4 ft PAGE TWO. MEDFORD UfATlJ TRIBUNE, miTFORD. OREO ON. MONDAY. JANUARY 20, 1D1.1. IOCAL AND , L PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. U. C Brown nnJ Geo R. Neulier wern among tnoso over rront Jnck6nvlllo Saturday. Will ltnnna ot fceattto Is making Medford nnd .Jacksonville- i short ylslt. , 1U8. and S. ,S. Dullls or Oloan, N. Y., arrived tn Medford Snturday. Tliey wont to tbo Starling mine, In which they nro interested. Geo. T. McDonald ot Glendala and C. 12. Ohphnnt nt Koscburg hnvo been making Med ford a business visit. JlcAl homo Mnda bread nt Do- Voo's. Mrs. M. M. Sheets nnd daughter, Miss Qertrudc of llagloy, lown, ar rived In Medford Satttrdndy night nnd will visit for a few weeks with M. F, Sheets nnd family of this city. Horn, on January 7. 1913, to Mr. nnd Mrs. F. F. Lodcr, a daughter. V. J. Tanner will raanago tho Natatorlum rink from now on. Spe cial attention to ladles. Open after noon and evening". Lesson morn ings, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. Teaching GO cents. 257 Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Scott and son, Wilbur, of Crlswcll. Oregon, nro In Medfonl visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Reynolds. Joseph FeUnor and Mr. Hunch wcro down from Grants Pnsa this week. Fred Alton Ilalght (National Con servatory Nevr York) teacher of piano and harmony, specialist In cor rect principles ot touch and tech nique. Residence Btudlo, 403 Oak dalo avenue, South, phono 7SC2. Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Lcwraan arc visiting in Klamath county. Rev. Dr. Holt of Portland arrived In Medford Saturday and hold serv ices in tho Presbyterian church Sun day. Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myr tle S. Lockwood (regular physicians, nqt chiropractors) havo removed their offices from tho Hasklas' build ing to 233 E. Main street. ST1 Attorney DcArtnond made a pro fcstloual trip to Grants Pass Satur day. A. J. Kfum was over from Modoc orchard Saturday afternoon. To close them out, all cook stoves and ranges, at reduced prices, give us a call. F. W. Shaplelgh Hard ware Co., 36 South Central avenue. E. Wilkinson, Sr., and J. C. Halt left - for .XoaJlsgelea Saturday and will be at the ringside when Dud An derson and Sammy Trott meet Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson of Eaglo Point were among their Medford friends Sunday. II. E. Albert ot Salem has been making Medford a business visit. Miss Edna Merlll has returned to California after a visit with friends and relatives in Medford. For goodness sake, save R. A. Holmes, the Insurance man write your Insurance. He knows how. Kmmett Becsoa and II. O. Slmp hon of Talent wcro recent business visitors In Medford. Shorlff Slnglcr was in Medford Saturday on official business. Bring that old book with torn binding down and have It rebound at the Mall Tribune office. Costs but little. tf Mrs. O. Davis and Mrs. O. Jcldncss havo returned from a visit with friends living nt Grants Pass. Mrs. K. E. Swcarlngcr and Miss Kato Hydo of Applegate wcro In Medford a few days since. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphern, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Dr. Leo went south Sunday, re turning the same day. Mrs. F. H. Maddon of Central Point district uiado Medford a visit Saturday. That famous old smoke the Trav eler. Mrs. lllalno JCIum vpont Saturday and Sunday at-Ashland. Mrs. 12. D, Watson has returned from a stay ot several weeks at San Francisco. U(.KIum has moved his sign busi ness to tho Uoydon alloy bctweon S. Central and S. Dartlott, " Churles Payntor of Kuglo Point product returned Sunday from on extended stay tn California and No tuda. Dr. Hedges made a professional (rip to Kaglo Point recently. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. It. J, Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Gar-sott-Corey Oldg, Phone 146, J, S. Hamrlck and Claude Smith worn among tho Central Pointers lu Medford Sunday. ermemam waaassaeaagsss..i..., i m ,j- Weeks "it McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS , 4&Y AMIBTAJfT say riio&s 87i jrifht hoBi y. w. wtks 9071 A. S. err, seesi Mrs. Rccbo was In Medford from tho Floro orchards, located near Cen tral Point, Sunday. Prof, P. J. O'Garn has been mak ing n professional trip to Portland and other points In tho Willamette valley. Ask for tho Traveler cigar. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Weiss ot Grif fin crook were at.tong the many who shopped In Medford Saturday. Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch of Jacksonville visited in Medford Saturday owning, J. II. Tyrrell and Herman Myers, Jr., were down from Lake creek dis trict Saturday. Mrs. Hallldayllnlght, pupil ot Mnrchcsl (Paris), Oscar S.iongor (New York) teaches the art of sing ing, tone placing and correct breath ing a specialty. Exponent ot pure "Ilel Canto" of tho Italian school concert, opera, oratorio. Individual lessons or in class (three In class) Residence studio, 403 Oakdale ave nue, South, phono 7262. Roy Lawtott ot San Diego, Cat., Is paying Roguo river valley a visit, with tho Intention of locating. John Renault ot Jacksonville was tn Medford Saturday, on his way home from Central Point, where ho attended Installation ot tho officers ot the local post ot G. A. R. Fruit labels In any color printed by the Mall Tribune. tf Mrs, Yolncy Dixon went south Sat urday to Join hcyr husband, who Is In California. D. D. Sage was In Medford Satur day after an absence of some longth. P. L. Fountain, a capitalist of Kla math Falls, was In Medford nnd Grants Pass Saturday, whtlo on his way to Portland. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Car- kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys- at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building Medford. Mrs. W. T. Grieve ot Jacksonville visited with Medford friends Satur day. R. A. Hall ot Glcnbrook orchard and R. Smith of Snldcr's Dairy spent Saturday evening In Medford. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson of Los Angeles are In Medford visiting rela tives. Harry Roberts of Central Potnt dis trict was in Medford recently. Collect these scattered sheets of tausla you value and have them bound In book form at the Mall Tribune. tf Frank and Will Lindloy tarried a few hours In Ashland Saturday. II. P. Anderson of North Pboonlx and A. Beall ot Central Point tran sacted business In Medford Saturday. Tho cigar that put O. K. In smoko the Traveler. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Miller of Salem aro among, tho many from abroad who nro spending tho winter In Medford. A. T. Barnett has gono to Seattle on a short business trip. Now York Life Insuranco Co., C. Y. Tcngwald, Medford National Bank Bldg phono 3371. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gall ot the Clanccy orchards wcro In Medford Saturday afternoon. Mrs. E. H. Stclnman of Eagle Point and Mrs. M. N. Mason of Roseburg havo been visiting In Medford. Two "good as now" motorcycles for sale. Bargains. Pacific Motor Sup ply Co. Miss Glad) a Bollo was among her Central Point friends lost week. Mr. ;ind Mrs. Gcorgo Layman ot Boston, who aro visiting Rogue river valloy, wero guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skcctcrs of Medford Saturday, Wra. Gerig, vice-president of tho P. & E., went to Portland Sunday evening. L. Bergcr and Thoo Engel of Phoenix, spent Saturday afternoon In Medford. R. N. Jordan of Grants Pass tar ried a" day In Medford during tho week. Eaglo Point Rebekah degreo lodge Installed Its newly elected officers one recent evening. Among those present