states. Any group bf'two or moro contiguous counties. through their county courts, may unite 1n asking for tho establishment of 'it state highway. The Initiative limy come from a petition of not less than 100 property owners of each lounty Interested. 1 'The state highway commissioner 1nHt pass on the roads designated, reporting to the governor and statu engineer, who must act on his ap proval, The highway commissioner Is lo prepare the plans for Improve ment 'and estimate of cost. ' Thd counties aro to pay not less limn 10 nor moro than 30 per cent of low, the umouiit to each county to im proportioned on an estimate of truffle. Tho money Is to bo raised by u special tax levy lu each county joining in tho Improvement. For tho purpose of state uld, $300,000 Is utiproprlutod for tho first year $500, 000 for the second year. Not more thau four stuto highways niuy bo pro iJectcd lu any ono year. The governor, statu engineer and highway coinmlsblouor aro to let con tracts for construction, or way up- lily for tlio tiso of convict lubor un tier direction of tho governor. Ap plications first received are to bo first uctod upon. ' Tho highway commissioner Is to lie appointed by (ho governor uud in'uk't bo skilled in road building. His term Is fixed at two yours and salary at"! 8600, with assistants ut 110 per iiio'ntli, Tho commissioner Is to have ho authority to lay out or dhango tho routo of any stato high V6y unless by approval of tho coun ty'&urt. j j i Wbm Its organization lu 1910, resolution eallin njion the legislature to provide means i or uie depositing oteountv funds so tlmt thov could earn interest 'f6r flic conntv. The measure mmvido tlinf. fln V'Tfim- trittiifc (.1...11 ...1......I: r i.:.i... i . ; y w'ib slum iiutenisu tur uuis:aii(i. upon ojieiung the bids, shall orderthe deposit of the'funds of the countv treasiuvr and -sheriff in the banks giving tho highest rate of interest, 1i6t less thai! two nor cent.noVmore thniithw Wrcent. It is estimated that over tlfo Rtnti Hii will -b.iv The taxpayers from $100,000 to $150,000 in interest during un.-. car. xii some cases, as tlio Jaw now is, the countv of ficers arc letting the banks use the funds without interest, or, as has been done in some instances, getting the interest niemseives. Tlio measure provides that banks shall give bonds for the safe-keeping of the inonevs entrusted to them aiid also limits the amount that inav be put in anv one bank. Inder this measure, if enacted, there will no longer ik any tunds deposited by the sheriff or treasurer A Few Men Own Nearly All the Timber deputies The next, House Bill 2sro. 108, providing for a state j bureau of -mines 'and gOoldgy, wasjasscd its third reading ny tne nonse ot representatives Wednesday and referred lo Uie committee on mining. This bill provides for thej creation of a state bureau of mines having for its object life Study of the mineral resources of the State of Oregon, me same as is done in Washington and vahforma. Th( mil provides for an appropriation of $25,000. This amount is to ue expended by a board composed of five members, consisting of the president of the Universitv of Oregon, the president of the Agricultural oolloire. and throe thorniiidilv j.i w.. '' trained mining men to bo selected by the governor from tho American Mining congress and "other like bodies in the stato. The mining industries, especially in southern and some parts of eastern Oregon, have not been developed as they should be, because mining