r .41 i B f I'i w I . PXGE SEC nUDFORD MATT! TRTBTim MEDFORD, ORKflON. MONDAY, JANUARY 20, WW. ONUIE PLANS FOR WEDDING OF MISS HELEN GOULD TARRYTOWN, Hi Y , .Inn. 20. Alt plans were completed today for tho mnrrlnRO hero next Wednesday of Miss Helen Gould and Flnley J. Rlicjmru. TIio preparations wcro superintended by tho bride-to-be. nnd tlioro will bo ho neither pomp nor display. Tho corcmony will bo performed by Her, Daniel Russell, pastor of tho Presbyterian church at IrvhiRton-ou-thc-liudeon. Tho only attendants to tho brldo will bo bnr two nieces, Misses Helen and Dorothy Gould. Slnco their father, Frank Gould, was divorced, tho two girls have lived with Miss Gould. Miss Gould has Insisted that tlioro bo no olaborato display of flowers and tho only expensive tcaturo of tho wedding will bo tho music, consist ing of nn orchestra of 40 pieces. Tho opening march will bo from Lohon Krin, and Midsummer Night Dream. George J. Gould, tho railroad mag nate, will lead his sister to tho altar, and Louis Sbcpard, brother of tho bridegroom, will act as best man. Tho wedding party will consist of members of tho family and a few Intimate friends. Tho Due do Talleyrand and tho Duchess, Jwho waB Anna Gould, and their young Bon, Howard. Prince do Sagan, aro hero to attend tho wed ding. The Duchess brought rich bridal gifts for her only sister. Closo friends of the Duchess today commented on her Improved appear mice. When sho visited hero as tho wlfo of Count Donl do Castellano sho appeared broken and low spirited. Today sho was smiling and happy. As tho steamer Maurctanla canto up Xew York bay tho Duchess pointed out to her wide-eyed son New York's tall buildings. "Wo'ro not going to stay very long," tho Duchcsa said. "About two weeks, I think." The Duko avoided the reporters. INDIAN TROPHY SHOW IS BEST HISTORICAL COLLECTION, MADE BY WOMAN AMONG EIGHTEEN TRIBES, AT COLISEUM, CHICAGO BBBBBBBBHHffiKgHiB 47?IHHnBCBBMHr 1&MtJlil29BjMSjK "!'" Xi Jkf X&K? ikt. MMb1bHME tfWMfeiBstasata. .lWIIbVH V A-. r 3bHb!bbbbbBbbW n Bn-BMBWrWBBBHIiBnBBWBkV BsiflHiiB BktwSBEL j(V'V ft KrHBlBi9waBtfBMMHBBJUfl Vi ", BhUhv urn BBBBBBBBHBBBBBV9r 'fl DAHO OFFCERS EN ROUTE HERE TO PLAN TO LABEL ALL El Tho land show at tho Coliseum, Chicago had tho greatest individual collection of beaded-buckskin wearing apparel In tho world. Thli included historical war drew worn by Old Si-Ych, Littlo Plume, (liMingiuVned warriors of tho Illackfcct Tribe in Glacier National Park. Tiro exhibit, which formed n pctur esquo part of tho Glacier Nat! -mil park booth, Is the property of Mrs. Margaret Carbcrry of Rlackfoot. Mont. Mrs. Carberry devoted twclvo years or her Hfo In tho UnltcJ States Indian scrvico as a school teacher. Sho has been twenty-two years gathering tho 2,344 articles of Indian wearing ap parel, every piece of which has been worn by an Indian. Trading Woman, as sho Is known &nong tho Indians, made bcr collec tion among eighteen tribes In Now Mexico, Arixonn, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. Sho has tho gala and ordinary attlro which wcro worn by tho tribes of tho Sioux, Plcgnns, Chip pewa, Modoc, Commanche. Shoshone. Arapaho, Mokl nnd Choycnno nations. Ono of tho moat prised things in her collection la tho completo "full dress suit of tho lato Mttlo Plume, a noted warrior, which was worn for the last time, by Littlo Plumo In tho Roosovelt Inaugural parado In Washington. Littlo Plumo was proudest in this at tlro on that occasion whon President Roosovelt saluted him as tho Indian chief passed the reviewing stand be fore tho Great Whlto Chief of tho nation. This is tho' first tlmo Mrs. Carborry's exhibit over was displayed. Tho Smithsonian Institution has endeavor ed to get possession of tho collection, but Trading Woman would not soil a slngln mocnssln. She does not even attempt to fix a financial valuo on It In fact, sho Is no solicitous about the safety of tho collection that sho In sured It for $15,000 against flro and Louis W. Hill, chairman of tho Great Northern railway, who induced her to bring tt to Chicago, agreed to hire two night watchmen to guard it before sho would oven consent to ship tho stuff to the Chlcngo show. Tho peven Rlackfoot Indian who were guests nt tho land show took turni staying in tho booth to keep