-ft t I S ., $, i..i '' i- V tf i. IS;' tt Xx1 r.H -.' ?? Mutt and "-L11 1'UllL LI L'L' 1 ' -an Will ' .. . ...ill . r5lN,'t,0MN, I.Ci'loeN-r f vMp j,kv o uuqn I . I "g wijr,MM)vfNMn. , " , ALWi MlNN. IT f SJ n 1 ' MQCO 10 (NljtC MOM " U;V: 'V ""'P WK.T UOmjTirut. .. To C016 TQ UV II WO OON'T COONT-H.1 .N -rHJ wOtttO 'Wyrnn,,,. wnmiui, m.i.ov. tww WG tuk;cv i nu th hn fj i u , " 1 ..tvm y rrauarKr,tc 'nducumcnt) VrTWW H0 K09ANJ AVk TMBR, 7 W I ,1 REVOLT OF TURKISH Y i nmtl.lN. .tun. S3. -Hi-volt o( (hn Turk lull nriny If Ailrlaii(iilo In rtxlml to I In- lliilliiiu allien Ir (iriMllclcil liorn Idilny by it IiIkIi (loriimii nriny of f r.ip. Tim offlror, who refnitci! jn imr lull (ho u of liln iiniiio, iloolunul hn liinl rwlvnl n Irtlvr from h TurkUU nffluur, niworilrin Hint tho Turklnh nf- flffln Imvit orRitnliiul mill will imvor allow tho I'orto to nrnil tho ai-o (rttm offers.! In (onlou. MEDFORD DOCTOR IN CHARGE OF HOSPITAL ! (fr('iint Citv Trilitnlo) Dr. '. IJ. KiiiiuilrrK. fonm-rly of M i'i! ford, ()riin, lum Iu-kii t'iiiilotil I iy llio MnHibliiffw Liiinlicr & Mux cim luy of hiiutliprii furry coiiuty, to In ho cliNiKi' of llio lii.iilii tbiit to In- liullt mill uKirnU'il for tho m Ayc of (hi) I'omiwmy. Tho iloi'ior whh in I'rciti'eiit Citv Wiiiliuilny, Ihiviiii; nrrivnl on the prttvioiiM pieiiinjf fmni liirt l"onur liniHtS cimtlux liy htni;o from flrnntx I'nHi lli fuiiuly it in Mnlforil mill will niiiulii thuro ilnriiiK tlm nintrr. Ditolor t'liiinilcrH went to Hroolc ln loilay when' lie will liw'iiiiU'ilil I lie liuililini: of (iiinrlcrs ilehiiialfd for nit up-lo'dalo hoiilal. OR. REODY BUYS RANCH NEAR CRESCENT CITY OmtfiUCNT CITV, Jnn, 23 lly fur tin. mint lmHrtniit ilcnl la renl itnle that linn lieoa niaile la thU Htclloii for vomit tlmu In nmlor way mill will iiroliiilily bo completed by tho last of tliln wtH)k, tho irnina lielm; tint Ml of tho Itnliert Wallou ranch to f)r, .1. I", ltedily and othorn. Tim iiroiwrty l just outnlilo of OrimiHint Oily, on (ho (Ipititn rniu road, anil nnmlnlii of iipiroxlmnti)ly 100'nniiM. Mr. Walton roorvtH five acre ,of Krotuid for n homo. Tho prlco pnlil wmt 1 20,000. DIED. Hittphnn H. Kmioy whh horn nt On woko. N. V., Oct. IC, tsan, and died at Mudford, Ore., Jan. 20, 101.1, at tho ronldenro of IiIh hoii-Iii-Iiiw II. H. Hriimblo. Whoa about clxlit yearn of nun ho, with bin pnroat. moved to Aurora, III. Ho whh loiiNerled at Houth Ml ilia, III., under tho Inborn of O. K. Ilfirronn. at tho nRo of 2:1, after wardH Jolnlnit thu 1'roo MothodlHt (ihnrcli til that pluro an a c-lmrlor in'oinlier. On May 12, 1802, ho wax married to Margaret M. llnvk, at that time movliiK to llavaiinn, Minn., whero they lived 10 yearn, later mnklm: their homo In Dakota H yunm, when In ISU'.i they moved to Mmlford, Ore., whero tlmy lived until IiIh death. W'lion tho I'ren Metliodlut church at Medford wan orKanlaod Mr. Knnoy wan UKalu ouo of tho charter mom hym, renuiliilui: a faithful momlmr to thu laHt. Tho Inttor part of hit AiiKUBt ho whh (alien nick with dropxy, DurliiK bin leut: HlcltnoHii ho nlwayu dUphiyod a patient ChrlHtluu siilnultiolvunofiH, Townrdu tlio laut hlddlm; rolatlvvH and frluiulB Koodbyco, novor falllnn to hold up ClirlHt and blu Ralvatloii to all. llo lonvuR to mdtiru IiIh death Ills wlfo, two diuiKhtcrs, Mrs. Cora V. WIIhoii and Mm, Mablo U, Uriiinhlo, with their families; a brother and winter In 1'ort AiikIoh, Waub,, ami a brother hi I.uiihIhk, Minn. Tho fuiiornl boivIcoh woro con ducted from tho Kroo MothodlHt oh u roll by Hov, V. 10. flpodo, uanlstod by Hov. W. R HhluIdH, Hov. M. K.I ChtldH and Hov. J. YV. Sliarpe Text: Hum. :i!!IH, "Know yut ant that thoro In n piluco and a Kront man fallen thin day In Iurucl?" A! FORECASTED Jeff Are