in V r -,,-. PAaKirotni. attmmmmmmmmtssesBs HKDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Oi-: & AN JHDm'BNDKNT NKWMPAI'KIt BW rvnuxmtmi wvtv. aktbunoon hxi:kit .wunoay hv t KtlttPT HlWhAV !IV TUB , MKUl'OItU I'lUNTIKU ttl). Tlw lVmiwratln TlmfH, Tim Medford Mull. ThM M)Mtf.HM Trllmnr, Tim Houlll' HTi Orrwilw. The Aslilinnl Tribune. .Offle Mull Trlbtinn llulhtlnir, 23273D Jftfflh Fir street; plume, Mntu 3021, OMOItUK PUTNAM, IMUup nml Mnrninr Knlrrril iih feconil-clnss matter nt Mcdfnnl, Oregon, under Ilia not of Mni-ch .1, 1879. Offlelnl l'nper nf Mm City or McilfonL orriclnl Paper of Jnclo-ian County. BtmSCRIPTlOH RATES. OhP yenr, ! mnll. ...-...3 Ono mnntli, hy mnll . ... ............ l'cr nmtilh, ilcllvereil hy carrier In Mrilfnnt, JnrkmmVlllfl fthd Con- trnl livln .. . .Brt S.PO 1.80 fatunlnyi only, hy mall, per ycnr Weekly, per yt-nr SWORN CXHCU&ATION. Dnlljr avpritKn Tor eleven months end IfiK November 30, 1911. 3TH. PERFUMED THIEF AT SAN QUBXT1N, Cal., Jan. 11. J)lrcctel by Warden Hoyle, sixty armed men on horses ami In nutomo- blles arc searching the Marlon county hills today for Herbert W. Itopsold, the "perfumed burglar," whocscaped from tho state prison here Into last iilKht. Up to 12 o'clock today he had not been located, l'or two years Ucpsold had been n model prisoner and lately hnd been a trusty In tho warden's office. The entire force ot "trusties' were hard' ht' work preparing tle books for n meeting ot tho prison board to day. At 10: UO o'clock last night Hcpaold yawned, put on his prison cap nnd walked out ot the front door, As ho wont he slipped on one of the prison official's overcoats which was In nil Inside room. . Ills abtenco was not noticed for fully fifteen minute. An soon as the alarm was sounded, the trusties wcro hurriedly locked in their cells. Kvcry available cm-' ployo of tho prison was pressed Into service, arms and nmmunlloii were distributed to each, nnd shortly af ter 11 o'clock more than fifty men were on tho trail of tho fugitive. Ilcpxold was arrested In Sacra mento after about n dozen burglaries thcro and three in Oakland had been traced to him. Ho was convicted and sentenced to fifteen years Imprison ment. Ho Is the sun of a wealthy San rnmclsco -wluo merchant who died recently. At the llmo of Ills arrest Ucpsold was described as n "gentleman Raf fles." Ills fondness for toilet bets, perfume and other scented articles led to his capture. "I don't think Ucpsold hnd any outsldo assistance" Warden Hoylo hald today. "He didn't need It to get out of the prison, for ho was trusted. It Is possible, however, that he may have been met by somo oile In an automobile. MILL OWNERS LILY jTQ ESCAPE A TRIAL UOSTOX, Jan. 11. Possibility that the caso would never romo to trial was seen todny when District Attorney Pelletier refused to deny tho report that steps were being taken to dismiss tho Indictments against President Win. Wood of the" Woolen Trust-nnd others charged with conspiracy lo "plant" dynamite In tho homes of textile mill workers' nt Lawrcnco In un effort to discredit tho strike of tho operatives there. Pelletlcr refused lo discuss the caso, but ho admitted that no date for tho trial had been set. SCHOOL GIRLS TO PRACTICE HOUSEKEEPING IN BUNGALOW YKNU'B, Calif.. Jim. 11. -Actual IioiiKekeepiuu in nil actual lioiibu is to lo n fealure of the work of I lie Vcu ico liili hclinol during Iho ne.t xchool term. A modern huugiiluw lint, been lilted up and the girlx of the lioiie keepiiij; ;-1iihs will be required to com plete u daily rouiitiue of liouckcct iny: duties, from making- bednto gut (inn dinner ami washing oIoUiuh. l'raetieally eury girl