interests, and capitalists interested in mines .from the east, have been unable to get any data as to the mineral resources of the state. This will be obviated by (this "bill. The 'government has'alread v voted about $10,000 to be used' in conjunction -with anv state offices that may be appointed for the investigation of our mining resources. This, it will be remembered, was the bill that was adopted by the Northern California and mission. The mining 0011111151100 is thoroughly in favor of aim recommended y rrolessor Tarks'of the Agricultural college in his report two years ago to the conservation com mission. The mining coiumtiteo is thoroughly in favor of cuiiie u-gismiioii, aim tne eari,y passage ot the hill is coiv- iiuenuv looKOd lor. .HMJUBBUJ i 1 w oh 10 mm Ka'toiliClty'tf "tt elfaYo TOWd liVs Wo Vlflwll fiW leftftl Sild (n 11,1 OK poor FROM ASM BOYS Tho Chosen Friends defeated the Ashlaud Athletics ut a basket bull game at Ashlaud Thursday night; score 32 to 21. The Chosen Friends havo Improved at so rapid a rate that they uro now rntcd among tho topnotchers of tho valley. Ashland led the local boys ut tho end of tho first half, it to 12, but lu tho sec ond half tho Medford boys took tho game and tho crowd by storm win ning In easy style. Tho basket shoot ing of Ilader was n feature. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown "Jlutl Auilrrwiii, My Ho. Uud Anderson, 7ny Ho, Uud, When first we saw you fight, Wo liked your swinging left. Uud, 'o feared your smashing right. And now you'vo loft your homo, Uud, To 'fight n -southern foo; Our blessings on your wallop, Uud Alidorson, my Ho. Uud Anderson, my Uo, Uud, Vou gave us ninny treats, As at V. 1;il ward's rlngsldo Wo sat on splintered scats. Some day you'll totter down, Hud, And yet before you go, You'll mako u fistic record, Uud AuAcnon, jny Uo. HKHMN, Jim. 'Jl.Curryin- tho first iioii-virulont (utile hcrum bacilli for the 'cure 'of tuberouloMH ever tuk en to America, Dr. llcitl of I'ittHbtirg bails for the United Hlntcn tomorrow'. Dr. Ilcid obtained his culturex of tho I'Viednuinii bacilli from Dr. 1'ior kowsky niter Dr. Friediiitiim refused to.jjivo him liny. Dr. Prieduiiiiui Iiiih not yet fulfilled iiik pro mifn o yive nix K'ciet enrol fn the'drtiiTtiii goVeniirtonH for lnvs Ujjfl'tlon, If a "mau'H 'name' Indicates nuy. thing tlio nuWly elected Senator Colt vlll answer "neigh" bn all calls. A Gorman duke claims to bo king of Ireland. It's a uafo hoi he doesn't mako tho claim on tho street corners 6r in u mixed crowd. Sometimes I wish that I Were built on lines a fighter, So I could send a bold defy To unsigned letter writer. It Is rubbing It In to Imvo slush 'on tho sffeets and "a story like "tho Flirt" In tho Saturday KVonlng I'oul at one ami tho same tliuy. The concentration Into tho bauds of a few powerful Interests of nn enormous percentage of tho timber lands ot tho Vnltvd States tins created a problem so grnc for tho nation In the Judgment of l.uther Connnt, Jr., cotuniUslotfcr of corpor ation, that litis recommended to President Tnft that the existing na tional forests not only tic retained by tlio federal government, but In Incrcnued n far ns prnctlble. To'Incrcaso goernmonl ownor Hhlp of forest luttds the commission er urges that tho forests of Alaska be Included lu reserve, ns well its nil timbered lands reentered In forfei ture suits, lib advises a further searching inqjilry Into laud grants of tho past with tho view of Instituting additional