- II f PAGK FOUR. I VOTE FOR THE BEST MAN. XT0TW.ITI1STAND1NG 4- tion clay, about the only persons displaying lnuoh interest are tho candidates heniselves. jNone of them liavo been successful in arousing any great degree- of tintltusiasni. Probably the many candidates and the lack of issues are responsible rather than the personality of those seek ing office. All candidates, at. least those seeking the lhayorality, represent or affect to represent, the same things, with the exception oT the socialist; so that the con test resolves itself into a choice of pcnsonalilies. The campaign has been clean from mud-throwing of riliy kind, free from tho bitter personalities which have niarrcd some of our election struggles. Kach candidate has made his own campaign and each professes to be cer tain of success. Arote for the candidate that you think best qualified for the position. Doit't let personal friendship interfere with your judgment. Remember you are voting for the future welfare of the city, therefore your own welfare. Go at it as cold-bloodedly as you would if it were a business transaction. Pick the man you consider the most efficient, the best administrator, tho best financier, the best business man, the most unselfish in his efforts as a city builder. If yon do this, and your judgment is good, no one will have cause to repent during the next twoyears. Adam Sisemore, Pioneer of the '50s Passes Away at Gold Hill Home (Gold Hill NcWS.J "Adam Slscmore, one of the last of tltoso Oaring argonauts and pioneers i of tho '508, pissed nwny upon tlio long trail nt V noino In Mils city on Monday, tlio lilt. Kor some time past Mr. SlscnoM liad been sufler ltK from Drlght'a disease, and his dentil wns not unexpected, lie Ik survived liy his aped wife, of this elly, and has other relatives nt Fort Klamath and Uoschiirg. Funeral services were hold at tho homo on Wednesday afternoon. Ilev. J. II. Ovorholsor, of Talent, of the United Prethcrn church, pcrfoimlui; the lant Had rite-'. Tho remains were laid to rest in tho Itock Point ceme tery. In tho itlonccr days of Oregon, Adam Sisemore played a leading part in the drama of development and was widely known. Born In Ken tucky In 1837, he grew to young manhood in tho Htato which Is famed for having produced the hard Icft and most Intrepid of pioneers nu frontiersmen. In 1S54 young SUcmoro answered tho call of tho Kentucky blood, and crossed tho plains to Salt I.ako City, travelling by wagon train, and from thouce tu eldest keepers or tho stirring tradl Yekn, California. Residing In i tlons of pioneer days, MERLIN MANICHARGED District Attorney K. K. Kelly went to Grants Pass Monday to probo a case of Incest brought ngulnst Wm. K, Pottlll. of Merlin, nrrostcd Satur day niton complaint of his 17-year-old-daughter Julia and bis bed-rid-dqn wife who la. beiug cared for by the county. , Tho mother admits knowledge of tho futlicr'H unnatural crime, nnd tho girl says that it had continued dur ing tho rosldcnco at Merlin, but that both tho mother and tho daughter feared tho father's wrath of they made the situation pithily. I'ettlt la it innu about DO yours of ngo, and bus worked orr and on ttt day labor In tho Morllu neighbor hood. Under tho Oregon statute tho crime with which ho stands charged Is punlshablo by imprison ment in tho penitentiary for from oilo to three years, or In tlio county Jail frjim three months to ono year, uml u flue' of from VZ00 to $100U. LUMBER MILLS AT WEED AND HILT CLOSE DOWN Tito freeze through tho citrus belt has hud it serious Influence tipou tho labor situation In tho milling towns o'f Weed, Dorrls, Illlt and other cen ters of tho lumber trade. With tho destruction of a vory great propor tion of tho oruugo crop these mills will have practically no toll for paok