Evidently on the Way to Our Correspondents EAQLE POINT EAGLETS y A. 0. Howittt r y I omit I nl to htntr in nv last thnL Mi4 lliittte Ciiieiule and Mr. (Jeoruo Sinuitll worn iniirriiil in Kan Krmi cIhco, Calif., on .lanuiiry 1 1 tit. Mrx. Siuwiill jh n dmiKhlerof Mr. and Mr. David Ciiieiule, of (hi place uud hU. ter of Policeman Harry Clnemlo of Mcilford, and livr maii.v friumU hero are wI1iIiik' tlm newly widdcil conpl all the (uJomi'iit that falU to the lot of married Hople. Air. I'urily, u lirotlior-iu-lnw of Dr. W. I'. Holt, who Iihh tieeii on a IniHi iio i trip up not tli rctunu'd homo Sumlay moraine. Ho reported the weather in Portland mid thu Willam ette valley generally very had, snow, wind, ruin mid in hoiiio plaeox nloct. Iixt Friday nl);lit Mr. mid Mrn. Krederlo Palouro kuvo n wiolul party in tjplker'x hall. The invitntionn were nenl out novcral daj'H before mid about one hundred rooudcd, nut- wiiiiHiiniiiliii; tho iilcbt wan very nlormy, mid thowo who nttcmleil re. Mirt Imviiie; had ouo of the must pleainiil tiuiex of their Iivoh. Tho iniixie h naid l have been excellent, ami it helnjj nu invited oompauv of ci ui run the behavior was up to dale. About iniilnlnht liht refreshments wero nerved and about three a. in. mo company iiokiiii to umperHO, wmii iiii Mr. and Mi-m. l'liloiuojunny re turiiH of Mich liappy oeentioui. Mrx. J. H. Carlton, nee llomie Drown, enme over fnuu their farm between Medfonl mid Central Point to attend the ball given by Mr. mid Mm. Pnloiuo Friday, rrmaiinui; un til Monday, viilinif ber brolhern, hintcr mid friendx. Frank JoIiiinou, one of tho pro pertniH fanuoiM of IiIh hcclion wan doiiiK buwiuiuui with our inurelinntH Monday. Mnii (Jarrutt of Lake Cnek waH a pleanant wilier for dinner Monday. D. K. Ilaak wan tdnonn Hie lupi neH callers Afomlay; alxo Peter Young and T. C. Dugan. Mr. Dublin fciMiitH that they have tho telephone line in o porn t ion in his neighborhood and that they find it a grout con venience. dud IMnall, who ban a contract to deliver u largo, ipianlily of haw log, out in Klamatli county, came in Sun day evening on n hutduo trip and lo M'o IiIh friend-. Hn miid that the Mail Tribune stopped coming to hU enmp mid that they hurried n inH Kcnger to renew the toibseription. Ho left tho logging camp about a week ago and at that time the hiiow wiik thirty iuchtm deep mid that by thin tiuio he thiiikx that it is at IciiHt.four or five feet deep and still coining. PHOENIX Dr. llnllllo whh In Medford Tues day. W. Smith and John Calhoun ro turned from California tho Inttor part of tho week. Mrs. J, A. (IrufflH. lnlUM K, HoiimoH and family Monday. K. HoamcB recently pureluucd a itrapluiphouo. Mr. mid Mrs. U, (JrUrx of Mon tiiBiie, Cnl aro vUUIti(f tho Intter'H uUteiH, MlftncH Anna and Marlon Towuo. Mr. Sheets and family of North Phoenix, aro ontertalnlai; Mr. Sheets' mother mnl nlnter from Iowa. School No. 3-1, of North Phootilx Iiiir rucently beoi utmidardUed mid ban ivcolved a cortlflcato of honor, MIhh Afjuoa Salter la tho toachor, On January 11, Walter Cnro and Mra, Martha Mlllor woro nmrrlcd at tho Preahyterlan iniuiso by Dr. J. IC. llnllllo. Mra. A. II, Houston In qulto sor louuly Hlek. Tho ProHbyterlaii. Milldos' Aid bavu boon very fortminto in accurlni; Dick 1'oBoy, tho poot of tho Hokuu, to bIvo nu oiitortalmuont in tho liliili OTDFORT) MAIL TRIBUNE. IfEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1013. fTwc TiXUOiM lb W'U'& TO iv v;ti-c QP HH,M SO'U tJTCfttf' J6B, QQMlYlirUI. Counts . . - I TABLE ROCK t . i .. i Mirny polutoeM have been frozen dnrliiR tho hard freeze. Work ban been inmpended at Modoc hlnro tho bad weather hognn. Prof. O. V. Davlu Ih vInHIiik frlotidH niKir (lold Mill. Hob Pattern)!! linn moved to