nn eye upon tho passing throngs during show hours. There Is ono string of 150 elk tooth In tho collection. TAKE ESTES BACK K. Ii. Ksll'S, I'lllitlllllK tit lid I) pi't'SS- limn, arrested hero htsl week fur oh Intning money on false pretenses, will lie taken to Caldwell, lilnlui wttliltt a lew tiny (o iiiihwoi to a similar elmrge. Yiiiuux KhIih is ulco witnlt'il ut Wiiiser mill Hoise, in every enso Die eliurgo lieiiig Unit lie eiixhiM checks on bmikH where liu luul no fllllllri. Kates imssed noernl luul cheeks in Mcilfonl mid when cuuulit induced friends to make good for hint, It wax thought for a time Unit liin ciim could not he proncoutcil but whim won arrived that ho was wauled in so many other iluees, it wax decided to hold him. Should lie he tried lieiv it would lie necessary to send for Idaho witnesses so the count will he mixed an e.xHMiso by sending him back. ' The cheeks he passed in Med foul were nil on tho City National hank at Hoise. A Caldwell officer is on the way to Medfori! mid will take him back. imint, thai thu I'lillnd Slates navy l "compoHcd largely of ilospernlo uiuiit who mo no good mirlnlly or moral ly," wim iimdo hero today by lleek limn Wluthniii, luitlmt ueorclary of tho navy, "Statlntles roiupletely contradict Hlutrpc.," Hiild 'Inthrop. "IIIm km snrtlou In iiliNiiid, mid In that of an uninformed until. Our recruiting hh loin Is very iiurcemiftil, nnd great caro Is taken that only men of good icpulo hIiiiII hueomo u part of thu cutntillHlc imint." IN UNCLE SAM'S NAVY WASHINGTON. Jun. 20 Sharp answer to tho assertion by Major Samuel Simpson Slinrpe, conservative member of tho North Ontario Parlla- L RECEPTi TAKES PLACE OF BALL OLYMPIAv Wash.,- Jan. 20. An effort to solve tho time-honored prob lem of "When Is an egg fresh?", was mado today by Senator Kalrchilds of King county, when ho Introduced a bill designating the labels under which eggs may be sold in this state. Falrchllds idea Is to label all eggs not over a week old as 'strictly fresh. If you cun't sell them by that time change them over to tho next box bearing tho tag 'Local Itango.' Peoplo In the egg business who buy up largo lots Jn tho summer time and put them on ice must label them 'cold storage.' All eggs from back cast to bear tho titlo of 'Eastern.' WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The re quest of Proideut -Klcet Woodrmv Wllwui for elimination of the inaug ural ball will he respected. This de cision was reached here today when the iumigunil committee, headed by Chairman Ku-tis, voted unanimously for il elimination. The inaugural committee decided to hold n public reception on the night of March -I instead of the u.-iinl ball. It probably will bo held in the rotunda of the cnpitol building. Senators Drown, Overman nnd Crane nnd Congressmen JIcKinley, Garrett and Ilueker were appointed n committee to consider the plan. T SALKM, Ore., Jan. 20.A bill seeking to re-lustate tho officers of tho socond battalion, third regiment of tho Oregon National Guard, who wuro discharged for alleged dis obedience of orders at Gato, Wash., during tho maneuvers last summer, is promised for introduction lu tho JcglHlaturo within a few days. It Is roportod ttiut two other bills will likely bo offered in tho way or counter-attack by tho Mutineers, which will strlkcdlrectly at tho high er officers, who wero responsible for the discharge of tho accused officcis. Dsliy Hint 1 1 pni farts. -.."i?WF-. bHLbHbViEJU' ilm'LHi LLHUbwLt BbLHf1 . IV. IW1. !. W k..f4., 'llw yi. ik in n-itjiun nai u uuiu .oar. It. (ror.l of Kir (nsul unU Is madr vt biucl An. Tii uppr brim is liiOte'.y puiu. oyvi tht fi.ni. biaa I'anJs ar ad abou 1 1 vrown anil snuU rvci are placed oi lit lirlip on ijiUitr luf. -Malum Alls. FOR INAUGURAL PARADE COLL'MniA, S. C, Jan. 20. Dis like for Win. K. Gouznlt', editor of tho Columbia. States, who would have charge of the militia, today caused Governor U!eno to nnnounee that he would not permit South Carolina troops to attend the inaugural bull at Washingtoj. "Gonznlo.1 would take delight" suid Blease,- "in placing the governor of South Carolina in mi embarrassing xsition. The troops hud bettor stay nt home. TO ELECI COLI SENATOR HOSTON, Jan. 20 New Hamp shire and Hbodu Isluud leglslatureu will vote tomorrow for United States senators. Tho Hhodo Island legisla ture Is tcrtulu to elect Judgo Laren 11, Colt, republican. Tho New Hamp shire legislature has been deadlocked for a week, and it Is not expected that a cholco will bo reached tomorrow. 