Ing boxes, which was tholr principal output, and as a consequence the mills In tho three towns mentioned have discharged 3000 men. DIED. Mury It. Martiu, wlfo of J. 0. Mur ti'u, 0'H . Central uvenue, died at Ii'V-lO o'clock Monday morning at tho Sacred Heart hospital. Mrs. Mar tiu hud boon a resident pf Jackson comity for 3D years. She lived nt Ajitloch for 2D years before coming to Medford seven years ugo. Mrs. Martin wus born In Pultun county, Pennsylvania in 1851, She leaves her iiusbuud and one son, Curl, Tho funeral services will bo held nt the rlwltlenco Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, -burial to be In the Jack sonville cemetery, IUY. !!. O. Kid rlilS wlH Official. netaiwa ulul-j. ,. the fact thai tomorrow is (deo- Yreka eight years, in ISO? he set out on foot to travel through Oregon, eventually arriving on the Willamette in Henton county. Here he built n skiff and voyaged down tho Willam ette to Its junction with the Colum bia, thouco up the Columbia to the SiiHkr river, the rouwo of which ho followed (o Lowlstou. Idaho. After variously trying bin fortune through Idaho and Oregon, young Slsonioro struck out in tho winter of '01 to ne ctinipany a pack train to tho Idaho haslu. Kit route the party became lost In the Salmon river mountains anil were snowed In for seven weeks, suffering severe privations. The fol lowing year he again started for tho Idaho basin, afoot and driving a pack pony. This time the trip was safely nccompllshed, and for several years he prospected throughout Idaho. In 1SG5 he wns married to Miss Nancy Langley, and returned to Oregon In ISC, locating In Jackson county. Al though ho has resided elsewhere at Intervals since that time, the greater lortlon lms been spont within the confines of Jnckrou county, and stucc 1891 at Cold IIIll. With -the passing of Adam Slue more Jackson county loses one of the r -M. - fFIVE PLUNKS EXTRA Tho Shasta limited, for years n trulii exclusive to Sun Francisco and Portland travelers, Is now accessible to Medford people. A new order has pluccd the train on schrcdulu as an extra faro special )5 extru fure be ing charged to passengers who wish to rldo in "Shasta" style, Any per son who wishes to board the train at Medford mny do so, providing first that the accommodations aro not all filled, and providing second that he has tho extra five spot. ASK $20,000 BONUS FOR "EVER FRESH " HoprofeoiitntlvM of tho "liver Kresh" company and members of tho Commercial club uud the Merchants' association met in tlio basement of tho publie library lust night and talk ed over preliminary plans for the construction of uu "Kvor Kresh" fac tory In tills vnlloy. Tho company asks a bonus of I'.'O.OOO mid tho site for building their plant. Tho direct ors of tho Commercial club will np point a committee to visit tho head offices of tho company uud confer with tho officers. Tho "Kver Fresh" process, upon tho fate of tho showing mado with tho sumples, appears to bo a worthy project, nnd a needed industry In this section, but it was the consensus of opinion of thoHo present that the bonus asked was away too high, for many reasons, Including tho string ency of'tho times, Perhaps some compromise agreement might be reached between tho two sides. J. A, Perry believes that this process would mean tho development of n great loganberry market. Any of tho smaller fruits und products can he treated and still retain their mittitral color and taste. W. II. Paulhnmtis of Puynllup has written tho commltteo appointed to secure data on (ho building and op eration of a co-operative cunnory and has written John II, Caiklus of tho Merchants' association that ho will bo able to visit Medford In the near future and talk over the situation with local fruitgrowers, OTiOFORT) MATL