Med ford. Mr. mid Mm. MuKolvey have Rono to Kniuan City, Mo., whero Mr. Mc Kelvey will have a poMltlon with a blllne)"8 llOUHO. Win. Truby ban taken tho position u foreman on the Hoot much. John Nealon Ih teaching kcIiooI In the Htich District which U No. 3. Grandma Colllnn who hna been vl ItltiK her koii, 8. C. Colllim, bun re turned to her homo at Jncknouvlllo. A erew of men aro nlrlnglng a now net of cable on the (lold Hay-Pro- itpoot lino and will furnlbb electric llr.htn to all who doidro thorn along the line, A cougar ha been seen ncvcral tltueii on the upper rock Utely. There wa a crowd of land buyers circulating around Tnblo Hock on Tuesday. Mm. fl. C. Colllnn expect her mother, Mr. Potter, to make her a vlilt In a few ilnyn. Mcnure are on foot to build a chinch at Tnblo Hock to coit $4000 or $5000. Thoro will ho a literary program at Table Hock Saturday evening, Jan. 2Sth. II. Connor has a now foreman but wo havo not learned hl name. MltH Hoo DoKord U (pending tho winter with hoe grandmother nt Port laud. ""Doctor Collin mado a hutlncu trip to Jaokouvlllo on Suturduy. ., I WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETSl 1 V Otcnr Htackford went to Ashland on business Tuesday. Mm. H. W. Klden mid Miss Hose Jones wero Medford visitors Friday. Medford and Central Point butch era wero scouring Willow Springs last week for cattle, pigs and sheep. All of which they woro nblo to ob tain without much effort. Willow HprlngH was well repre sented at tho band boyiC boneflt dnnco Friday night In Central Point mid reports tho best tlmo tlila win ter mid thu finest supper. John r'alklmii, mi old resident of Willow Springs, la qulto III nt lib) homo In tho root hills. Uo contracted a cold some tlmo ago and has not been able to dispel It. It Is hoped that ho will In tho near futuro. bo convalescing, , If tho people of this valley will plant broom corn sufficient to en courago. a factory, Pearl llonnoy, n man of ten yearn exporlenco In that lino, will estnbllHli a broom factory, turning out anything In tho broom lino that can ho niado. Tlila Is a feature worth thinking about consld orably, as It will nlvo work to ninny and circulate tho money hero thnt now goos out of tho county. Mr. Uouiioy snya tho broom corn Is the boHt paying coronV ix plant. ill .per sons wishing to plant from ouo to ton acroH confer with Mr, Uonnoy for Heed. Post office nddroHD, Central Point, Oregon. ,i,TT..tn.i.1." ri- -v.il.' .v tni ..I., I, i.rr bcIiooI assembly room, FrbJny oven lug. Tho poot will bo nsslated by Home of tho bcBt musical talynt of Phoenix, Hurrt'ssfiil Meetliigu. Tho ovnngollstlo liioetlngs holil In tho collogo building on Grapo stroet havo boon well uttumlod and a splen did Interest nianlfcstoil during tho ton weeks they hno contlnitod, San-Icon will bo hold tQitlglt tho Hiibjoct beings "Tho GreiiteBt Power In tho Unlvoim" Othor lnoollnga will bo anuouucod lator, " Turkey f ttotiCwiBir 4,0(0 (AtM an a,c t.we (N Tyrt;6W f Np A thCS SC S UC i inoyrriricti.c poM IN Mrt A GAM&o r I HOUlOHT T(SU& TO r WJV.TAN . t t-A MIlA I J-V . - . - - t OH T JH 3 RY SUITABLY OBSERVED Ono of tho nodal events of tho week was the party given by Mr. and Mm. Hcrt (Jlhbs. January 2Ut being their wedding anniversary, the even ing was spent nt progresslvo whist. Mm. John Thorpe tarried off tho first prize a roo pillow. Mm. Martin Wagner, tho consolation a Miter meat fork, and Mm. Fredorlck son tho boob' miniature powder puff. Tho gentlemen' first prlzo wnn wan by Mr. John Hoter a burnt wood collar box. consolation by Mr. John Summenlllc a pair of silk bono and tho booby by Mr. ICrochcllo a pair of baby shoe. At cloven o'clock a three courso luncheon wnH oerrcd consisting of fruit cocktail, southern