5 TO 15 YEARS SALBM, Ore., Jun. 20. Tho lot of men who livo off tho curnlugs of womou will be a hard one If a bill Introduced toduy by Representative Upton of Portjaud, becomes a luw. It provides u penulty of from five to fifteen years in the penitentiary, without nltornntlvp of n fine. SAN HKRNAHMNO, Cal., Jan. 30. A score of miles of the most his torically romantic country of south cm California is being combed today for the murderer of Telegraph Opera tor George Cox, who was found dead at his key at the Santa Fu stutiou ut Summit Saturday nioming. Deputies, directed by Sheriff Ralphs, nre patrolling the wild moun tainous section about Summit that was made famous in the late -10V by 'the flight nnd pursuit of Mexican bandit Vasimez, the bloodiest and most sensational manhunt in the his tory of Pacific coast olicc annals. The trail, through which thousands of pioneer entered California and which was the scene of n dozen bloody I'to massacre, nlso is being guarded. Ralphs does not beiee thu fugitive can cscajve. Several susiieots have been arrest cd nnd brought here. The sheriff scouts the idea that any of these U thu murderer. FIVE POUND NOTES 7 LONDON, Jan. 20 "Five pound notes n penny each." For twenty minutes nn unkempt and unshaven muii, stood outside the Grand Hotel hero offering for snlo genuine five-pound notes for a penny tach, and disposed of only two. "Hvcryouu thought I was a faker," said tho actor. ''A friend Insisted ho could sell anything In Loudon. Finally I bet him lilm I could not sell twenty five-pound notes nt n penny each in 20 mlilutcs. I won lu n walk'" WOODMEN PLAN TO HOLD BOX SOCIAL T oy E OLYMPIA, Wash.. Jan. 20. Seek ing aid in his fight to abolish capi tal punishment in Washington, Rep resentative Frank Goss today sent an Invitation to Governor Oswald West of Oregon to address tho legislature hero in support of tho former's bills abolishing the death penalty, the Goss bills which wcro Introduced before tho houso today provide for Ufa Im prisonment Instead of death an tho punishment for first degree murdur aud treason and contains a clause limiting the power of tho governor to pardon persons convicted of theso crimes. Warden Reed of tho state peniten tiary Is a supporter of these bills. EDITOR C0UTANT OF GRANTS PASS PASSES AWAY GRANTS PASS, Jan. 20.-Chnrles G. Coutant, editor of the Daily Cour ier, passed away at his" homo on South Sixth street, Fiiduy evening, Jaiuiury 17, at 7 o'clock, nt the ugo of 72 years, three mouths mid ono day, .Mr. Coutant wns stricken curly in October while nt hid duties ut the Courier office, nil insidious paralysis rendering useless his left arm. This and succeeding mild attacks of the protest of nature to a furtherance of the activities of a human life that had reached its allotted span, kept breaking down tho physical defenses, nnd strength fust wmivd, Mud ford Cnmp No. 30. Woodmen of the World held a splendid mcotlng Saturday night, January 18th. Tho attendanco was largo uud souio very Important business was transacted, Including souio lultlartory work. Tho contest for new members having been continued until March 1st, It was decided to hold n class Initiation and bainjuot tho first regular mcotlng In March. Arrangements wcro also mado whereby tho Woodmen aud the Women of Woodcraft will hold a box social Jointly, Saturday night, Jan uary 20th. Tho ladles to furnish tho boxes and thu gentlemen aro to bid them In. An uuusually good time Is expected. Hotel Medford Rooms without Imlli 30c per day and up. Rooms witli both 91, no per day and op. Six-clul rntcn by week or month. Grants Pass Opera House T. V. HAM.r.Y, Mgr. Iff, rf HTl " I Wednesday, January 22 oscar n.MMi:itNTi:i i'ri:.si:ntn !A.1K$fr Florence Webber AM) Till: WORI.D-l'A.MOltS fO.MIt'OI'lIRA COMPANY OF 00 WITH ITS OWN HPIX'IALOHniRSTRA FOIMTH !!0 MONO HITS IN virion iii:ihii:rt'h .mantkiipiicci: "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" Sale of Scats at ltucll'N, Plioiui iWlMt. (lL.RANTi:i:i FlltST.ri.AHH ATTRACIION Combination breakfasts