forfeiture suits If the facts Justify the procedure. I'lutrgot Vniiiil Mr. Connnt warns that nttemptH are 'still li'elng niado to "secure tho transfer of public tlmberlands to prlvnto owners under thu sumo picas of scttleemnt IUch lu tho past often proved wholly specious uud Insin cere." "Much of the tluiburlaiids will re maining lu piddle ownership," con tinues tlio commissioner, "In adapted only for timber purposes. All that could bo proerly asked by a bona fldo settler is thu surface of arable land nfter the timber luu been re moved, but lo frequently luck of tho argument made lu the name of tho 'settlor' Is tlio desire to uciiilru tho timber or other natural resources rather than tho soli Itself. It seems doslruble, therefore, to dlroct public attention to the fundamental differ ence between dsposlng of agricul tural lands to lu.tiial settlers, whuto Industry contributes directly to thb material nnd social upbuilding of tho community, ntid thu alienation of virgin tlmbcrlnmls. which tlo not re quire, nnd. Indeed, hardly permit of. Improvement by private owners, and tho vnlue of which Is rapidly rising because of reduction In tliu supply and tliu Increase in population. Tho public service Involved In thu mere speculative holding of this timber for ndvancb In Vf'ce, "under present con ditions of settlement of tho country. Is practically neglcglble. When, moreover, such lands become concen trated in u comparatively few hands, there Is, lilstea'd of n lliibllc service, a serious publlu danger. Ohiih Much Timber "Without entcrtlng Into a discus blon of possible solutions of certain grave problems Involved In tho pres ent concentration of timber owner idilp, 'It may be pointed out that thu go'vefniuent today 'still owns, exclu sive of the forests of Alaska, about one-fifth of tho country's total sup ply of merchuntublo standing timber. It is tho agency best a'duplOd to prac ticing tofurestatlou on a largo scale Il6cuutly Important suits for forfeit tiro of extenulvo tlmburlnuds havo bcon brought by tho government on tho ground of uon-fulfllliiiont or con ditions Imposed In tho grants by which these lands were alienated frol tlio public domain. For these reasons, It Would appear, therefore, that tho KoVurnmont may luter bo' able to materially Htrougthuu Its rela tive position its a timber owner, In the Hiiimimrv f tlio report pre ioiiHly publixliod, the then commix hionur of eoiporiilioiix, Heibeit Knox Sniilli, net fiutli tlmt the Southern I'neihe vmiipiiiiy ih tlio greato-t jirivulo holder of umber in the t'uiteil Slntox, coitlrollmi; 10(1 liilllmi foul, the WojerlmiiMT Tim lier coinpany, with no billion foot, the M-ooiid largc-l ti.nl the Northoru Paeille Hallway company, with .III hilltrtn fool, (he third, (loime fur- rtlior in detail the rull iviwrl do- oluroM that the tolloivinj; llo inter-o-Ih control in the ng-rejetHo 102 billion feet of timber, practically all located in the I'uoifio uortlitU"( : l'oiuMiiic oontnilled by Clmrlon A. Smith of .Miniimipoli; TIioiuhh II. WiOkor of Miiinetipolit; muoornt m which N. P. Wheeler uud V. K. Whcoler oT Khdiuvoi-, ji nre Ihu oliiof hloekholdor! eouipauies in whioli tli A. It. Hammond eomimnv of New .terey i tho iiriiioipul inter oM; anil the linilior iulcroln of tin Cliiongo, .MihvHiikoo mid Piijjol Sound Ituihvny ooiiimiiy (kiiIhuI-ian- to tho (1iiioo, .Mllwnnkoe uud St. Paul li'uihvav company,. After enormoiiM sule, the com niU-lonor MiiniH out tlmt Ihu Soulli em Piioiflc, the N'ortlient