from Medford wcro, Mrs. C. W. Conklln. Mrs. A. Hlldobrand, Mrs. Nollio Wing, Mrs. C. J. Beach, Mrs. J. Boardman, Mrs. M. Peter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ussher. Ed Wilkinson, Shorty Miles, Court Hall, George Merrlmau, and ClinrleH Young are among tho Medford men who will bo at tho rlugsldo when Hud Anderson fights Hnmtny Trott iicxt Saturday afternoon. Horace Dudley of Los Angolcs will Join tho local contingent at Vernon. Mlsu Esther KasHhufer visited In Jacksonville Sunday. Mr, and .Mrs. Lyle Yockloy of Ash lund spent Sunday in Medford. E. E. Hart and wlfo ot Council Bluffs, Iowa, who havo been visiting Edgar, loft Sunday for California. Prof. P. J. O'aurit has received word of his. election to u fellowship lu tho American association for tho iidvancomont ot sclenco at their an nual meeting recently hold at Cloyo lund, Ohio. Lawrenio Rukes and Frank Gooddalo accompanied tho Central Point baud on its tour in California. Thoy left Sunday and expect to bo gono a week. Special noon lunch 12 to 2, 25c, Manhattan Cnfe. 2C2V Ralph Roberts who haa been nt Mabel, Oregon, for tho past several weeks 1ms returned to his homo lu Phoenix. Special noon lunch 12 to 2, 2Rc Manhattan Cnfe. 262 A. C Worden spent n tow hours In Medford Saturday. R. W. Until, editor of tho Medford Sun, returned Sunday from n mouth's visit to his old liu mo, Ilocktord, III. Ho reports business booming and over) body busy there. Jesso In) lor was In from his ranch Saturday. MOIiSJS)VOM&Y TO JOIjV JUG SMWIMCW TA1UDE IX WASUIXGTO.X, MtltClt it conns AYS KIDDLE ELECTED SALEM, Ore., Jan. 20. In a ono uour session before lunch adjourn ment today the scnato received IS now bills and heard tho majority and minority commltteo reports on the right of B. E. Klddlo to hold his scat as senator from Union and Wal- lown counties. Tho majority report, signed by Beau and Thompson, declares Hint Kiddle Is entitled to hold his seat Tho minority report, by McCulloch, favors John S. llodgln, his contest ant, and suggests a complete recount of tho votes. Tho reports wcro made a special order for this afternoon. Two-thirds of tho 150 bills so far Introduced tn tho house are dcfoclho becauso ot omissions In tho tltlos, Speaker McArthur told tho housoto day and must bo amended by commit tee. The reason for this, tho speak er explained. Is that tho provision ot tho state constitution requiring that everything tn tho btll be Included In the title has not been adhered to. Eighteen bills wcro Introduced at tho early session ot tho house. fV '" -1 ., -, ,. - . titers. M$M: 1 L ' X, Mssrv ' sssVvr r 't ' saMMllli1 W PlDSESSi. BBBBF li V ' TTiT'll? 88335 i eV -v v , i r -' AiTkeT. ' POSTAL. ROPBER $ imJvm.iJ9mmmt k'l 1 1st mm COUNTSFORCRIMES BILL TO AID WEST El MILLER WONT LET ANY PRISONER 001 CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Unlet. the United Stales circuit court of npxnl overrules District Attorney Miller's objections to tho $(!0,000 bonds fur uihhwi hy I'aeifio count lalmr miious for tho rclcnso of K. A. Clancy, con victed with 32 other labor leaders of unlawfully traiiHtortiti; dynamite, the Sun Francisco man must remain in the government prinon ut Fort Lnennorth until other a lire ties arc provided. STEAMER ELDER DISABLED BY STORM AT SEA rrr3 KujcftPWafd A troop of attractive Dianas, horsewomen known for their proficiency In horseui!itishlp,.wlll have a prominent place In tho big surrrago pnrmle of Mun.li 3 nt Wathlugtoti, 1). C MUs Julia Gotdsltoroiigh and llln Mary Morgan, of Washington, both of whom liae won bluu rlbbous in society horse shuns, will display their liorvinuinlilp u famous uioiints. and amoiig the other women who havo already proinlMil to ride nro Mrs. dentin smith Tliiniiu and Mrn Churchill C.indee. Recruits to the troop are being daily gathered and It ! hocd that this nlciuriuc feature will x augmciilcd by such dashing riders ns MNs Jauet Allen, MM ICatherlnc Elfelns, Miss Lucl'lo Clierhoulcr, of Mary land, add many others who hae won wide reputation riders .