every morning 2.1, !W nnd -13 tcuts. IWc iilc Tomorrow's MRRCHANTH Ll'NCII 11:10 to 2 p. m. Scotch llroth with Parley Mluuluua.ot King Salmon Figaro Po lames Jullenuo Minced Tenderloin Cutlets with French llcaus Rolled Pickled Ox Tongue Gcrmalnu Spanish Stew with Corn Dumpling Mashed Potatoes Creamed Carrots Spiced Pickles Applo Plo Orange Shorbet Coffo Ten Milk Announcement Wo have cngugcil for a short time at n ery largo expense Hrrr Carl GrlMcn of Rrrlin nnd Mine. Otptolla Kilyne, conccrtNts, commencing Jan if J' Sonaon's Groatost Musical Offoring OIGA STEEB World's Groatoat Woman Pianist NATATORIUM Friday Evening JANUARY 24th "Hold audience spellbound for two hours, then received an ova tion." Portland Journal. "Absentees missed the musical experience, of a lifolimo. Conneri brilliant success." J'ortluud Ore Ionian. "A first magnitude siar." San 3'Yaiieiseo Kxaniincr. Pricos $2.00 and $1.50 Rcsorvod soata on salo at Haskins' Tuesday, January 21st, nury !d. LOOK HERE FOR IT .Many .Mall Tribune Reader Will be Interested When people road about tho cures mado by a medlclno endorsed from far awuy, is It surprising that they wonder If tho stutomonts aro truo? Rut when they read of cases right heru at homo, positive proof is with in their reach, for closo investiga tion is an easy matter. Read Med ford endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. F. W, Gray, 507 Palm 8t Medford, Ore., bays; "A few years ago my kidneys began to bother mo mid the trouble was aggravated by my occu pation, which required mo to be on my feet the greater part of tho day. When I begnn work In tho morning I felt all right, but lifter I had been on my feet for a couple of hours, my back begun to pain mo .and at night I would scarcely bo able to straight ton. In some way I heard of Roan's Kidney Pills and began using them. They cured mo In a short tlmo and In return, I um pleased to recom mend them." For sale by all dealors. Prlco 00 cents. Fostor-Mllburn.C'o., Ruffalo, New York, solo agonts for tho United Stutcs, Remember tho namo Doan's nnd take no other. WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR A splendid display I Every shape of foot has been prodded fori Shoes for thu street or house wear. Shous to meet in cry woman's chou wants 1 High tots, medium toes, mid low toes. All urn right this season. Simply a matter of preference, on your part. Wo want women to know about the goodness of our .KU.O mid $I.0U Shoes, Bohling's "GOOD FIT" SHOE STORE COLDS or CATARRH BAD BLOOD DOES A cold will usually nggrnvatc the symptoms of Catarrh, Just nn It tuny In crease the pains of Rheumatism. Rut the cold had no more to do with tho real cause of the ono than with the other. Had blood. In the underlying cause for Catarrh; the circulation Ih Infcctcil with Inipuritlcfl which arc de posited Into the liiucouu nicuibrnncii causing- IiiUammution and Irritation, followed by execssivu Accretion of the noo unit throat, roaring- nouudri lu the cars, neuralgia, Inlluuucl eyes, etc. Ucing nilcep-ncatcd blood trouble. Catarrh must be treated constitutionally, for It Ih iKjyoiul tho reach of local treatment. The blood must bo purified tho cause rc--j t moved before a euro can bo effected. ?. S. S. curcaCa Vll f tnrrh by cleansing- the blood, of nil impure catarrhal mut a a s" tcr nnd nt the fiamo tlmo building up the nyntcin by It.i W W W f,nu tonic effects. In other words S. 8, S. cured the trou wtar kar j,ie by nupplying tho nuicoua nicnibrnncu with healthy, ff Ann lifc'Civlng- blood Instead of naturatlnjr them with ca w&wj tnrrhal Impurities. Sjieclat lioolc on Catarrh nnd any medical advice free to ull who write nnd request same. 3. 8. 8. in lor ualu at dmi; Btori, tje SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA. CA. r .4 CLUB RATES For the Daily Mail Tribune and the Weekly Del Norte Triplicate $5.60 a Year The Triplicate is published Weekly at Crescent Oily, the hustling coast city about which many people now wish information. This offer is open to all who now sub scribe or all who havo paid up their sub scription to Dec. 31, 1912. TWO PAPEKS FOR A LITTM3 OVJ3U TJlJiJ PIUOE 01? ONE Weeklv Mail Trihune-TrmliW 19.70 - J -. w ..j..wM., Yl, W WWSWWIIIWI 'PIWIS'IJHSSiSI I ! I !! I l l I W !" I MPMIlIWI.l II. -' ff