Pnoifle nml the AtohNou, Topokn ntiil Hnula l-V lown toolhor .vnHulflO uon- n iimooreu nnu iinii-iimiicrmi Iillnl, an a ron ns liirxc at. Kiiglnml. Tho AmnlKiiiimlod Copper com pativ .Mr. Coiiant mid, owim over I, (100,000 iinroH of timber laud nnd more than 100.000 uvrvn of tion-lim bored laud, oil in .Muiitann, ninl Tlioinns II Walker ormallv owiih 7(10.111)0 nori'H in California. IIS TED TO CONSIDER MLS WXHIIINOTON, .Ian. a I Assitr Inn k'utrluud that doinostlo cuiist- fwlso trade will not lie poi milled to extend Its npiit-utlnn Into competitive foielgu fields, uud foreign shipping will nut bu inado to pay lucioamal tolls to maku up for tho remission uf tolls to Aiuorlcaii vessels, a note from Soorotary Knox Is todit) bofoiu tho llrltlsh foiolgu office, the note lu reply to Hlr Kdwnrd Oroy's pio- tout that Atnerlcaii ossols shuulil nut tie undiil) favoied, declines that Sir I Id ward's note, turning before resi dent Tuft's proclamation flxliilt canal IoIIn, docs not apply to the contio vers), and nntlclpntca conditions that may uqvor nrUo. Knox suggests it special commission us outlined by thu unratified llrco Knox treaty, to consider tho whole dispute, lie prepuces to give this commission Ufa by un Immediate leg islation of ratlllcutloiis, nud then have It merely Investigate uud report, without bringing any country to n definite course ot action. Knox sug gosts It could become effective ufter tho expiration of tho Ilio-Pnuucctnto treaty Juno 1 nott. wHE'iite to a 6 TONIGHT STAR THEATRE 'Ihu lluliio uf lYiitliio l'lmli(illi)H A PROBE CONDITION OF BYBEE BRIDGE Attotition having In on called to the condition uf the lbco lirnlgo omm Hogiie river hv rciidcnli of that mt Iioii, Counl Judge V. J,. Toil Velio Iiiih a-kod Coiiintotiir Perliniu. avIio built the limine inuny yeujs ago lo limltu uu invoHtinlion of the struc ture nnd lilo.n rcHirt. Mcdfoitl , flood Town. Medford Is n mighty good tovu, worthy of tho holt of everything. That's why wo have Jolnml tho Amer ican Drug and Press nsnoclntlon and offer to our reoplo the Merltol line of goods, gunrniiteud In every way, with- preparations, made by tho associa tion nnd sold only through Its mem hers. Thorn Is nothing llku these goods, guaranteed In every why, with put an cqlinl, made, by experts. Wo waul Medford pooplo to havo tho best thero Is, so wo offer oti this lino. Ask to son Merltol guods nt lloskltis' Urug Store. Today Ullil TniiloVHin Only Till: S l All III' IlKIIMMIKM tlileo n'ol ThnnfToilMT ivvcn'iilly li online h) Hilt ciliiilng or vIlLs'lH Cllilisr NI) HIS MISSION AIOXtJ .MK.V - Tills Is an educational force bo Mind doseilpiiou. For tills pioduo thin fi00 people vvuro required, it mouth consumed lu Its piupurntluu nud over JMUIO expoudud. 4 10(10 Fool llesldim iiV CliV-y i'onuslloit Al Snllioc .the .linger Apprnpthito lirgiiu ncconipanliucnl by It. I). Forrust. Kfflds by II, I.. Wonlworfh. latlncos Pally, 3 to 5 p. in. Poxlllvol) no iidviincn lu iu-Icoh ADMISSION, fie. AND 10c uimi.no fcati'iuis III', ((ill, CI. Ilillllrt A Orcnt Northoru soiisatlun In U reels, IVtirunry tlrvl ninl 1 1 tt ISIS THEATRE Remarkable Catarrh Cure Gets Right Into tho Affected Part and Stops Gathering In I'.ycs, Noes. Throat and Lungs. HBbbbMIbIbbbbbbbV v.Iii:vii.m: 1IAI.COM .x .MNI'lllt ' Tlioo two Crackerslauk Kids, Photopho, Friday and Hatiirdny: mrrwKiiN i.evi: ami this u" MV II.IIIV" ".max uirrs Tin: iti:w.itn" Clark & Wright LAWYERS UANiii.NirroN, i. o. Public Laud Matters: Final