--!. -s 2--r i iter- NEW JERSEY 10 DRIVE ALL TRUSTS OUT OF BUSINESS UTILE BOB WINS IMMIGRATION BILL SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. Hor stern crumbled In by n, monitor wave which flooded her dining room and 30 lowcrdeck staterooms, while sho was on her way from Portland, tho stcumcr Gcorgo W. Elder Is today on her way to San Diego, after touch ing hero tor repairs. SECOND TRIAL OF DARROW (Continued ttom pane 1.) the Lockwood charge, the xecouil in dictment would never be preswul. It is admitted by tho Mute that nioxt of the evidence in the Hniu case was presented ut Harrow's first dial, which resulted in Ills iiciuittul on August 17 last. I!rJIcry of Haiti District Attorney Fredericks con sented to ittbtpoiicinents for one caiixc or another but nlwnys adhered to his originnl statement that lie nould prosccuto Dufrow on the sec ond charge. A brief resume of tlio Ilain cahe follews: Robert P. Uain, nu aged Carpen ter nnd grand nrmy votcr.it), nlleged that on Oct. 0, 1011, the day after ho (Uain) had been drawn ns n juror in tho MoNnmuru trial, Hurt Frank lin, nu employ of Clnri-uco Darrow, (nine to bis home, mid rvo Mrs. lliiiti -W00, while bo was way, for which ho was tu hold out for acquittal. Mrs, Hum admitted that hIio ucccptcd tbo money mid persuaded her husband to ugrco to tbo proposal. Mrs. liuiii tcMiiicd at lliu first trial that Praiikliii used every persuasion lit his command to gain bis ends, telling her that tbo MeNaiiiuru bro thers were bcintr iwistculed nnd Hint a frumo-ui was being worked to "railroad them to thu penitentiary," Danoiv' Iluiikruptcil Franklin was tbo stale's star wit ness in tbo Lockwood case and cor roborated Mrs. Haiti's testimony in detail. Dariow's closest friends say that bo is pruclicully u imper as u result of the cxpciisu incurred in bis first tiiul. Durruw ban held many ignitions of honor. At one time lie wus it mem ber of the Illinois legislature and in 1U02 ho was uppoiuted to rcprcsenl the antliracito coul miners of that state. A Btato fedoratlon ot labor been formed In Now Mexico. has TKBNTON, N. J.. Jan. 20 New Jersey will no longer bo known ns tho home nt tho trusts If seven bills aimed against monopoly to be intro duced In tho state IcgUliituro today aro passed. Governor WoudrW 'WltKun. lh presldcut'Clect, Is behind the new leg islation and promises their adoption even if he Is forced to whip the leg islators Into Hue. Tho proposed leg islation rarrirs radical changes, mak ing violation of thoir provisions piinlshablo by a fluo mid imprison ment. One stipulates that ono or two firms or persons who would ro strlct trado or production and pre vent competition aro guilty of iiiIh demeanor." Another provides that bona fldo values ot mutiny or proper ty must back all stock Issues mid that stock mult not bu Issued against an ticipated profits. Another prohibits ono corporation fropi Joining utiothor for tho purpose of restricting (ratio. Governor Wilson this nfternouu predicted all tho bills would paw. OVER PLUTOCRACY PRESIDENT TAFT NOT TO RESIGN AS RUMORED NI'AV IIAVKN. Jan. 20. I'lesidrnt Tuft arrived here today. It is slated bu has jiulilcd In the rcipicsts of ptber members of the Vnlo corpora tion mid will not rciiiru until -March 1. VASSAR GRADUATE WHO WA$ NEARLY KIDNAPPED VBBP IrBBBBBBBf II I BT''' iBBB if i r tbv sBfjBBBflr I 1 I I i "' MBjr i I 1 Ij3jBL Mm"r x I I, 11 I' "MtwHl,7 "BBV' i it I i MI55 AtM f STTCKEl Still confined to 'her bed nnd under tho caro of n physician, and suffcilng from tho effect of the shock and in (titles as tho result of her harrowing sxpcrJcnco when an attempt was