in the heliool lias enrolled for the course. VICE FUGITIVE TABB CAUGHT IN LOS ANGELES I'OimiAN'l), Ore.. Jtin. ll.I)o tcetivcN Fixhcr nnd Tueknlicrry of Portland tclvymphctl from Los An geles Hint they would Inav'o today for Portland, ImriiiK i" cuMody H. L. Tnhb, wanted in connection with the l'orlluud vico scandal, Tnbb, formerly n HollcitiiiK freight agouti wiw n:i occupant of tho nuto r.uiliile into which .lack Robert, miico linntjetl at Salem, fired, killing Geo. JJwiliufcs nuil DourIiI M. Stcwiut MAKES GETAWAY m mm THE REFERENDUjtTHREAT. ., i , r ' FEYVMcdrord socialists havp families, tliotrfoi'o thoy arc Hindi exorcised about tho fittim, and thivatcn to rofcifml the trolley "franchise. Tho oonstWu'tio'n of an intornrban "trolley system will niavk the turn in the tide in tho af fail's of the valley. It will start development. It will furnish ixiyrolls. It will bring in immigration. It wilt bring new lands under culti vation and increase the valley's productiveness. It will stimulate new industries. Most of the socialists are working men. Those that want employment, Avill vote down tho rofcroitdttin. Those that want conditions to steadily slump, vill vote for it. Those who feel the need of broad and butter today more than a theoretical benefit to unborn people of half a cen tury hence, will vote against the referendum. If Med ford was a city of 25,000 or more population, and Ashland of 15,000 or more, and the adjacent count rv de veloped and populated in the terms for a trollev franchise. inducements to secure the investment of capital, for it is a lositig proposition for some veal's, and under existing circumstances, we are lucky to secure as favorable terms as those in the franchise. The socialists are unnecessarily worried about the fu ture. Let us master the problems of today and the future will solve its own. Long before the fifty years rolls around, public utilities will be publicly owned, or some satisfactory solution reached in the evolution of the race. Invoking the referendum by the socialists will he on a par with their soiidimr broadcast defamatorv circulars knocking the country the feeling. If the referendum whelmingly defeated and it MORE OF Till! MEDFOKM) SUN has filed another brief in behalf of Pierpont Morgan, and we learn new faacts regard ing this wonder without a peer: Saysjhe Sun: As a man of business, who has spent n long llfettmo In tho work of construction, Morgan stands without a peer. He Is the product of conditions which nro changing which are so Ingrained with Injustice and tyranny that they had to chnnga. Ho has been organizer, financier and counsellor in developing these United states. It would be interestintr to structetl, except inflated trusts, just what he exploited, ex cept the people, or what he developed, except monopoly. Morgan is not the product or conditions "ingrained with injustice and tyranny," so much as these conditions are the product of Morgan, and his methods. Such conditions did not exist before Morgan ruled the land. Morgan began his patriotic career as ;i "counsellor in developing these United States" by swindling his dis tressed country when the nation was staggering in the throes of civil war. Similar astuteness and integrity as organizer and financier was shown throughout his career as step by step he rose in wealth and power by trampling into the mire the laws of the people, debasing character, lowering public morality and preparing the way for the reign of graft and corruption. Morgan did not build railroads he wrecked them, merged, and watered them. Jle did not build steel plants , he bought them at inflated deluged them with