I'mnf. Desert Lands, Contest nnd .Mining Cases. Scrip. John A. Perl Undertaker 28 H. ItAHTMiTT rhnues M. 1 71 nnd 473 Ambulance Hcnlco Deputy Coroner 1 ''"'vJv. o m 1 as P If I The Miller! Pride I i;; .iwiii.min wwmm mum Vr a Ion scries nt flalier.Mn cpfl men I nt tlio Hwlft litioruuiry It la iUrt nllclr known that catarrh can bo cured , by tlio almplo iiriKM of IniH-ulntlnK tlil IiIimmI with antidotal remr-llc that Hop . inimmiiittlorv cti'lltln tliruuicliiiul thai mucous lining of nil tho oripins of thn Official PllOtOfjrapllOr Of tllO body This Is itnno Willi tho fumiiiisl-- ,, . n ..... . ni . Hwlfl'a Huru Upcalflr. or ns It Is widely MCUlOrU COmmOl'Clal CIllU known. S, K. H. It Is taken Into tho Mom1 Just as iiAlurnllv at tho niont linurlihlug fiHHl, It irraila Its Infliirnco over every orcan lu Iho iMxly, ctiniM Ihrmuli nil tho veins and urtnrles, en atlna all inucoinf aurfnee to cicIiiiiiko In nninnmlory acid nnd othor Irrllutlnil autmlknccs for nrlerlal elements llmt ef fectually tlrntmo thn ylem und thus put an i' nd to ull iMilurrlml x.llutlon. H. H, H. cleans out tho stoiuach of mucous uo cumulntlonN, inaldea only puro bloud mnk In If moterliils lo enter thnjiitmllnrn, com Mnca wild tlimo fnoil rldiienla lo enter Iho circulation In lca limn an hour. Vim will soon rrM n wonderful In Duenco by I lilt ubuviico of hoailache. a de cided clearlna of tho air inuc. u Rteadlly liiiimiveil naal condition, nnd ii ncriMt of bodily relief that proven bow completely culitrrli ollon Infcula thn cu Urn nyitein You will Und H. II. II on anln nt nil drwr atnrea ut It as pr botllo. It U u rrmurkulilo rrumdy for liny and nil blood urftcllpna, such us ccneiim, rlt, I il pun, 'teller, psoriasis, IxilU hud nil acrof iiIqiis conOlllonn, For special mlvlca on any Mood dlnemo wrllo In t-onfldancn lo Tim Hwllt Htlno t'o, 117 Hwlft IIMk., Atlanlu, Oa. Do not delay to g( a bultlu uf ti. ti, U, ut your druwUta. lunlijlal by a Jab perfectly doneby re suits that gratify At your Grocer JOTK-rnlS r-t lmnp vUhffiur tiioi ttil Mililrr. nn I ijriirnir m iiitii. ror 1rQj.iu.n loiir Oro,i r miitii. ff B l).tu.ljui.ii,r (n. ni fttmttmhrmk. mita enbr..-w;j? iwrwiiatsjriiiiT-n-iTrrTir,ViT"ffffi'iiBfi't PLUMBING Stoain and Hot Wator Heating All Work (luiiruulicd 1'rlvos Itcusuiiublu COPPEEN & PRICE Howard Block. Entrance on 0th Home IMiune SUD, t. ' Luxury Without ExtraVaganco Hotel I Von Dorn 242 Turk Street Finest populnr priced ITolol in Sim Francisco Modern Gentraf i E. D. Weston Amateur Finishing Pout Curds Portraits ' Interior and oxtorior vJowb Flush lights Noifiitivcs niadu anv timo and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Draperies W- carry a very comnlota lino of ilriiiit-rb-s, bii-u ciirialMs. fixturea, uie., mill ilo nil clnmo a of iJiliolnlrrlliif A hiutiiiI man lo look iitor this work cXclUNlvtly nnd will iclvn as good aervicu as a poaslblo lo tint lu tivou tho InrRrat cities, Wooka & McQowan Co. WMliM Baft located und moot no pu 1 nrl hold in tne: (ill City. Running di&illed ice wntcr in ditch room. European Plun, a la Curtct Cafe. .; Tariff on Rooms SI. 00 each 1.50 each J 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.00 each ( ju iiiitei, ooiiroom, pnr- i lor and bath 3.00 each I For moro than ono uueet add S1.00 J extra to tho above rate for each additional guoit, j Reduction by Week or 'month. ' M.ihwnuiitt Chttttr W, 'KitUy imxfm3fsmpskxsni 1?. Vonim CO loomi 60 rooms 00 rooms Mlii pilule bath 80 room wiib prittlt bilk x