TRIBUNE, WILSON IDE BONO 10 PEOPLE TUKNTON. N J., Jan. tn. At n luncheon tendered him nnd New Jer sey presidential electors hero today, Presldont-Kleet Wood row Wilson de clared that he did not know himself how tunny electoral votes ho would receive when the electoral college met. "The people hnvo turned their faces In a definite direction,'' said Wilson." and any party or any one who dees not go along will bo re Jected nnd ought to be." "I'm under bond ns tha spokesman and instrument of all the people. My sacred honor la Involved, I feel that the people have commissioned mo nnd I want to say that with such a Jury back of of you, you enn smile at tho efforts of the gentlemen who meet In back rooms nnd arrange to beat you. It can't bo done." PHOENIX The K. K. club met with Miss l.ula Roberts .Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pentacost, from Iowa are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Itanium and Mr. nnd Mrs. II. !! Hoyer. liny Yost and Lester Fay smvc a few of their friends a sleighing par ty Thursday evening. The Presbyterian oholr gave a sacred concert In thu church Sunday evening. Dr. J. K. Halllle, tho pas tor, gae a short nddroaa uu music. The V. C. T. U. met with Mra. Itoso Moore nnd Mr, l.uther Stan cliff Thursday afternoon. tSlrls and boys of nil slss and a.is have been thIr evonlnpn the ismt wcok coastttiK 011 the bills near town. Thu Proshylurlnn ladles Aid will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Selmers. Horn tq Mr. and Mrs. Srhneek uf North Phoenix. January U, a mm. Mrs i.ro n.i m. u ,.. . Ashland, urgauUed a Parents-Toaeh ora asoelatlon Friday afternoon In the hteh school. Mrs. W. Curies, wws chosen prosldout and Mrs. A. Iliwirn secretary nnd treasurer. 1 i-iiy e.ecuon ,.ore iiruiiuaua io ua . veryqulet. Uuy Thrasher and Theo- , dore Kugle nre candidates fur conn- cllmcn In the first ward. Dr. Mohn grou In the second ward and J. Wright and Henry Shaffer In the third ward. Tho closest contest is oxiiccted In this ward as both caudt- UUltm eiijUi u BveuiiUKi; iiiini -uiu-)(v larlty. 4 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS i Mr. ninl Mi. P. F. Saymotir of ladiaiia are here tUituig their daugh ter, .Mrs. Waynwn Wanier and fam- founly eiHHiiloner YV. C. Leaver is In Portland tliU week altomling the ihh1 road eiHiveiilion. (Jeorxe Iterltlux returned Sturduy from Wolf t'reek where he attended Dr- Page Gives His for To tho Voters of Medferd: Soveral people having nsked me my reasons for favoring tho candi dacy of J. K. Watt fur mayor, uud thinking others may ho curious to know. Is th reason for tills letter. About six years ngo I was standing by tho Kxhlblt llulldlng with the rest of Mediurd's population, watching a paMoiigor train 'oave town, when a furmur looking man approached me, Inquiring If this wus Iir. Page. Cpun receiving uu affirmative reply ho In troduced himself us Mr. Watt. II' said ho had recently moved hero and purchased an orchard. Inqulrled how we liked It here, etc Said his peoplu und himself thought It tho most perfect spot In thu world. He went on to say lie hud 11 friend named Merrick who had stopped In Portluud, but he would soon get him here. Thon ho went on to say that somo society or body, I have forgotten which It was, hud put him on a com mittee to solicit and take an exhibit fron hero to the Salem fair, "And do ou know," he raid, "not ono of them will do a thing. I huvo to drive all .over tho valloy, collect tho exhibit, pack it, und with practically no help. Hut 1 urn going to have a good ono just tho same." Later on 1 learned ho had u creditable exhibit. At this tlmo he invited mo to visit hlni (it his orchard, which I did. In this way began my uuiuulutuuco with Jim Watt. Ho Had attracted my attention by courtesy to a new