mnda to Lid nap her, Miss Anna E. Stcckle, tho Vassar graduato anaduuguter of Ituben P. Steckle, capitalist, ot Allen. town, l'iin It Is feqrcd, will bo unablo for somo timo to appear against Samuel Sinclair, Jr., State highway Inspector hud onetime Bw.nrtlinioro1 Collcgo atlt- lets, and his nephew, K. Walter fiturr, Jr., who are charged wlih the abduc Uoii. . . ,' WASHINGTON', Jan 20 Shaking his fist under the nones of Senators Henry Cabot Lodgu and Kllhu Hoot whom hu saltl "Gentlemen who do fended tho plutocracy" Senator Hub ert M. l.n 1'olletto forred tho seuato Icuilorn to drop the attempt to forio tho passugo of what ho called the "Joker Immigration bill" hlclt al ready has pabrcd the houn'. I .a I'ollctto'tt attack, which was dramatic in tho extreme, followed protests read by Senators O'Gormaii nnd Stono which originated from thu Dillingham Immigration bill. I .a Follcttc, lea pint; t' bis feet, with bis clenched fists outstretched, forced Knot tn admit Hint the oiwru- tinii of Ibis pniisinii wniibl cimb1 Ituxsiu tn s(np the immigration of nil political refugees and alter a bitter denunciation of tho whole plan and its authors, La Pnllcttu forced from l.odgu a mid ion to refer tbo whole bill back tn the conference coiuiui'trc. This was adopted. After bis personal denunciation nt Lodge and Knot, La Kollellc said: "This clause in thu bill was not considered in thu house after the conference rcHirl. It woulJ Mint mil cory liberty loving mm who bus settled in my statu and laid tho fouii datiou fur the movement tn bring I be government back tn the poplc. "Ihiiiknf tbo rhildislniets uf It'll. nig over to Kttxslii thu iieeisloii mi who shall bo ndmittcd to America) Itiixsiu could tomorrow adopt reg ulations to take from America men who they fear." Ln Pollctlo denounced the whole "conference system" of legislation and urged the democrats who lire coming into power Ut fhauiro it. MILLER REJECTS POIlTliAND, Oin., Jan. 20 Vl'lte United HlatcH gland Jurj today n turned an tntllctmcnt iMiuialuliig flo inuiitri, against John Turgonmii, who was ai rested lust week at llosuhurg, and later brought) to Portland, Four of tho intuitu charge Torrtcrson with rubbing the iHistoftlres At Medford, Gold lllll, 'I'alctit, and Itbgim It Ivor, Id Itoiittioru Oregon, mid tho fifth chaiged tho thoft of a letter carrier's key at Medford. United States District' Attorney MeConit today ntated that 'rnrgemnn would be turned over tn Sheriff Judd j'. l!od of Ited lllurr, Cul , to ! returned to California to stand trial for tho aliened killing ot Edward Milter at Vina, Cat , Dec. 4, as somi as llod hud focured the itcccssaiy c- ti million papers. SHIP AFIRE AI SEA E l'llll-ADIlLI'IllA. Jan. 'JO. Her hold a mims of flnuieM, while great wnvrs tossed her about as the wind blew (10 tulles an hnitr, mid with the two women and til pusteugcr usit. inir the ervw in cheeking lite Hie, the steamer Ctirthngemaii mirrouh escapetl distiiictloii while fiOO miles east of St. Jnhtift, nrconliiii; to tho storv told hero totlav bv those wlm putwed tbniagh the ex)sricnce. Fnr nine hours tho flames h ml mw Hesluu f (be vessel, nnd several times Captain MeKlllop was prompt ed tn order nil haiitU tn the lifclmnW, uiilv In be bcbl back b.v the liPin sea. The lire was finally flooded out, nnd the vessel girn assi(oare by the steamer Xumldiaii nnd the Hteamer I'niuium, which bad hasten ed in the scene in rcsHiiiso In wire less calls of distress. ' i , i ii i - .i .i HU.KM, Urc, Jail. 20. Senator McColloeh Into tudit) will Intruducu a bill empowering the governor tn ap point itpcelal district ntto,niuyn, itimr Ifrs tllitl t'oiitilablcti fut' iiilliillled por lo.l, not uttit'o tlinu iilne.iy duii at u lime, Willi the vume auUuiilty nt it regular' official Senator .McCulloch drew up the moiisliro no that any tnltttlRrlr