more water and unloaded them on the people. And so on through the list. Morgan's beneficent transactions have been followed by reductions in wages, longer hours for labor, higher prices for consumers, and a soaring skywards in the cost of living. The main trouble with the nation today is the heart-breaking struggle to pay returns on inflated valua tions due to Morgan's finance, for Morgan means mon opoly. Morgan's looks do not belie him. If ever God stamped animal characteristics on a human being, he stamped them on Morgan a big bulk of a man, with a great bulbous nose, heavy jowls and little sharp v'lh, he resembles noth ing so much as a greedy hog lying in the swill trough and grunting greedy defiance to the world. Business Dull East Says Gottlieb To tlicTJuTTof:" T aili Jiil"Ia re ceipt of a copy of your "New Ycnr' edition nml 1 want to congratulate you on mime. It i certainly a boost er for the Kood old town. I note u lot of railroad agitation and I hope homcthitiir Mill come of it. It look like Grnuth l'n wn goin to dip one over on u. Kvcry thin; in the ct ii very cjuiet, everybody kicking o.i Im-incs Encouraging Small Factories (From the Kugene Guard., "An ineubator for miiuII factories" U the title applied to tho Toledo, Ohio, new Crystal Palace, n fonr-Mory buildiue; noted entirely of ghiM, concrete mid iron, and large enough to accommodate fifty little factories. In allotting ttpace preference will he given outsider, the -whole plan beiu to attract to Tofctlo Industrie:, from elsewhere thai have a future and will grow after a Wart is given them. JCat- urally the expensed per individual owner are gointf to be lenri than though ho maintained an iolutcd fac tory. The company, fulheicd by thu fomiuurciul club, buy its electric power and kupplio-, in lurgo qtmntiticn and sells them lo each tenant nt cost. The rent, which in very low, include heat, elevator service, toilet and sprinkler protection. The idea of sueli u liuildiuj is well wo i thy pf imitation in oilier cities. Competition among municipalities for new industriwris very keen nowaday but mot of tho efforts hiw coucen trilled on ueltiiiL' the hii fe)low. Iliero is ho gcuso. in hlcctius IN mjwivto matt, tutbunr same ratio, we might dictate As it is, we nave to oil or effect of which we is invoked, it will are still be over should be. MORGAN. know just what Morgan con valuation, consolidated them. nnd I inn looking for the Pacific con-t country to pick up ahead of (any other xcctioii. Tell tho colonel we want good road.J, particularly nlou the rivor. Ilojiint; for the continued fciiucu of tho .Mail Tribune ami wishing you a mot pro-peron now year, to in clude the entire family, I am Your truly, CUIUS (lOTTLIKM. Knun City, Jan. 7, cttiuttftr firntK .liit iiw ,r,Mif .itiL- rfrom little acorn grow, so does thu bi iiidiixtry employing hundreds or thousands of men grow from the liny plant with n dozen or so cmployo. The principle of encouiiigin lrug gling enterpriacs i the same as js ap plied by thu fnrigliled emjiloycr when he hires n man who, though youthful and inexperienced, seems to have a future. Those "likely" young men grow up witli the busiuc uud the muu hiring them finds them in time union; his most valuable umcIs, In tho same way u factory small in lho beginning will grow up with the city, ami in its time of prosperity it will be cemented lo the community by ties of interest and of sentiment that your "fly by ni-jlit" factory, no mat ter how largo and imposing-, never takcM the trouble lo cultivate. The fact is that lho competition between cities has brought into being the kind of factory ow'ner who iB ul wiiyrt prepared to mnko u change provided bigger iiiducciacntH aiu of fered lo hiui elsewhere. Tho best fail of this "t-iiwll iiitltiotiioo" plan mtooitokt), oRKaoAMri?nAv,.iANrAuv 11. 