comer. I next know of him as u di rector In our first llttlo fruit associa tion. Time passed on. Tho Watt or chard, well known for Its fruit, cute, and tip-to-the-mlnute methods, was sold. Tho natural inquiry was, what will Watt do? Did he leave with his profit? No! Ho purchased city property, built a nice homo, bought nlore laud, and continued as at first a supporter of Medford and this valley. Kvery little while I would notice him ut tho Htutlon with team nt first,- and lator with his utitomo bjlo, greeting friends from away. Soon It would bo known these sumo ppople had located here. Ami I would like lo say that In my opinion Jim Watt lias influenced utoro pco- MttTI?ORT, ORKOON, "MONDAY, .JANUARY in. 1flin. -. 11 JUJL JEJ U ' U" -I ' L ! i I - STAIE UNABLE 10 UK TITLE 10 L The elerk of tlio stale laud lmiml tenet U lite following lunils hi .ItteU-.-on county mM und ileetleil liy llio stale, hut to which the htuto It un able to convtyy I''01 l.ol 1, section I, twp. JI1K U. ! , 2.00 notes, dated July U, l3S. S. II. Hamilton, grantee. Tltoo elnimltur ownership through (lie tnto nro entitled to refund, of the amounts paid. i .mi WOODMEN OF THE WORLD INSTALL NEW OFFICERS The following ollo-ei- were install ed in Medfonl eamp No. 00, Wood men of tlio World, Saturday night, January 11th, liy I'aM Con-ml Ooin maiuler ,1. W. Ling: t'otixtil eoiuiuau der, 11. l- Mitlke.x ; advi-er lieuleuuul. J. II. At well; hanker, John A. l'erl; elerk, V. It. Jack-en; ecoort, II. I. Sieverl-ei ; wnlelunuti, Uu, 1 Shir ley: sentry, Oeo. II. Millur; nmuHger. II. If tlnA niimiil ? fiiinit nliii'iiili. It. .... .. ...... ...v... , ,. ,.-- !V. SlenriK uud J. V. J. MsrliHt. A lurse Hiuoitillof oilier luHues wu. trnuxaetril iuoliHlmtt tnilintory work. It wan deelded (hat in the Hit tiro, the etunp would inert promptly at Tt'lH every Saturday night, the funeral of hi brother, llnwurd A. l'erkitw, wlm formerly rtilded in tli'iH iVitilnUy hut moved to Wolf t'reek evenil vewi mbo. The now tnoltir eonl meted fir sMune luoiilhs to rr our walar y ietn. lias arrived and wilt oon lie in Mulled. Mr. T. Al. .linieH relumed lo her 1 :.. .,.:,... i'itr..B,.t.. ci..,.. 7'"" V"1"'' v" "" ' ," ihiv iurwuf oner p nrvvini wn-n-, iit with hut abiler. Mr. J. V. I long- land and oilier relntip-. A. W. Una ami K'euoeth llei'lte tMikt (ho wosk-eiid in nortneni Cali foruiu om h tiltiuiNrf ri. ! .Mi.M (1. William. r Medfonl -H-tii 'lat of tho weak here vUltln Mr. , (( ,(.nm(j( .j hnn Kri)Il. 1 Hotel Hillilap rhniived huniU Sat 1 unlay, Jus. ftfttauii rvtiritist and Mr. i.M. llshiio tHkiag- rbane. Mr. Curnui 1 11 ml fwnlly loft fur Sh rnMetro Sunday nftenHwn. lhwhm ,)flW mnA l)lw h,e r. tanw, mm R Wff.kV fc , ,,-rl. land. O. M. (Iltn-Ji mid son ipettt the week-end wHInhii father, .Imlgt (lar vin Imd hrothur Harry nt ltelitirv. A very pretty Jimtse iwity wax giv en at the hoiM of Mr. 1 llatfid ,u ju,rtr to lit tha wnir ela. The kitili chm4 tenehara and ;eiHd liourd war h!-o inuti-d. The evening waa opent in variiu amue ipeiiU ooMii-tiug of same". i-tntet ami other iliiuftw. Iter. Aldrielt waug two will) which wen greatly en joyed. Prof. (voIeC aUo gave u Very detiglitfal rafldlttg whieli ttaa-ed much laughter. A very elaborate uIf)or wa. rvod hy the elM. 