olBOtitd poaco officer, who. In the iiovuriiom opinion, Is dlrollrt, lit his dutlw. tun) bo miiiplhnUnl l,jr ono nf tils porHir uur'n ohtiuiiliig f ' " TO BOND RYAN ClIICAdO, Jan. 211. Ailillliiial bonds, offered hero for P. JL HVah, (ircsidcnt of tho lnleriuitloiiul asso ciation of IlritlgO mill Ktructurnl Itoii Vorkcrs, ilml H, II. Houlihan rind Win, Hlloiipe, sOnhlg setitenccs in Lcuvenwprtb prison lur lllcgillly transporting dyliuuille, wcro turned down as ritiir iinriiif lul'iiftMi'V lido to- lay by United rilnlns District AttorJ licy Chut lex W. Miller, Ilomls J'oi W. K, Hcddin, W. 11. licit, coiivioted on similar cluirgos, wero 'also offered 'tn Ibrt' Unl'l'cd miiU'n eirmiif, court nf up)0al, wliich wijl (It'cidti toinut'itnv wliethur '.Mil ler's ob.joelloiis"o '(hu 'llnmls o'ft'erOd for Hyiin and tllo'utliui niVvnUil. " llonds for Win. IlurnliuriU of Cin cinnati, iira.cn route hero nnd bliould in rive late today. L'ucnuraged b the large amount of prnspeelUo liUMuces (he owners of tho Itcintled WaiehotiNo arc eotilcin. plating altering tlm plans for lb structure tn iniiko it a two storv building instead of one story its orig inal! v planned. The wnrelnniMi i located near tbo Medford (Irocen ompany's plant nu the ,M. . tracks and is being rapidly cumplclcd. Star age space will bo rented tu inauufac taring concenis wlm will sell their goods in (bis sccUoil fiiim .Medford, tbcrebj cllcetuig a saxm uu ficighl Already enough business lum been lined up In make the ciituic a suc cess. I'nul Wiigbt has been apsuat cil superintendent. YOUTH KILLED DY FRIEND WHILE EXAMINING PISTOL SAN I'ltANCISCO. Jim. SO Death by n bullet rnuio In II. A MeColl, Jr . IN years old, hem today, In his father's hardware storo when a revol ver exploded lu tho hands of .Milton Stnntoy, 10, whllo tho two hojs wero eamliilng tho weapon. Tho Stanley lad was held by tint police. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt SAM: Piano, steel range, small heating stovo and Iron bed stead, 17 IJnss Court. . , , THAT TIRED FEELING Suggests Oratttlinolliei's llcmctly It's trtio, thu season Is hero Willi Its sudden rhauges, and tho old Idea that wo need u bfood medicine, is not Without reason. Too much heavy food has caused a torpid liver, ulug p.lsh blood, ii ml it 'Walk, tli'ed oiit fooling. Sulphur, cream Of tartar nnd lilli frissos was grahillnbthur's romedy hut 'that has long ago 'boon displaced by Viiiol, a combination if tho two tifoiit World famed tonics,' namely, tho modlrlnnl curatlvo nlumentii of the coilii liver Wlthutlt 'oil, nnd Iron for tho blond, Vluol blilldsyoil up, innkcn jou eat iiioro and dfgciit bnttor, makcu oitr bldotl rich ami purd putu " liuulthy color In your cheeks. P, Q. llarker qf IIOWuii'h Mill, tin., sayst "Wlioli I was badly run 'down laHt spring 1 took Vluol lu tin offo'it to regain my health and strength and It did not dltmpiioltit mo. It' nuitlo mo fool as woll as over." ' ' ' "-WU'guararitoo'Vlnol 16 rfdtlHfy you and rotund your money It It does not, Mud ford Pharmacy, Medford, Oiu, Now that Election is over And you Imvf tlmo to lliinlc of your real wtmLs wouldn't il lip a t imply .surest ion lo sou tlutL your fWt two properly lii'oli'cltwl durinj,' this cold mid wt't spell You can't al'foi'tl (o bo on (ho side list when "Good Shoos" iih woll as Hubbcm can ho had al "Good Shoc3" a I. "Iliglit Pricoa" Opposito Post Offico 5vJjTs L 'will WM .maw n fjiraieoi W nome d$mnl With !IW 7i77j wife across th tah(fl ami a howl ofdvlioioun Golden Rod Oats! TellyimTThatjIt'si'oQdto . I") hoinongiilill NOrr KiMkm 1 r.n tlin. villi r ami 4ln- n I Jour UitKr .ham tttt I'lvmluM l,M4lOlllltlr(,M, 3t DON'T MISS Major .J. I. CIiiiu'h lootui'o Travel and hi parado motion picl'iiros Friday Evening, January 24 jii 8 o'cluok utiliotti'' Prosbyterian Ohurch 'Adinirisiou Km