salad In orango cups, corn relish, olives, lionfj-niodo pickles., chicken cand- wlches, fruits and nuts, dessort and coffee. Immediately after tho prizes woro distributed Mr. and Mm. Glbbs wero presented with a bonutlful caso of sllwr, a token of tho friends gathered there. Mr. J. T. SummorvlHo mado tho presentation speech. The rooms wero beautifully' decorated with mistletoe, holiday colors and wed ding bells. Tho score cards wero red bells, and menu cards in white bells. Thoso who enjoyed tho even ing were Mr. and Mra. C. T. Moe, Mr. and Mm. J. T. Suuimcrvllle, Mr. and Mm. Martin Wagner, Mra. and Mra. II. Woolworth, Mr. and Mrs. V. Krcderlcksoii, Mr. and Mm. John Uotcr, Mr. mid Mr. S. A. Kroshellc. Mr. and Mm. John Thorpe, Mrs. C. W. Martin, Mrs. M. IC. Donning and Leo Sumniervlllo, All mado merry until n lato hour wUjn they departed leaving their host and bosteaa with many good wishes Inxpresslng In very glowing terms tho pleasure tho evening had afforded them. Legal blanks for sale at the Mall Tribune office. tf NEW TODAY A party has n good 1912 auto that ho will trade for a bouso In Medford, or for Home good close In property hero. It Ih n flno machtiia and tho property should bo good. Nino acres Joining Aahlnud with a good house of 11 rooms, and other buildings, cemout reservoir to Irrl gnto a purt, two good, wella mid thu land nil Hot to fruit. Cherries, por.ra and peaches. It Ih producing a ulco lot of fruit, and Is n good paying Investment, and nlljoung trees. $5000.00, A flno house closo In for rent. C. D. HOON Itnotn 19. 4rknn County llnnk 111lc SOMETHING Worth While $5000 Or moi'o to loim on AtI ranch or business property. Bennett . Investment Co. flftfe jmrv v iT v." .sH ifTVJ (vJ yTT I bHIM vij n &z i &W3 iffi 'fl.4feft llllll Rv ' IIHIssV Jl mWtiJ ' ' I - - - . M WKM$r IIIH - . -s-? H-iDZt evew ;cNTv.GMN Hal , i totjiovNoeD ox f lwoics mo i . Parents and Teachers Meeting The Parents nnd Teachers' associa tion of Hoosevclt school will hold a regular meeting Friday, January 24, nt 3 o'clock. Tho topic for discussion Is "Practical Methods of Co-opera-tlon Uetween the Home and School." Mm. Opp Is tho leader, Miss Carkin will assist. There will bo an election of officers, ImiKirtant business and a full utteudanco Is desired. TO FAUMKHS AM) OHCII AHDI.STS. Cultlvato your land with a Motor Tractor. It will pay for Itself In tho saving of horse feed and hired help. Valley Motor & Tractor Co., Volloy naraeo. Medford. POD ItnNT OWIGKS FOIt KENT Large, comfortable of fice rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo It Ildw. Co. FOU TtKNT 3 offices connected over Kldd's Shoo Store. Low rent. Terms. A. C. Taylor. It. H. No. 2. Medford, or Clark's Realty of fice. 283 FOU ItUNT HOUSES FOU IlKNT Modora G room fur nlshsd houto. Call at CO North Orange. FOU HUNT 5 room tnoaora bun galow, practically new. Medford Hcalty & Improvement Co. " FOU RKNT Furnished bouse, close In, M. A. Rader. M. F. & 11. Co. VOK REM' Seven room bouso, SIC. Phono Col II. II. Sargent. 2C0 FOR RENT One six room house close In. Also housekeeping rooms, electric lights gas, bath, etc No. 310 N. Banlott. FOR RENT OR SALE llouso and two acres In fruit. Phono 2SC-L. 260 FOU HKXT--FUUNLSHHl) ROOMS TOR HENT Kirnlshedrras. 236 South Contra). 260 FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at the Cottage, C04 West 10th St., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mm. H. M. Com. 274 FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, Sl.fiU and 2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments. SIS and Sit;. Home phono 2CC-1C. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT NIco modern room with board for two people at Mrs'. Fay's. 22 Gcnova Avo. FOR HKXT HOPSEKF.KPlXa ROOMS FOU HENT Furnished houso keep ing rooms, lights, gas. wood heat er. No children, Pbouo 2SC-L. 200 FPU KKXT FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT SmlthAptsT 2 H S Hlv.' FOR RENT Furnished apartment now, private bath, hot water heat. The llcrbon Apartment, io Quince St.,crncr West Main. FPU RENT MlSCKMiAXKOUS FoirRENT" GMTinTproved'ranchT 140 ncrcji cleared. Addrosa "Op portunity" care Mall Trlbuno of fice. 2S0 FOR SALH MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Piano, stool rango. small heating stovo ami iron bedstead. 17 Roas Court. 3G1 FOR SALE Calling cards,, printed, ongravod or embossod at the Mall TTlbuu.c, p((lco FQR SALE Loose leaf ledger. sys torus, any stylo or auado to order by the. Mall Trlbuno bindery. FOR SALE-rrLegnl blanks, tresspass notices, for sale or rout sings nt the Mall Trlbuuo, FOR SALE Lottor heaaa nnd fancy stationery, printed, oncraved or ombosscd, as you wish at the 'Ma Trlbuno. FOU SALE Com by Dr. Claucy. FOR-SALK. NIco Newtown culls. 35 cents per hot, syvect cltlor 25q per gallon. Home phono 341, party L. 2C3 FOR SALE Fruit box labels In ono two or three colors, prlutod as you ordor at tho Mall Trlbuno. By t ,-h. TWOTICK5TS FOR. TURK.5N PL6Ai6 l7tr 1011 HALK MIHCEMiAXKOUfl Foli""TiAL,B-8pIf nilfd " puro" "bred liar red Plymouth Hock cockerels. Address If. 11., caro Tribune; or call at COt Plum street. ' FOR SALE Dry lC-Inch balm wood Delivered In not less than two-tier loads nt S2.G0 pr tier. Phono 403-H-3, Frank Van Dyke. 203 IIKLP WAXTi:i- FKMAT.B WANTED (llrl forgonoral house work, good homo and small wage. Phorio 7842. 2C0 WANTED Pupil nureoa at Granite City Hospital, Ashland, Oregon. Olcim C. Ostrom, SupL 2C2 VAXTK WTOATIOXS WANTED liy youruflady ?! '"weper lonce, a position In store or offlct. Phono 289-R. 2C2 WANTED Waiblntr za an hoar. Plain sowlntr S1.C0 for S sours. Phono 2S5-K. 260 WAXTKD 3IISCKMiANKOUH WANTED Chickens, hens, roosters and pullets. In any quantity. J. 11. Lyons, Phoenix, Oregon. WANTED Medford property In ex- "" " iuiwiiu JUU1ICIIJ. Clark Realty company. FOU EXCHANGE tun fcAuuA.-sut; uwnor will ex change Portland property and, acre age. Polk county acreage for Med ford city or valley property or raw land. O. K. Walling, Portland. Oro., 301 West Park. 264 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE We can sell or exchange your second hand automobiles. No cbargo for storago If you let us sell for you. Valley Garage, Villey Motor & Tractor Co. MOXEV TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city or ranch property. Clark Realty Co. MONEY TO LOAN-On city and close In ranch property. C A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3681. ucsixkss Dinixnoitr Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AD STHACT CO., No. 6, South Central. Attorneys C. L. UEAMES. LAWYER Office Modrord National Rank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Poslofflco bldg. A. E. RBAMES. LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MM. KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms . 11 and 13 Jackson County Dank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor ut Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Accountants D. R. WOOD Oeuoral Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.: phono 6611; real donco phone 6303. Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest mid best equipped plant lu tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Chiropractor DR. K. J. LOCKAVOOD. Chiropractor. norvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 aarnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ndvico lu dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydropthornpy, Lady at tendant. Pbouo Home 145-L, Main 5712. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louiso E. Hodges, Mcchnno - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spoudylotheraplats, Theso systems, including dlototlcs, curatlvo gymnastics, hydro-thor-aphy, etc., produce results lu both acute and chronic dlaoases. Con sultation free. 230 North Dartlett St., next door to M, 10, church. Hours 9 a. in. to G p. m, Othor hours by nppolutmotii. Roll phono Main 4171. HHH f AGE JPIVB. "Bud" Fisher! .. t ", T T nUHIXESS DIHHCTORT mkk MEDFORD I1RICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. OTlrlen Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers la pressed brick and lime. Office nt their brick yard. West Jackson st. Phono No. 3401. Civil Rsglnocr LOUI3 W. WHITINa Civil engineer ad surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty: sur veys, subdividing, building gr?dse, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Reosa 2, Palm blk., Uedfonl. Orf. Dentist DR W M. VAN &COYOC DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentlete Gamett-Corey bldg., mite M0. Medford, Ore. Both pfcene. DR. ARTBMU8 W. DEANB Dentist. Oftlee la Rlalta bldg., 123 Best Main 34. uu adaabiUtercd for ex traction of teetb. Pkeae Mala 681. Night phone 4432. Garbage GARDAGE Get year premises cleaned up for the winter. Call on the city good service. Y. Allen. garbage wagons for Phone Mala ,2S1. V. Nurseries tlUAKKK. NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Onr etoek la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are net la the, trust. H. D. Pattomoa. Office rejnovod to office Hotel Nash, la side entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notarr nub ile Bring your work te me at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Printers and PublbHers MEDFQRD PRINTING CO. hat the uvsi t:iuiinou, printing ouiee la southern Oregon; book binding, loose loaf ledgem, billing systems, etc. Portlaud prleea. 27 North First Physicians and Surgesaa UR. F. G. CARLOW, DH. BVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. 416-417 Garnett-CoreT bldg.. phone 278-K. Resides 420 South Laurel st. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Jackson County Dank bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phone PRQ1; rasldenee -307 South - Oakdsle st., phono 7171. Home phono, resi dence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to dlsiase of women. Offices 232 E. Main, Phonos, office, 28; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically toated and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. noth phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jaek son County Bank bldg. Offlse phono Main 432; Res. phone, Main 582. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Mala and Dartlett sis., office phono, 271; residence phono, 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prae tlco limited to chronlo diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Wedneidays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmor 16xx5 Eagle Point and Uoguo River lino. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physt clan and surgoon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel, Hour 10 to 13, 1 to 4. Phone Pacific 1101. DR. R. W. OLANGY Physician ana surgeon. Phones, office, 501; retl denco, 7241, Office hours 10 9 12, 2 to 5. DR Y. W. HOWARD Osteopath Physician, 303 Garnett-Coref Building. Phone 91-R. ,-, .,. -wsa.... Stenographers , ELLA M. dAUNYAW Pairn" bloalC Stonographlo work done qutcklj! and well. . , i Transfer BADS TRANSFBii" &8TOHAGiiC) Office 10 South Fir nt. Fboa Bell 3152: Home 350-K. Prleea rlghj. Service guarantes4. T , ' ItTftAMiPfr , t- ! t ! ifl i ! i ! .i . d . '" I ' ; .