'Ilia junior dervc much credit fr their liiM.pitnlitv ami al-'i Mm. Hatfield for her eiturlou treatment to the gucU. Reasons Voting for Mr. Watt plo to locate In this vicinity slni Ills arrival than any other Individual. Next, I burn he Is active In lib church, participating perwinnll) , and financially. Then comes city Improve ments. Ills wns a big frontage ce ment sldo walks, sewers, water, pav ing, tights -and Jim Watt wiu "al ways there- no whining - alwaH willing to pay his share. Then a long term 011 our school board, giv ing much time uud pinking more friends. Then two yours on our city council, part of tho tlmo as presi dent and acting mayor. This letter has to bo brief, but think It over, Mr. Voter, (jet tho meat In It. Think or Jim Watt rustling uu ex hibit for tho S11I0111 fair, or think of him ul any tlmo since ho located In this valley, and you will find him at tho wheel of progress that lias taken place hore. During those years mentioned lie had attracted general attention as being a progrt&slvo. conservative business 111011. and before long these dualities caused him to bo HolerK-d as a director In ono of our banks In I conclusion, Mr. Voter, with all duo consideration to tho other candidates, whom I consider my rrleuds. In addi tion to the above history of m ac quaintance with Mr. Wntt, I would add other (lunllfkatloiiH fitting him for tho mayerallty: I. f.ong fit porlence In handling city business. 'J. Kxperlonce In finance. 3. Leg islative ability. -1. Personal Inter ostH such that lie ran give unlimited tlmo lo tho duties of the office, ft Has proven his heart Is In tho light pluce, and Is u friend und fair to all classes. This letter briefly explains why I. ns a taxpayer, shall vote for Jim Watt. Ilespofitlvely. FfU-JD'K C. PACK, (Paid Advertisement.) John A. Perl Undertaker 2H H. 11A11TLKTT Phones M. 171 and 17.1 Ambulance Nvrvlco Deputy Coroner HEM RANFALL E An Inch an n Mtinrter of water ellh or sank In tho ground or wna carried away by tho rieekn and liver Sunday night, bringing the total precipita tion for the season, from September I, up to SLUR, Tho total normal pre cipitation for this period Is ll'.St, showing that this seaaou Is yet 3.10 inches below uormtil. Three quarters of tut Inch of Sun day night's precipitation was rain, tho other half Inch being melting snow. Had tha ralu und warm weather extended to the I1III1 where tho snow Is deep a flood would have been looksd for but It Is not thought this was the onue. Hear creek Is now higher thnn nt any tltno this year but Monday nftornnon hud not reuchad a dangerous stage, ltoguo river Is alto rising uml a. continuance of the rain nnd molting w anther may yet menu flood witter. The snow tu (ha city has almost entirely disup iwnred. Predictions are for more rain with no oltnnge In tciiioratur. Pnb)teilaii Church. Yesterday In the Presbyterian church the ancrainatit of the Lord's supper was admliilHtored In uu lm presslvo survice. Cmirge Atldraw song. "Nearer. Jt Cod lo Thae." In n iiinsl Inspiring way. eleven people united with the churrli of whom live were hy profession of faith rfnd six were by letter; and tlio eenltig ser limn oh the thanh. ' Hupreme Dealt-- tiblonasa of III KlaKdom's Triumph' tioaed the wmk of praer. Thl churrli has taken tn rift) -three mem bars Silica OctoUsr t. IUI. ECHOES FROM PHOENIX I'Ikh'iiIv llappeolngo lwujs luti-iil Our lleuderH After rending of so lunio u-opi' In our town who have been cured b Down's Kidney Pills, the uueatlou tlon natarally arlssa: "Is this nied klaa miually SHcceaaful In our neigh boring tiiwna?" Tha feHenms stati incnt of thl PlHtaalx rualdaut Iravea no room for doabt on this point. Mrs. J. Watwrmau. Phoenix. Ore gon, says: " lutvo 110 hesitation In recommending Doaa'a Kidney Pl'ls s I hare had ample proof of their merit. Over-etartton or Mn on m feat for any laniith of tlm raused my bark to ache anil si-nt uliarp pnliM throuRh my loin. Frripn nt lo-ad nrhea and spoils of disslnea a I no botharod mn. I knew that my kld nny wr at fanlt and bearlux Dtmu'a Kidney Pill highly teeom mendad. I proenrad a shim'I)' I ho Kan Halm thm and they relteted the ilKflealtlaa which bad so long dis tressed me." For aala by all daalsrs. Price 50 rent. FiMttor-Mllhnrn Co. Iliiffaln. New York, sole gut for the I'nltod