101:1, TOINSPECTFORESTS T OHKOON AUItlCUl.Tl'ltAI. COIi MCtlK, Corvallls, On, Jan. II.- Prof. Victor I. Snfro of the Kntomul ogy department of tho Oregon Agri cultural College nnd W. l. Kdmon ston of the l. S. Forest llureau ot Knlomology loft Inst night for Ash land whore they nro (o make mi In spection of tho forustrt In the vicinity for Insect damage to timber. Tho Importance of such damage to Oregon forests Is second only to that caused by fire, and the problem of tho control of such Insect peMs as now attack the trees Is claiming tho attention of the government, tho ex periment sttntlon of the collego and the larger timber Interest ot the state. In the northeastern and southern parts of the state some control work has already been begun. It will be but a few jours betoro the forest In sect problem will bo met and con trolled In a manner similar to tho control of the forest fire problem. Forest Insect control guards will be employed, with much larger territor ies to cover than have the (Ire guards. They will make an Inspection ot each territory once eery few jenrs, and thus locate the centers from which Insect damage to timber will spread. Proper step will be taken by them to prevent these centers from causing epidemics of, forest liihcet Injury. AS POItTliAM). Ore , Jnn 11 Seek ers after political appointments In Oregon are todny antlomdy awaiting President Tnffs action oa a list of names submitted to him by State Committeeman Williams, ot Oreitou. All ot the name submitted were sup porters ot President Taft at the last election. They aro, In part: Thomas .McCuskar. pot master, of Portland; John II. Ilurgnrd. collector of customs, Pertland: K. C. Kirk Patrick. V. S. marshal; C. V. John mm. of Corvallls. appraiser of cus toms, Pertland: I). I Kcyt. survyor general, and Frank U. Parker, col lector of customs. Astoria. it Is expected that nominations In accordance with tilt foregoing will ho made lato today or Moifday. BLACK HAND KILL TACOMA II KEEPER TACOMA, Wo.. Jim ll.-Ilenni-e he moored the demand- and Ibrcat" made ia a Hlack Hind letter received curly thi week. John MiiaaoM, Ihe pniirietor of a small Center struct hotel, is dead at hi hoiur from razor cut on lho fine iottietrd enrly todny Ijv an unknown asi-nllnat. ' Xfnri'ii u'iib f-oliii' ii work. Two men leaped from behind a telephone pole in the uioniini dusk anil cut his face into ribbon-, with a razor. The attack, the police huliuvc, un made liv a member or luember-. of the Hlack Hand i-uin whieh, thoy say hn- becu operating here for eais. Their last victim was Knrico (iiovaiilii. who wax assiiidted in u similar way nearly three years ago. ! A GOOD THOUGHT FOR THE ! I NEW YEAR I Itlesscd me they whose prayers in deciN find wiiil'. Whoso Ifnnds the gifts of lou and merev liriuj. And in His lowly children nc their King. ItlttMud are thvy who hear thu Mnatur pi mid In ovary cry of sorrow or of iiecil, Lo, in ihnir InmiK the Lord is risen indeed! -Kmily Huntington Miller. TO lAKMi:iis AND Ol.l'HAIUHSTS. Cultivate your land with a Motor Tractor. It will pay for Itself In the saving of horse feed and hired help. Valley Motor & Tractor Co,, Valley Garage, Medford. is that il gels the plant- while Ihey lire small and by fair Irealmeut covering n period of years builds up in a natural manner that good feel ing which holds industries to u par. ticular community. John A. Perl Undertaker as h. uAUTMrrr Phones M. 171 and -17.1 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner LOCALITY BUD ANDERSON TO FIGHT TROTT Hud Anderson was mulched I'll day night to .box 110 lotmdtt with Sammy Troll nt lam Angeles. The bout Is to take plnco on the after noon of Jan. US and will he tho first one for the Medford boy since his departure for tho south. Anderson was Introduced Frldio evenluiv at tho Dreamland link at San Francisco as tho "prldo of Med ford," and ueeclvod a good hand from (ho funs who nro wluo. to tho string ot vIctorloH wltleh 11 ml has slipped over In Medford. Court Hall received u telegram Saturday morning umioiiiuilng tho fact that tho Medford find hml nt last been signed up. 10 MURAT'S DECENDANT PAltlS. ,lau. II. That Helena Slnllo. lrriiiiil'diiiiuhlel' ol (ho Hill- lionnlre oil uiauuute, Alexander Mc Donald, who dlt'd at Long lloftch, Cal. severnl mouths ngo. ivintc a for tune of $71111,(100, to tnarrv Prince Itiehel Murat, lineal dvsceudaut of N'apoleon's fundus' Mrhal Mural, is the niiiiouuceUHUit herv todav. Miss SIhIIo U known In society eirck of pNTOilonu. Srtutn Ibuhara, Del Monte. Hinlinpimennd Sun Fran cisco, Cnlif. .Meilfonl A Good Town, Medford Is a mighty Hood 'own, worthy ot tho best of evvrylhluK. That's why wo have Joined tho Aiuer Iran Drug and HruM association and offer to oar People the Merltol Hue of goods, guaranteed In every wa, with preparations, inado by tho nwtocbi tlou and sold only through Its mom bora. Thnro Is nothing like tho goods, guarantee! In every way, with out nu inputl, mndn by experts. Wo wnnl Mctlford Moplo lo have the lost there Is. so we offer )oti this Hue. Ask to see Merltol goods at llaskliis' Drug Store That Bad Coid VajMir Trcalini'ol Sorely llocs I'lean Out Stuffed Up Head Don't try to break up u cold with dangerous stomach dlsturbliiK driiK (let directly to tho luflmued mem bra no by broathliiK IIVO.MKI (pro noiincB It Illnh-O'ine). (let a bottle for 5m euts at Clias. Htranie's and tr this rapid and ecoiiomluil treat ment that thousands' aro usIiik. into a bowl of bolllnt; water pour a teaspoonful of IIYOMKI, cover head and bowl with a towel, and brestlie dep Into tha luiiBS tho heat liiK vapor that arlson. llrenthe'thls vapor for flvo or ton minutes until the head farta fine and clear, thwn po to b-d and loei soundly until morals. No cocnlno or opium or harmful druns In IIY OMKI. It U made of Australian Kttrai.tptn" ntd oilier antiseptics. It Is Riiarantcco to end catarrh, or money back. THE SIGN OF THE CRESCENT in this case stands for sir.iiRth, w-hero It should tie strong Its su perior loatoiiliiK uower- purity lu every Ingredient -nnd nil thosa (jimlltUm which make PKHFKCT IIAKIXd POWDIHt aro cmbruccd IN CRESCENT Orocurs havo It at 'J 5c pur pound can. Ask them for It two-cent stamp for our Cook Hook, lontiilnlni; recipes for cbb less cukes, oP. CHKSCI'.VT ,MM I'UTUIIXM COMPANV, Seattle, Wasbliixtou. Draperies W- carry u VcVv (iuiilnfo line of ilriii re h. lint? (iiiiluum. rixiiin-x. cic. ami !i nil cIuhmim -if iijiIioIni-run; A Hpi'dnl iiiiiii lo look nil' r Mils win It cxciiH,.iy nml will Klv iih K'"l M.-WCl- IIM lH IIUHMIIlli- III (J1 I lu VWIII lllu l-ltl tltllH. Weeks & McQowan Co. Office Rooms Fori Rent over Haskins Drug Store, Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau All Kinds of Property I or Halo 1-1)11 KXCHANGH U acicH near Portland, In small town, all In cultivation, A-1 soil, till fruit (recti, all kliidu ot denies, ,ll room modern house, vuiueiit walks, complete water syiitem, good burn, chlukmi Inline, tool holtno, tluo fruit house, I hour car soi-vleo to Port land. Will Hade for nicely equipped stock fnrm, will pay small difference. Iltl aai'iht In Apptoitnto, good house and ham, tin acres cleared and lu cultivation, uoml water right, will trado for modern bungalow, with uoiuo cash dlffureiico. Hnnches In Oklnlinuin, Now Mexi co nnd Texas to trndi for lloguo river valley or Medford property. Store room, I room dwelling at-tiu-liwl mid ijcnnt corner lot lu Seattle, i block from ear line, to exchange for vacant lots lu inihiiru of Medford. (loud norunn near Medford to ox chanjic for utook ot merehandlse to the value or trout $10,000 to I0.1mui. For Iteut Furnished and uliCiirntvlioil houses anil rooms. ir ou have rnitche or houses for rent list with us. i:ni.lo)iiiciit OlrU and women for general house work. Waitress $30 voonl and boiird. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Pboun Home 1 1 Oppoklfo Naslt Hotel ItOO.MM (I nml 7. PAI.M Itt.OCIC. M-t-M-H-H- ttHri-HH-lW f Luxury Without Extravaganco ? Hotel I Von Dorn I LM2 'i'ltflc Street ;: Finest popular priced " Hotel iu San J'Vanei.seo i Modoru Control I-M-H-l-H ( HUH "HH-t-H-M-f FOR. RENT Wc have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M.F.&.Il.Co.l51dg. Parties wIshltiK to mbscrlbo or renew their oiibscrlptlon to The Saturday Evoning Post Tlie Ladies' Home Journal, or Tho Country Gentloman Plcaso notify C. A. DoVoo, 418 W. Main, District agent for tho Curtis PublbhliiK Co. Hack numbers al nnja un hand, Phone CC11, FRUIT TREES! Wo nro makliiK u very low price, on apple, peach and cherry trees for , n short time. No finer stock crown, j Wrlto us at once and tmvo money, Tllll KTANPAKD M'IISI-:itY Hlihlle, Ore. Ugo Theatre TONIO-HT ONLY KKNWOKTliV IMiAVUKS AnOld Maid's Husband Then-Act Itollichij; Karen (Vijiiiidy ' ' "' " s; f Si)0ciftltica Uotwccn Aots ADMISSION 20C J3o'.v oijfico opcji Dojii'n ;Qpi!ii nt Si'iits I'goi'vwl'ljy E. D. Weston Offiqlal Photographer of tho Moil ford Oommorclal Olub AmiiliMii' KiiilahiiiK I'osl (1ni'(ls I'orlntils iltiUM'im'iinil ox I oiio p viowA .Klusli Mollis NojrnllvoH inndo tuiv (iino and any placp by appolnt- HHMlt. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Clark fie Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON', II. C. Puhlle Land Matters; Final 1'ioof. Desert, Contest and Mining Casos. Snip. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Hoating All Wntk Oilitrtoitrvil rrlt' ll-nr-inalilv COFFEEN & PRICE 33 Jlunanl ntoek, Sntrsnr oa Olli HI, l(oui riiunt 349, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT 1 AK THEATRE b- it- ou (i-t our Ioim-jV Woitli on tiollt Sidix of the Dime Toda N the la-l piiv-elilatlou III .Mt-ilforil of (In- .MaMiihlcrul PioiliM-tlou HON I 'AIWA It IIH I1A,.V I'll popular commty drama Imule fatuous b ICllwIn lloolh lu Two Iticli III Hn-nit K.'OTO HAS A COOII HH,ltT ('oniedy tfcfWim JAIL'S' U'AHH (hum "A." with'- ICorrlKnu and ItlrhauliKiu lu th title rotes t'AI.I.NO IS A STATION .MASTHU Unr Fnturo Commly A I, SATIIItH, tho SliiKcr Host Music and IHfocts ADMISSION. 5c AND lOo Mntlupos Dally. 'J tu B p. in. ComliiK l-'eaturct "llu- liivndrrM," an oxoltlnc Juiltan nnd frontier llf ploturo. It's a "Kny-Ileo" In .1 reoli. Jnn. 13th and It Hi Karab Hrrubarilt In her Krentest suc cess "iiircn HIIuhcHi" Jan. 1'Oth ami 21st. 4W&HrtrHrH4-ir. ISIS THEATRE 1 v.i Di:vn,i,i: thi: unices Colored Comedians, Man ami Woman Sinners, Dancers and Holler SltiilliiK I'liolo I'Iiijn l-'rlilay .Vs Saturday A MODHIi I'OH ST. .IOII.V AI.KAf.l IKIVK CI.OSi: HIIAVH lien: A Itcd Cross Story CoiiiIiik Sunday and .Monday Till! .MAX HINT I'Mllifh' Weekly Vo, IH, Hero TucMluy nml Wednesday -r-l-H-H"l"M-H"l"H- ItKSHItVHU HOO ? f'voui M lo !) ). mi' 7ilT), Oiii'liifti 8:10 ' iiliyuy, lilSU laiit - itfaJsMSWera"