States. Ileiiii-mber the Inline Doull's and take no uth-r FOR RENT Wo liavo Bovoral up-to-date now Five and Six Room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Indies ANAMA ?GANAL. DELIGHTFUL CRUISES to Tim West Indlci, Panama CanJ, Bermuda ond (he Spanish Man Leaving; Tey York by be Palatial S.S. MOLTKE CfD Jan. 1, 2:i 1 Frl. i:."S Slart-h HO, S. S. CINCINNATI (K) Frbrunry 1st CM ")) ) H S.S.Victoria Luise (Wi?) J 11 11. ir. Feb. Mi March III Air. lo. lGDays $145 anhui 21 " $160 " " 28 $175 " " Otltr crulitl At witf f n'orU, Html for lllimlratrd boiiUlct, HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 4M3 UHOADWAY, N. Y.- ' ' "" EN TR IS West el jajJ Jfe.? raJi D E. D. Weston Official Photorjrnplior of tho Medford Oommoroial Olub Anmiour Kinisliinj? .Post Cnrils Poi'i raits lntt'i'itn'aiul cXtorioi' views l'lasli limits Nt'tjalivps mado auv limu ami any place by appopil- IIIOlll. 208 E, Main Phono lyn Clark & Wright LAWYERS UWIMNfSTOX, . (J. Public hand Mutters: Final l'roof. Desert Lauds, Contest and Mining Cases. Hcrlp, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Vator Hoating Alt Vlklurniitnil , 1'riK'H NlMfHMUttllH COFFEEN & PRICE 33 Jlowrttil lllatik, nntruc on Oth Bl. Hems Thou 319. FRUIT TREES We are inuUin,, a erv low price' n aiile. pi a ii and iiorr trcs for' a fclinrt llnii No flin-r "toik urown Write us at once nud save money Till STAXIMItll XI llSltltV III. bile, Ore. Draperies V irrv K i -iiiI In He, uf ill..1 1 1. t. In, " tn 1 t'nM i 1 itur 'lr . uml .t.. nil , '.! .r mill. . ii, tuiK ,v h it lurtit ! ,i"K ntr iii v ik phi ivl n"l ii (Uf an ti" "I Nrii" ii" 1 1 1 " 'e H t "' x-it III.. ImifN' I'M Wcoko & McOowan Co. Office Rooms For, Kent over Haskins. Drug Store. j ntH-wvHmwH Luxury Without Exti'avaganco Hotel I Von Dorn i 2-12 Turk Street :; Kiucst popnlnr priced :: '' llott'l in San I'Vaiifisco I Modorn Contra! :: 4 ...MiU..,: Japanese Store Closing Out Salo 20r Off on All Goods West Main St. Noxt to Hotol Medford U$o Theatre Owhitf lo (lie Siici'i'.s.s 'of tlit KMNWOItTIIV I'hAYKKK Willi IlWIilW IHWY Kiigagcinciil lias liccii (.lfndt'd for an iudcl'iiiilo poriod. : Prognrin Sundav, Monday, TiU'Hdav, Dnuhlo I fill s "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" In Otic Aj'I. "LENA RIVERS" In Three Aetn 20CPRIOES 30c ' "Tlox office open from ' to 0 p. in. ' i fiulils vcHi'i'votl liy plitiuo, UIHli Mnlil COWBOY RIDING BOOTS at "Cooo Snots" Opiiosllo Post Office Appetizing Ntnirishiiuj JCaai to Prvparo Al ,yiii" Gnwr UMI MllS )MUI KHIih MI(m Ml )tlt ljMM iHi l.n t.tiulu II. 1 IW Mtttruu ll i .rtSjsa E2 Ml sa WHERE TO GO TONIGHT tHH-H;H- 4 !( ; i ISIS THEATRE 1 t nr.Mi.i.i: f Photo PIii)n HUM! I Vet of Pir lure Till: MAN HINT" I'ntlie Two Heel l-'eature X Mil. Vfi TIlIP Tllll'Pltlt IP ititt rin: saki: op Tint TltllllJ PoiuliiK TiiHsday PATIIIi'N WUHKI.V X. IM AH.Mlh.SKlN' III t'ltXTS Tha cim-eled vaudeville set ill. i not arrive lo time for to- II j nishi i show -4-M- I I HI r l STAR THEATRE Where Von (.'rt Vour Moiiej'a Worth on Until slilen of the Dime .SPKCIAI, NI'ltCIAI. Tmliiy mid 'I'oiuoiioii Only The llemarkahla ludlnii ami 1'rontlur Ufa IMeturo Tlllt I.VV.IHIW Ttiivo lleeN ' .'IUOII I'eet The Moot 'I In llllni; I'liotoplny l(n- Plodiiml liy flu "Hay llee' Co. Hotter Thau 'Pl'STItlfH liAhf I'KIIIT" Itenldex IIIll Peel nf Itlp-ltomlllK ('omeily ,U HATIIItll, Iho Kliier Dust Musle uud Kffuots ADMISSION. Do AND 100 Mittlueos Dally, i to f. p. tn. Coiiiliiit Pentiires 'The liiviiili-irt," nu oxulliuif Indian mid Iroullur life pleluru, It's a ICnJ-lleo" In .'I reels. Jan. 1.1th uud I ltd Siimli Iteiiihiiiitt In her I'.realest suo cms "gueeu llllnlietli" Jim, 'JOth uud 21st. ..iri Jin mi i M l , i i 4 .sLlion,, . ...... -,.. .. IJ.,.lltS'rttllW I ft Wm mmmmmmmmmmmm laAV